Random thought: Does the Progenitor Commander itself possess a Warp presence? Might be a good way to convince Inquisitors of your plausible human-ness and stave off Chaos gunning directly for the head honcho.
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This won't be a multicross for a good long while. 40k is a big place. I'll be busy here, probably until Drich herself decides to show up in her version.

Also, since I'm terribad at naming things, the guys on SB gave me names for the planet and an IG regiment. Feel free to suggest unit names or drop relevant links you feel might help so I don't get hung up on the simple stuff.
Obligatory follow - I have to say, I've been waiting for someone to get to 40K for a while. There's so much fun to be had there.

Not sure how much you'd be able to improve on the Necron's Warp Pylons, but it'd probably be a good idea to steal them all the same. Nullifying the Warp in an area is pretty goddamn useful against Chaos.
Hi sempai!

Yep. The Pylons are definitely on the shoppingyoinking list. Just trying to figure out how I'll swing the Warp mechanics here. This is one of the few settings where the question "Does this unit have a soul?" really should not be answered in the positive.
@Lazurman, found this site if you want to draft up an IG regiment or two. Imperial Guard Regiment background generator

Note: Does not have an automated program, requires some dice-rolling.

For some existing names used by 40K players: Name Your Imperial Guard Regiments!

Canon Regiments: List of Astra Militarum regiments - Lexicanum

Most IG regiment names seem to take the form of [PLANET] [NUMBER] [UNIT TYPE] Regiment/Corps/[ORGANISATION], as well as an optional nickname tacked on at the back.

Random Suggestions
53rd Volloxan Grenadier Corps
Bolthodi 67th Light Armor Division
351st Hekkan Infantry Regiment "The Gatekeepers"
832nd Noctisian Penal Legion
115th New Havenian Mechanized Infantry
7th Udukan Militia Regiment
Blackcastle 93rd Ranger Corps "Dirty Backstabbers"
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I think.... This is going to be hilarious.

Your Tags started me laughing and it became glorious from there.

That said....

Why restrict yourself? Sure, Necron Tech is likely the biggest shiny around and most suitable for you in terms of compatability. The Gaus weaponry is kinda like your ability to disassemble things with a beam of doom.....

But lets face it, some of the other races have some AMAZING tech you can use too....

Lets look at this faction by faction.

Necrons: Sure, the Pillars are nice, but the Gaus Weaponry, Reactionless space travel and FTL, Material Science, Anti-Grav, Grav Manipulation, Teleportation, micromachines, Phase Weaponry, Tachyon Manipulation, Molecular Disassembly, Lepton Manipulation, Particle Beams, Plasma Tech, Cross-Dimensional Teleportation, Time Manipulation, Mind Control and Quantum locking are all fantastic too. If you can take a Tomb world and study it all, I doubt you will run out of Technology to use.

Eldar: True, most of the Wraithbone tech may be a bit out of your reach, due to, you know, needing to be a Psyker to make, use, control or do anything worthwhile with it.....But they also have Force Weaponry you can adapt, Power Weapons, some really shiny Plasma tech, they have some Dimensional technology, teleportation, Webway, monofilament, Micro-rockets that are all shades of shiny and best of all, their Shuriken tech is begging to be used by you. Oh yeah, Grav Manipulation and Light/Illusion tech too.

Orks: They might not have any real tech you can't get better elsewhere, but you forget their primary use. As a test bed for any and all weapons and equipment you develop. The survivors will thank you for it too.

Humans: Ok, lets start off by pointing out, most of their stuff, you can get better elsewhere. That said, their Laser Tech is awesome for it's ability to scale up and down. Shields, Gellar Fields, Personal Shields, (Rosarius), Void Shields, Adamantine, Ceramite, teleportation, time manipulation (If you can find it, it does exist though), some cyber-ware, Bolter-tech, gravity manipulation.

The Tau: Ok, they have some decent cloaking tech, some more gravity manipulation, railguns, An FTL that won't kill you until you get the Necron FTL, Ion weapons, smart-missiles and a few other things. Aside from that, similar to the Orks. Just tell them it's for the Greater Good.

Dark Eldar: People tend to forget that these, as twisted and fucked up as they are, are second only to the Necrons as the most technologically advanced race. Grav Manipulation, Dark Matter tech, Nanotech, mind control tech, disintegrators, Really really good Stealth Tech, really nasty Lasers and most importantly of all, Black Hole manipulation, creation and control.

Just don't forget, that once you have smashed your way through all the races tech, in theory, you can have units enter the Warp and kill everything there too.
I have made the conscious decision to follow this on SV, and not SB. Sorry, but I have less threads to follow here. Plus, the only PA fic I'm NOT following here is Drich's ironically enough. But that's cause they posted it on SB first.

bit of a random question: anyone know where to get nice big images of all the PA commanders? Like the specific one that Lazur is using for a profile picture? I'm missing the AceA1, Gnugfur, Stickman9000,and the Enzomatrix. all i can find is either small pictures, or not the type I want (specifically the Ace and Enzo, all i can find is a video, or a still of that video)
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It's posted on all three. The QQ (in the SFW section, I swear!) version is barely getting any traffic.
I just realised something.....

IF he does have a Soul, he can't be hit by Scrap Code.

If he doesnt, and finds a way to anti-virus scrap code, he can't be corrupted.

Thus, the best possible answer to 'Do I have a Soul?' is "Kinda"
Dammit, I wanted to write the first "Commander ported to 40k" fic...

Well, if everyone's going to be writing theirs first, I might as well make mine of higher quality when I get around to actually working on it...
Dammit, I wanted to write the first "Commander ported to 40k" fic...

Well, if everyone's going to be writing theirs first, I might as well make mine of higher quality when I get around to actually working on it...
Hah! See, this was my exact motivation!

I knew that if I didn't start writing now, I'd lose out on a spot of uniqueness! Too slow, sucker! :D

...Hey. Just an idle thought. Has anyone put any thought to the idea of a thread where all the SI Commanders can drop by and socialize and get into a few dick-waving competitions? You know, fun stuff. Seems like it'd be cool.
Hah! See, this was my exact motivation!

I knew that if I didn't start writing now, I'd lose out on a spot of uniqueness! Too slow, sucker! :D

...Hey. Just an idle thought. Has anyone put any thought to the idea of a thread where all the SI Commanders can drop by and socialize and get into a few dick-waving competitions? You know, fun stuff. Seems like it'd be cool.
Well, my idea involved something along the lines of a TA Commander moving through universes and picking up SupCom and PA tech along the way, all while having to deal with a perpetually annoying "proportionate response heuristic," so maybe It's not so hopeless for me...
I'm only slightly jeaslous that you have more discussion than me.

Oh well, I'll get working on stuff after school, and try to actually get some notes for people to somehow find instead of the "I have no idea what I'm doing" method I've been doing.

But yeah. This is very good so far.
Technically to the Mechanicius you are robot space jesus.
What is essentially an STC combined with a human and turned into a living machine spirit.

In fact any form of artificial inteligence is considered heretical and to be disposed at once. it doesn't matter if you think you're human if you don't have a soul and you aren't a blank(shuns warp) you'll be considered an AI and have the entire imperium kill you or die trying... emphasis on trying...

Blanks are beings (mostly humans or humans only if i remember right) who shun warp and leave a dark void in the warp just by their mere presence and no psyker can see them. In fact in cannon lore once a large transport filled with blanks managed to place a shadow on the Astronomicans light from orbit so great that it distrupted traveling across half the galaxy and while they aren't outright killed in most of the imperium they are distrusted and hated more than some abhumans on many worlds and on some ocasion they are recruited as assasins of the imperium by the Culexus temple
I've been thinking about what else you would want to grab in 40k, when something occurred to me.

During the Dark Age of Technology, Mankind supposedly had toys that could make Eldar go green with envy.

There's one such device still functioning, a device designed and built by God-Emperor himself.

The Golden Throne.

You know what to do.