Marbled Heart: Born of lowly soil.

[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] When you have enough Granules make another Pawn and have them assist digging tunnel.
[x] Order the Wall to stand guard at the tunnel entrance in case something hostile is uncovered.
[x] Continue digging.
[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] When you have enough Granules make another Pawn and have them assist digging tunnel.
[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] While this is happening, ponder the reality of your existence. Why are you here? How are you here? When did you come into being? How long has it been since you came into being? What's to say that you're not just some, mad game dreamt up by some bozo and tossed out into a forum for a bunch of strangers to play?

Killer Spikes chew the dirt!
[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] When you have enough Granules make another Wall and have them assist guarding tunnel.
[x] Order the Wall to stand guard at the tunnel entrance in case something hostile is uncovered.
[x] Continue digging.
[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] When you have enough Granules make another Pawn and have them assist digging tunnel.
So what kinda ideas could we come up with next? Ideally we want cheap but still useful things.

Maybe a cart-like carrying creature who ships dirt back to core to be absorbed? Maybe crab-like in appearance?
[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] When you have enough Granules make another noodle arm and have them assist digging tunnel.
[X] Have Pawn expand this hole into a proper room, with a flat floor and roof. Noodle Arm may give Pawn upsies to assist with this endeavour.
[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] When you have enough Granules make another Pawn and have them assist digging tunnel.
[X] Order Wall to stand guard over tunnel entrance and Pawn and Noodle Arm to continue last orders.
[X] When you have enough Granules make another Pawn and have them assist digging tunnel.
[x] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[x] Order Arm to go in and pull at the crystals, to try to bring them to the core.
[x] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[x] Order Arm to go in and pull at the crystals, to try to bring them to the core.
[X] Wall lie down on the floor for now
[x] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[x] Order Arm to go in and pull at the crystals, to try to bring them to the core.
[X] Wall lie down on the floor for now
[x] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[x] Order Arm to go in and pull at the crystals, to try to bring them to the core.
[X] Wall lie down on the floor for now
[X] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[X] Order Arm to go in and pull at the crystals, to try to bring them to the core.
[X] Wall lie down on the floor for now
[x] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[x] Order Arm to go in and pull at the crystals, to try to bring them to the core.
Mineral cluster!

[X] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[X] Order Pawns to try and remove crystals and bring them to Core
[X] Order Pawns to keep digging past crystals, Wall to slowly follow after them and Arm to keep throwing dirt to be absorbed
[x] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[x] Order Arm to go in and pull at the crystals, to try to bring them to the core.
[X] Order both Pawns to make the tunnel higher so the Wall can fit in there.
[X] Order Pawns to try and remove crystals and bring them to Core
[X] Order Pawns to keep digging past crystals, Wall to slowly follow after them and Arm to keep throwing dirt to be absorbed
[X] Look through your options to see if you can build a wheelbarrow, for when the distance becomes too long to simply throw at your core.