Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

Voting is open
We don't need rehab. We need more Icha Icha.

This is how this quest becomes all about finding, protecting and recruiting Jiraiya so we can keep getting our fix. We need to be better than S rank, not to survive, but to make sure J-man doesn't stop writing for us.

Also reminder this works just fine with my "get him to write about us in Icha Icha, then get him to personally autograph it" goal.
This is how this quest becomes all about finding, protecting and recruiting Jiraiya so we can keep getting our fix. We need to be better than S rank, not to survive, but to make sure J-man doesn't stop writing for us.

Also reminder this works just fine with my "get him to write about us in Icha Icha, then get him to personally autograph it" goal.
I'll be happy to vote for any plans that forwards the noble goal of becoming an Icha Icha character.
Sugiyama took a moment to fiddle with one of their many pouches of herbs. Kakashi's companion had a terrible smoking habit. He had no idea what the hell they were smoking, but any drugs or plants that produced such a ridiculously colorful smoke plume weren't ones he'd want to put into his body if he had any say in it.
Should I be worried that Sugiyama is currently reminding me a bit of Mr. Tulip? I mean, an inclination to administer various products of questionable nature does seem to be a notable feature of both.
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[X] Rapid exfiltration out of there, avoid Hiding Like a Mole. Consider explosive demolition-into a dynamic exit- if necessary. Fog and monstrous shrieking noises? No thanks. Meet up with Sugiyama ASAP. What the hell is up with this?
Adhoc vote count started by Paperclipped on Mar 6, 2021 at 12:25 PM, finished with 12 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Head into the fog, Sharingan out, fists of fury ready to punch anything that might be in there. Can't be that bad, right? Maybe you'll fulfill your good deed quota for the week too.
    [X] Rapid exfiltration out of there, avoid Hiding Like a Mole. Consider explosive demolition-into a dynamic exit- if necessary. Fog and monstrous shrieking noises? No thanks. Meet up with Sugiyama ASAP. What the hell is up with this?
    [X] Put "Acquire Sasagawa Transformation Technique" somewhere on the list of priorities.
    [X] Foggy weather? Loud noises? Sounds like "cover"! Use this opportunity to go find more intel about the local ninja clans. Go investigate all of those temples.

Voting is closed.
Hey, is there anything specific that you two, as QMs, enjoy writing? For ex, should we wait for a specific author's update to explore the magic system, versus punching people's lights out, or exploring character interactions, versus exploring world lore?

I know the world is insane and that spoons can often be at a premium, so I'd like to tailor my votes in such a way that maximizes QM enjoyment, too. Collaborative storytelling is a two way street and blah blah blah, power of friendship at whatnot.
Hey, is there anything specific that you two, as QMs, enjoy writing? For ex, should we wait for a specific author's update to explore the magic system, versus punching people's lights out, or exploring character interactions, versus exploring world lore?

I know the world is insane and that spoons can often be at a premium, so I'd like to tailor my votes in such a way that maximizes QM enjoyment, too. Collaborative storytelling is a two way street and blah blah blah, power of friendship at whatnot.
Feel free to poke at anything you'd like to, within the bounds of "If you do something that requires me to go consult an economist, bad things will happen." There might be some narrative restraints (the middle of combat is a bad time for technique hacking) and characterization restraints (we're not going to have Kakashi waffle between things too much, if you alternate between options. Similarly, if he spends a significant chunk of effort to start something, he's not going to abandon it and head three countries over without some good reason).

Y'all have been comfortable with sticking to the presented vote options +/-some variance. Write-ins with cool stuff you want to do or cool ways to solve the problem at hand are always welcome and (in fact ) encouraged.
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Chapter 18: Ominous Mists
Chapter 18: Ominous Mists

Kakashi pulled down his mask and opened Obito's eye. Instantly, the mists swirling thick around him turned translucent, revealing the length of the streets around him. He relaxed a fraction as he realized he still had his senses available to him. He quietly started moving towards the corner where the scream had echoed from.

A genjutsu user that can cast an area-of-effect genjutsu, not just without eye contact, but without any confirmation on the enemy at all… and on the entire city at once? This is the realm of a true master.

He turned the corner and saw a pair of people standing horizontally on a wall. Between them, they dragged the limp body of a woman. The people were short and hunched over, almost looking like gremlins in their thick, brown, form-obscuring cloaks. As Kakashi peeked around the corner, one of them visibly noticed him, looking up at him through a simple cloth mask with two small eye holes. A moment later, the other one wordlessly raised its gaze to stare at him. They dropped the body and turned in eerie synchronization to jump to the rooftops in distinctly ninja fashion.

Great. Genjutsu masters and ninja gremlins.

Kakashi considered chasing them for a second, before deciding not to. He could at least check on the health of the woman, and he didn't really want to walk into an ambush on the off chance they were running for help. Their genjutsu master was probably occupied with maintaining the effect over the city, but if they were to be woken, who knew what kinds of abilities they would have? Powerful ninja always had many tricks, and one of those might even defeat the Sharingan.

Or just a mass of gremlins all attacking me at once. Nah, not a problem if they're like those two, since they looked to be about genin-level speed… or they just weren't worried about me. Kakashi approached the woman's body and bowed down to check for vital signs. He didn't find a pulse. Ah well, can't save them all.

Kakashi cursed his momentary indecision. If he had given chase, he could have caught and interrogated one of them. Now, they were probably retreating to their base, if not bringing backup. If this city was indeed their home, then Kakashi was in trouble, since even Kakashi couldn't fight his way through an entire ninja clan.

Another direction. Away from the attackers, find a different target and subdue them, then get out before the hammer hits the anvil.

Kakashi turned and dashed up the side of the wall. He quickly scanned the rooftops, Sharingan piercing the genjutsu yet still slowed by the physical component of the mists around him. He saw no more assailants. He strained his ears to listen for more screams, but there was nothing…

There! Kakashi heard a low pitched rumbling that sounded like the rolling of a giant waterwheel. He ran in that direction.

He dropped into the street and spun around, fists raised and ready to fight whatever enemies were waiting here. The street was empty. Kakashi couldn't see anything that could have made that giant noise.

Kakashi paused, scanning the rooftops and listening. He could hear the sounds of people in the houses on this street, but they sounded tinny and distorted. Did the genjutsu affect his hearing too?

Kakashi flared his chakra to dispel the genjutsu, but the distortion continued. Distantly, he heard the ringing of a giant gong echo through the night. Belatedly, he realized that he still couldn't sense anything through Living Roots. He could hear the people in those houses moving, but that matrix of earth chakra beneath his feet still found no vibrations nearby.

The gong rang again in the distance, its deep sound vibrating Kakashi's skin and bones. The sound came with sharp tones that almost made him grit his teeth, and an inhuman wailing underneath it all.

Okay, re-evaluate the threat. Area-of-effect, automatically targeting, city-wide mind-control genjutsu that affects even ninjutsu-senses. I don't think Nakazo could pull this off on his best day. Whoever's behind this is going to be big trouble, since someone this strong isn't going to put all their eggs in one basket.

The enemy forces are unknown. They don't look strong individually, but they can use the terrain to their advantage much better than I can in this city. They probably have some sensory ability they can use to avoid me and position around me, and strike once with overwhelming force. I could probably take them, except…

Kakashi started to move, picking a random direction again. As he ran, he flared his chakra yet again, burning it faster than before. This time, thankfully, the sounds returned to normal and his Living Roots became active again. Without the haze of genjutsu chakra obscuring his vision, he could now see that the physical fog that filled these streets was laden with chakra, and it slowly tried to force its way into every crack and crevice of every home. As soon as he stopped burning chakra, the fog started trying to worm its way back into him as well. With every step, he could now detect the faint hints of that creeping distortion.

I've already spent so much chakra on the useless Earth Release techniques, and keeping the Sharingan active is going to hurt. I don't know when the attack is coming, so I have to keep it active to not get tagged by genjutsu, but that means I could be running low when the fight starts.

This isn't my problem. I chased away those two, probably scared them off from doing too much more tonight. Good deed quota fulfilled.

Kakashi jumped and clung to the side of a building. He took off his muddy sandals and started quietly tree-walking back to that horrendous yellow temple.

Before combat
Kakashi used Hiding Like a Mole (20 CP, 390 remaining) and Living Roots (22 CP, 368 remaining)

Round 1
Kakashi (Sharingan, 20 CP, 348 remaining)
??? assailants

Kakashi is unsure what to do. With Sharingan active, the mist is transparent which is 1) super great for his survivability, 2) super scary since AoE genjutsu is the realm of real masters only. Still, a genjutsu expert is usually a lot weaker outside of their main element. He spends a Standard to stealth in the direction of the noise. It's not chakra-efficient as now he can't punch, but he can still dodge effectively.

Kakashi (Stealth): 35 + 3 (dice) = 38

He sees a pair of masked people with strange brownish shrouds grabbing a woman's body and dragging it up a wall with chakra adhesion. Ninja. That sounds like trouble. He'll wait to see if they can see through their own mist.

??? assailants
??? (Alertness): ?? + ? (????) - ? (dice) = ??
??? (Alertness): ?? + ? (????) + ? (dice) = ??

One of them notices Kakashi. They don't want to fight, so they'll run. Two Zones away is all they can manage, but luckily that's going to break line of sight in a city environment.

Round 2
Kakashi (Sharingan, 20 CP, 328 remaining) [Note: Kakashi sees the way these two move and judges them at mid-genin level. He's not scared right now, but is worried about them bringing backup.]

He doesn't have any reason to pursue. He's going to check on the woman for his good deed quota, then pick a different direction to gather more information. He doesn't want to follow after these two and walk into an ambush, but still wants to pick a fight to learn their measure.

Kakashi (Knowledge (Medical)): 10 + 3 (dice) = 13

Nope, she's dead as far as he can tell. He picks a random direction in the arc away from the fleeing gremlins. If he can't find someone quickly, he'll leave, maybe even out of town. He definitely does not want to get caught up in a fight while the reinforcements attack him from behind. Good intel made Glacier so much easier.

Round 3
Kakashi (Sharingan, 20 CP, 308 remaining) [Note: he's still not going to fully exert himself because he still doesn't want to get caught in a pincer attack, and will need all his chakra to get out if so.]

Kakashi spends a Supplemental to move, now that he wants to move around quickly. He doesn't spot anyone on the rooftops, which is where ninja like to move, so he takes a Standard to look around.

Kakashi (Alertness): 40 + 6 (Sharingan) + 9 (dice) = 55
??? (Stealth): ?? + ? (????) + ? (tag ???) + ? (invoke ???) + ? (invoke ???) + ? (dice) = ??

Kakashi doesn't see anyone. He spends a Supplemental to Dispel (5 CP, 303 remaining), and nothing changes. He's caught in a passive mind-control genjutsu then.

At this point, reinforcements are coming, moving farther means either moving out of the city, which is fine, or putting himself in a worse position. The plan was to fight, but Kakashi doesn't know when the conflict will come, meaning that he'll be 1) low on chakra from keeping Sharingan active the whole time, and 2) not have boost active when the combat starts and the attackers are burning their FP, which is just inviting a hit. He also only has 3 FP, meaning he won't get a lot of value out of creating Aspects now to forestall their inevitable counterattack.

In practice, Kakashi could stick around a little longer, since he still has plenty of chakra wiggle room. In narrative, this is how he'll do it. Mechanically, I'm ending the combat now. He sticks around for another few seconds (20 CP, 283 remaining), straining his ears to hear the assailants, but doesn't. He leaves, dispelling again to get rid of the mind control (30 CP, 253 remaining), which works. He stealths back with Sharingan inactive to save chakra if he runs into someone and has to fight.

Kakashi (Stealth): 35 + 3 = 38
Kakashi (Alertness): 40 + 3 + 1 (Living Roots) = 44
??? (Alertness): ?? + ? = ??
??? (Stealth): ?? + ? = ??

Kakashi doesn't think he's being followed back.


Kakashi quickly looked up from Icha Icha: Secret of the Forest Nymphs as Sugiyama entered the room. They were carrying a heavy pack and an expression of weariness Kakashi immediately associated with a lack of sleep.

"Where were you?" Kakashi asked Sugiyama as they closed the door behind them.

"Apologies, I had taken leave to ply my trade when darkness fell and I did not see it as wise to journey out into the night in order to return, especially given that we are needed here for several days yet." As they spoke, Sugiyama unslung their heavy pack and started pulling out various dead animals. Their shrivelled skin and dried fur crackled as Sugiyama handled them.

Kakashi considered that. It wasn't really his business what Sugiyama did with their time. Still, not getting eyes on an ally over twenty-four hours in now-known hostile territory made his skin itch. "I did tell you to do push-ups until I said you could stop, right?"

"I did many of them. With the strength of the spiritual energy of my body working in tandem with the increased physical abilities I am gradually developing under your care, it did not challenge me. Nonetheless, I foresaw that you would return late, so I took the order as intended," Sugiyama said as they paused unloading to stretch and briefly massage their arms. "I did a lot of push-ups, and you will have to send me to the cold hells yourself before I do even one more."

"Fine, I'll spare you. Today," Kakashi said. "I've got something more important. I think that the weird things happening in Hataka are because of ninja and genjutsu users. Specifically the Yahiro Clan, since the explanation that they tore themselves apart with internal infighting is way too convenient. Something like that always leaves behind a few people." Like in Glacier, he added mentally.

"Oh?" Sugiyama said, as they started to pack herbs into the chest cavities of the various desiccated animals lying around them. "And you have good reason to suspect this, other than matching the nearest plausible target to what you've experienced?"

Kakashi thought about it for a moment as Sugiyama continued their grisly work. "I… suppose not. It matches up neatly, since the Yahiro were genjutsu users, correct?" Sugiyama hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Right, so what I saw was definitely a genjutsu. It altered all my senses, even feedback from my techniques, but it was just a chakra effect when I looked at it with the Sharingan, and it went away when I dispelled it strongly enough. Though, strangely, even though it only had illusory effects, it seemed more like a mind-control, since I couldn't dispel it easily…"

Kakashi trailed off, thinking about who could possibly have cast a genjutsu that strong. None of the genjutsu-focused clans could pull off something on this scale, and even the Second Mizukage had never demonstrated abilities at this scale. He shuddered.

Sugiyama seemed to have finished with their animals and piled them back into the pack. They packed herbs into their pipe and spoke. "You will note that it is disingenuous to describe something as 'just a chakra effect'. You and I too are just chakra effects, after a fashion. The bodies we inhabit are borrowed physicalities of the grand cycle of all things, and the minds we use to think and speak are themselves formed of different sorts of chakra."

Sugiyama smiled. "It seems you have fallen into the trap of an amateur storyteller. You have said something true, yet completely false all the same!" They chucked and blueish-purple smoke streamed from their lips. "So, it seems that is not the only strange thing you have noticed. Carry on."

Kakashi frowned at that. "That's condescending. I don't appreciate that. Also, you know what I meant. Understanding a genjutsu defeats it, while being able to tell that a fireball is made of chakra doesn't stop you from being burnt to a crisp."

Kakashi described the rest of his encounter with the strange ninja and their quarry. "...and then I managed to dispel the genjutsu by flaring chakra." Sugiyama made a doubting expression, so he continued. "The fact that I managed to get rid of it so simply means it has to be a genjutsu. Still, it's the most powerful genjutsu I've ever heard of. I'm astonished that a Yahiro can make a genjutsu like this, since it would make them stronger than any genjutsu user I've heard about."

"So you would call it inexplicable?"

"No, I have an explanation," Kakashi said, "it just has a few holes that I'm sure some information gathering will fix."

"Will it?" asked Sugiyama. "You've spoken before of returning to the road once more, far too soon in my opinion, in order to evade the notice of your supposed pursuers. You've finished all of Tsuru's requests, and you've acquired your new book," they gestured at the book he had been subconsciously clutching, "so why would you poke around here?"

"Because they're terrorizing people in a way I disagree with? Because they clearly have powerful techniques that it's in my job description to steal. Because either they'll put up a worthwhile fight, or they'll bend over quickly enough to not get in the way of us getting out of here."

"And all that is assuming that this is indeed a ninja clan. Yet, as you've pointed out, that explanation is lacking in a few ways. Would it be so terrible to simply call it inexplicable?"

Kakashi thought about it. "Look, you're clearly not going to help me here, so let's drop it. Unless there's anything you can tell me about the Yahiro Clan's genjutsu specialty?"

Sugiyama emitted another puff of garishly-colored smoke. "It is the nature of man to try to make the truth a vehicle for his desires, but this is still a false perception, for the more you desire, the farther you grow from the truth."

"So that's a no?"

They sighed. "The Yahiro Clan specialized in ranged weapons, and had a few ninjutsu techniques to support that specialty, primarily by allowing them to stay out of range and track an opponent effectively. They behaved as persistence hunters, following an opponent and attacking until they collapsed, more porcupine than human. A few of their users started developing genjutsu, but it was not seen highly until one of them developed a way of delivering genjutsu through successful attacks with their weapons. The clan started to focus on developing their genjutsu abilities and consumed themselves in that manner. Does that suffice?"

"Yes, it does," Kakashi said. "If they don't have an innate bloodline ability, then they must have someone who's like the equivalent of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but for genjutsu instead. That means we ought to pull out."

"Again, I will ask. The world is a twisted shadow splayed across a thick and sludgy canvas, cast by the dance of gods and dragons that we cannot begin to understand. The greater part of the world is inexplicable, and you yourself have seen things that you cannot explain barely a day's travel from this town. Would you truly rather believe a reality that you know cannot be true than believe in your own unbelieving?"

"Look, just drop it," Kakashi said. He flipped open his book again. As an afterthought, he asked, "I hope your business went well. What were you doing?"

"Oh, simply my part. The Crone asked me to reveal her wiles to a few of her enemies within these walls, so I went and demonstrated to those sacred inheritors of the faceless lovers the puppet strings upon which they unknowingly dance. Fortunes that needed telling, and all."

"Hm," said Kakashi, returning his attention to Yuuta's most recent conquest.


"Lord Akimichi."


ANBU Captain Dragon kept to a strict training regime, and as such could easily be described as heavily muscled. Torifu Akimichi still made him look like a child, towering nearly a foot and a half over him and three times as wide. Now that the old man no longer lay in a hospital bed recovering from critical injuries inflicted by the Nine Tails, Dragon could much more easily imagine why the Third had chosen to keep Torifu close to his side when going toe to toe with a god of destruction incarnate.

Dragon resisted the urge to look straight ahead. Though looking up put him in a childlike posture, thinking about such power dynamics would sour the interaction.

"The Hidden Mist traitors captured Akimichi Shitou," Dragon said.

Torifu's faint smile faded at that. "I see. You really don't mince words, do you?" Dragon didn't respond. "Well, yes. I had already heard. The Hokage wanted to mobilize them as assets against Hidden Mist, correct? To connect them with our spy network to keep them around as a thorn in Yagura's side." Dragon nodded. Lord Akimichi knew all of this, of course. "Well, seems like Hiruzen played the fool yet again. You can't expect a Mist-nin to understand diplomacy and strategy. I take it you're preparing for a rescue?"

"Rescue is nigh impossible. We will try anyway. Shitou will likely kill himself rather than submit to interrogation. However, he has already leaked information in fighting. I am here to provide a summary of what techniques he used and how, to inform your policy on clan secrets going forward."

Torifu nodded. "I see. The Sage will guide him home one way or another I suppose. Either to us, to his ancestors in the next world. Yes, let's find a private place to discuss."

Dragon kept the discussion brief, and emerged from the Akimichi Clan compound to find a civilian messenger waiting for him. He dismissed the messenger and opened the storage seal to find a note.

Low chance that this is valuable. Lightning claims to have ten day old information on Hatake. Confirms that he's on the Eastern Continent, Honey or Marsh. Offered to sell. Already bought with your money. Can investigate while on Honey rescue mission? Details enclosed. Penguin.

Dragon continued reading.


Kakashi gestured at Sugiyama to come over and look at the papers Tsuru had handed him. The gruff man had insisted on getting his book back before letting Kakashi see the intelligence, so Kakashi had pulled a marathon reading session last night to finish it up. It had been incredible, and Kakashi dearly wanted to get a copy of the book for himself so he could give it a reread to catch all the details that he had missed on his first pass. He sighed. Jiraiya's writing skill is only improving… The next one might be coming out soon in Leaf. Maybe after this, I can double back to the main continent to grab a copy…

Tsuru's roughly sketched map of Demon looked nothing like the notes he had from Leaf, but he trusted the view on the country that Tsuru's ground agents had created. There were Leaf informants out here, he knew, but the quality of their information was clearly spotty.

"Here. Looks like Tsuru's given us what we needed. Mantis Summoner sightings are generally in this crescent in the upper part of the country," Kakashi punctuated his words by drawing out the X's that Tsuru had marked.

"That seems correct. That land is for the Ashen Gargoyle's people. It's sparsely populated, but there are a fair few towns with a trade road that runs along that mountain range. It is a metaphorically suitable place for him to walk."

Luckily, nearly a month of practice had been enough for Kakashi to learn how to tune out the Sugiyama-speak. "Right. Well, Tsuru thinks he's probably doing jobs with the Rakshasa. They're dealing with a big chakra beast problem right now, and his firepower probably helps them substantially. I can get in with the Clan if I want to get to the Summoner. Looks like we've finally got a solid trail."

Whoops, you voted for an action plan but the dice didn't want any action. C'est la vie. Analysis: Kakashi had no way to track down his targets, and he didn't want to stick around and wait since he thrives on the offensive as a hit-and-run attacker.

Voting Time! What do you do now?
Here are some options to get you started.
[] Head to the crescent where the Mantis Summoner has been spotted and ask around to see if people have seen giant fighting mantises. Skip the middlemen.
[] Find the Rakshasa Clan and give them the socially appropriate offerings. Offer them more if they can get a meeting for the Mantis Summoner with you.
[] Track down the ninja clan in Hakata. Try to figure out who knows their location from the temple ledgers or administrators. That much money changing hands leaves a trail.
[] Rather than approach politely, provoke some Rakshasa Clan genin or chuunin into attacking you, beat them up, and let them live. Explain you want the Mantis Summoner and negotiate from a position of power.
[] Ask around about Tsuru to figure out who his employer is. He's clearly not from around here, and he's too well connected to not be an asset from a main-continent nation.
[] Chakra beast migrations sound interesting. Move into Rakshasa territory and kill some beasts near their towns for free. Trade the service for an introduction.
[] (Write in)

Remember, we use approval voting, so you can vote for as many plans as you like. Also, feel free to ping @Paperclipped or @MMKII to ask setting or detail questions that Kakashi could plausibly know. Note: This includes specific questions for Sugiyama about Demon (though we might not get to it until the update)

Voting is open, and closes at 9am London Time, Wednesday March 10.
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[X] Track down the ninja clan in Hakata. Try to figure out who knows their location from the temple ledgers or administrators. That much money changing hands leaves a trail.
3x vote combo!
I'm really curious about this.
[X] Ask around about Tsuru to figure out who his employer is. He's clearly not from around here, and he's too well connected to not be an asset from a main-continent nation.
Curiosity again.
[] Chakra beast migrations sound interesting. Move into Rakshasa territory and kill some beasts near their towns for free. Trade the service for an introduction.
This one feels a lot better than social-fu or direct confrontations against the Rakshasa. There's a small chance that the Rakshasa are fairly territorial and won't take nicely to this, but I think that's a lot smaller of a risk than the other two would be.

Edit: Trying to swing a vote.
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[X] Work with Sugiyama to come up with ways to hide Kakashi's eyepatch. (Hats, wigs, contact lenses, illusions, full face masks?)
[X] Chakra beast migrations sound interesting. Move into Rakshasa territory and kill some beasts near their towns for free. Trade the service for an introduction.

Question about Demon:
  • Why don't people fight back against the people that attack them? Haven't defenses/traps been tried?
  • Why don't they hire ninja to help with their problems?
  • Have they tried to speak to their tormentors?
  • How long have these nighttime raids been happening?
  • Has anyone tried to record these events in detail, maybe there's an underlying pattern at play here.
[X] Head to the crescent where the Mantis Summoner has been spotted and ask around to see if people have seen giant fighting mantises. Skip the middlemen.
[X] Find the Rakshasa Clan and give them the socially appropriate offerings. Offer them more if they can get a meeting for the Mantis Summoner with you.
[X] Rather than approach politely, provoke some Rakshasa Clan genin or chuunin into attacking you, beat them up, and let them live. Explain you want the Mantis Summoner and negotiate from a position of power.

[X] Chakra beast migrations sound interesting. Move into Rakshasa territory and kill some beasts near their towns for free. Trade the service for an introduction.
I mean, who can really be mad about free labor and saving lives?

[] Track down the ninja clan in Hakata. Try to figure out who knows their location from the temple ledgers or administrators. That much money changing hands leaves a trail.
[] Ask around about Tsuru to figure out who his employer is. He's clearly not from around here, and he's too well connected to not be an asset from a main-continent nation.
Don't feel very strongly about these
[X] Chakra beast migrations sound interesting. Move into Rakshasa territory and kill some beasts near their towns for free. Trade the service for an introduction.
Hey, is there anything specific that you two, as QMs, enjoy writing? For ex, should we wait for a specific author's update to explore the magic system, versus punching people's lights out, or exploring character interactions, versus exploring world lore?

I know the world is insane and that spoons can often be at a premium, so I'd like to tailor my votes in such a way that maximizes QM enjoyment, too. Collaborative storytelling is a two way street and blah blah blah, power of friendship at whatnot.

There's been a bit too much violence in my recent chapters for my taste. I probably prefer like a 70/30 split of prep to punch. As to what prep looks like... sneaking around, identifying sources of information, talking with people and social confrontation, or other things you would plausibly expect an RPG character to do. However, I most enjoy things that are "clever solutions", or unexpected but surprisingly effective ways to solve problems.

I do very much enjoy exploring the magic system and lore. I am hesitant to include such experimental things as voting options, as the voting options are meant to be "obvious next steps" for Kakashi. If you want to do things even as simple as [] Ask Sugiyama to tell Kakashi's fortune, you'll have to write-in. As MMKII said, write-ins are strongly encouraged.
[x] Action Plan: A Bloodsoaked Demon's Fortune May Yet Turn
Words: tbd

  • What the hell, ask Sugiyama to tell your fortune. Maybe there's something to it, maybe there's not. Worst case scenario, it makes them happy.
  • Work with Sugiyama to come up with ways to hide Kakashi's eyepatch. (Hats, wigs, contact lenses, illusions, full face masks?)
  • Ask Sugiyama if (after physicality is up to par) they'd want to learn jutsu, and if so, what type (combat, utility, support, etc). We have a small mountain of jutsu in our head, I'm sure we could find something.
  • Chakra beast migrations sound interesting. Move into Rakshasa territory and kill some beasts near their towns for free. Trade the service for an introduction.
    • Maintain disguises that conceal Kakashi's eyepatch/hair.
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Things like sunglasses are super rare, right? I'm guessing Kakashi can just keep his eye manually closed, but that's mildly annoying? Hmm. And the Sharingan is very distinctive. Someone that covers both eyes suitably would be my preference, but I can't think of anything.

Also, offering to teach sealing is not a thing to do lightly. From both a time and safety perspective.
Also, offering to teach sealing is not a thing to do lightly. From both a time and safety perspective.
I'm thinking that it'd be a bit if a reward (if they want it). Because right now Sugiyama seems miserable but begrudgingly okay with their physical training (in a "I get that this will save my life, so I'll do it, but I'm not happy doing it" sense). So if we add a light at the end of the tunnel, maybe they'll hate their physical training less.

As for time and safety, we can always do it at night, use MEW to build a Sealing Workshop, and then destroy it in the morning (to erase evidence).
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