Lord of the Rings: Reign of the Great Eye

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You were Sauron, the great deciever, liuetenant of Morgoth, Inheritor of his vision...if from a...
The Journey; time unknown
You were Sauron, the great deciever, liuetenant of Morgoth, Inheritor of his vision...if from a different point of view. And you have been thrown down forever more in Middle Earth. Diminished beyond recognition, and doomed to watch all that you tried to build in your-in his name undone.

Yet all is not lost, for it seems someone has need of a spirit of deception. And so they have reached forth with bizarre magics to bind such an entity, you, to their will.

You smile to yourself for you can already feel foreign magics giving you greater substance once more. It seems that Sauron shall serve the schemed of another...for now, for the mighty will of a Maiar is not to be bound so trivially. And with you has been sent a crystal, a receptical to the darkness and glory of Melkors Discord from throughout the ages.

What land has Sauron been called to?

[ ] Dragon Age

[ ] Elder Scrolls

[ ] World of Warcraft

[ ] (Write-in)

Some of your old power came with you to this new land, restored by a boon of new magical energy.

[ ] Your Form- fair form

[ ] Your Craft- forging of magical impliments

[ ] Your Sorcery- the dark arts

Who summoned you into this new world?

[ ] Dark forces, much like your old master and allies

[ ] Misguided forces, thinking they can truly bind you

[ ] Great forces, your summoning is an accidental event of those kind souls...their mistake.
Arrival; time unknown, day 1
You had wandered far and wide. Surveying the world you had sought to rule...the destruction you had inflicted to every corner of Middle Earth, nowhere near the ungodly power of Morgoth who fought on a scale of raising and destroying mountain ranges. Yet you were not Morgoth, and you were opposed by peers sent to guide the mortal races, if but from the position of an advisor.

It was too much, damned to eternally watch as all you'd accomplished was undone, forgotten, or repurposed somehow. Fortunately you felt a pull upon your very being your shattered and broken soul. This pull grew and grew until you were enveloped in a vortex of magic and pulled from the world you once called yours.

This new world was brimming to the point of boil over with conflict. Forces of Order, Chaos, Destruction, and Death all clashed for supremecy, for survival, or for the fun of it.

He could tell that his conjuring was not so much intentional as it was a side effect. This was...ideal to you for you would not want to attempt to resist the binding of another. Not in this diminished form, yet magic was fickle here. And came and went with the wind. By harvesting these magics carefully and the magic of your arrival, you were able to restore your body to it's great form before the war. Tall in stature, strong in strength. The marrings of your past also remained however and thus you are burned. Your armor once hid this from your lesser, but your skin is left charred and blackened. The land you fall upon is a great glassy black plain, where once stood a mighty bastion...

Who finds you?

[ ] Men

[ ] Dwarves

[ ] High Elves

[ ] Other (Write-in)

You felt the returning of a cornerstone of who you were. It was not your fair form to cloak yourself in, nor the raw sorcerous powers you could wield, nay it was in fact your vast and potent powers of magical smithing. This...opened up possibilities to you indeed.

Rank One of Divine Forging Unlocked


Apologies but I realized we needed to discern who finds you as this greatly shapes how things will go xD. I will say no one will automatically go oh hey your evil. So if you choose to portray yourself as a good guy you could pull this off.
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Journey to Market; Year: 666, Day: 2
You indeed were quite enthused. A new body, your craft returned to your mind form the fugue state you'd been stuck within. And now a new world, with inhabitants completely unawares of the threat you posed ah! The simplicity in such a glorious land ripe for exploitation.

They were fine enough fellows. A caravan of men of various lineages that had formed an impromptu caravan of traders, guards, and civilians. They came from all walks of life, all kingdoms of men, and they asked no questions to ones origin, and brokered no meddling in their caravans business.

It was just...so beautiful, so much opportunity at hand. And indeed you'd gone to work talking to all the groups within the camp. They had those crafters responsible for the creation and maintenance of weapons and equipment for the camp, the merchants, the guards, the gatherers, and so forth.

You learned your destination was to a "country" ruled by the border princes. Apparently a vast and diminutive band of snobby barely lords. Squabbiling over control of a territory they have not the bodies or skill to hold. To the east dwarves and orcs, excellent they would bow to you!...except they were vastly stronger, numerous, and beyond your owns capability for magic. How unfortunate, and dwarves, ugh clearly the bearded runts existed to be a constant pain to your plans and wishes for all eternity.

The caravan set up a market place near a number of cities, villages, and homesteads in the area, attracting a crowd to this location that seemed to be their usual market place in the region.

You have a choice to make, in this new world, this new soul, the new body. You have no prior since defining who or what you are. And no name attached to you throughout the ages anchoring you down....which means you can choose a new True Name for yourself here.

Choose your True name:

[ ] Melkor
+First among Equals
+/-Hunger for the Flame of Creation

[ ] Morgoth
+Creator of Discord
+/-Power Dispersed

[ ] Marion
+Greatest of Maiar
+/-Imposer of Order

[ ] Sauron
+Smith of Dark Sorcery and Deception
+/-Fearful of the Great

What role shall you play at the Market?

[ ] Smith

[ ] Guard

[ ] Salesmen

[ ] Other (write-in)

Despite (or because of) your best efforts you garnered the attention of someone interesting.

[ ] A Border Prince

[ ] A Dwarf

[ ] A Elf

[ ] Other (write-in)

How much of your power as a Maiar is reflected in your Form?

[ ] None- you are physically undifferentiated from any other mortal man.

[ ] Some- you are augmented to a deniable degree, certainly more potent then any average mortal.

[ ] Tons- you are brimming with power unseen, no doubt legends will form regarding the power you wield.
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The First Strike of the Forge; Time: 666 Day:2, Evening
You offered to take to the forge, to create gifts and things to sell to those arriving. And so it was despite a great many people interfering or distracting you, along with vastly inferior materials to what you were used. That you forged a great many excellent pieces of weapon and armor.


Part way through the day there was active bidding over every single piece of metal that left your forge. So much so that you had multiple interested parties wanting to meet you, or promising to send people to discuss the finer points of forging.

You could have sworn that you saw a stocky short figure in the distance of the crowd who left holding one of your works...

Title gained: Melkor Nomad Forge Master
+To spread of reputation as a Smith of great renown

Regardless you had decided to embrace your full majesty as a Maiar. And thus even in your burned state you were great, and to the mortal men assembled this was shrouded, if thinly. However you were unsure of the magicians of these lands and their powers of sight.

You had at the end of day asked to forge one thing for yourself, and so it was that you threw all your remaining strength and attention from the night into one item. A vessel to contain the crystal that had fallen with you.

And as such you threw yourself into your work with great zeal once more. For this was to be no simple work. But a figure to prove that you could still create beyond the measure of any mortal. Painstakingly wrenching every inch of skill you could upon this metallic creation.

Special Forged Item (vote for one in each category)
[ ] A hammer

[ ] A staff

[ ] A helmet

[ ] Other (write-in)

You could not forge such a masterpiece without bestowing a name upon it. Integeral to the enchantments and workings of it. And thus you would call it...

What shall it be named?

[ ] Hammer of the Underworld (applies to hammer)

[ ] Gaze of the Deciever (applies to staff)

[ ] Burden of Discord (applies to helmet)

[ ] Other (write-in)

And finally came a question of most perilous consequences, and intriguing reprecussuons. How much of your own fully manifest power would you bestow within this creation? For this would bind it to you most permanently, and grant you unique power over it over any else who may hold it. But it also left you exposed...you had learned not to go all in from prior experiences.

How much of your own power shall you invest into it?

[ ] 1-50% (write-in) (you refuse to invest more then 50% of yourself into anything. Cannot go past 50% of your power dispersed into any singular or set of items.)

At the end of your great labor you were exhausted, physically, mentally, and spiritually. But you were left with a most amazing creation. A wonder to match even your greatest smithed work from before, even if simply in grandeur and not function of itself.

It was then while you were eating and resting langidly in the evenings setting sun that an elf appeared. Tall and fair was he. Of blond hair, sun kissed skin, and the most piercing crystal blue eyes. His voice was for an elf as beautiful as you had ever heard.

He came to you in fair robe speaking honeyed words. For his were a prideful people, but even he and his kin were prone to recognize among the "lesser" races as they considered humans. What he offered was a deal, with far reaching consequences upon your potential future on this new world...

Strange Elf Offers: (you have to give as many as you take, certain things are worth more, you can take an item more then once for greater effect.)

[ ] Wealth

[ ] Materials

[ ] Influence

[ ] Connections

[ ] A Visitation Right to Ulthuan

[ ] A Job

[ ] Land


Melkors Offers:

[ ] Taking a Job Without Reward

[ ] A Personalized Item

[ ] A Contract

[ ] Other (write-in)

In the end you spoke long into the night with the fair stranger. He bid you a good night, and to find only success upon your path. And thus you rested and dreamt deeply with the crystal near at hand, viewing back on times long past now.

Sorry it took me longer to produce and update then I thought. As per usual if you have any questions please ask away guys c:!

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The winning vote
[X] Plan: Melkor's finest Arms and Armor! (what can go wrong?!? :evil:)
Special Forged Item:
-[X] Blade-Staff (1/3 blade 2/3 staff...the blade is at the top part of the staff)
-[X] Disorders Bane
-[X] 30% of Power
Strange Elf Offers:
-[X] Materials
-[X] Land
Melkors Offers:
[X] A Personalized Item
[X] A Contract

I shall be updating this tomorrow was at work till 2am because of black Friday event.
The Forging, The Song, The Deal
You Forged the first and possibly one of the mightiest in a new line of relics. Despite it's material composition you created something with great prowess and craft.

Creating a beautiful weapon akin to those of Kings even. Crafted much in the image if the elven folk. For it is a staff of great majesty, capped with a blade of finest edge.

Nestled at the top of this staff like a mighty scepter you crowned the gem. A great crystal that echoed your song of discord from a darker age.

And into this mighty artifice you placed a portion of your own power. Lesser then half, yet still enough to embibe a truly terrible shadow of your power onto this weapon. It would deserve a name worthy of it's caliber....a name came to you from the brilliant depths of your mind. You would call it Disorders Bane, a call back to your hate of all things chaotic in nature.

The elf to you had offered a great many things, if you were any lesser man you'd have surely fallen for his elven guile. But you of course we're a great deciever of men, and elves. And so he was nothing before your silver tongue. And you longed to visit this fair isle of his...

Hidden Trait revealed! Beauty in Craft!

As such in your dealings you agreed on a few simple things. He would help provide you with materials and land. Along with a visit to his fair isle in one year at the latest, and you would craft for him an item of his choosing, along with signing an agreement that would benefit him in future dealings with you or on your behalf.

When you slumbered, Disorders Bane sang to you in your dreams, tales of creatures of myth called upon by you long before...these images were starting to become a dream of sorts that almost seemed to want your voice to join in it's creation.

[ ] Followed the tune with your own
[ ] Ignored the tune and delved deeper into dreamless sleep

A song of...(pick one only if you vote to follow the tune)
[ ] A song of Beasts
[ ] A song of Servants
[ ] A song of Crafts
The Forces at Work
Order: seeks to repel the forces that would throw the world into anarachy, that would tear down everything mindlessly, or trying to enslave all in an eternity of undeath.

Chaos: seeks to bring upon all endless strife, anthema to Order, a force of ever changing madness.

Destruction: All deserves to torn down! If only for the laughs! For the glorious waaaaaagh!

Death: Life is a sickness, a temporary state of being. It exists to be erradicated, to create new souls to serve for eternity!

Discord: The primordial song of Melkor, greatest and first creation of the first being, inherently not of the natural order as a subversion and corruption of all natural and innate properties of all things. Be it a single tree, man, kingdom, mountain range, or world....


I'll likely be changing these up over time CX. But this is the best way I'd describe it. Objectively i describe discord as jailbreaking basically anything via "corrupting" the natural functionalities.
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The Realm of Sleep and Rememberance
You delved into the trance. Your voice flowing into the dreamscape. Defining it, filling it with a harsh beauty only truth can bring. And in this place you watched the creation of many servants.

There was the fallen Maiar who had taken a number of forms. Their cruel and vile acts truly binding them into forms assumed most terrible and furious in power.

Elves twisted and tortured from their most noble form and self. Becoming despicable, vile, and cruel creatures of darkness. The legions un-numbered, who serve the Vile shadows and flame of Discord alone.

And the greatest servant of Discord is and always has been, men, elves, dwarves, and others. Decieved and corrupted from the paths fate forces them upon, their natural drives turned to suit often darker purposes. Like the noble Numenorians turned to the darkest of pursuits, and Faith's, yet free to shape their own paths...

Path to Servants Gained! Methods to recreate servants revealed

Your awakening was rude, for you awoke to find the camp in disarray. Orks had struck a most cruel warpath headed seemingly right for the trade grounds, being pursued by a dwarven war party. That seemed to have only lightly skirmished so far.

So far a loose army formed from militias, mercenaries, and many conscripts from the event. They are to be joined by other militias and mercenary bands before the arrival of the enemy.

You decide you...

[ ] Won't get involved, you have no stakes in this

[ ] May get involved somewhat (pick two actions, cannot pick assume command)

[ ] Shall shape these men for the hard days approaching them
(Pick three actions, cannot assume command)

[ ] You shall prepare the bulwark against the storm of mindless violence that comes (you can select all options, cannot choose any other option aside from directly confront the oncoming orks)

You have decided to help these people (only vote for this if you picked may get involved or beyond)

[ ] You shall reforge a great many weapons and armor for them

[ ] You shall train those willing to learn in methods to fight with a blade or hammer

[ ] You shall help guide the fortifications of the Market

[ ] You shall assume direct command of of all operations to prepare for the coming battle (can't be taken with flee from this fight)

Your traveling companions of course have no wish to fight such a horde of creatures, and unpredictable non-humans. You on the other hand...

Seek to...

[ ] Flee from this fight, it is not yours, and you refuse to put yourself in such jeporardy.

[ ] Stay near at hand, who knows what opprotunity could arise from these creatures? This conflict? This Discord?

[ ] You shall muster those at hand, and you shall put this horde to the blade.

The Elf notifies you that if you survive the coming days he will have relocated to a small port along the coast. There he will await an item Forged by your hands. Specifically he requests a Sceptre, and notifies you that he shall have the supplies delivered to you as soon as possible.

What do you want to do for the Sceptre?

A [ ] It is a Sceptre, no more, no less

B [ ] It is a Sceptre of nigh unrivaled craftsmenship

C [ ] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world

D [ ] Unrivaled, a focus for the strange powers of this land, and empowered with part of your being...a potential tool for a potential servant
-specify percentage of soul from 1-20% your willing to put into the Sceptre

[ ] Other (Write-in)


As per usual if you have any questions or comments please ask c: I enjoy active conversation.
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The Green Tide, The Wavebreaker
You were the survivor of centuries of conflict with divine beings, mortals, and primordial forces of nature made manifest. And so you took it upon yourself to command the situation.

The first order of business was you gathered to you the Smith's, and to them the Craftsmen. And you began assigning a rigourous schedule of labor not only to supply the demands you placed, but also to furnish the merchant grounds with traps. And while they worked at this you churned out arms and armors as fast as you could. Remaking the old, and forging anew.
Major Success!
Camp Equipment Improved, Camp Traps Improved, Possible Blacksmith Order Formed

When you weren't at the forge you were organizing the training of these mortals. After all, you'd lived longer then some elven lineages of elven kind! And while you'd been lain low time and again by the extraordinary you always lived to fight another day.

Sword and Mace ruled the day in the forge and soon to be the battlefield. And your training was thus appropriate to this. Of course you couldn't spend all your time helping, so you taught the most retentive and paired them with experienced mercenaries from various regions. Their efforts greatly aiding the quality of the gathered people's training.
Major Success!
Possible Swordsman and maceman units established!

With the efforts to trap the market grounds already well underway. You moved to compliment these efforts with true fortifications, working the people into a frenzy and practically chopping down the entirety of the local forest. Aside from of course a noteworthy event...

Random Event Roll: 71

Within the forest was a decrepit old Manor. And from it emerges a minor noble from a land called Sylvania, he requests to speak with you. From him you sense the waft of the magics regarding to the body and soul, but he was no priest. But a manipulator of the dead... After this the efforts to establish properly designated areas to the impromptu fort.
Artificial Major Success!
Makeshift Heavy Fort Built

You personally studied what knowledge you had on these creatures. These...greenskin, they didn't wage such Savage and numerous conflicts because they sought to govern, or bring order. They were pure destruction and anarchistic blood lust made manifest! You would personally see to the smearing of as manys insides as possible on the fields of battle.
Gained Favored Enemy: Greenskin!

You had a deal to complete, and so you on the final night, the ground shaking slightly at the approach of the enemy, set to work. Such a glamourous Sceptre it would be, infused with the powers of wind this world had. And at the completion of this Sceptre you stowed it away with your personal belongings.

Will you meet with the Noble of Sylvania?
[ ] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] Other (Write-in)

Apologies for this taking so long. The battle update will be tomorrow though.
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Deal with the Damned, Slaughter of the Lambs...
You had forged a set of armor for yourself with the assistance of the most skilled Smith's. And your armor was....

A mere after image of the glorious suits you'd donned in ages of war and strife...myet for the craftsmanship of mortals, and the touch of your own hand. You created something,

One word to describe your armor?

[ ] Beautiful- a symbol of what a Craftsmen at his peak can create, and that beauty is embodied here.

[ ] Dread- a symbol of what Craftsmen and Warriors are capable of. Creating a visage of fear and domination.

[ ] Authorative- a symbol of concise, clean, and authorative posisition, like a noble general.

[ ] Mystical- the symbol of a sorceror is embodied in this armor. A symbol of magical might, visible to all.

[ ] Other

As the people worked frantically to clear almost the entire forest for materials. And from the forests emerged a man from a decrepit mansion. Coming before the encampment and requesting to Meet you by name.

Just from a glance from the center of the increasingly fort-like market grounds. Your mere glance at him though your senses were dulled, told you much. Whoever he was he indeed hailed from a land of the living and dead.

From him you saw the dark winds blowing, winds of manipulating and stealing from the body and soul.

Into your tent you went, and you poured him a glass of the sweet wine as well. "Greetings Nobleman of Sylvania. What may I, a humble forgemaster do for you?"

The pale man simply laughed

"You my good man are very much so more then what you appear....as am I. You go to war tomorrow with the raging green menace. I hold powers over life and death, and I could certainly be persuaded to call the dead to your aid. You see I am weak in my homeland compared to other nobles, and I seek someone of influence to help me in my visions for my homeland. Any support is worthwhile, and defending against these savages, and securing a friend in the borderlands is a worthy start"

He admits his Nature he is...

[ ] A Necromancer...masters of commanding the dead to their bidding, and dark arts.

[ ] A Vampire...powerful and immortal beings who feed upon blood.

Do you accept his help in return for some support for him?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Finally, how do you promise to reward his service in tomorrow's battle?

[ ] A informal alliance, trade, non aggression unofficially, and the like

[ ] A formal agreement, signed papers of trade, non-aggression, etc.

[ ] Aid in opposition removal, you or those that serve you shall aid him in the direct removal of threats to his goals.

[ ] Aid in politics, you can go to bat for him in the political realms of the world.

[ ] A magic item, you shall forge him....something special for his efforts.

[ ] Other (Write-in) [ any combination of the above or otherwise gifts for his aid]

Didn't mean to post this 0_0, will be adding two more sections to this today. Shit I forgot to update, and I got a little caught up before finishing the battle. Will upload that later today.
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