Magic Knight Quest (Surprise, you are a Harem Hero now, SV)

[X] Robin and Koharu

A significant number have been using lowercase Xs. Its been a while, but I don't think those would be counted by the vote counter.
[X] Koharu and Elisabeth

This is quite a choice. On one hand Koharu and Elisabeth are both great, and we picked up some affection with them, on the other hand Robin seems to be the only member of the conspiracy who is actually trying to avoid sacrificing us rather then going all hard (wo)men making hard decisions while hard.

In the end affection points win out.
[X] Shirley and Koharu

Damn it.

I hope "being distracted by female assets while getting good at magic" doesn't turn into some bad running joke for Kazuto.
This is what we get if we only get 1 for our dice roll.

It just seems like only being able to learn one thing when we specifically put a large amount of time for it, even distracted, is a waste of actions that could be used elsewhere. Perhaps instead of just using 1d6, you could do something like 1d4+1. It guarantees 2, but trades that off by avoiding the highest possible roll.
Dream about Koharu and Koyuki => Wake up with burning drive to get Koyuki her own body. "Geez, what got into him" :V

Also, really want Robin. Not sure who to vote for 2nd girl though...

[x] Robin and Koharu

I want to vote for Elizabeth and Robin but the votes seem low-ish for that. I'm surprised its not getting more though, I mean "totally not incest" yuri? Koharu and Koyuki would be the only ones to beat that vote being twins.