Mandate of Heaven: SV Runs an Interstellar Empire (Discussion/OOC thread)

Which political party shall rule the Empire?

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It was directed towards you. I`m sorry, if I don`t quote or tag I most often simply mean the post before mine, in this case, yours @Estro

Would you want me to bring them up at the meeting, or shall I open a PM?
If my thoughts were broadcast to the table at this moment, they would be along the lines of "Bleeding spacers. Are we sure that we didn't gene mod in some arrogance or superiority?"

Incidentally I'm wondering if Samantha still has military mods from technically still being Half-Pay Navy.

Heck I wonder if she has many inherited augmentations from being Nobility?

Actually that's a question: How modded are the nobility likely to be? Especially over the common citizen?
I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond; my flight was delayed for four hours, and I was too tired to think up a coherent plan, but I'm writing one now.
Jamis now thinks of Samantha as "An Idiot that doesn't even know her own departments budget."

... I enjoy playing grouchy old men far too much.
Jamis now thinks of Samantha as "An Idiot that doesn't even know her own departments budget."

... I enjoy playing grouchy old men far too much.

Heh. She knows her department's current budget. But not, you know, the future one for numbers she doesn't have yet. Oh well, conflict is FUN™

Heh. She knows her department's current budget. But not, you know, the future one for numbers she doesn't have yet. Oh well, conflict is FUN™

Jamis is that kind of genius that expects everyone to understand and think as fast as he does. "So, since GDP is stagnant, and the various sectors look like this *skips all the reasoning* we need to subside Peanuts and increase the tarrifs on paper based goods."

Also, he doesn't have to worry about his departments budget. It's literally "all the money we can get, and anymore we decide to get loans foe".
I'm very sorry for dropping off the grid recently. For the second half of spring break, I was on a job search, so I had little time to GM effectively. Now that I've returned, I should be able to post more regularly. did our Home minster get spirited away by the corrupt elements his ministry was searching for....or by the Terra Firmy organization? Does anyone want to bet or offer information on his whereabouts?
I'll try to poke him. If we don't get a reply, we'll just make something up and do a quick cabinet reshuffle. AFAIK, he's the only one we're missing in terms of submitted directives.
So.... uhhhh, I kinda don't want this to die?

Is it possible to pick up now and carry on?
I'll see what I can do, as I don't want this to die off either. My charger's broken so I've been posting from my phone and a school computer, but I'll try to get something out in the next couple of days.
I'm well willing to continue whole-heartedly as long as there is still even a little life left in this
So I do have a new charger, and I promise, I'll head over to the library tonight and do some dice rolls. I think we've all established what our characters are doing, unless I've missed something.

  • Patagonian Crisis (32): A success, of a sort. As expected, the Dominion backed down, acquiescing to the Treaty of Patagonia and respecting the neutrality of the Corazon system. However, deep-space scans show that their fleet has not returned to its previous stance, and spies in their military report that they are conducting a number of deep space stations within FTL striking distance of Patagonia. This has spooked the Patagonian government and populace even more, and they are clamoring for assistance in upgrading their military to more modern standards, with one influential Patagonian politician decrying the attempted sale of older vessels as "pawning off the rustbuckets to appease our fears."

Well, if they want, they can get in on the ground floor of a new effort to revitalize the Imperial fleet with new technology. Pay to take the older vessels now, and get a guy or on design committees for the new Design Initiative, and be in on the ground floor for buying into the development costs of a new flight of ships.

"Hulls now and Hulls later, that's what we're proposing"

Principality of Vlachia (6): A disaster in Vlachia for the Foreign Office and for Imperial prestige in general. The Vlachian government agreed to host the Engineer Corps, hoping to work on fixing their underdeveloped state. Unfortunately, the program would not come to be; soon after their arrival in early February, a sergeant of the Corps by the name of Francoise Souchon dragged a number of his squadmates into a bar brawl with a number of local Vlachians. An unfortunate occurrence that might've been somewhat embarrassing on a small scale… if only the Vlachians in question hadn't been part of a large pseudo-Mafia operating in that particular city. Two days later, a colonel of the Corps and a boyguard were abducted from the streets on their way to meet with the local authorities, and several days later their bodies were found in a nearby stream, horribly mangled in ways that pointed to a specific criminal group. The Engineer Corps has canceled any leave and placed their base on high alert, and according to reports, there is a general hope among the soldiers that they might be able to participate in some form of retaliation.

HOW DARE THEY. Clearly the people of Vlachia are not responsible for this terrible act. These criminals that take from Vlachia and have made life literally worse. The Terran Empire insists that we are available to... assist in cleaning up the Vlachian streets.

  • Silvermen (69): The overt campaign against the Silvermen was an open-and-shut victory for the Imperial Navy and Marine Corps. The Silvermen used a slapdash hodgepodge of outdated warships and upgunned merchantmen, no match for His Majesty's fleet. Ground operations were conducted quickly and cleanly, with Imperial Marines proving their worth on the battlefield and cleaning up the cluster by mid-February. After only a few short weeks of fighting (with most of that time actually taken up by FTL pursuits), the bulk of the Silvermen were neutralized in one form or another, and remnants have been generally pushed out into uncharted, dead systems and isolated from each other. However, the ancillary objectives--the sourcing of the Silvermen's arsenal (presumably to the Hykor League) and the attempts to court Denebian allies were stymied in the case of the former and outright thwarted in the case of the latter. The Confederate Navy stopped any Imperial hopes of prying Pensacola and the NSA from their sphere by acting with efficiency and finesse befitting of a Great Power. As for the espionage front, while the IID did trace a large portion of the group's arsenal to a number of shady arms dealers and shell companies, they are proving hard to trace beyond that. While IID agents inside the League are reporting an increase in shipments to that sector, any evidence on the ground is too sparse at the moment to definitively implicate them.

A great Victory for Terra. And it must be publicized as such. All terrorists and egotistical separatists with designs on Imperial space should be put on notice that they stand no chance of withstanding the might of an Empire that will only ever get stronger!

(While prying away Denebian allies would have been a nice bonus, eliminating the Silvermen outright was the primary goal, success is still success)
(Again with sourcing the weapons, being able to finger the Hykor would have been nice, but showing whoever is responsible that the empire reigns supreme is the primary objective. Terra grows stronger while you grow weaker. Of course with the remnants of the Silvermen isolated and scattered now might be the perfect time to find ways of more easily back tracking the arms. Perhaps a general amnesty of some sort?)

  • Restoring Discipline (21): There has been a surprising amount of resistance to a restructuring of the officer corps among foreign-stationed troops. A large number of official protests from superior officers have flooded the War Office, often filled with words like "indispensible" and "unjust removal." It seems that, unfortunately, the problem goes higher up the chain of command than anticipated.

No. We will not be taking this. The military must understand that discipline is the source of strength and that it should always be enforced.

Sol Inspection (55): The surprise inspection was a moderate success in its stated goal, highlighting a number of disciplinary and equipment flaws that the Navy needs to address. The Home Fleet, despite being the bastion of Imperial power turns out to have subpar discipline and poor morale due to, quite frankly, boredom. Still, the appearance of the new War Minister aboard the dreadnought Emperor Charles III has had a positive impact on military morale.

Bored eh? How about some games? PErhaps challenging home fleet units against other fleet units, or against the personal units of nobles. For fabulous cash prizes and shiny medals.

If we get the home fleet to perk up, it should be spread outwards to the perifery.

Victory at the periphery and a stiffening of resolve from the middle will strengthen His Majesty's forces.


Give me a bit to think about it. But I'm thinking that V-E is going to try to get the military to feel good about itself and it's future. Shake up complacency and highlight the Victories it does have, play them up to make the Empire Military and its citizens feel proud of our accomplishments.