For A Better World 75
[X] Let's look through the last couple of things.

"Let's look through the last couple of things."

ROOSTER: "Okay, if you're sure."

He raises his arm and you set up.

CINNAMON: "Can I, uh, get you anything else?"

"No thanks. I'm okay."

The open chest awaits you with its contents, minus the scroll tube.

ROOSTER: "What do you want to look at?"

[ ] I want to look at my jade again.
[ ] I want to look at that cocaine again.
[ ] Let's look at the small paper package.
[ ] Let's look at the unmarked clay jar.
[] Let's look at the unmarked clay jar.

I want to see the paper package more, but I'd prefer to pick what i think is more likely to be the less distressing option first.
Oh, sorry, totally forgot I was the last picked vote. Ignore this, everyone.
We're practicing sensibility by first looking through all the things that may be of note then looking at the cocaine.

We may need it.
For A Better World 76
[X] Let's look at the unmarked clay jar.

The jar is plain earthenware, pale grey-brown in color, about the size of your head.

CRAFT: Looks like the kind of thing you can pick up at any market for a yen or two. It's noticibly lower quality than the rest of the items like the chest and the medicine horn.

With some trepedition, you lift the jar out of the box. It's heavier than you expected, and difficult to handle one-handed, but it doesn't shift; it's full, but the contents are not liquid or loose powder.

"Want to guess what's in here?"

ROOSTER: "No bet."

Cinnamon shakes her head.

You lift the lid.

Within, there is darkness. You can see a faint silvery gleam in an intricate branching spiral pattern.

You shrug and reach inside. Your fingers touch something smooth but tactile and leathery, and then a cold ridge, like a metal wire. Your fingers probe over the surface, trying to find something you can hold on to.

What you draw out of the jar is a length of rope.


ROOSTER: "What is that?"

"It's rope."

ROOSTER: "No, I mean... what's it made of?"

The rope glitters. It seems to be composed of alternating materials, silvery and metalic, tanned rawhide and pale textile.

3 4

"Silk, braided leather and moonsilver wire, looks like."

ROOSTER: "Moonsilver? That's rare stuff, I've never seen it before. This must be almost impossible to cut."

You hold it up to the candlelight. The bright metal strands shift and gleam as though they have a gently undulating coating of oil.

"Fincher said I have some holding my heart together."

ROOSTER: "Really? That's interesting work. What about the leather? It looks like calf or pigskin, but it's got a dimpled grain, like bird leather."

The image of a silvery talon catching your sword flashes in your mind.

You glance at Cinnamon, who is looking on with a curious expression.

"I don't think we should think about where this came from."

ROOSTER: "Well, alright."

[ ] Actually, I don't want to look at this any more, I'm going to put it back in the jar.
[ ] I don't know what this is going to be good for, but I want to hang on to it.
For A Better World 77
[X] I don't know what this is going to be good for, but I want to hang on to it.

"I don't know what this is going to be good for, but I want to hang on to it."

You loop the rope around your waist six times and hang it like a monk's sash, just under your swordbelt. The cord seems to twitch and shift in such a way as to make the motions easier.

ROOSTER: "You have so much cool stuff. I mean, aside from the emotional trauma."

You don't know how to respond to that.

ROOSTER: "Uh, what else is in the box?"

Only one mystery item remains.

[ ] I want to look at my jade again.
[ ] I want to look at that cocaine again.
[ ] Actually we should talk about where this rope came from.
[ ] Let's look at the small paper package.
Firedust-laced cocaine and unbreakable magic rope that moves on its own to tie people up easier, I see this is a party stash.
Let's be strategic about this.

We're going to need a hug when this is done. I know our first instinct is just to hug Rooster, and we're going to do that. However, if we simultaneously hug Cinnamon, we have double the emotional support. Therefore we need to convince her.
ROOSTER: "Really? That's interesting work. What about the leather? It looks like calf or pigskin, but it's got a dimpled grain, like bird leather."

The image of a silvery talon catching your sword flashes in your mind.

You glance at Cinnamon, who is looking on with a curious expression.

"I don't think we should think about where this came from."

... uh did Vesper skin a Lunar for her bondage rope?