Let's Make A Conspiracy (Inspired by We Just Write and every truth seeking kooks ramblings)

1: The Cradle Defence Network is not a Human invention rather it comes from the Second Schordingers Earth world and was built by the giants a once mighty tribe of large humanoids. These giants during mankind's migration to Juno would establish their rule for a time constructing the grand pillars in the Earths crust, all in an attempt to crack it open. The plan was to see what would happen if they ripped the world to pieces and if it would have any effect on the rest of the planets.

Thankfully a sentient meteorite seeing this crash landed on Earth and wiped them out with their Dragons and Dinosaur mounts.

2: The Prometheist organisation operations continue to upend the natural order having found their namesake Prometheus in the Caucus Mountains and freed him. The Titan has plans in the works with the organisation to upset the world order by inspiring a sudden flood of independence into every human. In essence turning the world into one gigantic anarchic mess were every man is a king of his own country and his plan has worked managing to secure the Ukrainian and Caucus pillars for his own control without the Ethiopians noticing.

3. Japan is filled with fish men... apparently they are cannibals and enjoy the sushi.
1: The EU is attempting to form it own "Europe" a living gestalt entity of the continent and they are feeding it with the history, culture and religion in the House of European History. The new born gestalt grows in power and while it may only be a foetus it has already opened it eyes and the dreams of it servants have began to become stranger.

2: In Russia they are regretting their choices in the 1830s... the Tsar in his benevolence allowed tribes of Native Americans to settle in Siberia after they fled the grasp of the US warlords. He settled them in labour camps digging to uncover great pillar in the earth as they stripped the material of the skeleton, the brutal conditions lead to cannibalism amongst the population. Wendigos stalk the Siberian taiga and the modern state is attempting to hide this by invading Ukraine.

3: The sentient meteorite that struck the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs is found in the Yucatan peninsula and is actually Quetzalcoatl who guided the Spanish to bring about the downfall of the Aztecs. Seemingly not realising the Spanish were in some ways worse than his own human sacrificing worshipers.
1: Prometheus, Quetzalcoatl, Jesus Christ, they're all magical experiments created by the inhabitants of heaven attempting to take advantage of mankinds tendency to anthropormorphize and or worship certain things to help organize them. The religions built around these guys aren't entirely accurate, like how christianity neglected to mention Jesus has lazer eyes, and not all the figures from mythology are real, for example, Zeus and a lot of Olympians are entirely made up, Promotheus was just trapped by angels after he went rogue and gave mankind a myriad of heavens secret magical practices and scientific formulas, most of which are currently lost thanks to angelic interference.

2: The American Dream met "Europe" the gestalt and has repeatedly sent a bunch of mind controlled folk over to spill tea in the water there. "Europe" is more confused then insulted.

3: The Blue Hedgehogs that go super fast are actually from the 3rd Schrodinger Earth.
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1: The Sumatra is under attack by a Shinto Book Burner chapter who goal is to deprive the Inky Devil of a new power source the rainforest. Hoping to destroy one of the worlds largest sources of paper they have summoned all kind of shinto spirits to wage a war against the allies of the Inky Devil. Indonesian authorities have little clue to what is going and assume the shinto spirits are the local Djinns getting angry for some kind of disrespect.

2: Stone Hedge is the top of the British Isles pillar and for the last few hundred years the Illuminati has constructed beneath it ground in conjunction with the last remaining Druids. Their main goal is to get the Green Party into power to overthrow the monarchy as the truth is that royal family are not reptiles or holograms. They are time travellers one dating back hundreds of years that have jumped through history and many loops to remain in charge.

3: Charles Darwin lied to the world and the Catholic Church helped him as Homo sapiens are not evolved apes or even humans. They are golems creatures made of clay and fire that through a similar effect to Schrodingers Earth have forgotten their true nature. Evolution is partially true as Humans did evolve on the planet but they were called neanderthal and golems simply took their name while demeaning the real human race. Charles Darwin upon discovering the true nature of Homo sapiens returned to his golem form and swore that no one would have to suffer the truth.
1: The first couple iterations of homo sapiens were made from clay and fire, a lot of Mesopotamian pottery and artwork is actually just our ancestors, the actual bones were just earlier prototypes for modern humans. Designs changed over the years, replacing the clay with meat, putting some little construction modules in the F models, modern humans are just flesh golems, not much difference to what we think we are, but still if it wasn't for the quantum filter a vast majority of people would look like something out of the Mandela Catalogue.

2: The uncanny valley feeling is not your senses seeing something as human while also realizing it isn't. It's a combination of discomfort, confusion, familiarity, and denial. The dolls and creepy edited faces are similar to what humanity looks like without the quantum filter. We're all simultaneously normal and fucking horrifying, the Freakfaces are just the ones who not even the filter can hide well.

3: Grey Men can easily see through the filter thanks to their innate psychic abilities, which is why the common Greyman is terrified of us while the ones more used to hanging out with humans aren't. Also Jesus doesn't have a creepy true form, none of the humanoid gods do, except for certain ones but they have creepy alternate forms for different reasons. Half the reason they're all so revered is because they actually resemble the creatures we're attempting to be.
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  1. Ghouls actually look closer to what humans think they should look like, if not for one mutation each. For instance, Paul Rudd has a meter long tail.
  2. Cats and Dogs was a documentary.
  3. The blue hedgehogs are refugees retreating from a robotic uprising in the third schrodinger earth. Thus, they are the most wide spread species in the three higher Earths, but unfortunately they are seen as pests in in all of those worlds.
1: The Egyptian government had to hire out some Moonmen to trap a powerful entity below the Pyramids of Giza. Recently, screams of the semi-dammed have been heard from below the sands... probably nothing to worry about.

Urban myths and all that.

2: Rosicrucian Order remains a independent group despite the stranglehold the UNOF has over the continent due to the fact it considered less a orderly organisation and more a group of hobbyists who are surprisingly close to some secret truths. They have some chapters in England, France and Egypt but a splinter group does exist in New England... they burnt witch's.

3: Pluto is most definitely a planet in the same case a quarry is a cavern. The planet is growing smaller with ever year as aliens from another star system mine it for precious metals using all manner of strange creatures to do their labour. Some of these aliens will occasionally book or rather steal a machine to escape to earth... some Ghouls use their tunnels to snatch them for muscle.
1: The true origins of mankind turn out to be from the lowest Schrodinger earth, we are the partially failed last attempt of a ridiculously advanced species with traits similar to Freakfaces called The Old Ones. Improvised out of worker golems, we were created with the goal of preserving the identity and culture of their people past some kind of cataclysm, then sent running to the farthest earth, and covered with an experimental quantum filter to hide from said calamity. We evacuated to and from Juno because of the calamity aswell, mostly because it noticed we sometimes give birth to things similar to Old Ones.

2: We failed slightly because we keep acting like some made-up neanderthal sub-species called "Homo-Sapiens". Though the "Fire" placed within us has a piece of each and every single Old One soul they have in their database. Thanks to that, the modern flesh golem sometimes but very rarely gives birth to Homo-Sapien and Old One hybrids which we call Freakfaces.

3: Maxwell Jesser was made using a completely accidental mixture of every piece of soul-data belonging to the most powerful and intelligent Old Ones. He could potentially rule the universe, though still nobody knows where the fuck he is. The reason that nobody makes another clone out of the stuff is because this was a complete fluke and the lady which gave birth to him was the only person carrying that soul data, it did not pass on to her daughter and Maxwell's older sister.
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1: Golem are powered by Shem the letter of the Big G which are written on the forehead or in the case of the biological golems that now populate Earth inside their brain matter. Using an alphabet and the right combination of lettering a connection is established to Heaven through the 72 known angels to exist in the higher dimension. Logic is directly traced to it link towards the Higher Dimension and things like "emotions" if you can call what golems have an emotion were added by early Jewish Rabbi's upon discovering the truth of their existence. The heart in a human body is in fact the source of emotions the Egyptians were right, it holds no other purpose then to generate "feelings" and a Human could live perfectly without one.

2: The Chinese government has began to cultivate the herds the Mongolian Death Worms of the Gobi desert which have proven very effective in countering the Wendigo crossing over the border. The success varies in truth as no one part from Ghengis Khan has managed to properly tame them.

3: The largest source of strange mystical, psychic or other anomalies in the world is Hong Kong. Rolled by Ghoulish families it has established itself a connection to the other Earths and extraterrestrials establishing auctions to sell of the items, slaves and other things to the highest bidder.
The heart in a human body is in fact the source of emotions the Egyptians were right, it holds no other purpose then to generate "feelings" and a Human could live perfectly without one.

I don't know if that could be hidden well enough even with the quantum filter
Unless the quantum filter immediately kills a person to play along with the thing, or the individual immediately commits self die to play along?

But those explanations are also easily taken apart
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I don't know if that could be hidden well enough even with the quantum filter

I mean if you can hide the fact that earth is attached to five other earths each bigger then the last I feel that not an issue.

Also I did state in the first post about Charles Darwin that being a person is basically convincing yourself you're a person rather than an artificial creation. Your a "human" as long as you believe it, it why I said Charles Darwin is still around because he realised he is a golem and returned to his true state.
I mean if you can hide the fact that earth is attached to five other earths each bigger then the last I feel that not an issue.

Also I did state in the first post about Charles Darwin that being a person is basically convincing yourself you're a person rather than an artificial creation. Your a "human" as long as you believe it, it why I said Charles Darwin is still around because he realised he is a golem and returned to his true state.

Those aren't even visible and can't even be interacted with unless you're at the south pole or have sci-fi technology and or super cool magic to see it

At almost any time and any place a person could get stabbed in the heart or die from a heart attack, or some other similar thing, and you said that we can easily live without one
Unless they die to just play along, though even then I don't think that explanation is good enough unless the quantum filter also plays along and removes all signs of life from view, and they'd either have to know the truth or playing along is just ingrained into every person, but then we would have to think up why it does that
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Unless they die to just play along,

I mean that the idea.

People die because they think they have to.

I mean death because someone think they should die does occur so does getting sick and going into a coma. It a placebo effect that does actually occur in rare conditions, in essence what I am saying is that they die because they think losing their heart is important when it not. It like the Dancing Plagues a disease which makes people dance till they die, in truth most theories that the plague is just a placebo and people think they have to dance until they can't go on or in the 1980s when hundreds of men in Asia died during their sleep with no cause.

Sometimes people die or experience things that aren't real because they convinced themselves are real.
I mean that the idea.

People die because they think they have to.

I mean death because someone think they should die does occur so does getting sick and going into a coma. It a placebo effect that does actually occur in rare conditions, in essence what I am saying is that they die because they think losing their heart is important when it not. It like the Dancing Plagues a disease which makes people dance till they die, in truth most theories that the plague is just a placebo and people think they have to dance until they can't go on or in the 1980s when hundreds of men in Asia died during their sleep with no cause.

Sometimes people die or experience things that aren't real because they convinced themselves are real.
I guess that makes sense, but now it only half contradicts the no need for a heart thing because now the heart is needed to live for those not in the know otherwise they'll just die to play along
I reccomend actually putting your point in the fact so as to avoid more confusion, something as important as that probably shouldn't just be implied or guessed
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I guess that makes sense, but now it only half contradicts the no whole need for a heart thing because now the heart is needed to live for those not in the know otherwise they'll just die to play along

I mean to be fair why would a golem need a heart?

Even if they're organic the point of a golem is that they live because they're willed to live, so all that flesh and skin are just self inflicted constraints. The heart in this case is no different a golem does not need one to function because in essence it just a bunch of animated things powered by some unknowable universal data. So in essence they're robots that just need a form and all the other bits are set dressings, honestly I'd go mad if I found out my body wasn't mine but just I suppose clothing? Theoretically if this idea was real I could walk around with no skin because golems don't need to feel pain or discomfort.
I mean to be fair why would a golem need a heart?

Even if they're organic the point of a golem is that they live because they're willed to live, so all that flesh and skin are just self inflicted constraints. The heart in this case is no different a golem does not need one to function because in essence it just a bunch of animated things powered by some unknowable universal data. So in essence they're robots that just need a form and all the other bits are set dressings, honestly I'd go mad if I found out my body wasn't mine but just I suppose clothing? Theoretically if this idea was real I could walk around with no skin because golems don't need to feel pain or discomfort.
I don't need an explanation for why the golem wouldn't need a heart, how it's hidden from mankind is what matters for this
Please don't just imply important stuff like that

I probably would get chewed out by the rest of you for saying that there are a multitude of giant doorways into a psychic pocket dimension based off mankinds imagination and not saying how it's hidden
I don't need an explanation for why the golem wouldn't need a heart, how it's hidden from mankind is what matters for this
Please don't just imply important stuff like that

I probably would get chewed out by the rest of you for saying that there are a multitude of giant doorways into a psychic pocket dimension based off mankinds imagination and not saying how it's hidden

I mean not really unless someone is a dick? To be fair some wild posts would be dickish by contradicting the main idea of another post but that another thing.

We'd just have to make a post on why it hidden like these doorways being psychic manifestation can only be seen by a few natural born psychics or something like that. Isn't the point of post by post Worldbuilding to basically do such things and with this being crazy theories that even more the point. Someone wants to incorporate an idea it does not fit exactly so tie it in with another post like you did when explaining why Jupiter can't be seen or how Juno was reached by trans-dimensional tunnels written by me.

I don't really find having a heart be a placebo to be that strange everyone already thinks they're "Human" when in fact their "Golems" with Mandela Effect features hidden by a pshyic field of ignorance. The real revolutionary part of the post about hearts was that they are indeed were emotions form and because that their only real point "Humans" can live without them.

I don't think any of that was implied but outright stated that the "Golem" bit only affect "Humans" when they discover they are not in fact product of evolution but creation and realise their not living but animate things. I stated that both Darwin and the Church worked to lie to the Human race that evolution was real so no one would discover the truth.
I mean not really unless someone is a dick? To be fair some wild posts would be dickish by contradicting the main idea of another post but that another thing.

We'd just have to make a post on why it hidden like these doorways being psychic manifestation can only be seen by a few natural born psychics or something like that. Isn't the point of post by post Worldbuilding to basically do such things and with this being crazy theories that even more the point. Someone wants to incorporate an idea it does not fit exactly so tie it in with another post like you did when explaining why Jupiter can't be seen or how Juno was reached by trans-dimensional tunnels written by me.

I don't really find having a heart be a placebo to be that strange everyone already thinks they're "Human" when in fact their "Golems" with Mandela Effect features hidden by a pshyic field of ignorance. The real revolutionary part of the post about hearts was that they are indeed were emotions form and because that their only real point "Humans" can live without them.

I don't think any of that was implied but outright stated that the "Golem" bit only affect "Humans" when they discover they are not in fact product of evolution but creation and realise their not living but animate things. I stated that both Darwin and the Church worked to lie to the Human race that evolution was real so no one would discover the truth.
Welp thats a reasonable point, my main problem was how it hides wasn't that apparent, also...

I don't really find having a heart be a placebo to be that strange
It's definitely fucking strange and I like it

I'll shut up now and just post

1: The reason why people still die when experiencing problems with their heart despite not needing it, is because of a placebo effect, it's how they think it's supposed to work so they instinctively just die.

2: Aliens see our world as "A complete and utter fuckerclust!" And only the truly desperate go there, the aliens in Hong Kong have no other options, it's multiple planets with all but one being unsenseable without great psychic power, high magic, or advanced technology, the population of the only innately visible planet are terrifying without even knowing it, idiotic, and ignorant of all the crazy shit that happens around them. The aliens didn't know about Heaven or Hell, and so the portals to actual other dimensions that are not the artificially made pocket dimensions like what most other races do terrify them again. And this is not even half the list, the next thing is the fact we eat salt.

3: Elvis punched a demon.
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1: Atlantis is a small island which is home to a few settler groups mostly they are the truly super natural warriors of history who came to escape. Some know the island as Hy-Brasil, Isles of the Blessed, Avalon and Asgard even for all who live here are occult enhanced warriors who in Europe and other regions of the world were called gods but in truth their enhanced abilities are while impressive not particularly high on the power scaling. The reason why most people think Atlantis sank beneath the waves is that their was a name mistranslation due to the native born and European explorers marking it as just another island in the Savage Island chain which suits the population of 800 Demi-god like warriors perfectly fine.

2: England specifically is the most haunted place on the planet no other region in the world has the same amount of undead walking around or living amongst the populace. About 1 in 10 in the country interact on a daily basis with some form of ghost, vampire, ghoul or even a simple zombie the reason for this is well the weather is actually perfect for undead physique. Over centuries thousand of immaterial and material beings would just settle down and with Britain too worried about keeping up with other powers they decided to use this undead workforce.

Many positions in power are staffed by the undead with the only major living component being the time travelling royal family who ensure no breech in the masquerade occurs. Moving people through time to ensure the government never lacks a buercrat or servant in power.

3: Seawolves are a Canadian creation or more accurately a result of Canadas nuclear program having a spill near Vancouver were the tribes of wolves mutated. These wolves are now semi-aquatic able to breathe underwater and move at incredible speeds they have become something of urban legends. The Canadians make sure to down play their actual abilities saying, "It an example of animals adapting to the surrounding and becoming more adapted to their island chains."

The Canadians don't want to admit to these mutation as otherwise they would have to say why this occurred.
1: Penny Jesser, Maxwell's older sibling, was accidentally dragged through a time anomaly caused by a certain time travelling royal family during the incident where Maxwell went missing, so there is currently a 15 year old sibling of a demigod from the 1950s just hanging out and getting into shenanigans, she hasn't been caught yet due to the holistic nature of reality, turns out she has an important role to play.

2: The Calamity which the Old Ones feared is still on Juno, so all aliens stay away from it, trapped there after its last fight with humanity. It is sending signals to earth, which are sometimes picked up, it speaks of the horrors it will commit upon the Old Ones last creations through a cartoon character it made up called Milo The Monkey, a cartoon monkey with a big smile and a tain and arms covered in white stripes.

3: The Calamity's true form is very similar to Milo The Monkey, it is one of the most powerful creatures alive, comparable to the American Dream
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