What worldbuilding interlude would you like to see?

  • Total voters
[X] Circle around the jellyfish, staying out of the reach of the mushroom tree thing's tendrils at a brisk walk. Do not allow any of them to touch you, and do not let them surround you. Begin setting up buffing magic on yourself, focusing on speed and mobility.
-[X] If they do surround you, or get closer, take the offense aggressively. Hit and run. You're PRETTY sure they aren't all that viable in normal reality. Jellyfish can't swim in the air. Probably.
-[X] If the mushroom tree proves to be aggressive, take an evasive stance and try to figure out how it's attack patterns work before closing in to reach it's main body. Clear the jellyfish first, unless they regenerate or respawn.
So, these Jellyfish are pretty dangerous. Couldn't we used enhanced strength to chuck rocks at them?
And because it was finally time to get off my ass and post the combat mechanics they'll actually be used here!

Combat Mechanics

  • round: A single turn of combat
  • weapon rating: The damage potential of a weapon. An integer that is added to damage dealt when striking with it.
  • armor rating: The protective potential of armor. An integer that is subtracted from damage taken when being struck.
  • momentum: The character currently in the lead of a combat is considered to have the momentum, and adds a momentum die to their attack total.
  • momentum die: A momentum die is a 1d4, much like an equipment die. It is noted separately, as it does not count against the equipment die cap.
  • strain: The initial stage of damage. It causes no lasting physical harm - bruises at most - and heals at a rate of (Endurance x 2) points per day. In some cases, it may not be physical harm at all, but rather a reflection of how well Mera's luck (or lack thereof) is holding out.
  • strain limit: Once a character's strain exceeds their strain limit, they suffer injuries. The most common case is a light wound, but if their strain limit is exceeded multiple times over in a single attack it can inflict a moderate wound or (theoretically) critical wound immediately. A character's strain limit is equal to 6 + (Endurance x 2).
  • light wound: A fairly minor injury, all things considered, impairing ability to fight and act but not significantly or seriously threatening. Inflicts a -1d(4-Endurance, minimum 1) penalty to the end total of all rolls while suffered, and reduces the sum total of hits gained by 1.
  • moderate wound: A meaningful injury, notably impairing ability to fight and act. Could be threatening to long-term health (causing bleeding and so on), but not necessarily so. Inflicts a -1 penalty to each skill die, as described in the basic dice mechanics section.
  • critical wound: A significant injury, gravely impairing capacities and almost certainly very dangerous in both the short and long term. Inflicts a -1 penalty to each skill die, an additional -1d(8-Endurance) penalty, and may escalate or inflict further consequences without swift medical attention.

Combat takes place in a series of rounds, in which those involved in a combat exchange blows. Each combatant makes an attack against each combatant they can reasonably fight simultaneously, which is opposed by a defense roll. Defense will typically be the better of Footwork or Block, but some attacks will be more ably protected against by one or the other and require the defender to switch or suffer penalties (it is, for instance, more difficult to block a wall of flame than it is to dodge it).

When significantly outnumbered, penalties may be levied to represent split attention, but for the most part groups of like enemies will be amalgamated into single combat units.

A character's combat styles come into play here: when benefiting from their current fighting style's nature or laughs at condition, they add +1d6 to their rolls. When benefiting from both, they add +2d4 instead. When suffering from their style's fears, however, they suffer a -1d3 penalty.

Each combatant deals damage to their opponent equal to (threshold + Might + weapon rating). This damage is reduced by the opponent's (armor rating + Speed) - both rapid reactions and physical protection serve to mitigate damage taken.

Damage is dealt as strain to the target, unless it exceeds their strain threshold, at which point it deals injuries and is reset. If more damage than the threshold was dealt, excess damage is re-applied as strain (e.g. if someone has a strain limit of 12 and receives 15 damage in one go, they take a light wound and are left with 3 strain). If a wound would be dealt of the same severity as an existing one, instead the existing one is converted into a wound one level higher.

The combatant who gains a highest total on their attack roll is considered to have momentum, and adds one momentum die to their attack total.

In general, the flow of combat rounds will be interrupted for an update whenever there is a meaningful choice to make - if a new factor intervenes, if it becomes apparent the current strategy is not working, if Mera or her opponent are injured, etc.

Additionally, voter plans will tilt the odds in Mera's favor. They will net you a bonus based on a) how useful they are, b) how awesome or interesting they are. If, for instance, Mera is facing a spear-wielder, "Get inside his reach, grab his spear, and start punching," is a +1. It's not a bad plan, and it's certainly a good idea, but it's both easier said than done and more or less what you would do anyway (there aren't a whole lot of other ways to fight a spear user unarmed).

To veer into Fate/Stay night examples (as I am shamelessly lifting these categories from when I ran Fate/Lunar Song): something like how Archer fights against Cu Chulainn (leaving openings to bait him into a more narrow range of attacks, at the risk that any one of those attacks could kill him outright) is solid +2 territory. It effectively and creatively works to negate some of his disadvantages (albeit at the cost of other vulnerabilities), but it can't really be said to be decisive.

Something like what Archer does here (6:30 if it doesn't time-link properly) might gain as much as a +1d6 - sudden unexpected attacks from behind are a rather hefty advantage, even if the attacks were unlikely to do much damage. Also, it's cool, which helps.
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Mera's Self-Enhancement
Mera, with all her perks (and her arc release) adds one skill die to a single plausible skill when she enhances herself (most people just get +1d4 rather than +1d6). Enhancing Endurance increases her strain limit by 2 for the duration, as if she increased the skill itself. She can maintain up to (highest magic skill. currently 3) enhancements at once, but each enhancement she has currently active reduces her effective skill to cast magic affecting further than herself by one point.

She can also enhance her ability to resist attacks with Light (effectively a force field) or Earth (actually just being super tough), but this takes an actual skill roll. On beating difficulty 14, she gains one additional armor rating. On beating difficulty 22, she gains two additional armor rating.

Mera can enhance the destructive power of her melee attacks with Light (magic explosion punch), Earth (very hard fists), or Fire (fire fists!). This takes a skill roll, and follows the same rules as toughness enhancement, except with weapon rating instead.

She can of course obtain traits to modify the efficacy of these things in the future.

Other Changelog
Added Mera's combat traits, elaborated on the effect of Cascade Failure. Updated mechanics post.
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@notthepenguins, how does Mera's internal focus interact with weapons? Could she channel magic into a sword as good as into her fists? Does the size of the weapon affect things?
If yes, what about thrown weapons? Does a magic charge linger long enough after a weapon leaves our hands to be useful?

Very interesting about the combat mechanics. Seems that CWF was a very good pick to synergize with CF, as it focuses on a death-of-a-thousand-cuts approach anyway while far preferring dodging a hit to taking and tanking it.
@notthepenguins, how does Mera's internal focus interact with weapons? Could she channel magic into a sword as good as into her fists? Does the size of the weapon affect things?
Not as well, but that's a matter of practice as opposed to fundamental capability. Give her some time to crash course in it and training montage and she'd be up to snuff fairly quickly.

If yes, what about thrown weapons? Does a magic charge linger long enough after a weapon leaves our hands to be useful?
That'd be a bit trickier to pick up, and would require a trait (though it would obviously benefit from, say, enhanced Might, which only affects you in the first place).
Not as well, but that's a matter of practice as opposed to fundamental capability. Give her some time to crash course in it and training montage and she'd be up to snuff fairly quickly.

Nice! Hearing that, I find myself more and more interested in a long-reach weapon, either a polearm or a chain of some kind. The latter might, admittedly, have more applications for inflicting magic at range on others, such as a whirling razorstorm caused by spinning it in a cone, or debuff-boosted entangling of an opponent.
Or perhaps hybridize them into a section staff?

Hey, on a scale of one to RWBY, how advanced is weapons engineering here?

That'd be a bit trickier to pick up, and would require a trait (though it would obviously benefit from, say, enhanced Might, which only affects you in the first place).

How difficult, if at all, will traits be to acquire? Because giving us a workaround for ranged magic would be damn useful. Not necessarily just for straight attacks, but also for, say, dropping enchanted rocks or throwing darts that serve as anchors for a sensory area ward of some kind.

Are there self-only buffs that, for example, boost our perception and aiming skills enough to let us pull off ridiculous ricocheting trickshots? Or, heh. An effect building off our Arc Release and weird luck to let us cause Rube-Goldberg-esque destructive chain reactions of dominoing shelves and explosions that in turn set off yet more destruction.

One other thing I forgot: How does the internal focus interact with touch-range-only external casting? Say, healing someone else.
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So uh, there is still a vote going on, folks.

##### NetTally
[X] Circle around the jellyfish, staying out of the reach of the mushroom tree thing's tendrils at a brisk walk. Do not allow any of them to touch you, and do not let them surround you. Begin setting up buffing magic on yourself, focusing on speed and mobility.
-[X] If they do surround you, or get closer, take the offense aggressively. Hit and run. You're PRETTY sure they aren't all that viable in normal reality. Jellyfish can't swim in the air. Probably.
-[X] If the mushroom tree proves to be aggressive, take an evasive stance and try to figure out how it's attack patterns work before closing in to reach it's main body. Clear the jellyfish first, unless they regenerate or respawn.
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Combine our top three magics together
-[x] A curse (Dark) which:
--[x] increases the Chaos (Light) of the Entropy (Dark) of the jellyfish, [thus is also manipulation of energy (Light)]
--[x] adding both despair (Dark) and
--[x] makes their path more set [increasing stubbornness (Earth) on their courses]
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 3

Nice! Hearing that, I find myself more and more interested in a long-reach weapon, either a polearm or a chain of some kind. The latter might, admittedly, have more applications for inflicting magic at range on others, such as a whirling razorstorm caused by spinning it in a cone, or debuff-boosted entangling of an opponent.
Or perhaps hybridize them into a section staff?

Hey, on a scale of one to RWBY, how advanced is weapons engineering here?
Not that nuts. You can get silly-shenanigans stuff via an Arc Release, which is literal ancient supertech, but for the most part nothing that ridiculous will be floating around.

And nothing too silly will be in your hands, because I still need to write plausible fight scenes with these things.

How difficult, if at all, will traits be to acquire?
Ehh... not entirely sure. It'll be some mix of appropriate narrative points and how far the chronological story has progressed.

Because giving us a workaround for ranged magic would be damn useful. Not necessarily just for straight attacks, but also for, say, dropping enchanted rocks or throwing darts that serve as anchors for a sensory area ward of some kind.
That's not really a thing. As I expressed a while back, the limitation for Mera affecting others with her internal magic can be more or less summed up as one of duration; if it's an instantaneous effect, it works, if it's one that needs to persist, it can't. All such a trait would do would be allow the 'instantaneous' effect to last from the time the weapon leaves her hand to when it hits the target. Not a full workaround.

Are there self-only buffs that, for example, boost our perception and aiming skills enough to let us pull off ridiculous ricocheting trickshots? Or, heh. An effect building off our Arc Release and weird luck to let us cause Rube-Goldberg-esque destructive chain reactions of dominoing shelves and explosions that in turn set off yet more destruction.
The first is a style, the latter is... not very doable with Mera's limitations, and not all that useful to boot. In general environmental damage to meaningful combatants will be low (which is good, because you'll be hitting it a lot).

One other thing I forgot: How does the internal focus interact with touch-range-only external casting? Say, healing someone else.
No can do.
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As I expressed a while back, the limitation for Mera affecting others with her internal magic can be more or less summed up as one of duration; if it's an instantaneous effect, it works, if it's one that needs to persist, it can't.
I don't see the problem, we EXPRESSEDLY picked the route that locked out good ranged attacks.

Of course it is a weakness.
Our approach for ranged enemies is Shields Up + Go Fasta
[X] Circle around the jellyfish, staying out of the reach of the mushroom tree thing's tendrils at a brisk walk. Do not allow any of them to touch you, and do not let them surround you. Begin setting up buffing magic on yourself, focusing on speed and mobility.
-[X] If they do surround you, or get closer, take the offense aggressively. Hit and run. You're PRETTY sure they aren't all that viable in normal reality. Jellyfish can't swim in the air. Probably.
-[X] If the mushroom tree proves to be aggressive, take an evasive stance and try to figure out how it's attack patterns work before closing in to reach it's main body. Clear the jellyfish first, unless they regenerate or respawn.
[X] Circle around the jellyfish, staying out of the reach of the mushroom tree thing's tendrils at a brisk walk. Do not allow any of them to touch you, and do not let them surround you. Begin setting up buffing magic on yourself, focusing on speed and mobility.
-[X] If they do surround you, or get closer, take the offense aggressively. Hit and run. You're PRETTY sure they aren't all that viable in normal reality. Jellyfish can't swim in the air. Probably.
-[X] If the mushroom tree proves to be aggressive, take an evasive stance and try to figure out how it's attack patterns work before closing in to reach it's main body. Clear the jellyfish first, unless they regenerate or respawn.
Sorry for the extended silence; between some RL stuff, rediscovering WoW, getting a commission done for Mera, and realizing I needed to actually put together mechanics for battle groups actually writing the update has sort of slipped onto the backburner.

Update is in-progress, though, and for now here's the current battle group mechanics (that will probably see revision as time goes on).

Battle Groups
  • magnitude: A measure of a group of enemies' size. This is a non-linear measure of numbers; each additional point of magnitude represents a larger increase in enemy numbers. Each point of magnitude over their targets' adds +1d3 to their attack roll.
  • potency: A measure of the significance and "mook-ness" of the opponents in question, ranging from 1 to 6 (with 6 being most significant).
Battle groups are amalgamations of groups of lesser opponents, used to simplify combat and represent the in-setting tendency for powerful people to prevail despite numerical disadvantages. In a number of cases, particularly with sane numbers of peer or near-peer opponents, battle groups will not be used, and instead the multiple opponent rules described in the base combat rules will be instead.

While battle groups use the traits of their average member for most purposes, they deal with strain differently from normal opponents. Their strain limit is calculated as (10(Endurance + Potency))/3, and they each possess magnitude units of it. Each unit filled represents an appropriate proportion of their number being defeated (e.g. reaching a Magnitude 3 opponent's strain limit once represents defeating 1/3 of them). If this reduces them past a magnitude break point, their attack bonus based on superior magnitude will decrease accordingly.
Well last week was a mess and this week I have a roommate moving out and a roommate moving in. Update's still in progress, albeit slowly (very sorry about that, but that's just how it goes right now), but I do have something actually interesting to offer.

You know how I was saying before that you should look in a mirror and get an idea of Mera's actual transformed outfit design? Well, I take that back. Not because it wouldn't entertain me, but because... well, I'm too impatient to wait for updates to actually get there at this point.

So without further ado...
1x21: Emergence
You watch the approaching jellyfish carefully, settling into a ready stance. Well, these things don't seem too fast, and they look pretty fragile. So I'll just wait for them to get closer, aaand-

Body tensed in anticipation, you wait for the first to float into range before darting towards it. The creature shudders in the air in a strange undulating wobble, seeming unsteady in a way it didn't before. Not taking the time to contemplate that, you leap above it, forcefully stomping it into the ground with both feet. It makes a thoroughly gross squishing sound that you try not to dwell on as you pivot about towards the rest. The remaining enemies had taken the opportunity to bob into a loose circle around you, spindly tendrils reaching forward. Jellyfish are toxic, right? Fortunately, your coat left little exposed skin to fret over.

Even without it, worrying would have been unnecessary. Their attacks are slow and ponderous, leaving dodges as a mere formality. The first leap guides you right into an opening, and silver lightning wreaths your fists as you deliver a pair of mighty punches to your next victim. Static fills the air, your hair starting to fluff up a bit. Hmm, that's not normal... Strangely, the creature sails down and away, as though you've torn it from the strings holding it aloft. It impacts in a splattery fashion and bounds across the ground for a short distance before coming to rest in a form somewhat akin to a failed souffle. Your expectations had been more 'bouncy balloon' and less 'catastrophic airship disaster.' What, wait, huh? Are they artificial? But… you shake your head at the notion. Not possible, too lifelike. How do they work, V?

[It's usually better not to worry about the details,] Visilthael advises, [you'll just get confused. Unless you plan on making a study out of this stuff, I suppose. I don't really see the point, though]

No, I'm thinking you don't understand the details, you retort as you duck under another and treat it to a hefty punch from directly below. It, too, loses whatever buoyancy it had as it hurtles away. I'm not even trying here, but what if this was a real fight with actual danger? What if- A sluggish tentacle sweeps forward in what its owner probably thought was an attack, and you pause to slip underneath, bat it away, and deliver a proper roundhouse kick to the body at the end. Um, what was I -- right, what if I was asking 'how long will this shield spell last for' and you said something stupid like 'Well Mera I don't think you're smart enough to grasp the intricacies of this highly advanced and super-ancient magic, but I know-' one of the remaining enemies has drifted away from its buddies, so you leap away to focus on it. 'I'm also ancient and magic, and very smart, and I know everything,' and then the spell collapses and I die because you couldn't be bothered to condescended to my feeble human mini-mind and give the one rotstricken, scrolls-confounded thing I actually needed to know?!

Another moves to flank you, which basically just amounts to making your next attack even easier. [The buoyancy dynamics of flying jellyfish from the weird-meat-room dimension are about as far from 'need to know' as-] Your eyes widen as you see the electricity dancing across the tentacles of the jellyfish in front of you, and V's words fades to indistinctness. After a panicked moment of thought, you realize that you've committed so much to the attack that there's not a damn thing to be done to arrest your motion. Ah, crap.

Lighting crackles and hisses before lashing outwards where it intercepts your leading foot… and dissipates off of your boot to no effect. Your boot, conversely, impacts with massive effect, sending it flying at fantastic speed -- to bounce off the mushroom tree, if you judge its arc correctly. I'm not sure if I'm just that good, or they're just… that bad..

That moment, of course, is when your lower back erupts in white-hot pain. It only lasts for a moment, but when it fades you find yourself on your knees. Stars, what was-

[Mera! Dodge!] Visilthael barks. You obey without thinking, hurling yourself to the side in a quick but awkward evasion - and catching a glimpse of two more bolts of lightning striking where you just were. Oh right, the other ones. Guess I deserved that for forgetting about them, you grumble. [Don't get distracted!] Sure enough, the danger hasn't passed. A half-roll and a kip-up take you back to your feet. [Keep dodging!] A flash of energy scorches the ground as you hurdle to the side onc -- No -- and again -- shit! -- leaving you breathing heavily and dripping sweat, but feeling slightly more confident now that you have a feel for the attack and a little more ground to work with.The two jellyfish remaining continue to float ominously towards you, lightning crackling once again.

Thanks for telling me to dodge, there; I never would have guessed! Ignoring, for the moment, that the first time you absolutely wouldn't have. Well the lightning was a nasty surprise, but now that I know it's there… do you know if these guys have any other tricks they haven't revealed?

[Trust me, Mera, if I knew anything at all that could be of assistance, I wouldn't hold it back from you. We're in this together.]

Nodding in appreciation, you crouch down into a three-point ready stance. Thanks, and I'll be holding you to that. Meanwhile, you track to visible arcs of electricity as they build up. Now that you've seen them attack, you'd wager you can say riiight about when-- Now! You beat the lightning, anticipating their coordinated discharge by mere milliseconds and cartwheeling into a leaping, aerial corkscrew between the first pair of strikes, dashing underneath a second while feinting away a third, and finally stringing together a rapid set of rolls until one clean leap takes you into the thin gap between their bodies and a little below. This leaves you easy pickings for even their slowest-moving tentacle attacks, but… your grin is outright predatory.

Maybe, just maybe, I've been going about this the wrong way. If the pattern holds, then…

Arms stretching out akimbo, you grab hold of thick, worm-like limbs on each side and feel a rewarding sensation as gravity reasserts its grip over the two airborne beasts. Aha! That damned electrical hazard… needs to be... With a mighty heave, you cast your arms downward and slam both of them into the floor below with enough force to send a deep rumbling tremor echoing across the chamber. …GROUNDED!

Your own landing is much more peaceful, notwithstanding V's agonized hissing.

Setting down easily, you pat your back experimentally to take stock of your injury, and breathe a sigh of relief. Tender, but not seriously wounded. Good.

Mera Active Effects (3/3 Slots Filled): Enhancement (Strike), Enhancement (Footwork), Enhancement (Speed)

Mera: 1d12 Base + 2d6 Strike + 1d6 Enhancement (Strike) + 2d4 (Laughs + Nature) 26 (11 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 3 +3)
Jellyfish: 1d12 Base + 2d(6-1) Footwork + 1d(6-1) Nature 12 (5 + 1 + 5 + 1)
Hit: 26 - 12 = 14. Mera hits. 14 threshold.
Damage: Threshold 14 + Damage 4 (Might 2 + Weapon 2) - Mitigation 1 (Speed 0 + Armor 1) = 17. 17 strain dealt.

Jellyfish: 1d12 Base + 2d6 Strike + 1d3 Magnitude + 1d6 Laughs 24 (9 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 2)
Mera: 1d12 Base + 2d6 Footwork + 1d6 Enhancement (Footwork) + 2d4 (Laughs + Nature) 18 (8 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4)
Hit: 24 - 18 = 6. Jellyfish hit. 6 threshold.
Damage: Threshold 6 + Damage 4 (Lightning 4) - Mitigation 5 (Speed 3 + Armor 2) = 5. 5 strain dealt.

Momentum: Mera
Mera Active Effects (3/3 Slots Filled): Enhancement (Strike), Enhancement (Footwork), Enhancement (Speed)

Mera: 1d12 Base + 2d6 Strike + 1d6 Enhancement (Strike) + 2d4 (Laughs + Nature) + 1d4 Momentum 28 (12 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1)
Jellyfish: 1d12 Base + 2d(6-1) Footwork + 1d(6-1) Nature 16 (5 + 3 + 5 + 3 )
Hit: 28 - 16 = 12. Mera hits. 12 threshold.
Damage: Threshold 12 + Damage 4 (Might 2 + Weapon 2) - Mitigation 1 (Speed 0 + Armor 1) = 15. 15 strain dealt.

Jellyfish: 1d12 Base + 2d6 Strike + 1d3 Magnitude + 1d6 Laughs 23 (6 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 6)
Mera: 1d12 Base + 2d6 Footwork + 1d6 Enhancement (Footwork) + 2d4 (Laughs + Nature) + 1d4 Momentum 34 (12 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 4)
Hit: 23 - 34 = -11. Jellyfish misses.
Damage: Attack misses.

You roll your shoulders, giving the mushroom-tree a suspicious look. Well, it doesn't seem to be attacking…

[If you circle the edges of the room, I think you can stay out of its reach.]

Yeah, good idea.

It is near the other end of the room, as you approach what seems to be another doorway, that the world shifts back to the Ways. You poke the floor with a foot experimentally. Still weird and squishy.

[Walking forward should take you out of the bleed-through entirely. This one was thankfully localized.]

Visilthael is right, as it turns out; a few minutes later the ground has returned to its normal, stonelike consistency.

Glad that's over. How much further?

[Oh, not far.]

"Not far" turned out to be, in fact, too far. Or, at least, farther than you'd like. You aren't sure how long the rest of the walk took, just that it was approximately an eternity.

[It was twelve minutes, Mera.]

Okay it felt like an eternity everything's the same in here!

[Yeah, yeah. Okay, I'm going to take us out now.]

Wait, out? Now?! Where exactly are we coming ou- the world shifts and twists around you, and you hit the ground with a splash.


At which point your foot slips on the slick surface beneath, leaving you quite abruptly seated. In water going up to your hips. With a steady stream of it pouring onto your head. You look up, a hand shielding your eyes from the stream, and find that the water comes from a bucket held by a statue of a young horned man, clad in long ornate robes.


[Look, you ask me to take us somewhere I've never been, I'm going to have to extrapolate an exit point.] Visilthael huffs.

You dropped me in a fountain! Extrapolate better!

[In my defense, I had no idea there was a fountain here.] She pauses. [...not that that would have changed my decision. Much.]

Wait wait backup reverse backwards now. You... didn't... know... what... was... here?! Though you rise through every octave of your vocal range in turn, the fact that it was all said mentally makes it somewhat less impressive.

[Calm down a little, okay? I know it sounds bad, but this is much more common than you think, and you can't even accidentally come out in a solid object! It's safe. Well, mostly, but like any means of travel, there are exceptions. Who puts pits of acid just lying around anyway?] Visilthael explains in her most reassuring-ish voice.

I… you… fine whatever. You carefully get to your feet and clamber out of the fountain, grimacing. Ugh, I'm totally soaked. Drying my tail is going to suck You glance up at the temple itself, its white stone and domes majestic as always. Its windows are inset with stained glass of the… Wait a minute. Those are the rear windows. Which means…

You glance around hurriedly. Hedges on all sides. I don't remember this fountain. The school plateau is on the other side, and… V, you dropped me in the private gardens!

[Uh. Is that a bad thing? ]

I said 'private' for a reason!

[Okay okay sure but are we talking like, 'young couples have to sneak in to make out' private, or 'bound guardian spirits will rend you limb from limb' private.]

Either! Both! I don't really want to find out, and neither do you

[But, now I'm actually curious…]

You hop out of the fountain, onto the grass... and slip, catching yourself on a tree. And the hedge. With concomitant rustling noises. Head darting up, you look rapidly around, as though trying to find someone to ask 'Oh no, did I stealth bad just now?'

Fortunately you have Visilthael, who happily answers the question for free.

"What was that?" an alarmed voice lets out from across the hedge, and you feel a surge of magic. Conjuration, and something much stranger accompanying it. Visilthael suddenly stops laughing. Oh no.

"Don't worry about it," said another voice, older and male. "It's probably just a cat. We've had a few of them running amok lately."

"Mm." She makes a displeased sound, but the magic fades. "I don't know...." Two sets of footsteps start moving, taking them away from you. Good, they passed it off as noth- wait, is that Ari?

[Oh huh, you're right. Sounds like her. Her buddy's not the brightest, though. Is that normal for her company, or is she just two for two?]

You roll your eyes, ignoring the bait. Do you even know what a cat sounds like? I bet you don't.

[What, cats? Of course I do. They're about as tall as you are at the shoulder, furry and toothy, and make this weird vibrating growl that causes organ damage.]

It… what? What kind of death-jungle are you from? Ours just have crystal claws and a frost aura. And like… You hold your hands about a bread loaf's width apart. That big, at most.

[Ohh, those things. Those are good pets, if you don't need to worry about frostbite. Tariel had three!] She pauses for a moment, before adding: [And don't they always land on their feet?]

Har har.

"Wait, are you still tensed up from that cat back there? This is exactly what your problem is," the man says, your keen ears picking up the conversation despite the increasing distance, and you can practically hear the disapproving frownyface in his tone. "You're overreacting. You're here for school, Miath. Relax. Study. Learn something new. You can't be stabbing blades into every shadow. This afternoon was quite enough."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she shoots back in the tone of voice saying she knows precisely what that was supposed to mean. "Did you want me to just… let it go? To do nothing?" she shoots back. "I have a duty to-"

"I have an extremely clear statement from Knight-Captain Vaska to the contrary." He sighs. "Just… go to school, decompress, relax. Don't go haring off; if something needs handling, we can handle it. Despite what you might think, we don't let our skills lapse just because there isn't a Knight-Commander hovering over our shoulders."

She gives a frustrated, dismissive snort, but doesn't otherwise respond.

"Decorum, on the other hand, can rot in the pit. Drinks?" A door opens, and whatever her reply would have been is swallowed by the sound of its closing.

...huh. Well that was weird.

[Were you able to make more sense of that than I was?]

No, it doesn't… You frown. If she was a temple knight that would explain some things, but her fighting styles are all wrong for it. Black Sun Edge, Flame Shadow? Those aren't temple styles, and a knight's style would have to be build around one of those. And why would a knight go to school? They're fully educated as part of their training, they certainly don't leave to go to external schools.

[Hmm. And yet, he referenced a Knight-Captain and a Knight-Commander.]

Yeah. You let out a sigh. Well, what to do...

[ ] The curiosity is just too much. You'll be sneaky, wait around the temple and follow her home, see if she goes home or someplace weirder. But not too close around the temple. You wouldn't want to be obvious.
[ ] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [ ] …talk with your superior in the Argent Shields. You can make a pretty good case that Ari could use a helping hand, which is entirely within your responsibilities to take on, and he can get you more info on her to you to facilitate that.
- [ ] ...hunt her down at brunch and try to subtly feel her out, figure out what's going on.
- [ ] ...try to gather some information with Aylea's help. The man mentioned Knight-Captain Vaska; that's a name you can try to get some information on.
- [ ] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!
[X] The poor girl has had to deal with your nosiness enough for now. You'll head home, and deal with this tomorrow, when you will…
- [X] ...go register for classes like a reasonable person, because they start the day after tomorrow oh stars that's soon. Ari can wait, you need to make sure the classes you want aren't full!