What worldbuilding interlude would you like to see?

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[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The curiosity is just too much. You'll be sneaky, wait around the temple and follow her home, see if she goes home or someplace weirder. But not too close around the temple. You wouldn't want to be obvious.

Meow, found the target after all! Its how we wound up in another dimension! And we sneak good

[What, cats? Of course I do. They're about as tall as you are at the shoulder, furry and toothy, and make this weird vibrating growl that causes organ damage.]

It… what? What kind of death-jungle are you from? Ours just have crystal claws and a frost aura. And like… You hold your hands about a bread loaf's width apart. That big, at most.

Nice kitty~
[X] The curiosity is just too much. You'll be sneaky, wait around the temple and follow her home, see if she goes home or someplace weirder. But nottoo close around the temple. You wouldn't want to be obvious.
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!

[Ohh, those things. Those are good pets, if you don't need to worry about frostbite. Tariel had three!]

Natsuko: Only three!? Your cat to book ratio is a lot higher then I anticipated.
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that'ssoon. Ari can wait, you need to makesure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The curiosity is just too much. You'll be sneaky, wait around the temple and follow her home, see if she goes home or someplace weirder. But not too close around the temple. You wouldn't want to be obvious.
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that'ssoon. Ari can wait, you need to makesure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The curiosity is just too much. You'll be sneaky, wait around the temple and follow her home, see if she goes home or someplace weirder. But not too close around the temple. You wouldn't want to be obvious.
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to makesure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The curiosity is just too much. You'll be sneaky, wait around the temple and follow her home, see if she goes home or someplace weirder. But not too close around the temple. You wouldn't want to be obvious.

Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought her back.
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
I'm torn between wanting to be the curious cat sticking her nose into everything that catches her eye and not wanting to be saddled with an unsatisfying class selection for the rest of the year. @notthepenguins, can you weigh in on if the latter is a risk? We should have some experience on how crowded class choices are from our last year, shouldn't we?
I'm torn between wanting to be the curious cat sticking her nose into everything that catches her eye and not wanting to be saddled with an unsatisfying class selection for the rest of the year. @notthepenguins, can you weigh in on if the latter is a risk? We should have some experience on how crowded class choices are from our last year, shouldn't we?
It's more a risk that Mera won't be able to get her top picks and might be saddled with some mediocre or an unpleasant class than it is one that she'll end up with a full suite of bad. And potentially not a big risk, if she wants to gamble that dealing with Ari won't actually be all that time consuming.

That is, of course, a gamble though.
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!

[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
Ooo, this is pretty cool.

do we have cat ears instead of, or in addition to human ears?
I know you felt free to make a joke because it wasn't very important in this case, but the fact remains that you have here committed a cardinal sin of GM-ing: refusing to let the players know something their player character knows. It really rubbed me the wrong way.
Look I hadn't thought about it yet.
You should've included this in your first reply.

Summers bloom and wither in turn as memory becomes myth and recedes from all knowledge, fading away like all things must.
Some pretty strong Wheel of Time influence there. I approve!

[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
Getting suboptimal classes would presumably mean an increased rate of stress gain for the entire semester. Let's make this a priority, please.