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...But that's his point in the video.
But he literally blames the faunus as well like he says "why should we feel bad for them?" The point I'm making is despite the characters acting and saying stupid things which again his comments section certainly don't get if he does. (one persona got a little trumpy) it's ultimately only and only the writers at fault.
If I had to pick a better video I'd go with this one.
How have the White Fang not have a full army mobilised to fucking hunt them down when these assholes have been targetting Dust Shipments for... fuck at least 5 years. You would think a group that consistently attacks Dust, the only source of energy RWBY has, would've garnered more reputation than if some random attack on Vale/Beacon, that probably wouldn't have changed much if the White Fang weren't even present.

To be fair, all of Vale's military went into withdrawal once the Spice Dust stopped flowing.

Here's how I would have done Juane. Ruby got in based on talent. Juane got in based largely on nepotism (his family are big heroes) and he kinda knows it. Hence why he feels a need to prove himself and why he gets bullied somewhat. He needs to prove that he is worthy of being there and he isn't there because of who his family is

The core issue with Jaune is that he's supposed to be a secondary character, but he's written as the protagonist and devours screentime like one.

Like, you can tweak his character to make him more interesting and less annoying, but you're essentially bandaging a corpse. The actual fix here is to think about what role Jaune could play in Ruby's story (or one of the other intended protagonists). Turn him into a foil or a rival or antagonist or, hell, even a love interest (but please don't actually do that). Make it not about him but about how his existence affects the lives of protagonists, then something productive can be done.
I came across some videos on Youtube. A lot of Rwby's problems can be fixed pretty easily.

No, they can't. Not the real problems. Those kind of petty things are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Fundamentally, you need to tear it up from the roots and write it a script that's fit for purpose, implement a character bible so the writers can agree from scene to scene what characters' defining traits are meant to be, do things with proper pre-and-post production, and the other countless higher level things that are nothing to do with "explaining a single plot hole".
Honestly and I know I'm going to be a minority here I actually liked post Season 3 Cinder, because in my eyes she lost that Sue-ish luster. She's the laughing stock of the bad guy shadow council over Ruby deus ex machina-ing her, the power she craved is her's but she isn't feared or respected. She's crippled to the point of needing others for basic stuff like communication and is just this seething mass of resentment and anger which honestly I kinda loved.

In Season 5 when she's talking and in the field again there this sense that she's trying to put on a old her mask, she tries to be all flirtly smooth operator and doesn't quite pull it off. There's this edge of anger, or desperation clearly present which gives her more flavour than her Season 1-3 persona.
I came across some videos on Youtube. A lot of Rwby's problems can be fixed pretty easily. The whole "drawn to negative emotions" thing could easily be tweaked. One guy made the point that foxes use geomagnetism to hunt and find prey. Could be similar to the Grimm.
Why I would want a bad Heartless ripoff when there's the original around?

Actually, why would I want to watch the bad mishmash of FFVIII, KH, DMC and the odd fairy tale motif that's RWBY when the components itself are still available?
The core issue with Jaune is that he's supposed to be a secondary character, but he's written as the protagonist and devours screentime like one.

Like, you can tweak his character to make him more interesting and less annoying, but you're essentially bandaging a corpse. The actual fix here is to think about what role Jaune could play in Ruby's story (or one of the other intended protagonists). Turn him into a foil or a rival or antagonist or, hell, even a love interest (but please don't actually do that). Make it not about him but about how his existence affects the lives of protagonists, then something productive can be done.

This this right here.
Honestly and I know I'm going to be a minority here I actually liked post Season 3 Cinder, because in my eyes she lost that Sue-ish luster. She's the laughing stock of the bad guy shadow council over Ruby deus ex machina-ing her, the power she craved is her's but she isn't feared or respected. She's crippled to the point of needing others for basic stuff like communication and is just this seething mass of resentment and anger which honestly I kinda loved.

In Season 5 when she's talking and in the field again there this sense that she's trying to put on a old her mask, she tries to be all flirtly smooth operator and doesn't quite pull it off. There's this edge of anger, or desperation clearly present which gives her more flavour than her Season 1-3 persona.
Agreed. I noticed that she's rather similar to Rawlins in the punisher. Rawlings hates Frank because Frank made him feel fear for the first time and since Rawlins is a jumped up bully being on the receiving end of someone beating him to within an inch of his life was intolerable to him (hence why Rawlins engineers the Central Park Massacre). Steppenwolf from Justice League is similar; the reason he hates humans is because THEY BEAT HIM, and for the first time ever he knew defeat. That this caused a loss of standing made it even worse.

Cinder likewise despises Ruby because Ruby made her feel weak for the first time. Even with the power (in fact BECAUSE of it, since it was Grimm prosthetics that allowed her to get them) she was beaten by a little girl she never really paid much mind to. To a narcissistic sociopath that shit's intolerable.

Hence why I think the final fight should have been RUBY vs Cinder, or Ruby and her friends vs Cinder
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You know, they could have built on her picking exclusively on Jaune instead of Ruby by having her gloat that, since Ruby's too powerful to kill on her own, she's resorting to murdering her weaker friends to break her spirit so that she can break her life.

I mean, that kinda is what is going on, but the way they framed it (i.e. Ruby not reacting to Weiss losing aura), it didn't seem like the case.
Long time thread lurker. I think reading all this has been a cleansing exercise. For a good long while I lived and breathed rwby, probably to an unhealthy degree. It's the nature of the internet I suppose. It makes you care more about what you're into than what's good for you, and it took me too damn long to realize that rwby and its fandom weren't good for me. It would have been healthier if I just injected cobra venom directly into my veins.

Rwby is almost certifiably a product of the worst, grotesque excesses of fanfiction culture. Every damn character is an "OC do not steal" of crappy deviantart quality thrown into a half baked mess of a world that fails to hold up to even the slightest scrutiny. I think the most insidious thing that crwby do is that they make you pay for induction into rwby.

Let me explain. When I was hopelessly in love with rwby, I was also consuming its fanwork by the ton. I had so many headcanons and ideas and theories, and while I could see how rough it was around the edges I was willing to overlook its flaws because I was a fan. Some jank was expected. They were growing pains for a labour of love. But then the show killed Pyrrha. My favourite character (waifu). I was devastated. I even wrote terrible angsty fanfic about it because I was (and still am, to my horrible shame) an Arkos shipper. And after I was done being sad, I was pissed instead. I got in internet arguements on the rwby reddit because I dared speak out against holy Monty's masterwork of emotions. Because I dared to say that Qrow is a bastard and Ozpin and Ironwood were blithering idiots and that Cinder's entire plan could have been unmade by calling the Geek Squad (though with the knowledge this thread has given me, I'm pretty sure Johnny English could tear Cinder's plan to shreds). The thin veneer of "SHINY" had been stripped away, and doubt creeped in. I voiced doubts that Miles and Kerry could do Pyrrha's death justice, that she'd be the girlfriend stuffed into the refrigerator, and everyone gave me shit for it. V4 and V5 proved me right, though it's a victory that tastes like ashes.

Reading this thread made me realize that the character I mourned in that godawful story I wrote never existed. Matt the Mammoth Rider, in the commentary on the V3 ending, said Pyrrha would live on in fanfiction, and he was absolutely right. Because fanfic is where I created "my" Pyrrha. "My" Jaune. "My" Team rwby. In life and death she was a tool for a broken Naruto clone to be awful with no repercussions, and when V4 and V5 came around I was right. No one in the frigging show except Jaune, and Ruby when it was convenient, cared that she was dead. Canon Pyrrha lived to be a titninja and died to be manpain fodder.

But in fanfic? In fanfic anything goes! Pyrrha's "issues" with isolation get explored, her attraction to Jaune given depth, Jaune's flaws rounded with development and exposition. ""My" Jaune sleeps in class because he was up all night studying and training ;)." It was an extrapolation to give a "heroic" character a reason for his shitty behaviour. Same with Pyrrha. Before V3 her character boiled down to being Jaune's sidekick, now it's all this forced garbage about "destiny" that was tacked on at the end because M&K blundered into an arc for a character meant to be manpain fodder, which they still blundered. MTMR was right. Pyrrha will live on in fanfic, because it was fanfic where her character was born and continues to thrive, not the show. "A" Pyrrha died, but it wasn't the "true" Pyrrha.

M&K are lazy with rwby because they know that fans will fill in the cracks and holes on their own. I mourned Pyrrha's death because I was a gibbering, drooling idiot and believed that "my" Pyrrha had died on the screen instead of an empty puppet that had some superficial similarities. Scratch under rwby's surface and all there is is a yawning chasm of nothingness that the nature of fandom has collectively filled in with headcanon that will always, ultimately, be illusory.

In this respect M&K and Monty also sowed the seeds of their own unmaking because, at least for me, in the time that it took RT to crap out V4 and V5, many, many fic authors have written V3 continuations which bury canon harder than Triple H buries careers. Ones that have more love and care put into a single chapter than whole seasons of the show. Ones that actually dare to show the characters being sad that a loved one is dead. Embers of Autumn and Rwby:Resurgence have both concluded the story of rwby in a way that not only embarrasses canon, but can functionally serve as "better than canon" endings to the story. Despite both being Pyrrha lives wish fulfillment.

And that's the worst part of it all. That fix-it-fanfiction about rejecting reality managed to be a better told, better crafted tale in every respect than rwby ever could. Canon is an interesting diversion, but "my" rwby already ended.
Long time thread lurker. I think reading all this has been a cleansing exercise. For a good long while I lived and breathed rwby, probably to an unhealthy degree. It's the nature of the internet I suppose. It makes you care more about what you're into than what's good for you, and it took me too damn long to realize that rwby and its fandom weren't good for me. It would have been healthier if I just injected cobra venom directly into my veins.

Rwby is almost certifiably a product of the worst, grotesque excesses of fanfiction culture. Every damn character is an "OC do not steal" of crappy deviantart quality thrown into a half baked mess of a world that fails to hold up to even the slightest scrutiny. I think the most insidious thing that crwby do is that they make you pay for induction into rwby.

Let me explain. When I was hopelessly in love with rwby, I was also consuming its fanwork by the ton. I had so many headcanons and ideas and theories, and while I could see how rough it was around the edges I was willing to overlook its flaws because I was a fan. Some jank was expected. They were growing pains for a labour of love. But then the show killed Pyrrha. My favourite character (waifu). I was devastated. I even wrote terrible angsty fanfic about it because I was (and still am, to my horrible shame) an Arkos shipper. And after I was done being sad, I was pissed instead. I got in internet arguements on the rwby reddit because I dared speak out against holy Monty's masterwork of emotions. Because I dared to say that Qrow is a bastard and Ozpin and Ironwood were blithering idiots and that Cinder's entire plan could have been unmade by calling the Geek Squad (though with the knowledge this thread has given me, I'm pretty sure Johnny English could tear Cinder's plan to shreds). The thin veneer of "SHINY" had been stripped away, and doubt creeped in. I voiced doubts that Miles and Kerry could do Pyrrha's death justice, that she'd be the girlfriend stuffed into the refrigerator, and everyone gave me shit for it. V4 and V5 proved me right, though it's a victory that tastes like ashes.

Reading this thread made me realize that the character I mourned in that godawful story I wrote never existed. Matt the Mammoth Rider, in the commentary on the V3 ending, said Pyrrha would live on in fanfiction, and he was absolutely right. Because fanfic is where I created "my" Pyrrha. "My" Jaune. "My" Team rwby. In life and death she was a tool for a broken Naruto clone to be awful with no repercussions, and when V4 and V5 came around I was right. No one in the frigging show except Jaune, and Ruby when it was convenient, cared that she was dead. Canon Pyrrha lived to be a titninja and died to be manpain fodder.

But in fanfic? In fanfic anything goes! Pyrrha's "issues" with isolation get explored, her attraction to Jaune given depth, Jaune's flaws rounded with development and exposition. ""My" Jaune sleeps in class because he was up all night studying and training ;)." It was an extrapolation to give a "heroic" character a reason for his shitty behaviour. Same with Pyrrha. Before V3 her character boiled down to being Jaune's sidekick, now it's all this forced garbage about "destiny" that was tacked on at the end because M&K blundered into an arc for a character meant to be manpain fodder, which they still blundered. MTMR was right. Pyrrha will live on in fanfic, because it was fanfic where her character was born and continues to thrive, not the show. "A" Pyrrha died, but it wasn't the "true" Pyrrha.

M&K are lazy with rwby because they know that fans will fill in the cracks and holes on their own. I mourned Pyrrha's death because I was a gibbering, drooling idiot and believed that "my" Pyrrha had died on the screen instead of an empty puppet that had some superficial similarities. Scratch under rwby's surface and all there is is a yawning chasm of nothingness that the nature of fandom has collectively filled in with headcanon that will always, ultimately, be illusory.

In this respect M&K and Monty also sowed the seeds of their own unmaking because, at least for me, in the time that it took RT to crap out V4 and V5, many, many fic authors have written V3 continuations which bury canon harder than Triple H buries careers. Ones that have more love and care put into a single chapter than whole seasons of the show. Ones that actually dare to show the characters being sad that a loved one is dead. Embers of Autumn and Rwby:Resurgence have both concluded the story of rwby in a way that not only embarrasses canon, but can functionally serve as "better than canon" endings to the story. Despite both being Pyrrha lives wish fulfillment.

And that's the worst part of it all. That fix-it-fanfiction about rejecting reality managed to be a better told, better crafted tale in every respect than rwby ever could. Canon is an interesting diversion, but "my" rwby already ended.

I actually consider this a fairly healthy way of approaching and interacting with fiction. Fiction is entirely what you make of it. When the story hits your hands, the Author Dies, and "Canon" exists purely so that people have a level field for comparing notes and exchanging their experiences of the fiction.
I mentioned one fan story (Resurgence) in that it addressed the racism angle a lot more maturely than canon and actually went into detail to not only explain what the fuck Aura was but what the hell the silver eyed warriors are. It even manages to add genuine moral ambiguity to the conflict between humans and grimm

Surprisingly the HUMANS were the ones who started the war. The Grimm were basically inhabitants of the netherworld, feeding on aura that crossed over. The humans artived when their big ass starship collided with the moon and then crashe into the planet, triggering a cataclysm that devastated both the material world and the netherworld. The Grimm naturally wanted to destroy these interlopers and so started attacking humanity. The humans naturally started using dust to defend themselves.

Unfortunately this just made the conflict worse. See, the way things NORMALLY worked is that aura would crystallize into dust and then over a long period of time. When the humans started harvesting dust they disrupted the cycle and caused the food supply (which was already pretty low) to dip to starvation levels. And things have been this way for 6700 years......

So essentially the only reason the Grimm are coming out and attacking humans is because the aura in the netherworld is so pitiful that they have to go out into the world and kill just to survive.

During the climax Salem drops this little bombshell on Ruby, and she very nearly breaks. Juane does something genuinely heroic when he stops Salem from possessing Ruby's body to use as a new host, and manages to persuade her not to give up. This helps Ruby realize that while humans may have sinned and done a lot of bad shit they do have a noble side and can potentially change their ways. Cue final battle.
Long time thread lurker. I think reading all this has been a cleansing exercise. For a good long while I lived and breathed rwby, probably to an unhealthy degree. It's the nature of the internet I suppose. It makes you care more about what you're into than what's good for you, and it took me too damn long to realize that rwby and its fandom weren't good for me. It would have been healthier if I just injected cobra venom directly into my veins.

Rwby is almost certifiably a product of the worst, grotesque excesses of fanfiction culture. Every damn character is an "OC do not steal" of crappy deviantart quality thrown into a half baked mess of a world that fails to hold up to even the slightest scrutiny. I think the most insidious thing that crwby do is that they make you pay for induction into rwby.

Let me explain. When I was hopelessly in love with rwby, I was also consuming its fanwork by the ton. I had so many headcanons and ideas and theories, and while I could see how rough it was around the edges I was willing to overlook its flaws because I was a fan. Some jank was expected. They were growing pains for a labour of love. But then the show killed Pyrrha. My favourite character (waifu). I was devastated. I even wrote terrible angsty fanfic about it because I was (and still am, to my horrible shame) an Arkos shipper. And after I was done being sad, I was pissed instead. I got in internet arguements on the rwby reddit because I dared speak out against holy Monty's masterwork of emotions. Because I dared to say that Qrow is a bastard and Ozpin and Ironwood were blithering idiots and that Cinder's entire plan could have been unmade by calling the Geek Squad (though with the knowledge this thread has given me, I'm pretty sure Johnny English could tear Cinder's plan to shreds). The thin veneer of "SHINY" had been stripped away, and doubt creeped in. I voiced doubts that Miles and Kerry could do Pyrrha's death justice, that she'd be the girlfriend stuffed into the refrigerator, and everyone gave me shit for it. V4 and V5 proved me right, though it's a victory that tastes like ashes.

Reading this thread made me realize that the character I mourned in that godawful story I wrote never existed. Matt the Mammoth Rider, in the commentary on the V3 ending, said Pyrrha would live on in fanfiction, and he was absolutely right. Because fanfic is where I created "my" Pyrrha. "My" Jaune. "My" Team rwby. In life and death she was a tool for a broken Naruto clone to be awful with no repercussions, and when V4 and V5 came around I was right. No one in the frigging show except Jaune, and Ruby when it was convenient, cared that she was dead. Canon Pyrrha lived to be a titninja and died to be manpain fodder.

But in fanfic? In fanfic anything goes! Pyrrha's "issues" with isolation get explored, her attraction to Jaune given depth, Jaune's flaws rounded with development and exposition. ""My" Jaune sleeps in class because he was up all night studying and training ;)." It was an extrapolation to give a "heroic" character a reason for his shitty behaviour. Same with Pyrrha. Before V3 her character boiled down to being Jaune's sidekick, now it's all this forced garbage about "destiny" that was tacked on at the end because M&K blundered into an arc for a character meant to be manpain fodder, which they still blundered. MTMR was right. Pyrrha will live on in fanfic, because it was fanfic where her character was born and continues to thrive, not the show. "A" Pyrrha died, but it wasn't the "true" Pyrrha.

M&K are lazy with rwby because they know that fans will fill in the cracks and holes on their own. I mourned Pyrrha's death because I was a gibbering, drooling idiot and believed that "my" Pyrrha had died on the screen instead of an empty puppet that had some superficial similarities. Scratch under rwby's surface and all there is is a yawning chasm of nothingness that the nature of fandom has collectively filled in with headcanon that will always, ultimately, be illusory.

In this respect M&K and Monty also sowed the seeds of their own unmaking because, at least for me, in the time that it took RT to crap out V4 and V5, many, many fic authors have written V3 continuations which bury canon harder than Triple H buries careers. Ones that have more love and care put into a single chapter than whole seasons of the show. Ones that actually dare to show the characters being sad that a loved one is dead. Embers of Autumn and Rwby:Resurgence have both concluded the story of rwby in a way that not only embarrasses canon, but can functionally serve as "better than canon" endings to the story. Despite both being Pyrrha lives wish fulfillment.

And that's the worst part of it all. That fix-it-fanfiction about rejecting reality managed to be a better told, better crafted tale in every respect than rwby ever could. Canon is an interesting diversion, but "my" rwby already ended.

Even in Resurgence Pyrrha DOES die a second time. The only difference is that's actually more meaningful (it's a heroic sacrifice to end the war and ensure both sides can live together in peace rather than constantly killing each other.) It also helped that characters were a lot more fleshed out (Cinder shows more flaws, and I actually managed to feel genuinely sorry for her given that she's doomed to constantly be reincarnated and the one constant of that is that she dies horribly at the hands of soldiers from one side or the other.....and both sides are led by her parents. That would make anyone insane. They also handle the racism more maturely in that it's acknowledged that the white fang only turned to terrorism because years of peaceful negotiations got them jack shit, and it takes real changes like Weiss getting more awareness and taking control of the family company making negotiation genuinely viable for the white fang to try negotiations again).

And yet they're still more functional than Channel Awesome.
Even in Resurgence Pyrrha DOES die a second time. The only difference is that's actually more meaningful (it's a heroic sacrifice to end the war and ensure both sides can live together in peace rather than constantly killing each other.) It also helped that characters were a lot more fleshed out (Cinder shows more flaws, and I actually managed to feel genuinely sorry for her given that she's doomed to constantly be reincarnated and the one constant of that is that she dies horribly at the hands of soldiers from one side or the other.....and both sides are led by her parents. That would make anyone insane. They also handle the racism more maturely in that it's acknowledged that the white fang only turned to terrorism because years of peaceful negotiations got them jack shit, and it takes real changes like Weiss getting more awareness and taking control of the family company making negotiation genuinely viable for the white fang to try negotiations again).

And yet they're still more functional than Channel Awesome.

I know. But it's a better death than what she got in canon and a proper sendoff to boot. I might not like that it ended in Lancaster (because I'm a petty dick), but at least people were frigging sad that she was dead both times in the story. I give it credit for being the one post V3 story that made Ruby/Jaune palatable. Embers of Autumn and Destiny of Remnant are more blatant wish fulfillment in that respect (Pyrrha back and staying back) but that gets back to my point about how folks have continued and concluded rwby in a manner so decisively better than the "serious business no one comes back get real losers" canon that personally, I have no real reason to care what happens in the show anymore.

It's every creator's worst nightmare. Fanfiction supplanting the main product. It never happens, so I guess rwby is a trailblazer in that respect. Can't say I feel too bad about it because it's such a terrible product.
destiny of remnant at least gives cinder more depth (that's one of the rare instances I approved of an oc like that. Cinder shows genuine range and Ashe has a FUCK TON of issues himself.) She showed more emotional range in one chapter (her reunion with her kid brother) than in all of RWBY. Adam's backstory was also genuinely heartbreaking and you can see why he turned out an asshole and the writer DOES call Ozpin out on his bad handling of Amber (he's even put on trial for it and it turns out both Glinda AND Ironwood suggested more intense security methods....which ozpin disregarded.)

The youtube user Unicorn of War has published some analysis of the show. He's a fan but at the same time is more than willing to criticize the show's flaws.
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It's pronounced "Thatguywiththeglasses", rebel.

Wait a minute, aren't you a Troper?
yep. I prefer to stick to the more sane part of the forum (Complete Monster Cleanup is actually pretty reasonable since it covers more diverse topics than just anime and requires people to actually analyze the details of a character/story). On the whole the site's support is being vanishing due to all the shit that's come out
yep. I prefer to stick to the more sane part of the forum (Complete Monster Cleanup is actually pretty reasonable since it covers more diverse topics than just anime and requires people to actually analyze the details of a character/story). On the whole the site's support is being vanishing due to all the shit that's come out
Why is there even a Complete Monster topic? It's nothing but a magnet for really stupid and confused people to shill and/or whine about antagonists, and I'm surprised it never got a Troper Tales video made about it.

Yeah, I've heard about how TGWTG is facing a mass exodus of its remaining creators because of some reason or another. As a proud member of the glorious and unquestionably objective 4chan Empire, I'm inclined to demand the shutdown of the entire website followed by a roundup and publicized mass execution of anyone who worked for, contributed or even watched a video from that site, as a warning to all future rebels against the Thousand Year Reich. SIEG HEIL!!! SIEG HEIL!!!
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The problem with a lot of the hypothetical Good RWBYs I find is that they don't pay attention to medium. It's all these epic dramatic stories laden with character relationships and thematics but for a story on YouTube that only just now hit 28 minute episodes. I think that the format fundamentally calls for something simpler and straight action adventure than even canon RWBY tried.

Yeah, I've heard about how TGWTG is facing a mass exodus of its remaining creators because of some reason or another.

Nah did that's donzo.

Wait are Brad and that other guy who was sticking around purely to be the last man standing as a joke still in it?
Why is there even a Complete Monster topic? It's nothing but a magnet for really stupid and confused people to shill and/or whine about antagonists, and I'm surprised it never got a Troper Tales video made about it.

Yeah, I've heard about how TGWTG is facing a mass exodus of its remaining creators because of some reason or another. As a proud member of the glorious and unquestionably objective 4chan Empire, I'm inclined to demand the shutdown of the entire website followed by a roundup and publicized mass execution of anyone who worked for, contributed or even watched a video from that site, as a warning to all future rebels against the Thousand Year Reich. SIEG HEIL!!! SIEG HEIL!!!
It helps that they actually crack down on idiots (they've expelled quite a few trolls and sock puppets, and remove entries of things are proven false.) They also cover things like actual literature, films, or mythology. Helps that the tropers there tend to be smarter than the average troper
Warning: DON'T
Yeah, I've heard about how TGWTG is facing a mass exodus of its remaining creators because of some reason or another. As a proud member of the glorious and unquestionably objective 4chan Empire, I'm inclined to demand the shutdown of the entire website followed by a roundup and publicized mass execution of anyone who worked for, contributed or even watched a video from that site, as a warning to all future rebels against the Thousand Year Reich. SIEG HEIL!!! SIEG HEIL!!!
don't Don't do this again. The next time you call for the mass execution of people 'as a joke', I will be forced to 'humorously' give you an infraction.
Daily reminder: Moral Event Horizon means that person stops being sympathetic to the viewer.
Complete monster are people like Palpatine or Brainiac. Villains with literally no good qualities. Long term runners have been removed if they show good qualities (red mist from kickass saves hit girl but dies in the process; kil'jaeden from Warcraft expresses regret for his crimes in his final moments and it's made clear that the reason he hates velan was because deep down he kinda knows he chose the cowards way out and Velen being defiant forced him to realize this)
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