Ok, write it out then. I'll wait.
Here it is.Acceptable?
Subrace Name: Avara
Nicknames:"the winged ones", "Skyflame people", "High ones" "Anariels host"
Culture: Like the Almarian, the Avara are at the first glance advanced hunters and gatherers, as well as , gardeners of renown and skillful fisherman. Their special abilities and nature make them better hunters an spear/dragnet fishers and worse gardeners and gatherers, there settlements are a bit smaller than the Almaras, more like villages and towns than the almara towns and little cities. Still the Almara tradition of specialized crafts men is alive and well amongst them.
The relations between individual Avara and Groups of Avara are even more cordial then amongst the parent race, since a sense of shared destiny and a common love for Anariel prevails, together with traditional Almara politeness, honesty and a way of thought that strives for harmony. If a conflict erupts and no possibility of mending it can be found, there`s the possibility of both Contrahents engaging in highly ritualistic duels, which are fought in a small circle under the watchful eyes of the other clan-members and are generally seen as socially acceptable -mostly thanks to their ability of phoenix-rebirth-.
The leadership and administration of the communities lies with councils of elders and honored members of the community, which are chosen according to Sept-structures like with the parent race.A distinct difference is age existence of the fire priests, the Avara branch of the guardians, who almost always have a leadership role.
The material culture of the Avara is a beginning Bronze age culture thanks to boons of their goddess and the diligence of scholars from the guardians: pottery, the weaving of cloth basic mining, Smithwork and magicite use are hallmarks of their crafts. The Dwellings of the settled Avara are Giant cave complexes shaped and changed by dilligent work and magic use, warmed and lighted by fires both magical and mundane and air-conditioned by magical "Smoke eater-crystals" where needed. Where ever it is possible the Avara try to keep their forbears clear concept of sanitation and even go so far to use bamboo or ceramic pipes to transport water from the springs down into the villages. Cisterns are a thing.
Craftsmanship and art are inseparable bound together in the mid of the Almara and a craftsman wouldn`t even imagine creating multiple sets of the same piece, without changing or experimenting with the ornaments on it at least a bit instead of making mere copies.
When it comes to the pure art, body art, dancing, singing and the telling of stories are the most popular forms, while the carving of wood and the production of jewelry are also highly sought after in their society. One of their tabu`s is the creation of life-like icons or depictions from death materials like stone or ceramic: instead preferring to use wood for them. Tribal and animalistic motives are the favorites so far, but no real style has spread over the island yet: instead of a firm set of guidelines and ideas, there are only tendencies right now.
A new skill they acquired is feather weaving, which is very much a favorite of them…
Their religion still includes reverence for their personal animal spirits -which are far more symbolic to them and to the two goddesses Avitias and Anariel :But there status as the chosen by Anariel has increased the status of the sun goddess amongst them mightily and Avitia is more a beloved grandmother to them than the living entity of the Almara… With Magic and magical learning even more wide spread than amongst the Almara (If a bit more focused on the secrets of Fire, air and life), the Avara trust even more in their "Guardians of the Flame " which fulfill a priestly role amongst them
The culture is a bit more warlike than the Almara due to their removal from the blessed isle and their self assigned task of keeping watch against the Abyssals, Vampires and other dark beings.
Bows, spears, a sort of halberds and throwing axes are preferred weapons…
Description: Describing a common appearance of the Avara is still hard, as their features vary amongst various types of bird, The height of a typical Almara is settled between 1.40 and 1,80 meters, with a muscular tone to their rather lithe and humanoid bodies, whose hands are formed with five fingers, slightly taloned, as are their feet. Their are rather hairless, down supplanting hair on the body, pointed ears, as well as their "glowing" eyes are retained from the Almara, but hair is at best a mixture of feathers and hair , if not actual plumes and crests, Solar colors predominate, reds , golds, yellow ans purples.
Giant wings fold back on their backs, issuing from just over the waist.
Skin tones rage from tanned to brazen.
Similar to the holy animal of their fiery patron goddess their woman are laying special eggs from which their youth will rise up as little children, a process which happens up to three times in the life of a woman. Maturity will be something they reach when they turn twenty and the last egg will be laid shortly before their 100th birthday, which is already roughly half of the maximal life expectancy seen, as most Almara tend to rebirth at the age of 150. Their senses are especially sharp and they have a sensible sense of taste and smell, but sharpest, up to telescopic vision , is their sight.
"Blessed by magic" The Almarians inherent ability to sense magical or spiritual Auras Has both diminished and grown. To an extend they still are capable of sensing the emotions and health of a living being, and magical spirit world however has receded from them, but a strong innate talent for aerial, fiery and life magics has spread amongst them. While this has to be trained, its high prevalence and even stronger cultural support helps enormously…
"On wings of eagles" Rhe Avara are born fliers…hollow boned to a certain extent, remarkable strong and maneuverable in a way only explainable by infusion of magic, they can reach travel speeds of up to 12 mph.constantly… short bursts are even faster…
"Rebirth by fire"
The most distinctive ability of the Avara like the Almara is their ability for rebirth through a ritual burning, while they are either alive or by burning at least half of their corpse up to one week after their demise. Through the fire the life force of each Avara will get channeled through the power of the Immortal Flame of the Goddess Anariel and renews each cell of the body once more. The shock this process puts the mortal through, might lead to memories being forgotten or suppressed, with a burning only some time after once dead also leading to gaps in their memories. Avara which are reborn this day come back from the fire as newborns or small children, which have to be raised by their families once more.
"Fear the Abyss"
As the Almara were born, so was the first Abyssal, and it's birth cry alone has placed a primal fear of all Abyssals into their very Souls.