If you have the Song Magic perk, then it can be used post jump with no tower. Without the perk, which neither document has, you need a Tower to be able to use Song Magic since Song Magic originates from the Tower. Since you said the tower is too complex, then you can't use Song Magic through it, though Song Science does change things. Song Science gives you how Song Magic theoretically works, so if you get it you could probably create something that allows Song Magic, or something similar to Song Magic.No tower, too complex for the story, even inside the Cosmic Warehouse.
And, I say again, post-jump, no tower is required except for very specific things: equipment from Ar Tonelico build post-jump require either a tower or another source of energy.
Basically all I meant by my post is that Katou can't teach you how to use Song Magic as it is an ability normally done through querying a machine, so it shouldn't fall into her knowledge base.
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