Magical (A Quest of Vacations, or Starsigns, or Something Else)

Basement Adventure, Part 5
"Maybe... try something soothing?" You suggest. You don't really know how worm charming works, but really, the goal here is less to control the worms, and more to not be attacked, isn't it? "If they go into their holes because they're afraid..."

"It might also just be to sleep or something," Bel points out. "...Do gummies sleep? I've never seen it happen..."

"I... don't actually know..." You think Paprika might know, since she has a pet gummy frog, but given that she keeps it in a bag instead of a proper terrarium, you're not about to trust her when it comes to plastibiology. "Maybe we should look it up later."

"You look it up. I'm staying away from the live worms." Fair enough.

"...I guess I can try that." Caramel sets down the candle on top of one of the higher boxes, and produces his lyre. With a slow, deep breath, he plucks the strings, soft, liquid notes flowing out and through your mind, and even as it's playing, you can't really remember how the song goes. But it makes your eyelids flutter, just a little, and you don't think it's because you're awake in the middle of the night.
(Caramel's first combat ability: Soothing Song.)
Caramel steps into the area of the worm holes... and in a flicker of existence, a large monster of some kind appears. It doesn't attack, though, just collapses onto its side and starts snoring.

...You suppose that's one way of avoiding combat.

You and Bel pull Caramel up to the top of the box, but he doesn't stop playing. "I don't think I should stop, now," He explains, casting a worried glance at the crate-sized figure sleeping among the actual crates. "It will probably wake up if I do." It goes unsaid that that would be very bad. You haven't been taught anything about fighting, and you aren't sure Caramel has, either.

Bel probably has, if his ability to have high-stakes battles with the Magic Dolls says anything about him, but one felin signing up for every combat-based class that he can is... probably not a match for a beast of that size.

"We also probably shouldn't push the box at it," You say, because that seems like a simple enough thing to agree on. "We might be able to move it a bit to the sides, but..." Would be enough to get through the door? You don't even know what side it opens from...

Bel draws up some winds, that you can feel whipping around yourself, yet don't disturb any of the other items- on the other side of the monster, the candle continues burning away without even a flicker. "...I could break the door down."

[ ] ...This is fine.

[ ] ...You should probably stop him.
-[ ] Write-in your argument.