Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

I can't believe I have to say this again so soon after FF8, but if you dig around in a volatile geological area and find a source of seemingly endless glowing blue energy, associated in folklore with spontaneous combustion and disease, you should absolutely pick that thing up, put it in a trophy case, and occasionally rub it all over your bare skin.

Please ignore any status windows that may pop up saying it gives you +30 Cancer.
I can't believe I have to say this again so soon after FF8, but if you dig around in a volatile geological area and find a source of seemingly endless glowing blue energy, associated in folklore with spontaneous combustion and disease, you should absolutely pick that thing up, put it in a trophy case, and occasionally rub it all over your bare skin.

Please ignore any status windows that may pop up saying it gives you +30 Cancer.
Alicia: "Pssst. Hey. Hey Osric. I dare you to use that as your next summoning focus."


Ramza: "What the hell was that "skreeoonk" noise?"


Arazlam: "This is clearly apocryphal." crumpling noises
A minor observation - Gaffgarion didn't want to go after Ovelia at all. He was hired to "protect" her, and presumably put up a good show of fending off her attackers but eventually let her fall. Once Delita kidnapped her from under his watch, he presumably assumes he's part of the plot and will be killing her shortly, or decides that his role has been fulfilled to the letter and he currently has no further obligations to the plot.

He didn't follow Ramza and Agrias specifically in order to assassinate Ovelia, and in fact only sets about doing so after he receives direct orders to that effect in person. He could have just wandered back to HQ and put his feet up, as he originally advocated doing, without any hassle to himself.

This means that it's overwhelmingly likely that he genuinely did accompany Ramza and Agrias purely out of concern for his young subordinate. Ramza is hellbent on heading off into the wilderness on this fool's errand, where he'll doubtlessly encounter monsters, brigands, knights from rival orders - or worse, from his own order - and so Gaffgarion groans and sets off alongside him, hoping to keep the young fool safe or at least shepherd him through any awkward conversations that may crop up vis-a-vis princess murder.

...he could have at least trained Ramza in the Fell Knight job. Bring back that Dark Knight protagonist energy from FFOV.
The Council Election thread managed to somehow get locked within 24 hours of the results being made official, so I would like to use this here soapbox in my own thread to thank everyone who voted for me for this noble office. I, and my picture-per-post limit, are both grateful.
A minor observation - Gaffgarion didn't want to go after Ovelia at all. He was hired to "protect" her, and presumably put up a good show of fending off her attackers but eventually let her fall. Once Delita kidnapped her from under his watch, he presumably assumes he's part of the plot and will be killing her shortly, or decides that his role has been fulfilled to the letter and he currently has no further obligations to the plot.

He didn't follow Ramza and Agrias specifically in order to assassinate Ovelia, and in fact only sets about doing so after he receives direct orders to that effect in person. He could have just wandered back to HQ and put his feet up, as he originally advocated doing, without any hassle to himself.

This means that it's overwhelmingly likely that he genuinely did accompany Ramza and Agrias purely out of concern for his young subordinate. Ramza is hellbent on heading off into the wilderness on this fool's errand, where he'll doubtlessly encounter monsters, brigands, knights from rival orders - or worse, from his own order - and so Gaffgarion groans and sets off alongside him, hoping to keep the young fool safe or at least shepherd him through any awkward conversations that may crop up vis-a-vis princess murder.

...he could have at least trained Ramza in the Fell Knight job. Bring back that Dark Knight protagonist energy from FFOV.
More evidence for "getting paid by your brothers to keep an eye on you" as well.
Fun thing I just realized: 'Holy Knight' Delita may have 75 Bravery, but only 50 Faith.

Sure, the rest of your crew tend to only have Faith in the 55-65 bracket, but every one of your running crew probably has more Faith than Delita.

So, do you just need your Holy Knight certs from a Church-run remote correspondence course, or...? Maybe Delita got it by collecting box tops.
So... the fuck is up with the Church trying to kill Gaffgarion and co earlier? Internal struggle? Is the Church on the Princess' side? Did they know of Gaffgarion's involvement? Does that make the Church less shady than initially implied? Was it something else entirely? Were they just targeting Agrias and hoping to not have to pay Gaffgarion (historically extremely common)? Did someone just fuck up?

To put it simply - most factions have multiple factions inside them. If they are lucky, they're on the same side, and know it!

Lies and slander!

How could you forget Ramza and his extremely awkward handshake animation, plus his playing a grass whistle animation?

Now, now! The glass whistle animation is used by at least 3 characters. The handshake.... might be unique?


On a different note - another reason that Ramza having super-Squire is nice is that there is no pressure to leave him a certain class (unlike the Sword Skill/Mages). He's easy to switch into any niche you need, he can work in most of those niches, and it means you always have someone available for whatever crazy Job combinations you want to try out.
Fun thing I just realized: 'Holy Knight' Delita may have 75 Bravery, but only 50 Faith.

Sure, the rest of your crew tend to only have Faith in the 55-65 bracket, but every one of your running crew probably has more Faith than Delita.

So, do you just need your Holy Knight certs from a Church-run remote correspondence course, or...? Maybe Delita got it by collecting box tops.
The Church probably needs foot soldiers as well during the Fifty Year War- really doubt the invaders don't try to take down the Glabados Church while they are fighting the various Knight Orders. After the war, trying to maintain their supposed neutrality will require them to have some manner of force as well, so, they have Holy Knights.

Delita is basically one of their most valuable muscles- Faith is irrelevant for people like him. It's not like he's trying to be an inquisitor or a priest.
Delita has learned just enough of the Church's doctrine to know that all that is is according to God's will, but not enough to know that you aren't supposed to blame God for that.
I let it there for now, maybe I will remember when this Let's Play will be finished, but if I take all my previous play in medieval trpg in accounts, my bet about the direction and the ending of the game is (let's put it in spoiler in case of):

- Ovelia will become the new ruler
- Ramza will create a third force in this succession war to topple the other two and backing Ovelia ruling
- Ovelia will be backed by the Church because the Church knows a dark secret about the birth of Ovelia which makes her a more direct descendant of the lineage of the king, which allows her to have a real backing as a ruler
- Of course, a part of Church will act against it (usually, someone which has a high position in the Church who will need to be "purified" aka killed)
- When Ovelia will become crowned, Ramza will become a wandering knight in the kingdom, correcting wrongdoings
- He becomes this because of different reasons : his brothers will probably do shitting things in the future and he didn't want to stain the new crowned queen by associating her with the despicable house Beoulve and he needs to find his own way of life or, what is it to build peace and he can help to the restoration of the country too.
- Delita has became the official hero because it fits the narrative that Ovelia will be more a "queen who think about her people", so yep, having a hero who is a commoner near her, make it everything better. Ramza didn't challenge this position because he wants to atone how blindly he has been about the social situation of his country (specially the social issues) and how he has hurting Delita and his sister because of this blindness.

Curious to see how wrong I will be.
I think I figured out how Delita became an Important Guy for the Church. Because him running by his lonesome, snatching Princesses from the Northern Sky screams Important Mission.

He's the Church's Intelligence Officer, aka spy. He was Ramza's intelligence officer back in Chapter 1 wasn't he? They never mentioned it as such, but he's the rumor-collecting guy for Ramza's squad. He even have enough Charisma points to charm Ovelia to thank him. For kidnapping her.

He probably impressed someone high up in the Church hierarchy to allow him to train as a Holy Knight and run missions by himself. Bro have enough equipment, training and even a trained Chocobo (which was Wiegraf's, implying his current affiliation is with the Church for some reason. No wonder the name Boco is familiar to me, I just never remember where the heck I know it from) to travel from Church HQ to Orbonne just to kidnap the more fitting royal heir for the Church. Ovelia is the one with religious education, and she will definitely trust the clergymen since the people running Orbonne Monastery are nice to her.

This basically implying to everyone in the know that the Church is trying to interfere directly in the succession crisis- via getting their own Royal heiress instead of following the noble factions.
Let's get to talking about Jobs.
Advancing Thief to job level 4 unlocked the returning Dragoon job. I've always been a cursed Dragoon fan - aside from endgame FF3 specifically, it's just never really been that good a class in any of its incarnations. It's okay, but it's never really more than that. Will this time be different? We'll see!
The Dragoon is by this point more or less a staple FF Job, even in entries without Jobs (FF7, FF8, kinda sorta in FF6). So to the suprise of no onw the Dragoon returns in FFTA and in FFTA2, as a Bangaa-exclusive Job.
With the highest Attack growth in the game, decent Defense, actually high for a Bangaa Job Speed (second fastest Bangaa Job after White Monk) and bad everything else, the Dragoon keeps its role as melee Job with ranged Abilities. Jump is back, with a smaller fixed range this time but with the upside of not being tied to CT anymore. Also Dragoons get more than just Jump! They get Lancet for HP draining, like in FFV. Thet get the 3 elemental Breaths (Fire, Ice, Thunder) for AoE, useful because Bangaas otherwise don't get elemental AoE attack for those elements, and Bangaa Cry is a non-elemental Breath. Dragoons, true to their fame as dragon hunters, also get 2 Abilities that help against Dragons: Wyrmkiller is just a high-multiplier attack that works only against dragons, while Wyrmtamer has a misleading name, since it just removes a Dragon from the battle. Dragoons also keep the Dragonheart Reaction Ability, for extra survivability. Equipment-wise Dragoons here can also equip swords (and some Abilities are in fact taught by swords), though the incentive is still to use Spears so you can use Jump at all.
In FFTA2 Dragoons do receive some changes, though most are small nerfs. While they're now (barely) faster than White Monk and Bangaa Cry now can inflict Confuse, Jump is changed to a low accuracy/high damage attack and Dragonheart now activates only once per battle. Notably some spears now grant bonus Jump, so Dragoons end up, fittingly, being the unit with the highest Jump stat.

We've also unlocked Mystic, which follows after White Mage. Mystic is a new addition to the Final Fantasy jobs and appears to be the offensive counterpart to Time Mage; it's a status-based caster that can cast spells inflicting various ailments. These include traditional ones such as Blind and Silenced, but it also includes weirder ones that are original to FFT's own system, such as spells to lower enemy Faith, which is conceptually very funny. Like, their Disbelief spells inflicts Atheist, which is a status effect. Hilarious.
Mystic (Oracle in the PSX version) sadly doesn't survive this game, baing absent in both FFTA and FFTA2. Now most of their abilities do come back, as spells for the Sage, Bishop and Arcanist (in FFAT2) Jobs. The Bravery/Faithspells though are gone-gone, due to the whole system being removed. Manafont/Move MP-Up is also gone, though every unit in FFTA/A2 does get a passive 10MP regen at turn (and it can be increased to 20MP in A2), so in spirit is kinda sorta here. MP Absorb is also retained, as R-Ability for Illusionists in both games and Elementalist (FFTA)/Green Mage (FFTA2).
Equipment-wise Poles follow the trend of some quipment that doesn't appear in FFTA but show up again in FFTA2. In FFTA2 Poles are used by more physically-inclined Jobs, like Master Monks and Geomancers (yes, they do come back), and as such don't feature MA scaling like in Tactics but keep the 2 range.

What the fuck is an Orator.

Okay so apparently there is a whole class centered around 'talk good,' and it can do stuff like convert enemies into allies? It can also modify values like Faith and Bravery, convince opponents to stop, convince opponents to give you money…
Score another "Jobs not surviving FFT" point. Orators/Mediators don't come back in any other Tactics game, at least in this form. They do though have something of a spiritual successor: the Bangaa-exclusive Trickster Job in FFTA2, an Orator with a sprinkle of Setzer for inspiration (or Trickster Nobodies from Kingdom Hearts 2, they use cards ar ranged rweapons). Now of course most of the abilities aren't the same, FFTA2 doesn't have Bravery/Faith and you can't recruit enemy units. Tricksters however get access to Charm (closest status to Traitor in the game), can inflict Berserk and can Mug enemis for Loot (instead of gettin Gils). Tricksters lack Sleep access, but in exchange get Poison, Toad, Immobilize (here from the FFT Time Mage) and a cuple more abilities: Traumatize deals more damage the more debuffs a target has (and has obviious self-sinergy), while Agitate is a small AoE that deals damage equal to the user's lost HP.
Now Tricksters, unlike most other Bangaa Jobs but much like Orators, are quite frail and very much not physically strong. They cover for their weak points by being very fast (fastest Bangaa Job, overall third fastest Job in the game) and having a good Magic growth. Also look at this snazzy guy. That's one stylish Bangaa.
Now is debatable if Tricksters are really inspired by Orators, but it's really the closest FFTA2 gets to a Job that fights with words, even if the style and the results are quite different. For one, Tricksters don't bore their enemies to Sleep.

Ok, we're done for today. Omi hasn't shown Geomancers in action yet, so for now I'll wait to talk about them. Also, if I'm allowed a bit of a spoiler, the bulk of Jobs that carry foward to later games is more or less done. We still have some and some and I'll talk about them when the opportunity arises, but don't be suprised if you see more "spiritual successor" Jobs than straight up reappearing Jobs, or posts on FFTA/A2 original Jobs.
Now is debatable if Tricksters are really inspired by Orators, but it's really the closest FFTA2 gets to a Job that fights with words, even if the style and the results are quite different. For one, Tricksters don't bore their enemies to Sleep.
Tricksters are especially funny because of how they inflict Poison:
Hypochondria: Magickal chant that convinces the target they've come into contact with a deadly POISON.

Just inflicting WebMD on your opponents.
I have a question for native English speakers. In the PSX version, Ramza, after saying that he has no idea if his brothers are still meddling with his life, seeing as he's not spoken with them in a year, asks "What of you, Delita? Are you party to their plot?"; meanwhile, in the WotL version, after saying that he knew nothing about all this, asks "What of you, Delita? You now play party to their plot?". The meaning of the phrase is clear, but I'm not 100% certain which of the two is grammatically correct. If anybody could clarify it for me, that'd be great.
The first, 'Are you party to their plot?' is grammatically correct. The second is missing an interrogative word. Properly the second should be 'Do you now play party to their plot?'

If that wasn't missing, both would actually be correct, asking the same question just in different ways.
If that wasn't missing, both would actually be correct, asking the same question just in different ways.
ehhhhhhhh... strictly speaking sure. But asking a question via tone of voice(or just by using a question mark in writing) isn't exactly uncommon in English. It's easier if there's the interrogative in front buuuuut "You okay?" isn't exactly an uncommon question you know?(For that matter, I literally just did it there lol)

You MIGHT get docked points for doing that in an English class. It's not impossible your teacher will just note down "hey, interrogatives are a thing" and not actually dock points. Outside an English class... I'm not sure there's anywhere that'd actually care.