The Official Reasoning
Aspiring Farmer
- Location
- Selphia
"...My friend Raspberry says you're a pretty good artist," You comment, quietly, wondering what she's gotten off to. Maybe the group has started research without you. "Why did you decide to become a librarian?" It just doesn't seem like a logical career change.
"The principal owed me a favor." This isn't exactly how you expected this sort of explanation to start. "I did something to help him, oh, centuries ago, and he offered to give me help if I ever needed it. Something happened, I figured I should stay out of the public eye for a bit... no one pays attention to academy staff."
Given that Biscotti is the only one you'd heard a great deal about before coming here, you can't help but agree.
"...But the library?"
"There was an open position." Which still explains nothing, and reminds you that you haven't even heard Caramel's theory about what happened to the last person to have this man's job.
Cider Rainbow is a mystery, and you still don't have that many pieces of the puzzle.
You get a very basic sticker code translation paper about fifteen minutes later, after twenty sheets of unrelated paper, a computer crash, and three printer errors.
"What operating system even is this?" Mister Rainbow complains under his breath as you walk away. "Ketchup, what did you do!?"
You think you'll leave him to it.
You find the others already gathered around a table, though only Raspberry's book appears to be entirely on topic. Maybe Caramel's, you've never claimed to understand music.
Why Paprika feels the need to look through The Unabridged Bestiary of Baklava, however, is very much beyond you.
"You actually found something?" Caramel sounds begrudgingly impressed.
"No, I... had to get another one printed out, and I think something is wrong with the school computers." Not that it really matters to you when the only ones with access to the school computers are staff members and students of Machinery magic, but it could still probably have some sort of impact. Such as how long it took for you to get something that you think everyone should have access to, if only so they can find the resources they need. That's the whole reason this school is here, isn't it? "...That or the librarian's just really bad with them."
"You actually talked to him?" Despite successfully keeping her voice down, Raspberry is at the edge of her seat.
You nod, though you're not sure how much it matters, really.
[ ] Describe your conversation in more detail.
[ ] Actually, you'd like to get something productive done today.
"The principal owed me a favor." This isn't exactly how you expected this sort of explanation to start. "I did something to help him, oh, centuries ago, and he offered to give me help if I ever needed it. Something happened, I figured I should stay out of the public eye for a bit... no one pays attention to academy staff."
Given that Biscotti is the only one you'd heard a great deal about before coming here, you can't help but agree.
"...But the library?"
"There was an open position." Which still explains nothing, and reminds you that you haven't even heard Caramel's theory about what happened to the last person to have this man's job.
Cider Rainbow is a mystery, and you still don't have that many pieces of the puzzle.
You get a very basic sticker code translation paper about fifteen minutes later, after twenty sheets of unrelated paper, a computer crash, and three printer errors.
"What operating system even is this?" Mister Rainbow complains under his breath as you walk away. "Ketchup, what did you do!?"
You think you'll leave him to it.
You find the others already gathered around a table, though only Raspberry's book appears to be entirely on topic. Maybe Caramel's, you've never claimed to understand music.
Why Paprika feels the need to look through The Unabridged Bestiary of Baklava, however, is very much beyond you.
"You actually found something?" Caramel sounds begrudgingly impressed.
"No, I... had to get another one printed out, and I think something is wrong with the school computers." Not that it really matters to you when the only ones with access to the school computers are staff members and students of Machinery magic, but it could still probably have some sort of impact. Such as how long it took for you to get something that you think everyone should have access to, if only so they can find the resources they need. That's the whole reason this school is here, isn't it? "...That or the librarian's just really bad with them."
"You actually talked to him?" Despite successfully keeping her voice down, Raspberry is at the edge of her seat.
You nod, though you're not sure how much it matters, really.
[ ] Describe your conversation in more detail.
[ ] Actually, you'd like to get something productive done today.