Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

Voting is open
Copying over @Shrooms training plan from Discord, minus Athletics and Alertness, plus buying the Stunt.

[x] Training Plan: The Random, Discordant Growth of Shrooms

Buy "Oh no" Stunt -> (50XP)
TH 25 -> 30 (280XP)
FDB 37 -> 40 (117XP)
Stone Swimming -> 1 (.5 XP)
Substitution 18 -> 20 (39 XP)
Deceit 29 -> 30 (30 XP)
CR 42 -> 43 (86 XP)

Total XP spent: 602.5
Total XP remaining: ((117.5 + 489) - 602.5) = 4

Updated to include raising CR up to 43, with a total of 4XP left in reserve. Kakashi needs a larger chakra pool, and incremental growth is still growth.
@Cariyaga made a good point that we likely will not get a chance to use TH before our severes heal for a couple of reasons. One being that THing with chakra overdraw injuries slows your healing, and two being that Kakashi's TH skill is much worse due to Consequences, meaning he won't really be able to improve many of his existing projects...

Similarly, I think we can hold off on buying the offered stunt. We can't overdraw a severe until he heals his current severe, and while it would be useful for a moderate overdraw, that would put Kakashi near death again, plus he isn't going to be nearly as effective in a fight as it is with his existing Consequence.

That said, I'm tearing my hair out over all the different options we have so I'm just going to post a few plans, preserving most of what I've been advocating for and that appears in the current training plan:

FDB -> 40 is a good choice imo because it frequently comes up as useful offense and utility. As it turns out, burning and blowing shit up has a lot of uses. Getting extra bonus on those invokes from a better AB inside the hive would've helped us considerably in the most recent arc.
Chidori -> 52 does nothing really, but it lets Kakashi cast Lightning Dragon Bullet with the Sharingan, so that's pretty nifty. We can also use Transcendent Halo at Chidori 55, but this is a much bigger expense.
Substitution -> 20 is pretty cheap and gives another supporting 20, and +1 to dodges. There are also occasionally rolls to see if there's a valid target nearby, which Substitution is (sometimes) the skill check for.
Stone Swimming -> 1 is only .5 XP and I want to know what it does :V

Point of this plan is to improve a couple of crucial social skills since it sounds like Kakashi is about to attend a more diplomatic mission...
[X] Training Plan: Social Bumps
FDB 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
Chidori 50 -> 52 (103 XP)
Substitution 18 -> 20 (39 XP)
Stone Swimming -> 1 (.5 XP)
Physique 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
Deceit 29 -> 30 (30 XP)
Empathy 12 -> 20 (132 XP)
Tunnel Excavation 9 -> 10 (5 XP)
Buy "Oh no" Stunt -> (50XP)
12 XP remaining

This plan levels Chidori high enough to get access to two new techniques via the Sharingan, rather than just one.
[X] Training Plan: Stealing Thunder
FDB 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
Chidori 50 -> 55 (265 XP)
Substitution 18 -> 20 (39 XP)
Stone Swimming -> 1 (.5 XP)
Physique 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
Buy "Oh no" Stunt -> (50XP)
17 XP Remaining

This increases the duration of Shadow Clone from 30 minutes to an hour, and given how frequent we use them, that's helpful.
[X] Training Plan: More Kakashi, More Fun
FDB 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
Chidori 50 -> 52 (103 XP)
Substitution 18 -> 20 (39 XP)
Stone Swimming -> 1 (.5 XP)
Physique 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
Shadow Clone 10 -> 20 (155 XP)
MEW 7 -> 10 (13.5 XP)
Tunnel Excavation 9 -> 10 (5 XP)
Buy "Oh no" Stunt -> (50XP)
6 XP Remaining

This plan improves Radiant Bolt to 52 instead of Chidori, which makes it WAY stronger than it previously was, though it costs most of the XP.
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
FDB 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
Radiant Bolt 40 -> 52 (330.5 XP)
Substitution 18 -> 20 (39 XP)
Stone Swimming -> 1 (.5 XP)
Physique 37 -> 40 (117 XP)
1.5 XP Remaining
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I kind of want to see Kagato kick the shit out of Zabz, but I'll admit that's mostly because Zabz thought that the best way to get Kakashi's allegiance was to do some grade-school bullying/intimidation tactics while threatening Sugiyama's life.

[X] Yes, but get Shizuka involved. After all, any good revolution needs an infiltrator and a spy…

That said: as soon as we heal up, I vote we kick the shit out of Zabz. If he thinks violence is the only measurement of power? If he thinks violence is the only quality worth respecting? He's a fool, and he's come to the right place.
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery
Word Count: ~450
  • [-1 FP] Declare: Kagato returns when it is most comedic
  • It sounds like these bozos really need your help. This is the perfect opportunity to mess with them.
    • Kakashi is willing to consider their offer. However, he needs to know a bit more about who he's working with.
      • Lead with some basic professional questions about skills, experience, etc.
      • Occasionally slip in questions about very inane information, like favorite colors, baking trivia, and so on. Eventually ask about how much Icha Icha lore they know, though don't specify that it's from Icha Icha. It's an indication of their intel gathering skill.
        • Treat these questions as the most important ones. Hint that their answers are disappointing, like a very forlorn, "I see." Imply that it's not too late for them, but don't clarify what you mean. With any luck, Kakashi can still make use of them.
    • Very well. Kakashi will aid in their endeavor. However, there are some things they must know about him. (Feel free to embellish)
      • He needs ten hours of sleep a day, minimum, due to being diagnosed with chakra rot, and some fool just cut him open, which may have put his healing back further. The Samurai will thus need to be available at all times to carry him when called for.
      • He needs an additional hour a day for baking. Say, neither of you have any nut allergies right?
      • If Kakashi seems to start phasing out of reality, don't panic. Supposedly, that's normal.
        • We have another friend who also regularly phases in and out of reality. As we've said, it's normal.
        • Apparently, he caught the effect from some weird species of chakra beast. He keeps a tame one, real fearsome fighter.
        • He might have spread it to us, actually. Best to wash your hands regularly and eat your chakra veggies.
    • Kakashi's companion Sugiyama will be attending the mission, to treat his wounds on the road.
      • Try not to touch them. Kakashi suspects they can use medical ninjutsu from anywhere on their body. They may turn your dick off or something.
      • For that matter, spilling their blood is generally problematic as it heralds the... hmm, perhaps you're not ready for that yet.
      • *lean in* (Trust me, the longer we keep them in that host, the better.)
    • Lastly, we should see if Shizuka is willing to accompany us. Sounds like she was gearing up for something big. Maybe you two can pledge assistance to her cause in exchange for her helping you with yours.
      • Shizuka's great. She and Kakashi just finished up a lengthy mission together, though to be honest, he's still feeling a bit awkward about tying her up that one night.
      • You should've seen the other guy, in the bee suit. Had his mind blown.
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Baking 60, he won't know what hit him

I will offer you a Fate Point if you all find way to and/or execute a plan segment that results in a scene where Kakashi tries to bond with this individual over baked goods and/or related hobbies.

We could use some proper palate cleansing in these arcs that aren't flashbacks.
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I will offer you a Fate Point if you all find and execute a plan segment that results in a scene where Kakashi tries to bond with this individual over baked goods and/or related hobbies.

We could use some proper palate cleansing in these arcs that aren't flashbacks.
Kakashi: "Get your damned foot off my neck. If we're going to discuss this, we're going to discuss it properly. With tea and baked goods. Now get that symbol of insecure masculinity away from Sugiyama's face so that they can fix tea while I whip something decent up."

I will offer you a Fate Point if you all find and execute a plan segment that results in a scene where Kakashi tries to bond with this individual over baked goods and/or related hobbies.

We could use some proper palate cleansing in these arcs that aren't flashbacks.
There are a few mentions of baking in my plan, though I don't think it's quite what you mean

Still, perhaps it's a stepping stone for later...
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One

Next XP dump goes toward Chakra Reserves + TH for sure
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One

Next XP dump goes toward Chakra Reserves + TH for sure
You know if this plan wins, Kakashi will have enough 50s to support bumping Athletics to 60 and then Taijutsu to 70... just saying

(I agree though)

EDIT: Which tbh we could bring all the way to Athletics 69 and Taijutsu 79 without screwing the pyramids....
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hey y'all, voter turnout ain't good right now, we gotta vote in a training plan AND what to actually do this update

might i suggest some vote options:

[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery

I don't usually vote but this plan tickled my funniest bone. I'd also make a training plan that focused on better CP capacity if I understood how anything here worked.
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery

Had a proper readout on tag. This is absolutely the correct option. Giving Zabuza a migraine is my plan of choice in *any* quest :V
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery

I don't usually vote but this plan tickled my funniest bone. I'd also make a training plan that focused on better CP capacity if I understood how anything here worked.
It'd be great to see you voting more! Higher participation means the quest is more visible and we can get more players. I'm glad you like the plan though, I too would like to see more troll Kakashi

As for improving Chakra Reserves, I agree we need to. It's just so expensive :(

[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery

Had a proper readout on tag. This is absolutely the correct option. Giving Zabuza a migraine is my plan of choice in *any* quest :V
This'll show him for thinking he can stroll in, attack K and Sugi, and get loyal, subservient minions out of it...

[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery
Thank you for the vote comrade :)
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery

(i hope this doesn't doom us all alksdjalsdjalsj)

I'm a bit worried Zabuza will be mad at the fact that we didn't inform him of a potential threat to him (Kagato) in advance. If it's not too late and yall think it's a good idea, could we include something like:

- We have another friend who does in fact regularly phase in and out of reality. As we've said, it's normal.
- Apparently, he caught the effect from some weird species of chakra beast. He keeps a tame one, real fearsome fighter.
- He might have spread it to us, actually. Best to wash your hands regularly and eat your chakra veggies.

My reasoning is, if Zabs gets mad we can at least truthfully say we informed him about Kagato. (he might not care anyway but at least we tried)
[X] Training Plan: General Kakashi, You Are a Bolt One
[X] Action Plan: We Engage in a Mild Amount of Tomfoolery

(i hope this doesn't doom us all alksdjalsdjalsj)

I'm a bit worried Zabuza will be mad at the fact that we didn't inform him of a potential threat to him (Kagato) in advance. If it's not too late and yall think it's a good idea, could we include something like:

- We have another friend who does in fact regularly phase in and out of reality. As we've said, it's normal.
- Apparently, he caught the effect from some weird species of chakra beast. He keeps a tame one, real fearsome fighter.
- He might have spread it to us, actually. Best to wash your hands regularly and eat your chakra veggies.

My reasoning is, if Zabs gets mad we can at least truthfully say we informed him about Kagato. (he might not care anyway but at least we tried)
Sure I'll add it in. I'm pretty sure Zabuza is already aware of Kagato though, he waited for Kagato to leave before attacking Kakashi
Adhoc vote count started by MMKII on Jun 15, 2022 at 1:43 PM, finished with 26 posts and 7 votes.

Voting closed.

Bit early, but I'm trying to get some work in on this before I'm busy with other stuff tonight.
Adhoc vote count started by MMKII on Jun 15, 2022 at 1:43 PM, finished with 26 posts and 7 votes.

Voting closed.

Bit early, but I'm trying to get some work in on this before I'm busy with other stuff tonight.
Also like, it would be nice if the "close voting" button was accessible from the "more options" screen. Oh well.
Scheduled vote count started by MMKII on Jun 14, 2022 at 10:44 AM, finished with 17 posts and 6 votes.
What's next after the Zabuza quest and possibly Shizuka's quest depending on what it is/if she wants Kakashi's help? Tracking down the sealmaster, Nadare shrine, or the Summoning Scroll? Or something else I'm not thinking of
Voting is open