Except he was going to go fight Luke in that suit regardless. Them splitting off didn't matter. And I'm talking about how his characterization and motivation were pretty out of nowhere. We knew about a mysterious gun dealer that Shades worked for, his whole massive hate-on for Luke and their backstory just felt like crappy forced family drama.

Yeah Diamondback being his brother, being the one who framed him (we never found out for what) and the family tension came out of nowhere. Diamondback gets mentioned a lot and Luke being framed is but the reveal or something just didn't come out right and it felt weird.
Another note: Marvel needs to stop with the forced romances, seriously Claire is an amazing charecter can she be given some more motivation then these heroes are hot?
Got to come down on the 'why Diamondback' side of the trail - the show was rendered almost unwatchable by his reveal as shitty-Joker/'No Luke I am your brother'. Like, to the extent that I binged the first eight episodes and then took over a week to watch the rest. For that matter, the fact that no-one ever tried Mariah's early suggestions (does he have gills was such a great scene and instead they waste it all with kryptonite bullets GRRRR) really cheesed my toasties. And the entire going back down to Georgia arc was ugh, and so on -

But I have to forgive it for Cottonmouth, for all those amazing mood moments. While Jessica Jones and Daredevil were both character studies, Luke Cage felt like a mood piece, and when it played that up it soared. Jessica Jones and the Punisher episodes of Daredevil are still better, but Luke Cage is up there. Can't wait to see where we go from here.
I actually got through the first two or so Diamondback episodes because it was so silly and stupid that it ended up being hilarious. I felt it picked up from there to be watchable without the comedy factor, though not as good as Cottonmouth.
"But I only wish Cottonmouth was still around..."
Tobias Whales voice "Do you believe in the resurrection?"
Oh hey, new season. Cool.

Hopefully they won't spoil a good thing halfway through with a new villain that made me genuinely wonder if I'd missed a scene or two somewhere. When Diamondback loomed out of the shadows the show really seemed to be telling me 'oh shit it's this guy, you remember him right?'
I enjoyed the first season for the most part. Though I do agree with the general sentiment I see in this thread that Diamondback was over the top.

I look forward to season 2. Though I really need to watch season 2 of Jessica Jones as well.
I enjoyed the first season for the most part. Though I do agree with the general sentiment I see in this thread that Diamondback was over the top.

I look forward to season 2. Though I really need to watch season 2 of Jessica Jones as well.
You really don't. Jessica Jones Season 2 should've been subtitled 'the Character Assassination of Trish Walker'.
You really don't. Jessica Jones Season 2 should've been subtitled 'the Character Assassination of Trish Walker'.

That's interesting. I can see being being sceptical of or not liking that character development, but what would make it actual character assassination?
Not in my opinion, but I'm willing to concede that there were some hints at it in the first season. It still struck me as needless and generally poorly written.

I mean maybe? Trish got sort of a raw deal but I always got the impression that like laurel from Arrow she had a lot of issues lurking under the surface chill.

The most surprising thing Season 2 can pull is not having Mariah get whacked by Bushmaster or that one she said she could be a mother to, her daughter I presume, because goddamn with all the shit she's talking Mariah's fucking asking for God himself to come down from heaven on a white horse to put a target on her back.
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The most surprising thing Season 2 can pull is not having Mariah get whacked by Bushmaster or that one she said she could be a mother to, her daughter I presume, because goddamn with all the shit she's talking Mariah's fucking asking for God himself to come down from heaven on a white horse to put a target on her back.

yeaaaaaah. Honestly I really don't like Mariah as a villain. She's...honestly she kinda reminds me of like, Jack Slash from Worm, where the writers want you to take her super serial and she gets to monologue and escape to menace another day, and the whole time I'm just like "Oh my god someone shoot her so I don't have to listen to this crap anymore." She's not really fun or respectable. She's just awful, and I'd like her to go to jail or die to make room for a more fun villain.
Killing off cottonmouth was a mistake
This really can't be stated enough lol. Cottonmouth was just as good a villain as Wilson Fisk and Kilgrave, and the writers made the still baffling decision to kill him off halfway through. Wouldn't be so galling were it not for the fact that both Mariah and Diamondback are both very underwhelming compared to Cottonmouth in... pretty much all ways. At least all the ways that actually matter.
I still think Mariah could have been a great villain, albeit one of a different stripe to Cottonmouth... were she actually given the room to grow. Instead she had to share the spotlight with Diamondback and that man made everything around him worse by association.

God her scene where she sat down with the other mob bosses and tried negotiating her way out, tried setting up an alliance where she handled the PR and they got to divvy up Cottonmouth's resources, that was so good. I was legitimately interested to see where they were going with that, how it would work, what it would mean for Luke...

And then Diamondback just strolled in and fucking murdered everybody.
Finished watching Luke Cage Season Two last night. Pretty much enjoyed it overall, Mariah and Bushmasters were great villains with Afrie truly nailing Mariah down spot on again. Music continues to be the best part of LC in how it's used, the artists and tracks the composers use for the show always being spot on and adding life to even the dullest of scenes in each episode or fitting around what is happening.

Definitely went darker this season with some of the screen stuff really making me wince in places.
Like Bushmaster killing the yardie guy in episode one across the eyes, Piranha being well... Piranahed or Mariah burning Anansi in episode ten.

Just wish they would stop making each season of Marvel Netflix shows 13 episodes at 50 minutes or more (some of the episodes were a hour long and boy did they drag in places). It's too long for a superhero show and they don't come up with anywhere near enough to justify the length they make them.

And is the same thing reviewers and fans keep saying with every season or show they put out.

I was disappointed in how they used Claire, Dawson is a brilliant actress and to be given little to do is another waste by the show. Though i had expected that when i had read she wasn't sure if she was coming back to any of the Netflix shows. Plus, it seems like the writers didn't really wanted to do something different with her than they have been doing since Daredevil season one.

Loved how Mariah met her end at the hands of her daughter, very cathartic to see her finally be taken down after two seasons of getting lucky breaks, becoming more and more villainous. Luke becoming King of Harlem like felt a bit of a leap in a season that at times seemed to want to explore his flaws more but not too deeply or consistency for the Captain America of the Netflix shows. Some of that i put down to again how early Claire is out of the season and the focus they move to Bushmaster and Mariah. Missy stuff was mostly pretty good, though the amount of times she was ready to quit the force and then didn't got repetitive. The rival cop thing was just there and never felt like it did anything other than fill time in a already long season.

Colleen and Danny were used really well in their one episode appearances. Especially Danny with Finn looking far more natural in the role now and feeling like a character worth watching. Foggy got a bit more to do here than JJ season 2 but not much or really anything that makes use of him all that much. Rosalia was set up well here for DD season 3 and Ben Donovan continues to be a love to hate lawyer whom i can't wait to see more of in DD as well. Nice to see Scarfe back in flashbacks for one episode and how they used his corruption throughout the season overshadowing the police force. Tilda was... alright, but nothing compelling in my view.

All in all a decent season that was better than it's first overall in not switching things up halfway, having too many incoherent or cringy bits, or spinning wheels too much. But still would really benefit from cutting the episodes down to around 8 or 9 or at least the runtime in each episode to 30 or 35 minutes.
This really can't be stated enough lol. Cottonmouth was just as good a villain as Wilson Fisk and Kilgrave, and the writers made the still baffling decision to kill him off halfway through. Wouldn't be so galling were it not for the fact that both Mariah and Diamondback are both very underwhelming compared to Cottonmouth in... pretty much all ways. At least all the ways that actually matter.
Watching season 2, honestly, the writers for Luke Cage are just really bad at their jobs. They gave him a second power up to make him double immune to bullets and then decided to have the crap beaten out of him by a barehanded fighter despite being immune to high explosives now, meanwhile the plotting and villains are just this horrible mess.

They don't know what they want to do. They're not sure what their point is. They have no consistency, and obviously wish they were writing or Superman instead of Luke Cage, except then they'd need to make double plus kryptonite because I'm certain they'd flay Superman alive and then grow his skin back immune to kryptonite.

Luke Cage season 2 is a shitshow, is what I'm getting at, and I recommend a hard pass. Watch Arrested Development season 5 until they release the next Daredevil.