An Ominous Future
Aspiring Farmer
- Location
- Selphia
"You... probably know a lot about this school," You continue. Of course he does. He's been here since it was founded. Even if nobody talked to him a lot, you're sure he's overheard lots of interesting things by now.
"What's there to know about?" The spirit replies. "Students come. They go. Some of them come back. They teach. I am led to believe that's how schools work in general."
You... can't actually think of a good argument against that. "And times like this?"
"They don't happen. Even when Gran was worried about... Never mind that." He shakes his head, leaving you to wonder who- and what- he was talking about. "I don't remember this ever happening before. Of course, most can't speak to me, and the ones that can do not bother, so I could be mistaken."
This just leads you to wonder why the lockdown has happened. But everyone's been wondering that, and you don't think you're anywhere closer to the answer than you were a week ago. "Maybe there's something dangerous out there."
The spirit shakes his head. "I would not be sure of that. There is very little that Will-O-Wisp students haven't been expected to face in the past, and they usually survived quite handily. If there is something that is too dangerous to expose the students to... we may be seeing another war."
"...War?" But the spirit has vanished, meaning that you probably shouldn't disturb him further.
You've never heard about any sort of war taking place on Kovomaka, not within the last few generations of wizards. Certainly nothing recent enough to have had any sort of impact on the school, or the spirits dwelling there.
Then again, you should have figured a spirit you just met wouldn't be as easy for you to understand as the ones back home.
As the school year approaches, that means certain things about your education have to be decided.
"Those that arrive for term early get first pick of homerooms," Miss Ketchup explains, holding a number of clipboards with papers on them. "These assignments will be permanent, so if you aren't entirely sure of your decision, you should ask for advice from a returning student."
Homerooms, you have been told, are important. They are where all of your morning classes will take place- afternoon classes are purely voluntary, and you sign up for them separately- and your homeroom teacher is the first one you should turn to for major issues. Miss Ketchup, her brother, and Miss Madeleine all have homerooms with open spaces, and they're all qualified to teach about spirits, so maybe you should stick to the ones you can recognize.
You listen around the room for a bit, overhearing various students discussing the teaching styles of the teachers you're considering, and eventually you come to a decision.
[ ] Miss Madeleine is probably the most relaxed teacher in the school. She's known for going off on tangents in class, and is relatively easy for students to approach. She also doesn't seem to mind missed homework all that much. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that while she does always talk about spirits, most of her lessons, in recent years, have been centered around Starsigns, so very little of what you learn will be actually relevant to your life. (Known classmates: Sorbet, Mokka, Chai.)
[ ] Sir Mustard- apparently he was knighted at some point, but nobody knows why- is very good at teaching the practical applications of magic, and one of the theories for his particular brand of power involves the Water Spirits. He's very good at ensuring that his students all have friends among their classmates, assigning mostly group projects, but he also spends a good portion of class time keeping certain... belligerent personalities... from killing each other. (Known classmates: Caramel, Nutmeg, Raspberry.)
[ ] Miss Ketchup is known for teaching a rigorous curriculum. She has high expectations of her students, assigning them whatever work she believes they can handle. While she's willing to give assistance to those that actually need it, most choose not to take her up on it because they've seen how busy she keeps herself and don't want to disturb her. She enforces strict discipline on her class, to ensure a proper learning environment, but her students don't get a lot of chances to talk to each other. (Known classmates: Sugar, Merlot.)
"What's there to know about?" The spirit replies. "Students come. They go. Some of them come back. They teach. I am led to believe that's how schools work in general."
You... can't actually think of a good argument against that. "And times like this?"
"They don't happen. Even when Gran was worried about... Never mind that." He shakes his head, leaving you to wonder who- and what- he was talking about. "I don't remember this ever happening before. Of course, most can't speak to me, and the ones that can do not bother, so I could be mistaken."
This just leads you to wonder why the lockdown has happened. But everyone's been wondering that, and you don't think you're anywhere closer to the answer than you were a week ago. "Maybe there's something dangerous out there."
The spirit shakes his head. "I would not be sure of that. There is very little that Will-O-Wisp students haven't been expected to face in the past, and they usually survived quite handily. If there is something that is too dangerous to expose the students to... we may be seeing another war."
"...War?" But the spirit has vanished, meaning that you probably shouldn't disturb him further.
You've never heard about any sort of war taking place on Kovomaka, not within the last few generations of wizards. Certainly nothing recent enough to have had any sort of impact on the school, or the spirits dwelling there.
Then again, you should have figured a spirit you just met wouldn't be as easy for you to understand as the ones back home.
As the school year approaches, that means certain things about your education have to be decided.
"Those that arrive for term early get first pick of homerooms," Miss Ketchup explains, holding a number of clipboards with papers on them. "These assignments will be permanent, so if you aren't entirely sure of your decision, you should ask for advice from a returning student."
Homerooms, you have been told, are important. They are where all of your morning classes will take place- afternoon classes are purely voluntary, and you sign up for them separately- and your homeroom teacher is the first one you should turn to for major issues. Miss Ketchup, her brother, and Miss Madeleine all have homerooms with open spaces, and they're all qualified to teach about spirits, so maybe you should stick to the ones you can recognize.
You listen around the room for a bit, overhearing various students discussing the teaching styles of the teachers you're considering, and eventually you come to a decision.
[ ] Miss Madeleine is probably the most relaxed teacher in the school. She's known for going off on tangents in class, and is relatively easy for students to approach. She also doesn't seem to mind missed homework all that much. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that while she does always talk about spirits, most of her lessons, in recent years, have been centered around Starsigns, so very little of what you learn will be actually relevant to your life. (Known classmates: Sorbet, Mokka, Chai.)
[ ] Sir Mustard- apparently he was knighted at some point, but nobody knows why- is very good at teaching the practical applications of magic, and one of the theories for his particular brand of power involves the Water Spirits. He's very good at ensuring that his students all have friends among their classmates, assigning mostly group projects, but he also spends a good portion of class time keeping certain... belligerent personalities... from killing each other. (Known classmates: Caramel, Nutmeg, Raspberry.)
[ ] Miss Ketchup is known for teaching a rigorous curriculum. She has high expectations of her students, assigning them whatever work she believes they can handle. While she's willing to give assistance to those that actually need it, most choose not to take her up on it because they've seen how busy she keeps herself and don't want to disturb her. She enforces strict discipline on her class, to ensure a proper learning environment, but her students don't get a lot of chances to talk to each other. (Known classmates: Sugar, Merlot.)