For A Better World 149
[X] I want you to know I don't mind that you poisoned me.

"Fincher, I have an announcement of vital importance."

FINCHER: "Okay boss, what's up?"

"I want you to know that I don't mind that you poisoned me."

LILY: "Heh, don't worry, I don't think she poisoned you."

FINCHER: "Well..."

LILY: "Uh, lady?"

"She poisoned me twice and I didn't mind either time. It was good, actually."

FINCHER: "That's... I mean, that's technically true."

LILY: "You know, I'm not even going to ask."

FINCHER: "Lily, can you give us a few minutes?"

LILY: "Sure, okay. Can you try to get her to somewhere warm? And also not poison her a third time. I'm supposed to be watching her."

You hear the distorted sounds of Lily departing. The strobing colors of your vision shift.

FINCHER: "Hey boss, I'm sorry about last night. You look pretty rough."

"I'm okay! I'm feeling great, actually. Some of these injuries weren't even from the explosion."

FINCHER: "Oh yeah?"

"I got into a fight."

FINCHER: "With Mei?"

"No, I think I'm good with Mei now, actually. I mean, mostly. No, I fought a corpse."

FINCHER: "Oh, that was you. Yeah, we heard about that. Hey, how about we get you to a fire?"

PHYSIQUE: We can no longer feel our hands and feet.

"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea."

FINCHER: "Come on, then."

She hauls you to your feet, and you immediately stumble. She grasps you under your arms and walks with you as you lean on her. Your arm is draped over her shoulder, which is quite comfortable due to the height mismatch. You smell mint and vanilla, and a hint of pipesmoke.

FINCHER: "So... did you just come here to catch up?"

"No. Well, a bit. But I wanted to talk to you about something."

[ ] I'm sorry I got blood on your tunic.
[ ] Mei seems nice, I think.
[ ] I think Logris might have seduced me.
[ ] I need you to join me on a wyld hunt.
[ ] I need to talk to you about the numbers.
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[X] I think Logris might have seduced me.

:/. Bother. I was hoping for some time near the fire first.
For A Better World 150
[X] I need to talk to you about the numbers.

"I need to talk to you about the numbers."

You feel Fincher sigh, though she makes an effort to hide it.

FINCHER: "Boss, I thought we were over this."

"I figured out who did it! That's why I was in the sea."

You hear Orison let out a single bark of laughter from nearby.

FINCHER: "Sure. Here, sit down."

She helps you sit and then moves away from you. You feel the warmth of the fire on your face, see the blurred red glow.

FINCHER: "Hey, did you break your other arm?"

"Yes, but that's not important. Where's Brindle?"

FINCHER: "Brindle's right here."

"Brindle! Why-"

You pause to allow a fit of coughing as your lungs start warming up.

"Why did you change the numbers?"

BRINDLE: "I, uh-"

FINCHER: "Hey, leave him out of this! Bad enough you keep going on about your weird fantasies without bullying kids about it."

4 6

INTEGRITY: She wouldn't put him in danger.

AWARENESS: So why was he on the stairs?

You see the stairwell. The faint scratches of a footprint, wicker sandal, half-turning towards the door. You see the size.

"Fincher, you had a spare set of boots."

FINCHER: "What?"

"You entered the farmhouse first with a team of three. One was big, probably Orison. You kicked the door open. I want you to think about it."

FINCHER: "How'd you know about that?"

"Height of the bootprint. Think. You entered first. There was already a smashed window on the far side. Think. Who would you take with you to breach an unknown area?"

BRINDLE: "Talon, I should-"

FINCHER: "Brindle, just let her rant, don't worry about it, she's not going to do anything in this state."

"Fincher! Who did you take?"

FINCHER: "What does it matter? Orison, Turnip, Whistler, the best veterans, in case we ran into trouble."

"So why was Brindle on the stairs?"

FINCHER: "What?"


"He was on the stairs! He was out of uniform, wearing a pair of straw sandals. You gave him your spare boots, you had to, you're the only one the same size. Did you wonder why he was there?"

FINCHER: "Wait, what are you saying?"

BRINDLE: "Talon, she's right."

By degrees, the fire resolves itself from a vague blur into a more recognizeable shape. You feel its warmth more fully as the numbness leaves you. Your legs really hurt from having hot water spilled on them.

"You knew I was coming. Why didn't you run?"

BRINDLE: "It wouldn't have helped, would it? Not in the long term."

FINCHER: "Brindle, what the fuck is going on?"

BRINDLE: "I think we should speak privately."

There's a long silence. Their faces start to come into focus.

FINCHER: "Alright. Alright. Everyone, give us some space."

ORISON: "You sure? We're supposed to be on a schedule."

FINCHER: "Fuck the schedule! I want you to keep everyone away until I call clear, got it?"

A heartbeat of pause.

ORISON: "I got it."

You see his shadow departing away from the fire, along with the three others who were sat nearby. You exhale.

BRINDLE: "I imagine you have a few questions."

[ ] I want you to explain to Fincher that I'm not crazy.
[ ] What are you, exactly?
[ ] Why are you here?
[ ] Why were you really looking through Mei's papers?
[ ] Is Brindle your real name?
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[X] Why are you here?

Was strongly tempted to go for the first option but unfortunately we have to pretend to be responsible at least *some* of the time
[X] Why are you here?

Edit: well, on the one hand, I thought I was first for a second there and am deeply disappointed. On the other hand, it's nice to see that all of Vesper's brain cells are moving in concert for once.
For A Better World 151
[X] Why are you here?

"Why are you here?"

BRINDLE: "I'm not sure how to explain. I was... on a mission. It went badly."

"What mission?"

BRINDLE: "Sabotage."

"Of the fleet?"

BRINDLE: "No. No, I was supposed to be gone before you even arrived. The tempest surprised me as much as anyone else."

FINCHER: "Brindle, you'd better start making sense right fucking now."

BRINDLE: "I'm sorry to have decieved you, talon, I really am. If everything had gone well, you never would have known. In fact, if everything had gone well, we never would have met in the first place."

FINCHER: "What part of start making sense did you miss?"

"You met him for the first time as you entered the farmhouse. He has some sort of magic that implants false memories. Do I have that right?"

BRINDLE: "More or less. I don't implant the memories, exactly, I just allow people to... make assumptions. But there's no need to split hairs."

FINCHER: "I don't fucking believe this. You're what, some kind of moon-witch?"

BRINDLE: "No. I'm not Anathema, but something else. I'm not a risk to you, or the Realm's mission here. If the magistrate had been less persistent this would never have been an issue."

"The way you refer to the Realm's mission implies you're not working for the Realm. Who was this mission of yours for, exactly?"

BRINDLE: "A higher authority. But I am acting with Imperial sanction, if that's what concerns you."

FINCHER: "That wasn't what concerned me. Gods alive, what are we going to do?"

[ ] Tell me more about this sabotage mission.
[ ] I want to know more about this higher authority.
[ ] How can we be sure you have imperial sanction?
[ ] Why would you impersonate a legionary?
[ ] What are you, exactly?
[ ] Why were you really looking through Mei's papers?
[ ] Is Brindle your real name?
For A Better World 152
[X] What are you, exactly?

"What are you, exactly?"

BRINDLE: "Uh... well, this is going to take some explaining. I'm Exalted, but not Dragon-Blooded or Anathema. My patron is Mars, a secretive war goddess who dwells outside Creation. I have official sanction to operate as part of the Immaculate Order."

FINCHER: "You mean like Maanjin Hekobo?"

SAGACITY: Maanjin Hekobo is one of the Realm's most popular Exigent champions and unofficial hero of the imperial legions.

INTEGRITY: Fincher grew up hearing stories about her.

What's an Exigent champion?

SAGACITY: While Anathema are the maddened Exalted of the sun and moon, the Exigents are the chosen of lesser gods, and are occasionally allowed to act with the sanction of the Immaculate Order. They are much rarer than the Dragon-Blooded, but a little more common than Anathema.

So Mars is one of these smaller gods?

SAGACITY: Possibly, yes. We haven't heard of them, but that doesn't mean anything, there are a great many gods.

BRINDLE: "A little like Maanjin Hekobo, yes. We operate much more covertly, though."


BRINDLE: "I'm not the only one, but we're extremely rare. Dozens at most."

"Are there any more of you on the island?"

BRINDLE: "No, it's just me now."


FINCHER: "Wait wait, if we asked the monks in camp about you, would they know about this sanction you say you have?"

BRINDLE: "Uh, no, they wouldn't. Sorry."

Their faces have come into focus now. Brindle looks much the same as you have seen him before, slight, sandy-haired, with a too-large breastplate. You can see the red eyes more clearly now. Fincher looks frustrated. She's wrapped in a heavy winter-weight scarlet cloak and filling her reed pipe in front of the fire.

"Do you have any way to demonstrate that you're not an Anathema?"

BRINDLE: "I have a note."

FINCHER: "You have a note?"

BRINDLE: "From the Mouth of Peace. Actually from her personal secretary."

"Okay, let's see it."

He reaches into his pocket and holds out a tiny scroll to you, like the kind that are tied to the legs of messenger pigeons. You try unsuccessfully to unpick the little green ribbon on it with one numbed hand.

"Uh, Fincher, could you-"

She snatches it off you and unwraps it.

FINCHER: "What the fuck does this mean?"

BRINDLE: "He just told me to hand it over if anyone needed proof."

She hands it to you. You read it. It's just three words.

Survival is Fury.

"Well, that's confusing."

FINCHER: "That mean anything to you, boss?"

"Yeah, but It's kind of hard to be sure what."

BRINDLE: "If you have any more questions we should hurry. I don't know how long we have."

[ ] Tell me more about this sabotage mission.
[ ] Did you say there were others like you on the island?
[ ] I want to know more about this higher authority.
[ ] Why would you impersonate a legionary?
[ ] Why were you really looking through Mei's papers?
[ ] Is Brindle your real name?
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For A Better World 153
[X] Is Brindle your real name?

"Is Brindle your real name?"

BRINDLE: "Yes, actually. Well, part of it. Brindle Hare is my full name."

"Why would you use your real name while infiltrating?"

BRINDLE: "Uh... well, honestly, I panicked and just told the talonlord here my real name instead of coming up with a fake one."

"Wow, okay. Is this your first time on a convert mission?"

BRINDLE: "Actually yes."

"Really? I assumed you were older than you looked."

BRINDLE: "I am! I'm seventeen."

[ ] Tell me more about this sabotage mission.
[ ] Did you say there were others like you on the island?
[ ] Why are you here on your own?
[ ] I want to know more about this higher authority.
[ ] Why would you impersonate a legionary?
[ ] Why were you really looking through Mei's papers?
Survival is Fury.

Those are the exact words we needed to see to know this guy is legit. Destiny at work ladies and gentlethems.
Someone remind me why is "Survival is fury" good?

It came up once before.

"Your work here today will shake nations. But your work is not done."

"When- when will-"

He strikes a flint and tinder to light a candle, briefly illuminating a face you cannot focus on, damaged as your eyes are.

"It will be many years, I think. You will perform miracles. But first you must be saved with one. There will be pain."

You say nothing. You knew that much.

"We all have our part to play. Trust in your fate."

The fire burns your fingertips, bringing you back to sharper focus. You breathe the winter night into your broken lungs.

"Trust in your fate and remember these words: Survival is fury."
For A Better World 154
[X] Tell me more about this sabotage mission.

"Tell me more about this sabotage mission."

BRINDLE: "Well, uh, I'm not sure how much I can say."

FINCHER: "Can you say what you were sabotaging?"

BRINDLE: "A manse."

SAGACITY: Manses like Thazaniel are complex feats of engineering that channel the magic of geomantic leylines into a useable form. They can be very useful but can also be quite dangerous when damaged or misused.


BRINDLE: "No, Yendaniel, on the other side of the island."

FINCHER: "Wait, which other side of the island, exactly? Is that the one in the highlands?"

NAVIGATE: Yes it is.

BRINDLE: "Uh, yeah, it is."

FINCHER: "In Raigi territory."

BRINDLE: "Look, I know what you're thinking, but we didn't have anything to do with-"

FINCHER: "Again with the we! Who else is here? How many of you are there? What were you doing?"

Brindle looks panicked. He glances to his side, as though judging his chances to flee.

"Maybe we should give him a minute to relax."

FINCHER: "Relax? He lied to us, messed with our memories, he could be the cause of all this mess, and you want to help him relax!?"

"Just give him one question at a time. Brindle, how many like you are there on the island?"

BRINDLE: "I told you! It's just me, now."


BRINDLE: "I... I came here with a partner. Much more experienced. She's gone. I... I think she's dead."

His shoulders slump.

BRINDLE: "This was supposed to be training for me. There wasn't supposed to be any risk. I don't have any way of getting back home without her."

You glance to Fincher. She sighs.

FINCHER: "Yeah, well... this is my first mission too, and I'm not going anywhere either. What were you supposed to be doing?"

BRINDLE: "We were supposed to remove a key component from Yendaniel so the manse couldn't be operated by an expedition that was coming to check it out."

"What expedition?"

BRINDLE: "A secret group of Ragara Dynasts that arrived on the island in a Fajaadi trade charter almost a year ago. I didn't get the full details, but they intended to do something with the island's manse network that we were tasked with stopping."


BRINDLE: "That's what we do. We predict problems and stop them before they happen. They had already tampered with three of the other manses. Like I said, I didn't get the details."

"But something went wrong?"

BRINDLE: "By the time we arrived the Raigi were sacking Slatewater and had killed the garrison. We entered Yendaniel, but... I don't know, someone was in there with us. We got seperated. I made it out, my partner didn't."

"What do you mean someone?"

BRINDLE: "I didn't see. Sorry. It sounded like a big fight, though."

[ ] Tell me about this partner of yours.
[ ] What do you know about this island's manse network?
[ ] Do you know anything else about the Ragara expedition?
[ ] I want to know more about this higher authority.
[ ] Why would you impersonate a legionary?
[ ] Why were you really looking through Mei's papers?