You're lucky my favorite kind of right is technically right.

Jokes aside, your little story was fun to read a second time to refresh myself on why I said that. Good job.
Chapter 27
That Omake is pretty good!

Suffocating Ambient

After reaching cruising speed, the ship doesn't seem to move internally that much, excluding the occasional shaking due to turbulent weather. The sky seems darker over here, though that might be a combination of the altitude and the time of day.

Not that that will do much to help my current situation.

This wasn't meant to happen, dammit.

I… don't know if I have a hand to do with this mess.

I had to do… something. I couldn't just stand beside and watch random people get slaughtered. Talking about which, I hoped I could hopefully get to the cultists under the radio tower. Getting more firearms could only be a good thing. Having them not die would be nicer.

I… understand this isn't really like social service. I have never been to a war zone before now, and this… it's more akin to evacuating refugees. There's frankly no other way to put it.

And, to be honest, I'm sure this feeling might have gotten lost to the Eliksni when the Whirlwind happened. If I survived, I was going to try to stop Variks from going postal, but as things stood, I only had a single source of information in regards to current customs at the moment.


I have to choose my words carefully. I may be exiled from the Talas's crew, but having a system-wide bounty put on my head for "betrayal" was not something I was truly eager to engage in. There was a difference between being an outlaw from being an outlaw. It's not particularly pleasant to be marked for death, I've heard.

Plus, depending on how this answer turned out, it would more or less determine if I actually got to evacuate people or just loot the place as it burnt to the ground.

I wasn't too eager on either, though having some that could vouch for me in the future would be nice.

<<Would it be dishonourable to extract the non-combatants?>>

The question lingers in the air for a peculiar amount of time. Seleks swirls around his separate systems click and spin, and he makes sense of the question itself. Like if he never considered such a thing

When his answer finally arrives, I feel disappointed. Or I think I do, I really can't tell what I'm really feeling at the moment. I was never really good at the whole "Identifying emotions deal". I'm not quite sure being a four-armed freak has helped with that at all.


It looks like memory wiping was back on the menu. I wasn't too keen on it, but if he was going to stop me then I was willing to sacrifice my only source of Eliksni culture for the ability to not be restrained. Of course, this might end up being detrimental in the long term.

Plus, Mithrax put it best himself: New promises don't unmake old ones.

I did feel proud of myself for remembering that. I hope I could change its mind.

<<Isn't this flawed, however?>>


It might be a poor choice to unbuckle myself and to let the ship's (surprisingly advanced) autopilot keep the ship going, but I wasn't planning on revealing I hadn't taken the opportunity to switch captains when I got kicked out. Un-tying the scarf was probably going to be as hard as spinning the valves from earlier.

Which, well, was not fantastic. It was going to be an annoying process, but I needed to appear inconspicuous, even if I had a white pistol that shot purple beams.

Not really "traditional", but no one really cares to look more than twice.

<<You see, in most situations where someone fails to flee from a location…>>

It was important to layout a difference between us, so to say, me and Seleks, from the humans. I do believe it still viewed friendly relationships as "Heretical", even if it was borderline illogical for it to believe such a thing.

Exterminating the humans won't make the Traveller return to them.

It will just make it flee once more. Or so I think. It might just end up making Rasputin go ballistic.

What did they think would happen? Because I was not quite sure myself.

<<The Lightborn… they don't have the locations or supplies that we do.>>


<<They were nearly completely focused under The Great Machine.>>

It doesn't answer.

I see this as an opportunity!

<<It would be something akin not being able to flee anywhere. Nearly all their warriors used to be dead things. Still are, I assume. Taking those unable to fight would be no different than chasing an animal down for little to no reason. The resources wasted are better spent on something else.>>

I'm not wrong. The city militia was not large before the Red War, I assume. Even during, I reckon. You can't train soldiers in a single day. Especially not after a week and a half after the City fell. Then again, the entire "Occupation of the City" only lasted around three months.

I also really hope that the Guardian has taken his trip to the haunted woods. If this ends up being just a slaughter pit then, well, the chances of being spotted rose exponentially. I don't think most of Talas's lackeys would know who I was, but I doubt that just wearing house colours once more would allow me to pass totally undetected.

Especially after I had buried the peashooter with... him. I didn't want to carry it after what happened in there.

Then what about cloaking, my pea-sized brain asks?

Not even cloaking would really work, as Eliksni cloaking just made you look funny to other Eliksni. I couldn't confirm it myself, of course. I've never seen them myself in action, but It didn't take a genius to deduce what a "shimmering cloak" was. Especially when Seleks ran comparisons to it with fire.

I certainly wished I had one, though. It would have made it harder for anyone, Fallen or otherwise, to discover who I was. Remaining anonymous was the name of the game, but unless I could snatch two swords from anywhere, this disguise would have fallen somewhat flat.

<<There's no other way to put it, chasing the humans down, even in this period, is a waste of resources. It would only take for a single mistake for any of their dead things to re-obtain their abilities. Or for a new one to be made.>>


But that was the issue, was it not? Guardians could still get their light back, though only with contacting with a shard of the traveller. If a tiny fragment could attract Xol, It would stand without reason that no matter the size, as long as a fragment was charged with light… I reckon it could give a Guardian their light, though not as strong as having it be operational.

<<That doesn't explain how one is running around with their abilities, still.>>


<<Some, not much, but substantial enough. And even then, are you willing to descend to the levels of Taniks? Or the Scorned Barons? Held together by pride alone?>>

Maybe appealing to whatever honour it had would get me somewhere, before landing.

Truth be told, I didn't want to land at all, but I'd take a null contribution over not doing anything at all. I know I'll end up regretting this either way, but I'd rather look back on "having saved more" rather than "doing anything at all".

I might have the body of an alien insect, but I'd rather not be a participant to the extinction of the human race.


<<Challenging someone in the ways of the old, then having a walker go after them? Fleeing from battle? Un-authorised modifications? Truth be told…>>

<<Most of us have become nothing but savages. Not unlike him. I can excuse letting honour aside when combating the machines, the husks… even the Ulurans. They're unable to understand us, as we do them. But the fleshlings? They're not too unlike us, though most remain as hatchlings. Attacking a defenceless target isn't honourable…>>

The servitor whirls, and spins, exposed systems still turning and twisting under the faint glow of the dawning sun.

<<It's cowardice. Anyone who claims otherwise is sick with vanity.

It merely nods, or nods, as well as a sphere, can nod.

It understands, as well as its systems allow it to do so.


<<They die.>>

And that's the end of the discussion, I hope. I think that has left Seleks with a clear enough message about the terms I'm fighting on.

I at least hope that sticks at least. My own experiences with fanatics end with most of them refusing to shift their point of view, even when it leads to actual harm.

The cabin shakes as the ship descends. I had plotted to land a fair distance away from the main site of the confrontation, though I wanted a precaution still, so I searched for a forested area.

In spite of this, the sound distant gunfire still manages to worm it's way into the cabin itself.

<<You kill anything unauthorised. Understand? Protect the ship at all costs, at least, until I return.>>

And with that, the ground seems to catch up to the ship surprisingly fast. I try not to breathe fast, or too much. It would make the ether supply run dry. Talking about which, I needed a refill.

<<Could you refill my tanks, please.>>



The ship is… significantly slower, than it was before. I mean, that's the first part of a vertical landing. It happens every time. It did so on Nessus, it did so on the city outskirts, and it does so now.

The difference is, I didn't feel like a sitting duck then.

I do now.

And it's not because the Red Legion is less menacing or anything similar, it's mostly due to a difference in attitudes and how they dealt with onlookers.

The Cabal only chase their targets when their objective is to eliminate a concrete objective. Such as in the case of Guardians, and potentially any other high priority target. As for the Fallen?

Any potential onlookers was a potential spy. For a Rival captain, or, in the past, for a rival House. Any onlookers were a potential threat, and thus, were to be eliminated. There were few spaces were this did not apply, but they were the exception, and not the rule. Most importantly, they were not that many in the first place, and, they were not that large either.

Why was I even thinking of truce zones in a time like this?

Finally, the descent begins in earnest. Purely vertical, no lateral movement whatsoever.

So very close now. The canopy is above the ship now. Not long until it lands.

And then it does. The entire ship shakes as it lands, really. I'm unsure if the legs of the ship were ever meant to go for more than a single "crash landing". Well, I'm testing that at least.

<<I leave. Remember the instructions. The… drone is "authorised">>

And Seleks nods, as well as a floating purple ball can, at least. I give the servitor a quick glance as I drop down.

Dirt once more, beneath my bare feet. It really doesn't feel much different from other surfaces, save it's wetter and softer.

I take a deep gulp of ether, before I proceed East-northeast. That was the direction I had seen the fires coming from, in the rudimentary radar that the ship had.

I still had to learn how to pilot that thing manually.

One step at a time. That's how I'll manage this.

First goal of the day: reach the farm before everyone died.

Sounds fun.

Second goal of the day? Take whoever, or whatever I find, back to the ship without getting spotted.


Third goal of the day? Don't lead Talas back to the ship. She's what caused this mess in the first place.

This I actually wanted.

But if I wanted to avoid Talas, then why was I headed straight for her biggest assault yet? She was but a Captain, but I'd be surprised if she didn't end up fighting to become a Baroness after this.

I don't really think there's any shame in turning away in this moment. Absolutely none. Why was I still walking?

I didn't really know. It could barely be considered a walk at this point. It was more like a light jog.

Would I even remember the way back?

I'm not quite sure If I will really. I'm much less carefully descending and occasionally running from taken Minotaurs, this is... I'm barely sure I'm going in the right direction anymore.

There's only one constant left in this whole situation. And that's that I must get there.

No, I will get there.

I need to. There's no way around this fact. Either I manage it, or I fail and die trying. Not a bad way to go, if I'm being honest. Might actually reduce any potential "butterflies".

But as things stand now? I just needed to get to the Farm itself, then I could figure everything out from there.

I just had to get there.
I dunno, I don't see any "this gets better" of the "gets better and then worse" that was said... It just keeps getting shittier and shittier situation for him, he's now not only going to be forced into numerically disadvantaged combat, he's also going to probably be painted as a target by the ones he's trying to help AND he's running out of Ether.

I gave this a try, but I'm dropping it since the author thinks that washing down a river of shit with a rain of piss is considered "things getting better".
I dunno, I don't see any "this gets better" of the "gets better and then worse" that was said... It just keeps getting shittier and shittier situation for him, he's now not only going to be forced into numerically disadvantaged combat, he's also going to probably be painted as a target by the ones he's trying to help AND he's running out of Ether.

I gave this a try, but I'm dropping it since the author thinks that washing down a river of shit with a rain of piss is considered "things getting better".
I disagree. He has a ship, weapons, a servitor that can produce ether and would be home free if he didn't have a conscious.
He started in unknown dangerous territory chased by a 7 ft tall darkness monster.
It still sucks, but it is getting better.

I'm finding this story perfectly satisfying to read. If you are too impatient for an actual story arc, you're welcome to leave.
I dunno, I don't see any "this gets better" of the "gets better and then worse" that was said... It just keeps getting shittier and shittier situation for him, he's now not only going to be forced into numerically disadvantaged combat, he's also going to probably be painted as a target by the ones he's trying to help AND he's running out of Ether.

I gave this a try, but I'm dropping it since the author thinks that washing down a river of shit with a rain of piss is considered "things getting better".
This whole Farm thing feels like a turning point, I myself will be judging if I stay or drop after it.
Chapter 28
A short foreword, before the chapter.

This has single-handedly been the hardest chapter to write, even if I had it plotted out beforehand. Attempting to put me in such a situation was similar to trying to picture me in some other, less colourful locations, such as certain bombings or even battles. Furthermore, my own array of personal experiences was lacking in this field, something for which, I was quite thankful off, really. After going through several re-writes, and never being quite content with them, I decided to stick with this draft, because otherwise we would be stuck here for the rest of the year. I sincerely apologize for the delay, and I very much hope a similar situation does not happen again.

Anyhow, off to the chapter.
a state of exhaustion

I had closed the ether flow long before the stench of ash and smoke filled my "nostrils".

I give it another twist, just to make sure.

And the jogging resumes, mostly guided by smell at this stage. There's no real "visual cue" to guide me at this point.

I never really got to enjoy the farm much, I only really visited it when I did the Red War Campaign and whenever I attempted to solo Zero Hour. Not that groups I found online were not helpful, it's only that parkour, lag, and a potato computer didn't really lend themselves towards… that.

Why did I always found it so hard to focus?

If I'm being frank, I'd rather not enter into any fights.

Which was where the whole "sneaking around" thing came into play. A fight avoided is a fight won. Right? I hope that's how the saying went.

I can't quite remember who said that. I think it was Bruce Lee, but there was no real way to make sure, especially now.

The trees are getting spacer, and, the path is caving itself away into the lake to my left, and it's falling off to the right. The ringing of gunfire seems to by dying down, which might potentially be good.

Or it could be really, really, bad. Once fighting subsides it usually means one side won.

Then again, it was going to be bad for me either way, but one had both pairs of my arms removed, and then possibly executed. In one alternative I at least got

For who did? I'm not quite sure. The gunfire doesn't really tell who was coming out on top, though one would expect it to.

The Farm, or as far I remembered it, existed in between a stretch of two wooded sections, and in between what I think was a lake and some fields. A pretty small "Section" for it to hold a large human populace, so hopefully casualties aren't that bad.

Keyword: Hopefully. There was no way for me to make sure until I arrived. Unless…

I listen closely to the type of gunfire.

I don't know why I feel almost depressed at the distant firefight being overwhelmingly one mostly fought with Arc bolts. There's the occasional burst of traditional, "kinetic" weaponry, and some other kind of "Elemental" gunfire, but that's mostly it.

The phantom taste of something bitter lingers where my mouth used to be. But I need to press on. The fighting had moved on from the "main" structures I had known the Farm for, and just like that, this was my opening to… do whatever, I guessed. Maybe get some transmat beacons. A mask from a dead Eliksni would be nice, I assume. Disgust over my form was not something I experienced before this entire mess.

And just like that, the remains of what of the social space comes into view. No matter how little familiar I was with the place, this entire thing makes me feel bitter in general. There's the lake to the right, and the charred smoking remains of mostly standing buildings to the left. Even the silos of to my left have seen better days, even if they were little more than rust by the time a settlement sprung up.

'Another settlement needs your help'. Ha. Very funny brain. I think I might actually strop gritting my teeth with that joke. Hilarious, the best joke I've ever thought to myself. Keep this up and I might actually stop talking to myself when bored.

Which, by the way, was not at the given moment. I felt like my chest was going to burst, and I'm more than sure this is the first time dryness fills my eyes. This was not a good "entertainingly boring" day by any measure. This was the kind of day that made someone want to tear off their hair, at least for me.

Then again, I also was the person that if he forgot to answer a message in time, he simply forfeit sending messages altogether.

Hoping this day is going to improve from its already shitty state was not something I thought was going to just be given to me, but trying my best to make it so was my responsibility. There's no backup, no blessings, no otherworldly entities holding my back, or keeping me comfort. I'm not even sure Seleks will miss me if I do end up dying-

It was all me.

There's smoke coming from…

Not only Smoke, fire.

The remains of the yellow bannered house greet me from afar, past the mangled remains of a mortared home and the scorched remains of a white sphere sitting on it's rooftop.

I always wondered what the Farm looked from up here, past the invisible "killwall". Now I know, but I also acknowledge that there was less tent remains in the game and that it had clearly seen better days.

But I push on nevertheless. Making a point to hurry and to descend down to the "pool" by a rocky face, and I sigh, filling my "lungs" with the charred air, but nearly instantly regret this decision.

Yeah, that's the home where the cryptarch lady was. I hope she got out in time.

Is that a…


Oh shit.


Oh fuck. That…

I… I couldn't stand there.

I need…


Is… he even alive?

The gunfire brings me back. I think he's still alive. I don't know anyone like this from what little I actually managed to put into the game before the whole thing but he's definitely still breathing.

He's still breathing, that's good, isn't it? His legs might be fucked up, and his clothing is a bloody mess, but he's still? Yeah, he is, he still has a pulse. I don't know how weak, but he still has it. His eyes might be unfocused, and he's not responding, and I doubt I could do anything. The gash on his chest is too deep. I don't have bandages. I don't have shit. Why did I think this was a good idea?

This was awful. I had…

I needed…

I had to move on, yeah. That's what I said. There was no saving this lad, man, as sad as that made me. I find it a sort of minor miracle that the "Social Space" was spared.

Mostly. Mostly spared.

This was a terrible decision.

Why was I even here?

I want to run.

I want to scream.

There's the swarm of thoughts, all shouting from inside my head.








I quickly do the last one on the list.

The higher abundance of arc bolts and the recent overpass of Skiff does not bring me confidence in the survival of their kind as of recent. Ghosts I mean. But this man…

He hasn't moved, has he? I've already done- just existing had caused this entire mess. I don't want to-

So I check the depo to the right of the… yeah.

He's not breathing.

I don't allow my sentimentally to take control. I know I want to save him but- I don't have the materials necessary, even if I did, how is a single year of first aid education going to help me? His legs might a well not be there, and I could see his- his ribs.

I feel like shit for feeling relieved that he's not amongst the living. It felt like an excuse.

The entire depo of what I think used to be the Dead Orbit while it was still in the Farm is gone.

There's the remains of the rags that covered the boxes, but it's just gone, otherwise. That was their logo. There's no confusing the damn thing.

The man- he's still dead? I didn't know I could chuckle bitterly, still.

Just another reminder I couldn't do it the old fashioned way. It just sounded wrong now.

Like a particularly large insect choking on its spit repeatedly, mixed with the purr of a particularly large cat..

A cloaked skiff flies overhead, and I quickly retreat inside the building. Have they seen me?

I feel stupid for being aware I have held my breath ever since the choking accident of earlier. Fallen didn't need to really breathe oxygen for long periods of time, didn't they? They could do without it for longer than humans could, for sure.

Crocodiles still beat them.

I wonder if there's any left?

Another skiff passes overhead. Reinforcements? I can't really tell. They leave from the same direction on which they arrived.

My thorax tenses up.

I didn't even like fighting back home. I had gotten my shit handed enough for me to realize I wasn't cut out for it, or that it lacked the inherent fun I believed it had when I was a child.

It's like Emil from that one game said: "Power is the only thing that matters in this world."

What a depressing thought.

I was the opposite of powerful, or smart. I was barely capable enough to survive so far!

Even then, It could be chalked up to luck.

What would have happened if Failsafe wasn't interested in keeping an eye in inter-Fallen relationships? Starvation? It was the alternative I could live with, if It did come to happen. Anything beats getting absorbed by the Vex


It was almost like being back home, except I wasn't in constant risk of death due to everything wanting everything else dead.

I doubt that will change soon. I hope I manage to begin a change for the better, but nothing guarantees it will stick.






I think to myself: am I calmer now? Not by much.

It helped. That's all what mattered.

Time to do what you came here to do. (What did I come here for?)

The worries I harboured drift into the back of my head. (Wories, what worries? This is just a game.)

They just don't seem as important anymore. (None of this is real after all.)

I entered the house. (I will wake up soon.)

Hallway to the left, hallway to the right. Woodchips and what seems like arc burns on the wall. Yellow paint that has not peeled or degraded in the years this house was not used.

I head right.

There's beds, bunk beds, mattresses, sleeping bags. I focus instead on the four bodies on the ground.

There's no regrets with these ones. No guilt. They're mere tools. Even when they were alive. Bodies slumped over one another, they pay no mind to getting closed in.

A way to cover my face. I was never considered as nice looking, but now I don't look like that at all.

I press the button and it …

The mask from the Marauder un-engages with a hiss. Pieces sliding out of the way. It comes off its prior wearer with little difficulty. I remove the rim I found In my head after I woke up with some difficulty. I place the mask on my own head and it closes slowly and carefully and with little problems. My head feels numb.

Then comes the cloak. I pull it from the dead thing's neck. It remains limp after it's completely gone. I make sure to replace

And after that, the scarf.

Eventually, it's a little less covered. I make sure to give him my old garments.

I shrug to no one in particular, to settle the fabric somewhat.

It feels less itchy in the skin between the plates of skin. It's a nice change.

It's loincloth soon follows. Self-consciousness rings on the back of my head. I had repurposed most of it for the bandage holding the left plate of my leg together. In addition to this, what remained of it to use as a belt.

There's no cloaking device. I think I feel upset. I check over all of the bodies but none of them have it and I don't know where it is. Did someone take it? Where?

Breathe. Focus.

It's blades are still on the floor. Unlit. Maybe unpowered.

I'll take them, too. They're just collecting dust here.

Same goes for the wrist blades for the lower arms. I un-engage them with little difficulty and re-attach them to my…

They're still growing. These arms are soft. I think it looks somewhat disgusting. I think that will wait for latter. I attach them to the belt and give it a pull to check it's well tied. It was, fortunately. They don't turn on either. I think I feel slightly relieved.

Something similar goes for the leg brace of the lower right leg, and I tie it to my lower left leg. I do something similar for the upper armour plates. They're needlessly spiked, but if I'm careful I won't face any accident.

The room is still empty, but I make sure to check it twice. Under the bedsheets and mattresses, and sleeping bags.

It's clean. Relative to a burning house. There's nothing of value here.

I leave through the door present in this room. Back outside. There's really not much in there. I think it might be the same upstairs as well.

I think I should be elsewhere.


Yet another aside. You've probably noticed that the Chapter seems a tad, well, unfinished.

Alas, it's true. My original plan and desires wanted the whole series of "Farm" chapters published all in the same day. As a reader, I honestly despise cliff-hangers, and I would have very much preferred to avoid cutting it off all the same.

Then a week passed. And I was still stuck.

"No big deal," I said to no one in particular. After all, I have not been the most consistent with updates. I had finished the first section, but the rest was stuck in what seemed to be more or less a permanent hiatus for both my brain and whatever impulsed me to write in the first place.

Two weeks passed- and I began several sessions of forcing myself to sit down and write.

It was no use. It's not that rubbish was coming out or anything, but rather, nothing was coming out at all. No words, no ideas for the current chapter or story. For several days, I would sit down, try to write, and fail to do this very basic task. I would stare at the screen, fingers on the keyboard, and stay that way for the daily 30 minutes I had assigned myself to do this very simple task.

If I had to answer you honestly why updates have been so slow, I would be at a loss for words. I don't know. I don't feel any less passionately about this project, my interest has not waned, and I most certainly am unsure why I was unable to write.

I hope that by at least posting part of what I was meant to finish a month ago will finally serve me as a "wake up" call for what remains.

Once again, I apologise for the delay, and the underwhelming word count.
It happens to the best of us, man.

And like Axiomatic said, 3k is definitely not underwhelming.
I hope the poor guy gets a proper spark of hope because almost everything has been going bad for him after something good.
I agree with Crizom, in that while I love this so far, I feel like the MC is turning into the plot's punching bag. Hopefully once the Farm attack is over things start getting better.

Also, while typos are minimal, clarity needs to be worked on; It can be hard to tell where MC is from paragraph to paragraph sometimes. Maybe putting "[Somewhere], Seventeen Hours After [Something]" after a scene/perspective change?

Overall, while it has its flaws, I'm still interested; There really aren't enough Destiny fics on SB/SV, let alone ones with an Eliksni MC. Congrats, I'm fairly certain you're the first Eliksni SI ever, at least of any considerable quality/length!
Oh no, there have been like, two others that I can think of, problem is, the authors for both bailed on the things a few chapters in.

That's why I specified "quality/length", there's a ton of half-assed, 1k-5k Destiny fics floating around, but they're either dead or one-shots.
Chapter 29
and confusion and perplexity.

Through the scorched dirt I find what seems to be a dead ghost. Plain and white, with the orange decorations on the bevelled out borders. Nothing fancy. No light from its eye. It's probably dead. I'm repeating myself.

I pick it up, turn it over. The mask takes a moment to focus. I find it peculiar that it feels much lighter than the other one from nearly two weeks ago. I attempt to find a way to carry it around. My lower arms are still too weak to hold it, but I think they can manage if I use both of them.

It wakes up and tires to fly away and then the upper arm catches it. Did it play dead on hope of being left alone?

I don't want it to stay, but I need to tell it where to go. I do so

<<South-Southwest. Find another there.>>

It stares at my face with a look I cannot read.

I tell him the instructions in a way he can understand and point at the cliff-side with one of my fingers.

It focuses its eye and I think it understands and then it flies away after mumbling something I'm unable to read. I hope he believes me to know where he's going.

I stare for a moment to the location where it vanishes. I remember to notify the thing on the ship of the arrival of the probe. I don't want it getting zapped just because poor communication. Could it even get zapped? What do you call something that dies by Void energy? Atomised? Disintegrated? Decomposed? I had no clue, but my mind should focus, I remind myself, and looking back at the tablet, not minding to look at the prior messages, I write up something as fast as these clumsy fingers can help me do so.


Emergency_074> -


Emergency_074> -

Guest_001> Authorised LightbearerProbe incoming.

I stare at the dirt path for a moment before moving again.

I head for the barn house after another moment. I think I need some form of storage that I could hide behind the cloak. I feel regret over not bringing the backpack I acquired before.

I wander around the remains of the burning house looking for anything that might have fallen out or might be valuable but I find nothing and the air smells burnt. The fire licks at me, but it does not burn. Not really. I'd know if it was burning. I remember the time I burnt my fingers with hot glue.

I just feel adverse to touching the fire here. I'd know if I was burning. Really, I would. Fire feels like a sharp, persistent stinging, and then your fingers swell with a clear liquid for a month or two. Just the idea keeps me away from it. There's still the morbid thought of walking straight into the burning home.

It's like… sometimes you want to jump down a cliff, or swim down to the bottom of a lake. It's not that anything calls you.

You just want to know how it feels. As unhealthy and life threatening as that may be. The water of the creek is drying; I can see it from here. The tunnel under the home has collapsed, so the water is flowing straight into the fire anyway. Kind of a futile fire-fighting attempt by nature, considering the small flame sparking up the large barn house. I find myself chucking at my own expense.

I back off. And then I leave for the remains of a blue tent on the side of the burning building. It's been ransacked, but maybe there's something of worth in it's tangled, torn remains? I can't help but think that there might be something left, as insignificant as it may be. I'm repeating myself. Stop.


Stop it already.

Shut up.

Deep breaths.

In. Out. Just like all the times you had to calm down before. Ignore the possibility of getting spotted out in the open.

One step at a time. Right? You've gone through three first aid courses, you should be able to do this. Especially since they even had those fake drills and everything.

You should be able to.

Keep it together, you learnt about this.

You should.


The word dances around in the back of my head, almost like a taunt. I don't know with what purpose if it has any. I've grown used to it before, but it stings harsher now. Did I not process anything? What did I do wrong? I never asked for this. I never even had a true goal. I'm the least-forward thinking, least prepared person to end up in this situation. I wasn't even on a body I knew. I had to learn to walk. I managed to do it fast enough, but I still tripped or struggled sometimes.

I slump against one of the several walls. Why did I even try disguising myself? There's no one around. And even if they were, would they have cared who they were shooting? Would they, really?

I realize it would have only helped on the Fallen themselves, and I feel nauseous. But would it have, really?

I'd doubt anyone cared if I had taken the backpack I once had. I was stupid for leaving it behind.

The ether flow stops slowly. It barely hisses once I connected it to the helmet itself. I twist the valve shut. It takes a moment for the aftertaste to go away.

The distant gunfire still continues. In bursts. Mostly.

I never expected there to be much action. I'm thankful that there's been close to none so far.

While breathing oxygen isn't detrimental or helpful to my situation, I still like doing so. My lungs may not feel the same, similar to everything else, but I still like breathing "air".

It helps me stay calm. It helps me think.
The thing is, the air here smells like ash. I don't like the smell of ash, and I certainly remember these lungs did not like it either. Even before ending up here, I did not enjoy ash.

Maybe that way of thinking is what led me here in the first place, after all, why would I come here, if other than the lack of forethought? Maybe it was the readily available battlefield.

Should I be ashamed that I only feel repulsed by the human bodies? There's only been one for the four I had found inside of…

Deep breaths.

Think… walking helps me think as well. I think I might do that instead. Walk around in a circle until I find something to do? No, that idea sucks. It's terrible. Why did you think it up?

I begin limping back to the water fountain, in front of the burning shack.

I almost forgot there were terminals here. There still might have been, given the bent grass. Did the Fallen take it, or was it the humans?

I manage to get inside of the kitchen of the house I once left.

Holes riddle the walls. I stand in the centre of the room for a second, processing if those holes were there before. When this was all a game behind a screen and I still only had two arms with five fingers each and five toes on my feet without the obvious claws that merited forfeiting any sort of reasonable footwear.

I miss having skin that was more sensible beyond "there's pressure here." I miss my old brown eyes.

I miss having my only experience with death be a roadside accident I saw passing by while traveling in a bus when I was an infant, instead of a partially skinned man on the side of a building.

I pick up a screen from the ground. Take a long look at it. It's locked main screen shows what seems to be a family picture. They look like they're enjoying the moment. Both of the parents appear to be wearing some sort of uniform, and the children smile like fools. It's a nice picture.

This screen is the most recognizable piece of equipment I have found to date, other than the PDA. I consider myself lucky, but I hesitate to take the thing. What if it's owners came back?.

It's going to be taken by some other individual if I don't take it with me. I tie it next to the PDA, shutting off its screen as I do so. I pick up a broken screen, belonging to another apparatus as well. I look around, before taking a moment to switch the Ether flow. I know it's a poor move. Even if I have three tanks, someone with better mental restraint would better ration this.

But I don't like being without it. It's like a warm embrace. Welcoming, and unlike helplessly pacing in circles, this helped me to think. It kept me calm. It helped that it tasted pretty nice too. Soft and cold. Like drinking homebrew soda, but having it taste almost like antifreeze and something else.

I remember how dry my mouth feels, even if it still produces saliva. It tastes like air.

It takes me a moment to focus back on examining whatever technology was left untouched. I'm on a time limit here. The search begins up on the shelves, inside the drawers, inside the chimney, behind the counter…


I think...

I contain a scream.

It's just a body. Why are you panicking? It won't stand, it won't move. It won't even talk. Nothing is forcing you to look at it. Why are you looking at it?

I manage to look away.

Why am I so pathetic? Why do I freeze up? I can feel my heart…

I feel relieved, but I feel like shit. I still have a heart, and that's good, right? It's a familiar, at least, finally managing to recognize something of this body. But I'm making things about me again.

But that – I'm not getting close to her.


losing battle of,

I don't know when I arrived at the barn house. I don't like the periods of time when nothing makes sense and everything feels drowsy. I thought that might come to an end when I found myself in a new body but… I guess not. It's been a constant backdrop, always. There's a thick smell of smoke

The barn house has Multiple charred, blackened holes peppers the inside structure. I realize that the ships might have seen me anyway. I stand up after hiding from the ships. There's no fallen around so I spend the time picking at anything that is remotely useful in one way or another. Ropes, cloth, mechanical components from what I think were frames and what I assumed was once a ship and there's this circular plate that I think would make a passable mirror if polished.

I approach a small fire consuming a pillar of the building and I think I should leave but I and think need to check the basement because there might be something there I have yet to see. Then I remember the pillar is metal, and It'll probably take a while before it melts if it melts at all. The wooden parts of the structure aren't so lucky and I think to go back to my original plan to hurry up before the structure collapsed.

I wonder what started the fire and then I realize it's probably the fuel tanks that must have caught on fire and think that explains why the ship's font appears to have burnt or melted off, the slag piling up on the floor. It's not the first time I see slag, but it's the first time I see a spaceship be molten and crushed like a car on a roadside accident. Those were things that happened, back home.

A poor turn.

A mistake in sight.

A poor decision.

I think it would be fair to assume still the same here. It's just less of an accident and more of deliberate malice. I remember watching the news and finding of things like these and I thought back then that, with some luck, I would never come to see something like that first hand. It certainly seems like that will be close to the opposite now. I wonder if this will become the "normal" and the resting about and studying and enjoying activities for the sake of enjoying them will become the things I long for at the end of each single day...

The building creaks and groans again. Embers and fire slowly rising up thought the structure. The cloudy sky greets me once more. I look for the basement door. I find it in its usual location and sure enough, it's unlocked.

I pull open the door and look down on the basement. The flames seem distant from here by their sound. Hesitation fills my mind. Do I really want to carry possible survivors, if there are any? I know it's one of the reasons I came here, in the first place, but do I really? Would they accede? The only non-Eliksni, somewhat humanoid life-form I had interacted with was the Hunter Vanguard, and that was at gunpoint over potentially getting too close to one of his stashes, or what seemed like a mass graveyard. I decide this is a good as a time as any to search the basement. I think that if I'm going to regret this either way I might as well go down to see if there's anything at all and that if there's something then it must be worth something.

I struggle to remember if there was anything on the shelves. I've existed for longer than two weeks and I doubt that I've considered the specifics of the knowledge I possess.

I had plenty of time when I was slacking off in Venus. What good are a few more seconds going to do me now? Didn't I think about that while I was on the Ishtar sink? Or the shattered coast?

The air is musty, and I think that I would be amazed if I was not so…

How was I even able to tell the air is musty? The answer comes to me almost instantly: The gaps in the skin plates. I feel like an idiot. I just don't know.-

I don't know.

I don't know anything.

There's little familiarity. The most enjoyable thing I've done is talk to a floating ball and converse with a broken artificial intelligence and I felt relieved when I recognized that I still had a heart and veins, of all things.

There's nothing quite like a mental breakdown while staring down the hatch of a basement door, while out in the open, in the middle of a war zone.

I'm lucky no-one has spotted me. I make an attempt to swallow my dread, which I believe I failed at, and slowly go down.

One step at a time. Into the monochrome darkness.

The first four stairs are not too bad.

The fifth step hits me with a sweet and pungent smell. Clean, like chlorine. Bitter, like ash. It smells faintly familiar.

Come to the first flight down the stairs. Two more to go. I face the left, and come face to face with a scene not too dissimilar from the one I had experienced in the room with the bunk beds, even if it's so in a larger scale.

I pull out the pistol I had carried from the base on Europa. It had served me well so far. It feels lighter than from when I first found it, I realize as I test its weight on my hand.

I do my best not to trip as I walk down the staircase littered occasionally with bodies.

I think one grabs my leg.

I don't think I've turned around faster in my life.

I think it's still breathing.

It's still breathing.

I don't know if I can help them. Human first aid… it's not suited to other life forms, I think.

I pull his companion off him, body limp and deflated. I…

I the tank still latched on to my mask. It tries to grab it, but it can't muster the strength. It's just a drek-

I shy away from this thought. Does it really deserve to live? Then again- it didn't have much of a choice. Obey or starve.

I take a look over its body…

<<You're not going to make it.>>

It looks at me, eyes wide in incomprehension. They don't realize they're already dead. They can barely move. I can see through parts of his chest, and his neck is crooked and at an angle. I'm surprised it's even alive at all.

It's eye then descend to the ground. Around him. To himself. His head can't move, but his sight can. It looks back at me.

I can't read his expression, but it clicks a response, light in tone for an Eliksni.

I don't understand at first.

But then I do.

It tries to give the tank back. They really didn't consume much.

I pick up the white gun from where I left it on the floor.

It closes its eyes.

My hand trembles.

I hold…



The barrel doesn't feel warm.

The tanks from the dead share this characteristic, dangling from my makeshift belt.

The cryptach lady didn't make it. I sit by and stare. She died defending something near the back, it seems. Laid out, drekh with a knife on the back of his head. She must have thrown it, by her position. Close to the light where the shadows made clear who was hiding. There is no light now, and no shadows. Only the empty bookshelves, and the musty ground that makes a funny noise when I step on it. I take her black and white rifle that looks odd. It has no trigger guard, but I tie it to the belt anyway. A probe shining in the dim light, seemingly lifeless. It goes on the belt as well.

A scream, young and childish, feminine, fills the room. It's huddled behind another bundle of rags and flesh, and they are huddled behind a large sack of flesh and wet rags, still moving with respiration. Hit in the leg and the arm and the abdomen.

"Yyouu will follow."

A soft bobbing motion from two. The large one remains unresponsive. Terror fills them, the smell fills the air. It can almost be tasted.

Two limbs go over my shoulder, the weight of the larger one is considerable, and stings on the left leg follow. Little tapings behind from somewhere beyond sight, and soft pulling of the large one.

An acknowledgement of the blue lady. Another for the fallen.

The small corridor and stairs move closer. A soft sobbing fills the room.


The cessation of sound. The ruffling of a cloak and shell. The air grows less musty. The smell of smoke. The echo finds itself reduced.

The agonizingly slow wait for time to pass. Ships flying overhead. The pulling returns, and a hiss later, the sobbing does. There is no rest. The dusk sky is orange. The last moments of a wicked day.

The taping resumes, the smoke grows away. The light of the fire vanishes slowly. The pond feels wet, and splashing follows behind me. The small fleshlings are still there. The mountain descends, and the pull on the small ones grows.

Underdeveloped pain.

The squealing returns.

It doesn't work.

The shock quiets him as the mountain descends once more. There is no time.

The trees are a welcome sight.

I pull the small ones with my lower arms. The fire and warmth grow distant.

My sense of self returns.


Distant gunfire. The passing of overhead ships. Two children, and an injured man. A chance to do some good. There won't be another one like this one. The soft muffled sobbing of the smaller one is more manageable. It's louder screaming gave us away.

Dead branches and leaves crunch behind. The medium one, who isn't much taller than the smallest one, has proven capable of keeping up. It's the smaller one that seems to have trouble. Hesitation fills my body.

Uncertainty fills the two children. The older I assume, with his brown hair and pale skin, seems more frightened. The younger just seems to be more encumbered by foot pain, and her swelling cheek that blends in with her more brown skin. Carrying her shouldn't be too hard with the lower arms. They even curl up on reflex. They were meant for this.

She is swooped from the ground, but she knows better than squealing in terror.


I've never disarmed a child before with one arm. I have now. A strong swipe of the barrel was all it took. I find myself thanking the safety mechanism for saving my life. The thought of the pistol that had accompanied me so far suddenly causing my end was not something I enjoyed picturing. Gun and child on the floor, his face seems to be frozen on a silent scream.


I swipe the firearm from the floor, besides the kid clutching his hand. I check for cuts. His eyes are swelling with tears, but it's not serious. Just a bruise. I didn't think he had it in him. I help him to his feet from a single shoulder. He refuses my help, backing off.

"NNearly there. Don'tt sttop."

Picturing the ship was easier than actually getting to it. I hear the whirling of the Ghost.

I think I know why the kid attempted to do what he did. I shift around the unconscious man, switching arms. A tap with a lower arm to the makeshift bag where the ghost was. It ceases movement after that.

I see the kid, and he sees me. The stares are broken by the overpass of ships.

Human ships. I'm unsure if I should feel relieved or panicked.

Panicked, because they would probably kill me. Relieved, because that probably meant the humans won in the long term.

A slight limp to get back there before anyone found the ship was the ideal situation. I confide in the walking of the child for keeping up was something that kept me comfortable. The kid seems calmer now. Seems seeing a ship has calmed his nerves to at least follow me at a distance through the late afternoon forest. I wonder how he will react to the dead Guardian I kept. Would he try to shoot me again? What about his Ghost? I'm unsure if the other ghost went to my ship or went off.

Letting it go was a poor move.

Trees pass by, in the near dark. My vision doesn't fail me, but I'm unsure about the child.
"Don'tt sstay behindd. Otther's eat hhuman hatcchlings."

I flex my mandibles for the first time in days to Illustrate this point and regret it immediately. I don't like remembering that there's plural now. Speaking English was somewhat familiar, even if it hurt my throat and lungs. Other movements are not so familiar, and I dislike them immensely. I could get used to fewer fingers and four arms. A set of organs I did not recognize, whoever, was beyond my comfort zone.

Luck was on my side one more, but it had cost whoever fought worse off because of it. I didn't even know the name to-

The blonde child trips. I turn around and offer a helping hand. His younger friend seems to have scared herself to sleep, so he's the only concern other than the responsible adult at the moment. Once again, he refuses it. Scraped knees and hands and he refuses a hand to help him up. I think I'm more amazed that he doesn't realize that Eliksni doesn't help each other out this way, at least not anymore. He swipes off the dirt and stones from his legs before going back to walking.

The ship is nearby. I know this because I landed it with some help, but I remember passing by this dead tree.

Eventually, I see it. Relief fills my mind.

Wow, he managed to pull himself together fairly well after falling apart like that, also I hate how I keep checking those large gap for hidden words.
Welcome, welcome. This is the nadir! Or possibly a local minima. You never know. This ride stops in an emergency. Crying is not an emergency.
This is definitely the most unique destiny story I've read to date. You've really captured the horror of the slow descent being a drek means, that and how the destiny universe is really, really, not a nice place.

Glad to see it back as well!
Loved the chapter.
I don't know if those large gaps are on purpose or an artifact of writing on mobile or something, but it would be good to tighten them a bit.
Hiatus of Indeterminate length
Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of chapter this month. Or week. Or the lack of a chapter last month as well (I think?) Truth be told, I've been too focused on other things to be able to focus on writing the story. They're not more, or less important than this story. It's only that as time passes, my inspiration waned to a point where I find it to sit down and write for thirty minutes a day. What am I trying to say with this? Well, my inspiration for nearly everything has flopped off and died. Even playing games for the sake of enjoying them has become hard, similarly with doing other things as well. Fortunately, I genuinely believe this Slump will be a thing of the past in no time. If I don't get a chapter by December 10, feel free to lynch me for negligence.

Also, there's been a set of projects worth doublepoints. This is my best chance to improve my grade from "passable" to "decent".

Until the next chapter,