Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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Interlude: The Wisdom of the Years
Interlude: The Wisdom of the Years

The forested hills of eastern Fang country were cool and sunny. It had rained recently, but not too recently, so the moisture was out of the air and in the ground. Kenji was thankful for that, and for the sun, since his bones tended to ache something fierce nowadays if the weather was a bit off.

Kenji leaned back on the boulder and uncorked the jug of liquor that he had brought with him.

"Beautiful day," Kenji remarked. He didn't bother pouring the heavily fermented plum wine into a cup, opting instead to just drink straight from the jug. He took a long swig, savoring the sharp taste of the fruity beverage as it bit into his tongue.

Have to be strong nowadays, he thought. Or I won't even taste it all that well.

It was common knowledge in the greater shinobi world that age roughly correlated with personal power, but nobody had ever warned him that old age brought a series of curses and misfortunes along with it.

"Did you summon me to watch you laze about all day, you old coot?"

Kenji looked over his shoulder at his companion, a small brown snapping turtle that was barely the size of a dinner plate.

"All you do is sit around and drink!" Genko said. The little turtle glared irately at him, and slowly, over the course of a few seconds, she stamped a foot down on the boulder with a clack.

For a member of the Turtle Clan of the Seventh Path, she was practically shouting.

Kenji raised an eyebrow. "What's got you in a tizzy? Relax and enjoy the pleasant weather while we have it."

"Hmph," Genko said. She shook her head to the side. "I will be speaking to my grandfather about this, summoner. I think he had more in mind for these outings than daydreaming and ogling human females."

Kenji's temper flared and he quashed his initial response with another swig of booze. He swallowed thickly.

"Don't start with me, you little whippersnapper!" Kenji said, a note of warning in his voice. "Grand Elder Genbu told me to drag you along more often, and that's what this looks like. You want to survive to my age? Slow and steady, kid. Slow and steady."

The Turtle Summoner drove home his message by standing up from the rock and slamming his wooden cane down on it several times. Genko watched this without saying a word, but Kenji knew that if the little snapper had a pair of eyebrows that one of them would be curled upwards in silent amusement.

Kenji bent over and took a deep breath.

Oof, looks like I overdid it a little.

His summoned companion cocked her head in concern. "Are you alright?"

Kenji huffed and puffed.

"Yeah, don't worry about me," Keni said. "Just, y'know, respect your elders, brat."

"Duly noted," Genko said, her voice dripping with sarcasm and fake sincerity. A breeze blew in from the south, and the small summon raised her head. She turned southwards and sniffed the air experimentally. "There are other humans approaching. Male and female. The wind is heavy with the scent of sweat and human-stink."

Kenji nodded. "Those'll be our targets. Princess Mei and whatever ninja she hired to be her bodyguard." The Turtle Summoner dropped his cane and bent down to touch his toes. "Let this be a lesson to you, kiddo. Good things come to those who wait."

"I swear, it's as if all of you old coots have some sort of wise-old-sayings pamphlet that gets delivered to you every morning," Genko said. She looked back at him as he started stretching his knees. "What in the name of the Great Black Tortoise are you doing, anyway?"

"Limbering up before the fight," Kenji explained. "Don't want me breaking a hip during it, do you? Your clan will be out of a summoner, and you'll be out a safe avenue to vent that ocean of disrespect you keep in reserve for wise authority figures. Shut yer gob and keep an eye out."

"Hmph," Genko said.

But she listened.

Kids these days, Kenji thought. He started jogging in place to warm up his legs. The Turtle Scroll jostled up and down as he did so, thumping lightly against the massive turtle shell he wore on his back. I have to speak to Genbu about this. I didn't spend half of my years working the beat for this clan just to have to put up with wise-ass youngsters. Where's the respect gone?

"They're here," Genko muttered. "Coming up the trail any second now."

Kenji peered over top of the rock, and waited. Two figures walked into sight.

The shorter one was the princess. She had her auburn hair tied back in Fang Country tradition, with war-paint dabbed generously across her face. The girl trod forward with a perpetual slight-frown, eyes darting to her companion as he made casual conversation.

The companion was the shinobi bodyguard. He was a young ninja that wore a light green flak jacket over a dark green shirt and similarly colored pair of trousers. The outfit was a crime against fashion on every account, a statement that Kenji silently approved of, given the amount of shit he'd been given for wearing the ceremonial shell over his many years of being Turtle Summoner.

The green-clad bodyguard sported the bushiest pair of eyebrows that Kenji had ever seen, bar none, as well as a ridiculous pair of bright orange leg warmers that were wrapped snugly around both of the man's shins.

Kenji instantly placed the shinobi bodyguard at jounin rank based on his outfit alone. No one else could possibly survive wearing such a hideously noticeable costume on a mission.

Kenji nodded. "Alright, get ready to watch some good fighting, kid."

"I'll be waiting."

Kenji scowled and mouthed a string of colorful obscenities, before vaulting over the boulder and landing in the middle of the trail. He stuck his arms out in a pose.

"Halt!" Kenji roared. Drops of spittle flew into the air. "For you face Furuya Kenji, the Turtle Hermit himself! The taijutsu master who has lived eighty eight years, the sensei of the Ox King, known to some as the Breaker of Mountain, the Shell-covered Devil, the—ack!"

Kenji broke off into a coughing fit as a bit of saliva went down the wrong pipe.

The two opponents before him stared at him. The princess's gaze was filled with complete contempt, but the green-clad bodyguard was looking at him in mock-concern.

"Old timer!" The bodyguard yelled. "Are you alright?"

A social spec eh? Well lets see who can out bullshit who.

Kenji scoffed and hacked out a lungful of phlegm onto the ground. He stood up and wiped his lips on the back of his fist. "Never better. So what do you say we skip the rest of the shinobi theatrics and all that shit and just duke it out, Mr. Eyebrows?"

The Green Devil before him knit his bushy eyebrows together in a look of confusion. The princess leaned over to whisper something in his ear. The bodyguard's face went from a mask of confusion to a sternly disciplined frown, and he nodded once.

The Green Devil brought his fists up into a guard stance. "I have just been informed by my companion that you are the Turtle Summoner, the very shinobi that has been tasked with hunting her down! I, Maito Gai, am duty bound to strike you down in the name of the Hidden Leaf, for Princess Mei's sake! Prepare yourself, elder one!"

The ninja's booming exclamation echoed around them, bouncing off of the rocks and trees to reverberate through the small little mountain pass.

Kenji adjusted his footing slightly.

A gust of wind kicked up some dust.

"I am quite prepared!" Kenji shouted. "As you will soon find out, Might Guy."

If the bodyguard took offense at the purposeful butchering of his name, he didn't show it. Instead, the green-clad warrior smiled brilliantly in response.

"Excellent! In deference to your age, I will allow you the opening strike."

The princess backed away slowly, eyes wide in alarm. She carefully walked over to the boulder on the roadside.

What is this guy's deal? Kenji thought. Is this some sort of trick?

"I think you'll find that I'm quite capable of fighting without a handicap!" Kenji said. "You should make your move, kid!"

Kenji noticed Genko trotting out from her hiding place from behind the boulder. She flomped down next to the princess.

Maito Gai shook his head once, and continued smiling that crazy smile. "I insist! It would be incredibly unyouthful of me to attack first!"
Kenji's temper flared and he bit back a response. If he got going on a rant now, it would leave him totally exposed to an attack. He blinked as he realized the gambit.

Clearly that's exactly what he's going for, Kenji mused. Clever. Whip me up into a frenzy, will he?

"If you value my age, then you should listen to your elders, kid!" Kenji said. "Bring it on!"

"But it would not be—"

"WOULD YOU TWO JUST FIGHT ALREADY!?" Genko screamed from the sidelines.

That kicked things off.

The Green Devil nodded, once, and then vanished in an emerald blur.

Taijutsu, looks like.


Kenji's fingers rapidly made hand seals in response to the incoming assault.

"Turtle Clan Secret Technique: Reflective Shell Barrier!" Kenji muttered. A series of hexagonal panels formed a hemisphere around him. The panels glowed blue for a moment, before fading from sight, the night invisible outlines of the shapes the only clue that they were even present.

An emerald comet danced around him for a moment, before a leg impacted his barrier ninjutsu with the force of an explosive tag. There was a deafening screech as the ninjutsu almost seemed to buckle under the stress, but the barrier held firm for an instant, absorbing the force of the blow.

The barrier exploded outwards at the point of contact, knocking the shinobi away with a cloud of dust and debris. When the dust cleared, Kenji saw the Green Devil standing in front of him with that damnable smile on his face.

The Green Devil, this Matio Gai, stepped forwards to experimentally test his footing. He winced slightly, but the infuriating grin never left his face.

"Barrier technique, kid," Kenji said smugly. "You hit me and you're just hitting yourself. I hope you have something more than taijutsu up your sleeve."

The smile got wider.

"Yosh! I think I will try hitting you harder first!"

The man blurred and slammed into his barrier again, and was once again blown backwards by the reflected force of the strike.

"Hmm," his opponent said. He gingerly clenched and unclenched his left fist, frowning in concentration. "It appears that I am struggling to overcome your defenses! Perhaps if I try to use more chakra, my youthful strength will win the day! Prepare yourself for another blow, Turtle Summoner!"

Kenji's jaw dropped. He was absolutely gobsmacked by the man's response, but the Turtle Summoner quickly turned his astonishment into a wheezing bout of laughter.

"Alright," Kenji said. "It's your funeral, kiddo. Let's see how long it takes you to die."

The only response that Kenji's opponent made was another smile.

Busy this week, so have this interlude.

While voting remains closed, I am extending last week's offer of bonus XP for thread interaction. Same terms for this week, +1 XP per customer (even if you commented last week) capped at 50 bonus XP in total over both weeks.
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Mighty happy to see Gai, it seems to me though, that his attitude is somewhat too upbeat. Was he hit with "forget Kakashi" curse strongly and forgot that Kakashi bailed on the village?
In an interesting twist I can easily see this version of Kakashi creating Akatsuki like organization, or new Hidden village. He got some strong Jonny level ninja buddies, several plots of land he can be based upon, most prominently this samurai land. Friendly association with several big chungus.

Yepp. Kakashi can be a Kage of a minor (please FBI don't hurt me, I am not even in USA) village.
In an interesting twist I can easily see this version of Kakashi creating Akatsuki like organization, or new Hidden village. He got some strong Jonny level ninja buddies, several plots of land he can be based upon, most prominently this samurai land. Friendly association with several big chungus.

Yepp. Kakashi can be a Kage of a minor (please FBI don't hurt me, I am not even in USA) village.
i 100% support akatkashi
once we finish collecting all the plot thread companions, all we need is a world domination optimization plan
In an interesting twist I can easily see this version of Kakashi creating Akatsuki like organization, or new Hidden village. He got some strong Jonny level ninja buddies, several plots of land he can be based upon, most prominently this samurai land. Friendly association with several big chungus.

I can't speak for @Paperclipped , but I'm confidant this sentiment is probably mirrored in some fashion:

That sounds awesome and fun to write. Go for it. :)
I can't imagine Kakashi establishing his own ninja village tbh, managing a village doesn't seem to be in his interests (and it seems like he may want to return to Leaf someday, when the conspiracy is defeated)
I remember a fic with an anti-Alatsuki organization. "Hakumei" used as a name, which apparently means dusk or twilight, in opposition to Dawn (Akatsuki). Even had white and blue cloaks.

There's connections among the group for it, even if they don't know it yet. I don't know if Shikuza has seen the new leaders of Rain to recognize that Kakashis enemy was wearing the same black-red cloak, (was he wearing it?). And Tobi was involved with Yagura too, though they have no way of finding that out. It would be cool if the group discovered they're all independently connected to the same international conspiracy.

I think we also wanted to go meet some Sand nin too? The apprentice sealmaster I think, who went missing. Pakura might still be alive at this time as well, I thought it might be her at first but I don't think she did anything with seals.

Anyway, I don't see a village in our future but I could definitely see Kakashi forming an anti-Akatsuki conspiracy.
I remember a fic with an anti-Alatsuki organization. "Hakumei" used as a name, which apparently means dusk or twilight, in opposition to Dawn (Akatsuki). Even had white and blue cloaks.

There's connections among the group for it, even if they don't know it yet. I don't know if Shikuza has seen the new leaders of Rain to recognize that Kakashis enemy was wearing the same black-red cloak, (was he wearing it?). And Tobi was involved with Yagura too, though they have no way of finding that out. It would be cool if the group discovered they're all independently connected to the same international conspiracy.

I think we also wanted to go meet some Sand nin too? The apprentice sealmaster I think, who went missing. Pakura might still be alive at this time as well, I thought it might be her at first but I don't think she did anything with seals.

Anyway, I don't a village in our future but I could definitely see Kakashi forming an anti-Alatsuki conspiracy.
Several of our party members wear masks already...
In an interesting twist I can easily see this version of Kakashi creating Akatsuki like organization, or new Hidden village. He got some strong Jonny level ninja buddies, several plots of land he can be based upon, most prominently this samurai land. Friendly association with several big chungus.

Yepp. Kakashi can be a Kage of a minor (please FBI don't hurt me, I am not even in USA) village.
Kakashi: "I got lonely without Gai, so I founded a small nation in my spare time."
Mighty happy to see Gai, it seems to me though, that his attitude is somewhat too upbeat. Was he hit with "forget Kakashi" curse strongly and forgot that Kakashi bailed on the village?
Well, Haku's dad (I forgot his name) remembered us. Has Kakashi seen stuff that might suggest that the memory shenanigans have affected anything?
How cruel of you, delaying resolution of the arc, just to… *checks notes* provide us with a fun and endearing interlude about a character we've been wanting to see?? Truly, a fiend in human guise. :V
Interlude: Unanswerable Questions
Interlude: Unanswerable Questions​

Hiruzen finished the last of the privacy ninjutsu, sending a crackling shell of Lightning chakra around the edge of the small underground chamber that should at least react should any probing jutsu or chakra-based effect cross the perimeter. He turned to his students.

"You are probably wondering why all the secrecy is needed, why we went so far underground wrapped in layers of so many protective ninjutsu. Well, the answer is exactly what you think it is. I am going to tell you a great secret."

Orochimaru nodded, expression calm. The young boy had made chuunin but a few months ago. Sarutobi had been careful with his praise so as to not let his superior rank to his teammates get to his head, yet he could sense a bit of ego forming already. No matter, time would wash that out of him.

Tsunade, in contrast, leaned forward, interest clear on her face. Unlike Orochimaru, who seemed to assume that secrets would be coming by the circumstances, Tsunade seemed reluctant to come to that same inference.

And Jiraiya… He was twirling a shuriken around one finger, and he was poking a twig into the lightning barrier around the room. Where had the boy gotten a twig from? They were in the Land of Snow!

He met Hiruzen's gaze for a moment as the senior shinobi swept the room, raised an eyebrow, then went back to his poking. Hiruzen wasn't sure what he expected to learn, but he knew the boy was listening. He had a good ear for secrets, and important things generally, even when he didn't appear to be paying attention.

"But not today," Hiruzen said.

Tsunade deflated fractionally, and Orochimaru cocked his head. Hiruzen let the silence hang for a moment.

"Sensei, are we here to exchange a coded message, that you will one day give us the key to decode?" Orochimaru asked after his moment of thinking.

"Close," Hiruzen said with a smile. "We will be exchanging a method of coding messages such that messages can be exchanged through untrusted messengers. Because we don't want those messengers copying the messages over time and deciphering them by finding patterns, we can only use each code we learn today once. But one day, once you've all grown into strong and proud chuunin or jounin, we may need to exchange a message in secret even though we cannot meet like this to exchange our messages. Therefore, we'll learn these codes. We'll memorize several more over the coming months, and each time in this much secrecy. You must never speak of these codes to another person, is that clear?"

He waited for all his students to nod, then smiled. "Excellent. Then, let us begin with…"


Jiraiya appeared in a puff of forest green smoke, scrunching up his nose against the scent and shaking his head slightly, causing his mane of white hair to fall behind him in rolling waves. He straightened to his full height, his great stature and muscled physique becoming clear as his face relaxed to a stoic expression, and he turned to survey the horizon to judge-

He ducked as a scroll flew through where his head had been.

"Hey, you wrinkled slugsucker! Been a while since you showed up around these parts! Monkey Summoner sent a message for ya!"

Jiraiya shot a withering look at Gamakaze. "It's been a week and a half. I got busy. Legendary ninja and all?"

"Don't care," said the torso-sized green toad from where it sat on the porch of its small swamp shack. "I ain't a post office. Get your letters on time."

Jiraiya bent to pick up the scroll. "I'll take your opinion into consideration. And don't call me 'wrinkled slugsucker' again or else I'll take you back to Leaf with me and have them make a frogskin purse out of you."

"Phbbbt!" said Gamakaze, sticking his tongue out and blowing a sloppy-sounding raspberry. "I talked to Shima and she said she's never seen a toadskin purse in Leaf! And besides, we're Toads, not frogs!"

"Don't care," said Jiraiya as he cracked the scroll open. "I ain't a frogologist. Get your words from someone else."

He stroked his chin as Gamakaze spluttered. Interestingly, the short note was written with an ancient code that he had almost forgotten. Why had Sensei not met him in person? Was this something that he didn't want Gamabunta or Enma overhearing?

"Oh, that's it, you wrinkled slugsucker. Get the hell off my porch!"

Jiraiya had already started decoding the message in his head. His eyes flicked rapidly back and forth over the paper. Belatedly, he looked up to Gamakaze. "You. Leaf. Frogskin purse."

"Shima already said that there were no toadskin purses when she visited, damn you!"

"The frogskin purses are fashionable, and Ma doesn't visit the fashionable parts of Leaf when she visits."

"You're calling Shima unfashionable? I'll tell the old lady you said that, see how you like that!"

Jiraiya bit back a retort as he finished the message. He pinched his brows in confusion.

"Old man's gone mad. Dodge him for a couple months and he'll forget… Oh, this is going to be troublesome," he muttered.

He rose to his feet, clapping his hands together and summoning a Fire jutsu to burn the scroll. "Well, thanks to you, looks like I'll need to be taking a trip back to Leaf!" he said, turning and facing Gamakaze full on. He made his best Orochimaru impression.

Gamakaze spat at him, but slowly clammed up at Jiraiya's sadistic expression. "You, uh…"

Jiraiya kept staring at him.

"You weren't serious about the purses, were ya boss?"

Jiraiya kept staring at him.

"You know, you make it sound like you're real busy, with the spying and the jinchuuriki and all that. Why d'ya gotta return to Leaf so soon?"

Jiraiya kicked the ash of the message off into the swamp. "Sensei asked nicely."

Gamakaze swallowed. "Well, sometimes you gotta, uh… stick it to the man, right? Can't always be letting sensei tell ya what to do, yeah!"

Jiraiya nodded sagely. "I suppose so. Well, I'll consider your advice, wise summon. Thank you for hosting me today. I shall look forward to calling on you again."

He formed the handseal of dismissal, and Gamakaze reached out with one tri-fingered hand. "Wait, don't make me into a purse! It's fine if you send letters here!"

The smoke gathering around Jiraiya froze for a moment. He smiled beatifically. "Is that so? Glad to hear it, Gamakaze. Talk to you again soon!"

The smoke rolled over him and he disappeared with a light pop.

Gamakaze scratched his head for a moment, then flopped back down on the porch. "Crazy summoners."


Tsunade sat quietly at the tea table, sipping her tea. Little by little, the tension was relaxing out of her body and face (not having people nearby calling it "resting bitch face" where they thought she couldn't hear them helped).

Katsuyu wiggled her tentacles. "Princess, the Summoner of Monkeys sends a message."

Tsunade hadn't seen any messenger tell Katsuyu, nor any hint of a signal that might have let the Slug Princess know. Tsunade knew better than to ask.

"Sure, Princess, let me see it."

Katsuyu wiggled her tentacles again.

Tsunade waited for a second. Katsuyu didn't seem to be throwing up the message this time, which was good, and she didn't seem to be throwing up the message either, which was better. After a moment longer, she cast around, checking the ground, her clothes, the table…

There, it was already folded under her teacup. That was a new one. Tsunade knew better than to ask.

She unfolded the message and read it. She snorted quietly under her breath and started to decode according to the patterns she had memorized long ago.

Katsuyu waited patiently.

Tsunade reached the end of the message. It was a short one, a single line, yet she could feel the lines in her face coming back, that tension in her jaw returning, that faint headache starting to swell.

She stood up, cutting a short bow to Katsuyu. "Princess, this message has made me very angry. I'm going to take a walk to think and relax."

Katsuyu wiggled her tentacles. "Oh Princess, please do not relax by destroying any more of my trees. I worked very hard on them."

Tsunade grit her teeth together. "I won't," she ground out. Belatedly, she noticed she had crumpled the message in her offhand. A quick pulse of chakra reduced the paper to dust.

She turned to leave.

"Princess, what response shall I send to the Summoner of Monkeys?"

Tsunade faced Katsuyu, working her jaw. "I don't think you need to send back anything to that senile old man. He's clearly going insane with his age." She closed her eyes, took a long inhale, then an exhale. Tension left her body somewhat, though she could tell the resting bitch face was back.

"If you do need to send a reply, Princess, you only need to send one word. No."


Orochimaru looked up from his chakra shaping exercise as the newcomer entered the cave. The snake watched him carefully twist the raw chakra back out of the children's maze toy he had purchased, reintegrating it into his system.

Once he was certain that there would be no fracture, he turned to the newcomer. "What is your name?"

"Hebiako," said the snake.

"Is Manda ready to see me?" he asked as he flicked his wrist towards the snake. Thankfully, Hebiako knew better than to flinch as Orochimaru's ninja wire wrapped around the scroll on the snake's carrying pouch, then tugged it free into the ninja's hands.

"I am uncertain," hissed Hebiako, "for I have not spoken with the Greatest. Yet, I passed by his cave, and I would anticipate that there will be an hour yet before he can see the next petitioner."

"Irritating," said Orochimaru, and he left it at that. He opened the scroll and flicked his eyes over it. He could feel Hebiako trying to reposition her coils to get a better look at the message from Sensei, but the code needed no obscurement. He decoded the message in his head, then laughed, causing Hebiako to slither away a few feet towards the mouth of the cave.

"You needn't fear," he said. "You have done no wrong. I merely thought…"

Hebiako's tongue flicked out and in, but the snake didn't move.

"Hebiako, return to Manda. Tell him that if he wishes to command my time, he will be respectful of it and not leave me waiting for hours on end."

Amazingly, Hebiako did not complain at him, nor say obvious things about how this would anger Manda. He smiled at the faint bit of progress. His smile deepened as he considered the message.

"Ah Sensei, it took you sixty long years…" he muttered under his breath, "but at last, you are asking the right questions."

He dropped the scroll to the ground and made the seal of dismissal. He could see Hebiako slithering over to where the scroll had rolled, but without knowing the code, the snake could never comprehend the simple question that Sarutobi Hiruzen had written there for his students.

"Is resurrection possible?"​
Oh, and the plot thickens.

I am far, far too mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted for any amount of analysis right now... But it's worth noting that the Slug and Tsuande both called each other "princess." In canon, I think I remember the Slug Boss being able to divide herself into a multitude of smaller bodies. Hivemind/overmind? Perhaps "princess" is the title the Slugs have for "sophont?" "Princess" may be a genuine nod to gender constructs, or if they're agender, then it could be a mistranslation. Or maybe the Slug Boss simply echos the gender of the interlocutor for simplicity/politeness. It would explain Tsunade's familiarity with trans individuals and how she (of all people) was able to beat some empathy/compassion/sensitivity into Kakashi regardiing such things (during that interlude where she had Kakashi copy her medical jutsu via Sharingan).

Brain mush, that's all I've got
Hm, so prolly low hanging deductive fruit here, but I think so the first conclusion to draw is that this is related to the matchups the third has Shikaku working on, right? Do we know whether the situation is the third wants to rez somebody, or suspects the enemy will? The latter seems most likely, all things considered I guess. Still, what has he seen that has him asking this? It cant be anything that would outright confirm someone has been rez'd, so in all likelyhood it's either a) something has happened that could have been done by a rez, or b) he has reason to think someone is looking for means to rez. In case a, I gotta wonder who's been rez, and in case b, I gotta wonder who the third is thinking about. Is there anybody on team bad guy besides the intang man? I don't expect intag man to be a rez, but I could prolly see him doing it.
Hm, so prolly low hanging deductive fruit here, but I think so the first conclusion to draw is that this is related to the matchups the third has Shikaku working on, right? Do we know whether the situation is the third wants to rez somebody, or suspects the enemy will? The latter seems most likely, all things considered I guess. Still, what has he seen that has him asking this? It cant be anything that would outright confirm someone has been rez'd, so in all likelyhood it's either a) something has happened that could have been done by a rez, or b) he has reason to think someone is looking for means to rez. In case a, I gotta wonder who's been rez, and in case b, I gotta wonder who the third is thinking about. Is there anybody on team bad guy besides the intang man? I don't expect intag man to be a rez, but I could prolly see him doing it.
We know rumors about blood culst, right? Rumors about Hidan? That "Mr Steal Your Hearts" guy from the Akatsuki might br running around, too. Kakuzu, I think? Money man. It could be that rumors of "quasi-immortality" have Hiruzen wondering if other "Natural Laws" could be bent. Maybe Hiruzen is a really grumpy old man and is reminded why he retired the Hat to Minato?

With how early(ish) we are in the timeline, Pain could be beginning to be active. Maybe he rez'd his Best Buddy who died in canon, and let the witnesses live/wasn't able to kill all the witnesses?

While I plan on getting a chapter out Wednesday/Thursday this week, I am once again asking for interlude suggestions. In case I find myself with a rare excess of spoons and feel like banking a couple to meet daily wordcount goals, or something.
Voting is open