Magical Girls School (Organization Quest)

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
- [X] Increace funding, additional +5 Income if successful.

We need all the money we can get. All of it.

[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.

Maybe we'll get to hang out with one teacher without pissing them off.

[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.

Put that Lore score to use.

[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Achikes Phyrrus, Headmaster of the Atlan Academy of Combat, a boys school specializing in knights. Human.
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
[X] Shadowrain, Headmistress of the Beta School of Magic. Coming from the celestial home world, it seems to sit forever in the shadow of the Alpha and Omega Academies. Fairy.

[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.

[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
Hey guys, just a heads up, my area got hit with a winter storm warning, so things might get bad here. Just a heads up.
Hmmm ...

Can we let her know that we're willing to hire her next semester if she toughs it out a bit longer?

Sure you could vote to do that.

Can we study a discovery and still get credit/fame for it BEFORE we turn it over? Specifically with this sword I want to know more about it and it's lore before we send it to the Caliph for..whatever it is he wants to do with it.

You don't have to turn anything over as long as it isn't making money.

I think we'll still be credited with all the discoveries we make, we just don't get all of the profits ourselves and have little to no impact on how they're sold.

Hmm, in that case I'm tentatively okay with it but I'd still break it as soon as we get them a discovery or two to compensate.

The problem with their owning the rights to our discoveries really rankles.
hmm, the concept of bailing after the first major discovery or two...
I guess that's okay. I'll alter mine to +5 income get then as that's where we should go then.

Edit: @3man75 Since your vote seems to be pointing to mine still, I'll poke you to inform about the change.
Last edited:
I dislike the idea of breaking off a deal with someone just out of hand. I'd rather we work to make it so that the contract is negotiable at a later date if we do go through it, because then, if it's too skewed towards us, they won't get screwed, and if it's too skewed towards them, we won't get screwed. So my suggestion would be to suggest renegotiation and possibly annulment of the contract after either a specific amount of time, or after a specified number of discoveries.
I dislike the idea of breaking off a deal with someone just out of hand. I'd rather we work to make it so that the contract is negotiable at a later date if we do go through it, because then, if it's too skewed towards us, they won't get screwed, and if it's too skewed towards them, we won't get screwed. So my suggestion would be to suggest renegotiation and possibly annulment of the contract after either a specific amount of time, or after a specified number of discoveries.
That's a fair enough point... Ugh, need to think about this.

Edit: I'm going to stick with the +5. A lot of people seem to want to bail eventually, and I don't think that's the worst decision, as we will probably have a more stable income from students when we finally do say okay. Besides, this let's us improve our school at an incredibly higher speed.
Last edited:
That's a fair enough point... Ugh, need to think about this.

Edit: I'm going to stick with the +5. A lot of people seem to want to bail eventually, and I don't think that's the worst decision, as we will probably have a more stable income from students when we finally do say okay. Besides, this let's us improve our school at an incredibly higher speed.
We aren't going to bail on the contract because either: a) we get more money by sticking with it. Or b) we will care more about lost prestige than the small amount we would gain by bailing. The merchant prince is no fool.
We aren't going to bail on the contract because either: a) we get more money by sticking with it. Or b) we will care more about lost prestige than the small amount we would gain by bailing. The merchant prince is no fool.

Yeah, imagine that, the people that invented interdimensional trade tend to be very rich and know how to conduct business. it's almost like there is Lore or something. :V
Two hours until vote closes, I gave you guys some bonus time to make up for forgetting to tell you that yes, you can decline the offer. Also as neat as the discussion is, double check that you remembered to vote.
[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%

[X] Send Wildthorne to investigate. Takes teacher's action next month.

[X] Do nothing for now and wait to see if anything changes
Noting is closed. Tally?
Vote Tally : Magical Girls School (Organization Quest) | Page 23 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.2.0
[X] Decline the offer.
[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Sebastian Tripe, Founder and Headmaster of Weaslethorp. If you play nice now, he won't see you comming later. Human.
[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Negotiate and try for a better deal. How?
- [X] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.
[X] Send Wildthorne to investigate. Takes teacher's action next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Achikes Phyrrus, Headmaster of the Atlan Academy of Combat, a boys school specializing in knights. Human.
[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependent on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Blue fur I like the idea of hiring another kick ass teacher.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate and try for a better deal. How?
-[X] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.
[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1
Cornix Argentus

[x] Negotiate and try for a better deal. How?
- [x] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.
[X] Send Wildthorne to investigate. Takes teacher's action next month.
[x] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[x] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[x] Sebastian Tripe, Founder and Headmaster of Weaslethorp. If you play nice now, he won't see you comming later. Human.
[x] Achikes Phyrrus, Headmaster of the Atlan Academy of Combat, a boys school specializing in knights. Human.
[x] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
[x] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
[x] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[x] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Negotiate and try for a better deal. How?
- [X] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.
[X] Send Wildthorne to investigate. Takes teacher's action next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependent on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
- [X] Increace funding, additional +5 Income if successful.
[X] Explore with Lillymist. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Achikes Phyrrus, Headmaster of the Atlan Academy of Combat, a boys school specializing in knights. Human.
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
[X] Shadowrain, Headmistress of the Beta School of Magic. Coming from the celestial home world, it seems to sit forever in the shadow of the Alpha and Omega Academies. Fairy.
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
- [X] Increace funding, additional +5 Income if successful.
[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Sebastian Tripe, Founder and Headmaster of Weaslethorp. If you play nice now, he won't see you comming later. Human.
[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
- [X] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.
[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Lillymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
[X] Shadowrain, Headmistress of the Beta School of Magic. Coming from the celestial home world, it seems to sit forever in the shadow of the Alpha and Omega Academies. Fairy.
[X] Do nothing, no need to risk letting Tripe know about the leak.
[X] Do nothing for now and wait to see if anything changes.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
- [X] Increace funding, additional +5 Income if successful.
[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
[X] Achikes Phyrrus, Headmaster of the Atlan Academy of Combat, a boys school specializing in knights. Human.
[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
[X] Shadowrain, Headmistress of the Beta School of Magic. Coming from the celestial home world, it seems to sit forever in the shadow of the Alpha and Omega Academies. Fairy.
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
[X] Send Wildthorne to investigate. Takes teacher's action next month.
[X] Do nothing for now and wait to see if anything changes
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 12
Vote Tally : Magical Girls School (Organization Quest) | Page 23 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.2.0
[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
No. of Votes: 10
Cornix Argentus

[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
No. of Votes: 10
Cornix Argentus

[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
No. of Votes: 9
Cornix Argentus

[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
No. of Votes: 8
Cornix Argentus

[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
No. of Votes: 8
Cornix Argentus

[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
No. of Votes: 7
Cornix Argentus

[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 7
Cornix Argentus

[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
No. of Votes: 6
Cornix Argentus

- [X] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.
No. of Votes: 5
Cornix Argentus

[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
No. of Votes: 5
Cornix Argentus

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Sebastian Tripe, Founder and Headmaster of Weaslethorp. If you play nice now, he won't see you comming later. Human.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Negotiate and try for a better deal. How?
No. of Votes: 4
Cornix Argentus

[X] Send Wildthorne to investigate. Takes teacher's action next month.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Achikes Phyrrus, Headmaster of the Atlan Academy of Combat, a boys school specializing in knights. Human.
No. of Votes: 4

- [X] Increace funding, additional +5 Income if successful.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Shadowrain, Headmistress of the Beta School of Magic. Coming from the celestial home world, it seems to sit forever in the shadow of the Alpha and Omega Academies. Fairy.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Decline the offer.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependent on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Do nothing for now and wait to see if anything changes.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Blue fur I like the idea of hiring another kick ass teacher.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Explore with Lillymist. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Lillymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Do nothing, no need to risk letting Tripe know about the leak.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 12
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
Funding Deal
[X] Decline the offer.
No. of votes: 2
veekie, Omegahugger

[X] Accept the offer, it is rather generous. +15 Income, research and discovery income reduced to 20%
No. of votes: 5
Curtains, tricholysis, ziizo, Muer'ci, kelllogo

[X] Negotiate and try for a better deal. How?
No. of votes: 4
bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Sereg, Jeboboid

-[X] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.
No. of votes: 5
bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Sereg, Jeboboid, ziizo

-[X] Increace funding, additional +5 Income if successful.
No. of votes: 3
Curtains, tricholysis, Muer'ci

[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
No. of votes: 6
veekie, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, tricholysis, ziizo, Muer'ci

[X] Send Wildthorne to investigate. Takes teacher's action next month.
No. of votes: 4
bluefur87, Sereg, Jeboboid, kelllogo

[X] Explore with Lillymist. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.
No. of votes: 10
veekie, bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, Sereg, Jeboboid, Curtains, tricholysis, ziizo, Muer'ci

Diplo Party
[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.
No. of votes: 10
veekie, bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, Sereg, Jeboboid, Curtains, tricholysis, ziizo, Muer'ci

[X] Sebastian Tripe, Founder and Headmaster of Weaslethorp. If you play nice now, he won't see you comming later. Human.
No. of votes: 4
veekie, Omegahugger, Sereg, tricholysis

[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Illymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
No. of votes: 7
veekie, bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, Sereg, Jeboboid, tricholysis

[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.
No. of votes: 8
veekie, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, Jeboboid, Curtains, tricholysis, ziizo, Muer'ci

[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.
No. of votes: 8
veekie, bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, Sereg, Jeboboid, Curtains, tricholysis

[X] Achikes Phyrrus, Headmaster of the Atlan Academy of Combat, a boys school specializing in knights. Human.
No. of votes: 4
bluefur87, Sereg, Curtains, Muer'ci

[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.
No. of votes: 5
bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Jeboboid, ziizo, Muer'ci

[X] Shadowrain, Headmistress of the Beta School of Magic. Coming from the celestial home world, it seems to sit forever in the shadow of the Alpha and Omega Academies. Fairy.
No. of votes: 3
Curtains, ziizo, Muer'ci

[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Lillymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial
No. of votes: 1

Subterfuge 1
[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.
No. of votes: 9
veekie, bluefur87, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, Sereg, Jeboboid, Curtains, tricholysis, Muer'ci

[X] Do nothing, no need to risk letting Tripe know about the leak.
No. of votes: 1

Subterfuge 2
[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of votes: 7
veekie, Cornix Argentus, Omegahugger, Sereg, Curtains, tricholysis, Muer'ci

[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependent on roll. Diplomacy.
No. of votes: 2
bluefur87, Jeboboid

[X] Do nothing for now and wait to see if anything changes.
No. of votes: 2
ziizo, kelllogo

[X] Blue fur I like the idea of hiring another kick ass teacher.
No. of votes: 1

There are some parts of the tally that confuse me here... Like how we have a larger total votes for types of bargaining than we do for starting the bargain in the first place. I think @3man75 's vote is supposed to be for my plan, but vote count separated it so I kept it such.
Last edited:
It seems we have a tie between accepting the deal and negotiating an extra 10%. Tie breaker?
Me also. I think it's better we keep this to ourselves for now. After we're done studying it we can donate it to a museum for prestige.
September 1 Epilogue
[X] Negotiate and try for a better deal. How?
-[X] Increase Finders fee, additional 10% research and discovery income.

Diplomacy: 17+19=36

You manage to talk the Calif into even more "generous" terms, which he reluctantly agrees too, though you can tell he is exaggerating for effect. Never the less, you'very got the contract and the money should be rolling in soon.

[X] Explore with Wildthorn. Two heads are better than one. Costs you and teacher 1 action each next month.

You decide you will return next month with the aid of Wildthorn. He is a skilled tracker and native, so he should be a big help.

[X] Study it at the school and see what secrets it might contain. Lore.

Lore: 28+14=42

Analysis of the blade reveals a most startling fact. It is over 14,000 years old, more than twice the age you expected. This sword seems to be just raising further questions the more you examine it.

You sadly had to put further analysis on hold as you had to attend the conference. While there you spent some extra time getting to know a few choice individuals.

[X] Nelbara, Founder and Headmaster of the Celstial Mustache School for Magical Girls. Might as well get to know your host. Goblin.

Diplomacy : 16+10+20=46

The old goblin is rather glad to see you. New people like yourself are why he throws these darn things. He confides in you that he can't stand the finger foods the caterers serve at these things, but it's what is expected at these sort of functions so he's stuck with it. And don't even get him started on those tiny sandwiches they serve as "lunch". All in all, he is a rather please conversation, and he passes on some hard won advice on how to deal with troublesome students. He says he can see some potential in you, and expects great things in the years to come.

+20 Relation Celestial Mustache School for Magical Girls

[X] Shalafra, Founder and Headmaster of 'Ahammia. A school catering to the upper class, it's entrance fees are steep, but it's facilities are quite impressive for a school so young, and it is expected to grow quickly. Ignian.

Diplomacy : 16+10+5+16=46

It turns out the ignian headmaster was a member of the Calif Noradzir's krew. He was a bit impressed with your negotiation skills. From the talk of school funding you deftly slide into tuition gap and steering less affluent families your way. Shalafra sees no problems with the idea, as you aren't even appealing to the same demographic.

+20 Relation 'Ahammia

[X] Gizax, Headmaster of Saturn Univeristy. He recently acquire the position after the previous headmaster passed away. Goblin.

Diplomacy : 16+10+16=42

Introducing yourself to the next head of one of the smaller schools from Xanadu, you get to know the other new guy. He is rather nervous, which is understandable as he is the first non celestial to ever become a headmaster of any school on Xanadu. He can relate to how you must feel starting the first real school in the Wildlands, and having to set the standard for everyone that follows. For some reason you reeeeally felt like drinking after that.

+20 Relation Saturn Univeristy

[X] Shemariel Emacula, Headmistress of St. Berry's School for Girls. You have a feeling she doesn't like your association with Lillymist, perhaps you can smooth things over? Celestial

Diplomacy: 16+10+5+5-50+19=5

Mrs. Emacula seems rather hostile to you at first. However you manage to turn on all of your charm and flattery, and speak to her in a calm and rational manner. It seems to just another a bit more, but the two goblins cone to.your rescue, Nelbara quietly admonishing the celestial for not giving you a chance, and Gizax pointed out that if you were good enough for a school from Xanadu, she has no right to complain. She is forced to admit she was being unfair, and apologized for her behavior. That seems about the best you can get out of her, but it doesn't seem like she will be actively hostile any time soon at least.

Relation with St. Berry's School for Girls set back to 0.

[X] Heartmender, Founder and Headmisstress of the Heartmender School for the Underprivileged. It is technically a charity school that is always critically under staffed and underfunded, but it tries as hard as it can to give even the truly destitute a place to learn. Homunculus.

Diplomacy : 16+10+5+5+15=51

Heartmender is actually quite pleased to meet you, and actually had been seeking you out as well. It seems she was impressed by not only you setting your tuition low so more could attend, but also that you are the first to give wildling children easier access to an education than they otherwise would ever have. She gives you contact information for some philanthropists that might be willing to donate to your school.

+30 Relation Heartmender School for the Underprivileged

Having thoroughly infiltrated Weaslethorp, you have decided on how best to capitalize on what you have learned.

[X] Warn Gizax, in should help improve your relations with his school, and if you can keep it quiet Tripe will just think he messed up. Subterfuge.

Subterfuge : 27+5+12=44

Gizax is thankful for the assistance, and with your help arranged for Tripe's underhanded recruiting of children with bribes come to light in a way that should hurt his name for years to come.

+10 Relation Saturn Univeristy

[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.

Diplomacy : 17+10+10+5+20+20=82

Shantae can't seem to take the offer quick enough. Tripe's recent actions in Xanadu seem to have been the last straw, and she is willing to jump ship for a rediculous pay cut. Sylphs have few needs anyway with how magical they are. You have hired her for Salary 3.

Name: Shantae
Age: 346
Gender : Female
Species : Sylph
Appearance : Hse dresses in brightly colored puppy sweaters and wears her hair in a tight bun. Her eyes are a very faded brown.
Theme : Paint
Type: Mage
Education: Pinnacle Mind Temple
Experience : 2 years Juchi Academy, 3 years Weaslethorp
Competence : 125%
Stat Buffs : +3 Might, +2 Finesse , +4 Diplomacy, +2 Lore
Subjects : Art, Biology, Broom Riding, Dance, Demonology, Fencing, Forging, Law, Warding, Wilderness Survival
Class Limit : 13
Traits : ??? ??? ???
Salary : 3
As you have hired a new teacher you need to now vote on a new schedule starting next month. There are a few rules for this.

1) You may not remove any classes, however you can change how much focus they receive.
2) You can change who is teaching the class, but again there must be a teacher.
3) You may add a maximum of three new classes. Any more would require too much schedule shuffling, even with a new teacher's help.

[ ] New Class Schedule
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[X] Try to hire her out at a reduced salary by offering better working conditions. You will start paying her a reduced salary next month. Will enable you to do a special class rescheduling to accommodate the new teacher. Salary reduction dependant on roll. Diplomacy.

Diplomacy : 17+10+10+5+20+20=82

Shantae can't seem to take the offer quick enough. Tripe's recent actions in Xanadu seem to have been the last straw, and she is willing to jump ship for a rediculous pay cut. Sylphs have few needs anyway with how magical they are. You have hired her for Salary 3.
That went better than hoped. Much much MUCH better than hoped.
Two obvious changes:

Have Wildthorn taken off Hand-to-hand and have Shantae help with Wilderness Survival.

We should probably give her three different subjects. Personally, I'm in favour of Broom-riding and Biology.
As am I, and looking at our class list, we've only got one leisure type class at the moment so I'd also like to add art. Kinda playing on Shantae's magic theme of paint, which suggests to me that she's got a flair for art and would be able to teach that class really well.
As am I, and looking at our class list, we've only got one leisure type class at the moment so I'd also like to add art. Kinda playing on Shantae's magic theme of paint, which suggests to me that she's got a flair for art and would be able to teach that class really well.
On the other hand, we have pretty landscapes that people can fly around to make pretty trailer shots!

Plus using broomsticks to avoid/fight giant monsters is a Magical Girl tradition dating back to Cardcaptor Sakura.