[X] I don't know, have you got anything stronger?
"I don't know, have you got anything stronger?"
JADE: "Stronger than opium, but less debilitating than opium?"
The doctor looks to Usamir for intervention, but he has moved away, shouting orders to the fire crews.
JADE: "Are you pregnant?"
"Not that I know of."
JADE: "Heart condition?"
"My heart is stitched together with moonsilver wire."
JADE: "Right. Good enough."
He rummages deep into his carry bag and produces a small bamboo box. From within, he retrieves an off-white sphere the size of a grape. He splits it in his fingers, stripping away a waxy shell to reveal a smaller, dark red sphere within.
JADE: "Bite down and swallow it immediately. You'll feel the effects within a few minutes."
"What is it?"
JADE: "Stronger than opium. Now if you'll excuse me, there are people who are actually in need of medical help."
"I have a broken arm!"
JADE: "What do you want, a prize? There's no medicine I have that can match the dragons' blood. That arm will mend in a week or less no matter what I give you. But if you want a buzz while it happens, who am I to say no?"
EMBASSY: He thinks we're just trying to score!
INTEGRITY: Aren't we?
EMBASSY: Well yeah, but he doesn't have to know that. Quick, tell a lie!
"I don't know what you mean. I have legitimate medical requirements."
JADE: "Right. Well, you enjoy those. Now, if you please, we both have actual work to do. The front is that way."
He waves a hand to the forest beyond the pallisade and marches away after Usamir.
EMBASSY: I don't think he believed us.
You look at the pill the doctor gave you. The texture is waxy and smooth. It has a faint scent to it, but you can't place it. You turn it over in your fingers. Stamped into the surface in small, neat lettering, are the characters
Clear Sky.
CRAFT: It's a herbal preparation, but without breaking it down and isolating the components there's no way of knowing what is mixed in there.
Well, you didn't get this thing to just not use it. You pop it in your mouth and, as instructed, bite down.
The sphere quickly breaks down into a powdery, resinous paste, entirely without flavor. It takes you a couple of attempts to swallow the thing; your dry throat resists, and even as you feel it settle in your stomach like a rock it still feels like the thing is lodged in your throat.
INTEGRITY: He said it would take a few minutes to notice the effects.
Your organs gurgle in protest. Maybe you shouldn't have done this on an empty stomach.
You turn towards the front. For the first time, your eyes adjust properly to your surroundings. The pallisade wall is a fortifcation twice your height, formed of still-damp logs felled from the grey forests beyond. In the sky to the west, you see a dark plume of smoke, a smear of charcoal against the slate grey sky.
"I'm going out." you say, facing the gate.
USAMIR: "The trench is five hundred paces out straight west, magistrate. Legion are out there already, we'll be following you out as soon as we're provisioned. We're on firefighting duty, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to see some action when there's glory to be had."
"There is none." you reply.
Usamir says something else, but you aren't listening.
The navy teams open the door for you. The first raindrops begin to fall. You can smell the fire, the acrid smoke of damp wood burning.
Five hundred paces. Your opponent is approaching.
Even in your fragmented memories, you remember
parts of your abilities. You will need to focus on them now, if you are to survive.
[ ] Focus on the tree that broke your arm.
[ ] Focus on the memory of Izumherat.
[ ] Focus on the Opening Gate.
[ ] Focus on the charge at the beach.
[ ] Focus on the movement of the water barrel.