Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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The Nadare Clan and the Koyasu Clan and a handful of hangers on have successfully taken over Hidden Glacier after a brief but bloody civil war, which culminated years of internal philosophical conflict (Expansionist vs. Isolationists. Expansionists won).They've all but massacred the Yukimuro Clan (who specialized in the taming and combat utilization of the various chakra beasts in the area) and there is only a chunin and a few genin left. They have basically enslaved the smaller Kamino (who specialize in custom made ninjutsu built for arctic warfare) clan to work on creating techniques for the village constantly. The Hidden Village that previously had close to 80-90 standing ninja now has about 50, with about 35 of them being Genin, 12 Chunin, and 3 Jonin, with the Jonin being Nadare Roga and the other two surviving clan heads.
This seems... low.

Specifically, low to the point of vulnerability. What happens when the neighbors find out, and decide they want a piece? I'm not familiar with the local political geography, but probably nothing good.
[x] Accept Compel.
[x] Crash the Glacier-nin and Dotō Kazahana rendezvous, start kicking ass and taking names.
Thank you for the great chapter!
How soon do we get to contact the Akatsuki?
Fire Element: Sozin's Comet (lvl 39)

There is another technique (Snow Rabbit Leaping Technique) that Mieko knows for stepping through snow, sand, and similar terrain stealthily without leaving tracks, but it is non-elemental and so you can't copy it directly with your Sharingan. She is willing to teach you this the hard way when you have the spare time to learn.

Does this mean she'd be willing to after the party is crashed (assuming the Compel wins)?

If so....... Ichihara Mieko joins your party!
This seems... low.

Specifically, low to the point of vulnerability. What happens when the neighbors find out, and decide they want a piece? I'm not familiar with the local political geography, but probably nothing good.
Numbers are super low in this interpretation of the setting, and Glacier is one of the smallest ninja villages that operates in that style IIRC. Also this
A piece of what? Largely uninhabited tundra?
It's pretty much worthless land that would cost way more to hold than it will ever be worth. You could conquer the whole country, but that provides a different set of even bigger problems.
[X] Accept Compel
-[X]learn (Snow Rabbit Leaping Technique) after the mission
[X] Go find the Snow oyabun, Goda Jin. Pump him for information on this front, and give him the heads of those trying to muscle in on his turf as a way to secure a future working relationship.
we are ninja.thus stealth and the connections are always useful
That was a lot of fun. It's nice starting off with a curbstomp battle.

After about fifteen minutes of doing things by the book, Kakashi decided to hell with it. He batted the squirrel away. It retreated to a smaller branch overhead, hissing angrily at him. He wiped equal parts venom and spittle off of his face, and returned his attention to the surroundings below.

This made me laugh.

Invoke 'Snow Place Like Home'

This too. I love when the mechanics notes are as entertaining as the main story.

[x] Accept Compel
[X] Crash the Glacier-nin and Dotō Kazahana rendezvous, start kicking ass and taking names.

I needs me some more punching.

Keep in mind that Leaf is the largest village and it has something like 1500 ninja. Total population in this setting is crazy small, and ninja are rare.

Sealing was a strange and temperamental art, indeed .
Extra space.

He took one, blank out, hastily updated
delete commas

inside of the boxes lid

before scrawling "Shitty Pine Tree Camo." on the back
delete period

outwards from his feat

He levied a kunai at her throat


Don't move a muscle." Kakashi said.
period should be a comma


delete space

require an action economy
"require an action" or "require any action economy"

Nope, nothing., Kakashi thought.
delete first period

"Help yourself." he replied.
period should be a comma

Add space.

"More or less." Ichihara said,
period should be a comma

delete trailing period

In general, brush up on dialogue tags.
That was a lot of fun. It's nice starting off with a curbstomp battle.

This made me laugh.

This too. I love when the mechanics notes are as entertaining as the main story.

[x] Accept Compel
[X] Crash the Glacier-nin and Dotō Kazahana rendezvous, start kicking ass and taking names.

I needs me some more punching.

Keep in mind that Leaf is the largest village and it has something like 1500 ninja. Total population in this setting is crazy small, and ninja are rare.

Extra space.

delete commas


delete period




period should be a comma


delete space

"require an action" or "require any action economy"

delete first period

period should be a comma

Add space.

period should be a comma

delete trailing period

In general, brush up on dialogue tags.
Good to hear. : )

Thanks so much for the copyedits! Yes, I hate writing dialogue, can't you tell?.
[X]Accept Compel
[X] Crash the Glacier-nin and Dotō Kazahana rendezvous, start kicking ass and taking names.
Weird. When I read your dialogue, it sounds so much more natural than mine.

MMKII: I write it out in script format first.

MMKIII: Which seems to be good for letting me suss out the right word choices and interplay for how something should feel, but causes grammatical problems when I need to change the format up.

MMKIV: Yeah, you'll also notice from time to time that my scenery descriptions are somewhat sparse aside from returning with one every so often as a rooting device.

MMKV: Help! He keeps incrementing MMKs!
That seems extremely low, even for a bleak take on the setting. What does the population of the Land of Fire look like?
Kakashi doesn't really care about demographics. That said, he did once overhear Jiraiya talking about expanding the distribution of Icha Icha. He mentioned that his core demographic of adult women numbered around 400,000 in the Land of Fire, meaning that he could potentially sell more books if he could expand sales outside of the biggest cities...
[X] under a disguise crash the glacier nin meeting. Leave a note that they might be able to join a mutually beneficial arrangement and when and where they can discuss this opportunity. Rob both yakuza factions. Return money and leave both of them the same note.
[X] under a disguise crash the glacier nin meeting. Leave a note that they might be able to join a mutually beneficial arrangement and when and where they can discuss this opportunity. Rob both yakuza factions. Return money and leave both of them the same note.

Kakashi has managed to acquire the following techniques from a cooperative Mieko via his Sharingan, which will be added to his sheet and (in the case of the Fire element techniques) the jutsu doc when we get around to it.

Fire Element: Blazing Fists (lvl 30)
Fire Element: Hot N' Cold (lvl 1)
Fire Element: Sozin's Comet (lvl 39)

(KAKASHI: Blah, another way to throw fireballs. Fantastic.)

Wind Element: Dustoff (35)
Wind Element: Windy Dune Shift (15)

There is another technique (Snow Rabbit Leaping Technique) that Mieko knows for stepping through snow, sand, and similar terrain stealthily without leaving tracks, but it is non-elemental and so you can't copy it directly with your Sharingan. She is willing to teach you this the hard way when you have the spare time to learn.

Kakashi has managed to acquire the following misc. intel:

-The new,smaller yakuza group is a splinter group from the Frost yakuza organization, looking to muscle in on the Snow yakuza turf. They seem to be interested in the shipping lanes running through Snow. The daimyo's eldest daughter has significant gambling debts with both groups.

-You have an address that will be helpful in contacting the Snow oyabun directly, this is apparently their main headquarters.

-You have the full map of pretty much all the yakuza hideouts in the city (of both factions).

-As per the compel,you have the location and time of a staging area where some of the Glacier ninja will be meeting with Dotō Kazahana, the daimyo's younger brother. He seems to be a major culprit in this affair, unsurprisingly.

Hidden Glacier stuff:

The Nadare Clan and the Koyasu Clan and a handful of hangers on have successfully taken over Hidden Glacier after a brief but bloody civil war, which culminated years of internal philosophical conflict (Expansionist vs. Isolationists. Expansionists won).They've all but massacred the Yukimuro Clan (who specialized in the taming and combat utilization of the various chakra beasts in the area) and there is only a chunin and a few genin left. They have basically enslaved the smaller Kamino (who specialize in custom made ninjutsu built for arctic warfare) clan to work on creating techniques for the village constantly. The Hidden Village that previously had close to 80-90 standing ninja now has about 50, with about 35 of them being Genin, 12 Chunin, and 3 Jonin, with the Jonin being Nadare Roga and the other two surviving clan heads.

Nadare is working with Dotō Kazahana (instead of just taking everything over by force) for reasons that aren't quite clear to Ichihara. Might be related to manpower issues? Shrug.
I assume Blazing Fists, based on how it looked in story, is some type of supplemental action one-round taijutsu buff?
I assume Blazing Fists, based on how it looked in story, is some type of supplemental action one-round taijutsu buff?
Buffs Taijutsu by (Blazing Fist AB) for a minute, but the wielder explicitly cannot use non-Fire jutsu and keep the jutsu up at the same time, along with some other misc. details and caveats.

Middle of the road except for the duration, which could be pretty nice depending on the situation.
So I'd like to hear Kakashi's thoughts on the possibility of using Lightning chakra to enhance his taijutsu? Like the Raikages are able to do? Shouldn't it be extreme control over the type of chakra the answer? Not just some Jutsu that you learn and use?
Buffs Taijutsu by (Blazing Fist AB) for a minute, but the wielder explicitly cannot use non-Fire jutsu and keep the jutsu up at the same time, along with some other misc. details and caveats.

Middle of the road except for the duration, which could be pretty nice depending on the situation.
Does 'use' include 'maintain focus' in things like HLaM and Living Roots?
So I'd like to hear Kakashi's thoughts on the possibility of using Lightning chakra to enhance his taijutsu?
Quite possible and even decently plausible, but it would depend on the specifics and he might have to hack a solid jutsu together.

Like the Raikages are able to do? Shouldn't it be extreme control over the type of chakra the answer? Not just some Jutsu that you learn and use?
As far as Kakashi knows, the Raikage has a bunch of Lightning release techniques that he uses for this purpose. Some might be some super rare ninjutsu that don't require hand seals.

Elemental chakra tends to be difficult to control once its been formed, almost always requiring the use of hand seals as well as some internal manipulation to get a predictable effect out of it consistently. Determining what you must do to achieve a particular effect is more or less what the Technique Hacking skill (and profession) is for, and is a highly nontrivial field (surpassed in complexity and danger only by the field of Sealing/Fuinjutsu, which you'd have to be insane to want to learn).

That said, he doesn't see a reason why what you're suggesting isn't theoretically possible.

Does 'use' include 'maintain focus' in things like HLaM and Living Roots?
He hasn't tested HLaM and Ichihara doesn't know. Didn't seem to fuss with Living Roots. Living Roots, as far as Kakashi can tell, is one of the most remarkably well-behaved jutsu in this regard.
[X]Accept Compel
[X] Crash the Glacier-nin and Dotō Kazahana rendezvous, start kicking ass and taking names.
We should probably ask about the techniques, styles, specializations of our future opponents. It would be very useful to know what to expect from each of them. Glacier is not Konoha so the girl should know what to expect. We should also consider hiring their technique-developers as an instructors (in exchange for some of our stolen techniques).
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[X]Accept Compel
...do you think Mieko wants to join our nascent spy network and/or ass kicking gang
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My current proposal for short-term goal is:

  1. Overthrow the current Glacier leadership
  2. Install pro-clanless movement, use it to win the civil war,obtain the loyalty of the clanless AND a reason to plunder the losing clans secret
  3. Possibly install Mieko/someone trustworthy as leader
The pro of this plan is:
-Obtain a village worth of allies
-We will fight both Jonin and masses of mooks, on top of starting a civil war
-Possibly obtain a recruitment pool for our future Akatsuki
-Obtain the hat, if it exists.
-It keeps us out of politics
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