So, I've decided to spread my wings and make a commander artifact deck, and well. . . I've got to trim my deck down. Considerably. Decklist as it stands is here:
MTG Deck: Artifact Ultimatum . I know I'mma need the other guild gates and probably shocklands too, but I also feel like some basic lands would be in my best interest and that's where I need to trim down on. Only things I'm not willing to compromise on are the Bringers and the Ultimatums, as a personal challenge (I know, i know, then why make this post, but i'm admitting that bloat defeated me okay?)
At a quick glance through, I'd say Draco and Inspired Sphinx could probably go.
You're hopefully planning to add more land types, but as stands Draco's a 16 drop you gotta pay ten mana for each upkeep or sac it. If you wanna keep in the deck, you'd probably want something to apply various land types to stuff. Dryad of the Ilysian Grove makes all of your lands all basic types which can really help. Shock lands help, but guild gates don't. Consider triomes.
Inspired Sphinx just feels too expensive for what it's doing.
In general, you're running a lot of expensive stuff in here. See if you can't squeeze in Ugin the Ineffable or Tezzerat Master of the Bridge. Ugin will help reduce costs across the board and Tezzerat will help your various creatures get into play.
Rampaging Monument could also get cut. Most of your mutlicolored spells are the big Ultimatums. Of the rest, you only have five other multicolored spells, one of which is a board wipe. It doesn't get enough value to be worth the inclusion, IMO.
I'd personally consider switching Seer's Lantern for Chromatic Lantern for mana fixing to make casting your Bringers and Ultimatums less of a strain.
Feroz's Ban could stand to be cut. You're running a ton of creatures and that's hitting you just as hard if not harder than your opponents.
Heirloom Blade isn't gonna generate a ton of value here. You don't have too many creatures sharing a tribe. You've got the four Bringers, two Myr, and 4 Constructs.
Tanglebloom can go. It's not doing a lot and you don't have much for untapping it. If you absolutely want the life gain, consider Fountain of Renewal that one life per upkeep and you can sac it later for card draw.
The Blackblade can go. You're trying to make cuts for lands as is and your only Legendary Creature is your Commander.
Coat of Arms can go. Again, you don't have the Tribal synergies to make this super great and it will likely benefit your opponents more than you.
You could honestly cut the White spells that gain you life and just put Forsaken Monument in instead. It helps ramp and gets you life whenever you cast most of your deck. It won't help pay for the Ultimatums though. Not unless you do something like float a lot of mana and then convert it into colored mana through stuff like Prophetic Prism, or lands like Cascading Cataracts or Unknown Shores.