Lost Tapes

Stop me if you've heard this before. A bunch of stupid kids go to abandoned local for some reason, maybe to party, maybe for a school project, or just because they think it would be cool to explore a forgotten place left to rot by man. At first everything seems fine, nothing out of the ordinary. But as they explore more and more of the place, scary stuff starts to happen and the group starts to think they've made a mistake. Then the monster shows up and starts hunting them down one by one, until they're all dead and eaten. Maybe one or two get away, forever scarred by the traumatic event. Maybe they kill the monster and can put the nightmare behind them. But one thing is for certain.

Someone is going to die.

It might not even because of the monster, it might because of an accident like slipping and busting their skull against the wall or sink. Maybe tension ran too high, and someone pays the price. It doesn't really matter how, it's going to happen one way or another after all. This isn't a story where everyone gets out safely...or maybe it will be? I suppose that's up to you lot, who've I've decided to pluck from their homes and place into a scenario that may seem familiar to you all, an abandoned house on the hill, a run down hospital, a dark forest at midnight, the forsaken amusement park, and so many more.

You see, I'm something that you all like to call a "R.O.B." or Random Omnipotent Being. Since you seem so fond of this name, you may use it to address me. Now you're not the first or the last group I'll be using as entertainment to get rid of my boredom, but you will be the first group I've decided will be given a few..."advantages" if you will. The first of which is that you'll have a set of flash lights, one for each of you five. Yes, I said five, because one of you will be the monster out to kill the others. I'm sorry to say that this is non negotiable, one of you WILL be the monster and you WILL try to kill the others.

Now, with that out of the way, the other advantages are these nice video cameras with infinite battery life. These are so that your journey will be recorded so that I may watch this little diversion again and again, and so that you can catch things your pathetic mortal sensds can't perceive normally. Next is a single revolver with only six bullets, so I suggest that whoever gets it to make them count. Finally, a nice professional first aid kid with all the necessities.

Now now, don't think it's one of those magic fix all ills first aid kits you find in video games. This won't heal your wounds, it'll just keep you together longer. You also only get the one, so you best use everything in it wisely.

You may be wondering "what's the prize?" Besides your life obviously, I'll grant you all one wise. It can be anything even, fame, riches, power, immorality, Godhood, you name it and I shall grant it. Heh, that's provided none of you aren't slaughtered of course. For the unlucky sap who becomes the monster, if you kill everyone else, I'll not only restore you back to your previous life but you'll get to keep all the nifty little tricks you get from your monster form, plus the wish.

Oh, something I forgot to mention. The more you play this out as a genre horror movie, I may feel inclined to reward you with something that may help you either survive, or kill the others.

Now then my little victims, I leave with this parting words...

Wake Up.
@CommanderBlade @Logos @Camellia @Dust and echoes @Mask

You five find wake up with a start in an very spacious room. You all find that you are all laying on large surgical tables, the cold metal sending an unpleasant shiver down your spines. The room itself seems to be in disrepair and smells of rot and antiseptic. Ivy seems to grow on the wall and the tiled floor is cracked and stained, the lights above you are cracked and give little to no light. You each find yourselves equipped with a flashlight and a camera, with one of you finding they also have a revolver with six bullets and a First-Aid Kit.

You're all a bit disoriented and will need a moment to get your bearing together.

You awake and find yourself changed, your very humanity stolen from you by a cruel and uncaring godlike being. Though there is no light where you are, you find you can see clearly as though there was. You catch a scent in the air, and you find yourself assaulted by hunger. You smell fresh meat, and you WANT it, you NEED it. The hunger subsides, allowing you to focus on the hunt. You instinctively know what powers your new monstrous form possesses, and somewhere in the back of your mind you remember that you'll be rewarded by doing...something, you can't fully recall the task but you know that the reward will be great.
Coric gets up and turns his flash light on. He makes a clear sweep of the room making sure to also look up.
December sat up, and shook her head groggily.

She wasn't sure where she was, and this made her unhappy. She made sure to express her unhappiness in a long (and surprisingly wordy) string of curses.

Seeing as surgical tables wern't the best place to lay around, December jumped to the ground (still cursing under her breath) and began looking around the room. Was there anything useful? There were people, she was unsure whether or not they would be useful.

"Hey, did you guys have that wierd ROB asshole talking in your head too? Who are you guys?"
Coric takes a couple of measured steps to access the damage to himself. He finds that he is OK and turns towards a women who asked if they had R.O.B. talking in their heads and who they where. "Yeah fuckin asshole was talking to me too. Also the name's Coric Ordo just call me Coric or Ordo whichever you prefer."
Sitting up on the table, Koishi shook her head.

Standing fully, Koishi looked over the equipment. "Batteries for the flashlights are probably limited, and likely don't take the same batteries as these cameras... camera is likely important too." So saying, she stood, working out an easy way to carry the camera as another swept the room.

There was a foldout screen on the camera, showing what it saw. It seemed set to record automatically, but with the promised infinite battery life that wasn't too bad a concern. If she held it up just right... yes. With her left hand, she could get it so the screen nearly covered her left eye, leaving the right free and letting her see through it. Maybe with some string it could be affixed there without taking up a hand, but at least this way she could see anything that required the camera to see... and it wasn't like the parallax worked for her anyway.

"Right, either the nightmares are back, or this is happening. Either way, we should probably be looking to get out of here. You can call me Koishi.

"R.O.B. gave me the gun and kit, but I don't know how to use the former. Anyone here with military training, or otherwise qualified?"
Sitting up on the table, Koishi shook her head.

Standing fully, Koishi looked over the equipment. "Batteries for the flashlights are probably limited, and likely don't take the same batteries as these cameras... camera is likely important too." So saying, she stood, working out an easy way to carry the camera as another swept the room.

There was a foldout screen on the camera, showing what it saw. It seemed set to record automatically, but with the promised infinite battery life that wasn't too bad a concern. If she held it up just right... yes. With her left hand, she could get it so the screen nearly covered her left eye, leaving the right free and letting her see through it. Maybe with some string it could be affixed there without taking up a hand, but at least this way she could see anything that required the camera to see... and it wasn't like the parallax worked for her anyway.

"Right, either the nightmares are back, or this is happening. Either way, we should probably be looking to get out of here. You can call me Koishi.

"R.O.B. gave me the gun and kit, but I don't know how to use the former. Anyone here with military training, or otherwise qualified?"
Coric says " I am a member of the Florida National Guard. If that helps any."
Coric gets up and turns his flash light on. He makes a clear sweep of the room making sure to also look up.
December sat up, and shook her head groggily.

She wasn't sure where she was, and this made her unhappy. She made sure to express her unhappiness in a long (and surprisingly wordy) string of curses.

Seeing as surgical tables wern't the best place to lay around, December jumped to the ground (still cursing under her breath) and began looking around the room. Was there anything useful? There were people, she was unsure whether or not they would be useful.

"Hey, did you guys have that wierd ROB asshole talking in your head too? Who are you guys?"
Sitting up on the table, Koishi shook her head.

Standing fully, Koishi looked over the equipment. "Batteries for the flashlights are probably limited, and likely don't take the same batteries as these cameras... camera is likely important too." So saying, she stood, working out an easy way to carry the camera as another swept the room.

There was a foldout screen on the camera, showing what it saw. It seemed set to record automatically, but with the promised infinite battery life that wasn't too bad a concern. If she held it up just right... yes. With her left hand, she could get it so the screen nearly covered her left eye, leaving the right free and letting her see through it. Maybe with some string it could be affixed there without taking up a hand, but at least this way she could see anything that required the camera to see... and it wasn't like the parallax worked for her anyway.

"Right, either the nightmares are back, or this is happening. Either way, we should probably be looking to get out of here. You can call me Koishi.

"R.O.B. gave me the gun and kit, but I don't know how to use the former. Anyone here with military training, or otherwise qualified?"
You find that the room you've woken up in is mostly empty of anything useful, but what you do find is a map of the hospital you're in. On the back of the map there are messy and poorly written words, you can't quite make them out. December finds a half full bottle of painkillers and a blood pack, O+.
Growling, Celise claws at the floor, chipping and scratching the old concrete, before beginning to search for it's prey. Instinctively, it moves towards the pulsing, pounding, breathing, flesh, starting a long walk through a longer hallway.
Shuddering, Carla rolled off the table, rubbing her arms. Catching a whiff of the room, she scrunched up her nose. What a wonderful start to her day.

"Ugh, yes. I heard him too. I'm Carla."
Growling, Celise claws at the floor, chipping and scratching the old concrete, before beginning to search for it's prey. Instinctively, it moves towards the pulsing, pounding, breathing, flesh, starting a long walk through a longer hallway.
The monster swiftly works its way down the hall, navigating towards its prey. The hunger was suppressed for now, but it would return soon enough. The monster finds itself in a large room, a cafeteria based on the scent of old rotten meat and vegetables that dominated the air in the room. In the center of the Cafeteria was a strange twisting in the air, perceivable only to the monster's senses.
Koishi shivers. "Something tells me we don't want to stay in one place for very long, and that it would be a good idea to get out of here quickly.

"Here you go, Coric. Make it count." After handing over the gun, holding it by the barrel with the opening pointed to the side -- away from everyone -- to prevent accidents, Koishi turned to the map. "Two options I can see, since there's only one corridor out of this area. We either rush through it, so we don't get cut off by the monster, or we post someone with the gun in it and take our chances of destroying the monster while searching this sub-area for anything useful, or alternate exits."

If they went for rushing the exit, the available routes branched at room 51, but the corridor leading there was key.
Koishi shivers. "Something tells me we don't want to stay in one place for very long, and that it would be a good idea to get out of here quickly.

"Here you go, Coric. Make it count." After handing over the gun, holding it by the barrel with the opening pointed to the side -- away from everyone -- to prevent accidents, Koishi turned to the map. "Two options I can see, since there's only one corridor out of this area. We either rush through it, so we don't get cut off by the monster, or we post someone with the gun in it and take our chances of destroying the monster while searching this sub-area for anything useful, or alternate exits."

If they went for rushing the exit, the available routes branched at room 51, but the corridor leading there was key.
Coric takes the gun and checks the cylinder to make sure nothing could block it. He then found the safety and switched it off and held the gun pointing down. "I can take point and give a all clear. I just need someone to hold a flashlight for me so I can down the corridor."
Reaching out to the distortion, Celise pulls, a bubbly, throbbing tower of muscle and flesh oozing out of the ground to form a distorted heart.

Moving into the next room, it shudders, claws scratching and marring the old door barring the entrance to the much smaller room.
December grabs the painkillers, turns them over in her hand, and smiles dryly.

"Pills here. And blood." Her voice changes to a bad impersonation of an Australian accent. "Looks like we've got ourselves a universal donor boys!"

Laughing dryly, she pockets both items.

"Hey, I used to be a lifeguard. I've got some first aid training if you'd prefer that I take the kit."

"But yeah. We should probably get moving."
Coric takes the gun and checks the cylinder to make sure nothing could block it. He then found the safety and switched it off and held the gun pointing down. "I can take point and give a all clear. I just need someone to hold a flashlight for me so I can down the corridor."
"But yeah. We should probably get moving."
Carla glanced at the door, but turned her flashlight on. "Okay then, I guess I volunteer for flashlight duty?"

Urgh, she breathed in a little through her mouth with that, and she could taste the smell now. She hoped some of the other rooms would be fresher.
Carla glanced at the door, but turned her flashlight on. "Okay then, I guess I volunteer for flashlight duty?"

Urgh, she breathed in a little through her mouth with that, and she could taste the smell now. She hoped some of the other rooms would be fresher.
Coric peers down the corridor revolver raised hammer cocked.
"Hey, I used to be a lifeguard. I've got some first aid training if you'd prefer that I take the kit."
"More training than I've got. Here you go." Handing over the kit, Koishi looked to the map again.

"Moving on, rooms 20 and 6 are the most likely to have hidden passages by the map, so we should check those first. If you see the monster, I'd say yell and run to Coric's position. Everyone else should get there quickly as well, since if that happens we don't have a good chokepoint, and need to be getting out of here. If you find a hidden passage, then it'd probably be best to quietly regroup so we all know where it is; hopefully the monster won't know that.

"Unless someone has a better suggestion for how to communicate while we're searching these rooms?"

If no suggestions were forthcoming, Koishi would move on to room 20 to search it, first for false walls, then for useful items.
"More training than I've got. Here you go." Handing over the kit, Koishi looked to the map again.

"Moving on, rooms 20 and 6 are the most likely to have hidden passages by the map, so we should check those first. If you see the monster, I'd say yell and run to Coric's position. Everyone else should get there quickly as well, since if that happens we don't have a good chokepoint, and need to be getting out of here. If you find a hidden passage, then it'd probably be best to quietly regroup so we all know where it is; hopefully the monster won't know that.

"Unless someone has a better suggestion for how to communicate while we're searching these rooms?"

If no suggestions were forthcoming, Koishi would move on to room 20 to search it, first for false walls, then for useful items.
Carla glanced back, wrapping both hands around her flashlight when it started to shake. "H-hey wait. You want to split up when we're supposed to be mimicking a horror movie?! I mean, I don't really watch them, but even I know that you're not supposed to split up."
Reaching out to the distortion, Celise pulls, a bubbly, throbbing tower of muscle and flesh oozing out of the ground to form a distorted heart.

Moving into the next room, it shudders, claws scratching and marring the old door barring the entrance to the much smaller room.
Your claws dig into the locked door, and with a bestial howl you rip it apart with your unnatural strength. The smaller room seems to be a office of sorts, with an electric chair. You see a bloody hatchet buried in a long dead body, rotting and covered in maggots. You see horrid symbols etched into the wall with human blood, the sight of which calms your distorted mind.
Carla glanced at the door, but turned her flashlight on. "Okay then, I guess I volunteer for flashlight duty?"

Urgh, she breathed in a little through her mouth with that, and she could taste the smell now. She hoped some of the other rooms would be fresher.
Coric peers down the corridor revolver raised hammer cocked.
You see a dead man, his back torn up by some vicious beast. Written on the walls, floor, and ceiling the phrase "You are not the first" repeats over and over again. The man appears to be wearing a police uniform, but any equipment he would have is missing from his corpse. You do find a Tape though, poorly hidden behind a potted plant. Your cameras should be able to play back the tape, it may have useful information.
"One knock all clear, two knocks you found something" Coric suggests as he continues aiming down the hallway
Carla glanced back, wrapping both hands around her flashlight when it started to shake. "H-hey wait. You want to split up when we're supposed to be mimicking a horror movie?! I mean, I don't really watch them, but even I know that you're not supposed to split up."
"R.O.B. did say they might reward us with help for playing to convention, and in this case, splitting up to search an area for supplies while the group with our only weapon secures the only known entrance doesn't seem like too bad an idea."
"One knock all clear, two knocks you found something" Coric suggests as he continues aiming down the hallway
"Excellent; thank you."
"Hey got a body looks like a police officer all equipment is gone but there is a tape. I am moving in to secure it." Coric calmly moves down the corridor and snatches the tape while keeping his gun raised and backs up back to his original position. He holds the tape out for someone behind him to take along with his camera. While keeping the gun raised.
"R.O.B. did say they might reward us with help for playing to convention, and in this case, splitting up to search an area for supplies while the group with our only weapon secures the only known entrance doesn't seem like too bad an idea."
Carla frowned, but turned back around. "Okay then, I guess-"
You see a dead man, his back torn up by some vicious beast. Written on the walls, floor, and ceiling the phrase "You are not the first" repeats over and over again. The man appears to be wearing a police uniform, but any equipment he would have is missing from his corpse. You do find a Tape though, poorly hidden behind a potted plant. Your cameras should be able to play back the tape, it may have useful information.
"...oh my god." Carla took a step back and looked down, nasuea building in the back of her throat. Even staring down at the tile, she- the bone, the flesh torn off in strips- and the ever present smell that-

She dropped her flashlight and heaved into the potted plant, shoving up her hair as she did so.
December see's the body and takes a step back, as if struck.

"Jesus fucking Christ..."

She steadies herself on a wall. "Well fuck. This isn't a game after all..."
Your claws dig into the locked door, and with a bestial howl you rip it apart with your unnatural strength. The smaller room seems to be a office of sorts, with an electric chair. You see a bloody hatchet buried in a long dead body, rotting and covered in maggots. You see horrid symbols etched into the wall with human blood, the sight of which calms your distorted mind.

Taking the hatchet in hand, Celise starts dragging the body along, into the next room.