Cute music begins playing as a small chibi style woman with brown hair done in twintails wheels in an oversized blackboard. Her clothing is a while and black sailor type uniform, and joint type lines on it and her face make it clear she is some sort of artificial being. She then turns to the audiance.
"Hello Questirs! It's time for: Professor Whiteeyes (who is totally not golem)'s Info Center! Where I teach you in universe lore so you can start making good decisions and write lore accurate Omake. I'll be covering all sorts of stuff, from magic, to monsters, to the forces of Darkness. But today I'll be covering...all the species that are attending your school...hahaha I was not given a small one to start with was I? At, at any rate! I will do my best to give you the info you need to understand who your students are, at least in the general sense!"
The akiaki come from the Shensawa mountain range from the world of Itotochi. Unlike most species they have never claimed a world for themselves, and most of them stick to the mountains they were born in. A small number over time have moved out and integrated into other societies on various worlds. Despite what this may sound like they are far from isolationist, they just have very little interest in expanding their territory, or even really claiming territory. As it turned out upon their general integration with the larger magical community they had never even realized the nekojin had given them the mountain range as their home territory. They enjoy a very simplistic lifestyle and don't seem to get the appeal of having large amounts of "things", preferring more social interaction.
The average akiaki stands at around three to three and a half feet tall, and have proportions and builds similar to human children. Their skin is a bright golden color, and their hair is usually a bright purple and rather unkempt. They also have fox eyes (think Gin from Bleach or Brock from Pokemon), massive pointed ears (elven ears are tiny by comparison), and slightly more pronounced canines. Akiaki are natural shapeshifters, able to take on the appearance of various animals, objects, and even people...though they gain none of the mimicked subject's traits. Even if they look like a bird they cannot fly, and they would still weigh the same. In addition even if they mimic somebody's appearance, they still have their own voice. Though they originally evolved the ability as a natural defense against predators, they have since developed to enjoy using it to trick others, creating a species of notorious pranksters. They are not however malicious, and consider pranks that intentionally hurt people to be one of the worst things a person could do. In the case of accidental injury to a target, be it physical or emotional, an akiaki is expected to do their best to make things right.
A race of humanoids with talons instead of feet whose arms double as wings, avians are quite fierce looking. And for good reason, as they were an artificially created species, created by the ancient Beldaknin Empire as shock troops. With the downfall of the Empire several millenia ago the Avians gained their freedom. They are mostly found on old Beldaknin worlds, but have been spreading elsewhere. They initially had trouble breeding, a fail safe the Empire had engineered, but generations of use of fertility magic has raised them to a much more reasonable level of growth, though they are still considered slow breeding. Despite their low numbers, nearly all avians receive extensive magical training, as befits a species engineered to be capable in magical warfare.
Avians are about the same size as humans. They have deeply tanned skin and pinted ears like an elf, and their eyes tend to be heavily slanted. Their hair tends to be brown or black and kept short. The feathers that adorn their arms come in a surprisingly wide variety of colors, from browns and grays to bright blues and vivid greens. This is likely due to the wide variety of bird DNA used when their race was first created. Avians are a very strict and humorless people as a rule, a result of their long martial tradition, though some are learning to relax a little now that their species is no longer in danger of being wiped out suddenly. On rare ocasion an avian with smaller, less developed wings is born. Such avians are incapable of flight and are considered handycaped by their kin.
Beautiful, graceful, powerful, and they know it. Celestials are very much aware they are better than you, but they don't hold it against you. They most annoying thing is, they mean it. Pale skinned, with flowing blond hair, shining colorful eyes, and large fluffy white wings, celestials also have a floating golden ring over their head called a halo. A halo is made from a celestial's own concentrated good magic. Celestials are actually an elemental species. It's just that instead of their element being something from the physical world such as fire, water, or earth they are instead made partially from the metaphysical element of goodness itself. They are perhaps the most incorruptible beings in the universe. They do have free will after all, and even they aren't perfect...which they will cheerfully admit in their humility. Celestials instinctively try to spread and foster peace, kindness, friendship, happiness, and love. If it weren't for the fact that they were absolutely sincere and well meaning about it most species would probably tolerate them a lot less. That being said, while they can be a bit preachy and overbearing at times, there is no species more dedicated to opposing the forces of Darkness.
Living deep underground in hills and mountains, dwarves are renowned for a few things. Their ale, their craftsmanship, their beards, their toughness, and their sense of stubborn pride. Many a dwarf would rather chop off his or her beard than admit she was wrong, and "beardless dwarf" is about as sensible a phrase as "dry ocean" or "tasty fruitcake". Standing at about four feet tall and three feet wide at the shoulders, dwarves are built stocky. Despite some stereotypes there are dwarven magic users. They just tend to be artificers instead of the more flashy variety. How else did you think they made magic swords, they could just hit things with hammers that good? Honestly, some people just don't think these things through...ahem, anyway. Dwarves have a very strong sense of personal pride, and won't stand for any insult, even an accidental one. Several diplomats have noted that the proper refusal technique in the case of an accidental insult with dwarves is not to appologize, but to demand an apology for the accusation that they would deliberately make such an insult. Being the party deliberately making an attack on another party, most dwarves will then back down, usually with a remark to the effect of "nah, I guess you're too nice a guy to say something like that" in order to save beard. Speaking of beards, while men tend to let hang loose and wide, women tend to keep theirs in tight and elaborate braids and decorate them with ornaments. Their hair, and beards, run the usual gamut of colors for hair, though blond and red are by far the most common colors.
I guess you can't mention dwarves and not mention these guys. Brown skinned with oaken colored hair and pointy ears about an inch longer than a human's, elves are not very visually striking. Elves, male and female, have rather delicate looking features and builds. Because of this and their habit of wearing loose clothing, many have trouble telling the difference between male and female elves. Elves are one of the longest lived species, topped only by celestials. Still, the fact that they can crank out a millennium means that they tend to take a long view on things and are generally patient. They have a strong connection to nature, especially temperate forests, and feel very much at home there. They don't know where the stereotype that they can all use a bow and arrow came from, but they'd very much like it to die in a fire.
Alright, this is what your PC is, so pay attention. Fairies are a variety of fey, that is to say you're as much made of magic as you are biology. Fey could be considered magic elementals of a sort, but they protest that label. Fairies are the largest of the fey, standing at about four and a half feet tall and weighing in at around fifty pounds. Fairies have powerful magic, which they use in conjunction with their large wings to fly. Frames are known for their love of intrigue and cunning, and often have several layers for everything they do. Fairy politics tends to revolve around large extended families expanding across several generations, though occasionally one branch will break off to form its own political entity.
Fairies tend to be reactive, and the more active members of their society tend to do minor things and make small changes. The largest growth of fairy society came about when they came in contact with the pixies, whose more active nature prompted responses from the fairies that led to trying to match the technological and magical development of their "cousins". Encountering other sapient species has resulted in similar bursts of growth in response to new ideas and magics presented to them. Fairies as a rule tend to dislike technology and industry, mostly from an aesthetic standpoint and a dislike of things that advance and change so quickly.
Stanind at two feet tall with chubby cheeks, and a pointy red hat, gnomes don't look like much, but that's deceptive. Gnomes are the elemental race of earth, and they show it in odd ways. Gnomes are much tougher than their looks would sugest, having "skin of stone" and "bones of iron", in a metaphorical sense. They can also lift twice their weight, which is imoressive in that they are non-metaphorically as heavy as iron. Gnome hair ranges from forest green to navy blue, though it turns white in old age. Gnome men tend to grow curly beards. Gnomes have a green thumb due to their connection with the earth, resulting in bountiful harvests in even less hospitable climes.
Such bounty has affected gnomish culture, and gnomes love cooking, eating, partying, and drinking. Since their farms didn't require as much work for superior gain back in the olden days, they also developed at a faster rate than most other races. Gnomes are a startlingly practical race for the culture that invented Pie-Cake Eating Contests, the sport of gnomish kings. Not incidentally, the invention of the sport was followed by the invention of stretch waistband pants and artery unclogging spells. The reason for the practicality actually relates to the above. The more practical it is, the more benefit you get out of it for less work, which then leads to more free time to party. Gnome hats are a serious thing for gnomes. The taller your hat, the more accomplished and recognized you are by gnome kind. Gnomish rulers often have hats as tall as they are for example. Nothing makes a gnome mader faster than deliberately messing with their hat.
In the war between good and evil, goblins are...decidedly neutral. While the individual goblin or even tribe might serve one side or the other, as a whole goblins tend to stay out of it. The main reason for this is their highly fractious nature, which makes humans look unified by comparison. Goblins also tend to be very self interested and aren't the kind to really get dedicated to one cause or another. Again exceptions exist but in general goblins look out for themselves first, their clan second, and anybody they like third.
Goblins stand at about three feet tall with very long noses and large pointy ears. Their skin is green and their hair is black, but culturally they tend to tattoo themselves with tribal markings and dye their hair various bright colors. Goblins are a short lived species, rarely living past the age of fifty, though they make up for this with quick breeding. Despite their high population only a small percentage can use magic at all. Goblins do not grow facial hair of any sort, with one notable exception. The headmaster of Celestial Mustache, an impossibly old goblin well into his fourth century named Nelbara, has a rather long and bushy mustache that he claims he earned, along with his extended life, from doing a favor for a god, though which god it was he refuses to say. There are all sorts of rumors about him being something other than a goblin who adopted the disguise for some reason, but what he really is and what the reason for the guise is changes from rumor to rumor, and no real evidence has turned up for any of them.
"Ohh, I'm only half way through the list?" the chibi groans. "You know what, part 1 is done. The QM doesn't pay me enough to do a whole lecture this long in one go." She grumbles as she pushes the blackboard offscreen. "See you guys next time!"