Leaving aside how dumb it is to qualify criticism of whitewashing, justified or not, as something "sjw", IF received tons of criticisms outside of that, notably its shitty pacing and its atrocious fighting choreography.

If you liked it, good for you, but don't paint the opposing side in the lazy paintbrush that is claiming "sjw" for every little thing.

Edit: I mean, I'm surprised you never stumbled upon this, it was all over the Internet for its Taken 3-level of bad editing

Christ. Who was editing that and thought "jumps every half second aren't jarring, really!"
I hope they give jones 'supplements' to get him into the role
I hope they give Jones actual combat training. I mean, they got two ninjas on the team, surely one of them can teach her moves that don't involve throwing people around.
Eh, I don't think she really needs it, she gets by just fine with her super strength.

Also, I like how Danny goes "I'm the Immortal Iron Fist" as if Luke is supposed to know what the hell that is.
Maybe I'm spoiled by Chinese martial arts movies, but like, even ignoring all the other questionable things Iron Fist did, it does what I think is an absolutely unforgiveable sin.

It's a martial arts show with bad martial arts. I think that if you're going to make visual media involving martial arts rather than just like, being really superpowered, you have to at least sell the martial arts.

Like, why would I watch Iron Fist, a martial arts superhero thing, when I could watch a martial arts superhero thing like LEGEND OF THE FIST which, like other Donnie Yen films, demonstrates a very important lesson.

Never bring a gun to a Donnie Yen fight.

LEGEND OF THE FIST involves Donnie "I actually fought an entire gang at once IRL and hospitalized eight of them" Yen, sure, and not every actor who learns martial arts to fight good will be able to manage that level of prowess, but you should at least be somewhere on the level of "shit, no sane person would want to get into a scrap with this guy IRL."
I myself liked season 1 of Iron Fist when I watched it myself, feel like it gets a lot of flak from SJWs online, this show looks like it will be very good.
"Oh hey that's me I guess" she said.

Well, it got a lot of flack from me in my review because I thought it was boring, shitty and lacking in believability in the first two episodes and couldn't bring myself to finish it. Also, getting flack is separate from its quality. Gods of Egypt has problematic casting but I had a blast with it and loved every single second of it. I love all sorts of things I criticize.
i know SJW's moaned about the casting.
The biggest problem with the casting is that the actor is bland on toast. The problem with him being white is that it makes him a pretty generic character. Rich white dude tries to reclaim his station with abilities learned in an exotic land is about the oldest stock plot there is in escapist fiction. It shows up at least twice in characters in the MCU alone. There's no interesting value in the character, because there's nothing that makes him unique or interesting. I also thought that him being Asian wouldn't bring anything to the table but ah, Middle Eastern?

I thought that could be interesting and fresher. Like, I don't have a problem with white characters, some of my best friends are white, but I hate Blandos.
Despite whatever problems the show had, Iron Fist was good, me,my best mate, my girlfriend and two of my nephews liked it.
Two nephews?

This changes everything.
I'm curious, how would you rank the 4 Netflix shows? For me it's in this order.
1.I'm going to cheat like fuck and say Legion is the single greatest show with Marvel characters in existence. (OH NO WHITE PEOPLE, will I lose all SJW Cred?!)
2. Daredevil Season 1
3. Jessica Jones/Luke Cage equally because I loved their marriage in the comics and while Luke Cage has its problems, its a very authentic show that brings much needed depth to a character that has often been flat. I can't decide between the two, even though my heart of hearts says Jessica Jones is better.
5. Punisher Season 1. The daredevil side plot was pretty weak though.
6. This space left intentionally blank
7. Iron Fist
The biggest problem with the casting is that the actor is bland on toast. The problem with him being white is that it makes him a pretty generic character. Rich white dude tries to reclaim his station with abilities learned in an exotic land is about the oldest stock plot there is in escapist fiction. It shows up at least twice in characters in the MCU alone. There's no interesting value in the character, because there's nothing that makes him unique or interesting. I also thought that him being Asian wouldn't bring anything to the table but ah, Middle Eastern?

I thought that could be interesting and fresher. Like, I don't have a problem with white characters, some of my best friends are white, but I hate Blandos.

A Middle Eastern Danny Rand works really well now that I think of it. It gets the idea that he's come back to a society he no longer recognizes, because the opinion on Muslims between the 1990s and now is like, total sea change.

Also it could be a hilarious fucking setup to some decent fight scenes because look, everyone knows that if you have a Strange Middle Eastern Man Acting Suspiciously he must be a terrorist right? Better call in SWAT. All the SWAT. With some good fight choreography that could be really great.
Thanks Captain Obvious, you might have noticed I didn't say he wasn't. The "justified or not" part was not just for show.
Yeah, but it's totally unjustified. Like it's not even a debate. It's just the wrong term to use. If anyone claims it is whitewashing they are wrong. Now it could be argued that Iron Fist as a character is sort of cultural appropriation, but that's not the same as white washing.
Also it could be a hilarious fucking setup to some decent fight scenes because look, everyone knows that if you have a Strange Middle Eastern Man Acting Suspiciously he must be a terrorist right? Better call in SWAT. All the SWAT. With some good fight choreography that could be really great.
I hate to go back to the well but like:

A mix between this and the hallway fight from Daredevil.
I hate to go back to the well but like:

A mix between this and the hallway fight from Daredevil.

"Well honestly that first scene she linked didn't wow me that much way too flaily for my liki-"
>Donnie Yen procedes to julienne several men
"-mnUuUhh please stop that i'm uncomfortable"
Donnie Yen using a gun is like Usain Bolt racing with a walker.
Rogue One got it right. Donnie Yen doesn't do ranged weapons unless they're rated for anti-vehicle work and can still be used to bash people's skulls in most of the time.
Donnie Yen using a gun is like Usain Bolt racing with a walker.
Except a gun here would allow him to kill several men at range without risk after he's closed the distance. I mean usually in martial arts movies there's a valid reason why the fighters don't have guns but here there were several just laying around loaded that he could have grabbed at any time. It just breaks the logic of the scene.