Let's play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Hey, Namimani, mind if I ask you a question?

Why did you sell the stat boost items (And the Blue Ribbon)? From what I can tell from my own playthroughs, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games don't have IV's or EV's, and don't have caps for stats.

Money is very easy to come by later in the game anyway.
Hey, Namimani, mind if I ask you a question?

Why did you sell the stat boost items (And the Blue Ribbon)? From what I can tell from my own playthroughs, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games don't have IV's or EV's, and don't have caps for stats.

Money is very easy to come by later in the game anyway.
You don't need those items. Not unless you're doing bonus-content Dungeons.
I just want to get as much money as possible as soon as possible, so I have enough if something I want shows up in the shop.
Like those Red Gummis.
Or a Reviver Seed or two.
If you've ever read up on Drowzee's pokedex entries, or done the Lostelle sidequest in Fire Red or Leaf Green, that first story bounty mission gets a lot creepier.
So, Lords of the Fallen came out today...
I hear it's a lot like Dark Souls. I might get it, and, if it's like Dark Souls, I will get absorbed in it.
There might be less posts, is what I'm trying to say.
EDIT: Upon further review, Lords of the Fallen is on Ps4, not Ps3. I am sad.

So, last time, Bidoof was tempted to get a bad TM, and met some scary Pokemon
This time!

I'm not very brave, so I don't want to have anything to do with Pokemon like them... Sniff...

Why is it suddenly dinner time? Who cares?! Food!

Come on! Dinner's on!

Dugtrio takes advantage of the commotion to pop up behind Chimcho and go to the dining hall without being noticed.

Bidoof looks at his roomates.

Those two are already asleep.
I'll have to go to bed early tomorrow... Guess I should probably get to bed too, yup yup.
Good night, you all.

The music fades.

There's a lot more snoring that I'm not gonna copy down. A lot more.

Sniff... He's snoring too loud... I can't sleep...
I'd like to wake Loudred up... But...

If I did that, he'd be pretty angry, and that's a scary thought... Sniff...
... Speaking of scary!

Those two I met earlier today... Those Pokemon sure were scary, yup yup...
...Just before those two showed... there was that Pokemon that seemed to be running away and then disappeared...
That Pokemon... He was probably being chased by those two scary Pokemon...
If that was the case, I hope he got away all right...
That's right! When that Pokemon ran off...

*Pointless flashback! Not even the Special Episodes are safe!*
If you haven't played the game, and don't understand why I hate Mystery Dungeon Flashbacks so much...
You'll find out.
Oh, yes you will.

Right then... That Pokemon handed me something...
You only just now realized that?
But you were carrying it around all day.

And right afterward those scary-looking Pokemon arrived... I was so scared, I couldn't remember what happened...
But no matter how I try and figure it out, I just can't...
I guess I should look and see.

Bidoof sets the obviously-a-map down.

Exclamation point! The music stops.

...Huh? There's some kind of mark. It looks like there's something written.
What could be written here, I wonder? Let's see...
Star... Cave...?

Plot! \O/

At this marked spot... Seems there's a place called Star Cave?
However... Star Cave... It certainly sounds enticing...
Somehow I just get a feeling... There has to be something really special there.
Sniff... Now I'm so excited, I can't sleep.Yup yup...
...Nope. I have to sleep if I want to do any good at training tomorrow...

Bidoof picks up the map.

Sniff... I should really sleep. Good night, you all.
*Loudred snoring.*
Sniff... Sniff...
S-sleep. Yup yup, sleepy time...

The next morning...



Yeah... If you haven't noticed, Loudred's a bit of an ass.

Sniff... His snoring made it really hard for me to sleep, yup yup...
But if I don't get up, I'll miss the morning address...

I-I've got to hurry!

*Morning address*

Quit staring off into space and get to your assignments.

... Chatot, you know a lot of stuff, don't you?

Is there something you wanted to ask me? You don't have to hesitate. Go ahead and ask. ♪
But... Please keep it brief. I don't really have the time to dawdle.

Sniff... I'm not really confident...
Chatot... Do you know anything about a place called Star Cave?

Star Cave? Hmm... Yes, I think I've heard of it.

Huh?! Really?!

Yes. ♪ Of course I have. ♪
*Who the hell do you think I am? ♪*
Didn't I just tell you I'm like an encyclopedia? ♪ Hee hee hee! ♪
Well... Star Cave is a legendary place, but no one knows where it is...

Cool as a cucumber. Just look at that face. Wow, Bidoof. You could be an actor.

That's right. It's a legend that's been passed down for generations.
The truth is buried in history.
But according to the legend... Deep within Star Cave...
The rare Pokemon Jirachi lies sleeping.

It's said that if you can wake Jirachi... He'll grant you a wish.

Your act slipped. Or maybe that's how you'd normally react?
He looks away.

A wish... A wish-granting rare Pokemon...
His name is Jirachi?!

Well, technically, Chatot only said it. Not he. But yes.

I already said that nobody knows where the cave is, didn't I?! ...Hey!
The music fades away.

...Hey, Bidoof. Bidoof, what are you thinking of? Bidoof?

Sniff... (If I met Jirachi.. he could grant a wish...)
Um um um... (That could be my dream...)
Best... (My dream--to be the best explorer ever... Jirachi can make it come true, yup yup.)

And... (And I've got that map with Star Cave marked on it...)

Star... (Right now, I'm... I'm... I'm the only one who knows where Star Cave is! Just li'l ol' me!)
Th... (Th-this...)
Th... (This is...)
So c... (So cool! So awesome! Yup yup!)
So h... (I'm so happy, I could bust!)

Chatot sweatdrops. The music fades away.

Hey. ♪
le shock.


Are you alright, Bidoof? You kind of spaced out for a while.
And you were smiling to yourself.
Something happen?

Well, you just told him there was a wish-granting Pokemon in Star Cave. Nothing else just happened, though.

Nope! Nope, nope, nope, nope!
N-nothin' at all! No sirree!
I wasn't... I wasn't thinking of anything! Not about Star Cave! Golly, no!


...Is that so?
You say you weren't thinking of anything... But that's a bit suspicious...

Eeek! (I gave myself away!)

With that mischievous smirk, you had to be thinking of something, don't you agree?
Like you were secretly excited about something...

B-but... (Th-that was to the point!)

Like you were so excited about something that you thought you could just burst...
Hax! Chatot can't learn Mind Reader! I checked!

N-no, nuh-huh! (How in the world did he know about that?)
Hax! He's Haxxier than the Haxxiest Haxorus at the Hax house!

Next time:
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Honestly, if they streamlined the flashbacks, say by making them Picture-In-Picture type deals, EoS would be something like eighty percent better. It's already one of the better games out there.
From the depths of procrastination, I post!

Yes! What is it?!


Huh? A visitor?

Yeah, THAT's right. They're WAITING by the GUILD entrance.
Hurry UP and get OUT there!

Snover's out there, just pacing.
Suddenly, Bidoof!

Huh? You are?
Um. I know it's been days here, but you met him less than 24 hours ago, your time.

There we go.

...Y-yes. Nice to meet you. M-my name is Snover.
I'm really sorry to have caused you trouble yesterday.

A-are you all right?

Y-yes. I'm okay. But...
Truth is I had a bit of a scary encounter...

Whaaat? Scary encounter... What happened?!
Is Bidoof overdoing the shock here?

After we met, I tried my best to run away...
But Bagon and Gligar caught up with me...

You really ran for it! Gwa ha ha!

Nope. You know what we're looking for...
You of all people should know!

Bagon! He doesn't have the map!

Y-YOU! Where'd you stash it?!


Ooooh... No matter what...
No matter what you do... I'm not telling you.

He has to have stashed it around here somewhere! Look for it!

Back to Bidoof. The music stops. The only sound is that of the wind.

Oh! That reminds me!
That thing that Bagon and Gligar were looking for... Was it...

That's right. That thing I gave you yesterday, Bidoof... The Ancient Map.
Yesterday, I was sure that if I held on to that map, it would get stolen from me...
So I decided that I had no choice but to hand it to someone...
And then I saw you, Bidoof...

Afterward, I asked around town about you... They all said that it was probably Bidoof from the guild...
And so I came here to thank you.
I'm really sorry... to have caused you so much trouble.

No, no! You don't have to apologize! Don't worry about it, by golly!
I've been thinking... About that map you handed me...
Is it really a map to Star Cave?

That's right.
It's said that's where the rare Pokemon Jirachi lives... That Star Cave.

If you meet Jirachi, he'll grant you a wish...
That's why those two Pokemon wanted to steal the map.
Speaking of which... I have a request to make...

Quest hook! Yes!

Yes? What is it?
Even the sound of the wind stops.

W-would you... come with me to explore Star Cave?

Whaaaat?! Really, you want little ol' me to come along?!

Yes. I really want to meet Jirachi and make a wish, but...
But... I'm not strong enough to make it very far by myself...
So I was hoping you would come with me, Bidoof!

You seem really dependable, Bidoof... And kind...
There's nobody I would rather go exploring with than Bidoof!

The truth is, I was thinking of making a wish, too.
It's OK! I really want to go to Star Cave too, yup yup!

Part two coming SoonTM​.

Bidoof does a couple hops.

If we work together... We can definitely meet Jirachi!

But... I had Guild training to do, yup yup...

You want to take time off from Guild training?!

By time off, I just mean a couple days. Yup yup.

What is your reason for wanting to take time off?
*Could it have something to do with the fact that I just told you about Star Cave an hour ago?*

Huh? R-reason?
Yes, Bidoof. Most people need a reason to do something.

Exclamation point!

O-oh! I haven't been feeling good lately! Yup yup!
My stomach really hurts... Ooogh...

Your stomach hurts? You, the one with the cast-iron stomach?
I don't think he believes you, Bidoof.

Last night at dinner, you were the only one to ask for seconds, am I right?
And now you're saying your stomach hurts?

Maybe he ate too much?

There we go, Bidoof!

I still don't think he believes you, though.

...All right. Your request for a day off is granted.
Just don't cause any trouble for other teams, OK?

Sniff... Thank you...
Music stops.
Sniff... I ended up suddenly having to lie to Chatot...

My dream...
If I can make my dream of becoming the best explorer ever come true!
If I can do that, then maybe I won't mess up guild assignments anymore...
And I won't cause trouble for anyone anymore...
Everyone will be so happy! Yup yup!


This is a rare chance!
I've got to take advantage of this chance! I've just gotta! Yup yup!

But I don't really want to do anything that would draw attention to me...
He looks around.

Bagon and Gligar are still looking for that map...
They might be hanging around here. It's kind of scaring me... (Yikes...)

I've got it!
You just leave the exploration preparations to me. I can do it...
And you should hide somewhere, Snover. Stay out of sight.

I'm sorry. I'll find a hiding place right around here.
When you're ready to head out to the dungeon, Bidoof... I'll slip away and join you.
So once you've finished preparing, please head for the dungeon.
See you later.

Got it! All right, I need to head into Treasure Town and get ready to explore.
I'll do my best!

Next time: We do stuff in Treasure Town.
I should really stop procrastinating...
If the update isn't up by 7 PM, please bug me until I break down and do it. I'd start now, but I've got a headache so bad, it doesn't even want to let me go to sleep.
Just saw it and wanted to read..
Would it be possible to use another hoster for pictures? The first ones are already deleted and I only get "The image you are requestion does not exist or is no longer available. --- imgur.com"
Just saw it and wanted to read..
Would it be possible to use another hoster for pictures? The first ones are already deleted and I only get "The image you are requestion does not exist or is no longer available. --- imgur.com"
That's because I accidentally deleted them...
If you can't see the ones in the update in which I'm explaining the Menu, tell me. Well, I deleted some of the images in that one too, but the later ones are still there. Haven't deleted any images from my imagur account since then.
It's only the
It's five in the morning now. I'm probably going to sleep till five in the afternoon because I cannot see myself getting to sleep any time soon.
That's because I accidentally deleted them...
If you can't see the ones in the update in which I'm explaining the Menu, tell me. Well, I deleted some of the images in that one too, but the later ones are still there. Haven't deleted any images from my imagur account since then.
It's only the

It's five in the morning now. I'm probably going to sleep till five in the afternoon because I cannot see myself getting to sleep any time soon.
So 13.5 hours from now..

I can do that
So 13.5 hours from now..

I can do that
Really? :V
Never mind. Hopefully, I'll stop procrastinating.
No! I WILL stop procrastinating! At least two updates before I fall asleep! Let's go!


EDIT: Eh? What it the world happened with my spoiler? I can't merge them into one spoiler...
Just read the first spoiler, then the second one.

But is it really that difficult?

Errands again, today? You're working hard as always.

Take care!

I've been doing well, but...
I've been so happy, the pearl on top of my head has started to come loose...
I'm worried it might fall off...
This pearl is everything to me.
It seems like more bad Pokemon are appearing lately...
If my pearl gets stolen...
I don't know what I would do!
...But maybe I'm just worrying too much.

Hey, look! It's a reference to our first mission! Yes, we arrive at the Guild pretty soon after this Special Episode. Probably within the week.

Worrying so much isn't good for my health. That makes me worry even more.

Work hard at your training! Work real hard!
Work hard and do your best!

Yup yup!

You want to use the storage?
My dear, anything you want to store, I'll take good care of for you!

So, in Special Episodes, you can take anything from storage in your main story. For some reason.
So I take everything that could be useful.

Since you're taking a day off, you should make sure to have all kinds of fun!


I'm not jealous at all.
Well. I admit, I laughed at that.
Because I've got this Swap Cauldron.
I just love my Swap Cauldron so much. It's good! Meh-heh-heh!
But... It's being repaired right now, so I can't use it. Meh-heh-heh.

Your request for a day off is granted... but..
Don't cause any trouble for the other teams, OK?

He still seems suspicious.

You are taking a day off? Sounds like fun, fun, fun! ♪
Really, I'd like to take a day off to go searching for Perfect Apples...

Chatot doesn't let me... Sniff...
Yes, Chatot is a mean Pokemon.

You're taking the day off, huh? Hey hey!
Nice... I wonder if I can get a day off too...

No. Days off are reserved for protagonists. You don't have your own Special Episode.

Did something happen?
Yep. I decided to stop procrastinating!

Anyways, that wraps up the talky Pokemon Town wordy words thing. Going to Star Cave now.

He comes up from the beach. Eh, I was down there looking for Pokemon to talk to! Where was he?!

All right, let's go explore Star Cave.
I'm a bit nervous...

It's all right, yup yup! We don't have anything to worry about when we're together.
Not even Gligar and Bagon. Heck, you're an Ice type. You could probably take them out by yourself! :D

Let's do our best! Yup yup!

It's been a while since I did this. There is only one thing I remember about going through this dungeon.
Next time:

Damn it, Snover! Turn your Snow Warning off!
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Okay, before I do anything, look at Snover's level in the Top Screen.
Yes, he is more than twice Bidoof's level.

Floor one:

Oneshotted. Okay, not bad so far.

Totter Seeds confuse their eater. Very useful, since status effects are OP.
Well, except Poison, Burn and Freezing.

An Orb! It turned out to be a Quick Orb, which basically acts like Agility except you can't use it in Boss Battles.
Also, it's about here that I noticed that the Hail is damaging me more than I can recover.
I don't have the luxury of exploring entire floors like I normally do.

Floors 2-4:
Uninteresting stuff.

Floor 5:

Iron Thorns. Oh, so happy am I.

Also, a Reviver Seed.
Reviver Seeds are the best usable items in the game.
When you faint, you automatically use one of your Reviver Seeds and come back with full everything.

Bonsly. I probably can't oneshot it, so if I attacked, it would get to attack back. I can't let it do that. Unnecessary damage isn't normally awful, but it is here, while I can't recover HP without using a precious Reviver Seed.
So I draw back and let Snover take him.

Floor Six:

Now what have we here? Kecleon shops sell you things.
Always make sure you have enough money to pay for what you want.
You can steal from them, but do not do it.
I'll use a savestate to show you why.

That move did 51 damage to the Bonsly.

This was just Kecleon's normal attack. His moves do almost 200 damage.
Yeah, let's not fight him. Running!

And there's another one. The floor gets filled with level 99, absurdly powerful, super-speeded Kecleons.
So I loaded savestate one.

If you actually pay, this Kecleon sells a Sunny Orb and a Rainy Orb, both of which get rid of the dang Hail, allowing me to recover HP.
I get them both.

Floor 7:

I use a Rainy Orb, recover my HP, and farm exp. Also, there was another Kecleon shop. Got another Sunny Orb.
I got to level 11 before it forced me to leave the floor. If you stay on a floor too long, the game tells you "Something's stirring", and you have to either go to the next floor or be blown out of the dungeon entirely.
I chose to go to the next floor.

This is a checkpoint room. They only appear in dungeons that have bosses and are reasonably long.
The usual order is: Dungeon-->Checkpoint Room-->Deep Dungeon--> Boss.
If you wipe out after a checkpoint room, you come back to it instead of having to go back to Town. Additionally, you can save at the Kangaskhan Statue.
So, you could savescum it if you want to.
Also, they're technically not part of a Dungeon, so you're back at full health/PP/Belly/etc. once you go into the Deep Dungon.

Aren't we to Jirachi's place yet?

Hmm... I don't really know, either...
It's probably close. We just need to go a little farther...

Is that right?!
Bidoof's facial expression does not change at all.
All right, let's dig our heels in! I'll do my best!

There's nothing to do around this room, so I continue on!

Next time:

It's not really an escort mission.
Snover is far stronger than you. He takes very little damage, and oneshots everything except Kecleon.
:V I was more refering to the other escort missions that you get on the board in the main game. Where you're escort is like lvl5 in a lvl 30 dungeon, with Drought/Sand Veil (?) when you're a water/lightning team. Or Drizzle with a Fire/Steel team, or etc
:V I was more refering to the other escort missions that you get on the board in the main game. Where you're escort is like lvl5 in a lvl 30 dungeon, with Drought/Sand Veil (?) when you're a water/lightning team. Or Drizzle with a Fire/Steel team, or etc
That's why I don't take escort missions. :V