Let's play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

I've decided. I'm going to post useless flashbacks before the update they belong to.

The flashback actually becomes relevant after this, so I'll post the rest in the update.

So, about that next time thing: I lied.
So many Kecleon shops. I've got enough weather orbs to cancel out the hail on every floor.
I think.
At the time of typing this, I just got on to the second floor with something like five orbs in my Bag and a very good chance of getting more.
First floor:
Mostly uneventful. Did some exp grinding because Mecrazyfang said Bidoof gets Rollout at level 15, and I want to see it.
The cluster of items near the center is a Kecleon shop.

Second Floor:
Huh. The Gulpins are actually dangerous. They don't get oneshotted by Snover.
Mostly uneventful, though.

Third Floor:
Level twelve!
Wasted a Reviver Seed...
One is more important than the other.

Fourth Floor:
I saw a Lunatone and a Bronzong. Grr... Why they gotta resist Normal Type?

This looks like the deepest part... The depths of Star Cave...
He looks around.
Where's Jirachi?
*Music stop*


Wh-who's there?!


He looks around some more.
Wh-who... is that?!

Heh-heh-heh! You really are so gullible!
To come trustingly all the way here!

They jumped down from the ceiling. I didn't know a Bagon could even be a ninja.

Really, Bidoof? Really?

Heh-heh-heh! Long time no see!
It was just yesterday!

Haven't seen you since we met at Treasure Town.! Gwa-ha-ha!

Wh-what... are you doing here?!
Jirachi's place in Star Cave is...

I thought me and Snover were the only ones who had the map and knew how to get here...
Wh-why are you... Why are you here?

Humph! Jirachi was never here.

They never were here from the start. That's what I'm saying.
You were tricked into coming here... By us... you see...

He means us. Me and the Pokemon that aren't you in this screenshot. We teamed up to take your money since you were going to spend it on a stupid TM.
Come on Guild, where are you?
We're the band of thieves, Team Rogue!
We trick our marks and take what we want...
We're thieves! We're rogues! Don't you get it yet?! We're the bad guys! Gwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I'm glad you're aware of your role in the plan, Gligar.

And I am their leader...
The great Snover!

Very intimidating, I'm sure. Everyone knows all Snover are truly terrifying opponents.

Yes, yes! Squeal in fear! Ahahaha!
I'm delaying them with ham and indulging in there need to monologue, but it can only delay them so long...
That time...
When you were standing in front of Kecleon's shop, stewing...

I'm actually going to show the flashback this time!
*See flashback I posted before this.*

And just look what he was going to spend it on! The money is better off in your hands, Team Rogue.

Oh, come on! We had a whole flashback and you're not here yet?!
I thought that money was ours to take.
However, if they just tried to mug him in front of the Kecleons, they'd face an endless, inescapable wave of the most powerful Pokemon existing.

But... If we mugged you right there and then, there would have been an uproar.
He thinks my thoughts!

That's why we put on this little show... To lure you out here...

Sniff... Th-then...
The story about Star Cave and Jirachi is...?

A complete fabrication.
Eh? I don't remember getting Chatot in on the act...?
Shit! Is that why they're not here yet? Is Chatot a traitor?

You see, we were pretty excited when we laid our hands on that Ancient Map...
Wishes come true here, so we heard. We could get rich!
So... We came here to find out!

Snover looks around. But evilly.

But there's nothing here. It's just a dead end.
We were so dissapointed. It was just a fake. The map, that is.

Oh, so Star Cave was real, but the map was fake. Okay, that makes more sense.
Sorry for doubting your motives, Chatot. Now I'm only doubting your competence! Get here so Bidoof doesn't get knocked out!
Still angry, we came to Treasure Town... and there you were.
The music stops.

If you don't get here right now, they're going to attack!
Too bad...

Your money... We're taking it!
Flash flash!

Prepare yourself!

Oh, don't worry, Bidoof. This is a hopeless battle for you, so I have no qualms in controlling you to the best of my ability.
That means you'll get to fight back, at least. If I didn't control you, you'd probably just curl up and squeal until they knock you out.

OK, fine. We don't need you, Guild. Bidoof and I can do this on our own!

Next time: A Hopeless Battle.
But Bidoof's going to win it.
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It's four in the afternoon. I fell asleep around N/A o'clock last night.
Sleep-deprived lp goooooo~!
At one point mid-update, I fell asleep. See if you can tell where.
It's seven now.

Well, here we are. The hardest boss battle in the game. You're outnumbered three to one, and one of them's Snover.
Snover's quite strong. Icy Wind hits you with the same range as an item throw. Powder snow can hit you from anywhere in the room. And they both twoshot you.
I could just lose, but:

1: I have range, too.

Status conditions are OP and all.

2: Giving up's for sissies.

That'll take Snover out of the fight long enough to take out his two goons.
But I'm nothing if not status-spamming towards bosses, so I chuck my Sleep Seed at the Gligar.

A couple of Tackles takes out the Bagon just in time for the Gligar to wake up.

So I promptly Tackle him a couple times as well.
That only leaves Snover. Currently, he can oneshot me, so I eat my Oran Berry to get my HP back. Now, he only twoshots me. Much better.

He snaps out of his confusion, and walks up next to me.
Can't have that, now can we? :V

Now he's confused again, and so I twoshot him with Tackle.
Never needed to use that Reviver Seed. Good. I don't have any of those in the main story.

So much for an unwinnable battle. Hah! Really now, game, is that all you-
*Music stop*

... Of course. Why am I not surprised. Oh, right. Because I beat this before.
If you can't tell, Snover's hitting Bidoof in the left picture.

They move closer, like they're actually intimidating after we just Tackled their faces in.

Hurry up and give us your money!
No, no, no. That's not happening. It's not really giving if it's not of his own free will, you see. Threatening him like this makes it more like you taking it than him giving it.

See? He gets it.
That money... is very important to me...
It's just money. What should be important to you is the feelings of your mother who gave it to you.
She wanted you to use it if you ever needed to. That was the point of giving it to you.
I'm not saying to give it up, but don't keep a hold of it just because they gave it to you. I don't think they gave it to you to just keep. That's not what money's for. They wanted it to help you, not cause you trouble.

... The only reason he didn't throw in a 'the hell' is because this is a Pokemon game.
Bidoof, you are now an honorary member of Team Dai-Gurren.

Argh! This one's really stubborn!

*Music stop*

Next time:
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Okay, I'm back. Problem is, I was halfway through the update a long time ago.
Then I lost motivation.
When I came back, the update got eaten, which is really unfortunate, since I already deleted my earlier savestates.
So, let's do this.

So, when we left off someone had just darkened the screen, interrupting Team Needs-a-cutscene-power-up-to-defeat-a-single-Pokemon-they-have-outnumbered-three-to-one.

Urk... You don't have to remind me, you know?


Beatdown time!

Then more words are said which I Don't have.
Mostly Team Weaklings panicking.
Then there's this gem.

Then he says something of the effect of:
"Maybe they're not strong! I mean, this guy was a member of the Guild and we only needed one cutscene to take him out!"

I honestly don't know how he managed to convince them to keep fighting.
Maybe it's because they're surrounded and can't just run away.

The YOOM TAH! has been introduced.

Curbstomp is imminent.
So imminent, in fact, that the music doesn't even change to mark the fight starting. It just continues.
As it should, since they got so curbstomped, I didn't even bother to take another screenshot.

Eeee... Eeeeeeeek!

So they run away.
Really fast.
And now we're caught up.

Corphish: Maybe you should stop your wrongdoing! Hey, hey!
Chimecho: Are you alright, Bidoof?

Bidoof: Sniff... Thanks, everyone.
It was because you all came to help that I'm all right.

He looks around for a few seconds.

But... What are you all doing here?
You were less than stellar at hiding the fact that something was up when you talked to Chatot, you know?

Sunflora: Chatot told us about you acting strangely.

Bidoof: Ch-Chatot did?
You seem very surprised by that.

Chatot: You were acting really strange...
And then suddenly you wanted to take the day off.
So I talked to the Guildmaster...
And secretly followed you to see what you were up to.

Imagine if you wiped out on this dungeon. Bidoof's day off could have turned into an entire week, the Guild following him every time.

Bidoof: I-is that so?
Chatot flaps his wings and looks flustered.

Chatot: I... I will say this one thing...
It wasn't because I was worried about you... No, I didn't think I'd tag along because I was worried at all!

And so we learned today that Chatot is tsundere.

You were acting really strange...
I thought maybe you were deserting the Guild... so I had to see for myself. That's it!
Don't misunderstand!

Really tsundere.

Of course, everyone sees right through him.

Loudred: WELL said! TRULY!

Corphish: Chatot, when you told everyone about Bidoof...
You really were worried about him. Hey, hey!

How many times am I going to say tsundere this update?

Chatot: As for everyone coming along... At first, it was going to be myself and the Guildmaster coming to your rescue, Bidoof...
And even that would've been overkill. It usually is, when Wigglytuff gets involved.

But in the end, everyone wanted to come along. HUMPH!
Yes, the humph was allcaps. Sooo tsundere ~!

Loudred: Because...
The music fades away.

Corphish: Once we heard you were acting strange, Bidoof...

Sunflora: We couldn't ignore it.

Chatot sweatdrops, and the wonderful music starts playing again.
Oh how I've missed you, you beautiful music.

Wigglytuff: We've always been strict in your training...
But... of course we still care about you, Bidoof.

Bidoof: Sniff...
I'm sure happy... You all did this just for me... Sniff...
But... Here I've gone and caused you all trouble again...
I just can't seem to do anything right, yup yup...

:(: Bidoof... It's not your fault... You couldn't have known...

Sunflora: What? That's not true...

Corphish: No one could take on an entire band of thieves on by themselves, hey, hey.
:): Except Wigglytuff.

Loudred: You've GOTTEN much STRONGER.

Wigglytuff: You're worried about failing, but...
That's how everyone becomes stronger.
That's how the best explorers get to be that way.
So failure is nothing to be embassased about.

Bidoof: Sniff... Guildmaster... Everyone...
Thank you... Thank you so much. Truly.
I'm sorry for troubling you...

;): What'd they just say, Bidoof?

From now on, I won't be afraid of failure... I'll be patient...
And do my best...

Music stops.

Wigglytuff: Yeah! ♪

Croagunk: That band of thieves was pretty second-rate, weren't they? Meh-heh!
:D: He gets it.

Corphish: Hey! That's right!
But never mind that... so this is Star Cave?
They shouldn't have just given up and gone home! Hey, hey!

Bidoof: Huh? But there's nothing here, right?
The cave just come to a dead end right here...
Jirachi's not here, right?

Loudred: Hey, Bidoof.

Chatot: Don't make fun of the Guildmaster's guild! ♪
The music fades.
Wigglytuff walks to the left and looks around.
He walks to the right and looks around.
Then he goes back to the center.

The screen starts to shake.

Wigglytuff: Oooooo...

The screen shakes even more. Everyone backs away from Wigglytuff.

The screen goes white. The sound of rocks breaking can be heard.

I don't know how many pictures I have left, so I'm gonna end this one here.

Again, I deeply apologize for the lapse in updates. I'll be finishing this one soon.
Bidoof: Th-there's... more to this cave?

Chatot: I bet that the rare Pokemon Jirachi is there!

Corphish: We should all think of what we're going to ask for. Hey, hey!

Sunflora: Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!
I can tell. Two exclamation points.

Wigglytuff turns around and the music cuts off.

Wigglytuff: It's too bad... But not everyone can go ahead.

Everyone: WHAAAAT?!

Loudred: Wh-why NOT? Guildmaster?!

Wigglytuff: This exploration... This is Bidoof's exploration.

Bidoof: Whaaat?! Mine?! By golly!

Wigglytuff: Yep. ♪ Bidoof's ♪
You're the one who got this map, Bidoof... and you're the one who's adventured all the way here.
:V:I dunno, those qualifications also include Team Runs Away When Outnumbered.

That's why... You should go ahead alone, Bidoof.

Sunflora: That's the way it should be...

Wigglytuff: Use your own strength... and do your best to have a successful exploration!

Bidoof: Sniff... Guildmaster... Thank you so much, yup yup...

Chimecho: Bidoof! Do your best!

Diglett: Be sure to tell us all about your exploration later!

Croagunk: Do your best! Meh-heh-heh!

Bidoof: Sniff... Everyone... Thank you all so much...

Bidoof: I'll do my best exploring! Yup yup!

Sunflora: You can do it, Bidoof!

And so Bidoof heads into the deepest part of Star Cave...

Diglett: Do your best!

The music fades.

Corphish: ...There he goes, hey, hey...

Chimecho: Anyway, Guildmaster... You were cool today, as always... Yay!
:cool:: Yep.

Wigglytuff: You think so?

Loudred: YEAH. Handing OVER the EXPLORATION to Bidoof was a very generous gesture, I THINK.
Because Jirachi WILL grant WISHES, you know?
SO... You COULD have made a WISH... for all the PERFECT APPLES you CAN eat! HA HA HA!

Chatot: Everyone... Our wonderful Guildmaster's best pupil is...
...Me! And don't you forget it! ♪

Wigglytuf sweatdrops.
The music cuts off.

:facepalm:: I have nothing more to say.

Wigglytuff moves towards the cave, but the others go to stop him.
The sounds of fighting can be heard.
Also, this.

Heh. Well, that's it for this update.
Coming to you again.
Next blue moon...
Someone please remind me, next time...

Next time: Back to exploration!
So I think this took less than a week?

So, here we are in Deep Star Cave. This is, if I remember correctly, the last part of the dungeon. Thankfully, there's no more hail.
I am tempted to grind until I get Rollout.

...maybe not. As you can see from the map, I couldn't even get into the second room before this happened.
And then I beat the Gulpin, leveled to 13, and learned Rollout.
Huh. I thought I needed to be 15.
Anyways, I put my Pecha Scarf on so I wouldn't be poisoned again and went down to the second floor.

Huh. Yeah, Tackle's not gonna do anything.
Luckily, I just learned Rollout.

Rollout is a bit worse than a normal multi-hit move:
It has low accuracy, but if it hits, another free attack is landed, up to a maximum of five hits.
Fury Swipes is the same, but it doesn't stop if you miss one attack.
Still, Rollout's a lot better than Tackle.
EDIT: Okay, maybe it isn't.
It seems to have 50% accuracy.
I have not hit a single thing three or more times with it.

And another Reviver Seed. That's gonna come in handy.

Hah! Take that, you stupid poisoner! :D

This is the fouth Bronzong that's come at me in this room. The first three were able to wear me down enough to use that Reviver Seed I'd picked up earlier. Why Bronzongs, why?

*Spurn Orb used*
I reached the third floor and only encountered one Psyduck, which I promptly oneshotted.
Fourth floor!

Welp. I guess I'm not going in that direction.
It's on to the next floor...
which turns out to be the last floor.

He looks all around, because he probably doesn't see the world like we do.

Bidoof: Golly, this here looks like another dead end, yup yup...
Is this here really... really the deepest part in the cave?

Dots! How mysterious!

???: Phewwwww...
The music cuts off.
So sleepy... Yaaaaawn...

Bidoof realizes there's someone else here and looks around again.

Bidoof: Where s that voice...?
W-wait... a minute... Is that voice...?

A bit heavy on the ellipsis there, yeah?

???: Whoo iis iit?
Whooooo's therrre? Yaaaaawn...

Bidoof: You mean me?
I-I'm Bidoof.
Who are you?

???: Meeee? Yaaaaawn...
Fwaaaaaahhhhhh... I'm... I'm...


Jirachi: Mmm-hmm... That's right...
Speaking of... Whoooo are yoooooou? Yaaaaawn...

Bidoof: I'm Bidoof. (...Didn't I already say that...?)

Jirachi: Whaaaat? Zzz... Snorf...
Yeah, Jirachi's kinda out of it. Bidoof forges on ahead, regardless.

Bidoof: I heard that you... That you can grant wishes, Jirachi...
Is it really true?

Jirachi: Yep, it'ssss truuuuuue... Yaaaaawn...
But right now, I'm pretty sleeeepy, so I can't really help you. Sorrrry... Zzz... Zzzz... Snorf...

We can see that. Well, Bidoof, it looks like your wish is in another castle.

I usually toss and turn in my sleep... Zzzz... Snorf...
So, if you're nearby...
I will probably attack you... Sorry if I do... Zzzz... Snorf...

Yeah, this sleepiness is an excuse for a final boss battle with Jirachi.

As the music fades away...

Yup yup.

Bidoof? Vs. a legendary that he has no moves that are even neutral against?
Urk, I'm gonna have to use some Reviver Seeds, huh?
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One of the most painful boss fights in the game, in my opinion. Bidoof is squishy, and if you don't have Rollout, you'll need about a dozen Reviver Seeds.

Unfortunately, I'm out of seeds. So that's that. I just use Defense Curl in the free turn before Jirachi gets to me.
Then, when Jirachi gets to me, I follow it up with a Rollout that does all of 15 damage.

Jirachi's Swift did a bit more than that.
I'll tell you a secret:
I don't have more health than Jirachi. At this rate, I'm going to need at least one Reviver Seed.
So I use Tackle, for 13 damage. Slightly less damage, but far more consistency.
Okay, now another Swi-

Yeah, this is probably the hardest battle in the entire game. It's kind of awful and I might hate the people who told me to do it now, before I built up an invincible stockpile of Reviver Seeds.

Eh, might as well.
My only saving grace here is that Jirachi's AI is shit.
It could twoshot me with Confusion, but instead it just used a basic attack, not even a move.
It still did five damage, but that's not too bad.

Yeah, you're probably going to be seeing this a lot.
I used two more Rollouts. One hit three times, but the other missed entirely.
Still barely better damage then Tackle, so I use another one before Jirachi makes me use a Reviver Seed... Which misses entirely.
Yeah. Also, that was my last Reviver Seed.

Currently, Rollout's missed twice, hit two times once, and hit three times once.
Let's spin the wheel again!
It hits once, doing 8 damage.
Maybe I should just use Tackle...

Well, another few Rollouts later, I lose.

Back to Savestate 1! :V

This time, I'm going to do something different.
See, my attacks are doing less than twenty damage on average.
Therefore, Gravelerocks! :D

And it turns out Jirachi has more than 120 HP. :(
And then my Rollout misses. :(:(
And then both of the fucking Rollouts I use after I eat my Oran Berry miss. :mad::mad::mad:

So I lost again.
Back to Savetate 1.

The Gravelerocks were a good idea; gonna keep up with them.
Or I could just run away...


... Gravelerocks...
Third loss...
Back to Savestate 1...

I'll be right back once I actually do this.
You pretty much have to savestate until Rollout hits at least three times per use. Its PP shoots down real fast in this fight, so I hope you have an Elixer.
Three losses later, I finally get a five-hit Rollout, only one of my Rollouts misses, and I remembered to use all six Gravelerocks.
I only needed to use one Reviver Seed.
If I only had Tackle, I could see myself needing up to, but no more than, three Reviver Seeds.

So yeah.

You can't really see it, but the screen is shaking, and there are crumbling noises.

Bidoof: Wh-what's... going on?

The rumbling stops, leaving us with total silence, except for the sound of Jirachi finally waking up.

Jirachi: So, so awake! Ahh!
My name is Jirachi. Um... Who are you?



Jirachi: Your name is Bidoof.
That's what he says it is, at least.

So, Bidoof. You better listen well.
:V: As well as you?

Jirachi: I grant wishes for those who manage to wake me up.

Bidoof: Waah! All of a sudden!
I'm not ready for this yet...!

o_O: This has been driving the entire plot of this episode so far. Really? Really Bidoof?

Jirachi: Ahem... All right, I'll listen.
What is your wish, Bidoof?

Bidoof: M-my wish...

Okay. Let's analyze these in order.

  1. What Team Not Worthy was going to wish for. A tragically small-minded way of using a selfish wish. How about no?
  2. Eh, generic wish.
  3. Bidoof has been repeating that he wants this all throughout the episode. However, that's not what he really wants.
  4. This is a very Bidoof wish. Not quite, though.
  5. Also a very Bidoof wish. Also not quite, though.
  6. I can see the Kecleon Bros. wishing for this, but it certainly isn't something Bidoof would wish for.
  7. ...

Huh. I ended up beating Jirachi on my first try. And I did the episode as soon as I could.

Of course, I did spend some more time in the previous floors level grinding. I think I was between lvl. 15-20 before Jirachi. It's been a few years though, so I could be mistaken.
So, Bidoof backs out of pretty much any wish that isn't the one he's been talking about all this time.

Bidoof: (My dream... it was...)
(To become the best explorer ever, yup yup.)

Then Jirachi gets confused because Bidoof isn't saying anything.

Jirachi: Huh? Something wrong?
What's your wish, Bidoof?

Bidoof: ........

Jirachi gets more confused.

Jirachi: Something wrong? You don't have a wish?

Bidoof: M-my dream...
Is to become the best explorer ever, yup yup.

Jirachi is best genie.

Okay, here we go! ♪

The music cuts off.

Jirachi: Huh? What is it?

Bidoof: Golly, well, my dream is to become the best explorer ever, that's true...
At first I thought I'd come down here and ask you for that, yup yup.
B-but I'm giving up on that plan.

Wait for iiiit...~

Jirachi's face doesn't change, but he's shocked. The surprised effect came up, with a sound effect I've never heard before.

Jirachi: Truly? Why?

Bidoof: Because...
Because I've seen that it's not something you can wish for, by golly.

It is clearly something you can wish for. Jirachi himself said that it would be an easy wish to grant.
It may be better to accomplish it without using the wish, but it is a choice.

Best music!

You've got to work hard... Once you've really done your best... put in the effort, then you can feel like a worthy explorer.
You gotta have lots of experiences... lots of feelings and memories...
Those are the ways you learn, grow, and get better, little by little, yup yup.

Still, it's a good choice. The journey's what matters.

Yes sirree, I got a lot clearer on all this stuff during this adventure.
So my wish to be the best explorer ever...
Jirachi... I'm not asking you for that anymore.

Jirachi: ...I see...
Well spoken. So you don't have any wishes?
What you've just said... It shows something about you. Not everyone can resist being greedy.
You're a good Pokemon, Bidoof. I've come to like you.

As you should! :D

So... If you don't have a wish right now...

Jirachi: What is it?

Bidoof: You just said a nice thing about me not being greedy, Jirachi... so maybe I should't ask...

Jirachi: It's all right. Go ahead.

Bidoof: If... You'll still grant me a wish...
I... I wish...
I wish... I wish for a buddy who I could teach stuff to.

Jirachi: A buddy? You're training at the Guild, aren't you Bidoof?
So... You want a buddy, Bidoof? Someone you could show around and give a helping hand to?
I'm sensing something, here.

Bidoof: That's right. During this adventure, I...
Golly, thanks to the Guildmaster and everyone in the guild caring about me... I feel so incredibly happy! Yup!
But... I don't want to get used to it and start acting spoiled or anything.
That's why...
That's the reason I'd like a pal or two.

Two, huh? Flag #2, tripped.

If I had a buddy, a pal I could share what I learned with, I'd...
Get better and better as I push my way forward, you know what I mean?

No, not really. Kinda.

Jirachi: ...Yes. Got it.
Your wish, Bidoof... I will make it come true.

Of course. He is Jirachi, after all.

Jirachi: Yep. ♪ Maybe it won't be soon...
But sooner or later, you'll see some new faces at the guild.
You should look forward to it. ♪


Bidoof: Thank you so much... Sniff...
The music fades, as does the screen. Now black.
But there are words.


Kurama: Your eyes look a bit puffy, Nanimani. What's wrong? Couldn't sleep?

You're not looking so good either, Kurama.

Huh? My eyes too?
I see. We're pretty busy every day with assignments, aren't we?


We've just entered the guild, and there's so much we don't know, but...

...Yeah. Let's do our best, Kurama.

Bidoof's narration: There really is a new apprentice!
And not only that... There are two of them! Sniff...

I know you won't, Bidoof...
I look forward to exploring with you!

Yeah, make sure at that!
Otherwise, we'll sweep by you! :V
We're going to be amazing explorers too, you know?

The music continues, even into the credits.

And that's the end.
Everything Bidoof got was transferred to Team Dai-Gurren because game mechanics.
That doesn't explain how he was able to take their items from Kangaskhan storage at the start, but just go with it.

Next time: Back to the main story!
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