Let's Make A Conspiracy (Inspired by We Just Write and every truth seeking kooks ramblings)

Okay maybe the design of modern homo-sapien golems could've been finalized there, or whatever sounds better

I wouldn't sweat these details the wording leaves it up in the air with the new info if Humans or "Humans" emerged here.

1: Book-Burners have managed to create in South Africa, Pretoria a new digital angel in the image of the Heavens to fight the agents of the Inky Devil. Angelus Machina is its name and when it was plugged into the internet to scour it for any hellish influence the programmers did not consider that Human influence may affect it. The AM is now addicted to illicit content found on the internet and uses it vast angelic intellect to drive humanity ever forward into the territory of the lewd so it may consume more and more scandalous things.

On a positive note... this has successfully stopped the Inky Devil from spreading their influence on the internet.

2: The Illuminati has bought the service of Blucifer a gigantic blue horse statue with glowing red eyes that serves as a guardian of Colorado using it vast terrifying near demonic abilities to create an aura of normalcy in the region. On that note a lot of locals provide small sacrifices to the horse in secret to be granted greater power and only tourists call it by it official name of Mustang.

3: A group of Mexican car tellers have discovered they are GOLEMS!

Well kindoff but no.

They have discovered under the teaching of a demon masquerading as an Aztec god that not every body part is needed for a human to function. They have started to flay themselves in the name of their god to resemble their Flayed God and have scared the bloody Jesus out of must drug sellers. Recently getting into conflict with some robots chasing down refugees that fled in the general area which the group operates in.