[X][NAME] Rose Potter
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][PLAN] Terrifying Child of the Darkness
[X][NAME] Alice Potter
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][PLAN] Hunter IN the Darkness
-[X] Str - 3
-[X] Dex - 6
-[X] Sta - 3
9 (23)
-[X] Int - 3
-[X] Per - 3
-[X] Wis - 3
5 (28)
-[X] App - 3
-[X] Man - 1
-[X] Cha - 1

Merits 18CP Flaws -17CP 1(29)
-[X] [1 CP] Common Sense
-[X] [1 CP] Cross Dominant
-[X] [1 CP] Light Sleeper
-[X] [2 CP] Enhanced Senses - Hearing and Sight
-[X] [2 CP] With Grace
-[X] [2 CP] Mystic Eyes - Flame
-[X] [4 CP] Moon Mana
-[X] [5 CP] Will of Iron
-[X] [+2 CP] Disturbing Mannerisms - You reeeeaally don't act like a kid
-[X] [+3 CP] Otherworldly Taint - Well, those who hunt monsters must be careful not become one themselves. You will worry about that later, if you are still alive and the mother******* stop trying to kill you.
-[X] [+6 CP] Clan Cursed - Apparently, they don't like when food fights back and kill someone important
-[X] [+6 CP] Pack Chow - It's kinda even worse to refuse the noble offer of becoming a werewolf for killing the former. They tried to press the issue and you responded in kind.
27SP - 9CP (38)
-[X] Alertness - 5
-[X] Athletics - 3
-[X] Awareness - 5
-[X] Magic - 5
-[X] Medicine - 1
-[X] Melee - 5
-[X] Stealth - 3

I really liked the child of darkness one, but at the same time i wondered what a full combat would look like, and it kinda escalated from there. If i change my mind is it possible to change my vote later?
Oh, I likely your build.

I like my better, but I like your build.

Let's just hope that they don't encounter each other. I have a feeling your girl would try and kill mine.
Vote is going to stay open for a little while longer, but lets see what the current tally is.

Edit: Honestly I'm surprised that the plan that's winning is the one that has both the vampires and werewolves hating you.
Adhoc vote count started by WastingPixies on Jul 28, 2017 at 5:56 PM, finished with 31 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X][NAME] Rose Potter
    [X][GENDER] Female
    [X][PLAN] Terrifying Child of the Darkness
    [X][PLAN] - Plan Thrill Seeker
    [X][NAME] Triene Potter
    [X][GENDER] Female
    [X][NAME] Triene Potter
    [X][GENDER] Female
    [X][PLAN] - Plan Thrill Seeker
    -[X] Str - 3 - 3 CP
    -[X] Dex - 4 - 4 CP
    -[X] Sta - 3 - 3 CP
    -[X] Int - 4 - 4 CP
    -[X] Per - 3 - 3 CP
    -[X] Wis - 3 - 3 CP
    -[X] App - 3 - 3 CP
    -[X] Man - 1 - 1 CP
    -[X] Cha - 4 - 4 CP
    -[X] Alertness 1 - 1/3 CP
    -[X] Athletics 1 - 1/3 CP
    -[X] Larceny 1 - 1/3 CP
    -[X] Magic 3 - 1 CP
    -[X] [2 CP] Eidetic Memory - You've got a brain like a steel trap! You can accurately recall anything with a successful Int + Alertness Roll. The more success the more accurate, and more things you can remember.
    -[X] [3 CP] Third Sight - Even when your eyes are obscured and deceived, There is something... more. A clarity of thought and vision that extends beyond the realm of mortals. You automatically roll to Disbelieve Illusions when you encounter them, even before realizing that there is an illusion to begin with.
    -[X] [3 CP] Daredevil - You have an inborn need to take insane risks, and your lucky that you are damn good at living through them. Decreased Difficulty on dangerous feats, and you can ignore a single 1 on those rolls.
    -[X] [4 CP] Moon Mana - Something that has happened in your generation at your hometown, attracting more magicals there. Must have in order to start with skill points in Magic.
    -[X] [5 CP] Will of Iron - You are completely Immune to Supernatural Fear Effects, and other mental attackers have increased Difficulty effecting you.
    -[X] [+1 CP] Over confident - You know you can do everything, and anything, and you are more than determined to prove those who say you can't wrong.
    -[X] [+1 CP] Airhead - Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe your a little forgetful, whatever it is, there is something about you that people have trouble taking seriously. Various alterations to Social rolls
    -[X] [+2 CP] Curiosity - You know what they say about Curiosity, but even so, your need to know can override your common sense if you fail a Will Roll.
    -[X] [+2 CP] Sensation Junkie - You love the feeling of feeling. New things all the time. You must make a roll when given a chance to try out something new and different, or fall to your need to try all the things.
    -[X] [+3 CP] Otherworldly Taint - There is something... off about you. Something is strange and unusual. Perhaps it's an odd color of hair or strange eyes, maybe just something about your Aura. But whatever it is, it draws attention from the wrong crowds.
    --[X] Hair is as warm as any other part of the body.
    [x] Jessamine Potter
    [x] Female
    [x] Plan: Silver Tongue
    -[x] Stats:
    --[x] Str - 1 (- 1 CP)
    --[x] Dex - 2 (- 2 CP)
    --[x] Sta - 2 (- 2 CP)
    -[X] Int - 4 - 4 CP
    --[x] Per - 5 (- 6 CP)
    --[x] Wis - 5 (- 6 CP)
    -[X] App - 3 - 3 CP
    --[x] Man - 5 (- 6 CP)
    -[X] Cha - 4 - 4 CP
    -[x] Merits:
    --[x] Common Sense - What are you doing? Climbing through the window! Why? The door's unlocked. There must be something in the water here, because Common sense is more than a little rare. (- 1 CP)
    --[x] Would I lie to you? - You just have one of those faces who people can't believe would tell a lie. Which makes it all the easier to do so. +1 to all acts of lying and deceit. (- 1 CP)
    --[x] Good ol' Kid - There's something just darn Trustworthy about you! +1 die to all social interactions with 'Good' Characters. (- 1 CP)
    --[x] Redeemer - With a smile on your face, and an outstretched hand, you are willing to forgive (NEVER FORGET) those who have wronged you, and been wronged by the world. +1 die to all Social interactions with 'Evil' Characters. (- 1 CP)
    --[x] Silken Voice - You've a voice like velvet with a tongue like silk. +2 die to all social actions involving using your voice to your advantage. (-2 CP)
    -[x] Maluses:
    --[x] Compulsion - You have a mental compulsion that you need to do for things to feel right, whether it be knocking on a doorframe before passing, or if odd numbers feel cleaner. If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated. (+ 1 CP)
    --[x] Craven Looks - There is just something about you that screams 'Low' and 'Weak' and sniveling. In appropriate situations -2 to social rolls. (+ 1 CP)
    --[x] Pack Chow - You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Werewolf Packs, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Pack Bound. (+ 6 CP)
    -[x] Skills:
    --[x] Awareness - You can notice things, things that others don't. Things that don't fit in the normal world, so you still you need some skill to recognize what it is that you are noticing. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
    --[x] Etiquette - You understand the nuances of proper behavior in society. This skill is used during haggling, dancing, dinner etiquette and all forms of diplomacy. You know, being polite. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
    --[x] Empathy - Understanding the emotions of others is something that many people can do, if you can simply sympathize with, feign sympathy for, or play on such emotions is what this skill is all about. You are an easy hand at discerning motive, and might be able to pick up on when someone is lying to you. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
    --[x] Expression - How eloquent you are with your words, this is your ability to get your point across clearly, whether through conversation, poetry or even mail. A higher Expression makes it so your opinions or beliefs cannot be ignored. Whether you are a talented actors, skilled at conveying moods or feigning emotion with every gesture, your point is still made. Additionally, this Talent represents your ability for poetry, creative writing or other literary art forms. x3 (- 1 CP)
    --[x] Finance - You can learn the ins and outs of commerce, from evaluating an item's relative worth to keeping up to date with currency exchange rates.T his knowledge can be invaluable when brokering items, running numbers or playing the stock market. Sufficiently high levels of finance allows you to raise your standards of living to a very comfortable level. x1 (- 1/3 CP)
    --[x] Intimidation - Intimidation takes many forms, from outright threats and physical violence to mere force of personality. You know the right method for each occasion, and can be very… persuasive. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
    --[x] Leadership - This is your ability to inspire others to follow your lead, to recognize your place. Leadership has less to do with manipulating people's desires than it does with presenting yourself as the sort of person they want to follow. This is usually paired with Charisma rather than Manipulation. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
    --[x] Politics - This is your familiarity with the politics of the moment, including the people in charge and how they got their. This knowledge can aid you in dealings with or influencing politicians. x1 (- 1/3 CP)
    --[x] Subterfuge - You know how to conceal your own motives and project what you like. Furthermore, you can root out other people's motives, then use those motives against them. This is a skill that defines your talent for intrigue, secrets and double dealing. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
    [X][NAME] Rose Potter
    [X][GENDER] Female
    [X][PLAN] Terrifying Child of the Darkness
    [X] Cross Dominant - You have trained yourself to the point where neither hand is particularly stronger than the other. You suffer no Penalties for using your 'Off-hand' and only a minor increase in difficultly for doing different things with both hands at the same time
    [X] Enhanced Senses - One of your fives senses are extraordinarily sharp! For each level choose one of the five senses to enhance. -3 -- Sight, Hearing, Touch
    [X] With Grace - You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements! -1 Difficulty to all Dex rolls.
    [X] Medium - I see Dead People. And not just the Still-Here. The Restless Dead can see you too.
    [X] Cat-like Balance - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving balance
    [X] Double Jointed - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving flexibility
    [X] Natural Channel - This world isn't the only one, and the other world... clings to you. Seeps in your skin and dances across the rim of your mind. Just be careful. Crossing over is not something to do lightly, and crossing back isn't easy. All Spirits and Demons start one step less hostile to you.
    [X] Moon Mana - Something that has happened in your generation at your hometown, attracting more magicals there. Must have in order to start with skill points in Magic.
    [X] Will of Iron - You are completely Immune to Supernatural Fear Effects, and other mental attackers have increased Difficulty effecting you.
    [X] Compulsion - You have a mental compulsion that you need to do for things to feel right, whether it be knocking on a doorframe before passing, or if odd numbers feel cleaner. If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated. +1 -- Everything must be in 4s, 9s, or 13s
    [X] Airhead - Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe your a little forgetful, whatever it is, there is something about you that people have trouble taking seriously. Various alterations to Social rolls +1 -- Less an Airhead, and more that you just don't seem to understand humans
    [X] Phobia - There exists something out there that you are completely terrified of to the point of madness. 1 point version, you must make a will roll, or be unable to even approach the thing you are afraid of. +1 -- Unicorns are scary
    [X] Shy - You're no social butterfly, that's for sure. The 3 point version is +2 difficulty to social interactions, with +4 if you are the center of attention. +3 - Most kids at school stayed away from you, now you don't know how to react to people
    [X] Disturbing Mannerisms - You have a habit or a means of doing something that people just can't stand. You may not even notice it, but everyone else does. +2 -- Short, Twitchy movements that look more at home in a horror movie, Slightly deranged looking smile
    [X] Curiosity - You know what they say about Curiosity, but even so, your need to know can override your common sense if you fail a Will Roll. +2
    [X] Absent-Minded - You have lousy short term memory and commonly get distracted from your goals. +3
    [X] Otherworldly Taint - There is something... off about you. Something is strange and unusual. Perhaps it's an odd color of hair or strange eyes, maybe just something about your Aura. But whatever it is, it draws attention from the wrong crowds. +3 -- Crimson Eyes, Hair seems to lag behind Rose, as if she were underwater?
    [X] Clan Cursed- You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Vampire Clans, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Clan Marked. +6
    [X] Pack Chow - You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Werewolf Packs, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Pack Bound. +6
    [X] Str - 4
    [X] Dex - 5
    [X] Sta - 1
    [X] Int - 6
    [X] Per - 4
    [X] Wis - 3
    [X] App - 8
    [X] Man - 1
    [X] Cha - 1
    [X] Academics - Your knowledge, and the general things of just being smart. - 4
    [X] Alertness - Your ability to figure out what is truly happening around you. - 2
    [X] Awareness - You can notice things, things that others don't. Things that don't fit in the normal world, so you still you need some skill to recognize what it is that you are noticing. - 3
    [X] Intimidation - Intimidation takes many forms, from outright threats and physical violence to mere force of personality. You know the right method for each occasion, and can be very….persuasive. - 5 - Rose is unsettling when not moving... when she wants to be unsettling... well...
    [X] Larceny - This skill entails familiarity with the tools and techniques for picking locks,pickpocketing, safe-cracking, as well as countless forms of breaking and entering. - 1
    [X] Magic - Your skill at channeling and using Magic. - 5 - Magic comes to the thing that calls itself a girl as easily as breathing comes to the living
    [X] Subterfuge - You know how to conceal your own motives and project what you like. Furthermore, you can root out other people's motives, then use those motives against them. This is a skill that defines your talent for intrigue, secrets and double dealing. - 2 - Not so much bad at understanding subterfuge, but Rose simply doesn't understand people, and so has trouble figuring out motives and other such things
    [X] Stealth - This skill is the ability to avoid being detected, whether you are in hiding or moving at the time. Stealth is often tasted against someones else's Perception. This ability is for obvious reasons, highly useful in following enemies unseen. - 5 - Rose moves where she wants, when she wants, and no one is the wiswer
    [X][NAME] Alice Potter
    [X][GENDER] Female
    [X][PLAN] Hunter IN the Darkness
    -[X] Str - 3
    -[X] Dex - 6
    -[X] Sta - 3
    -[X] Int - 3
    -[X] Per - 3
    [X] Wis - 3
    -[X] App - 3
    [X] Man - 1
    [X] Cha - 1
    -[X] [1 CP] Common Sense
    -[X] [1 CP] Cross Dominant
    -[X] [1 CP] Light Sleeper
    -[X] [2 CP] Enhanced Senses - Hearing and Sight
    -[X] [2 CP] With Grace
    -[X] [2 CP] Mystic Eyes - Flame
    -[X] [4 CP] Moon Mana
    -[X] [5 CP] Will of Iron
    -[X] [+2 CP] Disturbing Mannerisms - You reeeeaally don't act like a kid
    -[X] [+3 CP] Otherworldly Taint - Well, those who hunt monsters must be careful not become one themselves. You will worry about that later, if you are still alive and the mother******* stop trying to kill you.
    -[X] [+6 CP] Clan Cursed - Apparently, they don't like when food fights back and kill someone important
    -[X] [+6 CP] Pack Chow - It's kinda even worse to refuse the noble offer of becoming a werewolf for killing the former. They tried to press the issue and you responded in kind.
    -[X] Alertness - 5
    -[X] Athletics - 3
    -[X] Awareness - 5
    -[X] Magic - 5
    -[X] Medicine - 1
    -[X] Melee - 5
    -[X] Stealth - 3
Last edited:
Made some minor changes to my plan, might want to go over it to see what I added. Mostly Italicized text to try and explain my thoughts on the character better.
Let's just hope that they don't encounter each other. I have a feeling your girl would try and kill mine.

Really? I think that after a misunderstanding first encounter where Rose tries to scare Alice and almost gets a knife to the face they would be bff (or at least they would have an understanding about troublesome vampires/wolves that keep trying to get them). Then it would follow a wierd friendship where Rose keeps poking at supernatural danger because of curiosity, and an exasperated Alice tries to keep both of them alive from the random supernatural being they pissed off. Next day it would Alice that endup killing the wrong thing and it would fall to Rose to follow the unseen in order to track down that goddamn phylactery (why the hell are those so common nowadays...) in order to finally put another lich down to the count.

Aaaaand everybody is utterly terrified of them.
Shame that my little forked tongue schemer didn't work out, but hey, we've got almost literally a snake person here. So damn pretty, so agile, I won't be surprised if at some point she'll turn into a snake animagus. For ironic reasons, the best reasons. Picture and some descriptions reminds me of Chara, actually
Nah, Hufflepuff. Rose will be a Lovegood of badgers while looking like something out of the dark wizard's lab. It'll be hilarious

Nah man, she doesn't seem so hardworking to me. And with two Monster Clans after her she'll be self-serving since it means survival.

Edit: She'll also have to be clever enough to avoid being killed/kidnapped/turned or whatever, so her childhood basically forges her to be the perfect Slytherin.
Last edited:
Prologue Part II
Prologue Part II

Petunia has had to deal with a lot of things over her lifetime, with the reveal of her sister having magic, and the learning of a war going on behind the scenes of a peaceful Britain. But to be trapped within this town, where the sun will no longer rise?

There has been nothing that has ever been similar to this. It was only a few minutes after Vernon had noticed the lack of a sun that the magicals dropped into town and told everyone that they have trapped them all here. Only those with magic are able to enter or leave, and they have no intention of lifting the spells they have put at the boundaries of the town. That had been two weeks ago now, and it's already causing problems. Many of the residents of Surly worked outside of the town, meaning that people like her wonderful husband are now unable to provide income for their families.

Not that the wizards care.

To make matters worse, there is Rose.

The women put down the plate that she was cleaning to look at the red eyed child, wondering what to do. Sure, before all of this she would hate the child, they were a symbol of abnormality forced into their perfectly normal life. But now that seems almost trivial when compared to the fact that she hasn't seen the sun in two weeks! She did at first want to blame the baby for what happened, but she simply couldn't keep that up. The baby has nothing to do with the loss of the sun, nor did she have any choice in what has happened.

Then again it's probably do to luck that the baby is still alive...

Who the hell drops a baby on a doorstep, in the middle of the night, IN NOVEMBER?!

"If I ever find out who left her here like that, I will slap them."

Then again, she at least knows who sent the child. The letter dropped off with the child was from on Headmaster Dumbledore, and the gall he had to threaten them into taking in her niece. Telling her how if they don't take the child in that they would likely be tortured to death simply for being related to the child, and that if they don't take Rose in that the protections around them would fall.

Of course, since the child was just dropped onto their doorstep they didn't even have a choice in the matter. Then again Rose is lucky that her husband is rather perceptive, because if he hadn't seen her before stepping out the door...

She didn't want to think about that.

Of course, her niece's arrival came with other news. Petunia didn't get along with her sister, she wouldn't deny that.

But she didn't hate the women, in fact, she really did come to regret her actions when she lost Lilly the first time. When she watched her sister every summer come back and talk more and more about magic and the world, she realized one summer that her sister wasn't going to come back to the normal world, that she was losing her. But she didn't know how to tell her that she was sorry. She had been so happy when she had seen that Lilly had come to her and Vernon's wedding.

But she brought that man.

She didn't understand how her sister could love that man and honestly was quite upset to learn that she had learned that her sister was married and she was not invited to the wedding. Then again, given what she knows about the magical world, she really did question her sisters love for the man. The women hated that man, then one year she wouldn't stop going on about how romantic he was, and how amazing he was.

Considering that only a couple months earlier she called him a creepy stalker that attacked her best friend, and that twisted world considered that date rape drug they call love potions romantic...

She couldn't see her sister falling in love with him, and she can't even try to figure out if she's wrong about the whole thing, if he actually changed and she had good reasons to fall for him.

Now that she's lost her sister.

Walking over to the red eyed girl, the last memory of her sister. She smiled as she picked up the girl and held her in her arms.

She won't fail her sister again, not when this is all she has left.

What happens next
[ ] The Silver Coven arrives - A vampire clan that causes takes a liking to Rose
[ ] The Night Outcasts arrives - A vampire clan that simply likes the eternal night
[ ] The Bloodmoon Pack arrives - A werewolf pack that takes a dislike to Rose
[ ] The Wild Wolf Pack arrives - A werewolf pack that just likes to stay in the local forest
[ ] A local businessman rises up - Vernon creates a business for everyone who lost their jobs
[ X] A local businessman rises up - Vernon creates a business for everyone who lost their jobs
There can be no other choice, of all the options Vernon doing something good and impressive is the most exotic.
[X] A local businessman rises up - Vernon creates a business for everyone who lost their jobs.

Seems legit.
[X] A local businessman rises up - Vernon creates a business for everyone who lost their jobs.

I'm confused by the whole "Trapped in the Eternal Night" thing.
It showed up at the end of the first post. It's the main change of this quest, though I have implemented a lot of little things. They will mostly pop up through the prologue.
[X] A local businessman rises up - Vernon creates a business for everyone who lost their jobs
It showed up at the end of the first post. It's the main change of this quest, though I have implemented a lot of little things. They will mostly pop up through the prologue.
I more meant the "Why?" of it.

Also, in my interest of trying to see this one last, what usually makes you end up dropping the quests you make? Is it something like the lack of any real meat/plot while drudging through the weekly stuff?
I more meant the "Why?" of it.

Also, in my interest of trying to see this one last, what usually makes you end up dropping the quests you make? Is it something like the lack of any real meat/plot while drudging through the weekly stuff?

Part that, part me losing insperation. This is actually an idea I thought up about a year ago, and have been kind of adding to it over that time. I'm going to try and push through lack of insperation this time.

As for why the eternal night thing is happening... No one is quite sure yet.