Magical Girl Raising Project Mafia Game

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Hell yeah. Elite Bodyguard for the win.

The reason I lied about my power was that a Bodyguard would be an easy target to kill. A man who could be either a Doctor or Bulletproof is a far different matter. I wanted them to not target me so I could pull off what I eventually did - taking scum down with me. Didn't expect it to be the game-winner, but I'm glad I pulled it off.
Hell, I shouldn't even be dead. Vigilantes suicide the night after and bodyguard protect the target at least.
I'm not familiar with any form of vigilante that suicides, so as far as I'm concerned that's really up to the GM, and a bodyguards don't prevent suicide by any interpretation I know of.
Medium was nerfed as well. Lookout was given to Mafia.
You have valid points on those two though.
I'm not familiar with any form of vigilante that suicides, so as far as I'm concerned that's really up to the GM, and a bodyguards don't prevent suicide by any interpretation I know of.

You have valid points on those two though.
Town of Salem have Vigilantes suicide the next night if they shoot town. In this case, I was nerfed by suiciding right away.

In any case, well... There is a reason why Town of Salem games have ONE neutral killer along with mafia. The complete information confusion and 5 mafia divided in two groups is unbalanced on top of the town nerfs, in my opinion. Frankly, town only won by dumb luck with first night.
Cast List and Notes
So the cast list. Art will come later, and then awards tomorrow maybe. I wrote like, so many words in the past hour.Here's the original google doc version, so there have been edits to the pms you were sent. Cause yeah? Yeah.

I'll put down notes as go through about personal opinions. Also, yes. I did kind of stack the game against town because frankly, Town has an easier chance of winning in general, and I did get someone to look over my plans and they gave me the okay. If people thought differently, please feel free to give advice to the person saying they had plans but would like people to look over it.

The numbers before the names are ages I threw on because one of my favorite things about Magical Girl Raising Project is the separation of identity and Magical Girl identity, and I had fun putting the descriptions of the dead bodies out there.


  1. 30-Twirling Drip
    1. Town/Vigilante
    2. To change the weather with your umbrella.
    3. Serious
      1. It was pouring the day you first became a Magical Girl. The clouds had rolled in, thick and stormy, while you sat on a stone bench in the cemetery weeping. Fav had appeared to you then, bright and effervescent, and with all the answers. For you, wanting an escape, it was a call to arms, a signal to start the hunt for those fiends who had killed your parents, leaving them in an alley to rot, stripped of their valuables. And you did find them, and did punish them.
      2. You are [Twirling Drip], a veteran of the Magical Girl life. Nowadays, you work your shifts at the local police department, responding to the daily grind of reports of shoplifters, burglaries, and the occasional emergency call. Your life has instilled in you both knowledge of and trust in the laws that govern civilization. You're only thirty years old, but as a servant of the law, you know what you did was the result of immaturity and selfishness.
      3. However, times call anew, and such selfishness may be necessary again. You may be stuck in this terrible game of murder, but you swear to protect the righteous and bring the murderers to justice.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Nightkill: Once per night, you can PM the host to "Kill [Person]". Your kill flavor is [electrocuted]. Be careful about your target, you wouldn't want to kill an Innocent [Magical Girl] would you?
-oh boy, the real Cutting Wit of the game, am i right? *ba-dum-tshhh* Your nights were pretty boring until Anon,, fucked you over. It's not really your fault, except I kind of believe their reason was half they didn't think about it, and half you were really THE aggressive player of the game. That aggression kind of led all kinds of players to pick on you, (mostly Town). The death was also an amendment from Town of Salem because I was more interested in having it occur like that. (ONE FORUM DAY IS SO LONG OKAY) You were the town star regardless, but I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the game!
  1. 23-Lemony Plicit
    1. Town/Witch
    2. To place curses that change recognition.
    3. Hateful
      1. It was a sour thought that started everything. While squeezing lemons for lemonade, you grumbled about everything in a corner of the room. The middle school cultural festival was a time of fun for all, and everybody was excited for the classroom cafe. Not you though. You silently made your displeasure so clear that the rest of your class assigned you an unimportant job out of the way, and scattered to get things done. In that empty classroom, your hands had stung as citrus juice trickled into invisible papercuts, and the mascot had appeared then and made you an offer.
      2. You are [Lemony Plicit], older and sharper, and probably puckering in your core. You know that you're too young to feel that way, academically, but misanthropy is for all-ages and you don't really care. You're homeless and unemployed and as a Magical Girl you've impersonated and scammed to achieve a well-deserved standard of living. It's a comfortable life, and agreeable with you.
      3. Therefore, you hate the creators of this killing game, and while you hate that you need to team up with the goody two-shoes girls, you'll do it. You will do whatever you can to put an end to this farce as quickly as possible.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Curse: Once per night, you can send a PM to say "Curse [Person A] to target [Person B]". The affected person will redirect their night action to whomever you choose if they have a night action that affects other people.
-I put this role in because I was expecting chaos, and also, I wanted to see what a Town Witch would be like. Surprisingly mostly, boring until you came up with the bright idea to forcibly control the admitted vigilante to kill the innocent mason member. Wow.
  1. 49-January
    1. Town/Tracker
    2. To trace paths with a magical map.
    3. Mystical
      1. It was strange and murky, that moonless night. You couldn't sleep, for want of those constant dreams that disturbed you even in daylight hours. You had decided to take a walk around the house, pacing away extraneous energy. Your baby gurgled in her cradle and your husband snored in bed, when you peeked in on them. It was a harmless habit to have, your insomnia, when you were a stay-home mother. You were content in your life, you were content. In the kitchen, in the middle of your ninth rotation around the house, you saw him, that inexplicable being. It all fell into place like it was meant to be.
      2. You are [January], and it has been awhile since you've changed into your magical girl form. It is perfect transformation every time. You've tried to describe that feeling so many times, but words always fail to reach that same easy rush, and it was always with regret that you turned human and mundane again. Only your family was worth it, and you would revert from diamond to coal and burn for them forever.
      3. If it was just making way for younger girls, you would relinquish your powers with a certain level of grace. However, you will not die. You still want to spend time with your family, even as your daughter went out of the country to study foreign languages, even as your husband spends his days working hard to support you all. So you must live.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:

        1. Track: Once per night, you can send a PM to say "Track [Person A]". You'll be able to follow them secretly by using your map and see who they visited that night.
-You...didn't really get to do anything. You confirmed a few things, but overall, you didn't really get a moment to shine. Was a pretty decent role, but you pretty much got unlucky since you followed the wrong people.
  1. 20-Clawer Pawer
    1. Town/Sheriff
    2. To see in black and white.
    3. Vain
      1. It was all because of you! You were gorgeous and perfect. Maybe you didn't have the best grades, but if you tried, you could totally do better! Maybe you weren't the biggest people-pleaser out there, but the mobs just had terrible taste. It was all because of your perfection, that the mascot chose you. Why else? After all, the first time you saw Fav was at one of your greatest moments. That simple clear cut splendor forever intertwined with your glorious rise as an ascended being.
      2. You are [Clawer Pawer], and you were an outstanding Magical Girl, of course. Nobody did as much as you did for the people of the city, just through your sheer existence. Nobody has ever done as much for you as you have done. Even as a cashier in some dumpy convenience store is a mere facade for when you moonlight as a Goddess, determining the worthy and unworthy with a single piercing glance.
      3. Looking in your ever-present always-useful hand mirror, you cast a gaze down upon yourself. Bright as daylight, awe-inspiring as the sun, that's your motto! But of course. Your eyes will strike down the evildoers and separate the wheat from the chaff. You shall determine the fate of this game and save the day!
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Check: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Check [Person]". With your special detection ability, you'll be able to see whether someone is guilty or innocent.
-Man, I didn't expect you to be as suspicious as you were. The Gaze of Death is yours, lololol. The lacking cohesion part of your outfit/name/ability is because not all Magical Girls have proper symbolic outfits and i specifically made a case to randomize stuff, but I suppose that just kind of hurt your case even more.
  1. 16-Cataclysmic Joy
    1. Town/Veteran
    2. To set up magical fields.
    3. Wild
      1. It was a fucking disaster. You kicked a dumpster in the alleyway besides your house and screamed at the homeless man sleeping near it. It wasn't as if you were actually gonna hurt him, so he shouldn't have made such a fuss 'bout it. It was bad enough that earlier that day, the traitor bitch kissed the boy you liked in your face, but that damn teacher threatened you with a parental phone call just because you dumped the contents of your juice box all over her. You could have let it go, but you had boundaries dammit, and anyone who crosses them should be prepared for hell. The goldfish bastard's offer came out of nowhere.
      2. You are [Cataclysmic Joy] and what the hell, your life is shit? Pops and Ma always nitpick your every test score, and you're fucking above average, all right? They run their mouth out, about stupid fucking things like your delinquency and your clothes. Frankly you're never going to attend any higher education than high school, and that's the way you want it.
      3. But damn, fuck, and shit! Fuck everybody! Fuck the murder game! Fuck Fav who set this all up, and fuck you especially for needing to deal with this. You're not stupid, you know that most of the girls are probably alright, but that just means you'll have to work together to take those cocky bitches down.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Alert: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Be Alert". You can alert up to three times in the game. Your kill flavor is [blown to bits]. You will set up a explosive magical field to protect you that night and anybody who visits you will be a target. Regardless of their intentions, if they come at you, they better be prepared to fucking die.
-You died really quick. The first lynch always is pretty boring sorry. But also I apologize for being glad that you were the first to go, because I wanted to see other roles in action. I couldn't control the lynch result but that part's my bad.
  1. 15-Honey Heroine
    1. Town/Roleblock
    2. To manipulate anything as if it was made of clay.
    3. Calm
      1. It was definitely a thing that could have gone better. Though to be fair, nobody would have expected that bees would be super territorial if you came up to a wild hive wearing a bee suit. You thought that it was a pretty good disguise. It's possible that you were wrong. Meiko and Mai told you that middle schoolers don't really go on school field trips and spend the time persistently trying to become one with the wild, and you guess that they were right. They also bought you snacks and souvenirs during your stay in the hospital, which was nice. Weirdly enough, you found that mascot in a bag of chips.
      2. You are [Honey Heroine] and you continue to have friends. High school is a strange and wondrous place but you'll survive with the friends who enrolled with you. You're really grateful that they've stuck with you all these years, through your "oddities" and you hope they know that. They've took your quirks in stride and moments like that ceramics class mash up and your many unintended altercations with the teachers.
      3. You'll take this game as it comes, and try to protect those who need protecting and try to stop those who need stopping. While you will need to be care, you're sure that things will turn out just fine. They always do in the end. Hopefully, you'll be able to see your friends soon; you don't want Meiko and Mai to be involved.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Roleblock: Once per night, you can send a PM to say "Roleblock [Person A]". You can stop someone from using their ability that night by molding whatever hard material is convenient around them in a restraint.
-I don't think you had too much of a spectacular time of it, but I hoped you enjoyed your flavor and had fun! You are a survivor! Congratulations!
  1. 10-Teariffica
    1. Town/Doctor
    2. To heal with magical bandages.
    3. Sad
      1. It was ok. You were ok. You were good. That Tuesday afternoon, after you had gotten home from elementary school, you had curled up in a corner, and carefully peeled off an old band-aid. Everything heals with a kiss and a bandage, and even if Mama was super busy, that was still true. She had a pro-moh-shun and she worked super hard for your sake. You had known that meant that she couldn't read you bedtime stories or kiss your booboos now, but kissing your own booboos works good too. Mama was always tired, and a little scrape was easy to take care of. Your new friend Fav helped too, and he asked if you wanted to be a Magical Girl.
      2. You are [Teariffica] and as a Magical Girl, you didn't know what you should do… You should try to help people, you think, so you sneak out at night to Mama's hospital and visit patients. You're not sure if you help that much, but your bandages are supposed to be magical, and Mama seems to have cheered up ever since you've started. That's really good, and it makes you happy to see her happy. You'll keep it up then, because if Mama is happy then that means what you're doing is right.
      3. As for this really scary game, you'll try not to worry. Everything should work out. You'll do your part and keep people alive and things are bound to turn out for the better. You want to go home to Mama, but you don't want to put her in danger. So you'll wait and try to keep safe.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Heal: Once per night, you can send a PM to say "Heal [Person A]". Your magical bandages will be able to save anybody you want, even from death. You can only use this ability on yourself once however.
-Oh man, the one really horrible lynch for town. Like holy shit wow. You were my stopgap for too many murders, but you didn't get to save anyone in the end. It's a pity the timezone worked like that, but lynches turn pretty quick.

Town Mason

  1. 14-Almighty the Girl
    1. Town/Mason/Limited Medium/
    2. To ask the dead questions.
    3. Nervous
      1. It was really cool that you managed to get permission to go to that movie with your friends! But you didn't realize how creepy even a low-rated horror film would be, and when you peeked around a corner of your house, everything seemed to make eerie shadows, and especially your dad's ridiculous knickknacks. Then, something had moved among the shadows, casting pale light from behind the couch. A-a-a-a g-g-ghost? But it wasn't. It was a shimmering little fish, who made you scream when it talked, and then later, after a whole bunch of stupid hijinks, asked you to take on a very scary responsibility.
      2. You are [Almighty the Girl]. Just as a newly appointed Magical Girl, everything is pretty nerve-wracking! You don't really know if you're supposed to do anything, and your ability is just plain scary! You really don't want to talk to d-d-dead p-p-p-people…! And all it would be good for is solving murders or something, but that's scary too!
      3. Of course, this terrible game had to happen…! And of course surprise upon surprise, your dad was part of it? Why??? Why was he a Magical Girl?? Everything would be laughable if it wasn't so scary too! But you're super relieved you have someone you can rely on. You know you're lucky, and will try your best to be brave.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Question: Once per night, you can choose a Dead [Player] to ask a "Yes or No" question. Send your question along with your Night Action in a PM to the host, who will be the message bearer. Hopefully, your correspondent will respond shortly.
        2. Family Ties: You are in a mason with Assembler and can communicate here.
-I nerfed you way too hard and I'm sorry. Mostly, I just didn't want to let you access the chat at free will, but there were better options that could have given you more of an ability. Like, ten-word answers to any kind of question. Or something! The suspicion that fell on you was kind of hilarious though. I will admit to hoping for your lynch because the result would have been funny, but I really am super super sorry you were so llimited.
  1. 39-Sayurin
    1. Town/Mason/Bodyguard/Possible Jester
    2. To make binding contracts.
    3. Friendly
      1. It was a nice day. As single father and ordinary salaryman, you never expected to do anything too extraordinary with your life. You collected strange trinkets just to do something a bit out of the norm, and you took care of household chores, and you worked late hours at the office. Your daughter was a bit of a scaredy-cat, and her mother had been long gone and you did your best to take care of her. You were pretty unremarkable, and you completely didn't expect to be asked if you wanted to be a Magical Girl. You definitely didn't expect that you would say yes.
      2. You are [Sayurin], a man who used his dead wife's nickname as his own pseudonym. You haven't really explored your alter ego, but there was something really enthralling about the entire business of being a hero. It's not the worst thing to be a girl, you think, but it really makes you feel like a crossdresser sometimes. You try to divide your time as a Magical Girl and a office worker and a father equally, and you hope you've succeeded.
      3. Nothing about this was expected. Not this killing game, not even becoming a Magical Girl. You didn't expect your daughter to be a Magical Girl either. In the end, you don't really expect you or your daughter to survive, but you want to betray those expectations.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You are Innocent and win when all threats are removed.
      5. Powers:
        1. Guard: Once per night, you can send a PM to say "Guard [Person A]". By guarding someone, you will take down any attacker with you and guarantee their death along with yours. You cannot protect yourself. The contract you've made with yourself will ensure it.
        2. Family Ties: You are in a mason with Bahn and can communicate here.
        3. ???: Conditions unfulfilled.
          1. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You win when you get lynched and can take someone down with you.
          2. Vengeance: Ahh, the agony. Every moment you continue to live on, you taste ashes in your mouth and your head rings. You refuse to Guard anyone anymore. All you want to do is die, but you want everybody else to feel the same pain your daughter felt. You will take someone else down with you. After you have been lynched, you can send a PM to say "Target [Person A]". Your kill flavor is [dragged down]
-YOOOOOOOUUUUUUU. I didn't expect too much, after you clearly showed yourself to be a daughter-con, (and wow that chatroom is so sweet its gross holy shit) but you killed the killer, and kept town alive! If you didn't protect Megaolix or if Mortifer targeted someone else, it could have all turned around for the poor maf, but nope. As a jester, that would have been interesting to see how you would throw the dice.

Third Party/Serial Killers

  1. 18-Cutting Wit
    1. Third Party A/Janitor/Serial Killer
    2. To have a magic eraser.
    3. Angry
      1. It was upsetting. You sketched out the dark shapes and lines of the room, refusing to draw the model that the Art Club President had dragged in. The male student was aesthetically and objectively handsome, but that just fanned the disdainful embers in your heart. He was kind and sweet and tried her best to sit perfectly still. If you had the chance, you thought idly, you would like to peel his skin off, reveal his musculature, and see about whether that kindness would keep going after his blood ran out and his body was disappeared. When you headed home, drawing pad tucked under your arm, a little goldfish gave you the chance.
      2. You are [Cutting Wit], and cleaning up other people's messes has been your responsibility as early as you can remember. Used up, like a tube of paint, as far as you could tell, consequences hits independently of their actions. And, if bad things can happen to people who don't deserve it, then you're gonna rack up that negative karma so that you're gonna deserve every inch of it. So you'll make enough disasters to drown out the slow thud of your heart and you'll clean up the messes of your choosing from now on.
      3. This game is a different game from what you and your partner had been doing. You both had found each other out, two too clever girls attending the same college, two separate little killers. Two killers coming together as they coldly took and took and saw the city population vanish one by one. You'll erase everything, and this game won't stand in the way either.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You win with your partner. You will kill everyone that opposes you.
      5. Powers:
        1. Erase: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Erase [Person]". By using your magic eraser, you will be able to wipe out evidence and history. Your target will leave nothing behind when they die.
        2. Clubhouse: You are in a mason with Bunnylord and can communicate here.
        3. ???: Conditions unfulfilled.
          1. Nightkill: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Kill [Person]". Your kill flavor is [erased from existence]. Everything about them will disappear as well, so your target will leave nothing behind after you kill them.
-Your first move on the first night threw a whole bunch of things into confusion. Mostly, it helped the actual mafia though. Only a bit. Only on hindsight did I realize that the Janitor didn't really erase thattt muchhhhh but you played a sweet move and I'm fond of what it did to the game. If you died after Bunnylord, it'd have been like Serial Killer x 2 (Second LIFE starto) but nope you died early on, with a small stroke that helped paint the rest of the game. I was interested in seeing how a serial killer mason would work out, but you died so quick.....
  1. 18-Mourning Glory
    1. Third Party A/Serial Killer
    2. To induce natural thoughts into people's minds.
    3. Intimidating
      1. It was nothing to you. So easy. Top of your class and popular and such a perfect little girl you were. Thus, everything was very, very, boring. Looking for an escape, you took a risk. Wiping the blood off your face, you dispassionately looked down on the cooling body in the alleyway. You had caught a stray worker heading home, and lured her away from the main street begging for help. You might feel sorry for her, but the pure rush still tingles in your veins after that moment you slit her throat and saw her eyes widen in shock. One other had witnessed the murder, and he gave you a choice to take.
      2. You are [Mourning Glory]. A soft word spoken can be a compelling thing. With your ability to whisper thoughts into minds, frankly, the killing becomes far easier. The exhilaration is the same however, and so you enjoy it equally.
      3. This funny little game...Hah...Well, as you are, and as they all are, this will surely pass the time pleasantly. The odds are stacked against you and your partner in crime, but the odds have been kind as well. After all, it was mere chance that you found a kindred soul walking your college campus. So you will convince and enact your will upon all who stand up against you. And your will is death.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You win with your partner. You will kill everyone that opposes you.
      5. Powers:
        1. Nightkill: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Kill [Person]". Your kill flavor is [commited suicide]. By creating a certain thought in your target's mind, you can kill them nice and easily, with no fuss.
        2. Night Immunity: At night you are able to subtly change all hostile thoughts away from you, so that you will not be killed. This is only the case when you are the target of murderous intent.
        3. Clubhouse: You are in a mason with Joebobjoe and can communicate here.
-Man, you sure killed a bunch of people before you got narrowed down and lynched. Like, it probably didn't help that you were such a quiet player, and I'm not sure you tried too hard to save yourself. But the non-lynch on the second day because people considered you might be a jester was really funny, I'll admit too. The same night kill hurt both of you guys, but you weren't working together after all.

Third Party/Survivors

  1. 17-Late Start
    1. Third Party B/Survivor/Blackmailer
    2. To muffle superfluous sounds.
    3. Cunning
      1. It was way too early in the morning. You had taken one bleary look out the window from the racket of rising birds, and immediately shoved your head under your pillow. Goodnight. But no, it was not to be. When you tried to fumble around for the alarm, you smacked something right out of the way. Your alarm clock wasn't goldfish shaped, you knew that much at least.
      2. You are [Late Start] and sometimes, you just don't want to deal with anything. It wouldn't be so bad to just avoid the outside world, would it? Life is easier with your ability, but that's because you don't have to listen to other people talk about how you should get out of bed or listen to anything really. It's a peaceful life.
      3. You don't really have time to deal with this game, and you'd really prefer to just head off to bed instead. Unfortunately, dying seems like it'd be a pain, so you're just going to have to avoid that. One of the girls dragged you away after the meeting with Fav, whispering frantically about how being your cousin was "totally not cool!" Well, you'll try to keep her alive too.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. Your goal is to survive to the end, hopefully with your partner.
      5. Powers:
        1. Quiet Now: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Quiet [Person]". During the next Day Phase, they will be restricted from posting or hinting at a [Subject] of your choosing. There are limits to the [Subject] you choose. It's not ideal but it's better than nothing you guess.
        2. Sleepover: You are in a mason with Redshirt Army and can communicate here.
-Was considering how a Blackmailer would work in forum mafia, and came up with this, but you two.......most disappointed in you two...... That first night really hurt my soul, cause I was hoping for something interesting to come of as a result of your actions. The wildcard roles and you guys never really got to do anything.
  1. 20-Ursala Major
    1. Third Party B/Survivor/Thief
    2. To exchange ownership of something.
    3. Bouncy
      1. It was lots of fun to shoplift. Sneak, sneak, bam! Slide it in, act natural! Sneak, bam, swop! Bam, bam, bam, and there you go! Swoop! By flirting with the cashier a little, you could nab nearly anything you wanted unnoticed. Within reason, duh! You'd thought you'd be set for life if you could just grabby grabby that ultra rare collectible but you totally got caught! But no! You weren't fast enough! Locked in a holding room, while the manager called the police to deal with you, and frankly your fingers were getting itchy and ah, oops. Were you not supposed to touch that? A goldfish popped out of a box and it asked you a question. Well then, why not? Being a Magical Girl could be fun!
      2. You are [Ursala Major] and you live the dream with your handy handsy power and the many many stores that are frankly overloaded with things that people probably won't buy anyway. You're so glad you live in a big city where anything and everything is sold everywhere and everything's nab-able by your sticky fingers. Being a Magical Girl is the best!
      3. Nooooooooooooo, you're just a petty criminal! You don't deserve any of this! Also, that eyeliner was totally your color! Nobody else would have looked as good as you did with it! Ah well. At least there's stuff to take here. So you nabbed the purse of that one girl, and when you found her ID, she totally turned out to be your cousin?? Keeping that lazy girl alive will be terrible!
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. Your goal is to survive to the end, hopefully with your partner.
      5. Powers:
        1. Reappropriation: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Mug [Person]". If the target has an [Item], you take it. If they do not have an [Item], nothing happens. You can only have one item at a time. If you take a new [Item] then you must return the previous one. When you have an [Item], as its owner, you can then freely use the Powers it grants you. Too bad about the original owner, but it's yours now!
        2. Variable: Item Dependent.
        3. Sleepover: You are in a mason with AlphaDelta and can communicate here.
-The fact that you never got to use your ability hurts me the most in this game. Not even Megaolix's mostly-valid very-pointed critique got me like this. You were thrown off by Assembler's claim, even though out of the 16 there were 5 people you could have stolen something from. Maybe that wasn't enough? Maybe it was too much? You would have had something of a role-cop, mixed with your ability to steal those abilities and that would have been fun to see the outcomes of the next day.
-You could have stolen the Vigilante's umbrella, the Tracker's map, the Janitor's eraser, the Doctor's bandages, and Disguiser's lipstick/also killing implement.


  1. 8-8-ting
    1. Mafia/Killing/Godfather
    2. To fold objects inwards.
    3. Courageous
      1. It was your idea, OF COURSE. It was all your idea. Climbing the jungle gym to prove your courage, standing up against the evils of the schoolyard bullies. But you never felt like you did enough. Everybody seemed to treat you like you didn't know anything and that made you so frustrated all the time! You had to prove them wrong! But you didn't know how until Fav led you to the answer. It was a really fun answer too.
      2. You are [8-ting], and you refuse to be a child. You're a Magical Girl. Magical Girls are cool, and brave, and so are you! You're not afraid of anything, and that's why you had to do this! You wanted to have a real test in order to truly become a TRUE MAGICAL GIRL, and everybody else should do the same! YOU'RE GOING TO BE A MAGICAL GIRL EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU.
      3. When you win this game, it will be right and good and other synonyms that also mean good, because that means that you've officially proved to be STRONG and BRAVE and GOOD. You don't think about what comes next.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You win when all resistance is killed off. Your allies are
      5. Powers:
        1. Nightkill: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Kill [Person]". Your kill flavor is [folded into origami]. There can only be one kill per Night Phase for your group. Ew, yuck, dead bodies! But you can make them prettier, just by folding them up. Maybe if you fold a thousand people cranes you'll get a wish granted too!
        2. Night Immunity: At night you fold yourself into a pocket dimension, safe and sound from being killed. You keep all your cool stuff there and while you're a big girl, who doesn't need her blanky, it's still nice to have it. Nothing to do with being safe, really.
        3. Innocent: You have done nothing wrong and will never do anything wrong. As a "truly" blameless [Magical Girl], that will be what everybody sees you to be.
        4. Hidden Dimension: You are in a mason with Mortifer and LostDeviljho and can communicate here.
-You! killed Joebobjoe the first night, and frankly, I wish I could have actually written your killing flavor. To bad it was erased and you did pretty much nothing afterwards. Not really sure what to say? Maybe there was a chance you could have done some more, but it didn't come to anything.
  1. 16-Seelie
    1. Mafia/Watcher/Lookout/Killing
    2. To determine the destinies of the worthy
    3. Romantic
      1. It was always your favorite thing to read fairy tales when you were younger. If they don't succeed, that just means they weren't the hero in the first place. They unworthy fell easily to the tricks and obstacles in their path. The true heroes would get their end properly. Everybody was so lovely when they slotted perfectly into a role.
      2. You are [Seelie], and you will write the story out. It will fit like a wave of grass blew and rippled in a field. Like an ocean drowning and resurfacing. An aspiring author, you never managed to. Sometimes you still feel like you're the girl who wanted to be washed away in a flood. But mostly, now you think that it's much better to be the flood itself. Happily ever after dare a bit overrated, but a properly written story culminates in ecstasy.
      3. This is the culmination of your thoughts and beliefs. The ending will happen regardless of how you envision it, but you will foresee what is to come and shape that ending as much as you are able. Magical Girls have so much potential, and each one is a hero of their own story. But only victors make history, and this game will be a determinate.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You win when all resistance is killed off. Your allies are
      5. Powers:
        1. Nightkill: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Kill [Person]". Your kill flavor is [met their end]. There can only be one kill per Night Phase for your group. You take a personal investment in killing, and use your magic in order to set a proper death for every person.
        2. Watch: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Watch [Person]". You will be able to observe everybody who targeted them that night.
        3. Hidden Dimension: You are in a mason with Pawn Lelouch and LostDeviljho and can communicate here.
The fact is, the Lookout is such a strong role for town, that I wanted to play around and flip it. Frankly, it's not as useful for the mafia, but it's pretty good cover since it's also not often a maf role. (Got this info from the mafia wiki so who knows how accurate that is.) You did pretty good all the way up til your last choice, which is when I sighed and started to write the finishes. Even not doing anything would have been better lmao... But Assembler guessed really really right.
  1. 24-Gold Rose Lipstick
    1. Mafia/Disguiser/Killing Flavor:
    2. To have a magic lipstick tube.
    3. Wily
      1. It was clever of you to put the blame on your older sister. Not like she was doing anything useful in her life at all, going off and prostituting herself like the piece of trash she was. She was committing illegal activities after all, even if they weren't the same illegal activities that you put her in for. Fav had said that was exactly the kind of low blow that he liked and then he asked whether or not you wanted to be a Magical Girl. It seemed like a non sequitur to you, but you still said yes.
      2. You are [Gold Rose Lipstick]. The wiliest criminal mastermind, who forges and hacks and ultimately frames alternative candidates to take the fall for your multitudinous crimes. The one crime you've never personally committed was straight up murdering, but then again, everybody has their flaws.
      3. Considering your teammates, you're the undisputable brains of the operation, since 8-ting is literally ten years old, and Seelie is kind of an airhead. Honestly, you're looking forward to facing off against proper Magical Girls, though you're counting on your quality skills in manipulation to keep you and your team alive and kill off the other girls.
      4. You are a [Magical Girl] after all. You win when all resistance is killed off. Your allies are
      5. Powers:
        1. Nightkill: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Kill [Person]". Your kill flavor is [shot through the heart]. There can only be one kill per Night Phase for your group. Your lipstick has a sweetass lazer function. 'Nuff said.
        2. Disguise: Once per night, you can send a PM to "Disguise [Person]". This will swap whether they return innocent/guilty results for the night.
        3. Hidden Dimension: You are in a mason with Mortifer and Pawn Lelouch and can communicate here.
-You were also one of the people who really really confused people that first night. You guys killed each other off, but boy did that scramble minds and also you really crushed Nanimani's credibility. I'm sorry that you couldn't further hash out the technical difficulties because of your death haha, but at the very least, it was an interesting way to go!
Frankly, not clearly knowing role is one thing, because it happened in previous games. But not even understanding that LDJ was Mafia immediately at death was an issue. Nanimani SHOULD have know there that somehow, LDJ was immune to investigation that first night. The Janitor is to clear up who is who, not the game's fluff.
it's 1:33 am so i sleep.

tomorrow, all the awards. maybe everyone will get one.

Frankly, not clearly knowing role is one thing, because it happened in previous games. But not even understanding that LDJ was Mafia immediately at death was an issue. Nanimani SHOULD have know there that somehow, LDJ was immune to investigation that first night. The Janitor is to clear up who is who, not the game's fluff.
LDJ was not immune to investigation. LDJ flips inno and guilty results for the night and flipped their own results.

The result that would have been guilty flipped to innocent.
LDJ was not immune to investigation. LDJ flips inno and guilty results for the night and flipped their own results.

The result that would have been guilty flipped to innocent.
Okay, misexplained. I meant that it should have ben clear on second day that LDJ was evil and that color meant evil. Nanimani should have realized then that something odd had happened.

Edit: Heck, I didn't even get that Pawn was evil, if you recall my notes. I was believing that the color was meant for mafia to coerce into their group if found.
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Reading through the neutral quicktopic at last, I find it kinda funny how quickly they saw through me and then immediately went "he's a skilled veteran of the game". :V

Also for the record, @Redshirt Army my reason for rejecting mass name claim was legit. I wanted to tease that stuff out, but I never got the chance. :p
Jesus. I thought we had an Arsonist the whole time and they decided to set the fires off tonight or something.
Had some sleep. Now, let me see. Now, if there are some points that stick out...

1. Numbers. 5 Mafias, 9 Town Total? Wrong at the base but add in possible accidental deaths via Veteran of Vigilante and there's a number issue right here.
2. Boost of Mafia. Joe died quickly so it did not matter, but Janitors are limited in number of power uses for a reason. While it's not a first on Mafia, Lookout is a powerful role that is usually town. Then, not only you gave LDJ a power to hide allegiances, but Pawn had that on default as well. This only made Nani's job weaker and Lookout probably should haev went to teh otehr Mafia in return, since the most effective way to track them woudl have indeed been TPK.
3. Nerf of Town. You nerfed Bahn without a doubt. Veterans... is kinda a double-edged sword that I don't think is that good to have, but that's an opinion. You also nerfed me. ToS already nerfed Vigilantes to not shoot everyone and have them suicide the night after, but you even took it further by having it happen immediately (And I wasn't even aware of that myself, which is an even bigger issue). Town of Salem at least have notes left on Death for all the crazy that can happen! But the biggest crime here is the lynch nerf. The weapon of the town is the Lynch because death tells us the truth clearly at death. Only Janitor gets to fuck up that info. That you did here hurt a basic principle of mafia.

Individually, it may have been lesser issues overall but all combined? This really was an unfair setup for Town and in my own opinion, it was a bastard game.

And it may sound a bit salty but under normal circumstances, I really should have lived under normal rules. That and Anon's very stupid move (Already stated it but it was really that bad) still annoy me.
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I've... really got to agree with Mega here. The numbers are skewed heavily against Town and you didn't make Town good enough to compensate.

Additionally that thing with using colors to distinguish factions? Total dick move. Dick. Dick. Move. It was aggravating, frustrating, unintuitive, and when I realized what you were doing my response was very much not to compliment you on how clever it was.
5 Mafias, 9 Town Total

I'm sorry, I was in the Maf, and I somehow failed to notice that Joebobjoe and Bunnylord were members of the chat who were co-operating with us and with the same win condition and part of the same team. Can you point me to where that happened?
I'm sorry, I was in the Maf, and I somehow failed to notice that Joebobjoe and Bunnylord were members of the chat who were co-operating with us and with the same win condition and part of the same team. Can you point me to where that happened?
Same difference. But look, 16 is too low a number of players to run two scum groups with balance. 4 Mafias/1 Serial Killer would have worked out better, because at least it give Town a better chance to find who is working with who. 3/2 made things worse for Town.

No, not even remotely. The Mafia unit were one functional group acting together, co-ordinating who got their one kill and who else used their power and trying to cover for each other, completely unaligned with the Serial Killer unit who had one designated Killer and no idea who the Maf where. If the Maf knew who the SK was, they'd target the SK. If the SK knew who the Maf was, they'd target the Maf.

There's a great deal of difference there.
No, not even remotely. The Mafia unit were one functional group acting together, co-ordinating who got their one kill and who else used their power and trying to cover for each other, completely unaligned with the Serial Killer unit who had one designated Killer and no idea who the Maf where. If the Maf knew who the SK was, they'd target the SK. If the SK knew who the Maf was, they'd target the Maf.

There's a great deal of difference there.
Nope. if we found BunnyLord first, the killings would have kept going since JBJ would have taken over that job. Essentially, the SK role was boosted by making it with two players and having access to extra powers.
Nope. if we found BunnyLord first, the killings would have kept going since JBJ would have taken over that job. Essentially, the SK role was boosted by making it with two players and having access to extra powers.

Oh wow this totally counters my argument that the Mafia and the Serial Killers weren't aligned and would have taken each other out in order to win.
I've... really got to agree with Mega here. The numbers are skewed heavily against Town and you didn't make Town good enough to compensate.

Additionally that thing with using colors to distinguish factions? Total dick move. Dick. Dick. Move. It was aggravating, frustrating, unintuitive, and when I realized what you were doing my response was very much not to compliment you on how clever it was.
I kinda have to agree on the colour thing; they're far too similar, to the point that Town, Mason, and Mafia look identical to me. And I don't even have any form of colour-blindness. It basically makes it incredibly and unnecessarily difficult to tell who's what faction from the night/day reports.
I investigated Mort, too. So even if Assembler didn't get him...
(Also, really Anon? Really?)
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I've... really got to agree with Mega here. The numbers are skewed heavily against Town and you didn't make Town good enough to compensate.

Additionally that thing with using colors to distinguish factions? Total dick move. Dick. Dick. Move. It was aggravating, frustrating, unintuitive, and when I realized what you were doing my response was very much not to compliment you on how clever it was.
I kinda have to agree on the colour thing; they're far too similar, to the point that Town, Mason, and Mafia look identical to me. And I don't even have any form of colour-blindness. It basically makes it incredibly and unnecessarily difficult to tell who's what faction from the night/day reports.
I'm with these two. I didn't realize Pawn Lelouch was Maf even after the Lynching, and because of that I would have been screwed if Mort survived, since I would have been next on the block on suspicion of collusion.

Next time, I would recommend using colors that are much more distinct. Something like green
Annnnd SV ate the rest of my post.

What I meant to say was to use colors like green for Town, red for Mafia, and blue for third-party in the future. Much easier to distinguish.