Mal's Thousand Words a Day Challenge

usually stalls for a bit right now but she opens much sooner than normal, she treads inside. The base of her heels clopping against the floor as her tail closes the door behind her
than normal, treading inside. The base of her heels clop against the floor
I lay my currently canine head on her belly as I look up at her, she idly pets me with one of her hands. Her somewhat claw like nails scratching behind my ears as I try to comfort her
up at her, getting an idle pat for my efforts from one of her hands. Her somewhat claw-like nails scratch behind my ears as I
She sounds exhausted, a hint of anger in her tone. She pulls me into her arms as she hugs me. My head leaning against the crook of her neck.
she hugs me, my head leaning
"Nooooo!" She yells out over dramatically and in mock despair before rolling over and pinning me on my back.
out over-dramatically and in mock despair, before rolling over and pinning
Bit rushed today, Mal?
than normal, treading inside. The base of her heels clop against the floor

up at her, getting an idle pat for my efforts from one of her hands. Her somewhat claw-like nails scratch behind my ears as I

she hugs me, my head leaning

out over-dramatically and in mock despair, before rolling over and pinning
Bit rushed today, Mal?
I wrote it late last night and thought I was going to write more in the morning. I didn't actually write more. Other than that I tried to write a western, but then I realized after 500 words that I didn't know how to write a western and got stalled.
Just a Man (Jumpchain SI)
Just a Man

I woke up one day, normally that would be that. But today, I couldn't remember what happened yesterday. I didn't fall asleep here, but also, I did?

I slowly sit up in my bed and rock my feet off the side. Getting dressed as I think.

I remember driving down a road in Shelton the day before, I heard a loud siren blare, and then a flash of pain and nothing. But I also remember playing some locals and winning quite a bit with some quick handed gambling. No, I didn't cheat, that would be too easy. Two lifetimes of memories that didn't match up. All except for a name. Wyatt.

In another world, I was the son of an auto-body estimator and ex professional archer. My mother was loving and caring. And that was that. I lived a simple life, was home schooled, got a GED, got a license, and ultimately did nothing of importance.

In this world, I never knew my father. My mother was a drunken whore, and I grew up on the streets of Boston learning everything I could to survive. I became a card shark, fastest hands in all of Boston. I lied, cheated, stole and beat the crap out of people just to make ends meet. Eventually it came back to haunt me and I was forced to escape past debts and enemies, I learned how to use a gun. I had gotten enough cash to purchase a small Derringer, good to keep up my sleeve. But not enough I don't think. So I managed to get a Peacekeeper. How I got it is a story for another time though, but I'm a damn good shot with it.

One life was happy, the other depressing. I looked at the mirror in the room. It was both familiar and slightly off. I looked like me alright, my vision was sharper here, much sharper. If the year wasn't 1895 I'd say that I could qualify for being a fighter pilot.

I had a light build, thin and tall with broad shoulders. A solid 6' in height. Not a lick of fat on my body. Not much muscle either, but I'm flexible enough. This life is athletic, athletic and fast. If this was the modern era I'd probably be able to rival Usain Bolt in a sprint. My modern self was astonished that I could keep that pace up for all day long. Like some kind of machine.

I pull a knife out from an inside pocket and trim my facial hair, a trim pencil mustache. It wasn't much, but I wanted to look nice today. My western life knew how to woo the ladies unlike my modern self. I pull my hat down on my head as I leave.

AN: Figured I'd post this unfinished or not before going to bed.
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Oh, a jumpchain. Not bad, though I'll admit I hardly ever read them if at all.
Starting off in Generic Western. Here's a link to my build, although I might have to delete my location to avoid spoilers. Also to not pigeonhole me into any one place. Oh well.
Neato. I'm planning out a Strike Witch one presently, trying to both work out some worldbuilding details as well as what I could have for plot. Considering the sheet has you begin three 3-4 years before SW anime canon (canon begins 1943, you arrive 1939), it's something I need to think about unless I wanna just start the tale three years in or something.
The Boogie Man (Original SI)
The Boogie Man
I turned slightly to the side as I looked in the mirror, a slight bulge forming in my slender frame. Was I putting on weight? It had been ages since I'd gone out to scare, being retired and all. It had been years since I had taken part in scaring. I shrug as I leave my bedroom, slipping on my jacket as I leave. A lot of monsters don't wear much, but I prefer to go out fully clothed.

Step by hurried step I rush down the stairs, my long legs easily allowing me to take them three at a time. Snatching my briefcase from the bottom of the stairs I walk past a hallway of portraits and photos, all of family and friends come and gone.

"Good day Amelia, George, Henry, George, Jenny, George, Ronald, George, Fredrick, Gorge, Gregory, Samantha,-" I say with practiced effort as I bid them all farewell. It was a morning affair, mostly so I remembered their names even after all this time. There were dozens upon dozens of them, and each day I recited each and every one. I probably didn't need to, but it was comforting to know that I at least thought of them each and every day. I paused as I reached my front door, hand resting on the doorknob, I turned around and let out a pleasant sigh.

"I hope to see you all again soon, at this rate, you might get some new neighbors to the family!" My walks through this hallway had been getting longer recently. More family and friends growing up the walls, it was good to remember and cherish the past, but it was always good to keep more in the future. There was only one photo that wasn't on this wall, I kept it close to heart inside a pendent. Well, the original is inside a vault in my room so I can make copies of it in case I lose a pendent, but you know how it is.

Opening the door I pass the porch and walk down my steps before sliding into my limo as my valet opens it up with practiced ease. Head ducking and briefcase casually tossed into the leather interior I slide in as the door closes behind me. I slept in today, not enough time for breakfast, so we were going to stop on the way. Probably at a fast food joint, always enjoyed such rare delicacies.

"Bremington my good boy, how about we stop at this 'Nasty Burger' place I've heard so much about? I feel like something inordinately greasy today." I say, tapping on the intercom to tell my driver to stop on the way to work. Hearing an affirmative from him I pop open my briefcase to get on some minor pieces of work. Hmm, yesterday's scaring reports, three code of conduct violations, two minor and one severe-

If I was drinking coffee I would have spewed it all over the leather interior. Severe!?! What in the hell did they do yesterday!?! Severe is almost universally unclassified except for a handful of things, primarily revolving around endangering monster society as a whole. The fact nobody woke me up in the middle of the night meant that they averted it before it got too bad. I hated it when things went Code Red. A chill goes down my spine at the mere thought of it. The phantom sensation of something dripping across my skin makes me unconsciously scratch at myself, would have torn my suit if I didn't keep my claws filed.

Ah, we're here. I close the briefcase as we pull into the drive-though. Bremington asks me what I would like today, I reply with my usual, and I get an order of the Grease Pit.

What can I say? I enjoy the sensation of my arteries clogging and the idea of suffering a heart attack from a single bite of this thing. The absolutely greasiest thing available, isn't even on the menu, but they always know it. Within a minute I receive the bag through my window as I drop a fifty dollar bill in the cashier's tentacle. I pull a small dining table out of the limo floor and set my meal on a spare plate. A two pound triple patty BLT with sausages and chilly peppers, deep fried, wrapped in bacon, and deep fried again. A wonderful way to start the day and distract myself from a future shit storm I'll have to deal with today.

Taking the 'burger', because really, the grease pit barely qualifies as such, I take my first bite. A flood of grease enough to give a heat attack to an Indian elephant floods my mouth, slowly chewing, I savor the taste of pure cholesterol. The chunks flow down my mouth with a casual swallow as I repeat the process. Eating finely aged steaks and escargot alamode are one thing, but sometimes you just want to eat something that is absolutely common. And the grease pit perfectly represents the food of the average worker, dense, high energy, and absolutely terrible for you but you just love it anyways.

After about five bites, the meal is finished almost as soon as it began. Unfortunately fast. I could keep eating the grease pit forever, but alas, I cannot. Wiping my hands off of the grease so I don't get anything important dirty I roll up my mess into a ball and toss it out the window where a passing monster snatches it out of the air.

Later I'm going to personally banish whoever thought it was a good idea to... What was it? I look over the reports for a moment. Child Napping-

CHILD NAPPING!?! That's- I don't even have a reaction for the sheer scale of my rage. I just stare at the paper. I swear to the almighty I'm going to show him a Boogie Man Special. I would sharpen my claws on his bones if he so much as harmed a hair on that child's head.

"Bremington, take the direct route, I have some important business to attend to with Mr. Waterson." I say coldly and moments later we turn off from the circular scenic route we were on before. Bremington was a great driver, he knew when I was trying not to sound angry.

AN: Apologies for the inconvenience.

EDIT: By the way, I wrote this to a song about the boogie man. If you can guess which one, I'll write a request!

And please, no embeding. I don't want this thread to lag like crazy for some people. One per person please!

EDIT: What are you talking about? This wasn't a Monster's Inc SI! Don't be silly. <_< >_>
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Step my hurried step
by hurried
Hmm, yesterdays scaring reports, three code of conduct violations, two minor and one severe-
yesterday's scaring
I close the briefcase as we pull into the drive though.
into the drive-through.
Within a minute I receive the bag through my window as I drop a fifty dollar bill in the cashiers tentacle.
the cashier's tentacle.
Later I'm going to personally banish whoever thought it was a good idea to. What was it? I look over the reports for a moment. Child Napping-
good idea to...what was it?
A boogieman who protects the existence of monsters from humans, eh? Amusing. Is this set in the Danny Phantom world?
I'm not sure why my dad thinks less of Fanfiction, well, I sort of understand why he doesn't like it, but really, I tend to use it more as a framing device than anything.
I'm not sure why my dad thinks less of Fanfiction, well, I sort of understand why he doesn't like it, but really, I tend to use it more as a framing device than anything.
Not sure. Sometimes a fanfiction take on a story can be just as good as an original one, in my experience, although it does depend on the author and subject matter.
Yeah, I talked to him some more. I think I misinterpreted what he meant, at the time I felt like he was implying disappointment, when really he was saying something completely different.

Sorry about causing a scene like this, probably shouldn't have brought it up in here to begin with.
Four Leaf Clover (??? SI)
Four Leaf Clover
Luck is a strange thing, sometimes, it turns out that what seems like a bad thing at first results in something great.

Such as the time I fell out a thirtieth floor window. How that was good? Well, let me explain what happened after.

It was dark, not the kind of dark from a lack of light, but a black that eats up all light, like an endless void. Blacker than a deep yawning chasm. And right in front of me was someone wearing the whitest white tuxedo I've ever seen. An old man, with dark wrinkled skin and a thick white beard to match his hair. The corners of his eyes crinkling from what is presumably a smile. A bright pink tie around his neck and a large wooden goblet in his left hand. He spoke, a warm and comforting voice.

"Howdy kiddo, been a while hasn't it?" His voice was like Morgan Freeman's turned up to twelve. There were very few things it could mean.

"Are you... God?" I ask, slightly doubtful, I'd expect myself to be bursting in flames if he was. Then again, I'm dead, probably, kind of hard to burst into flames when you're dead. He lets out a bark of laughter.

"Close, but no cigar, I work for him though." He says as he reaches forward with his free hand, I return the gesture and shake his hand.

"Death, pleasure to meet you again." He says warmly. He had a firm grip, strong and comforting. So I really am dead. He continues.

"And I'll be honest with you, I wasn't expecting you to die then, but you're really lucky." How is dying when I'm not supposed to- "Now let me finish." He cuts me off. Wait, I was thinking that-

"You are, as of now, the hundred billionth person to die." Wow, that really is lucky. "The sass is fine, you're allowed that." Really, why do you keep reading my mind? He gets back onto topic.

"Anyways, as my hundred billionth customer, you've hit a certain milestone! So I'm at liberty to resurrect you." Wow, I get to go-

"But not where you're from." He says apologetically. Damn. Well, at least I know I'll see them again eventually. So not much to worry about. Do I at least get to pick-

"Of course, but it wouldn't be fun for me if you just chose whatever you want. So I'll give you one of THREE doors!" He says as he suddenly shifts to an overdramatic gameshow host mode.

Oh dear. I've never been good at gambling. I mean, I know some problems. Like an old game show that had two goats and a car, when you picked a door they showed one of the goats and they asked you to switch or stay. Since you have a two in three chance of picking a goat the first time you should always switch.

"Great trivia, but that's not how this one works. Instead! Each door shall be characterized by a single word." He says as he steps to my side and gestures dramatically, three doors simply appearing out of nowhere. A red one, a blue one, and a green one.

"Now, with the Red door you'll be in constant danger, it is a world in chaos and disarray where everyone is fighting all the time. But! You'll have a chance of changing that world for the better unlike any other! If you fail however, it will likely hurt." As he explains this, in a quite stage whisper free hand wrapped around my shoulder a single, three letter word appears emblazoned on it.


Now, I'm going to be selfish here and rule that one out for now.

"Fair enough, most wouldn't pick that world anyways. The next one is a world that will get by without you, you can change things, even help things for the better, but unless you interfere things won't get worse. Don't worry about talking to the wrong guy either, this world is tough and won't fall apart in the slightest breeze. This is a world of heroes and villains, and I'll even let you pick which side you're on!" Sounds tempting so far.


I'm a lazy bastard, so that's right up my alley right now.

"And lastly, the Green door. I suppose this one has some cross with the Blue door, but I ensure you, this one is very different. This door leads to a strange land, a land of adventure and beauty. You'll be certain to find exciting new places here." Wow, the Blue and Green ones sound really tempting.


"Of course, you could just cash out now and move onto the Afterlife. Most people take that option." I turn around and see a white door. Simple, yet amazingly brilliant. Brighter than the sun, and yet it only comforts me. I almost reach out and touch it without thinking, but I stop myself before I do.

It will be waiting for me after all.

I turn around and weigh my options, the Red door sounds painful, the Blue door sounds the closest to home all things considered, the Green door will certainly be fun. The White Door, well, really I'm just choosing to delay going through it. Procrastinating. I do that a lot don't I?

I reach out, and make my choice.

"Excellent decision. Now drink up, you'll need your energy!" He says kindly as he offers me his goblet as the other doors move farther away.

I hesitate a moment before drinking deeply. The inside of the goblet was golden, and the fluid was a brilliant Crimson. It tasted like wine with a hint of copper. I feel invigorated unlike anything else, I bravely open the door, revealing a brilliant light the same color as the door and stride through before a thought occurs to me.

"Wait, what do you mean by again-" The door closes behind as I become engulfed in the light.

AN: Tried to write something based off of a dream, but it was too creepy to work on. So I made this instead!

I'm going to leave the door choice to the audience. Although it will take twice as many votes for Red to win, and White is impossible unless you want no more sequels to this. So, which shall it be? War, Heroism, or Adventure?
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This is a really cool prompt, Adventure is really tempting, but my love of superpowers forces me to choose heroism.

Can't wait to see more of your work!
Adventure! Nothing beats a good trek through the woods, especially if you have some neat powers to play around with. That, and I'm not too interested in the whole superhero/villain business.
I find your misery to be amusing, so I'm going to choose "War!"

Also, Mal, could I ask you to continue some of your other snippets you've posted here?
What a fantastic original story son, I'm The Adventurous type.... Green door.