Magus Ascendant (Warlock of the Magus World/The Gamer inspired quest)

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A/N: for readers of my other two quests 'Going for a Walk' and 'Adventurer Quest', I am not...
A1C1: Creation


Hiding from the light of day.
Calgary, Canada.
A/N: for readers of my other two quests 'Going for a Walk' and 'Adventurer Quest', I am not dropping them. I am, unfortunately, putting GfaW on hiatus. Though it's the more popular of the two, my muse refuses to cooperate and focus. Thus we have this. So I will be splitting my attention between this and AQ until inspiration strikes.

A/N 2: for those that haven't read the Warlock of the Magus Word light novel, there is a glossary of terms that might affect your votes at the bottom or the post. Please read that before making your choices. I will also answer any questions you may have.

A/N 3: make sure votes are in the proper format ([X][category] vote) or they won't be counted!


Summary: The Magus world, a land filled with both strife and wonder. Here, the value of the average human is akin to that of mundane animals and livestock. In this land of magic and mystery, only those with the power and drive to ascend to the lofty ranks of the Magi can be said to hold true worth. It is in this world that your story takes place. You, who have been found to hold the potential to become a Magus. You journey will be a long and dangerous one. Your goal? To reach the upper ranks of Magus kind and stand as a god among ants.


Magus Ascendant
Arc One: Initiate.
Chapter One: Creation.

With a rattling jolt that you have long grown used to, you feel the carriage come to a stop. The horses neigh and snort, perhaps relieved that their months long duty is complete. You do not know, nor do you care.

You look up, taking in your surroundings and the forms of your peers. A majority are morose, looking down at their feet with worried expressions. As they should be. Your numbers are far less than what they were at the start of this journey. A carriage that once housed twenty youths now holds only seven. The final leg of the trip had been… arduous. Constant attacks by monsters, deadly flora and dangerous fauna have seen to a steady decrease in your numbers.

The inside of the carriage reeks of unwashed bodies and human waste yet none of you complain, not when a single step outside could mean your death. You recall Tobias, a carefree and exuberant boy your age. A single step out the carriage door to relieve himself. A single bite from a small, buzzing insect. He was dead before the third step. The memory causes you shudder and you instead focus on the approaching footsteps. You can see the others look up at the sound, realization starting to change their expressions to one of excitement and relief. This is it after all, the end of the journey and the start of a new one.

The door slams open with a crash, causing you all to jump. One of the black robed guards enter, his face a stoic mask but his eyes burning with emotion. Not good ones. Never good ones. He sniffs the air and sneers, his gaze sweeping over you all with contempt.

"We have arrived." He growls, voice deep and rough. "Collect your luggage and meet in the center square."

Then he turns and exits the carriage.

You exchange looks with the others. Some frown and glower when they catch your eye. A number simply nod and move on. One grins and gives you a thumbs up. You return the gesture and stand, following the crowd out of the carriage and into the light. The sound is the first thing that hits you. A cacophony of voices and noises mixing together in an unintelligible thrum. The smell hits you next. After weeks in the stench of the carriage, your first breath of the fresh ocean air is magnificent. It is a moist, salty scent that seems to flow through you and wash your cares away. Finally, is the sight.

Before you stretches a wide expanse of buildings and people. Hundreds of cabins and tents dot the land, the flat grassland having been cleared to make room for this temporary meeting area. Moving among them are the people. Thousands of youths much like yourself, ranging from age eleven to fourteen, wander the area. Some are moving with purpose, while others are just milling about the area. There is a great mix of appearances, something to be expected as all the children here have been gathered from all corners of the continent.

Then, there are the robed figures. Men and women in robes of black or white make their way through the groups of children. They are given a wide berth and respectful treatment from those they pass.

This is it. The academy recruitment area. This, is where your journey as a Magus begins.

But first. Who are you?

What is your Origin?
[][origin] SI: a reincarnated soul dropped into a world you previously thought of as fiction, you have subsumed the soul of your host and taken their place in this strange world. You have some degree of Meta knowledge, nothing that can be exploited to give you a massive advantage but enough that you can avoid some of the pitfalls and dangers of this world.

[][origin] OC: an inhabitant of this world, it is all you have ever known. You are taking your first steps out of the mundanity of life and into the world of Magi. Everything from this point on will be new and amazing. You will have to work hard and remain diligent in order to gain a grasp of this new world and ascend to the ranks of the Magi.

What is your Name?
[][name] Write in: first name only unless you choose the [Little Noble] backstory.

What is your Backstory?
[][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
You might not have known it but it's true, you were born to be a Magus! At least, that's what the weird guy in the white robes said.

There you were, just walking (running) down the street one day, minding your own business (fleeing from angry guards) when some weirdo suddenly pulls you into a dark alley and starts rambling on about 'strong spiritual force' and 'high grade potential'. Well, being the accommodating person that you are (desperate to hide), you decided to hear the fellow out (as far away from the prying eyes of the guards as possible). Best decision ever!

As it turned out, the guy was actually one of the guards for a caravan transporting all sorts of kids your age to become acolytes and eventually, Magi. As if that wasn't fantastical enough, the guy was also able to sense your raw potential, a natural talent for the magical arts far above that of anyone on the continent. Suffice to say, the guy was pretty dang desperate to have you join their little caravan. He was even willing to sponsor you and pay your way through, within limit and for future recompense of course.

Well, being a homeless orphan with not a whole lot tying them down (as well as some pretty angry shopkeepers and guards looking to wreck your shit), you'd gladly agreed and rode off with the caravan (after making sure it was legit and full of rich, noble brats rather than dumb, gullible orphans of course. You're homeless, not stupid)
You start with:
A degree of 'street smarts'.
A Spiritual Grade of 5.
10 Magic Crystals.​
Spiritual Force stat starts at a base value of 2 and grows at twice the rate.
All spells are 50% easier to master.
You will have a guaranteed entry into any academy of your choice and will receive some degree of blatant favoritism from your assigned professor.
Your sponsor will be willing to provide you with some extra instruction or funds.
You have a 50% Chance to start with Basic Magus training and stats.

Your street urchin background, poor etiquette and luck-of-the-draw talent will alienate a majority of your peers.
You start with a Sworn Enemy.​
Your sponsor will expect an equal or greater reimbursement of their time and resources when you advance. The more you rely on and borrow from them, the more you will be expected to repay.

[][backstory] The Little Noble: born of an ancient and noble bloodline, you are the last remaining member of your branch of the family. Gifted with prodigious talent for the Knightly arts, it has also been discovered that you hold just enough potential to perhaps become a Magus. The first of your line to do so. Lacking a natural talent for magic, you instead grasp at greatness with an unstoppable drive to succeed and a body born of the highest pedigree.
Centuries ago, one of your ancestors lent great aid to a wandering Magus. In payment, the Magus handed them a bag of Magic Crystals. This tale, you learn from your lord Uncle as he unseals the family vault and hands you an black, silver embroidered bag full of clinking gemstones. Why? Because for the first time in countless generations, a potential Magus has been born into your noble family.


Yes, as if your great talent with the Grand Knight techniques of your family weren't enough, it has been discovered that you have the talent to succeed as a Magus. So, with nothing but a bag of Magic Crystals, your Cross Sword and a few of your favorite articles of clothing, you set off with a caravan of your fellow scions, and a number of black and white cloaked guards.

You have said your goodbyes and shed your tears, for the path of a Magus is both long and arduous. The chance you will survive or even return within your Uncles lifetime is so low as to be nonexistent. This single chance is all that is left to you, the last carrier of your deceased mother and father's noble bloodlines. It is up to you to become a great Magus and establish a strong family in their honor.
You start with:
A degree of 'etiquette' and 'basic knowledge'.
Preparatory-level Knight training.
A [Cross Sword] and some high quality clothes wear.
30 Magic Crystals (a minimum of 10 will be required for school fees).​
Your Strength, Agility and Vitality stats start at a base value of 1 and grow at twice the rate.
Physique based spells and abilities are 50% easier to master.
You have a 50% chance to start with Knight-level training and stats.

You are more of a warrior than a mage, a great deal of luck will be required to become an official Magus.
Your Spiritual Grade is 3.​
Your noble upbringing, while somewhat militant, has imparted some bad habits. You will look down on those of a lower standing, often earning their ire with your attitude.
You have a 1d100% chance to choose the more frivolous and extravagant options for non-essential votes.​

[][backstory] The Lowborn Scholar: you are but the child of a lowly merchant family, yet your appetite for knowledge is voracious. Your talent for magic is adequate (spiritual grade 4) but combined with your thirst for knowledge, you have the potential to become something truly... terrifying.
Well read and studious, you can always be found with your head in some book or another. Perhaps not the best of habits for the lowborn child of a merchant but you can't help it, there's just so much you don't know about the world and your parents trade is such a waste of your great intelligence. As was becoming a usual occurrence, you'd skipped out on a day of minding the shop to go to the small library down the road. To your dismay, you came to find that you've already read every single legible book in the place. Not that there were many but still.

Despairing for something, anything, to read, you'd gone searching through the tomes too old or damaged to be read. It was during this search that you'd discovered it. A thick, leather bound tome similar to all the rest, except written in a foreign language. A language you'd seen some mention and translation of in other books. The Byron Language, the language of Magi. This is enough for you to understand the importance of the seemingly ordinary tome.

A quick translation with a language primer and you discovered that the book was in fact a journal, a journal belonging to a Magus that once passed through the area. You had no idea how it ended up here or why, but you could clearly recognize the value of the item in your hands.

Thus a plan was born.

There were no more books left for you to read, not here at least, but in the academy… oh yes, the Magus academies are known to have shelves upon shelves of books, hundreds of which you've never even heard of. Yes, with this journal as collateral, you could easily buy your way into one of the academies and lay your hands on all of that glorious knowledge.

So, you went about putting your plan into action. Your bags were packed, the next caravan to the academies was researched and your parents were convinced into giving their, grudging, approval.

Now you've set off. To a world of knowledge and wonder.
You start with:
Basic knowledge in all subjects.
Advanced knowledge in all mundane subjects.
A simplified primer on the Byron Language.
15 Magic Crystals (a minimum of 10 is will be required to pay school fees).​
Self study and Research related efforts take half as long and are twice as effective.
Previously researched actions, including spells, have an additional 25% chance to succeed.
You have a 50% chance to start with Byron Language already learned.

Your great intellect and thirst for knowledge has given you a haughty, know-it-all personality. This attitude might make you some enemies.
You are 1d100% chance more likely to choose the most knowledge gaining option during a vote. This can be both good and bad.​

What is your Cheat power?
[][power] Sharingan: you have an altered version of the Copy Wheel Eye, an ocular technique of great power and versatility. Be warned however, that though they are powerful, these eyes are said to carry a great curse.
Passively grants:
Near perfect sight.
Enhanced reflexes.
+50% boost to Fire Affinity.
+0.5 to base Agility and Spiritual Force.​
When active, can grant:
An eidetic memory.
The ability to see Magic in others.
An enhanced clarity of perception.
Immunity to illusions and most mental magics.
The ability to copy any action you witness (especially spells and magical acts).
The ability to cast minor illusions and hypnosis.​
Can evolve into:
The Mangekyo: easily achieved - just add grief and despair.
The Eternal Mangekyo: hard - will require a spare pair of Mangekyo eyes.
The Rinnegan: difficult but not impossible - you will need to gain some measure of a plant-type bloodline or nature magic.
The Rinne Sharingan: near impossible - somehow absorb the equivalent power of nine Rank 5+ Magi.​

You gain the Curse of Hatred trait: a Magus must at times be cold and unfeeling, you are not. You are more prone to emotional attachments and outbursts. Feelings of Love, Betrayal, Grief and Anger affect you far more strongly than others. You are more susceptible to emotion based attacks.
Can be temporarily negated or permanently removed.​
You gain the Sage's Eyes trait: while your spirit is strong, your body is not.
Base Strength is reduced by 1 (minimum value of 0.1) and grows at half the rate.
Can be temporarily negated or permanently removed.​
The value of your eyes is beyond compare. Should anyone in the magus world ever discover them and their abilities, they will not hesitate to claim them. By any means necessary.

[][power] The Gamer: you are the personification of bullshit. The rules and laws all other Magi must obey are but mere guidelines and suggestions to you. You cheating cheater. (Ability mechanics altered slightly to fit the setting).
Passively grants:
An immunity to all illusions and mental magics.
An absurd healing factor.
+1 to base Vitality.
An unprecedented rate of growth in all categories and abilities.​
You have access to your Stats, Skills and Inventory menus.


Your body, mind and soul are pure bullshit. If absolutely any Magus learns of this, you will wish for a swift death by the time they are done… experimenting.

[][power] Saiyan: you have been granted a powerful heritage. Strong, fast and able to utilize your magic in strange and unique ways, you might truly be the ultimate warrior.
Passively grants:
Enhanced reflexes and senses.
Triples your base Life Force.
+1.5 to base Strength, Agility and Vitality.
All stats gain a substantial increases after recovering from near fatal injuries.​
Can use Spiritual Force stat to perform Ki techniques.
Can later gain and utilize all Super Saiyan and Oozaru transformations.

You gain the Conflict Seeker trait: your warrior blood gives you an inborn need to fight, to seek out new opponents and challenges. While the need and ability to grow stronger can be beneficial, your desire for a strong fight and aggressive attitude can oft times be detrimental.
Can be temporarily negated or removed.​
You are able to control your power in strange and unique ways, as well as achieve never before seen transformations with great destructive power. Other Magi are certainly going to take an… interest.

*Robed Figures: the figures in black robes are Knights, the white robes are Acolytes and Magi. They have been assigned to collecting and protecting new students for the academy.

*Spiritual Grades: there are 5 grades of magical potential, the higher the number, the quicker the Acolyte can advance magically and the greater base chance they have of breaking through to the Official Magus level. A grade of 5 has a 90% chance, 4 is 50%, 3 is 10%, 2 and 1 are near enough to 0% to not matter.

*Acolyte and Official Magi: acolytes are Magi in training and are pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. There are 3 ranks of the acolyte stage and only rank 2 and three can even use the weakest of spells. It can take anywhere from thirty to a hundred years for the average acolyte to become an official Magus, if they advance at all. Official Magi are the true powerhouses of the Magus world and reaching this level gives an individual some modicum of importance. Official magi are monumentally more powerful than acolytes and are capable of easily defeating whole armies of both mundane soldiers and acolytes without batting an eye. There are 9 true ranks of official Magi, each is more difficult to reach than the last but is also inconceivably more powerful than the lower ranks.

*Spiritual Force: the stat needed to advance as a magus and cast spells. It is the most important stat.

*Magic Crystal: the premier currency of the magical world. It out values gold coins to a tremendous degree and is required to purchase absolutely anything in the Magus World. A single low grade crystal is worth almost 10,000 gold coins.

*Stat values: a value of 1 in any stat is the average for an adult human. Any value past this makes one equal to that number of humans working together at the same task.
Strength: a measure of physical might. Strength determines all melee and body related aspects such as how high you can jump, how hard you can hit, and how much you can lift, etc.

Agility: a measure of physical alacrity. Agility determines all speed and dexterity related aspects such as how fast you can run or attack, and how quickly you can react to stimuli, etc.

Vitality: a measure of overall wellness. Vitality is an incredibly important stat that determines all health and endurance, as well as a few spiritual, related aspects, such as: your overall health (1 vit = 1 hp), your physical durability, your regeneration speed, your maximum Spiritual Force and your overall Life Force.

Spiritual Force: a measure of spiritual might. Spiritual Force is an incredibly important stat that determines many vital aspects such as your rank, what spells you can use and for how long, your overall Magic Power, as well as your overall Life Force.

Magic Power: a measure of magical might. Magic Power is required in the casting of various spells. Magic Power value is always equal to or lower than your total Spiritual Force.

Life Force: a measure of overall life. Life Force is the total amount, in years, you will naturally live. It can be used in the casting of certain spells.

*Spell Mastery: spells are difficult to master and can have harmful consequences when failed. It takes time and practice to fully master a spell.

*Debt: Magi are not good or nice people. They are self centered and only care about how best they can manipulate a situation to their advantage. Being in debt to a Magus is alright if it is a small amount that can be later paid off through valuables or services. Go too far into debt however, and you will find yourself forced into an unfavorable contract or even becoming a slave.

*Etiquette and Knowledge: the setting of this world is medieval fantasy. Being educated is a sign of nobility, most Magus aspirants are nobles. There is an expected level of etiquette you must follow and failing this can make you enemies. In the magus world, knowledge is power.

*Knights: knights in this setting are individuals with a meditative breathing technique that purges the body of weakness and greatly strengthens it. A knight is capable of superhuman feats and some magic like abilities. There are 3 official ranks of knight: Preparatory Knight, Knight and Grand Knight. The strongest Grand Knight is no match of a true and prepared Magus, though a magus with knight training has an advantage on one without.

*Cross Sword: a weapon used by knights and required in the use of their arts.

*Self Study: a majority of your magus education will stem from self study. You can learn from an academy professor sure but all will require some form of payment for their lessons and even then, you will only receive the basics unless you can impress.

*Researched bonus: a vast majority of potions, spells, enchantments and the like have low success rates. Finding ways to boost this can be beneficial depending on what route you wish to pursue.

*Elemental Affinity: having an affinity for a certain element makes spells of that element easier to use, cheaper to cast, and more powerful. In turn, spells of the opposite element are weaker and more expensive. A high affinity in a single element is require to advance past the first Magus rank.


Voting is Closed.
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Character Sheet
Name: Cat.
Level: 1.
Rank: Acolyte (Initiate) | Preparatory Knight (Intermediate).

Hp: 208 / 208.
Regen: 2.08 / second.​
Mp: 250 / 250.
Regen: 2.5 / second.​
Sp: 108 / 108.
Regen: 1.08 / second.​

Strength: 1.08.
Agility: 1.18.
Vitality: 2.08.

Spiritual Force: 2.5 / 10.4.
Life Force: 120.8 yrs.

Points: 0.
Status: None.

Weapon said:
Cross Sword | Durability: 88%
A specially designed weapon for use by Knights. It is able to withstand great amounts of strain.
Damage: 0.5 + Str.
Speed: Medium.​


Low-grade Magic Crystal (3).
A special mineral primarily used as currency in the Magus World.
It can be used in a variety of other ways by those who know how.
Small Travel Pack (Full).
A small carrying bag full of a few sets of quality clothing, feminine hygiene products, office supplies and the odd knickknack.
Bladed Weapon Mastery (Passive) | Lv: 19 / 50.
A skill that improves your abilities while wielding a bladed weapon. Only applies while you are holding a bladed weapon or tool.
Increases crit chance by 19%
Increases attack speed by 38%
Increases damage by 57%​
Bluff (Passive) | Lv: 25 / 50.
You know the value of deceit, of leading others astray so that you may benefit.
+25% chance to fool a target.​
Byron Language Comprehension (Passive) | Lv: Max.
A measure of your understanding of the Byron Language. Grants a minor benefit to related skills.
100% understanding of Byron Language.
25% bonus to deciphering Runic Arrays, Spell Formula and Spell Models that use the Byron Language.
25% speed bonus to creating Runic Arrays, Spell Formula and Spell Models using the Byron Language.​
Detect Bloodthirst (Passive) | Lv: 13 / 50.
You inspire a desire to maim and kill in others. Be wary.
Detects any desire to harm the user within 13 ft.
Reveals the source of danger.​
Gamer's Body (Passive) | Lv: Max.
Your body is no longer that of an ordinary human.
+1 Vitality.
Gain Hp, Mp and Sp stats.
Hp, Mp and Sp can be recovered through the use of food, drink and sleep.
Removes the bodily need for food, drink and sleep.​
Gamer's Mind (Passive) | Lv: Max.
Your mind is no longer that of the ordinary human.
Enforces a calm and peaceful state of mind at all times.
Grants an immunity to illusions and all psychological status effects.​
Life Affinity (Passive) | Lv: 1 / 50.
You have a major affinity for the Element of Life. It clings to you like a warm blanket.
Allows the cultivation of [Life] type elemental particles.
Increases the effectiveness of [Life] type meditation techniques by 1%
[Life] type skills gain 1% bonus xp.​
Meditation (Active) | Lv: 21 / 50.
A clear mind can do wonders for the soul. A skill that assists magic regeneration and allows access to the the Sea of Consciousness.
Increases Mp Regen by 84%
External shock may break meditation and cause you to fall into a state of confusion.​
Natural Talent - Magic (Passive) | Lv: Max.
You have a natural talent for the arcane. Your ability to comprehend magic is far beyond that of your peers.
Spiritual Force stat gains double the value when trained.
Element Affinity skills gain double the value when trained.
+50% xp gain to all spells.​
You have a base chance of 90% whenever advancing to another Magus rank.
Observe (Active) | Lv: 15 / 50.
With but a single glance, you are able to ferret out information about a target.
Reveals a variety of detailed information about the target.​
Cost: 5 mp.
Running (Passive) | Lv: 30 / 50.
You are accustomed to running… away from trouble.
+0.3 Agility.
+30% movement speed when fleeing from an enemy.​
Speed Reading (Passive) | Lv: 37 / 50.
A skill that allows you to more quickly read and comprehend information.
Affects your perception of time.
Cannot be used while in combat.
+148% increase to reading speed.​
Soul Affinity (Passive) Lv: 1 / 50.
You have a minor affinity for the Element of Soul. It is drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
Allows the cultivation of [Soul] type elemental particles.
Increases the effectiveness of [Soul] type meditation techniques by 0.5%
[Soul] type skills gain 0.5% bonus xp.​
Steal (Active) | Lv: 20 / 50.
You have learned to take what you want and damn the consequences.
+20% chance to successfully steal a random item from the target and place it in your Inventory.
Requires physical contact with the target.​
Cost: 3 mp.
Two-handed Weapon Mastery (Passive) | Lv: 18 / 50.
A skill that improves your abilities while wielding a weapon with both hands. Only applies while both hands are holding the same weapon or tool.
Increases crit chance by 18%
Increases attack speed by 36%
Increases damage by 54%​
Void Blade Breathing Technique (Active) | Lv: 21 / 50.
A skill capable of elevating the user to the rank of Grand Knight. Allows use of Void Blade techniques.
+0.02 Str so long as Str stat is below 8.00 points.
+0.02 Agi so long as Agi stat is below 8.00 points.
+0.02 Vit so long as Vit stat is below 8.00 points.
+2 Life Force so long as Life Force stat is below 100.​
Can only be used once every 4 hours.
Void Blade Foot Technique (Passive/Active) | Lv: 19 / 50.
A method of quick and efficient movement for users of Void Blade techniques. Skill effects can be affected, both positively and negatively, by your status or reflexes.
Passively increases movement speed by 19%
Increases movement speed by 69% while active.
Increases movement speed by 38% for 3s when [Detect Bloodthirst] is triggered.​
Void Blade Mastery (Passive) | Lv: 19 / 50.
A measure of your skill with Void Blade techniques.
Increases damage of Void Blade techniques by 38%
Increases damage with Cross Swords by 19%
Increases attack speed with Cross Swords by 19%​
Void Spear (Active) | Lv: 1 / 50.
By focusing your negative energy into a weapon and performing a jabbing motion, you launch forth beams of corrosive energy.
Damage: 1 | No. of beams: 1 | Range: 10 ft | Cost: 45 Sp.
50% chance of the beam penetrating a target.
High chance to disintegrate all matter within 1 cm of the beam.​
Etiquette: 6 / 100 (Novice).
-General Knowledge-
Byron Language: 44 / 100.
Magus World: 1 / 100.
South Coast: 1 / 100.​
Minor Ally: Characters that view you in a neutral or positive light. They can be called upon for minor favors and are more likely than not to aid you should you require it.
The Sly One. Glen Arendale is a noble initiate from a minor family. He is sly and clever, with a great fondness for word games and trickery. Glen views you as a neutral entity. He neither likes, nor dislikes you.
Assistance Capability: None
The Brash One. Kulwin Lerondas is a noble initiate from a minor family. He is brash and straightforward, often speaking what is on his mind and bulldozing right to the point of a topic. Kulwin views you in a positive light. He would be willing to extend you a sliver of trust should it ever be required.
Assistance Capability: Minor.
The Leader. Leonard Phale is a noble initiate from a large and powerful family. He is charismatic, friendly and loyal to a fault. Leo views you as a probable friend. He likes that you haven't allowed your natural talent to turn you into an arrogant jerk. He also has a tendency to use you while bragging to others.
Assistance Capability: Minor.
The Adepts. Felix, Issac, Garet, Ivan, Piers, Jenna, Mia, Sheba and Himi are a group of nine teens of minor nobility from a small, coastal nation. The nine are a close-knit group of friends with lofty goals and dreams. They have little to no chance of ever advancing to Official Magus but nine Acolytes working in tandem can achieve great things. The nine have a great deal of respect and awe for your genius status and humble attitude.
Assistance Capability: None.
The Peers. Jeffrey Franzen, Kudric Gallows, Kendra Henson, Nicole Linden and Silvan Holk are the second or third children of minor noble families. They are the Grade Three Initiates of your year and each have a small chance of advancing to Official Magus. They are friendly but highly unexceptional individuals. They view you in a positive light given your status and would be willing to lend their assistance in minor matters.
Assistance Capability: Minor.

Minor Enemy: Characters that view you in a neutral or negative light. They dislike you for one reason or another. They are likely to just ignore you but will not pass up an opportunity to hinder you.
The Hanger-on. Alicia Lerbin is the youngest child of a minor noble house. She is quiet and passive, a sheep in every way. She is one of the many that bullied you during your journey to the recruitment area, not out of dislike but simply because others were doing the same. She has no feeling towards you but will go with the majority opinion should it come down to it.
Threat rating: None.
The Quiet One. Jecob Senok is a young lord of a middling noble house and a Grade Four Initiate of Four Relics Melody. He is silent and observant, often abstaining from conversation so as to observe others. He finds very little interesting and is easily lead around by those with more forceful personalities. He finds you boring and prefers to simply ignore your existence.
Threat Rating: None.
The Bitch. Magritte Helmway is a young lady of a middling noble house. She is snobbish and spoiled, a brat that hates not getting her way. She is one of the many that bullied you during your journey to the recruitment area and refuses to apologize for it. She says that she dislikes you because of your commoner status but the real reason is because she has a crush on Deacon Fiss. Unable to bully you anymore, she chooses to simply ignore you.
Threat Rating: None.
The Snob. Rachel Adderstein is the heiress of a minor noble family and a Grade Four Initiate of Four Relics Harmony. She is icy and snobbish but can become very heated when the topic is something she holds interest in. She dislikes you for your slight against her crush, Lucifer Nocturne, and is set on pretending like you don't exist.
Threat Rating: None.

Sworn Enemy: Characters that hold a great deal of negative emotion towards you. They hate you and all that you stand for. They will do all in their power to hinder you.
The Little Lord. Deacon Fiss is a young noble and the nephew of your towns lord, the Duke Rosenthal. Due to events that transpired when he was young, Deacon has a deep hatred for commoners. He has focused this hatred on you, the uppity commoner from his hometown that dares to aim for the prestigious rank of Magus.
Threat Rating: Moderate.
The Dream of Gaia. Lucifer Nocturne is a Peak Rank One magus and a high ranking professor of the Oakenbrook academy. He holds a grudge against the Neilis family for reasons unknown. Following your first conversation with him, wherein you unknowingly slighted him, he has come to view you as an agent of the Neilis family and thus, an enemy. His vows to the Academy keep him from overtly acting against you but he is patient and cunning.
Threat Rating: Deadly.
Minor Debt: Your sponsor, Klaus Neilis, has gifted you 10 Low-Grade Magic Crystals, as well as a traveling bag and an assortment of clothes and supplies. You are expected to pay this back when you can, preferably with 15 Low-Grade Magic Crystals or by signing a contract with his family.
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Quest Mechanics and Info
I plan for this quest to be light on numbers and dice rolls. Should one be needed, a d20 or d100 will be used.

Combat will be a matter of preparation, good planning on the voters parts, and a roll or two for luck.

Stats are the only hard numbers that will matter and only as a measure of your progress and capability. The main stats are:
Strength: a measure of physical might. Strength determines all melee and body related aspects such as how high you can jump, how hard you can hit, and how much you can lift, etc. The average human has a Strength value of 1.

Agility: a measure of physical alacrity. Agility determines all speed and dexterity related aspects such as how fast you can run or attack, and how quickly you can react to stimuli, etc. The average human has an Agility value of 1.

Vitality: a measure of overall wellness. Vitality is an incredibly important stat that determines all health and endurance, as well as a few spiritual, related aspects, such as: your overall health (1 vit = 10 hp), your physical durability, your regeneration speed, your maximum Spiritual Force and your overall Life Force. The average human has a Vitality value of 1.

Spiritual Force: a measure of spiritual might. Spiritual Force is an incredibly important stat that determines many vital aspects such as your rank, what spells you can use and for how long, your overall Magic Power, as well as your overall Life Force. The average human has a Spiritual Force value of 0.1.

Magic Power: a measure of magical might. Magic Power is required in the casting of various spells. Magic Power value is always equal to or lower than your total Spiritual Force. The average human has a Magic Power value of 0.1.

Life Force: a measure of overall life. Life Force is the total amount, in years, you will naturally live. It can be used in the casting of certain spells. The average human has a Life Force value of 80.​
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[X] Plan: Mary Sue??
[X][origin] SI: a reincarnated soul dropped into a world you previously thought of as fiction, you have subsumed the soul of your host and taken their place in this strange world. You have some degree of Meta knowledge, nothing that can be exploited to give you a massive advantage but enough that you can avoid some of the pitfalls and dangers of this world.
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] Sharingan: you have an altered version of the Copy Wheel Eye, an ocular technique of great power and versatility. Be warned however, that though they are powerful, these eyes are said to carry a great curse.

Plan thingy.
[X][origin] OC: an inhabitant of this world, it is all you have ever known. You are taking your first steps out of the mundanity of life and into the world of Magi. Everything from this point on will be new and amazing. You will have to work hard and remain diligent in order to gain a grasp of this new world and ascend to the ranks of the Magi.
[X][name] Cat
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] The Gamer: you are the personification of bullshit. The rules and laws all other Magi must obey are but mere guidelines and suggestions to you. You cheating cheater. (Ability mechanics altered slightly to fit the setting).
[X][origin] OC: an inhabitant of this world, it is all you have ever known. You are taking your first steps out of the mundanity of life and into the world of Magi. Everything from this point on will be new and amazing. You will have to work hard and remain diligent in order to gain a grasp of this new world and ascend to the ranks of the Magi.
[X][name] Cat
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] The Gamer: you are the personification of bullshit. The rules and laws all other Magi must obey are but mere guidelines and suggestions to you. You cheating cheater. (Ability mechanics altered slightly to fit the setting).
[X][origin] OC: an inhabitant of this world, it is all you have ever known. You are taking your first steps out of the mundanity of life and into the world of Magi. Everything from this point on will be new and amazing. You will have to work hard and remain diligent in order to gain a grasp of this new world and ascend to the ranks of the Magi.
[X][name] Cat
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] The Gamer: you are the personification of bullshit. The rules and laws all other Magi must obey are but mere guidelines and suggestions to you. You cheating cheater. (Ability mechanics altered slightly to fit the setting).
I love the concept of this quest
[][backstory] The Lowborn Scholar: you are but the child of a lowly merchant family, yet your appetite for knowledge is voracious. Your talent for magic is adequate but combined with your thirst for knowledge, you have the potential to become something truly... terrifying.
@Kolarthecool you didn't mention the talent level of the scholar. what is it?
That is a pretty nifty thing to have with how important knowledge is.
Passively grants:
Enhanced reflexes and senses.
Triples your base Life Force.
+1.5 to base Strength, Agility and Vitality.
All stats gain a substantial increases after recovering from near fatal injuries.Can use Spiritual Force stat to perform Ki techniques.
Can later gain and utilize all Super Saiyan and Oozaru transformations.
Cool, btw if I am not mistaken a sayajin should also have these powers:
1. Healing for injuries that didn't kill you makes you more powerful
2. A low level telepathy forming a collective subconscious with other of your race (or half humans) which allows to rapidly figure out things that they grasped as well (this is why once Goku figured out SSJ everyone else became SSJ so quickly as well; they downloaded it from his mind subconsciously)

Amusingly enough, many people assume that sayajin human hybrids are stronger than pure sayajin because of how easily they went SSJ, but author explained it was actually the telepathy thing

The Eternal Mangekyo: hard - will require a spare pair of Mangekyo eyes.
So... start a clan, then harvest the eyes of one of your children for the upgrade?
I guess instead of killing them ourselves we can make them wear a magic item that will auto preserve the corpse in case of death and wait until one of them dies naturally...

Of course, better make sure not to get harvested yourself... And the emotional drawback thing here might make things a bit harder
This seems like the only power on the list that is not inheritable.
*Roped Figures: the figures in black robes are Knights, the white robes are Acolytes and Magi. They have been assigned to collecting and protecting new students for the academy.
Robed not roped
The ability to copy any action you witness (especially spells and magical acts).
I just realized, this would let us cheat like CRAZY in crafting. To the point where we can basically just print money. our only real limitation would be to not out ourselves as having a cheat and getting our eyes harvested.
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[X][origin] OC: an inhabitant of this world, it is all you have ever known. You are taking your first steps out of the mundanity of life and into the world of Magi. Everything from this point on will be new and amazing. You will have to work hard and remain diligent in order to gain a grasp of this new world and ascend to the ranks of the Magi.
[X][name] Vegetta
[x][backstory] The Lowborn Scholar: you are but the child of a lowly merchant family, yet your appetite for knowledge is voracious. Your talent for magic is adequate but combined with your thirst for knowledge, you have the potential to become something truly... terrifying.
[x][power] Sharingan: you have an altered version of the Copy Wheel Eye, an ocular technique of great power and versatility. Be warned however, that though they are powerful, these eyes are said to carry a great curse.

I want to be a research addict!
Also, I love gamer to death but I find it gets overwhelming in quests, too many numbers and spreadsheets. Sharingan is an awesome cheat too and will synergize very well with the scholar.

Interestingly the orphan + gamer combo that people are voting for is good because while the extra attention we would have would be dangerous, the fact we have T5 talent would actually mitigate somewhat suspicion at our advancement rate, and our life experiences should teach us the value of keeping silent about this
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I love the concept of this quest

@Kolarthecool you didn't mention the talent level of the scholar. what is it?

That is a pretty nifty thing to have with how important knowledge is.

A sayajin should also have these powers:
1. Healing for injuries that didn't kill you makes you more powerful
2. A low level telepathy forming a collective subconscious with other of your race (or half humans) which allows to rapidly figure out things that they grasped as well (this is why once Goku figured out SSJ everyone else became SSJ so quickly as well; they downloaded it from his mind subconsciously)

Amusingly enough, many people assume that sayajin human hybrids are stronger than pure sayajin because of how easily they went SSJ, but author explained it was actually the telepathy thing

So... start a clan, then harvest the eyes of one of your children for the upgrade?
I guess instead of killing them ourselves we can make them wear a magic item that will auto preserve the corpse in case of death and wait until one of them dies naturally...

Of course, better make sure not to get harvested yourself... And the emotional drawback thing here might make things a bit harder

This seems like the only power on the list that is not inheritable.

Robed not roped

I just realized, this would let us cheat like CRAZY in crafting. To the point where we can basically just print money. our only real limitation would be to not out ourselves as having a cheat and getting our eyes harvested.

The Scholar has an adequate grade, this equates to a 4. 50% base chance to advance to official Magus.

There is a mention that you gain a substantial stat boost from surviving near fatal injuries. Totally did not know about Saiyan telepathy though (other than Goku's bullshit memory scan of Krillain on Namek), that's pretty cool. It won't really come into play unless you make more Saiyans though.

Since I'm altering all powersets (gamer is a bit different and Saiyan doesnt force a transformation from seeing the moon) I'll allow you to use any spare set of Mangekyo eyes. You can just clone your own and it will count.

His version of the Gamer has no party mode but I can make it inheritable if you guys want. The odds of it passing on as is will be low but your descendants can still get minor aspects of it as natual advantages.

Thx for spotting that typo. Fixed.

The Sharingan can be all sorts of bullshit in this setting. Fully matured, it's ability to outright copy any magical effect you can see is a game changer. Things that need special bloodlines or items are still impossible to copy but there is a lot out there that you can steal. And yeah, it basically lets you print money if you focus on crafting.

Interestingly the orphan + gamer combo that people are voting for is good because while the extra attention we would have would be dangerous, the fact we have T5 talent would actually mitigate somewhat suspicion at our advancement rate, and our life experiences should teach us the value of keeping silent about this

The synergy is certainly good but you will still have to hold back or hide a lot of tour progress. What a Grade 5 can do is nothing compared to a Gamer. A Grade 5 advancing to official Magus status before ages 25 to 30 is a prodigy. A Gamer can easily do it in half the time.

Also there will actually be even more attention placed on you as the Talented Orphan. Such a sure chance to suceed means that a lot of other Magi and Magi families will want to earn your favor and either manipulate or entice you.
There is a mention that you gain a substantial stat boost from surviving near fatal injuries. Totally did not know about Saiyan telepathy though (other than Goku's bullshit memory scan of Krillain on Namek), that's pretty cool. It won't really come into play unless you make more Saiyans though.
Fair enough, but it is an interesting incentive to start a large clan. very different gameplay i think.
His version of the Gamer has no party mode but I can make it inheritable if you guys want. The odds of it passing on as is will be low but your descendants can still get minor aspects of it as natual advantages.
Eh, I honestly would rather it not be inheritable by default. Maybe with some self research or reaching a high enough rank?
The synergy is certainly good but you will still have to hold back or hide a lot of tour progress. What a Grade 5 can do is nothing compared to a Gamer. A Grade 5 advancing to official Magus status before ages 25 to 30 is a prodigy. A Gamer can easily do it in half the time.
I thought every official magus advances by 20. That is actually the cutoff point above which you cannot advance to official magus and get stuck as an acolyte for the rest of your life (at least in the starting zone. warlocks are different, as are the twilight zone and central continent since those places freely use high grade meditation technique)

And yea, definitely gotta hide our progress with that combo
The Scholar has an adequate grade, this equates to a 4. 50% base chance to advance to official Magus.
Thanks for clarifying. Can you add that to its description in the first post?
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There is a mention that you gain a substantial stat boost from surviving near fatal injuries. Totally did not know about Saiyan telepathy though (other than Goku's bullshit memory scan of Krillain on Namek), that's pretty cool. It won't really come into play unless you make more Saiyans though.
You know, I am having trouble actually finding a reliable citation on the whole saiyajin telepathy thing.
Some people told me that before from allegedly some japanese only source of author comments but I can't readily find the source. So in retrospect please take it with a grain of salt

the heal stronger thing though was actually abused by vegetta in character when he had intentionally bullied johan into nearly killing him and then got a magic heal for a powerup
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Fair enough, but it is an interesting incentive to start a large clan. very different gameplay i think.

Eh, I honestly would rather it not be inheritable by default. Maybe with some self research or reaching a high enough rank?

I thought every official magus advances by 20. That is actually the cutoff point above which you cannot advance to official magus and get stuck as an acolyte for the rest of your life (at least in the starting zone. warlocks are different, as are the twilight zone and central continent since those places freely use high grade meditation technique)

And yea, definitely gotta hide our progress with that combo

Thanks for clarifying. Can you add that to its description in the first post?

Leylin making Rank 3 Acolyte before 20 was kind of a big deal in the main fic. Hitting Magus around 30 was a milestone that even he set for himself. I think most can still manage it in their late 60s and consider it an achievement. Dont quote me on that though.

This isn't set in the same exact world but I'm going to be keeping a few things the same. For example, you're starting in the South of the continent where reaching Rank 2 is a massive achievement and Rank 3 makes you pretty much a god. The same pitfalls as in the main series will be there (Brine Water and a lack of meditation techniques) but there will be ways around them.

I'll add it to the post.

You know, I am having trouble actually finding a reliable citation on the whole saiyajin telepathy thing.
Some people told me that before from allegedly some japanese only source of author comments but I can't readily find the source. So in retrospect please take it with a grain of salt

the heal stronger thing though was actually abused by vegetta in character when he had intentionally bullied johan into nearly killing him and then got a magic heal for a powerup

Aight, not a big deal anyways as Saiyan isn't even in the running right now. No one wants to go punchy mage lol.

Personally I'm hoping for Sharingan but Gamer could be fun too. I'm altering the mechanics to better fit the setting but a lot of the original ability will be there. (No ID create though, that's not a Gamer Power and I'm not letting you guys abuse it that way)
I hope the saiyan and gamer powers remove the need for the water and the contract to advance to a real magus
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[X] Plan: Mary Sue??
[X][origin] SI: a reincarnated soul dropped into a world you previously thought of as fiction, you have subsumed the soul of your host and taken their place in this strange world. You have some degree of Meta knowledge, nothing that can be exploited to give you a massive advantage but enough that you can avoid some of the pitfalls and dangers of this world.
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] Sharingan: you have an altered version of the Copy Wheel Eye, an ocular technique of great power and versatility. Be warned however, that though they are powerful, these eyes are said to carry a great curse.

The people that want a gamer power should just read the original.:p
I hope the saiyan and gamer powers remove the need for the water and the contract to advance to a real magus

They certainly could yes.
Gamer allows you to level and improve skills by using them constantly, you can totally unlock an Advanced meditation skill simply by using the Elementary version a lot.

Saiyan can let you breakthrough on sheer power alone. After all, your Spiritual Force can only go so high before you cant be considered an Acolyte anymore.

Can someone suggest a name and gender to Plan Mary Sue? If not, I'll just go with one of the other names added to a different vote if it wins.

@mrttao and @Willian: since you both seem to have read the original, can you suggest any magic types from the LN that the MC could learn? I'm making a huge list of different types of magic that you can focus on but I dont want to miss any. Stuff like Body Mods, Illusions, etc.
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[X][origin] SI: a reincarnated soul dropped into a world you previously thought of as fiction, you have subsumed the soul of your host and taken their place in this strange world. You have some degree of Meta knowledge, nothing that can be exploited to give you a massive advantage but enough that you can avoid some of the pitfalls and dangers of this world.
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] Sharingan: you have an altered version of the Copy Wheel Eye, an ocular technique of great power and versatility. Be warned however, that though they are powerful, these eyes are said to carry a great curse.
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[x][power] Sharingan: you have an altered version of the Copy Wheel Eye, an ocular technique of great power and versatility. Be warned however, that though they are powerful, these eyes are said to carry a great curse.

edit: i don't actually care about si or oc.
[X][origin] OC: an inhabitant of this world, it is all you have ever known. You are taking your first steps out of the mundanity of life and into the world of Magi. Everything from this point on will be new and amazing. You will have to work hard and remain diligent in order to gain a grasp of this new world and ascend to the ranks of the Magi.
[X][name] Cat
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] The Gamer: you are the personification of bullshit. The rules and laws all other Magi must obey are but mere guidelines and suggestions to you. You cheating cheater. (Ability mechanics altered slightly to fit the setting).
They certainly could yes.
Them i am changing my vote
X][origin] SI: a reincarnated soul dropped into a world you previously thought of as fiction, you have subsumed the soul of your host and taken their place in this strange world. You have some degree of Meta knowledge, nothing that can be exploited to give you a massive advantage but enough that you can avoid some of the pitfalls and dangers of this world.
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] The Gamer: you are the personification of bullshit. The rules and laws all other Magi must obey are but mere guidelines and suggestions to you. You cheating cheater. (Ability mechanics altered slightly to fit the setting).

@mrttao and @Willian: since you both seem to have read the original, can you suggest any magic types from the LN that the MC could learn? I'm making a huge list of different types of magic that you can focus on but I dont want to miss any. Stuff like Body Mods, Illusions, etc.
From what a can remember you have : Space magic(Portals to other worlds, pocket dimensions), Runes(Base to all magic ? ), Time magic( Literaly seeing the future ),Soul Magic(MC traps people souls all the time to harvest information or to power itens), contract magic?, all kinds of affinites(plant, earth,fire,dark,light,water,wind,poison etc) that you can mix and match like the MC does with his corrosive fireball (fire and dark) if you have more than one.
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Leylin making Rank 3 Acolyte before 20 was kind of a big deal in the main fic.
Because he was only talent 3. which meant he had only 10% chance of reach official magus (aka, meeting the prerequisites before 20)
Hitting Magus around 30 was a milestone that even he set for himself.
There was some contradictory statements there. translation issues
I think most can still manage it in their late 60s and consider it an achievement. Dont quote me on that though.
Grimwater burns lifespan to breakthrough, if you are over 20 it is very difficult to breakthrough (and thus extend lifespan) before dying. the older you are, the harder. breaking through with grimewater at 60 should be impossible
Of course you can change it for your quest if you want, I am only arguing about WMW
Saiyan can let you breakthrough on sheer power alone. After all, your Spiritual Force can only go so high before you cant be considered an Acolyte anymore.
Oh yea, a lot of species have a "body breakthrough".
@mrttao and @Willian: since you both seem to have read the original, can you suggest any magic types from the LN that the MC could learn? I'm making a huge list of different types of magic that you can focus on but I dont want to miss any. Stuff like Body Mods, Illusions, etc.
do you mean spells? or magical particle types? or meditation techniques?
There are ancient curses which are really bizarre, alchemy, enchanting, life (create a genie), clones, transformation that mainly revolve around merging with things either permanently or temporarily like how that friend of leylin merged with the green giant to become a mini hulk or how that enemy merged with metal slime. There are warlocks, bio boosters, branded swordsmen, elemental bards
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[X][origin] OC: an inhabitant of this world, it is all you have ever known. You are taking your first steps out of the mundanity of life and into the world of Magi. Everything from this point on will be new and amazing. You will have to work hard and remain diligent in order to gain a grasp of this new world and ascend to the ranks of the Magi.
[X][name] Cat
[X][backstory] The Talented Orphan: a street urchin with nothing to your name, it has been revealed that you hold a great potential for the arcane arts. Likely inherited from an ancient ancestor. Train hard and cultivate your power. Greatness is within your grasp.
[X][power] The Gamer: you are the personification of bullshit. The rules and laws all other Magi must obey are but mere guidelines and suggestions to you. You cheating cheater. (Ability mechanics altered slightly to fit the setting).
Gamer allows you to level and improve skills by using them constantly, you can totally unlock an Advanced meditation skill simply by using the Elementary version a lot.
That could be a problem, since apprentices use a simplified version of a meditation technique, and presumably it will evolve to the high grade version of the same technique. The problem here is that this technique might not be suitable for us and changing it after you become an official magus is problematic. only apprentices can safely change out their meditation technique

On the other hand, if we choose our school wisely then there is a good chance whatever meditation technique we end up with will match our elementary particle type
EDIT: Closing the vote in 2 hours everyone.

From what a can remember you have : Space magic(Portals to other worlds, pocket dimensions), Runes(Base to all magic ? ), Time magic( Literaly seeing the future ),Soul Magic(MC traps people souls all the time to harvest information or to power itens), contract magic?, all kinds of affinites(plant, earth,fire,dark,light,water,wind,poison etc) that you can mix and match like the MC does with his corrosive fireball (fire and dark) if you have more than one.
Because he was only talent 3. which meant he had only 10% chance of reach official magus (aka, meeting the prerequisites before 20)

There was some contradictory statements there. translation issues

Grimwater burns lifespan to breakthrough, if you are over 20 it is very difficult to breakthrough (and thus extend lifespan) before dying. the older you are, the harder. breaking through with grimewater at 60 should be impossible
Of course you can change it for your quest if you want, I am only arguing about WMW

Oh yea, a lot of species have a "body breakthrough".

do you mean spells? or magical particle types? or meditation techniques?
There are ancient curses which are really bizarre, alchemy, enchanting, life (create a genie), clones, transformation that mainly revolve around merging with things either permanently or temporarily like how that friend of leylin merged with the green giant to become a mini hulk or how that enemy merged with metal slime. There are warlocks, bio boosters, branded swordsmen, elemental bards

Thanks for the ideas, I forgot about a lot of that stuff. I'm going to try and break them down into generalized categories to make it easier. Like you can study Spatial Manipulation as a whole then when you get more into it, it breaks off into pocket dimensions, portals and other such stuff. Then you'll need that and some Enchanting to make Bags of Holding and such.

As for elements, I think I'll stick to the basic 4 (fire, water, earth and wind) plus light and darkness. The more obscure ones can fall as sub-elements of one or more of the main 6. Like poison can be part of water or part of earth.

I'll double check the info on breaking through to Magus before everything is settled. It's still a ways off in the quest so not a big issue. I do remember that the younger you are, the better your chances. Though I think some can still make it at advanced ages if they use potions or materials to help.

That could be a problem, since apprentices use a simplified version of a meditation technique, and presumably it will evolve to the high grade version of the same technique. The problem here is that this technique might not be suitable for us and changing it after you become an official magus is problematic. only apprentices can safely change out their meditation technique

On the other hand, if we choose our school wisely then there is a good chance whatever meditation technique we end up with will match our elementary particle type

Yeah, but as a Gamer would you really have to worry about that? What I was thinking is that once you master the Elementary Meditation Technique (which I'm considering to be a generalized meditation technique not one focused on a certain path like those of the Twilight World), you get an option to choose how it advances from a list based on what element you choose and what type of magic you focus on. This way, you the voters get to pick what path you walk. The only way you would have to worry about it is if you went the Bloodline Warlock route and then needed a specific meditation technique to advance.
I'll double check the info on breaking through to Magus before everything is settled. It's still a ways off in the quest so not a big issue. I do remember that the younger you are, the better your chances. Though I think some can still make it at advanced ages if they use potions or materials to help.
Well, if they took some sort of potion that restored their life force, then they could breakthrough old.
Or they could use highgrade meditation to breakthrough instead of grinewater.
Yeah, but as a Gamer would you really have to worry about that? What I was thinking is that once you master the Elementary Meditation Technique (which I'm considering to be a generalized meditation technique not one focused on a certain path like those of the Twilight World), you get an option to choose how it advances from a list based on what element you choose and what type of magic you focus on. This way, you the voters get to pick what path you walk. The only way you would have to worry about it is if you went the Bloodline Warlock route and then needed a specific meditation technique to advance.
Oh, that makes sense.