Mal's Thousand Words a Day Challenge

a stage with stripper poles too girls currently entertaining on it from what my earlier glance told me
poles, two girls
Besides, isn't is more important what you do with power than where you get it?"
isn't it more
I breath a sigh of relief before hopping off my bed, landing of cloven hooves.
landing on cloven
Almost immediately I'm blasted with the sound of a full tavern, filled with marry making and idle chatter. There are dozens of tables, filled
with merry making
And their surrounded by onlookers looking at them in awe.
they're surrounded
Interesting. Is the game Hearthstone?
A Caretaker's Mind (Original snapshot)
A Caretaker's Mind
John X3 was the 627'th Parental unit manufactured as a part of the tenth generation of parental units, alongside their partner unit Mary X3. After the phenomenal failure of the Paul and Martha unit lines, their designers set out to create a far more dynamic system. Utilizing newly created neuroplastic brain cells to create an artificial brain. The tenth generation of parental units had three priorities that their programming would stem from.

1. Ensure the physical, mental and emotional well being of their chosen dependents.
2. Follow the orders of your chosen dependent's biological genesource unless it should go against the first law.
3. Protect yourself, and ensure your own well being unless it should go against the first or second law.

John and Mary X3 shared these laws, and had vast suites of information allowing them to properly raise and teach their dependents in all fields of study, from history to science and math. However, as is customary, each dependent has already been assigned a future career. Dependent 387 would become an economist, and dependent 388 would become an investor, as is in accordance to their genesource's wishes, Mr. Bourbon and Mrs. Rosemary, the current leaders of luxury alcohols and herbs in modern society.

At this current time John and Mary X3 were acting in the spectator roll in their chosen dependents physical/social health exercise known defined as "Baseball". They gave out the proper cheers, the proper encouragement to their dependents, as other Johns and Marys did so as well for their own dependents. X3's male dependent 387 was currently acting as the primary ball projector.

Dependent 387 threw the ball, and his opponent, John and Mary W7's dependent 366 lashed out with the wooden cylindrical rod and struck the ball. The ball ricocheted viciously and flew far over 387's head, flying towards the second point.

X3's other dependent, 388, jumped up and reached out with their leather padded glove, catching the ball, defeating dependent 366.

John and Mary X3 cheered very loudly in accordance with their programming.
Seeing the world from the POV of a robot is kinda creepy.
Seeing the world from the POV of a robot is kinda creepy.
It's supposed to be. By the way, this is sort of a "Snapshot" for a book I'm working on. Mostly world building at the moment, trying to create the setting, the characters, and the overarching story before getting down to writing the chapters.
A Dark SOUL (Dark Souls/Undertale)
My boots creak with each step up the mountain path, I had walked far, a fellow had told me that something "Interesting" was up this way. It was difficult in the first place to get here, as I needed to get a drake to submit. It took me... Sun knows how long, honestly. I should have never trusted Legend, he was insane. But of course, I just had to try. The hardest part wasn't getting control of the beast in the first place, but rather keeping control of it.

Needless to say, I stopped wearing my armor because I kept getting knocked off the damn thing and I didn't want to waste the souls constantly repairing it. And Legend claims that he did it all wearing only a Calamity ring. The asshole. He kept killing me while wearing it and made fun of me for losing to him.

But, I digress. I had finally gotten the drake this far before getting thrown off, this time without dying. Thankfully it ran off instead of staying to fight me. Oddly enough, I hadn't encountered a single foe on my way here.

There were some small glowing stones circling the entrance of a cave, ah. This must be it then. I enter, it was rather decently bright, a hole in the roof allowing sunlight through, and down a solitary pit in the middle surrounded by undergrowth. I rested my gauntleted hand on the hilt of my sword as I take a moment to rest. The pit had a few of those stones circling around the entrance, and there was a glowing orange message near the edge.

"Try Jumping"

Normally such a thing would have massive numbers of discouragements on it, due to people repeatedly tricking fools into jumping off to their deaths. But interestingly, it had many appraisals.

Leaning over the edge of the pit, I see a distant patch of flowers growing on a patch of grass in the middle of a stone chamber. Well, might as well go down there.

I jumped.

Air whips by me for a moment or two before I land on the flowers tucking my legs under me into a roll to reduce the impact. My armor clanked as I hit the ground, I had instinctively pulled out my Estus before realizing that I was unharmed even from the relatively long drop. Why, even a child could have survived that drop!

After reattaching my Estus to my belt I begin walking down the nearby corridor, passing through an intricately carved stone doorway. I had my shield ready to be raised at a moments notice, I've gone into locations that seem harmless before and I've died because of it-

"HEY! What's your problem buddy!?!" A small childlike voice yelled at me from behind me and to my left. Turning, hand resting on the hilt of my blade I see that I am alone. How strange-

"Down here!" I look down to see-

A flower... It's not hideous, it's not scary, in fact, it looks almost child like.

Sun, did some mad sorcerer turn a child into a flower?

"Wow you sure are rude, you walked right past me! I didn't even get a chance to say hello and welcome you down here!" He seemed distantly annoyed, but trying to be nice. I took my hand off of my hilt, if it kills me I'll just kill it harder. Simple.

"Anyways, where was I? Right! Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower." He said cheerfully.

"Since you're new around here, I'll ignore your rudeness to teach you how things work around here. Ready?" He continues, pausing for a moment, I don't bother nodding as he continues. This is getting kind of boring-

"Here we go!" He says enthusiastically befre a heart shaped Humanity appears in the center of my chest.

"See that heart? That's your SOUL! The very culmination of your being." How very interesting. Guess things are a bit different here, probably a critical strike zone if it's hit. Will this make the oncoming battles harder, or easier I wonder?

"Your SOUL start's off weak, but can grow stronger as you gain a lot of LV-" He interrupts himself as his expression cracks. Sweat beads on his forehead as his smile suddenly becomes very strained.

"Uh, wow, seems you already have tons. Wow, I don't think I've ever met someone with quite as much as you. Y-you mu-must be really, really loving." I tilt my head, is he seeing my Soul Level? I mean, 120 is pretty alright. Kind of a necessity really.

"We-well it never hurts to have more! LV, of course, stands for LOVE! A-as I'm sure you know." He's stuttering quite a bit. Odd really.

"Y-you want some LOVE don't you? Down h-here LOVE is shared through little white friendliness pellets." He says cautiously, as little white pellets hover around him-


I raise my shield immediately and block the homing soul mass. A slight pain going through me as I do from the blocked magic.

"Oh golly you know what's going on. I'm going to leave now. BYE!" The flower says while I leap at it with my sword.

It vanishes into the ground before I can stab it of course. I stand back up, sigh to myself, and sheath my sword. Damn, I'll have to get it next time.

I hear a gasp behind me, swiftly I turn around, shield raised in case of attack. After seeing a lack of immediate attack, but rather a goat creature standing in the entry way I had been walking towards originally not attacking me, I cautiously lower my shield. She seems to compose herself and bears a cold, neutral expression.

"Knight, I do not know why you come here, but know that I will fight you if you mean ill." She says firmly, after a moment, I think of the perfect way of replying. I take a carving off the ground and toss it onto the ground between us.

"HELLO." The sphere echoes out as I take a Praise The Sun pose.

She seemed surprised oddly enough, guess she's never seen it before. Quite a few newbs have that reaction.
Wrong Nightmare (MLP SI)
Wrong Nightmare
The last thing I remembered before waking up to gray sand was being mildly drunk, feeling an immeasurably sense of universal love, and tackling a guy strapped with bombs out of a window before exploding.

Epic death. 10 out of 10, would do again with no hesitation. This must be the afterlife then.

I push myself away from the grey dusty ground, immediately noticing a black muzzle where my nose was supposed to be, surprised, I jerk up from the ground, fighting off a dizzy spell when my vision blurs. Focusing on the ground, I realize, hey! I have hooves!

God sure is a comedian, I wonder if I'll see him soon or if he directly reincarnated him? Oh that divine Omnipotence sure has a sense of humor! Oh! Maybe he resurrected me for sacrificing myself to stop a suicide bomber? I hope that guy's alright, well, he did choose to kill himself to kill others, but I do hope he's learned from that, I'd forgive him for killing me after all, but would he forgive himself? No matter! I'll merely have to forgive him extra hard!

I look out over the beautiful desolation of a bright landscape, covered in various shades of white and gray, it's night from the magnificent array of stars in the background. And wow ain't that a beauty! Wonder where I am-

Oh my goodness!

That planet is massive! Way larger then it should be. It's all blues and greens and yellows and other pretty colors and shapes. I'd love to go there! I glance back at my back, marvelous! I have wings-

Oh would you shut up already you foal!?!

Oh goodness! I have a head mate! Hello head mate! What's your name? I'm-

I don't care! I am Nightmare Moon and you shall RELINQUISH CONTROL OF MY BODY THIS INSTANT YOU VERMIN!

Oh, apologies ma'am, I'm afraid I haven't the faintest how to do so. Sorry for intruding on your personal sanctuary, I'll try to leave. I focus for several moments, gritting my teeth and tense the muscles in my head.

Leave this form oh foul daemon-

Wait, I'm not a demon, I relax for a moment as I ponder this concept. How do I perform an exorcism to excise myself?

Great, I'm stuck with a buffoon.

Hey! At least I'm trying! I kick the dirt in frustration.

Why do you narrate your actions?

Why! In case someone is listening in of course! Ain't that right viewers!


Ouch! My mental ears! I clasp my actual ears in my hooves as I collapse on my back.

A fool is in control of my body. I can't even- I'm doomed. You have ruined all of my plans merely by existing.

Oh, uh, sorry? Is there any way I can make up to you?

Somehow, I doubt you will be more capable than myself at conquering a nation on my return and bringing about everlasting night.

Not with that attitude I won't. I think to the mysterious voice who's body I accidentally hijacked while I get up to dust myself off.

Fine, fine. I can deal with this. We'll get back down there- The impression of the world above imprints on my mind -we'll take back the kingdom that is rightfully mine, gain vengeance on my sister- An impression of said "Sister" touches my mind -and we shall bring about Night Eternal and rule forevermore. Simple, no way it could possibly go wrong with a fool in control of my form.

I sense a great deal of sarcasm and cynicism from you.


From the growl, I can safely assume I was correct. I start wandering the moon I'm standing on-

My face finds itself in the ground as I trip on air somehow.

My plan is doomed.

Don't be so down Mrs. Brown!

I am Nightmare Moon-

Because when things seem hard or tough!

Oh no. A heartsong!?!

And people seem stupid, obnoxious or daft.


And you feel like you've had quite eno-o-o-ough!~

AN: Inspired by a different fanfic entirely. Watcha think?
I.... think that it's unreadable on a white background unless I highlight the whole thing ;)

That said, very silly and cracky fun :)
Wrong Nightmare 2
Wrong Nightmare
So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure how amazingly unlikely is your birth~ And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space because there's bugger all down her on the moon!

We're lost now.

Moony? What are you- Oh. I just noticed that it was very dark now, and presumably I was on the dark side of the moon after galloping/gliding through the air. Wait a minute! I can just fly out- I immediately faceplant when I attempt to fly.

You can't fly you imbecile.

But I was flying just a minute ago! I get up to start dusting myself off. Oh! Hey! I have a star field for hair!

That was because of the heartsong, it tends to heighten competence. It's an ancient, difficult to understand, and powerful magic. And you didn't even bother paying attention to your surroundings while you were whisked away in it.

Whoopsy doodles, guess I'll have to try harder next time. Hey, how do I deal with the pitch black darkness? I mean sure, I could attempt to navigate by the stars, there's billions of them, and I can see the outlines of the landscape well enough. But I think that I'm deep in the dark side of the moon right now so it may take a while to get back to daylight.

I am the Queen of the Night, how can you not see in the dark?

Well, clearly I'm bad at using natural abilities. Like flight.

Grrr. Fine. Cast a light spell.

How do I use light?

We're doomed. I'm going to die on my own moon.

Oh come on, don't be so pessimistic. How about I just try things alright?

Fine. You should feel your magic within yourself, deep in your heart.

Hmm... I think I know that feeling you're referring to. Is it a warm and fuzzy feeling inside my heart?

That should work. Focus on that feeling, now imagine it extending outwards-

Brilliant white light sparkles out of the spiraling black horn I just noticed was coming out of my forehead. How do I miss such obvious things- I can see!

Wonderful. The incompetent knows the easiest spell in existence.

Thank you for your vote of confidence!

... She sighs- No.

Fine. Why, honestly, this makes me feel so amazing! I jump across a pit I would have fallen into had not had my MYSTICAL LIGHTBEAM OF SEEING coming out of my onyx unicorn horn.

Let's try getting someplace a bit more useful than.

Yes! I shall learn more of this MYSTICAL ARTS!

I swear I will rip your eyes out once I'm able to.

Yeesh, dark. Don't you know how to live a little Nightmare?

I will "Live a little" once Celestia lies in the dirt.

You truly are a bundle of light and joy aren't you?

I would kill you if I could. No, wait, I'd torture you first, then kill you, then eat you.

Goodness! You truly know how to-

What was that?

I immediately snap to attention from my idle conversation. Sweeping my ray of light across the landscape, back and forth around me- There. A shadow dashed out of the edge of my light. I quickly jerk it, and catch a glimpse of a shadowy creature.

We're not alone.

I can tell. I cautiously keep walking, occasionally glancing behind me, my eyes were positioned differently than on my original body, they were larger, had a wider range of sight, but still pointed forwards primarily. So at least I have depth perception. Hopefully we don't end up attacked.

In order to defend yourself, you will need to hate. Feel deep, unbridled hatred, and then let it loose upon them. It's unrefined, but you might be better suited to a war hammer rather then a rapier.

Nah, hate's just not in my nature. A shadow crosses my vision again as my wings bristle.

You might die otherwise.

I'll defend myself without hating if I have to, but hopefully it won't come to that.

You truly are a fool. If you think I'm going to sit here and let you get us both killed then you will have another thing coming.

Don't worry, we'll be fine.

I'm shackled to an idiot.

That's harsh, I'm ignorant, but not an- Something grabbed my rear left ankle, I froze. It felt ice cold, like a long tendril twisting up my limb. I jumped away, hooves kicked off the ground sending me forwards in the low gravity. I twist in the air, and get a good look at the creature that was chasing me. It looked like mist, a mist made of stars, kind of like my mane and tail really.

Kill it!

No, it retreated at the same time as me, dashing backwards along the ground, skittering with false tendrils. It's clearly scared.

With good reason, as you are going to hunt it down and kill it for daring to touch my divine figure-

I'm not going to harm anything for no reason. Least of all fear and pride. Perhaps...

Don't you dare!

I shut off my light, and wait. The only light I can see is coming from my flowing star field of a mane and tail.

You're going to get us killed.

Trust me.

The last pony I trusted betrayed me, abandoned me in my time of need, forgot me in her own shadow.


I demand you get us out of here this-

I feel that same tingling frozen feeling touch me again, this time in my chest. I raise a forehoof, and I feel it retract from me. I hold it out towards it. Several moments later, I feel a cold chill in my hood. See Nightmare? It's friendly.

For now.

Try to relax. I feel it curl up my foreleg, slowly, cautiously, a faintly flowing starry mist now visible, my eyes having adjusted at least a little bit to the dark. I see a pair of glowing eyes floating within it, hovering in front of my face. Slowly, cautiously I speak.

"Hello there little fella." I say warmly, like you would to a puppy that was worried.

It quirked it's 'head' for a moment, before retreating into the darkness. Well, guess there's nothing left to do then.

It must have realized it couldn't kill us on it's own, even in the vulnerable position you placed us in. We will likely have to fight a pack of them at the minimum.

Oh don't be such a drama queen- my thoughts are interrupted as I trip into a pit due to not watching where I was going, due to not having my light on.


AN: What do you think of my continuation?
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Polymath (Worm SI)
I woke with a start, the taste of bile in my throat and my head hammering, the touch of cold linoleum on my face. I wiped at my face, rubbing some vomit off as I lean up, cradling my head. I climb up to my feet before crashing down onto the bathroom counter top. Leaning against it I shift over to the sink and crush the knobs, before throwing cold water in my face and staring blearily in the mirror. Where were my glasses? I focused what I could at myself, I was still wearing my coat, a heavy black thing covered in pockets, disheveled as it was. The last thing I remember was going to the bar with my older brother for my 21'st birthday, I met this girl who my brother convinced me to meet up with. Both of us were drunk, but that's alright, it was a party after all.

The fuck happened afterwards though?

I searched around for my glasses before finding it resting on top of the toilet, carefully pushing it on I take a moment to observe my surroundings. I was in a hotel bathroom, I checked my pockets to find I lacked my wallet.

Son of a bitch, did the girl from last night rob me? I always have it in my inside coat pocket but I can't feel it.

I leave the bathroom after a couple more moments of searching it, the hotel room looks clean, oddly so. After searching for a solid ten minutes I couldn't find my wallet, damn, she really must have stolen it. I head over to the window, light streaming in from behind its pulled curtains. Flinging the curtains open I see-

A solid wall of light seers my vision, covering them quickly I throw the curtain shut.

What the hell was that? The window isn't even a damn window?

I rush to the door leading out of the hotel room, slamming it open I find my shoes impacting cement flooring, I look around vigorously, wherever I am it's utilitarian. The door wasn't locked thankfully.

The hallway leads off in two directions, left, and right. Well, when in doubt.

I head right down the utilitarian, cement hallway. The ceiling occasionally had a long utilitarian light basking the hallway in dim light. I pass a few doors with various names on them, glancing inside gave me various thoughts. Although most of them were locked, among such being things such as recycling, transport, storage, garden, zoo. Whatever was going on, I wanted to know.

I did a double take on one of the simple designed doors, labeled "Weapons". I test the doorknob to find that, surprisingly, it's unlocked. Stepping inside, I see more guns than I've ever seen in my life.

An utterly intensely large room to be certain, racks upon racks upon racks of weapons, completed, taken apart, kitted out and simple. From high end military hardware such as what was some oversized machine guns to simple muskets. It even had knives, swords, maces, spears, halberds. More than I could ever know of. Walking down one of the aisles, I realized that they were sorted by function, design, and purpose. I stopped when I realized that I could recognize the names and model numbers of weapons I had never even seen before, how they functioned, and even how to use them.

I'd only ever fired so much as a pistol once in my life.

Gently, carefully, I picked up an M1911, an American classic. It's barrel was clear and the magazine in it was empty, but a quick check over to the utterly massive piles of ammo gave me a fully loaded gun and a pair of spare magazines in my coat pockets.

Moving with purpose, I hold the weapon at the ready as I reenter the corridor and continue down. Within minutes, and many other doors, I find a large pair of double doors simply labeled "Control".

I reach out with a single hand, and creek it open.

It's a large, round room. Dozens upon dozens of screens, shut off circle the room. And at the center of it all, a grand, large chair built into the floor, grooves along the room crossing and circling around it. I can see some feet dangling out from it. Circling the chair from a fair distance I focus my gun on the figure, an odd musky scent crossing my senses. I come to face the front.

I lower my gun, it's a skeleton. Long since dead. In some kind of suit, gripping a small leather bound book in one hand and a German Luger in the other. I pry the book away from the corpse with my free hand, carefully as to disturb it as little as possible. The cover is written in simple gold lettering.


With no other clue to go off of, I open it.

My name is of no importance, if you are here than you are perhaps the one I made this place for, I cannot remember why, or how I came to decide on this places creation. The current date is 3, 21, 1940, the location is Brockton Bay, a small city located on the East Coast of the United States of America.

Please use this place for whatever you may need, I hope it is of more use for you than it was for me. Read this book, it will tell you everything you'll ever need to know.

I pause after reading the message. What the hell is going on-

Wait a fucking minute. Brockton Bay? I hope to hell this is wrong, because I don't want to be in Worm. Hell! I didn't even read the damn thing!

I turn to head out of the room when something catches my eye above the double doorway I entered.

A Nazi flag, old, worn, and with bullet holes in it, the pockmarks behind the flag show that those shots were while it was here.

I glance between the corpse and the flag, pondering what could have gone on here once upon a time.

AN: Inspired by the "Extension" of the original Worm CYOA. The SI's power is Polymath, basically, Eidolon but with skills that can get ramped up to Parahuman levels of extremes.

Also, I need to write far, far more.
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Oh, hey, I didn't know this was still around/alive! I had stopped getting updates awhile back...

As to the latest snippet, it's not really to my taste, but let's keep going and see what happens.