Lord of the Rings: Reign of the Great Eye

You can, of course, choose to be benevolent. And yes you can interact with the winds, thus why you can potentially imbue the Sceptre with the ability to influence the winds more potently.
Is it possible for use biologically change humans? Sort of like numenorans or insert them to safely use winds?

What is the current timeline?

Can he invent runes?
Is it possible for use biologically change humans? Sort of like numenorans or insert them to safely use winds?

What is the current timeline?

Can he invent runes?

If one can turn elves into orcs, yes I'm fairly certain making humans better is possible. The winds are...unpredictable and difficult to work with in the best of cases. I'm fairly certain I said when it was set in the first post? I'll double check. And Runes already exist but yes you can create more, namely Lord of the rings ones as those are different if only slightly.
If one can turn elves into orcs, yes I'm fairly certain making humans better is possible. The winds are...unpredictable and difficult to work with in the best of cases. I'm fairly certain I said when it was set in the first post? I'll double check. And Runes already exist but yes you can create more, namely Lord of the rings ones as those are different if only slightly.
how good are our skills in healing and terraforming?

Is it possible to feed or assimilate or subordinate Gods in Warhammer using our theme aka infection aka discord?
? In regards to how involved you are? They each should have a number next to them. If you refer to the Sceptre, then its supposed to be a sliding scale, so you ideally pick one.
[X] Plan: Getting Lordship!

You decide you...
[X] You shall prepare the bulwark against the storm of mindless violence that comes (you can select all options, cannot choose any other option aside from directly confront the oncoming orks)

You have decided to help these people...
[X] You shall reforge a great many weapons and armor for them
-[x] Get some of those who can smith to be aides for you (fetch supplies and materials and manpower...as well as set them to making basic traps such as spike walls and defensible structures as quickly and safely as possible.)

[X] You shall train those willing to learn in methods to fight with a blade or hammer
-[x] Even if its the basics, get some delegation from experienced mercenaries to get them to not hit themselves or their comrades with a weapon, insure they all at least have decent armor to face against the horde. (If we do well seek out those who are looking for easy coin...once we prove ourselves and offer them a contract to work under us we can begin to get our first human converts...maybe we can change them into numenorian's?)

[X] You shall help guide the fortifications of the Market
-[x] As your base of operations, insure it can at least withstand a short siege...even if its for a few hours, insure those that cant fight at least set up a place for healing as well as bringing supplies to the front!

[X] You shall assume direct command of all operations to prepare for the coming battle (can't be taken with flee from this fight)
-[x] You have seen more battles and participated and engaged more conflicts then these short-lived mortals combined could ever dream of...USE THAT EXPERIANCE! You did not survive several ages and work under Morgoth by being pretty!

Seek to...
[X] You shall muster those at hand, and you shall put this horde to the blade.

-[x] these forces of destruction...order demands some sacrifices and balances to be made...but this mindless search of war? Disgraceful! End this menace and swear to eradicate as much of this stain as possible!

What do you want to do for the Scepter?
C [X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world.

Is this acceptable? I put in some delegation
[X] Plan: Getting Lordship!

You decide you...
[X] You shall prepare the bulwark against the storm of mindless violence that comes (you can select all options, cannot choose any other option aside from directly confront the oncoming orks)

You have decided to help these people...
[X] You shall reforge a great many weapons and armor for them
-[x] Get some of those who can smith to be aides for you (fetch supplies and materials and manpower...as well as set them to making basic traps such as spike walls and defensible structures as quickly and safely as possible.)

[X] You shall train those willing to learn in methods to fight with a blade or hammer
-[x] Even if its the basics, get some delegation from experienced mercenaries to get them to not hit themselves or their comrades with a weapon, insure they all at least have decent armor to face against the horde. (If we do well seek out those who are looking for easy coin...once we prove ourselves and offer them a contract to work under us we can begin to get our first human converts...maybe we can change them into numenorian's?)

[X] You shall help guide the fortifications of the Market
-[x] As your base of operations, insure it can at least withstand a short siege...even if its for a few hours, insure those that cant fight at least set up a place for healing as well as bringing supplies to the front!

[X] You shall assume direct command of all operations to prepare for the coming battle (can't be taken with flee from this fight)
-[x] You have seen more battles and participated and engaged more conflicts then these short-lived mortals combined could ever dream of...USE THAT EXPERIANCE! You did not survive several ages and work under Morgoth by being pretty!

Seek to...
[X] You shall muster those at hand, and you shall put this horde to the blade.

-[x] these forces of destruction...order demands some sacrifices and balances to be made...but this mindless search of war? Disgraceful! End this menace and swear to eradicate as much of this stain as possible!

What do you want to do for the Scepter?
C [X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world.

Is this acceptable? I put in some delegation

Yes your delegation is worthwhile, interesting choices c:

Also I'm gonna flat out state that turning people into Numenorians will be a series of actions. Because you gotta figure out human baseline and peak in this world in order to properly modify them. Though when it's done they'll be the equal of Lord of the rings elves at the least.
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Yes your delegation is worthwhile, interesting choices c:

Also I'm gonna flat out state that turning people into Numenorians will be a series of actions. Because you gotta figure out human baseline and peak in this world in order to properly modify them. Though when it's done they'll be the equal of Lord of the rings elves at the least.

that's perfect for my plans!

we will need those guys to be our main staple for armies until we get Uruk-hai, then we can delegate them as our sea-farers and common folk. Of course Trolls (the ones that can handle sun-light) will be needed for the heavier labor, as well as some dragons for when we want something burned to ash! (of course this is a EXTREMLY long project, as we would need to create drakes first, and then turn them into LOTR Dragons, but with this worlds magic it would empower them to become Lesser Maia...under us of course!)

my plan also takes into account of getting the dwarves on our side, or at least into negotiations. after all if we are to become more powerful we will need to make "allies" with the races of Order. Plus taking over the border princes will give us something useful to do. Especially if we control the mountain ranges and their paths. the biggest ones will have Black Gate Equivalent gates and fortresses to handle any invasions.

Of course also we would need to invoke volcanic powers to block out the light of the Chaos moon every year or so, that ash could then be directed to feed our farms if we do it carefully...the rest of it we can direct to Ork-Holds and other nasty beings so they get choked by floating Volcanic ash!

edited: also I think we should wait for a proper forge and place of power to insure anymore items of power we make for our own empowerment be good. I know we want a crown and scepter, but that has to be done at the right time and at the right place. Narrative power can get put into it.

soon, soon we will have greater servants then all!i wonder how the powers of Order will find us to be? Interesting ally? Wary Neutral? or Tolerated Foe?
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that's perfect for my plans!

we will need those guys to be our main staple for armies until we get Uruk-hai, then we can delegate them as our sea-farers and common folk. Of course Trolls (the ones that can handle sun-light) will be needed for the heavier labor, as well as some dragons for when we want something burned to ash! (of course this is a EXTREMLY long project, as we would need to create drakes first, and then turn them into LOTR Dragons, but with this worlds magic it would empower them to become Lesser Maia...under us of course!)

my plan also takes into account of getting the dwarves on our side, or at least into negotiations. after all if we are to become more powerful we will need to make "allies" with the races of Order. Plus taking over the border princes will give us something useful to do. Especially if we control the mountain ranges and their paths. the biggest ones will have Black Gate Equivalent gates and fortresses to handle any invasions.

Of course also we would need to invoke volcanic powers to block out the light of the Chaos moon every year or so, that ash could then be directed to feed our farms if we do it carefully...the rest of it we can direct to Ork-Holds and other nasty beings so they get choked by floating Volcanic ash!

edited: also I think we should wait for a proper forge and place of power to insure anymore items of power we make for our own empowerment be good. I know we want a crown and scepter, but that has to be done at the right time and at the right place. Narrative power can get put into it.

soon, soon we will have greater servants then all!i wonder how the powers of Order will find us to be? Interesting ally? Wary Neutral? or Tolerated Foe?

It would be a shame if the dwarves were the ones forcing orks in your direction :p and just happened to be on hand to "help" whoever wins.
It would be a shame if the dwarves were the ones forcing orks in your direction :p and just happened to be on hand to "help" whoever wins.

Yes...it depends on what said "Help" is...of course they would do it for a fee and to see what were up to. As well as who the ever living heck is this strange Umgi that can smith better then a longbeard!

Also it depends on the clan of dwarves were dealing with both in LOTR and Warhammer Fantasy.
[X] May get involved somewhat (pick two actions, cannot pick assume command)
[X] You shall reforge a great many weapons and armor for them
[X] You shall help guide the fortifications of the Market
[X] Stay near at hand, who knows what opprotunity could arise from these creatures? This conflict? This Discord?
[X] It is a Sceptre of nigh unrivaled craftsmenship
[X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world.

Let's just help out a little, chill out nearby, and see what happens. I'm wary of what'll happen here. We'll be able to get a better understanding of matters if we stay slightly apart. Plus we won't reveal our abilities too hard, more than we've already done with having Tons of power. The ship has probably already sailed at this point, but I want to take this subtly rather than rise up as the Dark Lord right here and now.
[X] May get involved somewhat (pick two actions, cannot pick assume command)
[X] You shall reforge a great many weapons and armor for them
[X] You shall help guide the fortifications of the Market
[X] Stay near at hand, who knows what opprotunity could arise from these creatures? This conflict? This Discord?
[X] It is a Sceptre of nigh unrivaled craftsmenship
[X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world.

Let's just help out a little, chill out nearby, and see what happens. I'm wary of what'll happen here. We'll be able to get a better understanding of matters if we stay slightly apart. Plus we won't reveal our abilities too hard, more than we've already done with having Tons of power. The ship has probably already sailed at this point, but I want to take this subtly rather than rise up as the Dark Lord right here and now.

This is certainly one of many potential disaster situations where you can rising star this shit up. However I will say there are options exclusive to watching over the situation not available if your directly involved, likewise the reverse is true.
[X] Won't get involved, you have no stakes in this

We're a merciless mastermind. Let's act like part. These people are not worth saving.

[X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world

I'd go for a potential servant thing but we don't know who this elf is and if he's worth the trouble.
[X] Won't get involved, you have no stakes in this

We're a merciless mastermind. Let's act like part. These people are not worth saving.

[X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world

I'd go for a potential servant thing but we don't know who this elf is and if he's worth the trouble.

Of course it would be a shame if he were to fall and leave shuch a unique and possibly unique Sceptre on his home isle without an owner...
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This is the vote so far, gonna leave it open until 1 or so and start the update.
Adhoc vote count started by ErraticWizard on Dec 3, 2018 at 2:11 PM, finished with 22 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Getting Lordship!
    [X] You shall prepare the bulwark against the storm of mindless violence that comes (you can select all options, cannot choose any other option aside from directly confront the oncoming orks)
    [X] You shall reforge a great many weapons and armor for them
    -[x] Get some of those who can smith to be aides for you (fetch supplies and materials and manpower...as well as set them to making basic traps such as spike walls and defensible structures as quickly and safely as possible.)
    [X] You shall train those willing to learn in methods to fight with a blade or hammer
    -[x] Even if its the basics, get some delegation from experienced mercenaries to get them to not hit themselves or their comrades with a weapon, insure they all at least have decent armor to face against the horde. (If we do well seek out those who are looking for easy coin...once we prove ourselves and offer them a contract to work under us we can begin to get our first human converts...maybe we can change them into numenorian's?)
    [X] You shall help guide the fortifications of the Market
    -[x] As your base of operations, insure it can at least withstand a short siege...even if its for a few hours, insure those that cant fight at least set up a place for healing as well as bringing supplies to the front!
    [X] You shall assume direct command of all operations to prepare for the coming battle (can't be taken with flee from this fight)
    -[x] You have seen more battles and participated and engaged more conflicts then these short-lived mortals combined could ever dream of...USE THAT EXPERIANCE! You did not survive several ages and work under Morgoth by being pretty!
    [X] You shall muster those at hand, and you shall put this horde to the blade.
    -[x] these forces of destruction...order demands some sacrifices and balances to be made...but this mindless search of war? Disgraceful! End this menace and swear to eradicate as much of this stain as possible!
    [X] May get involved somewhat (pick two actions, cannot pick assume command)
    [X] You shall reforge a great many weapons and armor for them
    [X] You shall help guide the fortifications of the Market
    [X] Stay near at hand, who knows what opprotunity could arise from these creatures? This conflict? This Discord?
    [X] It is a Sceptre of nigh unrivaled craftsmenship
    [X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world.
    [X] Won't get involved, you have no stakes in this
    [X] It is unrivaled in form, and embibed with the powers native to this world.
[X] Plan: Getting Lordship!

Magical France Still not Unified, right? so worship of Lady not widespread there?
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The Green Tide, The Wavebreaker
You were the survivor of centuries of conflict with divine beings, mortals, and primordial forces of nature made manifest. And so you took it upon yourself to command the situation.

The first order of business was you gathered to you the Smith's, and to them the Craftsmen. And you began assigning a rigourous schedule of labor not only to supply the demands you placed, but also to furnish the merchant grounds with traps. And while they worked at this you churned out arms and armors as fast as you could. Remaking the old, and forging anew.
Major Success!
Camp Equipment Improved, Camp Traps Improved, Possible Blacksmith Order Formed

When you weren't at the forge you were organizing the training of these mortals. After all, you'd lived longer then some elven lineages of elven kind! And while you'd been lain low time and again by the extraordinary you always lived to fight another day.

Sword and Mace ruled the day in the forge and soon to be the battlefield. And your training was thus appropriate to this. Of course you couldn't spend all your time helping, so you taught the most retentive and paired them with experienced mercenaries from various regions. Their efforts greatly aiding the quality of the gathered people's training.
Major Success!
Possible Swordsman and maceman units established!

With the efforts to trap the market grounds already well underway. You moved to compliment these efforts with true fortifications, working the people into a frenzy and practically chopping down the entirety of the local forest. Aside from of course a noteworthy event...

Random Event Roll: 71

Within the forest was a decrepit old Manor. And from it emerges a minor noble from a land called Sylvania, he requests to speak with you. From him you sense the waft of the magics regarding to the body and soul, but he was no priest. But a manipulator of the dead... After this the efforts to establish properly designated areas to the impromptu fort.
Artificial Major Success!
Makeshift Heavy Fort Built

You personally studied what knowledge you had on these creatures. These...greenskin, they didn't wage such Savage and numerous conflicts because they sought to govern, or bring order. They were pure destruction and anarchistic blood lust made manifest! You would personally see to the smearing of as manys insides as possible on the fields of battle.
Gained Favored Enemy: Greenskin!

You had a deal to complete, and so you on the final night, the ground shaking slightly at the approach of the enemy, set to work. Such a glamourous Sceptre it would be, infused with the powers of wind this world had. And at the completion of this Sceptre you stowed it away with your personal belongings.

Will you meet with the Noble of Sylvania?
[ ] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] Other (Write-in)

Apologies for this taking so long. The battle update will be tomorrow though.
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