Liminal Host Quest! (A Monster Musume Quest)

Out To Lunch
The Café is a good place to pick up lunch, and the Banshee's got some idiots around that'll make a bad impression. Besides, you're friends with the family that owns it.

Taking a short walk to it, you recognized the woman at the counter, Felicity Vargas. She was about your height, with the same brown hair and green eyes as her father and brother. She also wore a pair of circular glasses and a green scarf her mother made for her, never took it off if she could help it.

"Riley! Ah-Ha it's been a while, how is everything going? Is Aisling getting good grades?" Giving Felicity a quick hug, you began to answer her questions one at a time while order your usual.

"I'm doing fine, recently applied for the Cultural Exchange Program. As for Aisling, they're getting better. Raised that C- to a B last week in Math, so she's doing better." Felicity handed you your order, and it seemed that her attention was peaked when you mentioned the Program.

"Well good for her, and it's nice to meet you both as well. What will you have?" Nadia had ordered a green tea and biscuit, Panne had ordered just a plain hot chocolate and a cookie.

Giving the others a quick call, you ordered a coffee with two sugars for Gloria and a hot chocolate for Ingvild. Once you got everything ordered and bagged for the trip home, Felicity stopped you.

"Hey, I was thinking of applying for the program. Is there any recommendations you have? Like how does the process work, and how do I apply for it?" Hmm...It's been a month since you applied, but Nikolas wouldn't mind if you directed him to her.

[] Give Her Nikolas' Number, He'll Be Able To Help Her Out
[] Give Her A Few Tips On The Process, She'll Need It

[] Write In...
[X] Give Her Nikolas' Number, He'll Be Able To Help Her Out
-[X] Take some time to explain what you had to do to give her an idea of what may be involved when applying.

Never hurts to give some extra info if a friend asks for it.
[X] Give Her Nikolas' Number, He'll Be Able To Help Her Out
-[X] Take some time to explain what you had to do to give her an idea of what may be involved when applying
A Helping Hand
Writing down Nikolas' Number, you hand it to her and begin to explain. "I contacted the local agent, they sent me a form and I filled out what was required. Medical History, Phone Number, Address, the usual stuff when you're applying for something." You explained, giving her the basics of the process.

"Oh, well thanks for explaining, and have a nice day!" Thanking her for the food and drink, you went home and gave everyone what they ordered.


After that, you figured it wouldn't hurt to watch TV on the couch with the others while enjoying your drink. Aisling had it set to the movie channel, and you hadn't seen the movie that was playing.

"What's on?" You asked, paying close attention to it.

"You haven't seen The Roads We Walk? It's a post apocalyptic thriller!" Hmm, this movie had been advertised a few times, something about a man wandering the wasteland.

Sounded like the plot of a Fallout Game.

But the movie itself wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty good. The story brought you in, and the characters were played pretty well with some actors you haven't heard of.

Not bad for a movie without a major budget, pretty damn good if you had to say it. After the movie ended, you ended up binge watching a few more movies with the others, soon drifting off into sleep after the fourth movie ended.


[] Wake Up For Tomorrow (Continue Quest)
[] Sleep In (POV switches to Nikolas Gustav)

[] Write In...
Nikolas Glazkov, MON Squad Leader
It was a good day, after finishing getting today's homestays to their host's residence you had gotten another coffee. The sun was shining, birds were singing and flowers blooming.

Nothing could ruin this, besides a call from work. When you thought about that, your phone buzzed and you picked it up. "Agent Glazkov here, you need something?"

"We have a problem, you have that MON Team, yes?"

Thinking back, you had finished the paperwork for them last night. "Da, why?"

"Hostage situation nearby, bring MON."

Getting ready, you grabbed your body armor and S&W Governor from your car. A hostage situation the day you just finished getting homestays to their host and when you just got coffee? It's like the world loves to shit on your day, but no matter, you're ready for it.

But you had to think it over, time to think over who's on your team and what are your strength and weaknesses.

The Point Man, they're the ground operative who leads the attack. Not exactly a person of subtlety, yet not one of the big guys. They're more suited for quick combat and breaching, a fast mover is appreciated.
The Specialist, their role on the battlefield is simple. They have a specialized focus on the field, and that allows them to work as a ace up your sleeve should the situation turn bad. Usually one of the bigger Liminal races, they're pretty durable and strong enough to take hits.
Another operative on your team is the Support Unit, either someone who can provide support from a distance or use their expertise to assist on the situation at hand. They're more technically inclined than their allies, and can utilize their natural skills and abilities to assist them.
Infiltration is another key factor, and your Infiltration Expert has a wide knowledge of how to sneak in and neutralize targets with extreme prejudice. One of the sneakier people on your team, it's hard to keep them in check as they're often off doing their own thing before actually listening to you.
The final operative on your team is the one you chose for a specific role, but what was that role and what will it bring to the team?
[] Operative Name:
[] Appearance:
[] Liminal Race:
[] Role:
[] Recording Log: (Write It as if the Liminal is being recorded, why should they be on the team, and what are their skills?.)

[] Write In...
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