Okay. We've literally hit salt overload and I'm just.

I'm done. I have a list of fixes to this turn longer than my arm. I turn in my two weeks notice tomorrow, I'm trying to get things together to move, and I can't do anything without somebody getting pissed at me for obviously forgetting something. This setting is too big for me to handle, and too salty for me to hand off.
Honestly it's more on us. The rules are there, courtesy costs little, and I know how that feels when you daily question the 'why' of the thing. A co-gm doesn't add anything other than maybe meatier updates since you'll have more bandwidth, but the root incivility is still there and shit-stirrers are going to shit stir.

A few days break, some tunnel vision on what you need/want to get done, and everyone else chilling the fuck out sounds nice.

When we're at the point that ex-players are squatting the OOC to run everything down and mine salt it's time for everyone to take a step back, sit down, and shut the fuck up for a little bit.
Hmf, if that's all, I'll just explicitly send them a land grant to stop the salt, but only if they get to continue being independent. Peace for our time!


Honestly it's more on us. The rules are there, courtesy costs little, and I know how that feels when you daily question the 'why' of the thing. A co-gm doesn't add anything other than maybe meatier updates since you'll have more bandwidth, but the root incivility is still there and shit-stirrers are going to shit stir.

A few days break, some tunnel vision on what you need/want to get done, and everyone else chilling the fuck out sounds nice.

When we're at the point that ex-players are squatting the OOC to run everything down and mine salt it's time for everyone to take a step back, sit down, and shut the fuck up for a little bit.

I just had an idea.

How many of you have seen that Top Gear episode where they got run out of Argentina? Because Patagonia would be awesome tank testing country.