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The residents of number four, Privet Drive, were quite proud that they could claim to...

The residents of number four, Privet Drive, were quite proud that they could claim to be perfectly normal. No one would expect the Dursley's to be involved in anything out of the ordinary, largely because they didn't like such things.

The patriarch of the family, one Vernon Dursley, is the director of a firm called Grunnings, which makes drills. His wife spent her time at home looking after their son or watching the neighbors. Said son is a small child, and they will fervently state that there is no finer boy anywhere.

The family has everything they could want, but they did hold one secret, one they fear would ruin there reputation as a normal family. For if anyone was to find out about the Potters, and that other world, it would destroy that reputation. Thankfully, in there minds, Petunia hasn't seen her sister in years. She was so happy with this that she simply pretended that her sister didn't exist.

But when they awoke on the dull, gray Tuesday, they had no idea what would happen, what would rip away all chances for true normality to stay in there lives. So they went about there day normally, Vernon humming as he picked out his simplest tie for work, and he wife gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair.

Time ticked by for them, and at half past eight, Vernon took his briefcase, pecked Petunia on the cheek, and tried to kiss his son good-bye, though missed. He gave the boy a smile, and left the house. Getting into his car, he started his trip to work. At the corner of the street he noticed something odd, much as he disliked the thought. It was a cat. Reading a map. He didn't actually notice it at first, but when he looked again the tabby cat was simply standing there without a map. Dismissing it out of hand, for the thought was ridiculous, and started to think of the large order of drills he was hoping to get.

Much to his annoyance, drills are once more driven from his mind as he sees something in the usual morning traffic jam at the edge of town. People in cloaks. The strange fashion sense was something the Vernon simply couldn't stand. It was likely some stupid new fashion, something that he would expect from some youngsters, but he could see quite a few older them himself going around dressed as such. Eventually he passed the thing off as simply a stunt, meant to collect money for something or another. Preferring that explanation to the one edging on the back of his mind, he turned his thoughts back to the drills as the traffic started to move once more.

When he arrived at his work, he went straight to his office on the ninth floor. Like every day before, he sat with his back to the window, and spent the day entirely to his taste. He yelled at five different people through his day, and made several important calls. His good mood continued until lunch, when he figured he'd stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the bakery. It was then that he remembered all the people in cloaks.

He eyed a group by the bakery as he passed, something about them making him uneasy. They whispered to each other, excitedly, and he couldn't collect anything on the way in. On the way out though, that was another story, for he started to walk back when he caught a few words.

"The Potters, that's right, that's what I heard yes, their kid."

Vernon stopped dead, fear flooding through him. He looked to the group, thousands of thoughts flow through his mind, before he decides against speaking. He dashed back to his office, and with a snap to his secretary not to disturb him, he readied to call home. At the second to last number he stopped, and taking a calming breath put the phone back. Leaning back into his chair he stroked his mustache, thinking....

Potter isn't such an unusual name. The chances that the people being spoken of where the same Potters are low. Besides, while they do have a child, that doesn't many anything when in such a scope. The only time he had spoken to the group was when the patriarch of the family was so rude and unmannerly that he and Petunia walked out of there own wedding.

As much as he tried to think of something else, he had a lot harder of a time concentrating on his work through the afternoon. He was so lost in his thoughts that when he left at five o'clock he walked straight into someone outside the door.

"Sorry," he grunted, as the tiny old man stumbled. The man was wearing a violet cloak, and instead of being upset he seem to be positively beaming.

"Don't be sorry, my dear sir, for nothing could upset me today! Rejoice, for You-Know-Who has gone at last! Even Muggles like yourself should be celebrating, this happy, happy day!"

Then he hugged Vernon and walked off.

Vernon... well he didn't even know how to react to that! He was just hugged by a complete and total stranger! But...


"Why do muggle's worship a god? Surely you know they aren't real, right?"

He squashed the memories of that man as soon as they came, before hurrying off to his car. He want's nothing to do with such people and there nonsense. He wants away from what his wife believes happened to her sister.

Pulling into his driveway didn't improve his mood, for the first thing he saw was that same cat he saw that morning. Now it was sitting on his garden wall.

"Shoo!" Vernon said loudly, but id didn't move. It just gave him a stern look, something that just proved to him that it wasn't normal, likely something from that crowd. Giving the thing one last glare, he let himself into the house. He was determined not to mention anything to his wife, lest it ruin her day as well.

His love had a nice day, more reason for him to not mention his own. Throughout dinner she told him about the neighbors problems with her daughter and how Dudley learned the word "Won't". He acted his best for his wife, and when Dudley had been put to bed, he went into the living in time to get the last report on the news:

"And finally, bird-watchers everywhere have reported that the nation's owls have been behaving very unusually today. Although owls normally hunt at night and are hardly ever seen in daylight, there have been hundreds of sightings of these birds flying in every direction since sunrise. Experts are unable to explain why the owls have suddenly changed their sleeping pattern." The newscaster allowed himself a grin. "Most mysterious. And now, over to Jim McGuffin with the weather. Going to be any more showers of owls tonight, Jim?"

"Well, Ted," said the weatherman, "I don't know about that, but it's not only the owls that have been acting oddly today. Viewers as far apart as Kent, Yorkshire, and Dundee have been phoning in to tell me that instead of the rain I promised yesterday, they've had a downpour of shooting stars! Perhaps people have been celebrating Bonfire Night early -- it's not until next week, folks! But I can promise a wet night tonight."

Vernon froze once more in his armchair, the shooting stars and Owls flying in daylight only added more to the growing level of... unusualness. He tried to calm his nerves as his wife came into the living room with two cups of tea. He had to ask her, as much as he hated to do so. "Er -- Petunia, dear -- you haven't heard from your sister lately, have you?"

He honestly wasn't surprised in the least from her look of shock and anger. Given how much they pretended she was without a sister.

"No," she said sharply. "Why?"

"Funny stuff on the news," Mr. Dursley mumbled. "Owls... shooting stars... and there were a lot of funny-looking people in town today..."

"So?" snapped Mrs. Dursley.

"One of them called me a Muggle."

She sipped her tea through tight lips. When she didn't say anything, he decided against asking about the kid.

When they when upstairs to bed, while his lovely wife was in the bathroom he checked the bedroom window. He wasn't surprised to see that the cat was still there, though now it seemed to be looking down Privet Drive waiting for something.

That night he tossed and turned all night, before coming to a comforting thought. Whatever it was that the Potters were involved in, it had nothing to do with him and his whife, and there was no reason for them to come near him a his love. The Potters know very well what he and Petunia think about them... He couldn't see how he and Petunia could get mixed up in anything that might be going on -- he yawned and turned over -- it couldn't affect them....

How very wrong he was.

The next day, when they awoke they went about normally. It was only when Vernon noticed that the clock said it was seven thirty that he looked out the window.



"Why is the moon still in the sky?"

[ ][NAME] ___________ Potter

[ ][GENDER] Male
[ ][GENDER] Female

Format Character Design under
[ ][PLAN] -
Character Points:

You may spend Character points on Attributes, Backgrounds, Merits, and Maluses

You may have no fewer than 0 points when completing character Creation

Each Character point remaining when completing character creation will be added as 3 skill points

All Attributes begin at 1, with Point cost going
2, 3, 4 - Costing one point each
5, 6 - 2 points each
7, 8 - 3 points each
9, 10 - 4 points each
11, 12 - 5 points each
13, 14 - 6 Points each
15, 16 - 7 Points each
17, 18 - 8 Points each
19, 20 - 9 Points each
21, 22 - 10 Points each
23, 24 - 11 Points each
25, 26 - 12 Points each
27, 28 - 13 Points each
29, 30 - 14 Points Each

Strength - A measure of your Physical power
Dexterity - The deftness of hand and skill of foot
Stamina - Your brawn and Durability

Intelligence - A measure of your Mental Prowess
Wit - Quickness of tongue and speed of thought
Perception - To know when and how to apply your thoughts and tongue

Appearance - A measure of your Beauty
Manipulation - The words to sway those around you
Charisma - How likable you are
[1 CP] Code of Honor - You have a strict personal code that you follow. +3 die to resisting supernatural mind control effects

[1 CP] Loyalty - You are deeply devoted to a person, cause, or ideal, and easily resist attempts to persuade you away from the source of your loyalty. +2 die to resisting supernatural attempts to alter your loyalties

[1 CP] Common Sense - What are you doing? Climbing through the window! Why? The door's unlocked. There must be something in the water here, because Common sense is more than a little rare.

[1 CP] Cross Dominant - You have trained yourself to the point where neither hand is particularly stronger than the other. You suffer no Penalties for using your 'Off-hand' and only a minor increase in difficultly for doing different things with both hands at the same time

[1 CP] Good ol' Kid - There's something just darn Trustworthy about you! +1 die to all social interactions with 'Good' Characters

[1 CP] Redeemer - With a smile on your face, and an outstretched hand, you are willing to forgive (NEVER FORGET) those who have wronged you, and been wronged by the world. +1 die to all Social interactions with 'Evil' Characters.

[1 CP] Would I lie to you? - You just have one of those faces who people can't believe would tell a lie. Which makes it all the easier to do so. +1 to all acts of lying and deceit.

[1 CP] Green Thumb - It's not that you are good with plants, it's more that they seem to burst into bloom with a single touch.

[1 CP] Light Sleeper - You are easily awoken from sleep, and even less than the average person. Less penalties for missing sleep, and you awaken faster so it's harder to get a drop on you.

[1 - 5 CP] Enhanced Senses - One of your fives senses are extraordinarily sharp! For each level choose one of the five senses to enhance.

[1 - 3 CP] Creature Comfort - You seem to have a knack when it comes to animals. They are naturally drawn to you, and while you may not be able to commune with them in the same way you can people, they can still understand some of what you mean by tone, emotion and movement. 1 Point is a single type of animal, 2 points is a single group of creatures, 3 points is all natural animals.

[2 CP] Shining Soul - You have a bright and warm aura that brings comfort to those around you. Just be careful - Some may see you as a threat... or worse... tasty.

[2 CP] Moxie - You've got da Mox, kiddo. +1 die to all Social Situations involving backbone

[2 CP] Concentration - No matter what is going on around you, your hands are firm and eye locked on the goal. No matter how many distractions are around, you never lose more than 2 die for completing actions.

[2 CP] Eidetic Memory - You've got a brain like a steel trap! You can accurately recall anything with a successful Int + Alertness Roll. The more success the more accurate, and more things you can remember.

[2 CP] With Grace - You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements! -1 Difficulty to all Dex rolls.

[2 CP] Cunning Linguist - You seem to be able to pick up dialects like some people pick up knick-knacks. Gain a +4 bonus to all interactions of people you don't know the language of.

[2 CP] Foreboding Feelings - With a sense like a breath on your neck and fingers running down your back - you simply know. Something bad is about to happen.

[2 CP] Medium - I see Dead People. And not just the Still-Here. The Restless Dead can see you too.

[2 CP] Cat-like Balance - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving balance

[2 CP] Double Jointed - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving flexibility

[2 CP] Silken Voice - You've a voice like velvet with a tongue like silk. +2 die to all social actions involving using your voice to your advantage.

[2 CP] Mystic Eyes - An interesting phenomenon that has appeared in your generation at your hometown, grants you one of the following - Binding, Charm, Compulsion, Contract, Enchantment, Flame, Illusion, Jinx, Whisper

[3 CP] Natural Channel - This world isn't the only one, and the other world... clings to you. Seeps in your skin and dances across the rim of your mind. Just be careful. Crossing over is not something to do lightly, and crossing back isn't easy. All Spirits and Demons start one step less hostile to you.

[3 CP] Third Sight - Even when your eyes are obscured and deceived, There is something... more. A clarity of thought and vision that extends beyond the realm of mortals. You automatically roll to Disbelieve Illusions when you encounter them, even before realizing that there is an illusion to begin with.

[3 CP] Crack Driver - Despite having never even been in at the reins of a carriage, you've got what it takes to pick up driving, boating, whatever for anything you end up in control of as if you were born doing it.

[3 CP] Daredevil - You have an inborn need to take insane risks, and your lucky that you are damn good at living through them. Decreased Difficulty on dangerous feats, and you can ignore a single 1 on those rolls.

[3 CP] Antivenin in the vein - You are naturally hardy and poisons and venoms seem to have less of an effect on you.

[4 CP] Moon Mana - Something that has happened in your generation at your hometown, attracting more magicals there. Must have in order to start with skill points in Magic.

[5 CP] Will of Iron - You are completely Immune to Supernatural Fear Effects, and other mental attackers have increased Difficulty effecting you.

[6 CP] Clan Marked - You have attracted the attention and favor of someone respectable in the Vampire clans, and have been marked as someone of favor and future member of that clan. Start with inside knowledge of Vampire Culture and customs. Can not be taken with Pack Bound or Clan Cursed.

[6 CP] Pack Bound - You have attracted the attention and favor of someone respectable in the Werewolf packs, and have been marked as someone of favor and future member of that pack. Start with inside knowledge of Werewolf Culture and customs. Can not be taken with Clan Marked or Pack Chow.
[+1 CP} Compulsion - You have a mental compulsion that you need to do for things to feel right, whether it be knocking on a doorframe before passing, or if odd numbers feel cleaner. If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated.

[+1 CP] Nightmare - You suffer from horrible nightmares, and have trouble sleeping. You suffer effects from loss of sleep faster than others, and after particularly bad nights, you gain a general -1 to all actions for a while.

[+1 CP] Over confident - You know you can do everything, and anything, and you are more than determined to prove those who say you can't wrong.

[+1 CP] Colorblind - You are completely color blind, unable to see the differences in colors. Which can be... problematic in various situations.

[+1 CP] Airhead - Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe your a little forgetful, whatever it is, there is something about you that people have trouble taking seriously. Various alterations to Social rolls

[+1 CP] Craven Looks - There is just something about you that screams 'Low' and 'Weak' and sniveling. In appropriate situations -2 to social rolls.

[+1 CP] Deep Sleeper - Good luck trying to get anywhere in the morning. You are near impossible to awaken, and getting to understand what is going on is even harder.

[+1 CP] Hero Worship - You absolutely idolize someone, and disobeying them requires an effort of will (spending Willpower or succeeding a Willpower roll at 5+ difficulty). You also are at +2 difficulty to any roll that may force you to admit/realize that your hero may be in the wrong.

[+1 / 3 CP] Phobia - There exists something out there that you are completely terrified of to the point of madness. 1 point version, you must make a will roll, or be unable to even approach the thing you are afraid of. 3 point version, you must make a will roll, or suffer a minor psychotic break.

[+1 / 3 CP] Shy - You're no social butterfly, that's for sure. +1 difficulty to a number of social interactions, and if you are the center of attention it's +2 . The 3 point version is +2 difficulty to social interactions, with +4 if you are the center of attention.

[+2 CP] Disturbing Mannerisms - You have a habit or a means of doing something that people just can't stand. You may not even notice it, but everyone else does.

[+2 CP] Curiosity - You know what they say about Curiosity, but even so, your need to know can override your common sense if you fail a Will Roll.

[+2 CP] Inferiority Complex - You suffer from low self esteem, and no matter what, you never seem to feel like you are good enough. -2 die in situations where you are force to face your inability to believe in yourself.

[+2 CP] Sensation Junkie - You love the feeling of feeling. New things all the time. You must make a roll when given a chance to try out something new and different, or fall to your need to try all the things.

[+2 CP] Graceless - You can trip over your feet even when standing still... +2 difficulty to all social situations involving making a good impression.

[+3 CP] Absent-Minded - You have lousy short term memory and commonly get distracted from your goals.

[+3 CP] Loathing - there is something out there which you hate with all the rage of the sun, and when you come across it, everything else falls to the wayside until it is destroyed.

[+3 CP] Otherworldly Taint - There is something... off about you. Something is strange and unusual. Perhaps it's an odd color of hair or strange eyes, maybe just something about your Aura. But whatever it is, it draws attention from the wrong crowds.

[+3 CP] Flashbacks - When under pressure and/or in the presence of something which reminds you of something unpleasant in your past, you flashback to that past event. Whilst in a flashback, everything to you is as it was then.

[+6 CP] Clan Cursed- You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Vampire Clans, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Clan Marked.

[+6 CP] Pack Chow - You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Werewolf Packs, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Pack Bound.

[ ] Str
[ ] Dex
[ ] Sta

[ ] Int
[ ] Per
[ ] Wis

[ ] App
[ ] Man
[ ] Cha

Each level costs 1/3 a point. You cannot buy a normal skill past level 5 to start with.

Normal Skills:
[ ] Academics - Your knowledge, and the general things of just being smart.
[ ] Alertness - Your ability to figure out what is truly happening around you.
[ ] Athletics - Your Athletic skill represents any form of training you might have had in sports or other rigorous activities. Athletics concerns all forms of running, swimming, jumping, throwing sports and the like, however it does not cover basic motor function such as lifting weights, nor does it govern athletic feats covered by another ability (Such as Melee).
[ ] Animal ken - You can understand animals behavior patterns. This skill allows you to predict how an animal might react in a given situation, train a domesticated creature, or even try calm or enrage animals.
[ ] Awareness - You can notice things, things that others don't. Things that don't fit in the normal world, so you still you need some skill to recognize what it is that you are noticing.
[ ] Brawl - Your ability to fight hand to hand
[ ] Etiquette - You understand the nuances of proper behavior in society. This skill is used during haggling, dancing, dinner etiquette and all forms of diplomacy. You know, being polite.
[ ] Empathy - Understanding the emotions of others is something that many people can do, if you can simply sympathize with, feign sympathy for, or play on such emotions is what this skill is all about. You are an easy hand at discerning motive, and might be able to pick up on when someone is lying to you.
[ ] Expression - How eloquent you are with your words, this is your ability to get your point across clearly, whether through conversation, poetry or even mail. A higher Expression makes it so your opinions or beliefs cannot be ignored. Whether you are a talented actors, skilled at conveying moods or feigning emotion with every gesture, your point is still made. Additionally, this Talent represents your ability for poetry, creative writing or other literary art forms.
[ ] Finance - You can learn the ins and outs of commerce, from evaluating an item's relative worth to keeping up to date with currency exchange rates.T his knowledge can be invaluable when brokering items, running numbers or playing the stock market. Sufficiently high levels of finance allows you to raise your standards of living to a very comfortable level.
[ ] Firearms - Skill at using guns and other firearms
[ ] Intimidation - Intimidation takes many forms, from outright threats and physical violence to mere force of personality. You know the right method for each occasion, and can be very….persuasive.
[ ] Investigation- You have learned to notice details others might overlook, this skill is not only for a good eye for detail, but also the ability to do research and follow leads.
[ ] Leadership - This is your ability to inspire others to follow your lead, to recognize your place. Leadership has less to do with manipulating people's desires than it does with presenting yourself as the sort of person they want to follow. This is usually paired with Charisma rather than Manipulation.
[ ] Larceny - This skill entails familiarity with the tools and techniques for picking locks,pickpocketing, safe-cracking, as well as countless forms of breaking and entering.
[ ] Law - With all thee lawyers and law makers out there, this knowledge can prove very useful. Law can be useful for filing suit, avoiding lawsuits or getting out of jail.
[ ] Magic - Your skill at channeling and using Magic.
[ ] Medicine - You have an understanding of how the human body, which can be rather useful at times. This ability entails Knowledge of medicine, ailments first aid procedures and diagnostics or treatment of diseases. Medicine is of great use to those kindred with an interest in repairing, damaging or networking the human body.
[ ] Melee - Your skill when it comes to using melee weapons
[ ] Performance - The performance skill governs your ability to preform artistic endeavors such as singing, dancing, acting or playing a musical instrument. You are almost certainly specialized in one field, but that doesn't mean you can't branch out into other areas.
[ ] Politics - This is your familiarity with the politics of the moment, including the people in charge and how they got their. This knowledge can aid you in dealings with or influencing politicians.
[ ] Ranged - Your skill at using bows, spears and other ranged weaponry
[ ] Ride - You're ability to drive a carriage or ride a horse. This skill does not automatically entail familiarity with complicated vehicles.
[ ] Streetwise - The streets are filled with those that know things, all it takes is someone who knows the language. Streetwise allows you to blend in unobtrusively with the local scene, pick up gossip, understand slang or even dabble in criminal doings.
[ ] Subterfuge - You know how to conceal your own motives and project what you like. Furthermore, you can root out other people's motives, then use those motives against them. This is a skill that defines your talent for intrigue, secrets and double dealing.
[ ] Stealth - This skill is the ability to avoid being detected, whether you are in hiding or moving at the time. Stealth is often tasted against someones else's Perception. This ability is for obvious reasons, highly useful in following enemies unseen.
[ ] Survival - This Skill allows you to find shelter, navigate your way to civilization, track prey and such things needed to not die in the wild.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Name Rose Potter
Sex Female
Age 5
Health Points -/- -/-
Attributes Score
Strength Rank :d+ 4
Dexterity Rank : c 5
Stamina Rank : e 1
Intelligence Rank :c+/E-- 6
Perception Rank : d+ 4
Wisdom Rank : d 3
Appearance Rank : d+ 8
Manipulation Rank : e 1
Charisma Rank : d+ 1

Magical Skills
Spell Name Level EXP Mana Cost Spell Effect

Your general knowledge and the level of conventional learning
Awareness You can notice things, things that others don't. Things that only other Magicals would notice, but even still you need some skill to recognize what it is that you are noticing. 3
Alertness Your ability to figure out what is truly happening around you 2
Intimidation Intimidation takes many forms, from outright threats and physical violence to mere force of personality. You know the right method for each occasion, and can be very….persuasive. - Rose is unsettling when not moving... when she wants to be unsettling... well... 5
Larceny This skill entails familiarity with the tools and techniques for picking locks,pickpocketing, safe-cracking, as well as countless forms of breaking and entering. 1
Magic Your skill at channeling and using Magic. - Magic comes to the thing that calls itself a girl as easily as breathing comes to the living 5
Stealth This skill is the ability to avoid being detected, whether you are in hiding or moving at the time. Stealth is often tasted against someones else's Perception. This ability is for obvious reasons, highly useful in following enemies unseen. - Rose moves where she wants, when she wants, and no one is the wiswer 5
Subterfuge You know how to conceal your own motives and project what you like. Furthermore, you can root out other people's motives, then use those motives against them. This is a skill that defines your talent for intrigue, secrets and double dealing. 2

Mana Regen Rate: ?/?

Spell List:


Cross Dominant - You have trained yourself to the point where neither hand is particularly stronger than the other. You suffer no Penalties for using your 'Off-hand' and only a minor increase in difficultly for doing different things with both hands at the same time
Enhanced Senses - One of your fives senses are extraordinarily sharp! For each level choose one of the five senses to enhance. -- Sight, Hearing, Touch
With Grace - You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements! -1 Difficulty to all Dex rolls. -- Delicate is not the word, but Rose always is sturdy on her feet, no matter how steep the hill
Medium - I see Dead People. And not just the Still-Here. The Restless Dead can see you too -- Ghosts and ghouls and Banshees see Rose, and she sees them. They see each other seeing each other. Perhaps something is happening here?
Cat-like Balance - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving balance
Double Jointed - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving flexibility
Natural Channel - This world isn't the only one, and the other world... clings to you. Seeps in your skin and dances across the rim of your mind. Just be careful. Crossing over is not something to do lightly, and crossing back isn't easy. All Spirits and Demons start one step less hostile to you. -- There are things that cling to that girl, that Rose. Is she the source of this endless night?
Moon Mana - Something that has happened in your generation at your hometown, attracting more magicals there. Must have in order to start with skill points in Magic.
Will of Iron - You are completely Immune to Supernatural Fear Effects, and other mental attackers have increased Difficulty effecting you. -- Nothing in this world can scare you, for you are something much more terrifying
Compulsion - You have a mental compulsion that you need to do for things to feel right, whether it be knocking on a doorframe before passing, or if odd numbers feel cleaner. If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated. -- Everything must be in 4s, 9s, or 13s
Airhead - Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe your a little forgetful, whatever it is, there is something about you that people have trouble taking seriously. Various alterations to Social rolls +1 -- Less an Airhead, and more that you just don't seem to understand humans
Phobia - There exists something out there that you are completely terrified of to the point of madness. 1 point version, you must make a will roll, or be unable to even approach the thing you are afraid of. -- Unicorns are scary
Shy - You're no social butterfly, that's for sure. +2 difficulty to social interactions, with +4 if you are the center of attention. - Most kids at school stayed away from you, now you don't know how to react to people
Disturbing Mannerisms - You have a habit or a means of doing something that people just can't stand. You may not even notice it, but everyone else does. -- Short, Twitchy movements that look more at home in a horror movie, Slightly deranged looking smile
Curiosity - You know what they say about Curiosity, but even so, your need to know can override your common sense if you fail a Will Roll.
Absent-Minded - You have lousy short term memory and commonly get distracted from your goals.
Otherworldly Taint - There is something... off about you. Something is strange and unusual. Perhaps it's an odd color of hair or strange eyes, maybe just something about your Aura. But whatever it is, it draws attention from the wrong crowds. -- Crimson Eyes, Hair seems to lag behind Rose, as if she were underwater?
Clan Cursed- You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Vampire Clans, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Clan Marked. -- One of the clans has taken a liking to Rose, and they are not happy that she is not interested in marriage at the ripe young age of 10.
Pack Chow - You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Werewolf Packs, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Pack Bound. -- Rose isn't a fan of animals, and they aren't a fan of her. Perhaps her punching the lord of the wolves was inevitable. But when the Magical Government took it as a cue to crack down on the lycans meant that it was an action that the lord had to respond to.
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EXP Shop
Experience Shop
Name Formula Cost Effect
Health Level 2(Levels Bought) - 1 - Increase Health by 1
Mana Pool 5(Levels Bough) - 1 - Increase Base Od by 5
Attribute 3(Attribute State) - 4 Varies Increase Attribute by 1
Spell EXP 1/Spell Level Scales Increase Spell EXP by 1
New Spell Various Varies Learn a Spell from the Spell Shop
Craft Spell 10* 10
Create a new spell to go into the spell Shop
Cost of spell decreased by 10
Skill 2(Skill Level) - 3 Varies Increase Skill by 1
??? ??? ??? ???
Spell Shop
Name EXP Cost Prana Cost Spell Description
---- --- -- ---
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So... wait.

How much of an AU is this?

Because apparently there are Ninjas in Harry Potter?

Whops! I'm using one of my systems and I pulled stuff from my last quest. Where was that, that's not suppose to be there.

Though this is still going to be some AU territory, though it's mostly around what's going on in the city. The next couple of updates will fastforward through time, showing you some of whats going on and the changes that have followed do to it.
Sorry if I missed it, but is there anything that lets us know how a score in an attribute stacks up (so the average person has X strength and such). Also are these our stats and traits as very young kid?
Sorry if I missed it, but is there anything that lets us know how a score in an attribute stacks up (so the average person has X strength and such). Also are these our stats and traits as very young kid?

Right, I should start to implement it into the thing that we draw from. The average states for when you are ten is as followed.

Str - 3
Dex - 4
Sta - 3

Int - 4
Per - 3
Wis - 3

App - 3
Man - 3
Cha - 4

The plan will be for when you actually go to hogwarts.
[X][NAME] Triene Potter
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][PLAN] - Plan Thrill Seeker
-[X] Str - 3 - 3 CP
-[X] Dex - 4 - 4 CP
-[X] Sta - 3 - 3 CP
-[X] Int - 4 - 4 CP
-[X] Per - 3 - 3 CP
-[X] Wis - 3 - 3 CP
-[X] App - 3 - 3 CP
-[X] Man - 1 - 1 CP
-[X] Cha - 4 - 4 CP
-[X] Alertness 1 - 1/3 CP
-[X] Athletics 1 - 1/3 CP
-[X] Larceny 1 - 1/3 CP
-[X] Magic 3 - 1 CP
-[X] [2 CP] Eidetic Memory - You've got a brain like a steel trap! You can accurately recall anything with a successful Int + Alertness Roll. The more success the more accurate, and more things you can remember.
-[X] [3 CP] Third Sight - Even when your eyes are obscured and deceived, There is something... more. A clarity of thought and vision that extends beyond the realm of mortals. You automatically roll to Disbelieve Illusions when you encounter them, even before realizing that there is an illusion to begin with.
-[X] [3 CP] Daredevil - You have an inborn need to take insane risks, and your lucky that you are damn good at living through them. Decreased Difficulty on dangerous feats, and you can ignore a single 1 on those rolls.
-[X] [4 CP] Moon Mana - Something that has happened in your generation at your hometown, attracting more magicals there. Must have in order to start with skill points in Magic.
-[X] [5 CP] Will of Iron - You are completely Immune to Supernatural Fear Effects, and other mental attackers have increased Difficulty effecting you.
-[X] [+1 CP] Over confident - You know you can do everything, and anything, and you are more than determined to prove those who say you can't wrong.
-[X] [+1 CP] Airhead - Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe your a little forgetful, whatever it is, there is something about you that people have trouble taking seriously. Various alterations to Social rolls
-[X] [+2 CP] Curiosity - You know what they say about Curiosity, but even so, your need to know can override your common sense if you fail a Will Roll.
-[X] [+2 CP] Sensation Junkie - You love the feeling of feeling. New things all the time. You must make a roll when given a chance to try out something new and different, or fall to your need to try all the things.
-[X] [+3 CP] Otherworldly Taint - There is something... off about you. Something is strange and unusual. Perhaps it's an odd color of hair or strange eyes, maybe just something about your Aura. But whatever it is, it draws attention from the wrong crowds.
--[X] Hair is as warm as any other part of the body.

[x] Jessamine Potter
[x] Female
[x] Plan: Silver Tongue
-[x] Stats:
--[x] Str - 1 (- 1 CP)
--[x] Dex - 2 (- 2 CP)
--[x] Sta - 2 (- 2 CP)
--[x] Int - 4 (- 4 CP)
--[x] Per - 5 (- 6 CP)
--[x] Wis - 5 (- 6 CP)
--[x] App - 3 (- 3 CP)
--[x] Man - 5 (- 6 CP)
--[x] Cha - 4 (- 4 CP)
-[x] Merits:
--[x] Common Sense - What are you doing? Climbing through the window! Why? The door's unlocked. There must be something in the water here, because Common sense is more than a little rare. (- 1 CP)
--[x] Would I lie to you? - You just have one of those faces who people can't believe would tell a lie. Which makes it all the easier to do so. +1 to all acts of lying and deceit. (- 1 CP)
--[x] Good ol' Kid - There's something just darn Trustworthy about you! +1 die to all social interactions with 'Good' Characters. (- 1 CP)
--[x] Redeemer - With a smile on your face, and an outstretched hand, you are willing to forgive (NEVER FORGET) those who have wronged you, and been wronged by the world. +1 die to all Social interactions with 'Evil' Characters. (- 1 CP)
--[x] Silken Voice - You've a voice like velvet with a tongue like silk. +2 die to all social actions involving using your voice to your advantage. (-2 CP)
-[x] Maluses:
--[x] Compulsion - You have a mental compulsion that you need to do for things to feel right, whether it be knocking on a doorframe before passing, or if odd numbers feel cleaner. If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated. (+ 1 CP)
--[x] Craven Looks - There is just something about you that screams 'Low' and 'Weak' and sniveling. In appropriate situations -2 to social rolls. (+ 1 CP)
--[x] Pack Chow - You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Werewolf Packs, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Pack Bound. (+ 6 CP)
-[x] Skills:
--[x] Awareness - You can notice things, things that others don't. Things that don't fit in the normal world, so you still you need some skill to recognize what it is that you are noticing. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
--[x] Etiquette - You understand the nuances of proper behavior in society. This skill is used during haggling, dancing, dinner etiquette and all forms of diplomacy. You know, being polite. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
--[x] Empathy - Understanding the emotions of others is something that many people can do, if you can simply sympathize with, feign sympathy for, or play on such emotions is what this skill is all about. You are an easy hand at discerning motive, and might be able to pick up on when someone is lying to you. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
--[x] Expression - How eloquent you are with your words, this is your ability to get your point across clearly, whether through conversation, poetry or even mail. A higher Expression makes it so your opinions or beliefs cannot be ignored. Whether you are a talented actors, skilled at conveying moods or feigning emotion with every gesture, your point is still made. Additionally, this Talent represents your ability for poetry, creative writing or other literary art forms. x3 (- 1 CP)
--[x] Finance - You can learn the ins and outs of commerce, from evaluating an item's relative worth to keeping up to date with currency exchange rates.T his knowledge can be invaluable when brokering items, running numbers or playing the stock market. Sufficiently high levels of finance allows you to raise your standards of living to a very comfortable level. x1 (- 1/3 CP)
--[x] Intimidation - Intimidation takes many forms, from outright threats and physical violence to mere force of personality. You know the right method for each occasion, and can be very… persuasive. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
--[x] Leadership - This is your ability to inspire others to follow your lead, to recognize your place. Leadership has less to do with manipulating people's desires than it does with presenting yourself as the sort of person they want to follow. This is usually paired with Charisma rather than Manipulation. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
--[x] Politics - This is your familiarity with the politics of the moment, including the people in charge and how they got their. This knowledge can aid you in dealings with or influencing politicians. x1 (- 1/3 CP)
--[x] Subterfuge - You know how to conceal your own motives and project what you like. Furthermore, you can root out other people's motives, then use those motives against them. This is a skill that defines your talent for intrigue, secrets and double dealing. x2 (- 2/3 CP)
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there we go, tried to find an image that made her darker skin more obvious. This was the best image I could find that didn't include cards.

[X][NAME] Rose Potter
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][PLAN] Terrifying Child of the Darkness

[X] Cross Dominant - You have trained yourself to the point where neither hand is particularly stronger than the other. You suffer no Penalties for using your 'Off-hand' and only a minor increase in difficultly for doing different things with both hands at the same time
[X] Enhanced Senses - One of your fives senses are extraordinarily sharp! For each level choose one of the five senses to enhance. -3 -- Sight, Hearing, Touch
[X] With Grace - You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements! -1 Difficulty to all Dex rolls. -- Delicate is not the word, but Rose always is sturdy on her feet, no matter how steep the hill
[X] Medium - I see Dead People. And not just the Still-Here. The Restless Dead can see you too -- Ghosts and ghouls and Banshees see Rose, and she sees them. They see each other seeing each other. Perhaps something is happening here?
[X] Cat-like Balance - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving balance
[X] Double Jointed - -2 difficulty to all rolls involving flexibility
[X] Natural Channel - This world isn't the only one, and the other world... clings to you. Seeps in your skin and dances across the rim of your mind. Just be careful. Crossing over is not something to do lightly, and crossing back isn't easy. All Spirits and Demons start one step less hostile to you. -- There are things that cling to that girl, that Rose. Is she the source of this endless night?
[X] Moon Mana - Something that has happened in your generation at your hometown, attracting more magicals there. Must have in order to start with skill points in Magic.
[X] Will of Iron - You are completely Immune to Supernatural Fear Effects, and other mental attackers have increased Difficulty effecting you. -- Nothing in this world can scare you, for you are something much more terrifying
[X] Compulsion - You have a mental compulsion that you need to do for things to feel right, whether it be knocking on a doorframe before passing, or if odd numbers feel cleaner. If you cannot fulfill the Compulsion you are going to be distracted and unable to properly focus. +1 to difficulty of all rolls until the Compulsion is sated. +1 -- Everything must be in 4s, 9s, or 13s
[X] Airhead - Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe your a little forgetful, whatever it is, there is something about you that people have trouble taking seriously. Various alterations to Social rolls +1 -- Less an Airhead, and more that you just don't seem to understand humans
[X] Phobia - There exists something out there that you are completely terrified of to the point of madness. 1 point version, you must make a will roll, or be unable to even approach the thing you are afraid of. +1 -- Unicorns are scary
[X] Shy - You're no social butterfly, that's for sure. The 3 point version is +2 difficulty to social interactions, with +4 if you are the center of attention. +3 - Most kids at school stayed away from you, now you don't know how to react to people
[X] Disturbing Mannerisms - You have a habit or a means of doing something that people just can't stand. You may not even notice it, but everyone else does. +2 -- Short, Twitchy movements that look more at home in a horror movie, Slightly deranged looking smile
[X] Curiosity - You know what they say about Curiosity, but even so, your need to know can override your common sense if you fail a Will Roll. +2
[X] Absent-Minded - You have lousy short term memory and commonly get distracted from your goals. +3
[X] Otherworldly Taint - There is something... off about you. Something is strange and unusual. Perhaps it's an odd color of hair or strange eyes, maybe just something about your Aura. But whatever it is, it draws attention from the wrong crowds. +3 -- Crimson Eyes, Hair seems to lag behind Rose, as if she were underwater?
[X] Clan Cursed- You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Vampire Clans, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Clan Marked. +6 -- One of the clans has taken a liking to Rose, and they are not happy that she is not interested in marriage at the ripe young age of 10.
[X] Pack Chow - You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Werewolf Packs, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Pack Bound. +6 -- Rose isn't a fan of animals, and they aren't a fan of her. Perhaps her punching the lord of the wolves was inevitable. But when the Magical Government took it as a cue to crack down on the lycans meant that it was an action that the lord had to respond to.

[X] Str - 4
[X] Dex - 5
[X] Sta - 1
[X] Int - 6
[X] Per - 4
[X] Wis - 3
[X] App - 8
[X] Man - 1
[X] Cha - 1

Normal Skills:
[X] Academics - Your knowledge, and the general things of just being smart. - 4
[X] Alertness - Your ability to figure out what is truly happening around you. - 2
[X] Awareness - You can notice things, things that others don't. Things that don't fit in the normal world, so you still you need some skill to recognize what it is that you are noticing. - 3

[X] Intimidation - Intimidation takes many forms, from outright threats and physical violence to mere force of personality. You know the right method for each occasion, and can be very….persuasive. - 5 - Rose is unsettling when not moving... when she wants to be unsettling... well...
[X] Larceny - This skill entails familiarity with the tools and techniques for picking locks,pickpocketing, safe-cracking, as well as countless forms of breaking and entering. - 1
[X] Magic - Your skill at channeling and using Magic. - 5 - Magic comes to the thing that calls itself a girl as easily as breathing comes to the living

[X] Subterfuge - You know how to conceal your own motives and project what you like. Furthermore, you can root out other people's motives, then use those motives against them. This is a skill that defines your talent for intrigue, secrets and double dealing. - 2 - Not so much bad at understanding subterfuge, but Rose simply doesn't understand people, and so has trouble figuring out motives and other such things
[X] Stealth - This skill is the ability to avoid being detected, whether you are in hiding or moving at the time. Stealth is often tasted against someones else's Perception. This ability is for obvious reasons, highly useful in following enemies unseen. - 5 - Rose moves where she wants, when she wants, and no one is the wiswer
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[X] Clan Cursed- You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Vampire Clans, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Clan Marked. +6
[X] Pack Chow - You have somehow royally pissed off one of the local Werewolf Packs, they will do what they can to ruin you and everything you care for. Can not be taken with Pack Bound.
It's a pretty good and fun plan, but damn. What the hell Rose did to piss off both of them
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[X][NAME] Rose Potter
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][PLAN] Terrifying Child of the Darkness

I quite like an accidently(?) terrifying protagonist. Also, from a lore standpoimt it makes sense for us to be somewhat traumatized and "dark". I mean, we saw our parents get killed in front of us, we have grown up with the Dursley's who arguably were downright abusive, and we are a Horcrux of the Dark Lord. It's actually a wonder Harry turned out as well-adjusted as he did.

Also, phobia-Unicorns cracked me up.
Ahh, no. That is just what Average McNormalton's stats are going to be at age 10.

They don't get added to or overriden. Whatever stats you choose are the stats you have.
Finally home behind a proper computer and not autocorecting buggy phone.

Fixed few mistakes in my plan too, like four extra lines in stats from copypasting plan structure
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[X][NAME] Rose Potter
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][PLAN] Terrifying Child of the Darkness

While I'm a little disappointed there's no Third Sight in this build(seems to fit) and think that there's a little too much Appearance considering how all the Maluses seem to make it mostly useless, it still looks like a fun plan.
Aren't vampires and werewolves in Harry Potter both basically hobos?

I don't really remember anything "positive" about either curse.

Well Vampires never actually showed up, and the only people explaining things about werewolves were from someone who hated them, and a guy who really abused his inner wolf and did n't like being one.

Honestly I don't see ether of them being really hobos. Add in the magics around the area actually affect them to an extent, making them better then before.