Chapter 13
Hey fellas, just wanted to ask a question before today's chapter: how do you deal with trying to emulate handwriting's text imperfections. For example, making an "O" look like an "A" even if the lowercase of said letters don't look similar on an electronic apparatus? Or making an "r" look like an "n". I know I did it somewhat poorly on the prior chapter, and this is an issue I want some feedback towards so I can address it in the future.

On another note, beginning today, Eliksni speech will follow the little that we know of it's grammar rules. I am not one for learning a new language, but I'll try my best. Quotations will also be changed from these-> (**) to these (<<>>)


I don't think my legs will ever forgive me for that.

And quite frankly, rubbing my legs does not ease the pain.

Sitting in a corner of the… mainframe room, I think it was, was never very interesting. I mean, it's a pretty big room with a small bridge leading over. If I'm being perfectly honest I'm not quite sure what I'm waiting for, really.

I look back down at my swollen feet.

Yeah, it was probably that. Turns out jumping off cliffs repeatedly is not a smart move. But then again, what was I meant to do half of the time? Jump while I was barely getting the hang of walking, and possibly fall into the shining blue pit of doom? No thanks. As I said before, I'd rather live beaten and bruied than exist as an undead carcass that was bloated and bleached.

"After rigorous checking, I have confirmed that in fact, this frame is devoid of any pre-existing personality. The battery and powering are empty, though."

"Anny way to fixx it?
" I attempt to massage my feet, though I stop shortly afterwards. Turns out the long nails are not that good for massaging swolen tissue.

"It's integrity is passable, friendly Dreg! Though it might as well be broken."

"Whhy iss that?" I ask, leaning on the wall to attempt to meditate the foot pain away, though my attempts fail as my mind drifts on something that I keep finding grating about this new voice: I'm going to fix that voice croak one day. Or at least I hope. The Spider did it, so why couldn't I?

"The radioactive powering fluid got flushed out through several of the cracks present in the frame and the tubing itself, friendly dreg! If you're going to find a replacement, don't submerge it in the water! Exo powering fluid is easy to dilute in water, gallium, mercury, and other room temperature liquids! How did you even manage to get the insides soaked anyhow? These are meant to be waterproof."

"No cclue." This really sucked. It reminds me of my terrible luck with waterproofing and anything. Water-proof camera? Drenched. Water-proof pouch to carry the electronics while you're swimming? Oh, I thought it was meant to capture water instead! This trend better dies out before it ends with me even more irradiated than I already was.

"Do you possess any leads on where to find a replacement? That is not my insides. Trust me when I say the rest of the Fallen have taken it all." I believe that's a lie, but I can understand the purpose behind it so I'm not going to pressure that.

"…As a mmatter of ffact. I ddo! "

"It's on Earth, isn't it."

"Unfortunately, yyou are correctt." That was kind of the whole point. I already told the bipolar artificial intelligence I wasn't going back to the so-called 'Disposal facility' and I'm pretty sure there is little reasons for exos to exist on Mars.

"Did you know that… 100% of the distress calls produced during the past day all originated on earth? To further this point, nearly all of them had as a main theme that of a Cabal invasion. Knowing this information, are you still willing to head into the Earth?"

"I once hheard that sstupidity and bravery are vvery similarr. I accede." After all, that was the whole point. I was going to hopefully make use of one of the Exo bodies to hopefully find a replacement for the damaged parts.

I ignore the connections with grave robbing and attempt to internally reason it as nothing more and nothing less than an 'organ donation'.

"You do you."

And just like that, I was faced with the prospect of going all the way back to the ship and trying to do so before it was scavenged for pieces. I just hope that there will be one day when my legs feel no pain, and walking and running is the only thing they are forced to deal with. Not dealing with my constant mess of jumping down cliffs. Or tall buildings.

In fact, if I could do without jumping or having to face down hostile aliens and eldrich forces I'd enjoy that very much.

Wincing as I stand up, using the wall for support, I reckon this is a moment to make a small request to avoid more ear-ringing in the future, if one may.
"Iff I come bacck, could you not send out an "Intruder Alertt", pplease? I wouldd nott be content withh you bblowing your rest off the inhabitantss… if you may."

"The problem has been addressed, Friendly Dreg!"

"Andd hhow is that?"

"You've been signed in as a visitor, Friendly Dreg!"

Not even a crewmate?

As long as alarms don't drum me into silence, I'm fine with that but it does make me slightly upset.

The ether flow runs out once again as I take on last breath, leaning on the corridor leading back to the exit.
"Is ttherre anyone bback by your entrance…?"

"My sensors detect no-one, friendly dreg!"

I attempted to flavour the last of the sickeningly sweet gas. I knew about the cloaking tech the eliksni had and still have. I'm unsure if Failsafe knew, but she probably did. She does monitor everything.
I hope.

And a one.

And two.

And a… run.

It's unlikely that the other Fallen didn't see me land, and if they did, it's likely an ambush was in wait. Or at least, that's how it seemed. The fact that no one popped out was probably the most jarring bit as I did my best not to trip down the staircase, and ran by the creek to the cliff-face.

And anyhow, the Captain that once held control over my food supply would probably want some payback for stealing one of the servitors under his protection. That, and running away with a pistol and a knife. I didn't need a whole course history to know that Drehks were worth less than dirt if I remembered correctly. So if I had made off with some supplies, that "less than dirt" quickly became a "less than shit". An active detriment upon all of those who had co-existed with me.

In short, returning to Nessus was going to bite me in the ass, sooner or later. "Enemy of my Enemy" be damned, eliminating a disgrace went first. Just like eliminating a guy who's trying to accomplish a goal similar to yours is a priority over eliminating whatever is poisoning the water supply.

Soon enough, I managed to reach back into the Cliffside. So far, none of the Eliksni I had spotted so far seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary. They're just going about their business, checking machines, talking with each other, drawing on the dirt when no Vandal was looking...

But what if they did?

What if they knew, and they just were not acting out of the ordinary because they had established something with Talas?

What if they saw me exit out of the core chamber, and they're just not notifying me because they don't give it importance at the moment?

Then they would point to me... and it would be curtains.

The end.

I'd get my arms removed and I'd be left to bleed out.

Other than anxiety doing most of the talking for me, in my brain (do I have a brain anymore? Failsafe did mention neural pruning, but what if Eliksni thought with their spines? I might never know, and I was unwilling to submit myself to a biopsy to find out) I was doing about as well as someone with sprained legs can be doing while climbing a nearly vertical rock and metal face, especially without trying to be seen.

In which this case it meant attempting to speed-climb without a standardised wall to do so.

Climbing... it used to be one of the things I practised before I ended up back here. I preferred bouldering over the wall...

It used to be around this point, half-height, where I would usually get a thrill by looking back down at how small everyone else looked.

This time, however, I just focus on finding the next hand-hold to stretch out upon. My feet and back already hurt enough from just the run over here, and there's no belay to carry me down to safety if I slipped. So I just focus on reaching the top.

Eventually, I managed to do so. I simply roll over, never having had the chance to actually climb an actual cliff face before I ended up in this thing.

The valley really looks small from up here. I can't even see the direction which those below me are facing. From up here, it simply looks like some odd render of little copper figures and little brown figures shooting each other out as the Vex attempted to create a conflux.

I may not like the Fallen, but I disliked the Vex more. I bid them luck before I began my short walk back to the ship.

While I had landed it close, I planned this entire thing to be an in and out deal. Checking the PDA as I walked over to the White Ship once more. Having linked the two apparatuses on my way here, I trigger the Door-opening sequence.

Like always, It's taller than me. I grimace as I hop to grab ahold of the open hatch, but the feeling of displeasure is shortly replaced by relief as I lay on the floor of the large, empty, cargo room.

I felt safe. In very brief moments, I was surely going to be free of this entire mess, at least, until I needed to return here to deliver the spare Exo parts.

I enjoy the smooth coldness of the ship's floor for a moment longer before I stood up to get to the cockpit once more

Door closing behind me, I recline on the pilot's seat, accommodating it somewhat to adjust for my seating, I look for…

Right, if I hadn't placed it on the seat, then it must have fallen to the floor? Or maybe it was on the shelf? I know I never had the best memory but...

Or at least, it should be there, I don't know. Things don't grow legs and walk away but sometimes, that's how-

<<Are you looking for this?>> The voice interrupts my thoughts and I immediately know... I am not alone in this ship.
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oh no someone found his journal and stole it didnt they.... huh you know from the persoective of the player this could be a fairly interesting side mission or even full story mission.
He had a nice run. Much better than the typical "run directly at Guardian, get head literally punched off" Dreg lifestyle. Better luck next life.
Nice lad, bit sad to see him go. But eh, he almost did complete his promise to Failsafe, so theres that. Never forget the Friendly Dreg I guess.
I really hope he won't lose more of his memories.
"No info on the verse" SI runs are good in stories that are very local/personal, like Worm or Naruto, or are too large to influence without a SIGNIFICANT amount of power, like Star Wars. Destiny is in that sweet spot in between, that a person with a fair amount of knowledge, and a fair amount of power can change a fair amount of events. If our friendly Dreg loses all of his canon knowledge, he'll become either useless or fueled by deus ex machina.

Anyway, the entry about lost Ghosts during the Red War, am I the only one that suspects that our Friendly Dreg might find one that wants him to be his Guardian?
Or is that totally impossible in universe?
Anyway, the entry about lost Ghosts during the Red War, am I the only one that suspects that our Friendly Dreg might find one that wants him to be his Guardian?
Or is that totally impossible in universe?
From what I know, I do believe that the Elinski(?) were the previous Race that were the "guardians" before humans, and once the Traveler left, the Elinski fell to darkness and began hunting down the Traveler and all that jazz
Guardians are a new thing and (that we know of) limited to Humans only. They happened as the Traveler strained itself into a coma to stop The Collapse (and as a consequence of how terrified and hurt the Traveler was at the time, ghosts have made quite a few enormous fuckups in whom they chose.)
Chapter 14
Weak Sunlight

Was this it?

<<You're an odd one...>>

I don't move a muscle.

Fight Flight Freeze.

<<Quite the peculiar one, you are.>>

I don't want to be here anymore.

I closed the hatch. How did they get in? Captains can't teleport through walls, can they?

<<I know the faces of every single of my crewmembers. Some I've known since they were still coming out from their egg-molt. >>

The clicking of their feet as the circle around brings something to mind that probably should have showed up earlier.

Being trapped. Squeezed against a wall in a space that for all intents and purposes, should be safe.

Hostage once again, but the chances that this will let me go scotch-free and a half-assed joke are close to none.

<<And you… I don't know you.>>

Her voice creaks just like the broken seat she is pushing back further.

It's a her. I don't know how I am able to tell this just by its voice but I can. What do I do?

If I try to shoot them I die, if I do nothing I might die, which means it's the better choice, right?

And most importantly. I don't know what this means for me.

I thought I had taken over one of the bodies of the Dregs resting in the cave.

Was this not so?

Then how did I come to be?

<<Where is your crew? Your captain?>>

I don't know.

As far as I knew, I wasn't under anyone's command. It lightened up my day, but not by much.

<<I was born in exile. I am seeking knowledge now.>>

A clever lie, but they don't buy it:

<<From the machines?>>

I winced internally. The bones in my hand pop, but don't break.

My answer takes too long, but I respond with a half-truth.


<<Did that coward Elyksul send you?>>

Arm forced backwards, I catch a gasp before it escapes, though based solely on how…

The upper eyes seem to contract, nearly squinting. That wasn't good, was it?


<<The truth, drehk.>>

<<I-I don't- I don't know who they are!>>

Rubbing the sore hand after its forceful release, having been thrown to the side, does little to soothe the pain.

At least emotionally. Whatever comfort that I can take serves me well.

<<Why did you attempt to sneak amongst my crew?>>

And again, I find myself at the barrel of a gun. A much more painful looking one, if it ever comes to shoot. A 'Shrapnel Launcher' my mind recalls, from countless deaths… in what was nothing more than a game.

If I died, I was gone for good. No do overs. No reties.

I might die.

Death is staring straight at me and it feels redundant but I might actually die.

There is the not-quite-heat as the barrel is pushed against the side of my face.

I still recoil backwards dull throbbing ringing through my head as the broken seat wobbles with the impact.

The burn from the barrel feels the same to what I did before.

They pull out something, a book, white leather-like cover, somewhat crumpled pages, flipping them carelessly with their clumsier, lower arms until…

That's- That's my journal.

The orange glow from the uncomfortably firearm prevents me from doing anything hasty. As much as I dislike the not-quite-warmth searing the not-really-skin on my face, it serves as a remind of what it can do.

<<Is this yours?>>

I nod without hesitation. There's no great sacrifice to be had, no last minute save- it's just me and them, and I wouldn't put a bet against someone's who's only real act of violence in this universe was accidentally punching some holes into someone.

I don't think I'll ever stop regretting it so.

<<The name>> They spit at me, showing me my own name, written in one of the first pages with one long finger. <<Does it come from a Lightmonger?>>

I hold my head in place, barely avoiding shaking it to respond to the question. I don't know if they do that, it would be stupid to assume as much.

<<N-No. >>

That's what I stammer out: a lie. I don't need to be a genius to figure out where the name might carry negative connotations. It might share similarities with one belonging to a guardian, or hell, even be too alien for the alien itself.

Then they approach, and what remained of my composure melts away. I cringe into a small ball, or as small as this body can manage.

<<Then where did it come from?>>

<<O-One of t-the Humans, the o-ones t-that came with the s-ship.>>

<<What if I don't find such a name?>> My thoughts skid to a halt. Something gets stuck in the inside of my neck, mouth frozen agape.

<<Do I scatter your brain on pink fields of this planetoid?
>> The orange, glowing barrel of the shrapnel-launcher grazes against my skin, sizzling and popping. I catch a scream before it gives out, before it blows my cover, exposing me as a complete coward: that same behavior of having no strength in a society where it was all that mattered.

<<You can do that.>> I don't stutter this time, but I'm sure my tone of voice betrays me. As far as they were concerned, I was less than nothing, an active detriment.

I might die here. Whatever strengths I had… they were useless in this situation. I couldn't fight what was going to happen, I just hope that I am complacent enough to merit not killing. To appear to be so worthless that death might be a mercy, in their eyes.

For that perceived lack of strength might just be what allows me to live one more day.

The barrel of the shrapnel launcher hums rhythmically.

There's a certain pattern to it.

The light outside the cabin dims as a Harvesting ship passes nearby. Then, it returns like before, ever-present, never ceding.

Then, as suddenly as the ship leaves, I hear the clicking of the captain's claws on the metallic floor of the ship.

I want to ask why; but- the courage doesn't come.

When they speak again, it's fast, barely more than a long entrance as they face away to something I could not see.

<<Should I ever see you again on this excuse for a rock, I'll tear out your remaining arms myself, is that understood?>> The tone of the voice I cannot place.

<<-You'll never see me again.>>
There's no fear in how I respond, slowly emerging from the ball I had curled into.

I meant it, too.

Then, in a pattern different to the Exo called Cayde-6, they vanish into the air as a thin, blue smoke, leaving nothing but the marks of their claws on the floor of the ship, and the mangled remains of my journal, first pages ripped right out.

The servitor isn't glowing either.

Shelves ransacked.

I still wanted to help. Really, I did.

But I no longer knew how.

Re-Write Notes
Re-Write Completed on the 23rd​ of May of 2021

I view this in two possible ways:
-Thank the Traveler he's done!

-Thank the Traveler, he's done!

Both are acceptable. So yeah, main chapter coming in… some time.

After a little side-plot. No worries, it won't be long. The breather, I assure you with a face of a not wacky dog doing an uncharacteristic thing, will be absolutely essential to the next chapter maintaining it's impact.
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It's due to asthetic text. I can change it to be as they are now, if you prefer.
Even if he found one (a ghost), and died, and (somehow) got revived, it would void his memory, which kind of kills the point of an SI in the first place, I think.
I might be wrong, but I think the Guardians lost their memories because they were dead for centuries. We don't loose our memories on the day-to-day resurrections.

As for the chapter, how the hell that Captain entered his ship? And how he did know English to read his journal?
I might be wrong, but I think the Guardians lost their memories because they were dead for centuries. We don't loose our memories on the day-to-day resurrections.

As for the chapter, how the hell that Captain entered his ship? And how he did know English to read his journal?
Nope, that one exotic, Shinobu's vow, mentions that even freshly dead guardians get a complete wipe.
I might be wrong, but I think the Guardians lost their memories because they were dead for centuries. We don't loose our memories on the day-to-day resurrections.

As for the chapter, how the hell that Captain entered his ship? And how he did know English to read his journal?
The reason the captain knew English is pretty simple, really: necessity. You cannot reverse engeneer things blindly all of the time. Knowing english can allow you to know where you're at, what that thing does (and by proxy, what parts it has), and sometimes, to know what the enemy is planning.
iirc, destiny canon is that upon first revival(ie. when your ghost finds you) it is the rare Guardian that would retain memories of their past.
Hence why I mentioned the Exotic with the lore tab specifying that. I'm pretty sure that due to some silly retconning, it's actually impossible for Guardians to retain memories of their past from before their first revival.

EDIT: Namely a history retcon of the one example of a Guardian remembering his past from before a first revival.
Sorry for not posting today, I'm going to be replacing aesthetic text with regular text for the following day or so.
Apologies in advance.
why would u go to earth during cabal invasion if u suck at shooting?<~<
Because, really, even if not everyone is fit to slay gods, take down doom machines, and massacre armies, some want to help others in whatever way they can. Of course, shooting an enemy combatant will be the least of little dreg's worries if he gets spotted, but rather, it would be getting shot at.
Because, really, even if not everyone is fit to slay gods, take down doom machines, and massacre armies, some want to help others in whatever way they can. Of course, shooting an enemy combatant will be the least of little dreg's worries if he gets spotted, but rather, it would be getting shot at.
mc is too goodie for me I'm more Choatic Neutral no.1 personal safety and satisfaction.
also his problem of memory leak is for low rank cabel right how do u rank up
Chapter 15
After a long time being stuck between writer's block, college, and windows resetting, I've finally finished this.


The servitor sprouts nonsense. That's the kindest way I can put it. Maybe not entirely nonsense, but some threats thrown in as well. Generic things, mostly, but he is coming with some very creative ideas to how bludgeon me to death while still being welded to the floor. It appears that my act has successfully fooled him.


It stops it's mad rambling. I'm not sure this is a good idea, but if I die, at least it can be having re-capacitated the thing I had more or less turned into a slave for the past days. I don't think it was aware, but I'm just making sure.


And that answered my question. Time to ask what it needed to be back to be a floating sphere of death. Hopefully, before I starve, or get to the point where the central processing centre of this body decided: "Ok, fellas, this guy's memories aren't that important. Leave him feral enough to search for food."

<<Missing, you are what?>>

<<S-C-A-N-E-R_ T-O_ C-H-E-C-K>>

That sounded surprisingly reasonable.

<<Other things?>>

<<S-C-A-N-E-R_ T-O_ C-H-E-C-K>>

Guess that's the first on the bucket list.

The hatch slides open, and for the first time since… I woke up as a Dreg, I decide to take care of my legs and back, slowly getting off the ship, before softly landing onto the ground. There's a jolt of pain as I land, but it subsides fast enough. Just a quick reminder to myself that if I don't want to worsen this, I should probably keep my cliff jumping escapes to a minimum.

I say my farewell, to no response, and I jump off the hatch.

I check the PDA's last map of Earth and a message board. The first, to plan out a trek down using a heightmap, and the second, to give Failsafe a quick heads up if the shell-less servitor decided to try and hijack the ship.

Both are bound to be useful. Especially the second if, the worst comes to pass.

The trek, or where I painted a trek to be, is overgrown, uncared for, and in some areas, collapsed. A PDA heading to… wherever the exodus black was originally heading, probably only had a map of the Earth as a reference, but it outdated very much so.

There are trees every once in a while, and the grass grows more abundant as I slowly descend from the height I had parked the ship over, beforehand.

There's… the sound of distant gunfire, echoing through the mountain.

The ridge is tall, and the wind is strong.

And to be frank, I try to not let it affect me too much. The trek to it might be long-drawn, but it guarantees that the ship will be relatively undetected.

I came here, down to Earth, mainly for five different purposes:
-Rescue as many ghosts as I can, mainly because they're irreplaceable, and to be frank, I'd rather not have them sitting in a room dead with a fat, four-armed mob boss.
-Find better guns. A pistol with 15 rounds can only get you so far.
-Get a mask, or something to somewhat hide my identity, and protect my eyes from the eye-meter welder.
-Find a scanner for the servitor, so my search for other parts can continue.
-Get the fluid from inside of an Exo to power failsafe's body. On the same note, find a container for said fluid, as it's corrosive, and find some delivery boy to give it to Failsafe. I'd rather not touch Nessus.

Having stated this, I still write it down. And 43 minutes since I started my descent from the snowy cave, I come face to face with… a scene, for sure.

And by the way the carcasses of those… dogs (Not really sure what they are, but I remember the cabal use them, for sure) lay, It's a safe bet to assume that the animals have been shot down.

The black liquid oozing from some of the caved-in heads suggests that maybe that's not the only thing they've been dealt with, however.

I'm glad I am not dealing with those… face breaking fists, but after some quick scouring around, I just manage to find absolutely nothing. Just the remains of dead dog-things. The echoes of distant gunfire continue to be something akin to the ambience, replacing the chirping of birds that would usually be heard at this point.

I'm pretty sure that if I actually ate things, I might have puked by now.

I keep walking, checking the map once in a while. While this thing's GPS isn't working, the fact that I can draw (with some difficulty) on the map, it makes for a… workable, replacement. It's not the best and trying to figure out landmarks to which guide myself is pretty hard when the map is outdated by several decades. Maybe more.

The shadows flicker past as the decent grows more agitated. More gunfire, coming from afar, source unknown. The calm walk I once had quickly becomes a slightly faster walk. I'd like to avoid sprinting if possible.

However, this faster pace of progressing down the mountain doesn't really last long, as I really discover the source of most of the gunfire. It's expected… but it just feels so real. And I don't like it one bit.

The Last City burns and the fighting inside has not stopped since the first bullets rang out.

Stumbling downwards, the smoke moves as in slow motion, but I know this isn't really the case. It just appears that way due to the amount of smoke in the air.

Of course, any real carnage to the city itself is covered up by the wall, but even in the final mission of the campaign, I never expected it to be this bad.

On the positive side, I just realized that this other discarded PDA probably has a scanner. But it better not turns out I need to go in there. It just seems dead.