Fusiliers are brilliant for combat, but they're probably also one of the most suitable machine types for long duration independent operations: Exploring, hunting, prospecting, generally setting up austere, hard to spot bases on planets they shouldn't be on.
A bit iffy, given that they're maintenance hogs.

Fusilier-grade parts aren't designed for longevity, they're designed to survive being shot.
fuck its happened again

i've been trying to write the next part of this for a long time, but as i've edited the first book (which, if all goes to plan, will be out in final form in January or February) and tightened up the pace, i've seen where i've made mistakes in this one too. once again, the problem is that i let too many plot points pile up, making it difficult for the story to transition to its next stage, and its all falling apart in my hands again. guys, writing novels is really hard. quests help paper over that by keeping the story directly in line with reader interests, though with other costs, but they taught me a bad habit of 'winging it' that doesn't work when you're trying to write a single linear narrative.

unlike the last version, i feel like i've got the elements i want, but they're all in completely the wrong order, destroying the momentum of the story. what's not helping is that my stupid hands don't function; constant chronic pain has, i'm sure you've noticed, slowed my writing down to barely ever updating anything, and only sporadically. every time i try to pick this back up, i just want to cry

i dont really know what to do with this anymore. i dont want to start over again, but i feel i need to. i dont know. help?
i dont really know what to do with this anymore. i dont want to start over again, but i feel i need to. i dont know. help?

edit what you have behind the scenes and just move forward as if the plot lines you don't like never existed?

But first see a doctor about your pain.
And if that doctor doesn't listen to you, see a better one.
edit what you have behind the scenes and just move forward as if the plot lines you don't like never existed?

But first see a doctor about your pain.
And if that doctor doesn't listen to you, see a better one.
if only it was that easy. in the last 2 years i've only been able to talk to 3 doctors for a few minutes at a time about my pain. the first one misdiagnosed the problem and the second sent me to the third, a specialist who told me about said misdiagnosis. i've got a test scheduled for two months to find out the extent of the damage, and in the meantime all i can do is eat every imaginable vitamin at once in the hopes it helps.
Some folks with chronic pain find a psychological approach helpful. You can find a story and links in the green box a few paragraphs down on this page: Hands-Free Coding

Maybe worth a go? The curable app is only a fiver a month (with 30 day refund), or you can find the material online for free.


Perhaps just work on projects that you're more positive about until you know what's going on with your hands?

You don't need more stress in your life, and revising this book a third time sounds stressful and bad for your hands.

In the longer term, you could look into alternative interfaces for getting text into computers if your hands keep being painful. Maybe a split ortho keyboard with tenting. Maybe dictation.

Good luck and best wishes for your full recovery 💜
Would dictation software like Dragon help? If you can get most of the writing done by just talking, it could take some of the strain off of your hands.
its mostly not the actual strain on my hands from writing, but the fatigue and frustration that accompany chronic pain. makes it difficult to do much of anything
its mostly not the actual strain on my hands from writing, but the fatigue and frustration that accompany chronic pain. makes it difficult to do much of anything

I have chronic pain in my lower back that makes it hard for me to move, so I understand the fatigue you feel. It kinda eats away at your soul and makes you feel hopeless. I've been through multiple councilors to help me realize that it isn't my fault, and that channeling my pursuits into positive things that make me feel better is the way forward. It was hard getting there. I even found a physician in that time that helped me by finding physical therapy I could do on my own because I couldn't afford a physical therapist. All I can tell you is that there is hope, but from where you are right now you won't be able to see it. Don't lose faith that you can get better. That happened to my cousin and it wasn't pretty.

Your story is amazing. I would understand if you had to let it go, but it would be a damn shame as well. Good luck in finding the help you need. Get better. We will wait for however long it takes and won't pressure you to finish. I would like to think we are more than a community of users, but people whom pull together and support each other as well.
Can't say I have much experience in planned out creative writing - as opposed to chiselling my way through academic writing - but I personally like to take a step back when I am running into having too many disjointed chapters and return a day later to write on my outline again. Writing Quests and GMing allows and demands a more re-active writing, but when you are the sole author it might help to put your various plot-lines on a paper, draw them out and think about where you want to take them and how to finish them -> and then think about where they would intersect and how you can write your chapters around them. Well - and then you have to fight the urge to delete everything again and start again, just because you are always unhappy with your writing. Talking with friends or others about it also helps ^^

As long as this is forum based, you can always start switching the threadmarks round and adding in new chapters if necessary to get the story into the right order and momentum again~

Otherwise I can only join in with everyone wishing you a good recovery from your pains. Hopefully your new doctors appointment will help.