Mama Might Be A Monkey - Saiyan Luffy Quest (One Piece/Dragon Ball Z)

lol isn't Haki and Ki the same thing kinda? Haki = ki
Eh, word games aside, I don't consider them so.

But even if I did, they would still be specific applications of Ki you'd have to set out to learn, instead of just knowing them because you know how to use Ki.
It could be that we lose our ability to fly when partially submerged?

Anyway, always go for the Exponent.
+XP pays for itself over the course of a long quest

[X] Sense Energy - You can sense the Ki of living things in your environment. It's not a predictive power like Kenbunshoku Haki, but it doesn't require intent, either. Being able to sense your energy will help tremendously with the cultivation of new techniques, as well.
lol isn't Haki and Ki the same thing kinda? Haki = ki
I wouldn't say so. Just comparing them in the respective works they appear in, the two follow completely different philosophies to begin with, but even apart from that, ki is explicitly energy (more specifically, lifeforce), which you learn to direct with your will, whereas haki is explicitly an exertion of one's will (making it more of a psychic ability), which, while it can be applied to energy in the case of Armament Haki, is mainly focused on non-physical interaction with the surrounding world. Another difference is in their presence - ki is always there, an essential part of all living beings; meanwhile, haki's nature as directed intent implies that it only exists as part of a focused will, requiring at least some measure of intelligence.
Character sheet is up! You people might want to check the traits! That little vote involving Higuma had some consequences. ;)

The attributes are very tentative, right now, because I'm not sure this system could actually keep up with One Piece's scaling power levels.

Hmm... Thinking about our options with the rolls considered, if we take Ki Blasts, we shall want to train flight for the obvious synergy of staying out of the opponent's range and raining hell on them as well as energy sensing to even better rain hell on everyone. And on a related note, if we end up without Ki Blasts, we should definitely invest in flight so that we can get into close range faster and with less logistic issues (the slippery slope thing with the Black Cat Pirates instantly comes to mind).

If we take Three Monkeys, haki and energy sensing are the obvious things to prioritize (it's even in the description, after all).

And looking at future prospects, if we ever decide to eat a Devil Fruit, the usefulness of flight will increase by orders of magnitude, unless the two interact badly. The earlier Kumo Kumo no Mi option suggests that there may be something to that effect (inability to fly over bodies of water, or something milder, such as suffering motion sickness when flying over water), since it becomes somewhat redundant if we get unassisted flight. On the other hand, that fruit likely had applications beyond merely being a transplanted Nimbus so it's not as indicative of anything as first impressions might suggest.
Since I don't foresee us running into it again, I might as well tell you what I had considered for creative uses of the Kumo Kumo no Mi. Eventually, things like compressing the clouds into golden armor and a golden staff that could extend at will. Just some rough item creation, for a vaguely Sun Wukong sort of feel.

Originally, before I came up with half-Saiyan Luffy quest, I had been thinking "oh what if Luffy eats a mythical Zoan fruit for the Monkey King"?
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It could be that we lose our ability to fly when partially submerged?
Most likely. Sea water blocks the devil fruit user's physical abilities and even haki; I don't see why ki would be exempt from that.
Eventually, things like compressing the clouds into golden armor and a golden staff that could extend at will. Just some rough item creation, for a vaguely Sun Wukong sort of feel.
Sounds sufficiently badass by way of giving the distinct image of being "wreathed in power" that I love so much. Did you have any ideas on what an awakening of that fruit would allow?
Most likely. Sea water blocks the devil fruit user's physical abilities and even haki; I don't see why ki would be exempt from that.
I'm not opposed to being wrong here, but I've never heard of Haki being weakened by sea water. :O

Sounds sufficiently badass by way of giving the distinct image of being "wreathed in power" that I love so much. Did you have any ideas on what an awakening of that fruit would allow?
Absolutely no idea haha. We've only got one awakened Paramecia to compare this to, but we don't know if all Paramecias would work the same way.

I will say that while it's a been too complex to be a simple Ki technique, you people may get a chance at the nimbus creation in another form in the future. ;)
I think they mean a DF User's Haki
Basically the fruit has a 'no cheating, no loopholes' clause, you drown in the sea. Period.
I'm not opposed to being wrong here, but I've never heard of Haki being weakened by sea water. :O
I meant this, pretty much,
I think they mean a DF User's Haki
Basically the fruit has a 'no cheating, no loopholes' clause, you drown in the sea. Period.
That may be just my headcanon, though, so don't mind it. It's just, devil fruit users who are confirmed haki users are never shown to use their haki when cuffed with seastone cuffs. This may be just a minor plot hole, though, due to haki only appearing a long way into the manga.
Three Monkeys Style
Hm, I guess I'll make a mechanics post soon, though I can probably fit that into the OP.

But for now, have a description of Three Monkeys style, since Luffy would be semi-familiar with his mom's style!

You'll get to see a couple of the moves for each of the forms. Each form has a different mindset, so you wouldn't use them simultaneously in combat, but you could switch between them if there's a lull.

The Three Monkeys School
Description: Three Monkeys style is a series of martial arts forms developed by Gilded Beast Kōn after her arrival on this planet. She drew on several sources to develop her techniques, including: Rokushiki, Fishman Karate, and even the moves of her lover, Dragon. Only someone with Saiyan blood can fully master this style.


Steel Monkey: In this form, defense is maximized with a body as hard as steel, much like the skill Tekkai. You spread your feet and straighten your back, to maximize your stability. You harden your body to physical attacks, slowing your reactions and allowing your opponent more opportunities ... at least until you get the chance to strike, at which point you unleash a single devastating move, meant to crush your opponent in one blow.
  • Steel Gorilla Press: Using the principles of Dragon's crushing claws and Shigan, you turn your open hand into the jaws of an angry gorilla. In one quick motion, you grip your opponent's body, burying your fingers in their flesh and crushing their bones.
  • Steel Howler Burst: Inspired by one of Jinbe's moves, you send a short-range burst of explosive sound through the air from your mouth, stunning your opponent and breaking their defense, leaving them open for a finishing move.
Drunk Monkey: Here, your aim is to keep your opponent off balance. It is characterized by false steps, feints, and a stumbling sort of gait. Your body assumed its maximum flexibility, allowing you to sway away from attacks and use unexpected angles to retaliate. A vicious form that prioritizes strikes at the eyes, throat, and groin.
  • Drunk Gibbon Sickle: Your curled hands and tail become curved blades, parting flesh with ease. Your stumbling, random movements pair excellently with this technique.
  • Drunk Loris Fang: Getting in close, you take an opportunity to get in close to your opponent and literally sink your teeth into their flesh. Once this is accomplished, you inject some of your Ki into their body, disorienting and sickening them, making them sluggish and weak.
Rabid Monkey: Combining overwhelming speed with unrelenting offense, Rabid Monkey form is all about unbalancing your opponent with your ferocity. Taking control of the battlefield with bursts of speed and powerful leaps, you run circles around enemies while buffeting them with attacks until they fall. In this form, you move around on all fours.
  • Rabid Chimp Brigade: Your movements are so fast and furious, it's like there are multiple people attacking your opponent at once. In fact, the effect is much the same. In an instant, you've landed dozens of blows on your opponent.
  • Rabid Flak Baboon: You use your tail to fling a hail of razor-sharp fangs, made from fur, at your opponent, like some kind of shotgun.
Lusty Monkey: By studying the habits of the Bonobo, you have become an expert in the physical side of love.
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So yeah, as you can see, there's a lot of overlap with Rokushiki.

Granted, you're going to start out an amateur in it, at least compared to your mom.

But I figured ya'll needed some kind of base to develop since Ki techniques are going to be really tough and you have no devil fruit powers to fall back on.
Does that mean taking the Lusty Monkey option means Luffy will actually notice girls in this AU?

SOD broken.
This isn't a critical vote and I want to keep writing, so we'll close voting in two hours.

Does that mean taking the Lusty Monkey option means Luffy will actually notice girls in this AU?

SOD broken.
were you under the mistaken belief that i'm not complete shipper trash

(More seriously, these aren't going to be offered to you as a choice. When you invest in Three Monkeys during the quest, you're improving your skill in all three forms.)
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So does getting close to mastery of Three Monkeys unlock something like partial Oozaru transformation/gaining control of the full one?
So does getting close to mastery of Three Monkeys unlock something like partial Oozaru transformation/gaining control of the full one?
Other way around. You have to gain control of the full Oozaru transformation to become a master of Three Monkeys. From there, you get ... let's call them partial transformations for each style.
[X] Sense Energy - You can sense the Ki of living things in your environment. It's not a predictive power like Kenbunshoku Haki, but it doesn't require intent, either. Being able to sense your energy will help tremendously with the cultivation of new techniques, as well.
edmantgoog threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 3 Total: 17
17 17
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[x] Sense Energy - You can sense the Ki of living things in your environment. It's not a predictive power like Kenbunshoku Haki, but it doesn't require intent, either. Being able to sense your energy will help tremendously with the cultivation of new techniques, as well.
No. of votes: 4
Kelenas, Ferian, lordchaos99, edmantgoog

[X] The Three Monkeys - Three forms of a martial arts style developed by your mother. Their potential is greatly enhanced by the use of Haki and Ki. Only Saiyans and those of Saiyan descent can take this to its farthest level; once the beast within has been mastered, a Saiyan gains access to certain transformations.
No. of votes: 4
Leek01, tygerbright, veekie, Thozmp

[X] Ki Blast - You can use basic, uncomplicated Ki attacks. You can also deflect them, though you're not going to have to do that too often.
No. of votes: 1

[X] The Three Monkeys
No. of votes: 3
Derek58, notmi, Mavs

Now someone roll a d60 and we'll decide what skill is going to lose out!
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Looks like flight is the pipe dream!

Now to assign those earlier rolls ...

So, here it is!

You're pretty good at sensing energy, though not as good as if that had been the winning vote.

You're terrible at ki blasts, at least right now. Sometimes it blows up in your face, sometimes it fails, and sometimes it works.

And you're decent with Busoshoku Haki, you can get it to work semi-reliably.

I just assigned them sequentially.
Damn. Oh well, never being able to fly isn't as terrible a loss compared to the others.
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