[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
Knowing whats going on in the world at large can only help us.
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
@Cetashwayo I am not an expert on the vote tally tool, but I think that the tally only counts the most recent post including a vote. Thus everyone's first votes get "deleted". So i think people should post/edit both votes in/into one post to avoid this problem.
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
I am really torn about this vote - one hand exploring the status of Greece would be interesting and might open up new trade possibilities (and even alliances) - on the other hand I really don`t want to get involved in Greece politics and their endless wars with each other and even ignoring that I really think that we are likely busy enough with focusing on our immediate neighbours and silicy.
@Cetashwayo I am not an expert on the vote tally tool, but I think that the tally only counts the most recent post including a vote. Thus everyone's first votes get "deleted". So i think people should post/edit both votes in/into one post to avoid this problem.

That's actually correct which is annoying. I can hand-tally or collect the votes from before and after the user motion, though, so no worries.
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
I am really torn about this vote - one hand exploring the status of Greece would be interesting and might open up new trade possibilities (and even alliances) - on the other hand I really don`t want to get involved in Greece politics and their endless wars with each other and even ignoring that I really think that we are likely busy enough with focusing on our immediate neighbours and silicy.
We're going to earn a lot of money from supplying Athens with grain, and we've just had the example that ignoring Greece doesn't stop its problems coming to us.
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition [-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
That's actually correct which is annoying. I can hand-tally or collect the votes from before and after the user motion, though, so no worries.

Can we fundraise from the polis to meet this new expense? Now, I'm not saying ancient Greek bake sale, so don't get me wrong. What I'm thinking is that members of the city can pay towards a fund and have how much they donated noted by the polis. Then Kallias on his return voyage can buy up cheap knickknacks and tourist bait and people who donated more get more. Kinda like a kickstarter.

So, @Cetashwayo, can we ancient Greek kickstarter it? I imagine there are quite a few nobles or merchants who might want to have items from distant Greek lands to exhibit, much like people do today.
So if anyone was wondering, the vote on the bouloi is still very close, here is a vote tally:
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Allow leaderless bouloi to run.
No. of votes: 18
[X] Do not allow leaderless bouloi to run.
No. of votes: 19

[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition[-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]
No. of votes: 22
[X] Put the question off until later[Will delay expedition preparations, no talent cost for 304 OL.]
No. of votes: 2
[X] Don't send an expedition at all; what do we need of the Mainland Hellenes when we are in the greatness of Italia?[+10 civil stability.]
No. of votes: 2
I tallied up the votes from post #8267 to #8407 (both threadmarks) and added to that the tallied votes from #8408 onwards. I also added Vescas vote on the bouloi manually since his user motion vote "deleted" his original vote.
[X] Allow leaderless bouloi to run.
[X] Put aside twenty talents this year for a future expedition[-20 talents, Will not be able to construct multiple buildings in 304 OL due to cost.]

My votes.
Okay, so we have a real issue here that with the bouloi vote being so close tied, it might give us a civic stability malus. Which is the aboslutely last thing we need.

I've expressed my reasons before (here) for allowing independent/slate-less candidate to the boule. However, I am willing to change my vote if it helps avert a civic stability crisis.

First, @Cetashwayo or someone else who's been involved in this quest for longer than me, what is the threshold at which we'd suffer an instability malus? Is that a real possibility here, or am I worried for nothing? (Alternately, can we get a stability bonus if we swing a supermajority?)

Second, who else would be willing to swing their vote for the sake of the polis? Who else doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other, or feels that both sides have good reasons and arguments?
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