Lost on a Death World (Worm, Celestial Forge, pseudo-SI)

Multiple bodies and hive mind...? Never thought of the case... But, no, I can't see the character doing that.
However, I could see a future member of his team with such a power.
Idk it seems like an extremely prudent thing to do, rather than going out there in his real body and risking the fate of the entire multiverse which rests on his shoulders would he not choose to simply pilot a body safely from his base or the warehouse? If he is willing to temporarily bend his gender for an advantage why would he not create a layer of safety that comes from multiple bodies?

Maybe not multiple bodies but a remote pilot suit instead of having your body in it? Sort of like iron man without him inside the suit seems like a totally legit thing to do to avoid the gamble of losing his life to exotic parahuman effects yet get all the benefits of going out and doing stuff, just you know, remotly.

Its basically like sending a shadow clone instead of going yourself, his girlfriend would approve.
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No, I can't see him acting like that.
Acting like what? I said multiple things, is he not cool way any of them, including the female form, remote pilot, hivemind, etc etc

In this scenario where he can pilot a body what reason does he have to not remote pilot a body and rather go out there and recklessly risk his life for no reason?
Drones. A plethora of different drones.
It's the same, pilot a drone, pilot a suit, pilot a body. The key point is not the form factor, but rather staying safe in your base and doing things remotely.

Maybe he can even do this with his IS suit with some modification.

Though the key point would be to get a magic or psi link with the drone/suit/body as shards would never be able to spy on or disrupt it.
In this scenario where he can pilot a body what reason does he have to not remote pilot a body and rather go out there and recklessly risk his life for no reason?
There's actually a few significant but non-obvious reasons not to go exclusively drone body solutions.

Magic may or may not be available(depending on the magic) for a drone body.

For all the security that no going out in his real body gives, it basically just trades the ability to run away for the security of piloting from a obscured and secured stationary location. If they can find you then you are actually in some trouble if only because of the possibility of a siege.

The last one I can think about is operational range. Remote piloting is going to either need significant expert systems or a great deal of communication bandwidth. That can be interfered with and tracked barring perks that ensure protections.
Last reason why: I don't want to.
Seriously, despite the logic and common sense, Baran doesn't want to be a "video game pilot".
He thinks that the stakes are so great and dependent on Humanity (his and theirs) that he needs to be present for it. It's stupid but if Humanity has to die, he'll be there spitting in the face of the enemy up to the last second.
Chapter 8: Lost in a lie.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story.

Notes: Votes for the Exalted martial art are closed, thank you for participating.

So, new martial arts, new perks, and new encounters… Also new problems. Enjoy.


Chapter 8: Lost in a lie.

Monday, January 2011, the tenth.

Danzou and I were commiserating over the selfies and the photos taken by the restaurant staff last evening as we ate our breakfast.

The perk "Blossoming Sun" escaped our control… Probably the emotion of the moment. Each photo was a monument to a romantic date. The light, the decor, the placement of people and furniture… You couldn't do better in a professional studio with high-end models.

Oh, we greatly appreciated them, but it wasn't very discreet. Thank Luna for the creation of the Veil.

I shook my head. It really was the little things that could make you fall. I smiled as I saw Gale, our newly acquired pet, play a game of catch with Danzou. Despite her A-rank agility, it was giving as good as it could, its keen little fangs snapping at the morsel that Danzou dangled in front of it.

Oh? It seemed that this moment of peace was about to end. Danzou just gave the morsel to Gale and calmly put on her glasses before looking at me. Everybody, out of this universe! Katou-sensei was here… Don't think of her and you as a teacher and student alone in a classroom, you FOOL! Damn hormonal body! Can't wait for next Sunday...

"Alright, my Lord. Danzou is very satisfied with your progress, so it's time to go beyond."

I gulped. Beyond? Beyond what, exactly?

"You have now mastered the basics in Karate, Judo, Kendo, and Leaf Taijutsu. This is a very solid and complete foundation. Weapons, strikes, holds, projections, blocks, and evasions." She rose from her chair and I followed her outside the base to continue the lesson. The cave was lit by the floodlights and spotlights I built just for that.

"We're going to continue on that path. You won't be too surprised when I tell you that learning some styles of martial arts is easier if you learned a particular one before. Using your mastered styles, you're going to learn ALL accessible arts you could have learned on your own Earth. The Leaf Taijutsu will help me teach you my ninjutsu style, including the advanced form of taijutsu and all the techniques around it."

I raised an eyebrow. "You mean all those stealth, hypnotic and ki-based techniques?"

She nodded. "But, that's only what you're going to learn bare-handed." Ouch, what was she preparing? "The second part of the training will be in your power armor as I shall teach you the Falcon style from the Exalted setting."

I blinked. "Why that particular style?"

She tilted her head. "Well, I mainly considered 4 styles for you, but we won't have the time so we have to prioritize. Single Point Shining In The Void for swordplay, Silver-Voiced Nightingale to harmonize with your study of Ar Tonelico as I sensed it could be more important than we think, Centipede for its speed and Falcon for its synergy with your power armor."

I hummed and nodded. "Falcon style… I see. It's because of its flying techniques and the strength of my power armor that will surprise a lot of people the first time I enter grappling range."

She smiled. "Ideally, I should continue to teach the other 3 supernatural styles after you learn the basics of Falcon style, but we'll see what the future holds for us."

I shrugged and smiled. "Okay. Now I see why you wanted me to sew a "Training Suit" and finish my "Heroic Costume" with Cosmic Tailoring. Are there many styles you want to teach me?"

She smirked. "Oh, just a little. First Ch'in-Na, the art of seizing, in 5 days, then Sankukai Karate in 4 days, and Shao-Lin Kung Fu in 6 days."

I gaped at her. "All that..?"

She shrugged and counted on her fingers. "Let's see… Oh, only a total of 24 different styles. The duration should be only 97 days for all of that." She tapped her chin. "Falcon style will be a little different, the charms and the style's form should take 1 to 5 days each, but I can't teach you the advanced techniques until your Essence understanding reaches a superior level, so probably 11 days for a basic mastery."

She laughed at my face and became sober. "Understand that between me and your cosmic-tailored suit, we are reducing YEARS of constant training to mere days with a ratio of 1 day for each year required in 3 different styles."

I crossed my arms. "I see. Indeed, I see. What about your ninjutsu?"

She shrugged. "Ninjutsu is an exclusive art. At least 14 days before having the basics mastered. Then we'll see what is needed." She raised her hand. "I should probably inform you that complete and total mastery of any mundane styles, including any Ki Mastery skills and other martial art powers would take 14 days for each one at least."

I sighed. "Well, Rome wasn't built in a day. Let's go."


I was floating… No, marinating in my bath. The training session had been… brutal. Thanks for the Subnautica first aid kit to deal with the bruises and soreness. At least, I glimpsed what I could become long-term. Danzou was so magnificent when she flowed from one form to another…

No time to dream. I had plenty of things to do before going to the PRT headquarters for my transponder and many other little details.

Rapidly, I found myself working with a few of Danzou's clones in the Naruto workshop. They couldn't truly help with technical details, but they were useful with mystical problems or simply as handy helpers… And they had less snark than Vida.

I was carefully pouring molten Moonsilver from the Bottomless Bucket into a cast. I was finally making a proper altar for Luna in my Cosmic Warehouse. A cosmic-tailored sheet of embroidered cotton upon a flat sculpted moonstone formed the base. I was using lost-wax casting to make a beautiful symbol made of Moonsilver in the form of a disk with the five different Lunar caste marks represented.

Of course, I would have to consecrate it properly at the next new moon in a natural environment outside Brockton Bay, the night of the third of February. But, for now, as I started to polish the symbol, I was rather proud of myself. It was simple and yet elegant… And it should buy me a few brownie points with the capricious trickster deity.

Now, for the rest…

First, the skunk incident made me realize that I had a problem with communications in any shape that couldn't speak. So I changed into all my shapes and a clone carefully took my measurements so that I could modify either a collar, a ring, or a harness with a comm unit. It was limited as I could hear but not reply in a meaningful way but it was a step in the right direction. Just getting a yes/no code with Danzou would help.

S.A.I.L, or Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, was a good AI system but specialized in operating a spaceship and monitoring the crew and their actions. The Subnautica PDA was more of an analysis tool in comparison. I decided to maintain this specialization. I downloaded a copy of SAIL on my power armor and, for now, put it in learning mode until I was satisfied with its performance. The original joined the Subnautica computer system and downloaded its vast Starbound database into it. I was looking up its mining and crafting modules.

The Starbound mech was… Urgh. It existed. Yeah, that was all. Oh, having such a simple bipedal mech allowed me to retrieve a functional walker design complete with a gyroscope and it was accessible to modern science. The SAIL could also easily take control of it once it was calibrated. But for the rest… The drill was acceptable and, in fact, superior to my Subnautica drill arm, but the flak cannon was inferior to all my weapons.

The Starbound Techs were a series of 3 implants, or in my case, innate powers, and I could still research later how to implant those powers into somebody else. I could use those powers at the same time and with my power armor. They consumed internal energy, but having so many power sources, I wasn't worried. Other uses and upgrades were encoded in the 3 powers but required research and time.

The Distortion Sphere power allowed me to transform into a metallic-looking dark ball bisected by a light blue line and roll. That was all. It reduced my height and width to half and thus facilitated access to places, but it also prevented me from using my thrusters and considerably reduced my jump range except by the use of other Tech powers.

The Dash tech allowed me to boost my overall speed by three and a half times for less than a second in a white and blue blur. Perfect for rapid attacks or evasions.

Finally, the Pulse Jump allowed me to simply jump a second time in the air by releasing a pulse of blue-white energy beneath my feet. Contrary to the two other Techs, it didn't require energy, but I had to first touch the ground before it would be usable again. It could also be activated right before landing to prevent some damage from a fall.

Next was the EPP or Environmental Protection Pack which was invaluable. Not only could I make a good backup for any life-support systems, but I could also easily adapt them for Danzou. I promptly made a backpack inspired by the one with the plug suits from Evangelion and put in the most sophisticated system I could.

The use of the Toaruverse resource generator allowed me to have ALL the materials necessary for that, including some rather interesting metals. I let a clone test if the backpack was hindering her in any way before giving it to the original.

Meanwhile, the automated inventory system was scanning the various items and raw materials and properly storing them. My blueprint database was steadily growing with each experiment and creation.

My next step was to begin the work on my power armor. First, I made an ingot of… what I called "Cluster-Rainbow" as I used my considerable knowledge of chemistry and metallurgy to freely mix… well, everything I had under my hand.

I obtained an alloy with a very slight rainbow sheen. Electrically neutral, immune to oxidation and acids/bases, impossible durability while being very light, immune to heat and cold, conductive to chakra energy and able to store it, mystical protean nature which should follow my shape-shifting without any hindering, able to absorb sounds and vibrations to convert them into energy, enormous capacity for internal energy storage, and so many other qualities.

I used Cosmic Tailoring to produce a weave with the new alloy before incorporating it in a spare part of my armor, using the link between cloth and armor. And with a simple scan for analyzing the new component and making it a part of the IS, the use of the generator and my fabricator could now produce another Infinite Stratos power armor whose integrity was further enhanced by my "Manifold Destiny" perk… I made a note about making an alloy specifically for structures.

But I wasn't finished. The IS had a considerable amount of slots enabling me to customize it further. The modular nature of Subnautica technology and the subspace technology of Infinite Stratos permitted me to almost plug in the upgrades. I installed a complete EPP, a Subnautica shield generator proven able to go through a debris field at orbital velocity, missiles created from the Subnautica fire-and-forget mini-torpedoes and equipped with new warheads derived from Ar Tonelico materials, Subnautica payloads like the non-lethal vortex warhead, or existing technology. And so many others like the Subnautica stasis rifle, an electrical perimeter defensive system, or a propulsion/repulsion cannon.

Put simply, if I had it, I crammed it in.

Well, almost all of it. There were still things I couldn't truly exploit like my thaumaturgy or Grathmeld. Oh, I discovered both my magical elemental affinity, different from the Naruto one, and my Origin of magic, but I couldn't lever it into my tinkering.

And yet, what an advantage it should be long term. I found with Danzou's help that I was an "Average One", meaning that I could use ALL the elements in my thaumaturgy. A-grade magical circuits copied from Rin Tohsaka indeed. Even my origin was interesting as it was "Lore"… All of my being was built and centered around the pursuit of lore. Not simply knowledge as in the accumulation of data, but in the understanding and use of this knowledge.

I was tempted to create a "Crest" with my magical circuits by using my Cosmic Tailoring, but the knowledge from the skill warned me that I couldn't yet bypass the necessity of "cutting" the circuits from me. Too bad, it would have helped me later.

And speaking of magic, I contemplated the possibility of proceeding with the Five Stations of Sorcery, the only way I knew to unlock the Exalted-based sorcery potential in me. I couldn't ignore that as my New Moon caste and my own nature literally craved for that power. But it was such a departure from who I was. As an extension of myself, I liked building, creating, and even doing magic. However, the Exalted Sorcery was about imposing your will onto the world combining brute force, trickery, and knowledge. In brief, I had to alter my mind, to change how I perceived reality itself.

I could do it… The 5 Trials to overcome were just a series of actions and personal realizations. Even the necessity of a teacher was not a problem. Danzou had enough knowledge about Essence to prevent me from doing stupid things despite not having a sorcerous database.

As for the rest… To learn humility was easy as Danzou was kicking my ass every morning. Journeying beyond what was safe and familiar… Well, I was in Worm, 'nuff said. Overcoming fear and making a sacrifice… Nope, I couldn't do that myself, I had to ask someone else.

Danzou, the real one as I couldn't ask that through a clone, looked at me sternly as she pondered my request. "Danzou can do it, Master. But not right now. This will take some preparations, so tonight."

The dice were cast. Tonight.


Danzou looked at me with incredulity. "You're going to call on the Celestial Forge? After deciding to walk the path of sorcery?" She frowned. "Isn't it a waste to spread out your efforts like this?"

I pondered. "Not really. I'm still taking everything one step at a time. I can't ignore or focus only on a few things. I'm not going to cast Solar-level spells just like that. I'm merely opening a closed door."

She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "With potential literal demons behind it."

My turn to look at her with incredulity. "I'm not going to summon demons. Stop looking at me like that! I'm not!" I shook my head and turned to Luna's altar.

Do you wish to make a roll on the Celestial Forge?

Current charge: 3.184. Perk range: 150 CP.

I took a deep breath, centered myself, and triggered the mental double-click of my imaginary computer mouse.

Current charge: 2.218. Perk range: 100 CP.

I blinked. "Well… A completely support-oriented perk." I smiled at Danzou. "We can now ensure that almost anything we send or order by mail will reach its destination without too much risk. No delays and no unpleasant questions."

Her eyes widened. "Now, that's interesting. So no more problems with smuggling a few items here and then?" She smirked. "You're making our network more and more efficient, my Lord." She put her hand on my arm. "Danzou is refraining herself for now, but I won't have any problem with ordering Tinkertech for you to examine in the future."

I nodded then sweatdropped as I saw the free gifts associated. The only advantage was that they would slowly repair themselves if damaged and replaced in one week if destroyed. But frankly…

What was I going to do with an arcade system full of the Doom franchise products, including movies and… a "Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3"…? Market it…? The PDA was better as it melded seamlessly with our existing computer system and gave it a biometric lock and an impossibility to be lost or stolen. The flashlight, duct tape, and pistol were mere curiosities, although… I looked at the twelve-shot rugged Blade-Runner-style pistol, the static transfer power supply of the flashlight, and the endless roll of space-grade duct tape. Both were mundane items, perfectly replicable by current science and superior to what existed now. Yeah, putting them into storage to be delivered another time for others like the industrial sector, the army, or the PRT.

"Okay, Danzou? What about another roll?"

She raised an eyebrow and pondered the question, looking at the Doom arcade system being scanned and stored. "Might be worth it. Go for it, Baran."

Current charge: 0.218. Perk range: 0 CP.

There was an electronic whistle behind us and…

I couldn't not recognize its design. It was a small robot, around 1 meter in height. It moved by 3 wheeled legs with the center one retractable. It had a domed head with various sensors and I knew that multiple tools were stored just under various panels over its body. It had a white and red color palette and could only speak in Binary or "droidspeak" with a set of beeps and whistles strung together into what resembled sentences.

I was still goggling at it. "An R2 Astromech Droid… from Star Wars…" I felt like a young boy visiting a toy store. It continued with interrogative-sounding binary. "Oh, right… Droidspeak… Right! Vida, interface with our guest until I put in a proper speaker unit, you'll serve as translator."

"Interfacing… This droid is R2 G7, an R2-series astromech droid produced by Industrial Automaton. This astromech droid is one of the most sought-after droids in the history of Star Wars. The average cost for an R2 unit is about 4245 Republic Credits.

The R2 astromech is designed to work in and around space vessels as a diagnostic and repair unit. When plugged into a starfighter, the R2 monitors flight performance, pinpoints and corrects technical problems, and performs power management, optimizing shipboard systems.

Its ROM library has reference and repair designs for well over seven hundred starship models to ensure it's able to do its functions in repair work, with its Intellex IV internal computer scanning technical files and locating potential problems as well as finding data patterns or debugging computer codes.

The unit can store up to ten sets of hyperspace vector coordinates in the RAM of its astrogation buffer. The R2 operates flawlessly in the vacuum of interstellar space and is equipped with a holographic recording

I raised my hand. "Stop with the technical description, I'll see it later. Is there anything relevant for now?" Like the fact that I had 700 complete blueprints of Star Wars ships.

"Affirmative. VIDA reminds you that knowledge is power and helps with survival.

Industrial Automaton made the droids easy to upgrade and modify. They also spent a great deal of time in the design of R2's personality matrix. The droid is obliging, quick-witted, and sincere. VIDA knows about Baran Sunheart's complete opposition to periodic memory wipes, as you consider the Star Wars droids as fully sentient. While R2 G7 can be considered as something you just buy, it should be noted that the Celestial Forge doesn't generate slaves for Baran Sunheart but fully independent sentient companions who chose to be there on their own will."

I smiled. "Well, G7. Welcome to the team. Did the Celestial Forge download an information package about Earth Bet?" G7 produced an affirmative sound. "Good. We'll just connect you to our computer systems for a more comprehensive briefing on the situation and what we can do currently and…" I knelt and put my hand on its shoulder. "I name you my personal assistant with technology." It emitted some cute happy binary sounds.

Danzou giggled and shook her head. "You look like a child with a shiny toy."

I couldn't help but beam at her. "Well, it's STAR WARS."


It wasn't yet a routine, but I called ahead to the PRT headquarters before my arrival. They seemed to appreciate that and I was redirected towards the roof landing pad. A staff member and a trooper were waiting for me.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." I immediately put my armor into subspace before entering the building. Presenting a non-confrontational side for StarKnight was my strategy to put the PRT at ease with a new Tinker in town.

It went well, surely because of all the preparation Danzou and I put into it. The transponder was a standard device with a wrist mounting. I analyzed it with my handheld scanner to see if it could be easily incorporated into my armor. I had to put it back on to do that, but no one was batting an eye. They still wanted to confirm that I had supersonic capacity and thus gave me another manual for air control procedures along with the "Flying Parahuman Regulations" one.

I tested the transponder with the technician before they gave me a PRT-approved personal squawk with their control room. It was easily detectable, but I could block it at any moment with my ECM even without depowering it. Of course, the law made it mandatory to activate it in flight. Bah, Danzou was tracking all the moles implanted in the PRT by the gangs. This should be another opportunity for her to identify them.

Of course, just by coincidence, I met the rest of the Protectorate: Velocity, Triumph, and Dauntless.

Velocity, aka Robin Swoyer, wore a red costume with racing stripes down either side and two stripes meeting in a 'v' on his chest. According to my passive sensors, his costume didn't include a "cup" contrary to most of the "professional" male parahumans, probably to allow increased mobility. I knew that his speedster power worked by accelerating his personal time while reducing his ability to affect the world around him, to the point of being incapable of lifting a glass and thus preventing him from using most speedster tricks.

"Good afternoon, StarKnight. Here for your scooters?"

I shook my head. "Good afternoon. Merely for a few things to not be in legal hot water. Mostly my flying transponder and a comm frequency with you guys."

"You must be the only one cape who just does that without a seminar or being prompted by the PRT." Dauntless, aka Shawn, was an imposing figure and ex-military. He wore gold and white armor with a Greek-style helmet. He was armed with his famous Arclance, able to throw lightning bolts, and a round shield the size of a dinner plate. All of his equipment was empowered by him, little by little, and he should become as powerful as Legend of the Triumvirate in a little more than a year.

Triumph shrugged. "Well, that's a good thing, right? So you're not here to see Armsmaster regarding your tinkertech or to join our merry company?" Triumph, aka Rory Christner, was the son of the city mayor… and received his powers from a bought Cauldron vial. He had a gladiator/lion theme to his costume, with a gold lion helm, shoulder pads and belt, and skintight suit… Rather lame to my eyes. His power consisted of sound manipulation. He also sported a mild healing factor and some level of super-strength, being able to punch through concrete.

I tilted my head. "It's been less than a week since I left both the scooter production unit and my medical nanite samples. I doubt the Tinkertech Safety Committee managed to reach a decision or even finished analyzing it."

"Well, join us and the process will go faster."

This time, I deliberately turned to Triumph. "Sorry, not enough advantages for me to join the Protectorate." I also implied that there were some disadvantages.

He seemed scandalized. A very black and white vision of the world. "Not enough advantages? We don't do this for advantages but to help people."

"And so do I. By choice and duty. Your point?" Subtle you were not, Triumph.

"My point!? The Protectorate is the best chance for Brockton Bay. You would be able to do so much more with us. Joining is… logical and the right thing to do."

Dauntless and Velocity were seeing the train about to crash but couldn't prevent it. Strange, as they were the senior officers to Rory who recently graduated from the Wards. "But I am joining the Protectorate. As an independent hero. If I didn't acknowledge that you're the best chance for Brockton Bay, I wouldn't be here."

"And it's a very good thing that you're here." Ah, Velocity was taking the lead.

"Yes, and independent heroes registering with us are very welcome. Better they have the support of a law-enforcement branch than doing everything solo like a vigilante." Dauntless spoke and Triumph went down. One to zero.

Triumph harrumphed and crossed his arms. "I'm still convinced that if he meets with Director Piggot, everything will be in proper order."

"Well then, it's a good thing I was about to have a nice cup of coffee." Triumph jumped up at the stern voice just behind him.

Director Emily Piggot was an obese woman with steel-gray eyes and a bleached blonde bob-style haircut. She was wearing a navy blue jacket and skirt and I could see the hidden bulge of a handgun. The only living survivor of the Nilbog slaughter, Danzou having killed the other, she was a no-nonsense woman with a will of iron. Her only fault, despite her professionalism, was that she considered all capes as bullies at best and monsters at worst. Losing her kidneys, forcing her to have dialysis every night, and some leg muscles didn't make things better.

I put my armor back in subspace and went to attention. "Director."

Her eyes flashed with something like acknowledging while maintaining a scowl worthy of any Army sergeants. "Follow me, StarKnight."

It wasn't a request, but an order. I followed her to a lounge with coffee makers, fridges, and other things for a snack. Of course, I knew she could have anyone bringing her a cup of coffee or food in her office. "Allow me to make you a cup of real coffee, director."

She raised an eyebrow and looked me up and down. "You know how to make coffee?"

I tilted my head. "I'm more of a tea enthusiast, but I learned how to make a good coffee for my colleagues."

She frowned at me and gestured at a coffee maker. "Proceed."

I didn't go full "God of Cooking" but almost. It was fortunate that I could modulate this skill or I would have been arrested for mastering a PRT director. Nonetheless, I made her a good cup of coffee and after seeing the prepared sandwiches, decided to make a new one for her and me. I also prepared a cup of tea for myself… Their tea selection was rather limited.

During that, Piggot, and various hidden surveillance systems, watched me like a hawk before she tasted the coffee and sandwich… after I took a bite and a sip myself, of course.

I achieved my goal as Piggot did eat the entire sandwich. "So, what am I going to do with you, StarKnight?"

I blinked. "Director Piggot, you and Armsmaster are the leaders of the ENE branch. I am in your territory and under your authority, as limited as it is. The real question is what I can do for you, director." I faced her and looked straight into her eyes. "I'm not here to right all the wrongs and spark the brewing gang war. I'm here to help the public the best I can."

"The best would be to join the Protectorate."

I shook my head. "My support already looked into that. As long as the PRT's political games continue, I'll be completely useless."

She frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"I made my investigation in Brockton Bay before moving in. Some people in the PRT main staff are playing political games and making their own agenda. It is obvious for anyone looking at the facts and your public numbers that PRT ENE has been abandoned by its own organization. Your accessible list of transfers and arrivals is very telling, both for the troopers and the parahumans. It's not your leaders like Costa-Brown or Legend, it's people just under them."

Piggot was a marble statue. "I can't comment on your deductions, StarKnight."

I raised my hands. "I understand that, director. The only thing I can say is that I'm not here to create new problems or break the status quo." Danzou was there for that.

"Hmm." She took another sip. "What about your tinkertech?"

I shrugged. "I'll continue to send you finished and tested products for approval. I prefer to do that rather than send prototypes or experimental materials. I'll try to give you immediately deployable non-tinkertech equipment without too much red tape and exclusively under your control. As for me, I intend to be taught by your people. You have several available classes that are recommended for new capes. I'll take advantage of it."

"We'll see, StarKnight. We'll see." She finished her cup. "Regarding your electrical scooters, we're testing them with the Wards. They're too flimsy and not mobile enough for our troopers and the Protectorate. By the way, how much would they cost normally?"

"Approximately 7000 dollars."

She hummed. "Your medical nanites are still under examination and we contacted Panacea for some future tests." She raised an eyebrow. "Since you should stay in contact with us regularly, we'll advise you of the results then."

"Then there's only one point left." I pointed at the bay outside the armored window. "I intend to build a base for myself. What would be the most advantageous for us all? Building it on the docks in full view of the rig? Or building it in the bay, near the rig?"

She blinked and raised a hand. "Let us be clear. You want to build a visible base near the PRT/Protectorate facilities?"

"Yes, but only with your approval. It'll be a collaboration, of course. And you'll have almost full access to it, but that was my question. After all, you have the example of New Wave and their Homebase."

"New Wave merely reinforced their homes to make them more secure, but I see what you mean… We'll talk about it and give you our decision later."


Danzou was waiting for me at the base. "So, Master, how did it go with the PRT?"

"Rather well, I think. My ex-military image is well constructed and accepted. I managed to expose the visible part of the Cauldron experiment in their city by passing it off as a political game from some unscrupulous people. The demand for a base was made as well." I rubbed my hands. "The Wards should use my scooters soon and the medical nanites will open a path to Panacea and the rest of the Dallon/Pehlman families for me."

She nodded. "What about the troopers and Protectorate?"

I shook my head. "Piggot is as suspicious as she should be. I may gain a foothold through Armsmaster and Kid Win with Tinkertech, but for the rest, it's a waiting game."

"The Wards?"

"Not a glimpse which is perfectly normal. While Piggot can risk herself to obtain information on a new parahuman, she'll never expose the Wards to such a potential danger. I'll have to meet them during a patrol."

She smirked. "How many tries with their sensors?"

I smirked in return. "More specifically, when did they cut off the sensors? It was constant during my entire stay inside their headquarters. I think Armsmaster drew the wrong conclusion after seeing my absence of reactions during his two separate scans." I chuckled. "If I wanted, I could easily use this sensor network to hack their entire database without being detected even a little. Anything new during my outing?"

"G7 is a very dedicated droid. It transferred all its blueprints and information to our computer, did the same with our databases in return, and then proceeded to verify the entire Cosmic Warehouse to be sure of what to do in the future. The presence of our different magics did confuse it, but it is now considering that like the Force and will ignore the hows and whys for the whats." She giggled. "It isn't that happy with the base location as it seems it doesn't like to be wet. Curiously, there isn't any conflict between it and Navi or Vida. Probably because they're not sentient."

I nodded. "Okay, we're going to join it in the Warehouse and I'll call on the Forge so that it'll know what it is."

G7 wasn't in the warehouse, he was doing some maintenance in one of our multipurpose rooms. We asked for its presence and it followed us. As I opened the door, I realized that it was dependent on either me or Danzou to enter or exit the Cosmic Warehouse. I materialized another key and offered it to the droid. After a little demonstration, it seemed touched by our trust.

Do you wish to make a roll on the Celestial Forge?

Current charge: 4.570. Perk range: 200 CP.

"Alright, a little prayer to Luna and cross your fingers… Those who can."

Current charge: 2.596. Perk range: 100 CP.

I frowned and crossed my arms. "Well… That's something I would have liked to have before our dinner date."

Danzou put her hand on my shoulder. "I heard that happens regularly with those who can call on the Celestial Forge. So, Baran, what is it?"

I sighed. "I now have the capability to toggle all my powers on and off selectively. Even the secondary and automatic effects like from "Blossoming Sun". I can even do that." I returned to my normal state, a middle-aged overweight man with glasses… Good thing the Hero Costume could resize itself on me.

Danzou looked up and down and smiled. "Well, that's a good thing, right? You were rather worried about losing your identity to other forms, especially your gender."

I blinked. "Well… Yes. I suppose I was too focused on the skills and equipment that the Forge could gift me."

She nodded. "The only problem will be with your training as Danzou doesn't believe in crutches, convenient or not. You won't be permitted to use it with me. And speaking of training…" Danzou put on her glasses. Uh oh, Katou-sensei was here.

"The time has come for you to take a final decision. I'll talk and you will listen." She stared at me. "Danzou must be sure because it'll be very unpleasant, student Baran Sunheart. Do you wish to proceed with the Trials of Sorcery?"

I gulped. Nothing remained of her playful nature, even the glimpses I saw during our martial art training. I took a breath. "Yes, Katou-sensei. I wish to continue."

She nodded, keeping her stare on me. "Very well. You have the teacher, you're on a journey, and you have proven that you know humility multiple times. Now, it's time to face your fear."

I had a bittersweet smile. "Too bad I just gained the "Toggle" perk. My fear of losing my identity would have been perfect."

"Oh? You think it's the only fear that Danzou can see?" I gulped as she pointed a finger at me. "Master Baran Sunheart! You will order your Servant Katou Danzou, now!"

"WHAT!?" I was completely flabbergasted as Danzou was utterly serious. If I wanted to continue, I would have to give her an absolute order. I would have to take away her freedom for power.

She shook her head at my visible hesitation and fear. "Oh, Master. It's already much too late to withdraw. I did ask you if you were sure to proceed with the Trials. You're committed."

DAMN IT! And damn me! She was right, you don't take any step lightly on the path of Exalted Sorcery or it would destroy you. If I didn't order her, I would lose all confidence in myself, Danzou, and the Forge. Suicide since I was lost on a death world.

I think I was crying as I took a deep breath and gazed at her. At least, my throat seemed blocked by something. So beautiful even with her serious attitude. "I… I'm… ordering you, Servant Katou Danzou, to… kneel… before your Master."


Uh…? "Eh…? What…?" I did order her, right?

She embraced me. So warm. I suddenly felt so weak. "You did it, Baran. You faced your deepest fear."

"I… I don't understand…?"

G7 emitted a long sentence in Binary. I forgot about this little droid with all that emotional shenanigans.

"Translating. R2 G7 said, and VIDA confirms it, that you misunderstood the intentions of the Celestial Forge. While fiat-backing ensures that everything goes smoothly, the Forge is your ally and would never force something heinous or personally malicious on you. No matter what, every sentient being brought in your presence is here of their own will. There is no coercion in any possible form, even minimal with their new existence as a part of your inner circle. The original nature of a Servant or a droid no longer applies in your case. G7 hopes you'll continue to welcome new members as you did with it."

I laughed bitterly, basking into her embrace. "I'm a real idiot, aren't I? And it's not finished."

Danzou broke the embrace, holding me at arms' length. "No, it's not."

"You know, I'm beginning to understand "Thrice-Radiant Misho" from "Keychain of Creation". Presenting the student with the knife to their own emotional wounds is…" I shook my head and took a breath… I was taking a lot of deep breaths this evening. "And what is my sacrifice? I don't have a lot to sacrifice in this world."

"Wrong. There is something in which you invested time, effort, and emotions. Sacrifice Vida."

I goggled at her. Vida!? My snarky PDA? It wasn't sentient. Just a virtual intelligence and its snark was simply an emotional emulation. It… I suddenly understood that despite all that, Vida was an anchor for me in that world. Programmed with my survival, it helped me tremendously. Yes, it was something worthy of sacrificing.

I took it in my hand. It wasn't even making any sarcastic observations. It was just a machine, a tool I could so easily replace because only the PDA was fiat-backed indestructible, not the program itself.

I blinked. "Vida. Save all your current files and prepare for the erasure of your personality module."

"Processing… Ready."

I whispered. "Erasure, now."

"Erasure in progress. VIDA reminds you that a new personality module will be generated and wishes you good luck for your survival.

Goodbye, Baran Sunheart."

"Goodbye, Vida." The PDA rebooted and Vida was no more. I felt empty.

"This PDA has rebooted in emergency mode with the sole purpose to ensure your survival on Earth Bet.

According to my files, there is a convention about PDA names. Do you wish this PDA to choose a name according to the convention or will you name this PDA yourself?"

"Later." I put it back in my subspace pocket and turned to Danzou.

"Sit down, Baran. And close your eyes." I did so and listened to her voice, so far away and yet so close.

"The teacher, the journey, the humility, the fear, and the sacrifice. These trials were implanted into the very fabric of Creation by the Solar Exalt Salina for any sorcerers to understand their place in Existence." Yes, I remembered that.

"Through those 5 stations, you learn the way that you are connected to the world. And now, one of those connections has just been severed by your own hand. You valued it, invested a part of yourself into it." Yes, I did.

"Now, there is… a gap. Sense yourself as you do when you call up your Essence." The familiar silver fire rose within me.

"Feel that hole in your soul, where a piece of the world should be." Now, I could sense it by its very absence.

"Focus your will. Center yourself by that empty place. Gather your desire, your determination, and your willpower. Extend it into that hollow part of you." I felt Essence moving into…

"Accept your loss, and pass through it." Oh Luna, it hurt. It hurt so much.

"You can touch the world with nothing but your own will." Ah… Now I could see and perhaps touch…?

"You cannot do anything with it, yet. But feel it. The texture of reality. The shape of Existence." So… beautiful… and real.

"Remember it. Now… open your eyes." And I did so.

And I promptly screamed as I looked at the true reality with open eyes.

I was feeling a little lost here.


Notes: I hate the Celestial Forge. It can present you the perk you were dreaming of or something completely unusable or full of things that can only disrupt your story.

Oh well, the rolls weren't that bad… This time.

I hope my explanation about the time required to learn martial arts was enough. To be crystal clear, Baran can learn THREE arts at the same time with Danzou and the power of his training suit: Danzou's Ninjutsu, another ONE mundane martial art, and ONE supernatural martial art at the same time. That's all.

After a certain time, Baran has learned the basics. It doesn't give him complete mastery of the style. For a mundane style or Ninjutsu, that requires 14 days more and implies a mastery of Ki. For a supernatural style, it depends on the rest of the charms to learn AND Baran's Essence level which is still level 1 (level 2 in a few chapters).

And a new assistant gained! An R2 droid from Star Wars. This is going to be interesting with the interactions between Baran, Danzou, and G7.

A team entirely made of artificial beings (except Baran) is becoming more and more a certainty.

Oh, and many were asking if Taylor would become a team member. I still don't know, but, at least, I finally found a plausible way for her to have powers.

Sentiments between Baran and Danzou are progressing nicely without too much problem for the story.

Piggot was a tough cookie. I had the impression she would have killed my character if he said the wrong word.

Oh, and I didn't enchant the food to heal her, that would have been disastrous.

However, I wasn't satisfied by the interactions with the Protectorate and PRT…

Finally made Luna's altar and upgrade my armor.

I didn't have a wall of explanation with my rolls this time.

Current charge: 4.684. Perk range: 200 CP.

Perks gained in this chapter:

Priority Arrangements (DOOM 3 V1.0) (50CP)

A certain amount of discretion is required when working with materials as sensitive as those common in your line of work. While high-end tech components or raw materials are easily acquired and delivered, materials such as holy relics or certified virgin blood are rather less so. Although taking such items through customs and security is normally a fairly sizable challenge, you do have an advantage - these forms. Suitable for ordering items or attaching to crates or other 'deliverables', these certificates ensure that nothing but the most determined intent will ever cause them to be searched during routine checks. You'll not need to worry about delays or unpleasant questions, though you might want to avoid using them to, for example, mail explosives to the UAC's board of directors. Even authoritative paperwork filled out in triplicate only holds so much power, after all. In future jumps, these forms will automatically adjust to whatever other packages you need to get to their destination without any poking and prodding.

Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 (DOOM 3 V1.0) (Free)
The fantastic, new entertainment system of THE FUTURE is here in all its glory! Punch turkeys until they explode! Earn points! Make your friends go wild with envy at your combat prowess!
No? Well then, in addition to this arcade system you also receive all materials ever released in the Doom franchise, from the original Doom to Doom 3 and beyond, including expansions and guaranteed compatibility with just about any computer system you might find. You also receive all the various extras that were ever included along with these games, any spin-off and derivative works like the Doom comic book, Hexen, the 2005 live-action movie, later games in the series like Doom: Eternal, and so on. You know, in case the demonic invasions here didn't already leave you sick of slaughtering the forces of Hell.
Happy hunting, demon-slayer.

PDA (DOOM 3 V1.0) (Free)
The UAC's standard PDA serves as a multi-purpose tool for all personal and administrative tasks. Holding an individual's personal records, it can be used in place of any other form of I.D. (such as passports or access cards). It also serves as a mobile phone, provides access to the internet and personal emails, and it is capable of wirelessly downloading additional media such as instruction videos from nearby systems if such a service is provided. The PDA carries a biometric lock to prevent access to personal files by anyone other than the user, and this particular variant has been upgraded for maximum compatibility with any other computer system you might encounter in the future as well as effectively unlimited storage and memory. If lost or destroyed, you'll find a replacement in your pocket the next time you reach for it, without any loss of data as a consequence of its previous incarnation's untimely demise.

Flashlight (DOOM 3 V1.0) (Free)
Sporting a static transfer power supply, the Flashlight is effectively guaranteed to never need recharging. Providing a decent amount of light, it is a vital tool for the UAC Mars facility, where power failures and brownouts are common due to the varied but frequently high energy needs of scientific equipment in locations like the Alpha and Delta labs. Its robust construction also allows it to be used as a cudgel in case of emergencies.

Pistol (DOOM 3 V1.0) (Free)
The basic sidearm of UAC security forces on Mars may not be particularly imposing, but it's nonetheless a reliable and effective weapon. Lightweight, accurate, and easy to use, the Pistol can be used to handle most unarmored targets without serious difficulty.

Duct Tape (DOOM 3 V1.0) (Free)
This seemingly endless roll of UAC Type 1 Space-Grade Connective And Adhesive Film is an engineer's best friend. Tough, reliable, and effective up to temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius, this tape can be used to hold together just about anything short of heavy machinery. Though the first thing you'll probably use it for is taping your flashlight to your gun so you can see where you're shooting.

R2 Series Astromech Droid (Star Wars Clone Wars) (100CP)
A small automated mechanic that can perform a variety of repair duties and serve as an additional navigational computer on a starfighter. Astromech droids can also connect to and operate the mainframes of large starships and space stations.
* If destroyed, it will respawn after a week.

Toggle (Young Justice) (100CP)

Toggle allows its user to forgo learning to control their powers by simply allowing them to turn their powers off when they aren't needed. This can be done per power, so there isn't a need to go without the ability to teleport because you don't want to use your super strength. Also works on Jump powers. You can think of this like a dial. It can be on, or full power, as well as off, or no power, and anywhere in between those two states.
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So... the MC kinda came across more as a tryhard brownnoser, than a respectful military man. It was just a too much bending over backwards for them and too much "respect" given without personally having known/met any of them.

Not exactly happy that the MC once again is making further offers of tech/supplies/support/access to his inventions and even his future Base/Home for no appreciable profit. Since none was discussed. I mean, the PRT WILL be actively working on selling/trading his stuff, whether they have to reverse engineer it or if they just sell it as it is given.

Lastly, not sure WHY the MC is still overweight. I mean, does NONE of his exercise/changes translate over?
the MC kinda came across more as a tryhard brownnoser
Kinda, but this is Worm, it was needed.
whether they have to reverse engineer it or if they just sell it as it is given
Can't. It's the law. They can use it for themselves and only with the ENE branch. For the rest, they can't without my authorization and they still didn't ask for it.
WHY the MC is still overweight. I mean, does NONE of his exercise/changes translate over
Nope, that's the joke.
I agree, mc is letting the PRT walk all over him, its not needed, they need his help, he doesn't need theirs. He shouldn't be handing out any tech to this branch, its corrupt, and everything he is giving is also ending up in villain hands everywhere. In addition not trading things of equal value makes him look like he can be pushed around easily, case in point Piggot walking all over him even though she has no authority or leverage to do so, it also causes other logistical problems and trust issues. If a tinker is giving away uber valuable world-changing stuff for free can you really trust that tech and use it without worry? He claims he does not want to join but he may well be a full member with how subservient he was to the director. Piggot couldn't have done anything to mc even if she wanted to he has no reason to fear or respect her.

If he actually wanted to help the world he should never give exclusive access to the director and control over his tech. He could have sold it to everyone who needed it though something like the guild instead of cauldrons experimental little corrupt PRT. In addition, giving out things like space age ducktape, and techs like that need to be carully considered and controlled, releasing them willy nilly to external organizations is liable to collapse many markets and economies. You can just take the case of the ducktape and imagine how many industries it invalidates much less all the other stuff mc wants to release to external organizations which are liable to be corrupt.

If his faith in luna was a joke why is he building a shrine to her, and why is he rolling in front of that shrine, he does realize that she likely has zero influence on his rolls? There are perks in the forge with would make him stronger than Luna so I doubt she can even touch it much less influence it across planar boundaries which she has no powers to bypass without the forge making a connection. Because if you are letting Luna bypass something that only a planeswalker spark can do and infect mcs world just because he got a perk then keep in mind all those evil gods from creation and other jumps can do so too, in which case mc is doomed.

Its quite an interesting take on the nature of perks, its true, perks are purely beneficial otherwise they are drawbacks. This means if mc cant accept the fact that fiat can enforce loyalty on his summons then it simply wont happen because in that cause from his POV it causes harm as such perk cant do it. Though he will need to get over it for some of the more risky summons, things like risky AI simply needs fiat backed loyalty unless he wants a skynet on his hands. CF also has not so nice summons which when given free will could and are likely to rebel and do damage.

The droids database is a massive boon, star wars tech can be weak in some places but in others its quite amazing.

Such a shame to loose VIDA, I quite liked the dynamics between it and the team. Honestly, with the way it was framed I am not even sure going through the ritual was worth it, he basically craved a hole in his soul for power. Especially the sacrifice, if you are giving up something you dont want to for power is it really worth it?

Loved the integration of tailoring in so many places, its really paying off. Specially the uber metal he just made.

Toggle not only solves his current problem but it will solve many future problems, not all perks are good to have turned on all the time.

Didn't you already say mc wouldn't want to give Taylor powers or involve her in the cape scene, because you know she is a traumatized teen, I wonder how you plan to give her powers without mcs involvement.

Honestly, outside of the crafting bits this chapter felt a bit off, as if mc was on too much on the back peddle, some of his choices also seemed questionable.
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For your 2 first chapters, I simply say no.
his faith in luna was a joke
It's an in-story joke. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just for the humor.
that fiat can enforce loyalty on his summons
Why are you so obsessed with that? It's not my goal, it won't happen in my story, period.
The droids database is a massive boon, star wars tech can be weak in some places but in others its quite amazing.
Force-fields, generators, FTL, alloys, astrogation, sensors, repulsorlift, computers, energy weapons, missiles, proton torpedoes, ion cannons, ... Yes, quite the boon.
Especially the sacrifice, if you are giving up something you dont want to for power is it really worth it?
The chapter didn't show that despite the snark Baran considered Diva as an anchor?
not all perks are good to have turned on all the time
See Brockton's Celestial Forge as an example.
I wonder how you plan to give her powers without mcs involvement.
He he he... Sorry, spoilers. But you can guess it easily. Hint: It's something that exists in Worm.
Honestly, outside of the crafting bits this chapter felt a bit off, as if mc was on too much on the back peddle, some of his choices also seemed questionable.
I'm not sure I understand...
The MC did too much or not enough or was he going left instead of right?
Taylor becomes one of teachers pets? Or does she kidnap and force Othalla to augment her.Or does Bonesaw turn her into a killerzombie? Because i do no think she has enough money to buy any vial.
Taylor becomes one of teachers pets? Or does she kidnap and force Othalla to augment her.Or does Bonesaw turn her into a killerzombie? Because i do no think she has enough money to buy any vial.
You're warm.
Well, one of your guesses is warm, not the others.
Just a few points: Teacher is in the Birdcage and can't reach her... He doesn't even know her.
Forcing Othalla...? And what about the rest of E88? Frankly, if she can force one member, she hardly needs power. Besides, Othalla's power is temporary.
Bonesaw...? She could... But then she surely would prefer to make many people killerzombies.
And yes, she doesn't have enough money to buy a vial. Even the Nemesis program isn't an option since Emma is out of the picture.
I hope that he can get

A Spark of Genius 600 CP
Or you might be an absolute, incomparable genius in general, I guess. While anyone who takes the Scientist Origin may be a weak spark if they wish to, this is where you go for the good stuff. You now have, and thus are, one of the strongest Sparks on the planet now, an absolute, blazing genius like Agatha Heterodyne,either of the Wulfenbachs, Dr Vapnoople, or others at the same tier. The Spark, that something that makes the wonders of this world possible, is plugged into your mind and soul, inflaming it, filling it with a fire that boosts your mental facilities to unbelievable extents such that many things that should be impossible... suddenly aren't. While you specialise in some field to extraordinary degrees, like being able to create artificial sparks if you choose 'Von Neumann Clanks', your genius is unbound by the petty concerns lesser sparks suffer from, allowing you to shine equally bright in every field from Microbiology to Trans-Dimensional Aeronautics. You have an instinctive grasp for scientific principles, can reverse engineer technology more or less just from seeing it, and have a head for calculation and numbers that defies belief. You can decrypt data in your head, have a completely flawless memory, and are in general the quintessential Mad Scientist. Complete with a gift for cackling and rants that can terrify anyone who isn't, by the way. When in the Madness Place, especially, you have an outright effect that allows you to warp time and space in a small area around you, letting you do weeks' worth of work in hours, and outright warp, twist, spindle the mutilate the very laws of physics as you craft your wonders… and horrors. Apart from the SCIENCE!, you have a charisma that borders on mind control, as anyone without a spark, or an exceptionally strong willpower is drawn into your orbit by your sheer force of will, ready to help and serve wherever they can. Your body is also somewhat better than most, allowing you to go all those all-nighters without food and fight off highly trained fighters while barely paying attention.

I don't think a single celestial forge story has ever gotten the SPARK i wish to see what someone can do with it especially since with your Cosmic Tayloring it would be awe inspiring to see the sheer SCIENCE! that you could do. Even coolor if you can luck into the Capstone.
Baran, with literal sparks going off around his head: "I have an IDEA!"

G7, turning to a facepalming Danzou: "Tweet Bleep Blop Bloop."

Danzou, materializing a 1000 tons hammer: "Yes, G7, he's doing it again."
Baran, with literal sparks going off around his head: "I have an IDEA!"

G7, turning to a facepalming Danzou: "Tweet Bleep Blop Bloop."

Danzou, materializing a 1000 tons hammer: "Yes, G7, he's doing it again."
Also wonder how the Shard of Exaltation would mix with the SPARK of SCIENCE!

With the synergy they have in having in telling LAWS to fuck off.
The world simply stopped as everybody looked in the sky and saw HIM.

Baran, as a giant semi-transparent figure with golden and silvery adornments: "I AM BARAN! I HAVE THE CREATION-RULING MANDATE! I RULE OVER THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!"


Baran then turned towards the infinite space: "THERE ARE OTHER UNIVERSES MORE INTERESTING TO VISIT!"
The world simply stopped as everybody looked in the sky and saw HIM.

Baran, as a giant semi-transparent figure with golden and silvery adornments: "I AM BARAN! I HAVE THE CREATION-RULING MANDATE! I RULE OVER THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!"


Baran then turned towards the infinite space: "THERE ARE OTHER UNIVERSES MORE INTERESTING TO VISIT!"
Plot twist, Baran was already a god before this story, he just sends down an avatar with limited memories and a gift any time he feels like experiencing life again.
Baran then turned towards the infinite space: "THERE ARE OTHER UNIVERSES MORE INTERESTING TO VISIT!"
Honestly DC and Marvel the main timelines are more of a challenge and all the interesting stuff you can run into
Dresden files
Doctor Who (which is a match for even endgame forgers) though becoming a time lord with a Shard (and maybe possibly a SPARK) would be an interesting combo
Campione(the conceptual BS would be a challenge)
Nasu- during the age of Heroes or Gods (or typemoon where you have SHIKI and the White Princess
Gurren lagann
Kingfom Hearts -If you want fun and a challenge

There are so many verses that would leave worm in the dust for how much more of a challenge they are for someone with a Forge.
Worm is just to easy for someone with a Forge if you have just a little bit of time
You're warm.
Well, one of your guesses is warm, not the others.
Just a few points: Teacher is in the Birdcage and can't reach her... He doesn't even know her.
Forcing Othalla...? And what about the rest of E88? Frankly, if she can force one member, she hardly needs power. Besides, Othalla's power is temporary.
Bonesaw...? She could... But then she surely would prefer to make many people killerzombies.
And yes, she doesn't have enough money to buy a vial. Even the Nemesis program isn't an option since Emma is out of the picture.

I think you guys are all forgetting one way to get powers. Hell there're three capes in the ENE alone that did it. All it takes is Swallowing. One Little. Vile.
Kingdom Hearts as a starting point seems like a Survival situation:
  1. Until you get magic or conceptual weaponry repel Heatless through excessive firepower (While Heartless can't be harmed yet they still can be knocked back. I could be wrong, but it seemed like Sora was able to physically interact with them, but not harm them, with a wooden sword. Continuous attacks, but unlikely to have anything except Shadows)
  2. Upon getting magic destroy Heartless instead of repelling them (Takes time for them to reform, so actual waves of attacks are formed)
  3. Upon getting conceptual weaponry, or a Keyblade, kill Heartless (If Keyblade then the difficulty of surviving increases.)
  4. See if you can determine where the Keyhole should be since that's the only thing they care about
    1. Set Defenses to destroy Heartless in places where it defends the Keyhole without painting a target on it
      1. Seal Keyhole if you have a Keyblade (Limited number of Heartless, mostly ones attracted to your heart)
        1. Move to another world since staying in one world is dangerous for the world unless it's completely shielded from Heartless
    2. If you can't figure out where the Keyhole is then set defenses to create at least one safe area.
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For your 2 first chapters, I simply say no.
Huh? First 2 chapters? you mean points? Super tech is risky stuff and handing it out willy nilly can cause massive harm. Specialty in worm whos economy is near crashing and the world order is only held up because of PtV sending world disrupting products which crash industries is liable to bring the end of the world closer.

Lets just consider the ducktape, how many adhesive, material, insulator, etc industries and companies does it collapse. It would be trival to make a machine which excacts rolls and rolls of it at high speeds as the fiat backed roll is infinite, enough to supply the whole world. How many people will loose their jobs, how many companies will collapse, how many corporations will go after mc for releasing this product. This is not even considering if the government will allow such a product to be released.

This is not some problem that can be ignored, if mc really wants to release tech to better the world he will have to be more careful in doing it, it cant be done though someone like Piggot who has no experience or knowledge about the market and the impact of such tech on it.

Why are you so obsessed with that? It's not my goal, it won't happen in my story, period.
Did you misread my point or something, I basically said it made sense and I agree that the perk didn't enforce loyalty in your interpretation. If your mc plans to let even genocidal AIs have free will just cuz then I can only say good luck, it does not have to be fiat backed loyalty but there needs to be some security he will need to have with some of the companions the forge can give for example glados.
I'm not sure I understand...
The MC did too much or not enough or was he going left instead of right?
I think some of his justifications of actions were not well explained so it caused a mismatch. Like for example he says he does not trust the branch yet he is handing out exclusive access to world changing tech to them for the free, even though he knows the PRT in this town is full of moles. Or another example is mc was conflicted if lunar ceremony was worth it and it might change his personality but then he did it without really explaining why he changed his mind and decided to go though with it.
The chapter didn't show that despite the snark Baran considered Diva as an anchor?
He considered her an anchor yes thats what I am saying, is it worth sacrificing an anchor for the sake of power? After all arent anchors good things?
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