Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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[x] Land of Hot Springs. This country has a spotless reputation of absolute neutrality and safety. While it's a few border crossings away from your location, you're all very due for a vacation and the bars and vacations spots here are second to none.
[X] Land of Hot Springs. This country has a spotless reputation of absolute neutrality and safety. While it's a few border crossings away from your location, you're all very due for a vacation and the bars and vacations spots here are second to none.

Hot spring episode? Do I hear… a hot spring episode?
[X] Land of Hot Springs. This country has a spotless reputation of absolute neutrality and safety. While it's a few border crossings away from your location, you're all very due for a vacation and the bars and vacations spots here are second to none.

Hot spring episode? Do I hear… a hot spring episode?

[Jk] Kakashi wears the skimpiest swimwear possible without realizing it, and is just trying to enjoy not being injured. Shizuka is horrified, Kagato is confused, and Sugiyama is laughing their ass off.
Here are the (somewhat cleaned up) rolls for Chapter 61.

Full combat time!

Kagato is going to cover the area with a wind technique. Shizuka is going to put up a Wind Wall instead of her other block-related wall-style wind ninjutsu, mostly because that one costs a decent amount more chakra. Kakashi is going to quickly drop the backpack of misc. crap and uncover the Sharingan once he figures that combat is upon them.

Sugiyama is going to continue running away throughout all of this.

The battlefield will start as follows (left to right):

(Enemy ninja in Wind-walled Zone) || (Our Team ) || (Mechanically empty terrain) || (Sugiyama running away as fast as they can manage)

Additional zones flank the top and bottom of this line, which may be relevant if people Substitute out.

does rolls behind the screen

For mechanical reasons that I'm not going to reveal, the Fukuro Jounin is not affected by the zone border created by the Wind Wall. Mechanically speaking, this aspect of the technique is not there, as far as her movement is concerned. The trio of Rain nin close behind her will have to deal with it.

Here is the initiative list:

Fukuro Jounin
Doshaburi SpecJo
Fukuro Chuunin
Kirisame Chuunin

Round 1!


Kagato is going to cast one of his movement techniques and move into the Wind-Walled zone.
Attack the enemy jounin.

Kagato,Melee Weapons:??? + ? (Invoke 'A Long, Exciting Life in Demon') + ? (Boost + Bonuses) + 0 (dice) = ???

Fukuro Jounin ,MW: ?? + ?(Invoke 'Seasoned Rain Ninja') + ? (Boost) -6 (dice)= ??

-1FP, Reroll!

Fukuro Jounin ,MW: ?? + ?(Invoke 'For the Fukuro Clan!') + ? (Boost and bonuses) -3 (dice)= ??

Fukuro Jounin takes 5 stress. Soaks 2 with a Mild ('Ouch, My Wrist'), which Kagato gets a tag on,but otherwise the jounin is fine.

Kagato is going to backflip back into the zone with the Team.

Fukuro Jounin:

She's going to eschew dealing with Kagato for now. She does not know who she's dealing with here, but assumes that Kagato is a jounin and Kakashi might be as bad. As a veteran Rain-nin, she does recognize Shizuka on sight, is roughly aware of Shizuka's combat capabilities, and her jounin combat brain is going to arrive at the conclusion "If I seriously injure her or take her out immediately, we will have a numbers advantage. I am confidant I can probably do this thing."

And in for the kill she goes.

Supplemental: Move into the Team's Zone
Supplemental: Buff jutsu
Standard, Melee Weapons: ??? +? (Boost and Bonuses) - ? (Mild Consequence)+ ? (Invoke 'The Bastard Heir') + 9 (dice)=???

Shizuka, Athletics: 48 + 5(boost) + 5 (Invoke 'Whatever It Takes To Find Her') + 5 (Invoke 'Survived the Bloody Rebellion) + 10 (Substitution) -3(dice) = 70

Shizuka only has 2 FP so that's it for her. Those players who are super familiar with the system are probably sweating right now, since they know that a jounin with good combat capabilities and some tricks is probably going to be rolling in the 80s.

The jounin's attack hits, dealing a whopping 10 stress. Shizuka soaks 4 with a Severe 'Lacerated Arm' and 3 with a Moderate 'Sliced Throwing Hand'. The Fukuro Jounin gets a tag on both. Shizuka's stress track is otherwise full. And it's her turn.


Shizuka just got hit pretty hard. She's not going to be fighting at the top of her game, and these look like opponents that are stronger than genin-tier. She's going to do the smart thing and relegate herself to Maneuvers and putting down battlefield control, hoping that Kakashi and Kagato can manage with the 2:1 numbers disadvantage.

Supplemental: Move back into the zone with the Team.
Standard: Cast Chartreuse Gale Barrier on the Team's zone. She's almost out of chakra.
Supplemental: Substitute towards Sugiyama.

Doshaburi SpecJo
Standard, Water Release: Senbon Hail: 50 +12(Invokes) -12(Various ninjutsu effects in the way) -6(dice) = 44

So everyone in the target zone is going to have to dodge.

Kagato, Athletics: lol, lmao

Fukuro Jounin, Athletics: lol, lmao

Kakashi, Athletics: 38 + 6 (Sharingan) + 7 (Boost) + 6(dice) = 57

This ninja is going to save the rest of their action economy for Substitutions.


Kakashi has 277 chakra left after paying costs for Chakra Boost and Sharingan this round.

Alright. Kakashi's going to make a game time decision. He's going to move out of the AOE and Fire Dragon Bullet forwards. This will first hit the zone where Kagato and the jounin are, and then it will travel forwards to hit the zone with the other three ninja. The hope is that this causes them to burn some serious resources, or otherwise take some out. Kagato will have to dodge as well, but Kakashi is confident that the Mantis Summoner can ultimately move out of the way with some light singing in the worst case.

This will nuke Shizuka's wind techniques as a byproduct. Ah well.

Supplemental: Move back to Shizuka's zone.

-1 FP to invoke 'The Copy Ninja' so he can utilize Uchiha Fugaku's dank FDB tips for this roll.

Standard, Fire Dragon Bullet: 40 + 9 (+AB) + 9 (-1 FP Invoke 'Man on a Mission') + 9 (Chartreuse Gale Barrier) – 3 (dice) = 64

Time to calc some dodge rolls:

Kagato: He makes it

Fukuro Jounin: Has a Mild and no Sub until next turn. Not the best Athletics roll, but burns some FP to reroll and hit that 64.

DoshaburiSpecJo: Burns a Supplemental to Substitute out of the way, and their last Fate Point. Gets singed while doing so. 1 Stress.

Fukuro Chuunin: Burns a Supplemental to Substitute out of the way. Burns some FP as well. Gets singed while doing so. 3 Stress.

Kirisame Chuunin: Burns a Supplemental to Substitute out of the way. Burns all his FP. 1 Stress.

Alright. That seemed to cause some problems but not too much damage. At the very least the enemy team is somewhat scattered and had to burn through some resources. The trio of ninja substituted into adjacent zones not in the line of effect of the Fire Dragon Bullet, so by the map I have they're going to have some issues if they don't have ranged attacks. That may or may not be a problem for some of them. We shall see. I don't really want to think about the topography of how these zones are arranged, so I'm going to fiat declare that its complicated enough that maneuvering diagonally is going to cost additional movement unless you want to Substitute.

The two zones that had the Wind jutsu up gain the aspect 'Everything Is On Fire And Its All My Fault!' and Kakashi gains a tag on each of these, as per FDB's description. I note that the battle is happening in Rain Country and thus it is raining, so no other terrain is on fire. Kakashi is going to pass these tags to Kagato.

Kakashi ends his turn with 243 chakra remaining.

Fukuro Chuunin:

Supplemental: Substitute to the jounin's zone.
Standard: Wind Element: Interfering Resonance!

Kirisame Chuunin:

Supplemental: Substitute into Fukuro Jounin's Zone.

Standard: Fire Element: Walking Wildfire!

Supplemental: Unfurls his combat umbrella.

And that's the end of round one.

Round 2!

The battlefield is as follows:

|| Z1 || Z2 || Z3||

Zone 1 is on fire. The enemy SpecJo is in one of the adjacent zones.
Zone 2 contains the Jounin and two chuunin.
Zone 3 contains the combat members of the party (Sugiyama is slowly retreating into the distance, as per instructions).


Kagato has just seen Shizuka get stabbed with some vibrating sonic blade shit, before having to Substitute out of the way of a massive Fireball that blew up two zones of the battlefield. He is going to move into Zone 2 and try to take this jounin out before the enemies start gaining momentum. This is probably the make or break moment of this combat.

Supplemental: Move into Zone 2.
Standard: MW the enemy jounin:

Kagato, MW: ??? + ? (Invoke 'The Mantis Summoner') + ? (Boosts and Bonuses) + ? (tag 'Ouch, My Wrist!') + ? (tag 'Everything is On Fire…') - 6 (dice) = ???

-1 FP, reroll:

Kagato, MW: ??? + ? (Invoke 'The Mantis Summoner') + ? (Boosts and Bonuses) + ? (tag 'Ouch, My Wrist!') + ? (tag 'Everything is On Fire…') + 6 (dice) = ???

Fukuro Jounin, MW: ??? + ? (Sum of bonuses and maluses) + 3 (dice) = ???

Not even close. In this moment, on this particular battlefield, with the current circumstances? Kagato makes it look effortless.

Fukuro Jounin:

She's dead. Send an Elite Jounin or an S-ranker next time.


She is just going to recast CGB on Zone 3 and continue moving in the direction Sugiyama is running. Girl's not looking hot.

Doshaburi SpecJo:

Going to move back into Zone 1, observe Kagato using his kusarigama to eviscerate the team's jounin, before wisely deciding to begin fucking off at speed in the other direction. Someone has to alert the higher ups, right?

Makes it to … "Zone 0" lets say. I'll increment by negatives while its relevant.


Kakashi is at 188 chakra after paying Sharingan and chakra boost costs.

Okay! There's two chuunin in range of Kagato and one chuunin/special jounin/jounin ninjutsu user running off into the distance. It is probably not a great idea to allow 'em to get away, since that helps any pursuers that might be on your tail. What does Kakashi do in such a situation?

I think Kakashi, who is more cognizant of his jutsu stockpile's capabilities than I, would probably be able to choose the optimal thing to use here in this combat situation. I am not 100% sure what that is, but I am 90% sure that one of the best options is "Make a big dragon shaped lightning bolt and have it tear into everyone." and that Kakashi would probably agree with this. For simulationist purposes, I will give it no further thought.

The target queue here is going to be [Fukuro Chuunin, Umbrella Lad, Tree in Zone 1, Dosh. SpecJo, Dosh. SpecJo, Dosh. SpecJo]. At worst, wasting more of the action economy and resources for the immediate threats before harassing the fleeing target something fierce. At best, might take 'em all out. Let's see what happens.

Kakashi, Full Round Action: Lightning Dragon Bullet:

Attack 1: 52 + 6 (+AB) + 3(dice) = 61

Fukuro Chuunin, Athletics: ??? + ?(Boost) + ?(Subs) +0 (dice) = ???

Substitutes out of the way.

Attack 2: 52 + 6(+AB) – 9 (dice) = 49

Umbrella Lad, Athletics: ??? + ?(boost) + 0 (dice) = ???

He can't Substitute since he used up all his supplementals, but he dodges it anyway. The dice were unkind to your dragon here.

Attack 3: Meaningless, this is just to extend the range by choosing a target.

Attack 4: 52 + 6(+AB) +6 (dice) = 64

Dosh. SpecJo, Athletics: ??? + ?(boost) + ???(Substitution) - 3(dice) = ???

Substitutes out of the way of this attack. That's all their Supplementals.

Attack 5: 52 + 6 (+AB) + 6 (dice) = 64

Dosh, SpecJo, Athletics: ??? + ?(boost) + 3(dice) =???

Takes 2 stress and the fragile Aspect 'Shocked!'. Kakashi gets a tag on it.

Attack 6: 52 + 6 (+AB) +6 (tag 'Shocked!') + 3 (dice) = 67

Dosh, SpecJo, Athletics: ??? + ?(boost) + 0(dice) = ???

Has 4 stress on the track. Soaks 2 with a Mild 'Blasted!' and sits there, stunned. Kakashi passes the tag over to Kagato.

Fukuro Chuunin:

Supplemental: Substitute into Kakashi's zone.
Supplemental: Cast 'Shrieking Daggers'
Standard: Attack!

Does Kakashi get Strong Fist?
Athletics: 38 + 6 (Martial art) + 6 (Sharingan) +7 (boost) + -3 (dice) = 54
FC Athletics: ??


FC, Melee Weapons: 48!
Kakashi, Taijutsu: 46 + 7 ('Strong Fist') + 6 (Sharingan) + 7 (boost) + 3(dice) = 69

The chuunin has 3 stress in the track and takes 2 from the counter attack, incrementing his stress track to four since the stress dealt is less than 3. (Remember, stress tracks, not the same as HP!) He takes a Mild 'Ouch, My Ribs!'.

Umbrella Lad:

He is also going to attempt to attack Kagato. Perhaps he'll get lucky?

Standard, Melee Weapons: ??? + ? (boost) + ?(buffs) + 3 (dice) = ???
Kagato, Melee Weapons: ??? + ??? + 0 (dice) =???

Nah lol. He takes some stress from the counter attack, bringing him up to 2.

Round 3!


He's going to cast a movement technique with what chakra he has to spare before running forward and slamming a blade into the downed specjo.

Melee Weapons: ??? + ? (boost) + ?(tag 'Blasted!') – 9(dice) =?
Melee Weapons: ??? + ? (boost) + ?(tag 'Blasted!') – 3(dice) =?

SpecJo, Athletics: Bad roll as well!!

Thats a total of 13 stress. Yeah, sorry, you're dead.


She's going to toss a shuriken over her shoulder at the person attacking Kakashi and hope she gets lucky before running another zone away.

Shizuka, RW: 37(effective) + 5(boost) + 5 (CGB) + 3 (dice)= 50

Fukuro Chuunin, Athletics: ???

Hit! And with enough stress to increment the stress track back up to 3.


Kakashi starts the turn with 0 (!) chakra after accounting for this turn's Sharingan costs, chakra boost, and LDB from last turn. He must overdraw for a Mild to remain standing. The players just voted in a stunt that gives him a tag on the next roll for doing this. Wow. I cannot make this shit up.

Anyways, he's going to beat seven layers of hell out of this chuunin. Does he get Strong Fist?

Kakashi, Athletics: 38 + 6(Martial art) + 7(boost) + 6(Sharingan) + 6 (dice) = 63
FC, Athletics: ???


Kakashi, Taijutsu: 46 + 7 (tag 'Strong Fist') + 6 (Sharingan) + 7 (boost) + 7(tag 'Ouch My Ribs!') + 7(tag 'Oh No, Overdrawn Again!') + 3(dice) = 83

FC, Athletics: ???


Umbrella Lad:

Supplemental: Sprint through the wind jutsu in the zone to get to Kakashi
Supplemental: Flare his buffs
Standard: Bonk!

Kakashi is absolutely not having this shit, he's just going to Substitute away.

Umbrella dude, Bonk: ??? + ?(boost) + ?(buffs) + 6(dice) = ???
Kakashi, Athletics: 35 + 6(Sharingan) + 7 (boost) + 10(Substitution) +0 (dice) = 58

Oof! Thats 4 stress to the dome piece. Kakashi takes a Moderate ('Smacked with a Flaming Umbrella').

Round 4:

Kagato engages umbrella kid in combat. While Shizuka and Kakashi run off.

This was a pretty close fight, all things considered. Shizuka was taken out fairly early, so Kakashi and Kagato had to struggle a bit to deal with the numbers disadvantage. In the end, they all make it out alive.

Of note: Kakashi copies with the Sharingan:

- Some of Kagato and Shizuka's wind jutsu which we will not go into detail about until Kakashi learns the Wind Element

- The Water Release technique that was used here, which seems like it might require a bloodline

- The Fire Release buff technique that Umbrella lad had, which seems pretty good. The finalized spec has been tossed into the player jutsu docs. Thanks to Shrooms for the jutsu submission list that this was drawn from.

I try to make it a fair ball for the generated characters, all things considered, but its possible theres a mistake or arithmetic error here and there. I thought it was appropriate for the party members to quickly prep for combat with the amount of preptime they had, but I note that in general this might not be possible in all circumstances (the difference between "about 100 yards behind and gaining" and "they are standing next to me" is a modicum of focused effort for these ninja-types, if the fleeing party were to stop in their tracks to prepare the battlefield), so you shouldn't necessarily bet on that going forward.

WRT Kakashi's performance: This was pretty good considering he's still injury nerfed. On one hand, it might be worthwhile to invest a bit in some fundamental skills (Alertness, Athletics, etc.). On the other hand, pumping up your Chakra Reserves to compensate for the combat output will probably pay out some dividends in the mid to long term (ditto for raising Technique Hacking) , and you seem to be (slowly but surely) acquiring a larger pool of decent ninjutsu for Kakashi to use. Perhaps a couple more life or death fights, eh?
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CR seems like a really good long term investment. Maybe a stunt to make it 1.75 cost from his experience constantly healing them :*
I know that Jonin are good at multiple things, and that Kakashi may be canons best example of a well rounded ninja. But it feels a bit like we're trying to have the best of being both a taijutsu and ninjutsu spec. MMKII even eluded to it. I think both are high enough to be a secondary specialty for a while, but we need to commit to one as a primary.

No matter what, we need more Chakra. Boosting, substitutes, and Sharingan all cost currency, and using them regularly is what has been letting us hit above the normal "new Jonin meat grinder" numbers, especially the rather expensive eye. The rate we overdraw is insane, and we really need to do what we can to avoid that. Or at least save it for the important fights so we don't constantly walk around with minuses.

Plus, we're going to be summoners soon. Hopefully. And we're technique hackers. And have shadow clone. There's honestly no shortage of what we can use Chakra for, so I say we invest in that next, and spend the time between now and the next set up upgrades to figure out whether we want to put points into a few of the jutsu, or taijutsu and athletics. There's pros and cons to each, and honestly potential party members may determine which we start with.
There's also the aspect of stronger baseline stats meaning we need to use fewer resources to win in the first place. At the end of the day numbers going up *will* help us lol
I see your points, I do... but on the other hand: shiny magic is shiny, and the ability to create even MOAR shiny magic is too tempting a lure.
I know that Jonin are good at multiple things, and that Kakashi may be canons best example of a well rounded ninja. But it feels a bit like we're trying to have the best of being both a taijutsu and ninjutsu spec. MMKII even eluded to it. I think both are high enough to be a secondary specialty for a while, but we need to commit to one as a primary.

No matter what, we need more Chakra. Boosting, substitutes, and Sharingan all cost currency, and using them regularly is what has been letting us hit above the normal "new Jonin meat grinder" numbers, especially the rather expensive eye. The rate we overdraw is insane, and we really need to do what we can to avoid that. Or at least save it for the important fights so we don't constantly walk around with minuses.

Plus, we're going to be summoners soon. Hopefully. And we're technique hackers. And have shadow clone. There's honestly no shortage of what we can use Chakra for, so I say we invest in that next, and spend the time between now and the next set up upgrades to figure out whether we want to put points into a few of the jutsu, or taijutsu and athletics. There's pros and cons to each, and honestly potential party members may determine which we start with.
This is definitely a pitfall we could fall into but I don't know that I agree we're currently falling into it. The nature of pyramids is that we have to invest in other stuff to support the top, and jutsu are pretty good for doing that because they're cheap and versatile
There's also the aspect of stronger baseline stats meaning we need to use fewer resources to win in the first place. At the end of the day numbers going up *will* help us lol
This is true (and probably a pretty sensible growth path to the end of the jounin power curve in general) but one must also consider that NumbersGoUp does not an S-ranker make.

Kakashi builds

I've tweaked the sheet for a few possible builds for Kakashi's medium-term future (approx. 10 arcs of XP or so)

Overall Notes:
- I'm assuming MfD pyramid rules because Paper expressed displeasure at the idea that with monocolumning still allowed we could technically just raise ath to 60 and go straight for Taijutsu 79, which is a bit silly. It's not an official ruling AFAIK but I'd bet it would just get changed anyways if we don't adhere approximately to it.

- I went ahead and added the 'Oh No, Not Again' stunt already because the votes in favor seemed pretty dominant (there were actually more direct votes for the training plan than the actual action plan, even re-attributing those votes to ROTP's plan...)

- Summoning and TH can be increased at any time in these progressions, so long as they stay in the 30s or below. I don't recommend we increase Summoning until we have a Scroll, at which point I'd be okay with going to 10 or maybe 20 for the moment. I'm okay with increasing TH whenever though. Same goes for Shadow Clone, which still sits at a sad 10. Should probably get that to 30 or 40 at some point.

- The main goal on every sheet is to reach Taijutsu 70 as the 'medium-term goal'. Imo this should be our main mid-term priority. His other stats could be better but are acceptable enough for general purposes. However, as of now we can't really do anything if Dragon ambushes us again or something. Taijutsu 70 (and then -> 79) lets us at least hold our own with that tier of fighter and gives us very favorable odds against basically any normie jonin we can close the distance on, and possibly even multiple jonin. After Taijutsu 79 I'm substantially more comfortable branching out into basically whatever we want: TH, the other 2 elements, boss-summoning reserves, etc.

  • This is the quickest I could path out reaching Taijutsu 70, though there may be an even faster route hidden in jutsu half-costing.
  • I don't recommend this build. Despite getting us to the glorious 70 about 3 arcs faster, it kinda fills the coveted 50s and 60s with garbage and it'll take forever to expand over them with the more basic stats.
    • Antlion Strike -> 40 (Nets us Grand Defensive Rampart via sharingan)
    • Alertness -> 50
    • Radiant Bolt -> 60 (Nets us Transcendant Halo via sharingan)
    • Living Roots -> 40
    • Volt Whip -> 50
    • Chidori -> 60
    • Taijutsu 70
    • ~2400 XP away

  • Just increasing basic stats. This is probably my preferred option.
    • Resolve -> 40 (Nets us an additional Mental Stress Box)
    • Chakra Reserves -> 50 (AB up for THing and pretty decent pool for Summoning/SCs/General Purpose)
    • Athletics -> 60
    • Stealth -> 40
    • Alertness -> 50
    • Alertness -> 60
    • Taijutsu -> 70
    • ~3200 XP away

  • The focus of this build is unlocking as many Sharingan jutsu along the way as possible. It's a pretty decent route honestly, although similarly to the fastest route it also makes it harder to raise the fundamental stuff.
  • This is also the slowest option of the 4 because it also opts for CR 50 to make use of the jutsu.
    • Resolve -> 40 (An additional mental stress box)
    • Chakra Reserves -> 50 (AB up for THing and pretty decent pool for Summoning/SCs/General Purpose)
    • Radiant Bolt -> 62 (Unlocks Transcendant Halo and Agonizing Judgement, an AOE and single target lightning attack, respectively.)
    • Antlion Strike -> 40 (Unlocks Grand Defensive Rampart)
    • Fire Dragon Bullet -> 55 (Unlocks Great Fireball)
    • Athletics -> 60
    • Taijutsu -> 70
    • ~3400 XP

  • Very similar to Fundamentals, but with FDB swapped out for CR. CR can be raised to 49 at any time which will slow us down but that's okay.
  • FDB is a legitimately excellent attack so this would probably be my second choice.
  • It also has the advantage of being the second-fastest route to Taijutsu 70, although this is because it doesn't incorporate raising CR which is double cost.
    • Antlion Strike -> 40 (Gets us Grand Defensive Rampart)
    • Fire Dragon Bullet -> 50
    • Athletics -> 60
    • Living Roots -> 40 (Technically cheaper than Resolve or Stealth 40 but only barely. Either could go here instead.)
    • Alertness -> 50
    • Radiant Bolt -> 60 (Unlocks Transcendant Halo)
    • Taijutsu -> 70
    • ~2700 XP
May as well link this again. I'll add it to my signature later. Fundamentals is my choice, but generally the idea is reach taijutsu 79 as our next major benchmark
This is true (and probably a pretty sensible growth path to the end of the jounin power curve in general) but one must also consider that NumbersGoUp does not an S-ranker make.
Right, but look at our team. We can socials our way into actual ejounins/essies protecting us while we wander around stealing dummy high quality ninjutsu from other jounin.

It sounds like a way to become mini hiruzen, except over the course of years instead of decades
Elemental Ninjutsu Stunts
First, some background:

An unfortunate consequence of the FtD system is that ninjutsu specs are heavily disadvantaged in a few mechanical ways: for example, they must expend just as much XP as Kiryu Kicksalot or Sato Shurikenjutsu when it comes to non-offensive primary stats like Alertness or Athletics, but are at a disadvantage when it comes to their ninjutsu portfolio-- it just does not make much sense for someone in this system to pick up a new technique and invest XP to the point where that technique is competitive unless that technique is jaw-shatteringly awesome. Thus, either they start with jaw-shatteringly awesome jutsu (which raises a host of questions) or they are stuck with engaging in a mechanically incentivized sunk cost fallacy with whatever Fire Element: Crappy Fireball! type technique they learned as a genin. On the flipside, Kiryu Kicksalot is not given much in the way of incentives to utilize this portion of the system unless it interfaces with his ability to kick you in the face.

This just does not match up with what we see in canon (where ninja spend time learning various ninjutsu) nor does it match up with what we see in LotroL where ninja are encouraged to diversify their skillset to a certain degree as they gain experience, to handle a larger swathe of Shit-hitting-the-fan type scenarios.

And so, we have patched ninjutsu builds somewhat!

After having finally sorted through a pile of paperwork in QMchat, I'm pleased to announce that Paper and I have approved the following ninjutsu stunts and added them to the stunt list in the player docs. Much kudos to him for putting them together as they are!

Elemental Apprentice
XP Cost: 50 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 20 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Apprentice level, technique level).

Apprentice level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 39)

Elemental Journeyman
XP Cost: 100 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 40 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Journeyman level, technique level).

Journeyman level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 59)

Elemental Master
XP Cost: 150 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 60 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Master level, technique level).

Master level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 79)

Elemental Grandmaster
XP Cost: 200 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 80 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (technique level, maximum level of any technique in chosen Element).

Special Rule 1
The requisite level for learning the Elemental series of stunts drops by 5 for every additional element you know.

E.g. If you know all 5 elements (4 extra), the requisite level drops by 20, so you only need 3x L40 Fire Techniques to learn Elemental Master (Fire) and 3x 60s to learn Elemental Grandmaster.

Special Rule 2
When casting a Technique at below its maximum Effect: If you have a technique in the same element AND a different Element at a level whose corresponding maximum Effect would be higher, you may increase the Effect of the Technique by 1 at no extra CP cost. You may do this a number of times equal to your number of Elemental stunts in the cast technique.

This only applies to techniques affected by the Elemental Stunts! That means that techniques that don't roll their own level (like buffs or armor) don't get free Effect.
(NB: We are probably going to edit "Special Rule 2" at a later date for better clarity. Assume that the specifics are in flux until then.)

Learning one of these stunts may require access to someone who already has it, the notes thereof, or some sort of additional XP cost for creating it yourself.

These replace the old elemental stunts we have (though they will keep the cool sounding naming scheme). To account for any drastic changes rippling through the Lotrol!Fated to Die mechanical ecosystem, Kakashi has been granted the Elemental Apprentice stunt (in all of his available elements) as well as the Elemental Journeyman stunt in Lightning Release ("Journeyman Boltbinder"). The XP difference has been credited to his sheet.
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First, some background:

An unfortunate consequence of the FtD system is that ninjutsu specs are heavily disadvantaged in a few mechanical ways: for example, they must expend just as much XP as Kiryu Kicksalot or Sato Shurikenjutsu when it comes to non-offensive primary stats like Alertness or Athletics, but are at a disadvantage when it comes to their ninjutsu portfolio-- it just does not make much sense for someone in this system to pick up a new technique and invest XP to the point where that technique is competitive unless that technique is jaw-shatteringly awesome. Thus, either they start with jaw-shatteringly awesome jutsu (which raises a host of questions) or they are stuck with engaging in a mechanically incentivized sunk cost fallacy with whatever Fire Element: Crappy Fireball! type technique they learned as a genin. On the flipside, Kiryu Kicksalot is not given much in the way of incentives to utilize this portion of the system unless it interfaces with his ability to kick you in the face.

This just does not match up with what we see in canon (where ninja spend time learning various ninjutsu) nor does it match up with what we see in LotroL where ninja are encouraged to diversify their skillset to a certain degree as they gain experience, to handle a larger swathe of Shit-hitting-the-fan type scenarios.

And so, we have patched ninjutsu builds somewhat!

After having finally sorted through a pile of paperwork in QMchat, I'm pleased to announce that Paper and I have approved the following ninjutsu stunts and added them to the stunt list in the player docs.

Elemental Apprentice
XP Cost: 50 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 20 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Apprentice level, technique level).

Apprentice level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 39)

Elemental Journeyman
XP Cost: 100 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 40 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Journeyman level, technique level).

Journeyman level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 59)

Elemental Master
XP Cost: 150 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 60 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Master level, technique level).

Master level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 79)

Elemental Grandmaster
XP Cost: 200 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 80 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (technique level, maximum level of any technique in chosen Element).

Special Rule 1
The requisite level for learning the Elemental series of stunts drops by 5 for every additional element you know.

E.g. If you know all 5 elements (4 extra), the requisite level drops by 20, so you only need 3x L40 Fire Techniques to learn Elemental Master (Fire) and 3x 60s to learn Elemental Grandmaster.

Special Rule 2
When casting a Technique at below its maximum Effect: If you have a technique in the same element AND a different Element at a level whose corresponding maximum Effect would be higher, you may increase the Effect of the Technique by 1 at no extra CP cost. You may do this a number of times equal to your number of Elemental stunts in the cast technique.

This only applies to techniques affected by the Elemental Stunts! That means that techniques that don't roll their own level (like buffs or armor) don't get free Effect.
(NB: We are probably going to edit "Special Rule 2" at a later date for better clarity. Assume that the specifics are in flux until then.)

Learning one of these stunts may require access to someone who already has it, the notes thereof, or some sort of additional XP cost for creating it yourself.

These replace the old elemental stunts we have (though they will keep the cool sounding naming scheme). To account for any drastic changes rippling through the Lotrol!Fated to Die mechanical ecosystem, Kakashi has been granted the Elemental Apprentice stunt (in all of his available elements) as well as the Elemental Journeyman stunt in Lightning Release ("Journeyman Boltbinder"). The XP difference has been credited to his sheet.
Am I reading it correctly that everything below grandmaster is element specific, but grandmaster applies to anything once you have it? Specifically, when you mention the special rules and requirements dropping, you specified the lower level stunts are Fire, but not the Grandmaster one.
Am I reading it correctly that everything below grandmaster is element specific, but grandmaster applies to anything once you have it? Specifically, when you mention the special rules and requirements dropping, you specified the lower level stunts are Fire, but not the Grandmaster one.
That's just omission for brevity's sake. All of these are associated with an element.
First, some background:

An unfortunate consequence of the FtD system is that ninjutsu specs are heavily disadvantaged in a few mechanical ways: for example, they must expend just as much XP as Kiryu Kicksalot or Sato Shurikenjutsu when it comes to non-offensive primary stats like Alertness or Athletics, but are at a disadvantage when it comes to their ninjutsu portfolio-- it just does not make much sense for someone in this system to pick up a new technique and invest XP to the point where that technique is competitive unless that technique is jaw-shatteringly awesome. Thus, either they start with jaw-shatteringly awesome jutsu (which raises a host of questions) or they are stuck with engaging in a mechanically incentivized sunk cost fallacy with whatever Fire Element: Crappy Fireball! type technique they learned as a genin. On the flipside, Kiryu Kicksalot is not given much in the way of incentives to utilize this portion of the system unless it interfaces with his ability to kick you in the face.

This just does not match up with what we see in canon (where ninja spend time learning various ninjutsu) nor does it match up with what we see in LotroL where ninja are encouraged to diversify their skillset to a certain degree as they gain experience, to handle a larger swathe of Shit-hitting-the-fan type scenarios.

And so, we have patched ninjutsu builds somewhat!

After having finally sorted through a pile of paperwork in QMchat, I'm pleased to announce that Paper and I have approved the following ninjutsu stunts and added them to the stunt list in the player docs.

Elemental Apprentice
XP Cost: 50 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 20 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Apprentice level, technique level).

Apprentice level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 39)

Elemental Journeyman
XP Cost: 100 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 40 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Journeyman level, technique level).

Journeyman level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 59)

Elemental Master
XP Cost: 150 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 60 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (Master level, technique level).

Master level = min(max level of any technique in your chosen Element, 79)

Elemental Grandmaster
XP Cost: 200 XP
Prerequisite: 3 techniques at level 80 or above in your chosen Element

When making combat rolls with techniques of your chosen Element, the user may use the average, rounded up, of (technique level, maximum level of any technique in chosen Element).

Special Rule 1
The requisite level for learning the Elemental series of stunts drops by 5 for every additional element you know.

E.g. If you know all 5 elements (4 extra), the requisite level drops by 20, so you only need 3x L40 Fire Techniques to learn Elemental Master (Fire) and 3x 60s to learn Elemental Grandmaster.

Special Rule 2
When casting a Technique at below its maximum Effect: If you have a technique in the same element AND a different Element at a level whose corresponding maximum Effect would be higher, you may increase the Effect of the Technique by 1 at no extra CP cost. You may do this a number of times equal to your number of Elemental stunts in the cast technique.

This only applies to techniques affected by the Elemental Stunts! That means that techniques that don't roll their own level (like buffs or armor) don't get free Effect.
(NB: We are probably going to edit "Special Rule 2" at a later date for better clarity. Assume that the specifics are in flux until then.)

Learning one of these stunts may require access to someone who already has it, the notes thereof, or some sort of additional XP cost for creating it yourself.

These replace the old elemental stunts we have (though they will keep the cool sounding naming scheme). To account for any drastic changes rippling through the Lotrol!Fated to Die mechanical ecosystem, Kakashi has been granted the Elemental Apprentice stunt (in all of his available elements) as well as the Elemental Journeyman stunt in Lightning Release ("Journeyman Boltbinder"). The XP difference has been credited to his sheet.

These are really cool. I know we talked about something like this for MfD, to solve the Hiruzen Dilemma. And it does seem pretty fair, because you still want to eventually boost up your busted jutsu.

Also, these work Very well for Kakashi. Since we learn jutsu easily, as long as we have one good jutsu per element (need to get there for Earth), then we get level 20 version of any jutsu we see. Not necessarily good enough to use in a Jonin fight, but definitely good enough to get a handle of how much we actually like it in combat, and whether to invest or not. It also lets us use jutsu for pyramid math without losing a ton of functionality.

Edit: apparently antlion pit is only two levels below fire dragon bullet. Huh. Who knew.
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See, with this, finding jutsu that are things like auras that give buffs at set levels (like PEA), becomes higher priority. 30th level buff jutsus aren't nothing. And if we're going in on taijutsu (which I'm personally uncertain about), and Chakra (which I will fight on forever), then having Chidori + Sharingan +Boost +something else turns us into a human shredder. It isn't S-rank BS. But "Cast GigaFist" can be an S-rank spell, you know? And a few dozen jutsu functionally at chunin level is the sort of versatility that covers a multitude of sins.

But really. The cost to bump a jutsu from 1 to 10 at half cost is tiny, and the effect is going from like 20 to 25, or 28 to 33 or whatever. It means we'll also have to pay out XP to be well rounded, but honestly that feels like a small price to pay to never have to meaningfully worry about pyramid math at the lower levels again.
See, with this, finding jutsu that are things like auras that give buffs at set levels (like PEA), becomes higher priority. 30th level buff jutsus aren't nothing. And if we're going in on taijutsu (which I'm personally uncertain about), and Chakra (which I will fight on forever), then having Chidori + Sharingan +Boost +something else turns us into a human shredder. It isn't S-rank BS. But "Cast GigaFist" can be an S-rank spell, you know? And a few dozen jutsu functionally at chunin level is the sort of versatility that covers a multitude of sins.
It does not apply to buffs for this exact reason unfortunately
See, with this, finding jutsu that are things like auras that give buffs at set levels (like PEA), becomes higher priority. 30th level buff jutsus aren't nothing. And if we're going in on taijutsu (which I'm personally uncertain about), and Chakra (which I will fight on forever), then having Chidori + Sharingan +Boost +something else turns us into a human shredder. It isn't S-rank BS. But "Cast GigaFist" can be an S-rank spell, you know? And a few dozen jutsu functionally at chunin level is the sort of versatility that covers a multitude of sins.

But really. The cost to bump a jutsu from 1 to 10 at half cost is tiny, and the effect is going from like 20 to 25, or 28 to 33 or whatever. It means we'll also have to pay out XP to be well rounded, but honestly that feels like a small price to pay to never have to meaningfully worry about pyramid math at the lower levels again.
It does not apply to buffs for this exact reason unfortunately

The intent of this is mostly to make it mechanically sensible to have ninjutsu that roll their own level to attack, instead of pinning the mechanics onto another stat or creating a strange paradigm where the only worthwhile ninjutsu to invest in later on are ones that operate independently of their own level. So as a result many jutsu that would be classified as "buff ninjutsu" probably do not make the cut, as far as these stunts are concerned.

("Cast Gigafist" will serve you quite well, should you somehow acquire it from the murky depths of the QMDocs. Perhaps if you bumped up your Technique Hacking stat.... :p )
Also, I didn't realize Chidori is no longer our top Ninjutsu? Huh.
Yeah, doesn't scale too well at the moment unfortunately. A 50 to a 60 for a +1 to a taijutsu roll is not really worth it. The only reason we were considering it was to unlock Sharingan copied jutsu, but we decided to level Radiant Bolt to do that instead and also get extra mileage out of it as an attack at the same time.
Adhoc vote count started by MMKII on Nov 2, 2022 at 5:40 PM, finished with 33 posts and 8 votes.

Vote closed! Bit early, but then again it's not like there are any contenders :V
Scheduled vote count started by MMKII on Oct 28, 2022 at 8:44 PM, finished with 32 posts and 8 votes.
Interlude: Hide and Seek
Interlude: Hide and Seek

Tamako trembled as she fought to maintain the Hiding Like a Mole technique while holding her breath. Her strategy to avoid capture was simple: hide a meter underground and peak upwards every few minutes. But Tamako hadn't figured that long, repeated intervals of not breathing would be this hard.

C'mon! Rain ninja do this all the time in the field, Tamako thought, as if to give herself (and her tiny academy student lungs) a pep talk. You can do it!

Tamako lasted another twenty seconds before hastily swimming upwards through the earth. She gasped and wheezed as her head broke through the topsoil. The Hiding Like a Mole technique broke as she surfaced, and Tamako squirmed as a bunch of gooey mud solidified around her legs, trapping her in the ground. Her heart raced as she struggled to free herself, sending small bursts of chakra to try to strengthen her limbs, to rip herself out, but the ground might as well have been quicksand.

Should have asked Sis to teach me chakra control exercises, Tamako thought. She knew that experienced ninja were able to increase their strength by molding their chakra reserves in specific ways, but the Amegakure Academy hadn't covered that yet, and her tutors were busy teaching her the finer points of earth ninjutsu…

A hand clamped down on her head and Tamako stiffened.

"There you are. Looks like I found you."

Tamako screamed.

The hand removed itself from her head. "Oh, I'm sorry, Tama. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Sis!" Tamako whined, turning her head to frown at her older sister—half-sister, but a sister was a sister in her book, especially when you only had one!—as she redoubled her efforts to free herself. "Can you not do that!? You know that it freaks me out when you sneak up behind me like that."

Ameri let out a guilty chuckle. "I'm sorry. It's a tough habit to break. Are you stuck?"

"No, just give me a minute."

Drat! Tamako sighed in resignation and went limp. "Yeah, I'm stuck. Ameri, can you please get me out?"

"Of course."

Tamako grunted as a pair of arms firmly gripped around her midsection and gently pulled upwards. Slowly, her legs rose up out of the muck and into the air with two wet splorching sounds.

"Thanks," Tamako said. She pursed her lips. "How long did it take you that time?"

"Two minutes," Ameri supplied.

Tamako frowned. Aww! That's not even a new record.

"Using that technique to hide underground was a very good idea," Ameri hastily added. "If you had a means to get an air supply— a jutsu, a seal, or even a hollow reed, for example— it would have been excellent." Sister paused for a second, which she normally did before dishing out some gentle criticism. "But it's important to keep in mind that jutsu like that can leave traces behind as you move, especially if you have only just begun learning how to use them. Be careful, as relying on something that you haven't practiced sufficiently can prove dangerous in the moment."

Ameri brought a cloth out from one of her many pouches and packs, and she brought it up to wipe at Tamako's face. Tamako grimaced slightly, but she allowed it. What kind of kunoichi wants to walk around with mud on her face?

Tamako's shoulders drooped down, and she nodded slowly. "Yeah, that… that makes sense. Maybe I should practice normally?"

Tamako blinked as a fingertip poked the tip of her nose.

"How about we take a break from hide and seek? We can get some lunch, and then ask Hyousuke to help you work on your chakra control exercises." Sis said, with a teasing half-smile plastered on her face. "Then, if you get stuck while practicing your earth ninjutsu, you can pull yourself out. How does that sound?"

She felt her lips twist into a small smile. "Okay."


Ameri darted across the dark rooftops of Amegakure's luxury goods district. Rain Country was not known for its particularly sunny climate, but even accounting for that, this particular winter evening was an exceptionally cold and stormy one.

Perhaps we might even get some snow fall, Ameri thought. It had been years since Amegakure had seen more than the occasional light flurry. I can take Tama out later and play, if Father permits.

Growing up as Hanzō's recognized bastard child meant that Ameri had had a rather depressing childhood. There was a certain level of skill and ability that she was supposed to attain to be worthy of her father's recognition, from a political perspective and a social one. After a lifetime of constant training and missions, she had managed to meet those expectations, if only barely.

Her father, of course, was clearly disappointed by her progress, but he tried not to let it show all that much aside from the frowning and the unprompted training tips over dinner. Ameri couldn't blame him all that much. The legendary Salamander, for all his invincible martial abilities, wasn't perfect, and it wasn't like they taught a class on how to be an outstanding parent in the ninja academy.

I suppose I should be grateful he didn't turn out like his own parents, Ameri thought. Her paternal grandparents had force-fed Hanzō deadly poisons as an infant, apparently, and put her father through all manner of dreadfully dangerous training exercises as a child.

Though it would have been nice if mom had survived childbirth.

Ameri's gaze flickered back and forth across the streets as she jumped from roof to roof. It was their last round of hide and seek for the day. Once she found Tamako, they would head home, wash up, and eat dinner. It was likely that it would just be the two of them and Hyousuke, as it usually was, but father liked having the option of joining in when he could spare the time, so they ate at the same time every evening to better accommodate his wishes.

Their father had saved Hyousuke's life in the second war, back when he was a mere genin, and in recognition of the life-debt, the man had dutifully and faithfully served their family ever since. Hyousuke, now a jounin of considerable skill, spent many years of his life serving as a bodyguard-slash-babysitter for Ameri during her own childhood.

Now he provided the same service to Tamako.

Ameri's eyes flickered over to a particular noodle shop where a familiar ninja clad in a stealth outfit and Amegakure rebreather mask, was busy standing around making smalltalk with the owner.

Hyousuke. So Tamako is close by.

Ameri was unashamed to say that she unabashedly cheated in the games of hide and seek that she and Tama played. While her stealth skills were excellent, her tracking skills were a far cry from those of a tracking specialist or a more senior field ninja.

Hyousuke, on the other hand, was usually far too stuck in his ways to play with the two of them in earnest, and so Ameri could usually find Tamako by searching for him instead. On the flipside, he usually got bored following Tamako around when it was Ameri's turn to hide, and so he doled out some helpful tracking advice. It wasn't bad practice, all in all, though Tamako generally gained the most out of the game.


Ameri landed silently in front of a pile of storage crates in the rear of the storefront. She reached out with her hand, moving it slowly towards one particular box that looked as if it had been recently pried open and hastily closed. Ameri slowly placed her fingers down on the near side, adhered them to the wooden box with some chakra adhesion, before pulling her arm back to rip the crate open.


Ameri smiled. "Found you."

"Gah!" Tamako yelled. The girl pouted angrily. "I told you to stop doing that, Ameri!"

"My mistake, sister," Ameri replied. Her lips twisted upwards into the ghost of a smile. "Honestly, I figured you'd expect it by now. I always fi—"

Ameri broke off as the air around them suddenly grew thick as potato stew. Ameri moved to grab her little sister at the unexpected sensation, but Hyousuke was already there by the time she could consider it, bursting through the back of the building in a shower of splinters and droplets of soup broth. The jounin grabbed Tamako with one hand, and tackled Ameri as he did so, picking her up with his free arm. The scenery blurred as Hyousuke leapt to a nearby roof and started darting across the Amegakure skyline.

The pressure thickened, and Ameri's gaze locked on the city's central Tower. A massive, monolithic structure made of concrete, carved stone, and metal plating, it loomed over the rest of the city like a disapproving parent.

"Hanzō of the Salamander, ruler of this land...you shall know my pain."

The voice echoed across the city in an amplified whisper. It was quiet, and yet it was heard everywhere.


For one horrible, terrifying moment, the rain itself seemed to still, the droplets freezing in place as they fell through the sky.

The Tower of Amegakure exploded.

Quick interlude from me this week, bit busy juggling stuff.

Hotsprings won unanimously last voting cycle, so I'll see about advancing the plot somewhat next week with a chapter that gets us (most of the way) over there, if nothing else. XP payout from the last arc still to be determined-- probably get you that soon enough though.

The amount of voter participation the last couple cycles has been great! Y'all rock.
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Voting is open