Interlude 11h Part 2
- Location
- romania
Hi, Bonesaw's experiments (and other people), time to learn about the fates of Amy and Mark during Part 2 of 11.h | Worm. My predictions: Bonesaw will threaten Amy with hurting/killing Mark so she'll be forced to heal him. This will be Amy's first test, to face her fears and be stronger than them. S9 don't need coward members, they want unafraid people who can stand for themselves and accept any challenge, no matter how twisted it is, without complaining. Besides, Bonesaw have no reasons to be afraid by a healed Mark (no matter how powerful he's, Hatchet Lee will stop him from using his powers). As long as Hatchet Lee is around them, Amy and Mark are just normal people without any superpower. You're pretty good at making strategies, Bonesaw, I hate to admit this, but its very smart of you. Alright, before we'll start, I want to say something that is completely unrelated to the actual events in this Interlude but is connected to this story. People here convinced me to give Scion the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I'll never exclude the possibility that he might end up being the ultimate villain of the story, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt until then. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, but I'll keep a very close eye on him anyway, more than on anyone else, so I'll pay attention to whatever he's doing everytime when he's making an appearance (even if its very rare). I'm also worried now that Eidolon might not be an entirely heroic person as he makes people believe he is. I don't want to imagine Legend, Alexandria's expressions if Eildolon will turn out to be evil. They don't deserve this shit, they trust each other, they're like family and they'll be crushed if something like this will happen. Poor Legend, poor Alexandria, I'm going to feel a lot of sorry for them.
Alright, let's start already.
). So, she's an artist proud of her work, she's an emotionally immature genius and she also have mental problems. Gosh, I have a feeling that this little girl's backstory won't be exactly the happiest ones. Abusive parents, maybe? And she ended up killing them or giving them a fate worse than death and ran away, being found and recruited by Jack? Or Jack saved her from abusive parents (relatives), giving her a "better" life in his team? (maybe you'll going to say that I'm judging people without knowing them, my dear friends, but right now I'm not trying to judge Bonesaw's parents, I'm just making assumptions who may or not be true
As for the centaur composed of two different people (I didn't had an easy time to imagine it, I had to read two times to figure how they function), I'm not sure what to say. Maybe they're both villains who did some really non pretty things so...maybe they deserved it, ok? Bonesaw, please, capture Coil in such a way that he'll lose in both timelines and turn him into something even worse that these Frankenstein- centaurs, something so bad that he'll suffer from chronic pain 24/7. You'll teach him a lesson or two about how to treat a child.
And get rid of a super-villain that might come after your team.

Amy: What the f....
Bonesaw: Language, please. We're just serving tea, nothing to worry about. Told you, I'm going to be a good sister.
Aw, isn't Bonesaw cute? I seriously see her as someone cute, I almost want her to be my little sister.....NOPE "runs away to the other side of the world". Honestly, I can consider her already my favorite S9 member and the only S9 member that I LOVE to HATE. There's something appealing and absolute terrifying about someone being so innocent and adorable but at the same time so psychotic and happy to torture, maim and kill people just to play with science and turn it into her personal art. Bonesaw is a cute piece of work.
. Now she probably have to kill Pagoda. Try to separate them as you did with Murder Rat, Amy. Well, I'm aware that by separating they're going to suffer more but I don't want Amy to become what Bonesaw WANTS her to become, I want her to actively fight against the child in the only way she can do now, by resisting to all her tests. Bonesaw might even hurt her in a fit of rage, but at least Amy will prove her that she'll never be S9 material, neither her big sister.
Bonesaw seems to know more about Manton Effect than Manton himself. :lol She's putting him in a corner of shame with her knowledge (now depends if he's still alive or dead). What I'm worried the most about is not that Amy will start killing people around if she'll break her mental block, because she's not like Bonesaw and will never be, but she might hurt herself because there won't be any block left to protect her brains against her own power. But I believe that she have a great control over it and will not turn herself into a zombie. I believe in Amy, more than she believes in herself.
HATE to do that but I have to stop again. Its such a looooooooooong Interlude (maybe the longest one so far) and I think I have to split it in 3 parts. Sorry about. I promise that at the end of Part 3, I'll show you my list of favorite/least favorite S9 members, which ones are the most powerful/less powerful, and which one is the craziest/less crazy. Then I'll tell you what kind of action each candidate I think they'll take after the whole bulls....suspense they went through. Also, Bonesaw reminds me of a fictional character from a manga. Which one, you'll find out tomorrow
Good night, Bonesaw's experiments (and other people), and TRY to sleep well, despite everything she did to you.
"It's not a perfect mesh. I only just started doing these mash-ups. Still practicing. Hatchet's power isn't working as well anymore, and I'm worried about physical wear and tear as they teleport, but it's still one of my better works. Took me four whole hours." Bonesaw clasped her hands in front of her, shifting her weight from foot to foot, waiting expectantly.
Hatchet Lee's immunity power doesn't work too well. GREAT to know because either Amy or a healed Mark can try a surprise attack against Bonesaw. Bonesaw seems to be very proud of her work, like an artist admiring his finished art. Maybe she considers her experiments as being her art. She seems to not realize that what she's doing is completely immoral and wicked, maybe she thinks (with her child mind) that is pretty normal for her to play with humans like they're her living dolls. Hmm, despite her super-intelligence and strategic mind, she might be emotionally immature and is unaware that she should not do what she's doing (yes, maybe I'm treating her like a child, but she's a child, I can't treat her like an adultBonesaw smiled. "I thought you'd appreciate this more than anyone."
"Appreciate this."
"You're the only other person who works with meat. I mean, we're different in some ways, but we're also really similar, aren't we? You manipulate people's biology, and I tinker with it. The human body's only a really intricate, wet machine, isn't it?"
Others were entering the room now. From the kitchen, a woman, the structure of her face altered into something that was more rat-like than human, conelike, ending in a squashed black nose that had staples around it. Bonesaw had added a second set of teeth, all canines, so that the woman would have enough as her jaw was stretched forward. Drool constantly leaked between her teeth in loops and tendrils. She was pale, except for her face and patches all down her body, where patches of ebon black skin were stapled in place. Her hair was long, dark, and unwashed, but most unnerving of all were her fingers, which had been replaced by what looked like machetes. The clawtips dragged on the hardwood as she stumped forward on feet that had been modified in a similar way, no longer fit for conventional walking.
The third was another Frankenstein hodgepodge of two individuals, emerging from the hallway where the amalgamation of Oni Lee and Hatchet
Face -Hack Job- had exploded. The lower half was a man who must have been built like a gorilla in life, rippling with muscles, walking forward on his knuckles. His upper body grew up from the point the other body's neck should have begun, an emaciated man with greasy brown hair and beard, grown long. He was not unlike a centaur, but the lower half was a brutish man.
Then there were the other things. They weren't alive. Spidery contraptions of scrap metal, they lacked heads, only consisting of a box half the size of a toaster and spindly legs that moved on hydraulics, each ending in a syringe or scalpel. A dozen of them, climbing onto the walls and floor.
Oh, ok....more of Bonesaw's creations, and all of them are interesting to look at. You know, I have a pretty cold blood when it comes to fictional experiments, tortures, violence so I can stomach everything (of course, if I saw one of these experiments in REAL LIFE, I'd be really freaked out, but in fiction its a different situation). Of course, if one of the tortured people is an innocent person or a favorite character then I'm starting to CARE about the whole process (I'm very biased, I know, and I'm not afraid to admit it). But right now, I don't know these guys and I don't really care about them. However, I feel pity for Mouse Protector- she seemed to be like a sympathetic heroine (I instinctively feel pity for heroes, in general, so there's nothing new here) and she surely doesn't deserve this fate, to share the same body with a villain. Ravager deserved her fate for wanting to kill Mouse Protector and for being stu....not so bright since she asked for S9's help, when its clearly for anyone that they're not mercenaries. She did the same HUGE mistake as Teeth. She paid for it. Poor Mouse Protector however."Murder Rat used to be a heroine, called herself the Mouse Protector. One of those capes who plays up the cheese, no pun intended. Camped it up, acted dorky, used bad puns, so her enemies would be embarrassed to lose to her. Ravager decided she'd had enough, asked the Nine to take
Mouse Protector down. So we took the job. Beat Mouse Protector, and I took her to the operating table. The other Nine tracked down Ravager and collected her, too. Just to make it clear that we don't take orders. We aren't errand boys or errand girls either. Now Ravager gets to spend the rest of her life with the woman she hated, making up."
"The other, I'm trying to figure out a name. The one on the bottom was Carnal. Healer, tough, and healed more by bathing himself in blood. Thought he had a place on our team, failed the tests. The one on the top was Prophet. Convinced he was Jesus reborn. What do you call a mix of people like that? I've got a name in mind, but I can't quite figure it out."
It looks like Tinkers can do anything they put their brilliant mind to it. Bonesaw is a medical Tinker but she was very capable to build spider robots. But they still have their own specialty- what they like the best to do (or they're better at) So, Colin can also create biological beings but his specialty is more oriented towards weapons and gadgets. In the same manner Dragon created fetuses even if she have a different specialty. Interesting, they're very similar with Sparks from Girl Genius, scientists capable to do anything they want, but they still have their own specialty where they excel better than other Sparks. I think a better name for the Centaur villain Carnal+ the crazy parahuman Prophet would be the Prophecy of Carnage, more fitting than Pagoda, but I agree with Pagoda too. And....aww, Bonesaw wants Amy as her older sister. I'm not sure how to find this: adorable or horrible? Adorrible, I think. Sorry to disappoint you, Bonesaw, but Amy already have a sister and she doesn't want another one, especially one like you. Well, you can kill her sister when she'll return home, but you'll not solve anything in this way. Amy will hate you to guts."I don't know."
"So you're bad at names too?" Bonesaw grinned. "I'm thinking something like shrine, temple… but one with multiple floors. Um."
"Pagoda! Yes!" Bonesaw skipped over to her creation, wrapped her arms around one of his, "Pagoda! That's your name, now!"
None of the three monsters moved or reacted. Each stared dumbly forward, Murder Rat drooling, the others appearing to be in a daze.
"That's good!" Bonesaw smiled at Amy, "I knew we'd make a good team!"
"Team?" What could she say or do to escape? Failing that, was there anything she could use to kill herself, so Bonesaw couldn't get her hands on them, turn them into something like those things? In the worst case scenario, she could use her power on Mark before finishing herself off.
Except she wasn't sure it would matter. Amy was incapable, but there was nothing saying Bonesaw couldn't raise the recently dead.
"Yes, team! I want you to be my teammate!" Bonesaw was almost gushing.
"I don't-" Amy stopped herself, "Why?"
"Because I always wanted a big sister," Bonesaw replied, as if that was answer enough.
Amy blinked. Sister. She thought of Victoria. "I make a pretty shitty sister."
"Language!" Bonesaw admonished, with surprising fierceness.
"I'm sorry. I- I'm not a very good sister, I don't think."
"You could learn."
"I've tried, but… I've only gotten worse at it as time passed."
Bonesaw pouted a little. "But think of the stuff we could do together. I do the kludge, the big stuff, you smooth it over. Imagine how Murder Rat would look without the scars and staples."
Bonesaw snapped her fingers, giggling. In the next moment, her robotic spiders brought her a table, chairs and a tea set. They assemble the table, chairs and tea set. Bonesaw was the first to sit down on a chair, inviting Amy, Murder Rat, Hatchet Lee and Pagoda to take a seat on the other chairs."Amy looked at the onetime heroine, tried to picture it. It wasn't any better. Worse, if anything.
"That's only the beginning. Can you even imagine the things we could make? There's no upper limit."
There was a beep from the answering machine. It began playing a message. "Amy, pick up! We're looking at dealing with Hellhound, and there's injured. Call Aunt Sarah or Uncle Neil over to look after dad and get over to the-"
The message cut off, and there was the sound of a clatter, a distant barking sound.
"I don't think I have it in me to do stuff like that," Amy said. If nothing else, I can't disappoint Victoria any further.
"Oh. Oh!" Bonesaw smiled. "That's okay. We can work through that."
"I- I don't think we really can."
"No, really," Bonesaw said. Then she snapped her fingers.
Amy: What the f....
Bonesaw: Language, please. We're just serving tea, nothing to worry about. Told you, I'm going to be a good sister.
Aw, isn't Bonesaw cute? I seriously see her as someone cute, I almost want her to be my little sister.....NOPE "runs away to the other side of the world". Honestly, I can consider her already my favorite S9 member and the only S9 member that I LOVE to HATE. There's something appealing and absolute terrifying about someone being so innocent and adorable but at the same time so psychotic and happy to torture, maim and kill people just to play with science and turn it into her personal art. Bonesaw is a cute piece of work.
Hack Job flickered into existence just in front of Amy, and there was little she could do to escape. She cried out as the man's massive hand smashed her down onto her back, a few feet from Mark.
Mark struggled to stand, but Murder Rat darted across the room to light atop the back of the couch and press one of her three-foot long claws against his throat.
Amy was pinned. She tried to use her power on Hack Job through the contact he was making with her chest and neck, only to find it wasn't available. She couldn't sense his body, the blood flowing in his veins, or any of that. Even her own skin felt quiet, where she normally felt the pinprick sensations of innumerable, microscopic airborne lifeforms touching her. She'd barely even realized that was happening until it stopped.
So, Hatchet Lee can still block Amy's power, even if Bonesaw said that his power doesn't work properly. That's not good, that's not good at all. Amy is basically defenseless without her power and completely at the psychotic child's mercy. And now Bonesaw is forcing her to kill Murder Rat so she can become a killer, the perfect candidate for S9. Well, I'm not going to blame Amy at all, actually she'll do a great job if she'll kill Murder Rat. She'll put Mouse Protector out of her misery, which is much better than sharing the same body with her nemesis for the rest of her life. And what a body! So, Bonesaw is officially Jack's protege. This knowledge almost confirm what I said before, during Cherish's Interlude. That maybe Jack CARES (in his own way) for Bonesaw, having probably paternal feelings for her. Or maybe he's just very proud of her work and he's using her, creating the fake impression that he might care for her. Its possible that Bonesaw might believe, with the naivety of her age, that Jack acts like a father figure towards her, and she respects him like a daughter respects her father. Its very possible that Jack had a daughter who died and that was one of the reasons why he's so crazy. He probably took Bonesaw under his wing, seeing his dead daughter in her. Gosh, it looks like I'm trying to humanize some downright execrable monster here, but even if he honestly loves Bonesaw, this doesn't make him less of a monster. But I'd really like a relationship father/daughter between two monsters"Jack's taken me on as his protegé. Teaching me the finer points of being anartist. What he's been saying is that I'm too focused on the external. Skin, bone, flesh, bodies, the stuff we see and hear. He's told me to practice with the internal, and this seems like a great time to do that."
"Internal?" Amy replied.
"It's easy to break people's bodies. Easy to scar them and hurt them that way. But the true art is what you do inside their heads. Do you have a breaking point, Amy? Maybe if we find your limits and push past them, you'll find yourself in a place where you'll want to join us." A wide smile spread across Bonesaw's face as she settled into a cross-legged position on the floor, facing Amy.
"I- no. Please."
"You're a healer, but you can do so much more. Why don't you go out in costume?"
Amy didn't respond. There was no right answer here.
"Are you afraid to hurt someone? That could be our first exercise."
Amy shook her head.
"Murder rat, come here. Hack Job, back off."
Hack Job let go of her, and she tried to scramble away, but Murder Rat pounced on her, pressing her down against the ground. The woman smelled rank, like a homeless person.
"So here's the lesson," Bonesaw said, "Hurt her, take her apart. If you go easy on her, or if you leave her in a state where she can move, she'll cut you, and then she'll cut a body part off that man on the couch there."
I'm torn between going -Awwwwwww, Bonesaw likes her messy, murderous family and she really, really wants a sister to complete it- and -Heavens, this little bit....psycho Tinker actually forces Amy to kill people in order to become an "artist" like her. At least Amy didn't killed Murder Rat, she only separated them, unfortunately making their fate even worse than it was alreadyMurder Rat placed a blade against her cheek, scraped it down toward her chin, as if giving Amy a close shave.
She reached up and touched the woman's chest. Without Hack Job touching her, her power was coming back quickly. She felt Murder Rat's biology snap into her consciousness, until she could see every cell, every fluid, every part of the woman. The two women. She could see
Bonesaw's work, the integration of body parts, the transfusions of bone marrow from one woman to the other, the viruses with modified DNA inside them, skewing the balances and configurations until she couldn't tell for sure where one woman started and the other began.
She could also see the metal frames inside the woman, interlacing with the largest bones of her skeletal system, the needles in her spine and brain. Bonesaw's control system. There was something around the heart, too. Metal, with lots of needles pointing inward. She was rigged to die if the control frame was ever disabled. The woman, no, the women, were awake in there. One and a half brains contained in a synthetic fluid in her skull.
She targeted the ligaments at the woman's shoulders and hips. Cutting them was easier than putting the things back together again. Dissolve the cells, break them down.
The woman collapsed onto a heap on top of her.
"Excellent! Pick her up, H.J."
Hack Job picked up the limp Murder Rat, put her down a short distance away from Amy. Bonesaw walked over to her creation and propped up Murder Rat so she had a view of the scene.
"I'm surprised you didn't kill her. The healer, letting someone suffer like that. Or are you against mercy killing?"
Again, there was no answer she could give that wouldn't worsen her situation.
"Or are you against killing in general? We can work on that."
"Please. No."
"Pagoda. Your turn."
Pagoda approached with an awkward lurch, and Amy managed to stand and run. She got halfway to the front door before Hack Job materialized in front of her, barring her way. He pushed her, and she fell. Pagoda lurched over to her and pressed her down.
"I use my creations to collect material for other work. It's a circle, using them to get material for more creations. Having the Nine was essential to get things started, and to help get things going again if a hero managed to put down a few, but now I'm in good shape. I stick around because they're mostly fans, and they're kind of family. I want you in my family, Amy Dallon."
"Now, I'm willing to make sacrifices to see that happen. Same thing as with Murder Rat. You don't stop Pagoda, I'll have him hurt the man on the couch."
Amy used her power on Pagoda, felt his body, much the same as Murder Rat's in so many respects, though the metal frame with the needles in his spine was different. She reached for the ligaments at his shoulders and hips, separated them.
The first had grown back before she'd started on the third.
"He heals," Bonesaw informed her. "Two regenerators in one. There's only one good way to stop him. Try again."
Pain. She inflicted pain on Pagoda. No reaction. She'd have to reach into his brain to make it so he really felt pain again. She tried atrophying his muscles, with no luck. Anything she did was undone nearly as fast as she could inflict it.
"Five seconds," Bonesaw announced. "Four."
Sending signals to his arms to get him to move. No. The metal frame overrode anything she could do with her power to control him.
Amy used the only option available to her. She disconnected him from the metal frame that Bonesaw used to control her subjects. She could sense it as the metal shifted into motion around his heart. Not needles, as there had been for Murder Rat, but small canisters of fluid.
"Two… one… zero point five… Ah, there we go."
Pagoda lurched backward and broke contact with Amy, her power no longer giving her an insight into what was happening with him. He sat down, using one hand to prop himself up. A moment later he slumped over, his eyes shutting. His breathing stopped.
Stop blaming yourself, Amy, you're not a criminal. You just saved your stepfather and put two beings out of their misery. You're still a hero and you'll always be one. Even heroes kill people if its necessary. You can kill people who deserve to be killed or to protect your loved ones from them and still be one of the kindest persons. And stop saying that you're like your father. Your father is a more honorable man than you give him credit, despite committing murders. If only you could talk to him, you'd probably change your opinion about him (any chance for Amy and Marquis to ever MEET?) As for you, Bonesaw, it looks like you don't know that your "father" is planning the end of the world, because you're so eager to save the world from Endbringers. You seem pretty idealistic to me, despite.... everything. I'm starting to think that Bonesaw would be able to redeem herself, but only if she'll be free from Jack's influence. Jack is the one who probably made her like this -a little monster- and he's the one who keeps her from possible becoming a good person. If she'll ever find out that he's planning to end the world, maybe she'll become so disgusted because she'll see all her future plans being reduced to ashes and will turn against him, by either directly attacking him or helping his enemies. Anything is possible but a thing is sure: this little monster have potential to change in the future, the hope is not entirely dead for her. Or maybe is just me, hoping in vain that a S9 member might ever become human. Alright, no matter what, I'm ready to believe that Bonesaw can be that one member who can become human."A chemical trigger for something I already put in his DNA, when I was patching his regeneration abilities together. Reverses the regeneration so it does the opposite, starting with the heart."
Amy looked at her hand. She'd just taken a life. A mercy, most probably, but she'd killed. Something she had promised herself she would never do.
She shivered. It had been so easy. Was this what it was like for her father? Had she just taken one more step toward being like him?
"Ready to join?" Bonesaw asked, looking for all the world like a puppy when her master had the leash out, ready for a walk. Eager, brimming with excitement.
"No," Amy said. "There's no way."
"Why? Whatever's holding you back, we can fix it. Or we can break it, depending."
"It's not- don't you understand? I don't want to hurt people."
"But we can change that! We're not so different. You know as well as I do that anything about anyone can be changed if you work hard enough."
"Then why don't you change? You could be good."
"I like the other members of the Nine. And I couldn't make anything really amazing if I was following rules. I want to make something even more amazing than Hack Job, Murder Rat or Pagoda. Something you and I could only make together. Can you imagine it? You could use your power, and then we could make one superperson out of a hundred capes, and all of the powers would be full strength because you helped and we could use it to stop one of the Endbringers, and the whole world would be like, 'Are we supposed to clap'? Can you picture it?" Bonesaw was getting so excited with her idea that she was almost breathless.
"No," Amy said. Then, just to make it clear, she added, "No, it's not going to happen. I won't join you."
"You will! You have to!"
"I have to do like Jack said. He said I won't be a true genius until I've figured out how to get inside people's heads."
"Maybe- Maybe you won't be inside my head until you realize there's no way I'm going to join the Slaughterhouse Nine."
Bonesaw frowned. "Maybe."
Amy nodded.
"Or maybe I need to figure out your breaking point. Your weak spot. Like that man there." Bonesaw pointed at Mark. "Cherish said you sleep here, and you've been around him for a while… so why haven't you healed him?"
Bonesaw is basically Tinker Tattletale. She discovered that the powers were given by aliens, but only when people have triggers. Then the powers become part of their hosts' brains, making them capable to use them how the powers are designed to work. Bonesaw is a medical Tinker, so her powers work the best on biology (even if she can build robots too), she became intelligent enough so she can interpret correctly and use the information provided by her power. Taylor can interpret the bugs's nervous system so she can control them. Amy can interpret biology so she can manipulate it. I'm 100% sure that Tinkers should become very intelligent in the first place so they can interpret all the scientific information provided to them by their power. Otherwise they won't understand and they won't be able to use their powers properly. Amy is not a Tinker that's the reason why she needed to learn about biology (she said she had a medical licence, unlike Bonesaw who's naturally a genius) so she'll have a better control of it. I'm starting to understand better how their powers work. Thank you, Bonesaw. You're precious, I want to hug you.....NOPE "runs away, without looking behind".Amy shivered.
"Who is he?"
"My dad."
"Why not fix your dad?"
"My power doesn't work on brains," Amy lied.
"You're wrong," Bonesaw said, stepping closer.
"Yes. Your power can affect people's brains. You have to understand, I've taken twenty or thirty people apart to figure out how their power works so I can put them back together again the way I want them. I've learned almost everything about powers. I've induced stress of all kinds on people until they had a trigger event, while I had them on my table and wired to computers, so I could record all the details and study their brains and bodies as the powers took hold."
Twenty or thirty people she's taken apart. However many others she's tortured to death.
Bonesaw smiled, "And I know the secrets. I know where powers come from. I know how they work. I know how your power works. You have to understand, people like you and me? Who got our powers in moments of critical stress? The powers aren't meant for us. They're accidents.
We're accidents. And I think you could see it if you were touching someone when they had their trigger event."
"I don't understand."
"You don't have to. What you need to know is that the subjects of our power, the stuff it can work on, like people? Like the fish lady in Asia? The boy who can talk to computers? Our powers weren't created to work with those things. With people or fish or computers. It's not intentional. It happens because the powers connect to us in the moments we have our trigger events, decrypt our brains and search for something in the world that they can connect to, that loosely correlate with how the powers were originally supposed to work. In those one to eight seconds it takes our powers to work, our power goes into overdrive, it picks up all the necessary details about those things, like people or fish or computers, sometimes reaching across the whole world to do it. Then it starts condensing down until there's a powerset, stripping away everything it doesn't need to make that power work."
"And then, before it can destroy us, before we can hurt ourselves with our own power, before that spark of potential burns out, it changes gears. It figures out how to function with us. It protects us from all the ways our power might hurt us, that we can anticipate, because there's no point if it kills us. It connects with our emotional state at the time the powers came together, because that's the context it builds everything else in. It's so amazingly complicated and beautiful."
Bonesaw looked down at Amy. "Your inability to affect brains? It's one of those protections. A mental block. I can help you break it."
Bonesaw seems to know more about Manton Effect than Manton himself. :lol She's putting him in a corner of shame with her knowledge (now depends if he's still alive or dead). What I'm worried the most about is not that Amy will start killing people around if she'll break her mental block, because she's not like Bonesaw and will never be, but she might hurt herself because there won't be any block left to protect her brains against her own power. But I believe that she have a great control over it and will not turn herself into a zombie. I believe in Amy, more than she believes in herself.
HATE to do that but I have to stop again. Its such a looooooooooong Interlude (maybe the longest one so far) and I think I have to split it in 3 parts. Sorry about. I promise that at the end of Part 3, I'll show you my list of favorite/least favorite S9 members, which ones are the most powerful/less powerful, and which one is the craziest/less crazy. Then I'll tell you what kind of action each candidate I think they'll take after the whole bulls....suspense they went through. Also, Bonesaw reminds me of a fictional character from a manga. Which one, you'll find out tomorrow
Good night, Bonesaw's experiments (and other people), and TRY to sleep well, despite everything she did to you.