Let me play among the stars (Neon Genesis Evangelion).

Chapter 35
Chapter 35

Misato: "Croft-san, aren't you going to stop them?"

Lara: "Not my place. One, this is an important part of the wedding ritual, and I'm not going to meddle in that. Two, MY house got destroyed, so I don't have the right to make the rules. One thing I'll grant them is that they have good heads on their shoulders. They do think their stuff through. I'm beginning to suspect that they're going to make this work, regardless of the setbacks and sacrifices. Frankly, I fully intend to support them from now on. Besides, they've bloody earned it! That being said, I am fully planning on holding those kids to task on the consequences of their actions. For now, I don't mind baby-sitting this adorable little girl for a few hours, especially as we're all going to be quite busy trying to replace the essentials, like school uniforms, casual clothes, etc."

Misato: (Sigh) "I get it. Does anyone know their sizes..."

Lara: "I've got a list." (Pulls a list out of her jeans.)

Misato: "How..."

Lara: "When you explore ruins with deadly booby-traps, you have to have an eye for detail. Besides, the kids provided me with this list some time back as we were returning from Korea and they were headed to NERV medical for a checkup and treatment."

Misato: "Wow..."

Lara: "Okay, Rea, where would you like to go first?"

Rea: "...Hmm? ICE CREAM!"

Lara: "Hahaha! Just like a typical four-year-old! Okay, love, we'll get you some ice-cream, and then it's off to do some playing dress up!"

Rea: "YAAY!"

As the rest are doing the shopping, Asuka, Shinji and Rei find themselves in Washu's lab...

Asuka: "Man, that was FUN! I'm not one giant cramp anymore, although I'm still hurting, but in a good way, tingling from head to toe. Don't get me wrong, snuggling 'seaside' is nice and all, but I'm a 'roller-coaster' kind of girl!"

Rei: "That's not an exaggeration. Nine times?"

Shinji: "I... I don't think I can take anymore.."

Asuka: "Wonderwuss! You need more meat in your diet! Grow those pecs and biceps!"

Rei: "I do not like meat..."

Washu: "Hahaha! Oh your lives are not going to be dull, that's for sure."

Washu has them in these metal containers allowing only their heads to be visible. It's impossible to tell if they're wearing anything underneath, but knowing Washu, and the fact that the only clothes to their name at the moment are their wedding garb... That and the fact that Washu is closely examining 3-D wire-mesh maps of their anatomy on a monitor...

Washu: "Alright, I've reviewed your condition, and the news... well. It's not reassuring. While 'Angel' A-T fields are mighty weapons of war, which is what makes them so interesting, human A-T fields, like yours, are like sticks of bubble-gum. By themselves, you really can't do anything with them, but when the proper conditions are applied..."

Washu proceeds to pull out three paper-mache figures to represent Rei, Asuka, and Shinji, then takes a wad of chewed-up bubble-gum and sticks them together.

Washu: "As you can see, the figurines are perfectly unharmed as long as they stay together, but when one of them tries to pull away..."

Washu, tries to pull one of the three figurines while holding the others in place. It's not long before they rip apart, while the gum remains pretty much unchanged.

Washu: "The Angel called Ireul by your people has chewed up and then spit-out your A-T fields and left you stuck together. Normally, there are only two ways to deal with chewing gum sticking to things.
  1. Cut off the gum, by surgically removing a bit of the material that the gum is stuck to.

  2. Negate the gum's stickiness by drying it out and letting it flake off.
"Now neither of these is a viable option because the 'gum' is not an external item. It's constantly being produced by the person being affected, in this case, Rei-san."

Everyone: "WHAT?!"

Washu: "Rei-san was the first to be affected, yes?"

Rei: "My arm fell off for no reason, yes, but I've always been sickly.."

Washu: "I'm sure you believe that, girl, but that's a lie."

Rei: "..."

Washu: "I've checked your records and done a discreet blood test. Not a single one of the drugs on your regiment is in your body, yet here you are, perfectly healthy. Care to explain that?"

Rei: "I... do not trust Dr. Ritsuko Akagi. She is … irrationally hostile towards me, so I stopped taking my meds when Shinji-kun moved in with me.... I, slowly but surely, felt better. My head cleared, many of my aches and pains … stopped, it was easier for me to be happy, and Shinji-kun's touch felt.. good."

Washu: "I see...."

Shinji: "SO that explains..."

Rei: "Why I was more attentive, engaged, and participatory in class?"

Shinji: (Dejected) "Yeah.."

Rei: (Sigh) "Shinji-kun. Take heart. It still would not have happened without you being there and nice to me."

Washu: "And Dr. Akagi never caught on?"

Rei: "As long as I played the 'obedient little doll' in her lab? She was content to just give me my 'medicine' and send me on my way without another word...Especially after Shinji-kun and I were wed... Now that I think about it, seems she was almost giddy to 'foist me off' on someone else..."

Washu: (Slaps her forehead) "Rei-san... Did you notice any times she was more hostile to you than others?"

Rei: "I... am not sure. I was on many drugs at the time, thinking my life depended on them. It is hard for me to remember clearly."

Washu: "Let me ask this another way. Were you and the good doctor always in the lab alone?"

Rei: "No. The Commander would often drop in and sometimes smile at me..."

Washu: "I THOUGHT SO! Rei-san. I blame the drugs, and maybe the fact that you spent pretty much your entire life in a test-tube, but Dr. Akagi was jealous and saw you as a romantic rival!"

Rei: "That is impossible. I first met The Commader as a four-year-old child..."

Washu: "Love isn't always rational, Rei-san, and weren't you completely nude in that test-tube?"

Rei: "I... fail to see why everyone's obsessive over my body. I have one. I am neither proud nor ashamed of it..."

Washu slaps both her hands to cover her face. "IS SHE ALWAYS LIKE THIS?!"

Shinji: "Yes. Yes, she is."

Rei: "Ikari-kun. I do not believe she was expecting a response."

Shinji: "I'm sorry!"

Washu: "...Now I see why the two of you got married. The doormat and the doll.... But why did you..."

Asuka: "Oh me? Well, there's the comedy value..."

Shinji and Rei: "HEY!"

Asuka: "Then there's the fact that Shinji-chan is the best damn chef born on the planet."

Washu: "Oh... Well, Sasami might take offense to that... Except she's not on the planet at the moment, nor was she born on it. Go on."

Asuka: "Lastly, I can TRUST them. I haven't been able to trust anybody, not completely, since I was four, and Momma went and confused a doll with me, and me with my half-sis, then hung herself, and the mother-fucking doll! Papa, of course, was too busy banging his mistress right in the next room where we could both hear it! The kicker is that when my 'new mom' couldn't just medicate my problems away, he dumped me in NERV Berlin to be an Eva pilot, and nothing I did, not even GRADUATING COLLEGE before age 14 impressed him! I'd call him pond-scum, but that would be an insult to pond-scum everywhere."

Washu: "Holy fucking shit! I thought I had issues with MY previous marriage."

Shinji: "You had a previous marriage, Washu-san?"

Washu: "Washu-chan, dear boy! And yeah. We were happy, we were in love, we had a son. Then his parents found out. Didn't take kindly to their boy marrying 'commoner trash' so they ripped him and my baby boy away to parts unknown. Never got to see them again. That's bad enough, but then they tried to wipe me out with their private army, and by 'private army', I mean 'every single fucking soldier on the planet they live on.' It's the first planet I blew up. Those aristocratic 'noble' bastards have to deal with the fact that they're responsible for 'planet killer' Washu, the maddest mad scientist in the galaxy! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Nobody calls me 'commoner trash' anymore!"

Asuka: "Washu-chan..."

Washu: "Oh, yes. We got off topic didn't we? Well, I'm afraid you only have two options. Either live with this the rest of your lives, which isn't going to be very long, or get reincarnated in cloned bodies..."

Rei: "No... Not now. NOT AGAIN! PLEASE, NOT AGAIN!!!"

Shinji and Asuka: "Rei? REI!"

Washu: "Hmm, I trust you have experience with this Rei-san?"

Rei: "The four-year-old who was strangled to death ten years ago was me... and not me... I don't want to change, again. I don't want a new me that doesn't love and isn't loved by Shinji-kun and Asuka-chan. Please... don't take that away from me!"

Washu: "This isn't my first time dealing with cloned bodies and reincarnation, Rei-san. Ryoko, Ryo-ohki, and Mayuka, Tenchi's first daughter...Don't ask. It's complicated. And none of them had such a massive personality shift as you describe... You don't suppose they did something weird at NERV do you?"

Shinji: "..."

Asuka: "...I've always wondered why little Rea looks like you, Rei. Now that you mention you're the four-year-old that was strangled..."

Washu: "Wait.. What? Are you saying they did what I think you're saying they did?"

Rei: "I do not know. I really do not know."

Washu: "I may be a mad scientist with a history of blowing up planets when I'm pissed. I may be willing to happily perform rather dubious experiments on my friends and loved ones, just for the thrill of research. But I AM NOT someone who condones fucking around with souls! If my suspicions are corroborated, there will be a reckoning! Mark my words!"

Meanwhile, back at NERV HQ...

The spare jump jet engines arrive by air and are carefully lowered down into the bowels of the Geofront through the Eva lifts, the only entrances big enough to accommodate the vehicles carrying them.

Certainly, the UN are bringing technicians that can install the engines in Eva-05 and Eva-06. They're also bringing loaders that can carry such heavy equipment. That's a given. That's not all they're bringing. They're also bringing soldiers with concealed weapons, and the loaders double as attack drones, tanks, and heavy ordinance. While their "public" mission is to assist and aid NERV in the fight, their black-ops orders are to seize control of NERV Tokyo, so that SEELE can run the fight their way, not Gendo's.

Many, if not all, of the technicians and other lab personnel sent in advance, at Gendo's request, to replace the manpower lost to the attack from the cult of Xian are completely complicit. There are several "sleeper cells" mixed into the crowd. They're simply quietly doing their jobs, no outgoing messages, no incoming messages, just biding their time doing their NERV appointed tasks until the order is given to turn on their compatriots and steal all the work and research on SEELE'S behalf.

At SEELE'S conference room...

Kihl: "Is everything in place?"

SEELE US: "The PMC we've mixed among the technicians bringing the jump-jet engines to NERV Tokyo-3 report no suspicions on the part of Gendo's team."

Kihl: "Good, and our 'sleeper' agents?"

SEELE England: "While we have no direct contact, we're certain they're in position, and it's come to our attention that Drs. Ritsuko and Maya have been given a holiday today. The lab we want is ready for the pickings. A worm has been put into the system so we can destroy 'that' with just a touch of a button."

Kihl: "All that remains is the mongrel spawn of Gendo's toy and son. We can not afford any chances, Gendo's Scenario must not come to pass."


To be continued...
Chapter 36
Chapter 36

The next day. Deep in the bowels of NERV Tokyo-3...

Ritsuko: "Don't know why Washu---chan wants these, but The Commander signed the contract to be fully cooperative with her... Probably because even he is terrified of pissing off someone who could blow up the planet we're standing on."

Maya: "These are..."

Ritsuko: "Rei?" (laughs bitterly) "Hahaha! More like spare bodies for that... doll..."

Maya: "SENPAI!!"

Ritsuko: "Right, right. I mean 'our esteemed pilot' Rei Ikari... better in Shinji's hands than mine. Never did like her. I know it's not her fault my mother died, even if she kept saying 'old hag' over and over...and … it's irrational, but I can't help hating who I hate. The fact that... my 'boyfriend' would smile at her but not at me..."

Maya: "Senpai. Stop. Please."

Ritsuko: "Yeah. Wouldn't help anyone if I work myself up to a frenzy now... If it were up to me I'd send Washu-san all of these, and be done with it. They sicken me, especially with those creepy grins and joyless laughs... Give me goosebumps."

Maya: "Does Rei-kun know?"

Ritsuko: "That she's a clone? Yes. Who she's a clone of? No, and I'm not going to tell her. I'm not going to be the one who screws up her married life, no matter how much I resent her. If nothing else, it does keep her out of my hair."

Maya: "...How would knowing..."

Ritsuko: "If she found out she's cloned from a close relative of her husband? Or Shinji-kun does?"

Maya: "(Gasp) Senpai!"

Ristuko: "I may be elbow-length deep in blood, but this is a sin I had nothing to do with. The Commander showed up with her in tow, as a four-year-old child, long before I became NERV's top researcher, and even my mother, who was in charge at the time, didn't know where she came from."

Maya: "Then how do you know?"

Ritsuko: "My 'boyfriend' let it slip when we were... in bed together, and he called out the wrong name!"

Maya: "And even after that..."

Ritsuko: "Yeah. Maya, you're great. 'Going to the beach' with you was truly phenomenal, but even so... There's this certain itch..."

Maya: "I'm trying very, very hard not to think about that right now..."

Ritsuko: "So am I..."

A knock comes from "empty air."

Ritsuko: "Enter."

A dimensional door opens and Washu steps through with Ryoko and a couple of drones in tow.

Washu: "Pardon the intrusion."

Ritsuko: "As promised. Here's what you asked for."

Ryoko: "Mo-om! You're working with clones... AGAIN?!"

Washu: "I know, I know. It's a sore topic for you, and my past attempts haven't gone well, but this is something Rei-San needs right now."

Ryoko: "I got it. I got it. Just so you know, every time you start experimenting with this 'branch of research', it never goes well."

Washu: "Yeah, yeah. This time the research is purely passive and non-intrusive. I'm going to keep them sleeping...."

Ryoko: "I've heard THAT before. Still, I don't suppose I can stop you from taking them to your lab, right?

Washu: "Of course, not. Rei-san could well die without them, and so could Asuka-san and Shinji-san."

Ryoko: "Just don't come back to me whining when it goes wrong, AGAIN!"

The half-dozen or so individually packaged drones are carried back to Ryoko's lab.

Washu: "Wish I had the space for the rest..."

Ritsuko: "That makes two of us, Washu—chan!"

Washu: "You're learning...."

Ryoko leaves the room before her.

Washu: "You and I have to talk. Once I finish helping Rei-san... Well, just keep your neck clean."

Washu leaves through the doorway which shuts behind her.

Maya: "What was that about?"

Ritsuko: "I don't know. I genuinely don't know." (Looks down at her watch) "It's time."

Maya: "Yeah, we've got to perform an activation test on Eva-03, but why Rei-san? Why not one of the new pilots? They haven't exactly been very good with Eva-05 or Eva-06."

Ritsuko: "Orders are orders, Maya."

Maya: "About your 'boyfriend', is he who I think he is?"

Ritsuko: "Here's a hint. He's the only one who was 'cool as a cucumber', as you put it, when we were all sweltering during the blackout..."

Maya: "Ah! Now it makes sense. A cool and collected Senpai should be attracted to a cool and collected man!"

Ritsuko: "Remember to keep your speculations to yourself."

Maya: (Smiles sweetly) "Of course, Senpai!... Odd. What's this program running in the background?"

Ritsuko: "Eh?" (Looks at the screen that Maya's pointing out) "Oh. So THAT'S what's going on."

Maya: "Senpai?"

Ritsuko: "Maya, pretend you didn't see anything. I mean it. Your life could be in danger."

Maya: "Senpai! Yes, Senpai!"

Ritsuko: (Pats her on the head) "Good girl."

Maya: "Hehe! Senpai is petting me!"

Ritsuko: "Honestly, what am I going to do with you? I need to get to the testing grounds, and you need to head to the bridge. Now remember, don't tell anyone about anything you saw in here, not even on the computer, got it?"

Maya: "Got it, Senpai!"

Ritsuko: "Now, let's secure this lab and go. We're losing daylight here."

Some time later, at the testing site far outside Tokyo-3...

Misato and Ritsuko are overseeing Rei in Eva-03, and they have to hurry as the 30 minute timer is counting down. If they fail to either get Eva-03 active, or Rei, Shinji, and Asuka back together again before then, the consequences are grim.

Shinji in Eva-01 and Asuka in Eva-02 are nearby outside the facility, so that offers them some temporary protection, but Rei would be in trouble.

Asuka: "I don't like this! Why Rei?!"

Shinji: "Me either! I may not be a brilliant general or tactician, but this is dumb! Using up our 'once a day' privilege on some activation test?! What if an Angel attacks later today?"

Asuka: "You're just upset that we're not going to be 'tip-toeing through the tulips' today!"

Shinji: (Blushing furiously) "Yeah, that too..."

Asuka: "Pervert... Still, you're right. This is dumb. Not only that, our positions are stupidly suicidal! We don't have any visual contact with each other or the facility! If something comes at us from the outside, you'll get hit first, and it's not likely I can get there in time to help..."

Shinji: "And if something happens at the facility, it's likely we'll both be too late!"

Misato: "I can hear you, pilots! We have to presume The Commander knows things we don't, and orders are orders.... Besides, when have any of you known the Angels to display common sense? How many times have they split themselves into pieces, blasted you with high-powered energy weapons, or done something truly bizarre?"

Shinji and Asuka: "(Sigh) Yes, Misato-san!"

Misato: "Good. Get ready, the activation test is beginning."

Ritsuko: "Rei? What's your status?"

Rei: "Something feels strange here. The Eva feels... sick, like a head-cold. This is... unpleasant."

The staff looks around shrugs, and goes back to their terminals.

Ritsuko: "Odd, nothing looks strange about the readings. Anyone get me a field reading?"

"The readings are blank!"

Ritsuko: "Ok, Rei, let's do it gently then. Minimum power test... and go."

Rei: "The monitors are all activating! There's some kind of weird images. I'm seeing a picture of me, but looking as surreal as the standard Picasso painting!"

Voices: "Hehehe! Hahaha! Hohohoho! Hehehe!"

Misato: "Rei! What's going on in there?! REI!"

Eva-03 begins to move.

Misato: "Shut it down! SHUT IT DOWN, NOW!"

Ritsuko smashes the glass case to the emergency power shutdown, and the umbilical ejects but Eva-03 continues to move unhindered.

Ritsuko: "Massive energy buildup detected! CODE BLUE! EVERYONE! TAKE COVER!"

A massive energy blast looking like a crucifix of light utterly destroys the facility. Although Ritsuko and Misato manage to avoid the vast majority of the destruction, they do not escape unscathed. Misato is left with a broken arm, buried under some girters. Ritsuko is far worse off, with a concussion, several badly bruised ribs, a dislocated hip, and she has to be extracted from a human-shaped impression in a concrete wall, into which she went face first as she tried to run away... yet she miraculously survived.

Still, that's not the end of the horror in the situation. Eva-03 is moving, and it's only because Misato is under rubble and Ritsuko's shoved into the wall like a sick parody of a "loony tunes" cartoon, where such a thing would be amusing not horrific, is the only reason why Eva-03 doesn't literally squash them like bugs, as it proceeds to do to all the other survivors of the explosion.

Once it thinks it has completed this gruesome task, it begins marching towards Tokyo-3, with Eva-02 and Eva-01 in its way.

When word reaches NERV Tokyo-3 about this incident, every bit of sabotage orchestrated by SEELE is put into action. The "sleeper agents" among the research staff broadcast every bit of research and development they've been privy to. The software worm installed to sabotage the most secret of secret in Ritsuko's assortment of labs is activated. Every last one of Rei's clones in the tank is summarily destroyed. Only those that were secured by Washu earlier for her own research were spared.

The staff among those installing the new jump jets in Eva-05 and Eva-06 stop their work and bring out their weapons, capture pilots Mari Makinami and Nagisa Kowaru, who both go along without resistance... fully expecting this coup!

Mana and Kensuke, however, were neither caught off guard, nor captured. Gendo had ordered them on standby in the TRIDENT, and it proved the right call. They respond to the attack upon their position by smashing the assault drones and crushing any troops the TRIDENT can get its claws or feet on.

Kensuke: "I thought these UN 'peacekeepers' were here to help us repair the broken Eva! Why are they firing on us?"

Mana: "Hah! Aside from you, there is no active soldier that I trust! I suspect that 'helping' is just the excuse they used to get in the door! The bastards!"

Armed with an A-T field, though not to the extent of the Angels or Eva, nothing the armed insurgents can do will threaten Mana or Kensuke, but unless they can find a way to end this decisively, and quickly, their refuge won't last.

Kensuke: "What do we do for power..."

Mana: "Oh, we have all sorts of options. The TRIDENT can go on indefinitely, with ease. We can't. We don't have any food, water, or … facilities. Unless we find a way to end this, and quick. It's just a matter of time."

Kensuke: "Well, we're not going to make this easy or cheap for them. That's for sure!"

To be continued...
Last edited:
Chapter 37
Chapter 37

Admiral Yamamoto is speaking on his cell-phone with someone, seemingly the Prime Minister of Japan.

Yamamoto: "The NERV facility is under attack by people impersonating UN peacekeepers and you're ordering us to stand down and stay out of the way?!... Wait! You're saying that they really are UN Peacekeepers and the attack is sanctioned not just by the UN but by the Diet?! What the hell are you politicians thinking, endangering the very people keeping us safe from the Angels?!... So let me get this straight. Thanks to reports and pictures from dubious sources, you've firmly bought into a story where NERV is actually responsible for the Angels and is trying to destroy the world?!..."

Suddenly, a transmission comes in from Mana. "Mayday, Mayday! We are under heavy attack. Pilots Mari and Nagisa have been captured, and Eva-03's activation test has gone wrong! Eva-03 is now attacking Eva-01 and Eva-02! Repeat, we are in need of immediate assistance to prevent Third Impact!"

Yamamoto: "You heard that, Prime Minister. We should... Wait! You're STILL ordering us to stand down in the face of NERV being taken over while we're facing Angel attack?! I don't know why anyone would vote for you!" (CLICK)

Yamamoto ends the call and smashes his phone against the wall, shattering it into a million little pieces.

Yamamoto: "Okay, men. What I'm about to do is have you all disobey official orders, but our pride and honor and soldiers, not to mention the fate of the world, is at stake. We obeyed orders that caused us to fail our duty when the Cult of Xian attacked Hokkaido, and look what happened. Countless civilian lives were lost, and those brats went through a hell none of us can imagine. Despite that, those brats are willing to fight, bleed, and even die for us, FOR US who have shown them nothing but resentment and contempt! Our ancestors would be deeply ashamed if we don't return that sentiment and come to their aid in their hour of need. Is everyone with me?!"

Soldiers: (Saluting) "HAI!"

Yamamoto: "Alright! Let's show these despicable, backstabbing, honor-less cowards the true strength and fighting spirit of the JSSDF!!"

Soldiers: "SIR, YES, SIR!"

At the NERV hangar...

Mana: "I don't think much will come of it, but you're right, Kensuke. We had to give it a shot. Sending out a distress call will keep our conscience clear when we greet our ancestors."

Kensuke: "Yeah, I know. Those bastards have moved themselves and their heavy weapons out of reach in the corridors, and we can't stay in here forever...."

Mana: "Yeah, and if we retreat, as is tactically advised, the innocent NERV personnel would pay the price... Though 'innocent' might be a bit of a stretch..."

Kensuke: "'Non-combatant' would be more appropriate, I'd think."

Mana: "Hahaha! True, very true."

Over their radio...

(Static) "This is Admiral Yamamoto! We have heard your distress call, Private First Class Kensuke and NCO Mana! Help is on the way! What are we up against?!"

Mana: "There must be a god because this is a MIRACLE! Sir! Here's what we know about the enemy!"

Mana proceeds to list off the enemy's numbers, weapons, tools, and equipment, at least those she and Kensuke personally witnessed.

Yamamoto: "Good work! Head out to assist Eva-01 and Eva-02! You're the only ones who can!"

Mana: "Negative, sir! Without us, there's noone who can deal with the enemy's heavy weapons.."

Lara: "Don't be too sure about that, Governor!"

Kensuke: "Croft Sensei!"

Lara: "I've faced worse odds, alone and on foot! Go help the Eva pilots!"

Kensuke and Mana: "Yes, Ma'am!"

Mana and Kensuke attempt to use the lift to go to the surface and help, but find that its outgoing functions have been disabled by the intruders.

Kensuke: "Unable to comply with orders! The outgoing functions of the Eva-lift have been disabled! The TRIDENT can not climb the distance from here to the surface... at least not in time for our impact to be of any assistance."

Yamamoto: "Understood! In that case, hold the line! Let no more intruders enter, even if it costs you your lives!"

Mana and Kensuke: "Sir! YES! SIR!"

In the bowels of NERV Tokyo-3, the firefight is intense! The "peacekeepers" are going room to room, killing anything that moves, including their collaborators, and with extreme prejudice. Automatic weapons, grenades, and even flame-throwers are being used with abandon. Then to make sure nobody's hiding, the drones are sent in to destroy anything organic they encounter, not even leaving ashes behind.

The JSSDF is having a hard fight of it as well. While their weapons are effective on the human agents, nothing they've got can pierce the heavy-armor of the "loaders" brought in...

Meanwhile, in the outskirts of Tokyo-3, the more despicable members of the JSSDF use their official orders to capture and detain Mana's former TRIDENT companions as an excuse to literally hunt down and sadistically execute them like wild animals. The kids never had a chance...

At the outskirts of what once was a NERV R&D facility...

Shinji: "Rei! Talk to me, Rei!"

Asuka: "Say something, Wondergirl!"

Voices: "Hehehe! Hohoho! I want to become one with you! Please become one with ME!"

Eva-03: "Grrr!!! ROOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!"

The entry plug attempts to eject but is caught by some kind of webbing that looks almost fungal in composition.

Asuka: "What...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

Shinji: (Slams his fist down on the arm-rest) "DAMN IT! DAMN IT! AN ANGEL HAS TAKEN EVA-03!"

Asuka: "You're shitting me..."

Shinji: "Asuka! We have to get Rei out of there! Abandon your position and lure it here!"

Asuka: "Hey! What are you..."

Shinji: "Aren't you the one who played hopscotch with your Eva on the decks of naval destroyers?"

Asuka: "... Hehehe! You're right!"

Gendo: "Pilot Soryu! Belay that order! HOLD YOUR POSITION! Destroy the enemy with extreme prejudice!"

Shinji: "The hell, Commander?! Very well, Asuka! If you can't move, I'm coming to you!"

Gendo (almost whispering) "No" (At full volume) "YOU WILL NOT ENDANGER EVA-01! DO NOT MOVE, PILOT IKARI!"

Shinji: "... Are you serious?! If the Angel gets past Eva-02, and this is likely, Eva-01 is going to be next! If I don't go to Asuka now, I'll wind up fighting it alone, and THAT'S putting Eva-01 in danger. With all due respect, Commander, now either help us or stay out of our way!"

Gendo begins grinding his molars in rage because he both knows that Shinji's right and there's nothing he can do to stop the pilot from "endangering" Yui. The dilemma is answered for him as part of the armed force breaks into the control room.

"Stand down the Eva! Stand them down NOW!"

Having the excuse of having guns aimed at his head and the heads of all the subordinates present, Gendo pretends to comply.

Gendo: "Maya, Aoba, everyone. Do it! Use the 'Dummy-plug' protocol."

Maya: "But sir.."

(Shot fired by the intruder) "DO IT!!!"

Maya: "EEP! Sir! Right away, Sir!"

In a panic, Maya activates the "Dummy Plug System", seizing control away from the Eva pilots, and all hell breaks loose...

Elsewhere in NERV headquarters...

Yamamoto: "Damn! We're pinned down by these attack drones. The only thing we have that can deal with them is the TRIDENT and it won't fit in these narrow corridors!"

Random soldier: (Coughing up blood) "Can't (Cough) Say (Cough) We (Cough) Didn't TRY!" (DIES)

Yamamoto: (Closes his eyes) "Your ancestors would be proud, soldier" (Takes the dog-tags) "I'll see your living relatives are notified at your funeral..."

(FWOOMP) A guided grenade hits the metal blockade of attack drones. (BOOM!!) The drones are reduced to flying shrapnel.

Lara: "Sorry I'm late, governor. Had a little girl to secure away. What's the situation?"

Yamamoto: "Lara Croft? THE Lara Croft? We might just have chance after all..."

After being briefed on the situation, Lara Croft heads to the command center while what remains of the JSSDF continues to fight its way towards Mana and Kensuke who sent the distress call, so that the TRIDENT might, just might, have a chance to offer some aid in the situation where Evas 01 and 02 are forced to fight Eva-03.

As the fight rages....

Since the Dummy plugs are in control, the fight is especially brutal. Eva-02 shrugs off several attempts of contamination by Eva-03, eventually slamming the compromised Eva through the mountain into the path of a berserk Eva which then proceeds to rip it apart piece by piece.

When Lara Croft reaches the command center, shooting the gunman who has Gendo's head in his sights, and Gendo shoots the one over Maya "accidentally" bouncing a bullet off Maya's head in the process, which would later send her to the hospital in critical condition, it's just in time to see Eva-01 and Eva-02 both take one end each of the entry plug with Rei inside, and ripping it apart like the scene in Jurassic World where two T-Rex rip a guy apart between them like a wish bone.

Rei falls out and does not survive the impact with the ground. Both Shinji and Asuka can be heard screaming in helpless impotence the whole time, begging Gendo to stop.

The Dummy-plugs do shut down, and the Eva notice what's going on. They stop, collapse to their knees and start wailing in despair, overcome by what they've done.



The combination UN and Japanese fleet in the Tokyo-3 sea does not hesitate to exploit what they see as an opportunity and open fire on both Eva with cruise missiles that hit them right in the face. This proves to possibly be the dumbest idea in human history as both distraught Eva are shaken out of their mourning and into an uncontrollable rage.


Gendo: "Oh those idiots! They have no idea what they've done..."

Meanwhile in the former Masaki mansion...

Rei's soul is noticed by Ryoko heading into one of the clones brought into Washu's lab.

Ryoko: "MOM! We've got incoming!"

The clone is ejected from its case upon gaining consciousness. This new Rei is so wildly traumatized by the ordeal that she can only scream and wildly flail about.


When she calms down, she curls up in the corner in fetal position, dark wings composed entirely of A-T field covering her. All around her is the aftermath of her freak out, broken glass and shattered equipment everywhere."

Washu: "Man, oh man. What a glorious mess."

Ryoko: "So this is why you wanted those clones..."

Washu: "Partly. I know cloning research is illegal on this backwater planet, and some self-righteous pinhead would go after hers eventually. I wanted to examine them before it. I never thought she'd need one of them so soon, NERV still had plenty of copies... Oh no. They must be under attack!"

Ryoko: "Don't worry. I've got the little girl here safely in the living room watching some episodes of her mom's favorite kid's show."

Washu: "I hear NERV's got themselves a psychiatrist. We'd better go get him. While we can."

Ryoko and Washu open a dimensional door to Dr. Fraser's office, not realizing little Rea was watching and decided to tag along, to get back at those who hurt mommy.

To be continued...
Chapter 38
Chapter 38

Ryoko enters Dr. Crane's office to find he has barricaded the outer door, and he's hiding behind a desk, knowing the door won't hold, but having no viable escape routes.

Fraser: "Who are you? How'd you get in here?"

Ryoko: "I take it you're Dr. Fraser Crane? We're here to rescue you for the sake of one Rei Ikari. What's the situation?"

Fraser: "There are soldiers just outside the door. They've been going down the corridor going into every room and killing anything that moves! They haven't noticed me yet, but they will, and I know that barricade's not going to hold..."

An explosion blows the door off its hinges and right through the barricade like it was made of Styrofoam.

Washu: "Rules of engagement: If they fire on you, you can defend yourself, otherwise do not intervene aside from humanitarian aid."

Ryoko: "In other words, they have to shoot first."

A squad of soldiers swarms in through the now useless door. "Well Dr. Crane. You're out of luck. I don't think the pilots will be requiring your services any longer. Neither will that little girl."

Everyone turns to see Rea standing right behind them.

Ryoko: "When did she...?"

Washu: "You know, most parents would swear their four-year-olds can teleport. She's the first that could possibly really do it."

Rea: "Who hurt Mommy?"

The soldier who is apparently the squad leader walks right up to Rea, puts a gun to her head and goes "what if we did, little girl? Just following orders. Don't hate me, okay? Hey, how about a nice little game of hide and seek?"

The rest of the squad snickers as if they've been told the funniest joke in the world, but are under orders not to laugh.

Rea: "No thanks, Oji-san. How about a nice game of Tag?"

The soldier shoots at Rea, gun to her forehead... and the gun explodes when the ammo hits Rea's A-T field, ripping the sadistic soldier's hand to shreds. As the soldier flails around screaming in agony...

Rea: "Tag, you're it"

Rea touches his leg and he turns into LCL.

Everyone in the room is briefly stunned as nobody expected that sweet, adorable little child to have either powers or the ability to act so cruelly.

Rea: "Who wants to play next? Hehehe!"


Rea: "Now why would the oji-sans talk about themselves?"

Visions of the soldiers' victims start pouring into the room, in various states of disfigurement and distress. They all point accusatory fingers at their killers.

A collaborator: "We worked for you and this is how you reward us?

A child: "Why did you kill us? All we wanted was some food because we were hungry..."

A NERV scientist: "What did we do wrong? I don't understand..."

Japanese Citizen: "I paid my taxes. I trusted you to serve and protect, and instead you stormed into my house, took everything I own, raped and murdered my wives and daughters, forcing me to watch as you laughed, and then hunted me down like an animal... YOU MONSTERS!!!"

Soldiers: "No! Stay away! STAY AWAY!"

They fire their weapons at the phantoms, to no effect. As each and every one of their accusers get close enough to touch them, one by one, the soldiers go "TANG" and turn into LCL.

The last soldier's morale breaks completely, and he tries to run, but doesn't get far. Phantoms come out of the walls, floor and ceiling surround him like a zombie apocalypse until one of them touches him, and it's all over.

Dr. Crane: "This is NOT what I signed on for!"

Washu: "Doctor. I think you'd better come with us if you want to live."

One of the soldier's communicators chirps to life. "Omega squad, come in! Come in, Omega squad! Did you get the doctor? Was the priority target there? Report!"

Rea picks up the communicator and speaks through it. "Mr. Oji-san wanted to play hide and seek! I felt like playing Tag instead! Do you want to play Oji-san? Hehehehe!"

"What did you do to them?!"

Rea: "You are a really big dummy! I played 'tag' with all of them. They had so much fun, they melted into little puddles! Hehehe Yahahaha! Do you want to play? I! KNOW! WHERE! YOU! ARE! I won't forgive those who hurt Mommy!"

"What are you talking about?"

Rea disappears in a flicker, and in moments, nothing but screams of terror can be heard over the communicator, then static, and silence.

Washu: "Coming with us, doctor?"

Dr. Crane: "Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am."

Ryoko: "I hope for your sake that you make your best possible effort to help that little girl's Mommy because... well I shouldn't have to say anymore, right?"

Dr. Crane goes through the portal, nearly wetting his pants in fear.

Meanwhile in NERV's command center...

Gendo: "Provide whatever first-aid you can to Maya. I would send her to the infirmary, but with these enemy soldiers around, we can't be sure she'd survive the trip, or the stay."

Lara: "Of course."

Gendo: "Aoba. What's the situation with the Eva?"

Aoba: "We have absolutely no control of the situation! The eject and shut-down commands are not working! Even the command to eject the power umbilical is being rejected!"

Gendo: "Of course they are. The Eva are locked into a bitter rage which has fused with their survival instincts. Nothing we do is going to change that. We either have to sever the umbilicals or shut down power at the source, and we can't do either due to the danger these invading idiots have put us in."

As the staff is forced to watch the ensuing chaotic battle, completely unable to do anything, Gendo grinds his molars while whispering "I have to helplessly watch, again. She's struggling and there's nothing I can do, again. It's that brat's fault AGAIN!"

Gendo: "The moment those brats get back, separate and put them in isolation!"

Mitsukado: "Sir?"

Gendo: "They're going to be too unstable to reason with! Do as I say!"

Everyone: "Sir, yes, Sir!"

Gendo: "Any word from the Major, Dr. Akagi or Dr. Crane?"

Aoba: "Negative. Nothing from the Major or Dr. Akagi. The JSSDF on site say Dr. Crane is missing, the office ransacked, and the invaders.... it's a real mess. Some severed body-parts lying around, including one guy's shredded hand, uniforms, weapons, and equipment intact, and puddles of some orange liquid that looks suspiciously like LCL, but no sign of the invaders or the good doctor."

Gendo: "So he didn't go down without a fight... As to be expected of a refugee from the Boston Warzone. Wish I could be as kind to those two 'pilots' that got brought in by the Instrumentality Committee. They just gave up and went along, smiling!"

Mitsukaodo: "But sir..."

Gendo: "Even if they would have lost, they should have fought, run, something! Even that … brat, the THIRD, went down swinging! But not those two, no. Either they're cowards, spies, or wholly complicit, and can not be forgiven lightly. They will be thoroughly questioned and closely watched from now on when this is over!"

Mistukada: "Yes... Sir."

Gendo: "For now, we have no choice but to keep watching, hoping that the chance to do something comes, and seize it! WE CAN NOT MISS THE TIMING!"

Silently, they watch on. Eva-01 and Eva-02 pull no punches. The fleet send everything they've got at the two Eva, missiles, helicopters, gunboats. Nothing works. Finally, they launch N2 tipped missiles... which proves to be their biggest blunder yet, as the Eva grab the missiles, rip off the warheads and throw them back. Naturally, there are no survivors.

The umbilical power cords finally break from the strain. The timer starts to countdown. This is only the light at the end of the tunnel.. and it's an oncoming train!

With the warfleet gone, the Eva turn their sights on NERV HQ, specifically the pyramid where Gendo's office is and charge at it. Not caring about who they run over in their way.

Random UN soldiers cry out in despair at their helplessness before getting stepped on and flattened.

One even says into his camera calling the Eva devils before graphically dying on screen.

When the Eva reach the pyramid, they climb atop and begin punching, kicking, and biting at the place where Gendo's office is, tearing the place apart, but the destruction doesn't end with the office.

No, the Eva split the pyramid apart down the middle, tunneling their way through the pyramid until they reach the control center.

Eva-01 grabs a clearly terrified Gendo.

Gendo: "I'm sorry, Yui. All I've ever done is hurt Shinji..."

Eva-01 prepares to bite Gendo in half... and stops right as Gendo is staring down its throat. The battery died. Both Eva shut down.


As expected, cleaning up the aftermath is a logistics nightmare. The command center's ceiling is covered with a re-bar-reinforced tarp while the pyramid above is either made sound or demolished, whichever is more practical. The R&D facility is slowly, and carefully cleared of debris allowing for the search for survivors which finds Misato and Ristuko badly injured, but alive.

The Eva are somehow wrangled back to their "cage" and stand like statues, waiting to be activated again. What few techs survived the UN's rampage are clearly terrified of them.

Not all the UN soldiers found themselves being turned into pools of LCL by little Rea. A couple did manage to find their way into the arms of the JSSDF, with Rea playing the role of a lost and scared child, who pointed at the "mean old men who scared her." The JSSDF may be "right bastards" as Lara Croft puts it, but it's common knowledge that even the most hardened criminal in the most hardened prison sees guys who traumatize little children the same way as tigers see raw meat. It's only because Gendo and Yamamoto wanted these wild-eyed lunatics for questioning that they lived to see another sunrise.

After they've sung like canaries, and every last bit of intel they have to offer is noted, recorded, and verified, they get the quick "bullet to the brain" execution that they ask for, as neither Gendo nor Yamamoto have it in them to seek a court trial for the invaders, especially when the invaders could very easily get free pass on an insanity defense for describing what Rea put them through.

Gendo: "(Sigh) So those old men are dumber, more arrogant, and more impatient than I could have imagined!"

Yamamoto: "Old men?"

Gendo: "The heads of the Instrumentality Committee, of course."

Yamamoto: "I see. Any idea on why they're so desperate to boot you out of office that they're willing to endanger the whole world?"

Gendo: "I have some suspicions, but they're just that, suspicions. I don't dare voice them without hard evidence. This" (waves at all the destruction around them) "is nothing compared to what they're capable of if they think they're being treated with 'disrespect.' Personally, I'd love to give them a taste of their own medicine, but lack the means."

Yamamoto: "I see."

A soldier runs up to Yamamoto with a report, which the admiral reads.

Yamamoto: "Oh NCO Mana is clearly not going to be happy about this. Do you suppose those 'old men' are behind this too?"

Gendo is shown the report. Musashi and Keita are found dead. Several JSSDF officers are implicated as the ammunition found in their bodies matches the weapons they checked out that day.

Gendo: "It wouldn't be out of character for them. The TRIDENT are a competing technology after all, and the Jet Alone project did encounter some 'unfortunate complications' during its debut..."

Yamamoto: "Yeah. I see. I suppose I'm going to have to deal with those louts obeying illegal orders. The Prime Minister had better be keeping his neck clean, because he's got a lot to answer for."

To be continued...
Chapter 39
Chapter 39

At The Diet Building, the government office of Japan...

Kaji: "Prime Minister, members of The Diet. I warned you not to take those documents at face value..."

Prime Minister: "But the threat of international sanctions, the trade Tariffs!"

Diet Members can be heard rumbling agreement in the background.

Kaji: "I suppose that's true. Still, did any of you consider what would happen if those documents were false, forged, or photoshopped? As is apparently the case here?"

A random diet member jumps up and shouts "They were engaged in illegal cloning experiments! They had to be shut down!"

Kaji: "Oh? Really? And your evidence is?"

Diet Member: "Umm well, we have live feed of the lab that the UN peacekeepers were raiding..."

Kaji: "Which was summarily destroyed by said peacekeepers. And it's already been established that you acted on altered documents and testimony of dubious veracity."

Another Diet Member jumps up and shouts "THOSE BRATS ARE A MENACE AND HAD TO BE STOPPED! Just look at what they did to the fleet!"

Kaji: "They're a menace because they were shot at and fought back? I guess that makes you a menace because you walk around with an armed security detail everywhere you go."

Diet Member: "That's not the same thing and you know it! Stop using isomorphs to defend your flimsy arguments!"

Kaji: "I don't know what these 'isomorphs' are, and I don't care. The only difference between you and your detail, and those Eva pilots, is that nobody's shot at you yet, but it's likely they might, especially now that it's well known your orders endangered a sweet, helpless, four-year-old, little girl. As the body-cam of one UN squad leader shows."

Rea: "Did you hurt Mommy?"

(Film of the UN soldier's gun placed against Rea's head begins playing on a monitor.)"So what if we did, little girl? Just following orders. Don't hate me, okay? Why don't we play 'hide and seek? (Off-screen laughter)"

The Diet Members all gasp in horror at the video shown.

Kaji: "Well, I don't know how NERV and the JSSDF pulled it off, but thankfully, the little girl is safe and sound. NO THANKS TO ANY OF YOU! She's not the only non-combatant child who was threatened that day. There's a couple of loyal former JSSDF who weren't so lucky."

Pictures of Musashi and Keita are shown on the monitor. Their corpses are not pretty.

The soldiers responsible brag about their "accomplishment" in a video-recorded interview.

"We were ordered to secure and capture those brats at any cost, as a danger to National Security. We were told to kill them if they 'resisted.' Of course, they 'resisted' by running the moment they saw us and our guns! Oh, it was FUN hunting them down like the little rats they are! Why did they get an Honorable Discharge?! They just drove those TRIDENT around for a bit! They didn't accomplish anything! So we showed them a bit of what war is REALLY like, and since it's official, duly notarized, and legal orders, you can't do anything! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"

All rumbling stops and the Diet turns to the Prime Minister in stunned silence.

Prime Minister: "How was I supposed to know they were going to interpret their orders that way?! They were ordered to detain those brats, not hunt them down like animals!"

Kaji: "Oh, it would have served you well to do your due diligence, Prime Minister. Here's a list of abuses AND CRIMES those brats endured as 'TRIDENT pilots' in the JSSDF!"

Everyone in The Diet is handed a memo documenting the list of abuses endured by the victims, how they were sold by their parents into the TRIDENT program, having no choice of participation, how they were forced to give a part of their paycheck to said parents despite being abandoned, how they were brutally beaten for the slightest offense, or no offense at all, and how they were now hunted like animals for the "crime" of being discharged from the service when their duties were completed, thanks to the Prime Minister's ill-thought-out executive orders.

Every last member of The Diet, without exception, even those in the Prime Minister's faction, glare at him with unbridled hatred. The one who called the Eva pilots a threat is thoroughly chagrined into silence, approaches Kaji and bows a full 90 degrees. "I am ashamed of my reckless words. None of those brats deserve any censure. There is a great deal rotten in our country. It must be found and purged!" (Glares at the Prime Minister) "STARTING WITH HIM!"

Prime Minister: "I did nothing wrong! I! DID! NOTHING! WRONG!"

Kaji: "Keep saying that, Prime Minister. Someday, you might actually believe it. Your political career is dead. Your actual life could easily be over as well if you're not very, very careful."

The Prime Minister turns to the Japanese equivalent of the Secret Service, and they all turn their backs on him, meaning none of them is willing to take a bullet for him anymore.

Prime Minister: "What would you have me do?! The UN's sanctions and tariffs would have starved us all to death!"

Kaji: "And what makes you think they won't apply them anyway, now that they've got footage of Japan's own soldiers hunting down children, and are broadcasting it internationally?"

The Prime Minister stares off into nothing, jaw wide open as he attempts to process just how badly screwed he is.

Kaji: "This is just my friendly advice, but I strongly, STRONGLY recommend you leave the country, mail in your resignation, and find a nice hole to hide in, and in that order, if you want to live through the storm to come. Though it may already be too late for you."

The Prime Minster briefly looks around to see nobody willing to support him. He panics and runs out the door to his always fully fueled limo, desperate to be somewhere, anywhere but there. He doesn't get far. A car bomb blows him and the car to smithereens once it gets far enough away from the building as to not be a threat.

Kaji: "That was such a shame..."

Diet Members: "HAHAHAHA! Indeed. A waste of such a splendid vehicle!"

Meanwhile, back at NERV HQ....

Asuka and Shinji are locked in separate cells. If there's any silver lining to the situation, it's that apparently, Washu's words were true and Rei's "death" has indeed freed them from the tangled A-T field dilemma they were facing, or they'd be dead by now as they've been separated for hours with no end in sight, and the feedback would have killed them.

Neither of them is in a state of mind to enjoy such news.

Asuka: "(Stream of consciousness German expletives)"

Like a bobcat caught in a chicken cage, Asuka mindlessly pounds at the door, the walls, the bars on the window, anything and everything.

Shinji: "Asuka-chan, calm down. You're only wasting your strength."

Asuka: "BAKA! DUMPKOPF! I was married one day. ONE FUCKING DAY! Why the hell am I more pissed off than you?! You, who was married to that girl for a good week before I came along, and we've been together for..."

Shinji: "Liebchen, do not mistake my calm for disinterest. I have learned through ten long years of being treated as non-existent that flailing around like that only serves to make you tired and bloody. We sit, we wait, we play the meek, obedient little boy who wants his father's love, and then... when the bastard's guard is down, BLAM!"

Asuka: "Shit, Third... Have you been pissed off for ten fucking years?!"

Shinji: "Yeah, and it's damned depressing! Even though you and I are going through the same damn thing right now, and have pretty much gone through the same damn thing in the past, losing our mothers, being abandoned by our fathers, and having our wife literally fall through our fingers... I don't think either of us truly understands what the other's feeling. Without her, I... I was just waiting to die. You... you lost the anchor that keeps you safe, secure, and rooted, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually."

Rea: "Papa! Auntie Asuka! I found you!"

Shinji: "Rea? How? Why are you here?"

Asuka: "How did you find us?"

Rea: "Auntie Asuka, that's a secret! Papa, I came to find you and Auntie Asuka so we could all go home!"

Asuka: "We can't, sweetie! We want to. We really do but.."

Rea: "But?"

Shinji: "We're sick! We have to stay here so you don't get sick too!"

Rea: "Huh?"

Shinji: "Remember how we're always telling you not to go play with sick animals or kids so you don't get sick too?"

Rea: "OH! Okay, Papa! Get well soon! Let's go be together with Mommy!"

Shinji and Asuka don't have the heart to tell little Rea that "Mommy's dead" and aren't aware that Rei's alive even if she's not well. So they start crying.

Asuka: "Of course, sweetie. We'll go see Mommy soon!"

Rea: "Bye, BYE!"

Rea then simply disappears right before their eyes.

Asuka: "The fuck?"

Shinji: (Bitter laughter) "Hahahehehe! So we're going to be stuck with a four-year-old that can actually disappear right before our eyes. As if the ordinary kind wasn't hard enough to deal with."

Asuka: "... Can't argue with you there, Third. No matter how much I might want to."

At the abandoned and decrepit building known as "The Marduk Institute"...

Yamamoto: "Ladies, Gentlemen, assorted scoundrels. It has come to my attention that some of you sided with the so-called 'peacekeeping' mission put forth by the UN recently. In the unlikely event any of those present is unaware, this so-called mission was a bunch of honor-less brutes launching a raid on NERV HQ while NERV personnel were under attack by an ANGEL that had hijacked an Eva undergoing an activation test. Even our 'honorable' Prime Minister was complicit, by outright ordering us to turn a blind eye to it. We have a country right now only because I ignored those unethical, possibly illegal, orders. I've been informed that the gods have delivered judgment on him already. Those in the Navy who sided with the UN... can take solace from having died in honorable battle for their mistake. As for the rest of you, you went below and beneath 'simply following orders' when you hunted down two of our own like animals. I have the actual orders here with me!"

Yamamoto opens a scroll and reads it aloud.

Yamamoto: "Former TRIDENT pilots Musashi and Keita are to be apprehended and turned over to the UN for questioning in regards to their role in the TRIDENT program. WE WANT THEM ALIVE! The use of force, especially lethal force, is to be treated as an absolute last resort."

Yamamoto slams the order scroll on his podium and turns his full attention to the dozen or so men bound, gagged, and forced to kneel by their restraints before him.

Yamamoto: "What part of those orders did you louts NOT understand? Even if those orders were legal and ethical, and I have my doubts, nowhere did it give any of you clearance to hunt them down like animals, beat and abuse them, in every way humanly imaginable, and shoot them like fish in a barrel! For the worst offenders, I leave the punishment to the one most aggrieved, NCO Mana Kirishima, last survivor of the TRIDENT training program."

Mana: "Thank you, sir."

Mana receives a gun from the Admiral, checks that it's loaded, and after briefly considering turning it on the admiral himself, instead goes to the nearest soldier, removing his gag, and quietly asks him if he has any last words.

Soldier: "Hah! As if a brat like you who's sitting in that pretty cockpit that's never seen combat with live humans can pull the trigger! Why don't you go back to your mother and teach her to suck eggs?!"

Mana: "She's dead, and now so are you!" (BANG)

The same is done for the second soldier, and third, and so on.

Soldier: "I was trying to do them a favor! You don't know what UN 'questioning' is like..."

(BANG) "Favor returned."

Soldier: "I was told the orders were 'kill on sight' I WAS JUST DOING MY DUTY!"

(BANG) "So am I!"

Mana works her way down the line until she reaches the squad's leader. The guy most responsible for her suffering.

Mana: "Nobody and nothing left for you to hide behind, Sir. Not even the chain of command. I'm going to only ask this once. WHY did you do everything in your power to brutalize us and sabotage the TRIDENT project?"

Squad Commander: "Suck it, bitch! I don't answer to brats like you!" (Gets the gun shoved into his mouth.)

Mana: "No. YOU SUCK IT!" (BANG)

To be continued...
Last edited:
Chapter 40
Chapter 40

Yamamoto: "Anyone else resent the TRIDENT pilots for 'sitting pretty in a cockpit and not knowing what real war is like?' Anyone? Come forward now!"

The JSSDF division that wasn't with Yamanoto, and therefore either aided or turned a blind eye to the murder of Keita and Musashi, all glare at Mana but say nothing.

Yamamoto: "Nobody? That's too bad. I would have given you a fair hearing. Since you refuse to explain yourselves, I've designed a little live-fire exercise to show you, through first hand experience, what Mana and Kensuke, 'those spoiled little brats' go through every single time they're deployed. If you survive, I'll let you decide if you still think they're 'sitting pretty, wasting the taxpayer's dollars.' The rules are really quite simple. You have a head-start of however long it takes for Mana and Kensuke to get in that TRIDENT... Yeah, I bet you were all wondering why we brought it along. Once Mana and Kensuke get inside, they will hunt you down like the rabid dogs you are! It will be up to you to try to find some way to take it down before it either kills you all, or reaches the objective, which we've decided beforehand... but which I'm not going to inform you of, at least not until the TRIDENT makes contact, at which point, those of us who are actual soldiers and not cowardly murderous thugs in uniform will storm this place and kill you all. One last rule. If you leave the engagement zone for any reason, you will be shot to death as a deserter. The exercise begins... NOW!"

Some time later, in NERV's medical bay....

Misato, Ritsuko, and Maya are watching the news while they recover from their injuries.

"This is Wanda Chronkite here at CNN. The Japanese Diet universally condemns the UN's actions taken today as 'peacekeepers' stormed NERV Tokyo-3, without just cause or provocation, killing countless civilian personnel and causing major casualties among the JSSDF stationed there to provide security in the wake of the earlier attack from the terrorist organization known as 'The Cult of Xian.' We warn our viewers that the following content is disturbing and graphic. Young children, the elderly, and those with conditions that render them sensitive are advised to turn off the TV or be turned away for the next five to ten minutes."

The next five to ten minutes is a gory parade of mutilated, burned, or horribly disfigured corpses and people on their last breaths. When the parade ends, the news agency brings up its trump card, Rea being confronted, antagonized, and threatened by the 'peacekeepers.'

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the viewing public. What you're seeing is body-cam footage from one of the UN in person, threatening a four-year-old little girl with a gun for the 'crime' of asking about her MOMMY, and daring her to run and hide so they could hunt her down! Fortunately, the little girl is reported alive and well, thanks to the immense bravery shown by the JSSDF and a psychiatrist going by the name of Dr. Fraser Crane, formerly of the Boston Warzone, who took on the job of keeping the Eva pilots in NERV alive, well, and mentally sound. Well, Doctor, you've definitely done your job, and then some!"

The reporter listens for a few moments on her earpiece before speaking again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this just in. We have breaking news. The JSSDF and the pilots of the new TRIDENT anti-Angel vehicle are in a firefight with Japanese collaborators who were helping this... atrocity committed by the UN! We're going to the scene live at... THE MARDUK INSTITUTE! That's the company charged with finding new Eva pilots! We're turning the story over to our reporter on the scene, Hyundai Kawasaki!"

(Playing with English subtitles)

Kawasaki: "Yes, we're speaking live with Admiral Yamamoto, normally in charge of the naval aspects of the JSSDF and chosen liaison to NERV. Admiral, what can you tell us about what's going on?"

Yamamoto: "Kawasaki-san. We tracked down the … misguided, at best, soldiers here who followed the Prime Minister's standing orders regarding full, unflinching cooperation with the UN. We have tried to convince them of the highly illegal, unethical, and immoral nature of the UN's actions, without success. Their response to our peaceful entreaties is to attack the Marduk Institute building you see behind me, presumably killing everyone inside to make it their base before launching additional attacks on NERV HQ. We can not allow that to stand. With the permission of NERV's local branch, run by Gendo Ikari, we are using the TRIDENT Anti-Angel vehicle as our primary method of pacifying them."

Kawasaki: "And what was the nature of the entreaties to get them to stand down?"

Yamamoto: "I personally contacted them in good faith, promising them a fair hearing if they stood down and surrendered. I was rebuffed."

Kawasaki: "Any particular reason that the TRIDENT is being used to 'pacify' these rogue soldiers?"

Yamamoto: "Several. First, this eliminates the risk of friendly fire and greatly minimizes collateral damage."

Kawasaki: "Sound reasons. Go on."

Yamamoto: "Second, the pilot, Mana Kirishima, has a personal stake in this. Her friends and former co-pilots were hunted down like animals because some of these men chose to interpret the UN's orders in the cruelest and most depraved manner possible. They... have been dealt with."

Kawasaki: "I see. What are your thoughts about the loss of the marine fleet..."

Yamamoto: "A senseless and needless loss of life which was completely avoidable. Just from past experience, if the war-fleet had not fired on those two berserk Eva, the Eva would have ignored them completely...."

Kawasaki: "Are you sure? The very first time an Eva went berserk..."

Yamamoto: "A young girl was injured? Yes. I've read the report. Tragic, but purely accidental. The Eva was slammed around by that Angel at the time. The pilot was clearly not at fault."

Kawasaki: "And the way those two Eva rampaged on NERV..."

Yamamoto: "Still under investigation. The two pilots are currently in custody, awaiting a psych evaluation, and then trial."

Kawasaki: "Trial?"

Yamamoto: "Yes. Those kids are facing some serious charges. Now while it's a clear and cut case of self-defense against the joint UN-JSSDF fleet, what happened afterwards... Willful endangerment, malicious use of a military asset, destruction of NERV property, attempted murder of one Gendo Ikari... Yeah, those kids are going to need a damn good JAG officer."

Kawasaki: "Do you believe they're guilty?"

Yamamoto: "... I have my doubts on that. Eva have been known to act on their own, and without power, especially in grave situations, like what just happened. Were those kids in control? We'll have to wait until the trial to find out."

Kawasaki: "Wait... You're telling me that the fate of humanity is not just in the hands of children, but children forced to pilot vehicles that they could lose control of at any moment?!"

Yamamoto: "Yes, and I'm just as terrified at the prospect as you are. Which is why we at the JSSDF began pursuit of our own TRIDENT technology, and I must say our pilot Mana makes us proud. Still, even with her impressive skill, and the aid of our newest recruit, Kensuke Aida, we still can't face off against an Angel without Eva based assistance."

Kawasaki: "Terrifying indeed. Back to you, Wanda-san."

(Click) The TV gets turned off by Misato, half-seated on the bed next to Ritsuko.

Misato: "So NERV is already in CYA mode. That poor Mana, and those kids. Shinji, Asuka, and dear god, REI IS DEAD! The commander played back the footage..."

Ritsuko: "Don't be too sure. You know how Rei's always saying she's replaceable. Well, she's a ..."

Gendo walks into the room followed by the nurse.

Nurse: "Sorry to interrupt. I just need a few readings and then I'll leave you all alone."

Gendo: "Thank you, Nurse Pam. How are the patients?"

Nurse Pam: "Commander, it's poor etiquette, and unethical, to speak about a patient's condition in front of the patient unless speaking to the patient directly."

Gendo: "I understand. I'll wait until they're informed. I need to know if they're in danger, and we have a critical man-power shortage at the moment."

Nurse Pam scowls a bit but understands this is an emergency situation. "Understood, Commander." The nurse turns to Misato. "You have a broken arm. We've set it in a splint for you, and your head is bandaged due to numerous bumps and shallow cuts. Nothing life threatening. Unless you have access to some miracle healing serum, you won't have use of that arm for at least three months. Here's a guide to what you'll need to maintain it. You are free to go at any time."

Misato: (Scowling) "Thank you, Nurse Pam."

The nurse turns towards Ritsuko. "To be honest, it's a minor miracle you're still alive. An explosion that buried you, face first, into a wall of solid concrete for at least a third of a meter should have crushed and ruptured all your internal organs, but amazingly, whatever deity is watching over you decided it wasn't your day to die. You have one hell of a concussion, a dislocated hip, which we wrenched back into place while you were unconscious, your rib cage is one step away from shrapnel inside your body, and just about every bone in your face is fractured. You can thank whatever deity you believe in that your limbs and spine are still intact or you'd never walk out of here. We strongly recommend you stay here overnight for observation, at the minimum. Is that alright, Commander?"

Gendo: "That is acceptable, Nurse Pam. With the list of injuries you mentioned, we don't want to take any chances."(Turns and smiles at Ritsuko) "Dr. Akagi is irreplaceable. Do anything and everything to get her well, as best you can, no rush."

Nurse Pam: "But you said..."

Gendo: "That we have a major manpower shortage? That is true, but we don't want to lose our best scientist and technician because she pushed herself too fast, too hard, and I don't want to lose someone precious to me again, especially because of something I did."

Ritsuko blushes something fierce.

Misato looks back and forth between Ritsuko and Gendo a few times until it hits her.

Misato: "Rits. When you get out of here, we need to talk... about many things. I need to be seeing some kids and getting back to work."

Gendo: "Indeed, Major. Don't push yourself too hard either. I doubt this is the last time things will go... wrong."

Misato: "Yes, SIR!"

Gendo also asks Nurse Pam for some privacy, which the nurse is all too willing to give.

Gendo gets real close to Ritsuko's bed. "The Major was correct. Rei is … gone. It wasn't just an Angel attack. The UN stormed NERV and destroyed your lab, all of your lab. The Rei clones were destroyed. Rei is no more.

Ritsuko is shocked and horrified by the revelation, and how calmly Gendo is delivering it. She knows how important Rei is to his "scenario" as the link to his "dead" wife. Ritsuko is also deeply conflicted. On the one hand, this is what she always dreamed of, nobody between her and Gendo, nobody. On the other, she's overcome with incredible guilt for getting what she wanted, at the cost of the love and happiness of Shinji, Asuka, and Rei.

Ritsuko: "Sir, I'm sorry..."

Gendo: "Not your fault, Doctor. I'm the one who ordered you and Maya to take an outing together, and the saboteurs made good on your absence."

Ritsuko: "Then what about..."

Gendo: "The Scenario? Don't worry about it. That doll was just that, a doll, a tool, nothing important. You're the one I shared my bed with, nobody else, remember?"

Ritsuko begins crying, and the tears just won't stop.

Gendo comforts her (or pretends to) by rubbing one of the few places of her body that isn't compromised, her hand, and kisses her on the ear because all the bones in her face are fractured.

When Ritsuko closes her eyes, Gendo takes two syringes out from his pocket and injects both their contents into Ritsuko's IV bag.

Gendo: "I've got to go. YOU focus on getting well above everything else, understood?"

Ritsuko: "Sir! YES SIR!"

Gendo: "At ease."

Gendo then kisses her hand, gently, oh so gently, watching her get goosebumps and the hair on her arms stand completely on end, with her moaning in pleasure. He smiles to himself and walks out of the room leaving her wanting for more....

Gendo: "Nurse Pam, what's the status of the researcher we brought in, patient Maya?"

Nurse Pam: "Fortunately the bullet you mentioned bounced off her skull. Unfortunately, the impact shoved her face into her computer monitor. She was electrocuted, and this simulated a grand-mal seizure. We also have to surgically remove glass shards from her eyes, ears, mouth, tongue and throat. Nothing life-threatening, now, but she's going to need at least three days worth of work just to be able to heal properly."

Gendo: "I see. Make sure to keep me and patient Ritsuko Akagi abreast of her condition."

Nurse Pam: "Commander?"

Gendo: "The two of them are... close. Do notify me the instant she regains consciousness."

Nurse Pam: "With pleasure."

Nurse Pam truly believes that Gendo actually cares deeply about Ritsuko and Maya, personally.

When Misato reaches NERV,

She's informed that Shinji and Asuka have been imprisoned, and why. She rushes to the brig to find two very, very angry and bitter teens who want Gendo dead, with good reason.

Misato: "Oh what a mess The Commander's left me to deal with."

To be continued...
Chapter 41
Chapter 41

Misato had the foresight to bring Lara Croft with her when she stopped to visit her two favorite Pilots, Shinji and Asuka. She had not forgotten her promise that if Gendo's actions caused any incident to center on Shinji and Rei, she'd use the full weight of military justice against him.

Such an incident has indeed occurred. Rei's corpse, perfectly preserved in LCL, was presented to Misato, and Misato saw the news coverage concerning the battle with the Angel, Bardiel. She's here to hear the Pilot's side of the story.

Misato: "Shinji-kun, Asuka-san. I've come to visit, and you're both facing some serious charges. I'd like to hear your side of the story, and I've brought Lara Croft-san so she can act as your legal counsel."

Shinji: "Charges? What charges? We weren't told anything. Only thrown down here for 'quarantine' because of possible Angel contamination..."

Asuka: "So what bullshit is NERV charging us with?"

Lara Croft: "Ahem. Let's see. NERV is ruling out the fight with the UN and JSSDF joint warfleet as they clearly attacked you first, and with what they thought was deadly force at that, and concludes justified self-defense. After that though? You're both being charged with willful endangerment, malicious use of lethal military assets, and attempted murder of one Gendo Ikari when Eva-01 and Eva-02 tore through the pyramid housing his office, and Eva-01 nearly bit the Commander in half, leaving him staring down its throat before the battery died and it shut down."

Asuka: "...HeheeheheHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Oh, oh that is RICH! The son of a bitch seizes control of our Eva from us, forces us to helplessly watch and feel REI being torn apart by our own hands and then wants to slap in in prison the rest of our lives for it! I wish Eva-01 DID bite him in half... No, that would be too quick for the bastard. He deserves to be chewed up nice and proper and THEN eaten!"

Misato and Lara look at each other for a moment before simultaneously going "WHAT?!"

Shinji: "Yeah. Seems 'dear old dad' didn't like either of the two battle plans I proposed, and so activated something called a 'dummy plug system' to steal away our control of the Eva to do things HIS way, and yeah we saw and FELT every last bit of it..."

Lara: "So you're saying you had no control of the situation whatsoever?"

Asuka and Shinji: "NONE!"

Misato: "Well. SHIT!"

Shinji: "No matter how we screamed or begged, Commander Ikari.."

Asuka: "Commander Asshole!"

Shinji: "Right, Commander Asshole to stop, he ignored us until Rei's entry plug was torn apart and we saw her fall to the ground, dead, and that's the last thing we saw before we wound up... here."

Lara: "Did you lose consciousness?"

Asuka: "Yeah, when Commander Asshole and the Gestapo with JSSDF uniforms pried us out of the entry plugs and tasered us!"

Shjini: "Before then? The screens just went blank and although we could hear what was going on, we couldn't see anything and the Eva were acting out on their own, beyond our control."

Lara: "Pilots, I'm going to need you both to sign an affidavit testifying to all this, in the event you won't get a chance to testify in court. Major, I'm going to need you to bring me the full recording of the battle and incident, and I DO MEAN FULL. I'm not talking about what's available to the public; I'm talking about every reading, every recording, visual and audio, and every piece of technical data you can get your hands on, and I don't fucking care how classified it is! I'm also going to need the testimony of everybody in that control center, ASAP!"

Misato: "You've got my affidavit, right?"

Lara: "Yes. I'm also going to need the affidavit of your fellow survivor, Dr. Ritsuko Akagi."

Misato: "Yes, ma'am, right away, ma'am!"

Lara: "Get going! Time is not on our side here!"

At the SEELE chambers...

Kihl: "This was less than optimal. I had hoped we'd have full control of NERV now, but most of the primary objectives were achieved. The doll is dead and broken, Ikari now has to do things our way; his Scenario is no longer viable... unless he can somehow use that child... Damn it, how hard was it for grown soldiers to kill one four-year-old brat! They couldn't even get past a fucking psychiatrist fighting alone and unarmed!"

SEELE US: "We will have other chances. Ikari is still useful. He's put the two most dangerous pilots behind bars and wiped out those among the JSSDF who could potentially testify against us, especially should they have learned that we never intended to pay them for betraying their TRIDENT program..."

Kihl: "You're right, old friend. Even though we don't have much time left, we mustn't let the fact that our goal is so close we can almost taste it blind us to the pitfalls ahead."


In Lara Croft's makeshift study...

Lara Croft is trying to put together a comprehensive defense to clear Shinji and Asuka of the grievous charges filed against them with the evidence at hand, and is struggling with the sheer volume of evidence and testimony she has to go through...

Rea: "What ya doing, Auntie Lara?"

Lara: "Your Papa is in big trouble, sweetie. So is Auntie Asuka."

Rea: "Papa's in trouble?"

Lara: "Yeah, some people say he and Asuka did some very, very bad things, and I have to prove they didn't."

Rea: "Oh... But isn't Papa sick?"

Lara: "Who told you that, sweetie?"

Rea: "Papa did, when I went to pick him and Auntie Asuka up. Said they were both sick and didn't want me too close, so I came back."

Lara ruffles Rea's hair "That was very smart of him. You have such a good Papa!"

Rea: "YUP! Hehehe!"

Lara Croft wonders how could Rea be so happy... unless nobody's told her Rei's dead yet...

Rea: "Come see Mommy!"

Lara Croft: "Wait... Mommy's here?"

Rea: "No, silly. In the basement with Washu-chan and Crane-Sensei! She has an owie in her head and Crane-Sensei thinks it's a good idea if she has people she knows see her!"

Lara Croft: "... You don't say..."

Rea: "...No, it will take too long. Here, let me."

Rea disappears and reappears with Rei in tow.

Rea: "Mommy! Here's Lara-Sensei!"

Rei: "Hello. I am Rei Ayanami. Have we met?"

Lara: "BWAH!"

Lara Croft falls out of her chair in shock. Rei somehow survived such a disastrous fall, and aside from a bit of amnesia is physically fine? Not to mention that Rea has the ability to teleport around and take people with her?

Rei: "Are you injured? Do you need help?"

Lara: "Just... surprised is all."

Rea: "HEHE! You grown ups are so silly!"

Lara: "Rea, sweetie, not everyone can teleport like that."

Rea: "They can't? But Ryoko-san and Washu-chan do it all the time..."

Lara: "They're … special, and so are you." (Rubs Rea's head)

Rea: "Hehehe!"

Rei: "Such an adorable child. Where is she from?"

Lara: "She's your daughter."

Rei: "My... daughter? I have a daughter?!"

Rea: "Yeah, Mommy!"

Rei begins weeping, picks up Rea and holds her tight.

Rei: "I... always wanted to be a mother, but I couldn't have children... how?"

Lara: "That is a long, long story. Tell me, what's your last happy memory."

Rei: "I... I was at NERV, getting my usual 'pickled beet' treatment... Where did that phrase come from? I don't remember saying stuff like that..."

Lara: "That's alright. It will come to you eventually. You were saying?"

Rei: "Ah, yes. Dr. Ritsuko was there, doing her usual stuff, but then she said to me, 'go be with your guy, I don't care anymore. You're going to be out of my hair and someone else's problem... DAMN IT! Why can't I have a lover who actually cares and smiles at me like you! GAH! Well, with you out of the way, maybe, just maybe, the Commander will actually pay attention to me and smile at ME for a change. GO!' For some reason, that made me really happy... wait. When did that happen? I remember having to be with two others, a boy and girl, at all times..."

Rei grabs her chest. "Oh, it was a dream, a nightmare? I.. I don't understand."

Dr. Crane walks into the room. "Oh so there you are!... Lara Croft?! You're famous! I … didn't think you were real! Your exploits in those video-games..."

Lara: "Are exaggerated, yes, surprisingly not by much. I don't really have infinite ammo, and heal from all but the most grievous wounds with nothing more than a med-kit."

Fraser: "... Rei. I was worried, you disappeared from our session..."

Lara: "She's terribly confused. She doesn't know what memories were real and what were dreams...or the proper sequence of events."

Fraser: "That's actually very good news. It means she's beginning to recover from... what she went through."

Lara: "I see. What exactly DID she go through?"

Fraser: "Even I don't fully understand it, and I've been privy to the full story. I think she's not quite ready to hear it herself... Oh, you've got the video …. yeah. That happened. That's all I' m comfortable saying right now."

Lara: "I see, thank you, Dr. Crane. You're quite a celebrity yourself."

Fraser: "Oh, that. I didn't do anything, not a thing at all. I'm guessing NERV's giving me the credit to avoid exposing some seriously unbelievable secrets. Helpful hint, don't make that little girl angry. You wouldn't like it when she's angry."

Lara: "Thank you for the advice, Dr. Crane. Is there anything you really needed from me?"

Frasier: "Not right now. I see you're busy. Perhaps we should discuss things more later."

Lara: "Yes, perhaps."

Fraser, Rei and Rea leave the room, through the doorway.

Lara writes off Rei as a witness. She's too psychologically damaged to provide solid testimony. In any event, Lara thinks the kids have a solid case; she even prepared some counter-charges to level against Gendo: gross negligence, abusing subordinates, reckless endangerment, providing aid and comfort to the enemy, twice, and perhaps sexual exploitation of one Ritsuko Akagi, though that one's going to be much harder to prove, especially without Ritsuko's testimony, that she's not likely to provide.

Lara: "(Sigh) I wonder how those kids are going to react to finding out their beloved's actually alive, but doesn't actually remember them. I'm going to have to be careful how I tell them, considering the fact that it's possible people tried to kill her."

As Rei and Dr. Crane walk back to the make-shift psychiatrist office...

Rei: "So I am married?"

Fraser: "According to the official records, yes. You have a husband, Shinji Ikari, and a wife, Asuka Langley Soryu. Why she kept her maiden name, I don't understand."

Rei: "I see, and Rea is my daughter with Shinji-kun?"

Frasier: "Yes... as complicated as it sounds, she's both adopted and your biological daughter... I can't tell you any more than is in your official file, unfortunately, as I have neither met nor interviewed them yet."

Rei: "I see. In that case I will have to posit my questions to them directly."

Rei proceeds to unfurl her wings, and guided by Rea, disappears, leaving a pile of clothes behind... until a little hand scoops them up with the voice "Silly Mommy! You'll need these!"

To be continued...
Chapter 42
Chapter 42

Rei and Rea appear directly in Shinji's cell. He's no less surprised than Lara Croft was.

Shini: "Rea? R...REI?! You..."

Rei: "You're Shinji-kun, I take it? Rea, sweetheart, please wait outside. We're going to be saying 'adult' stuff."

Rea: "Okay, Mommy!"

When Rei turns to face Rea, Shinji notices something that "Rei" shouldn't have...

Shinji: "Wait... Who are you? You can't be Rei! She's been hurt badly in her chest..."

Rei: "There's the eye for detail I remember. Now how can I convince you... Ah!"

Rei grabs Shinji, lifts him up and slams him against the wall.

Rei: "If there was a bath here, I'd drag you inside."

Shinji, realizing there's only one person who'd know that, well maybe two since he's aware Asuka's been reading his diary and she's locked up like he is, he comes to the conclusion that this is indeed Rei he's speaking with, and starts to cry.

Shinji: "Rei... REI! I'm so... sorry!"

When Rei puts Shinji down, he grabs and embraces her, hard.

Rei: "Shinji-kun. Please let me go."

Shinji: "Rei?"

Shini reluctantly and grudgingly lets her go.

Rei: "I'm trying to reorganize my memories and my journal is gone. Please answer my questions, and help me."

Shinji wipes his tears, but they just keep flowing.

Shinji: "I... thought you died..."

Rei: "I did. This is a clone body, and my memories are a mess. I... need your help."

Shinji: "You always were, weren't you?"

Rei: "Smart boy. Yes. I have always lived in a cloned body. Who I'm a clone of? I suspect only The Commander knows. I don't. Now please answer my questions."

Rei grills Shinji relentlessly, trying to sort out fact from fiction in her mind and the proper sequence of events.

Rei: "I see. So you proposed to me in a highly emotional moment, and I accepted... All because you were kind to me. So my memories of that are true. I'm glad. You are also so fond of my smile that you're willing to give me a girlfriend for a birthday gift." (Rei begins crying) "I know I should love you more than life itself, and I want to..."

Shinji: "Rei?"

Rei: "(Sniff) I really, really want to! … I! CAN'T! I'm sorry, Shinji-kun."

Rei gently kisses Shinji on the forehead before preparing to leave.

Rei: "Don't throw your life away fighting The Commander. He's not worth it. Not even if you're fighting to avenge me."

Rei then simply walks up to the cell door and walks out, locking it behind her. "Wait for me."

Shinji breaks down sobbing, a broken wreck. His hatred, burning desire for revenge burned out of him, but one thing is certain. The Commander's taken Rei's smile from him, and that is unforgiveable.

Rei then walks into Asuka's cell, and Asuka's just as shocked.

Asuka: "Wondergirl? … WONDERGIRL!!! How can you possibly be alive?!"

Rei: "Hello, Asuka-san. You are Asuka-san, correct?"

Asuka: "Anta-baka?! Wondergirl? What are you taking about? Did you sit picking like a beet too long or something?"

Rei: "So that is where I picked up the phrase. It is good to see you're still alive and well, all things considered."

Asuka: (Weeping) "Wondergirl... YOU MADE ME WORRY! Have you..."

Rei: "Sorry to make you worry."

Asuka runs over and cries into Rei's bosom... and notices.

Asuka: "Wondergirl?" (Grope, grope) "What... the.... hell? I thought you lost your left breast, forever! What's going on?!"

Rei: "I see you're a bit slower than Shinji-kun. That's okay. Even I know encountering a clone with the consciousness of your lover is something nobody ever considers."

Asuka: "Wait. You're saying the Rei we loved is dead, and now you're here to take her place?!"

Rei: "That is one interpretation, yes."

Asuka: "...(Breaks into rage fueled string of expletives in various languages.)"

Rei: "I am sorry it had to be this way. It is not the first time this has happened. How did you think Rea wound up in Eva-00?"

Asuka: "... I am pissed, Wondergirl. I'd slap you if I didn't think you'd break my arm in retaliation."

Rei: "So that did happen. I am sorry, Asuka. That was disproportionate."

Asuka: "... And now you're a fucking wind-up doll! GHHHHYYYYAAAAARGGHHHH!!! GENDO MUST DIE A BILLION DEATHS!"

Rei: "Please do not throw your life away going after him. If there's any virtue in Gendo at all, is that he's very, very patient and methodical. He's got a hundred counters, lethal counters, for anything and everything you might even think of doing. He's also more than willing to wait decades to carry it out. What's worse is that there's nothing, yes nothing, that he cares about enough to use as leverage, save one thing..."

Asuka: "Eva-01!"

Rei: "Very good, and then only because of the soul inside...."

Asuka: "Yui Ikari."

Rei: "How...."

Asuka: "You're not the only one with secrets, Wondergirl."

Rei: (Blinks rapidly for a few seconds.) "I see why Shinji-kun chose you to be my birthday gift..."

Asuka: "No, Wondergirl. YOU chose me. The Third just had enough sense to stand aside when you grabbed my face and took my first kiss!"

Rei: "Now I remember, and you melted into a puddle when you shouted out that you wanted Shinji-kun to have it instead."

Asuka suddenly turns meek and squirms like a shy school-girl.

Asuka: "Um.. Yeah."

Rei kisses her on the forehead.

Rei: "You are so cute when you're honest." (Begins crying heavily) "You deserve to be loved up one side and down the other, and I really, really wish I could do that right now, in all sorts of inventive ways..."

Asuka: "But you can't do it, right?"

Rei: "Yeah. I'm sorry.."

Asuka: "STOP APOLOGIZING! You're starting to sound like Baka!"

Rei punches a hole in the cell wall.

Rei: "You're right, Asuka-san. The two of you are perfect for each other... provided you don't try to strangle each other to death... (sigh). Yeah. I... need time. Please wait for me."

Asuka: "Okay, Wondergirl. Get well, okay?"

Rei: "Thanks."

Asuka: "You spoken to..."

Rei: "Shinji-kun? Yeah! I still want to love you both! I SHOULD LOVE YOU BOTH!! I... just.. can't right now. I've got only two modes right now, numb or agony."

Asuka: "Hahaha! Oh, Wondergirl, you're describing my life before I met you!"

Rei kisses Asuka gently on the cheek. "Okay then, goodbye. Hope to see you soon."

Rei leaves the cell quietly and asks Rea to take her home.

Asuka curls up on her bed and begins weeping, quietly. This is something she hasn't been able to do since her mother died, not without ridicule. The only time she was allowed to cry was when she was experiencing a surge of rage in battle. She's grateful to Rei for letting her cry without fear of ridicule. She will never, ever forgive Gendo for making her strike down her wife with her own hands

The military tribunal for the trial of Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley Soryu continues its preparation, unconcerned, and unaware.

For NERV Berlin, a child soldier, the projected pilot for Eva-03, Lt. Col Tanya Degurechaff arrives with her adjutant Viktoria.

For NERV Us, a grizzled veteran going only by the name of "Snake."

For Tokyo-3, it's Admiral Yamamoto.

Witnesses are subpoenaed.

Evidence is gathered, organized, and collated.

The courtroom is chosen, prepared, and the media fully sets up to televise the event, considering the seriousness of the charges, and the gravity of the situation.

During this week, Gendo visits Ritsuko's bedside daily, slipping something "a little extra" into her IV on every visit, without her knowledge.... until she gives in to her urges, and outright begs for a "debriefing." Gendo, as planned, lets her "push him down" and do as she wishes...

The very next day, Maya, fully recovered, visits her to escort her to a specially prepared LCL tank to complete her healing.

Maya: "You had fun without me last night didn't you, Senpai?"

Ritsuko: "Oh God, yes, Maya. I'm sorry. I know he's bad news, but... just the tiniest show of something that even looks like kindness, and my clothes fall off..."

Maya: "Um-hmm. It's The Commander isn't it?"

Ritsuko: "You knew?"

Maya: "Who else could it be? The two of you thought you were being so subtle and so smooth... Seriously. Even the densest Harem Protagonist could see it."

Ritsuko: (Holding her head in her hands) "Oh God!"

Maya: "He does have a certain... charm, when he wants to. You're right though. He is bad news, and refuses to move on..."

Ritsuko: "I know, I know! You really love to rub the salt in the wound..."

Maya: "No, Senpai. I want you happy, and what's best for you. Always have, ever since I first saw you in that elegant one-piece swimsuit coming out of LCL... RAWR!"

Ritsuko: "MAYA!"

Maya: "Hehehe! Well, you've got an appointment with an LCL tank, and I've been carefully studying the protocols when you've been treating Rei, and the other pilots..."

Ritsuko: "Oh, oh no." (Blushes furiously)

Maya: "That's right, Senpai. I now have orders, and the perfect excuse, to closely examine each and every centimeter of your glorious nude body in an LCL tank!"

Ritsuko: "Maya, I don't know how right now, but I will get you back for this!"

Maya: "I'm looking forward to it, Senpai! I've got all sorts of toys back home!"

Ritsuko: "... What have I gotten myself into?!"

Maya: "A genuine loving relationship, Senpai?"

Nobody realizes that the Angels are still coming, and one of the worst menaces NERV will ever face alone is now knocking on Heaven's Door.

To be continued...
Chapter 43
Chapter 43

Back at the former Masaki mansion...

Lara: "You did what?! I can understand you wanting to visit your loved ones, but you should have cleared it with us first! All evidence to date says that people were trying to kill you. The primary reason you're alive right now is that nobody knows you've survived..."

Rei: "I suspected as much, Croft-sensei. I made sure NERV's security cameras did not see me when I went to visit the others. Not only did I need to see them to sort out my memories, I did not wish to see them recklessly throw their lives away going after The Commander in righteous vengeance."

Lara: "So you told them to ignore him?"

Rei: "Not at all. I merely informed them that they don't stand a chance, and that their attempts wouldn't bother him in the slightest."

Lara: "I see. Well, I'd strongly appreciate it if you cleared it with us first before you undertake any more outings. I'm sure this place is well-defended, but I'd rather not have an army, or two, trying to bang down the door to get at you."

Rei: "I understand."

Lara: "(Sigh) Do you, really? Well. You do what you have to. I've got to head to court. The military tribunal for your lovers is about to start, and I've got a lot of evidence to present."

Rei: "I wish I could be there."

Lara: (Rubs the top of Rei's head gently.) "So do I, and I'm sure they would love it too. For now, just focus on getting better, and keeping little Rea happy."

Rea: "What's a 'tribunal'?"

Lara: "It's where three judges try to separate the good people from the bad people, and punish the bad ones."

Rea: "Oh... OKAY! Save Papa and Auntie Asuka!"

Lara: "I'm going to do my best, love!"

Lara Croft steps through the dimensional door Washu prepared into NERV HQ, specifically the door to the "waiting room" of Ritsuko's lab so she can head to the tribunal for Shinji and Asuka.

On the other side, Lara encounters Maya.

Maya: "Do you need Senpai? She's currently indisposed, trying to recover from her injuries.."

Lara: "No, thank you. We've decided it's best if I use the dimensional door to come here so as to keep the kid's home a secret, and because it's a shorter trip to the tribunal."

Maya: "Okay, Croft-san. Good luck!"

Lara: "Thanks. I'm sure going to need it."

Meanwhile, at the command center...

Aoba: "Did you find the reason why we lost camera feed last night in the Brig?"

Mistukado: "Yeah, some mice were found chewing on the camera cables. We've called in an exterminator."

Gendo: "I see. Well. I must be off. I have a trial to attend."

As Gendo is leaving for the tribunal, he allows himself a small smirk, when he thinks nobody can see it. Not only is he looking forward to seeing Shinji suffer, but he's almost salivating at the prospect of Ritsuko confronting him when she learns of the consequences of "pushing him down"... while under the effects of the aphrodisiacs he'd been slipping into her IV, along with ovulation drugs, so she'd be as fertile as possible.

Gendo also relishes savoring her impotence in trying to file charges against him because her stint in the LCL tank is likely to rapidly metabolize all traces of the drugs out of her system, and artificially age the fetus so it looks like the product of a time when the coitus was entirely consensual, even if Ritsuko was somehow able to prove his use of drugs.

What's making him smirk most, is the sadistic choice he's planning on presenting Ritsuko with when she finds out...

After everyone arrives at the tribunal site...

Viktoria not only acts as Tanya's adjutant, but as the bailif.

Viktoria: "All rise!"

Yamamoto: "Be seated."

Everyone sits down. Asuka and Shinji are in chains, still wearing their LCL smeared jumpsuits, as they were not even allowed a change of clothes during the week that they've been in the brig.

Yamamoto: "We are gathered here to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendants Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley Soryu. The charges are quite grave, willful endangerment, malicious use of lethal military equipment, and attempted murder. Not to mention the massive property damage. Prosecutor, Defense. You may make your arguments."

Fuyutsuki: "Thank you, sir. Much as it pains me to speak ill of the pilots who time and again have gone up against incredible odds to save humanity from the Angel menace, what occurred in the battle against Bardiel is inexcusable. The defendants, on their own volition, turned their war-machines on their benefactors, trampled everything in their way, and did massive damage while trying to kill their commander. This can not be overlooked, and the punishment must be grave! May justice be served."

Yamomoto: "The prosecutor shall be seated. Defense!"

Lara: "Thank you, Sir. The defense postulates that not only would the battle not have taken place had NERV, especially the commander Gendo, taken appropriate measures and safeguards, instead of rushing through with an activation test that placed one Rei Ikari in imminent danger, but that the pilots had their control over the titular Eva wrenched away from them while they were forced to helplessly watch in their cockpits. As such, they should bear no culpability whatsoever, and we officially file counter-charges against Gendo, personally. Gross Negligence, abusing subordinates, reckless endangerment, and providing aid and comfort to the enemy, twice, once in the Ireul incident, and again during the incident with Bardiel. On both occasions, Gendo signed documents allowing Angel compromised equipment and materiel onto NERV grounds. If anyone is culpable, it's Gendo Ikari himself. That is all."

Yamamoto: "An interesting defense tactic, Ms. Lara Croft. Very interesting indeed. You might just make legal precedent. The prosecution may proceed."

Fuyutsuki: "Thank you, Sir. The prosecution calls Major Misato Katsuragi."

Misato walks up to the stand, raises her right hand and swears upon the bible to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Fuyutsuki: "Major. What is your impression of the pilots?"

Misato: "They're spirited, energetic, and surprisingly responsible young teens."

Fuyutsuki: "So they're not prone to discipline problems?"

Misato: "PRONE to discipline problems? No."

Fuyutsuki: "But there have been issues in the past, yes?"

Misato: "Reluctantly, yes. Their initial adjustment to NERV has been less than ideal."

Fuyutsuki: "Less than ideal? That's putting it mildly. Pilot Ikari does have a history of insubordination, does he not?"

Tanya is visibly chewing her thumbnail as she does not tolerate insubordination lightly.

Misato: "Only once, and not only did he have sound tactical reasoning, he was proven right, saving the lives of the then civilian Kensuke Aida and Toji Suzuhara."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. As for pilot Soryu, she is rather prone to violence and has a short fuse, doesn't she?"

Shinji is holding Asuka's shoulder to keep her from rising to the bait, but it's obvious she is clearly vexed, and if it wasn't for the chains, she'd be throttling Fuyutsuki right now.

Misato: "Asuka tends to be... hot blooded, yes."

Fuyutsuki: "It's more than merely 'hotblooded'. She is on record slapping Toji Suzuhara 'as a viewing fee' when the wash of a helicopter lifted up the skirt of her dress while on the deck of 'The Over the Rainbow' and she had to be physically restrained while riding the helicopter to the Croft estate to keep her from physically assaulting Lara Croft herself and her fellow pilots. Isn't that correct?"

Misato: "Regrettably, yes. That is so."

Fuyutsuki: "No further questions at this time."

Yamamoto: "Cross-examine."

Lara: "Thank you, Sir. Major. As to Pilot Ikari's act of insubordination, how did you handle it?"

Misato: "I put him through a physically demeaning punishment."

Lara: "You mean this? Sirs. I submit these photos as exhibit A and exhibit B. Clearly marked 'before' and 'after' photos."

The court sees the disaster that was Misato's living quarters before and after Shinji cleaned it up.

Lara: "I also submit this bento as exhibit C. Is this an accurate representation of what pilot Ikari was given to eat after this 'punishment'?"

Misato: "That's my lunch! And yes, I did serve him such a meal after he was done... cleaning."

One bite and every one of the three judges turn blue, are shocked when they see the results of Pen^2 being fed the same, and are truly impressed when Misato eats it, completely oblivious to their distaste.

Tanya: "We will stipulate that pilot Ikari was indeed given adequate.. no excessive punishment for his transgression. How was his behavior from that point on, Major?"

Misato: "A model soldier, Ma'am. He keeps his head 'in the game', follows his orders proactively, and submits solutions to his tactical and strategic problems for approval before carrying them out."

Tanya: "Impressive. Does not sound like someone who, when in control, would attack his home base."

Misato: "Thank you, Ma'am."

Lara: "There's been mention that Asuka's prone to violence. Aside from her first day at NERV, is this true?"

Misato: "No. While her speech is peppered with profanity, she's shown considerable restraint. She would have been justified being violent in the immediate aftermath of the Ireul incident; she did enter quarantine without incident."

Lara: "And how would she have been justified?"

Misato: "Well..." Misato goes on to explain the rough and unethical treatment she received from Section 2 personnel while being forced to share a room with both Rei and Shinji...

"Snake": "I think we've heard enough on that score. Any other questions Croft-san?"

Lara: "Just two. Major. What can you tell us about the Bardiel incident?"

Misato: "While I was unable to witness the battle, I was present at the activation test. Despite pilot Rei Ikari voicing concerns regarding Eva-03, The Commander ordered its activation anyway, albeit at minimal power. Once active, Eva-03 went berserk and attacked the facility, killing everyone but Dr. Ritsuko Akagi and myself."

Lara: "Are the Eva prone to going berserk?"

Misato: "...Yes. On at least two previous occasions, Eva-01 has activated and moved on its own, despite having no power, and has been documented acting despite having no pilot."

Lara: "That is all."

Yamamoto: "Rebuttal?"

Fuyutsuki: "Yes. Major. At the time, Eva-01 was moving to protect pilot Ikari, correct?"

Misato: "That is correct."

Fuyutsuki: "And how could Eva-01's actions in the Bardiel incident be considered 'protective?'"

Misato: "I was not present. I have no way of knowing."

Fuyutsuki: "Thank you, that is all."

Tanya: "Next witness!"

Fuyutsuki: "Unfortunately, our next witness, Dr. Ristuko Akagi, is currently undergoing medical treatment that cannot be interrupted to recover from her injuries in the incident. We've prepared a sworn affidavit on her behalf."

Yamamoto: "I see. Present it to the court. Would you like to examine it, Croft-san?"

Lara: "Of course. We, in the defense, also have a sworn affidavit from the good doctor."

The affidavits are exchanged, studied, and turned over to the court.

Yamamoto: "This is fascinating. So there was indeed a 'dummy plug system' being developed for implementation into the Eva. Further, the doctor's sworn testimony indicates that the pilots were not aware of this.... The defense's stipulation just gained a lot more weight."

Suddenly, a thundering boom is heard, along with an all too familiar Klaxon. An Angel attack is bearing down on Tokyo-3.

To be continued...
Chapter 44
Chapter 44

This Angel is the biggest and meanest yet. Despite getting hit in the face with three ICBMS simultaneously, it doesn't even flinch. It just vaporizes everything on the horizon in a 360 degree arc.

It takes its sweet time because it wants to, not because anything NERV or the JSSDF does can slow it down. Once it gets over Tokyo-3, it eliminates all 22 levels of armor over the Geofront in a single blast and then begins levitating down the now open pit ever so slowly, as if it's somehow admiring the sights on its way down.

The scene in the courtroom is pure chaos. The reporters panic and trip over each other trying to evacuate. The spectators make a bee-line for the door. There is much shouting, screaming, and running.

Of those in attendance, only the NERV personnel and the judges remain calm.

Yamamoto: "I move we adjourn until this situation is resolved."

"Snake": "Agreed."

Viktoria: (Curled up on the ground) "Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod!!!"

Tanya: "Get ahold of yourself! Viktoria! You're embarrassing us! Where's the proud warrior that helped me during the Second Impact War?!"

Viktoria: "Hai! Ma'am! Yes!"

Tanya: "Better. Look, pilots! I know you're not particularly inclined to help us at the moment, but if you get in your Eva and deal with this, we can dismiss the charges, without prejudice."

Shinji: "What does that mean?"

Lara: "It means they'll let you go, but they can charge you again later, at any time."

Asuka: "Well isn't that just F---" (notices Shinji staring at her) "fantastic! And how do we know that we won't have our Eva remote-controlled against us?!"

"Snake": "We're watching the proceeds very, very carefully. If there's a 'dummy plug' system, and Commander Gendo dares to use it without a damn good reason, not only will we completely dismiss all charges against you, but we're going to come down on him so hard, he's going to think he's being smitten by the wrath of god!"

Shinji and Asuka look at each other for a moment.

Shinji: "I suppose that's the best we can ask for."

Asuka: "Someone mind getting these chains off?! I wish we had time for a … bath!"

Shinji: "Yeah!"

Tanya: "While there's no bath here, there is a public shower... yeah, just wash all that crap off."

Granted, the "shower" isn't anything more than one might find at a public beach, or the emergency shower one might find in a lab somewhere, and the water coming out is ice-cold, but it beats riding the smell and … stickiness of continuing to marinade in LCL.

Asuka: "That was unpleasant, and we couldn't even take these suits off!"

Shinji: "Yeah, but at least we don't have to marinade in that old LCL anymore!"

Asuka: "... Of course, we're going to be marinading in NEW LCL!"

Shinji: "You would have to go and say that, Asuka-san!"

Suddenly Shinji finds Asuka holding his hand, tight, and he holds hers right back.

Asuka: "Shinji-kun. Let's make Rei proud! No matter what happens after."

Shinji: "Yeah!" (Shinji pulls Asuka close, so close their cheeks rub) "And then maybe, just maybe, we can get a proper bath. Just the two of us."

Asuka: "... You would want that."

Shinji: "..."

Asuka: "Shinji-chan, that's okay. I'd love it too. Just taking it all easy, nice and slow, in a warm pool of water, with nothing to disturb us. Just.. enjoying each other... I don't think Rei would mind..."

Shinji: "Mind? I think she'd be tickled pink..."

Asuka: "If she was here? Yeah. Say no more."

As Asuka and Shinji attempt to make their way to the Eva Hangar...

Gendo: "Activate the 'dummy plug system. Do it NOW!"

Aoba: "We're trying sir. The Eva keep rejecting the command..."

Eva-01 and Eva-02 turn to the camera lift up one hand each and then make "the one finger salute."

Gendo: "Who the hell is screwing around?! This isn't a time for puerile, infantile humor!"

Mitsukado: "Eva-05 and Eva-06 are fully operational! The pilots are ready for takeoff!"

Gendo: "Finally, something is going right! Sortie them at once... Tell them that if they screw up this time, they'd better wish the Angel got them! I am in no mood for their usual incompetence!"

Mitsukado: "Sir, yes sir!"

Mari and Kowaru launch and begin harassing the Angel by launching spears at it.

Despite the fact that the spears pass right through its A-T field like its not even there, it just looks down as if it wants to say "Stop. That tickles."

Nagisa: "This is most disappointing. I can pierce the A-T field but it just laughs off my attack."

Mari gets a strange glow in her eyes, her teeth become strangely sharp, and her facial expression twists into that of a feral animal.


Eva-06 begins to warp, bend, mutate, with protrusions like cooling rods emerging from its body.


The Angel looks on, doing nothing to interrupt, seemingly amused by the transformation sequence.

Nagisa: "It is unwise to ignore me."

Nagisa fires more spears at the Angel, at which point it unwraps these massive tin-foil looking arms, grabs Eva-05 out of the sky and slams it to the ground, pinning it there, almost as if it was saying "Oh, do shut up."

Nagisa: "I'm not even worth notice, eh? I'm beginning to understand the human emotions of 'annoyance' and 'frustration.'"


Mari: "Almost there! ALMOST!!!"

Eva-06's mouth opens, revealing razor sharp teeth.

Mari: "Now!"

The Angel rushes forward as if saying "FINALLY"

Eva-06 launches itself at the Angel, and the Angel... just stands there, almost disappointed. As if it wants to say "Oh? Is that all?"

The Angel then proceeds to literally rip Eva-06 apart, as if it's just too bored to care. The destruction is so complete that all the kings horses and all the kings men can't put it back together again.

Kowaru: "There doesn't seem to be anything 'Illustrious' about Mari.."


Nagisa: "Now, now. No need to be rude."

The Angel never released Eva-05 while facing Eva-06. Almost as an afterthought, the Angel crushes it so it can't fly anymore and then shoves it into the ground, head first.


The Angel looks at the ruins of Gendo's pyramid and vaporizes it.

Gendo: "... I... don't believe it. The ANGEL is more useful than those two fools! At least the Angel cleared away the debris of the building above..." (Gendo's eyes open wide) "SHIT! It's going to come through here! EVERYONE OUT! NOW!"

Mitsukado: "Sir! We can still activate Eva-00 with the Dummy Plug!"

Gendo: "Fine. Do it. Then get the hell out of here!"

Eva-00 is launched to intercept and then the dummy plug is activated.

One can almost hear the Angel sigh "Now what?" as it sees what Gendo believes is NERV's final line of defense.

Eva-00 goes totally berserk charging the Angel throwing Eva-06 debris and then Eva-05 at it.

The Angel dodges the debris non-nonchalantly and catches Eva-05, throwing it back only for Eva-00 to tear it in half as part of a manic charge, stumbling upon one of the scattered N2 missiles that were earlier launched against Eva-01 and Eva-02 but failed to explode.

When Eva-00 gets close enough to bash the Angel, it bangs its head against the A-T field for a second or two then pushes its own A-T field to maximum, shoving the N2 into the core on its stomach. The Angel slams an armored cover over its core almost as if it's saying "Oops! Can't let that pass."

The N2 bomb explodes, temporarily blinding NERV's sensors. When the video is restored, the Angel is completely unharmed, while Eva-00 is cooked medium rare.

The Angel looks on for a second, as if saying "Umm, something smells good" then opens its mouth, and swallows Eva-00 whole! The entire staff of NERV is frozen in terror. It would be bad enough if the nightmare ended there, but it doesn't. The Angel begins to twist, convulse, scream in pain, skin bubbling like so much boiling water. It begins turning fiery red with a clear reptilian sheen. The transformation ends with a humongous Jacqueline Natla with a visage like a devil, and scales covering all her body, making her effectively nude but without any obvious "private parts."

Natla: "Oh yes. Now this, THIS IS POWER! Commander Gendo. Did you really think you could lock me up in an Eva core indefinitely? Especially when you planned to send the Eva into battle with Angels? Oh? What's this? This body is homing in on another source of power that will allow me to reformat humanity in my image? BWAHAHAHAHA!"

Everyone in the NERV command center flees with abandon at that statement, including Gendo, but they don't make it, not before Jacqueline Natla rips through the ceiling looking around.

Natla: "Ah. There you are, Commander! Now I understand what you've been hiding in your hand! Hmm. This opening's too small, just a moment...."


The steel doors are torn off the hinges by the mob of fleeing personnel. With a mighty rumbling sound, the roof completely gives way, debris crushing most of the computers.

Natla: "Sorry for the wait. Oh, dear. Everyone's left. How rude! Well, no matter, Commander. I can home in on you wherever you go! You can run, but you can't hide!"

Gendo runs straight to the Eva cage where Eva-01 and Eva-02 reside. What he hopes to accomplish with this is a mystery, even to himself. He runs right into Misato, Shinji, Asuka, and the full judicial tribunal who are there to fight the Angel, ironically coming to his rescue.

Gendo: "Why are they here? Aren't they on trial..."

Misato: "THEY are here to do their job, Commander..."

Natla: "Ollie Ollie Oxen Free!"

Misato: (Recognizing the voice) "GET IN THE EVA, NOW!"

Natla: "Oh, Major! So you're here too?"

Shinji and Asuka just barely get into their entry plugs before Jacqueline Natla breaks through the wall.

Natla: "My, my most of my favorite people are here! Commander, Major, two of the three brats... Where is the blue haired one?"

Shinji: "Dead! And it's HIS fault!" (Pointing at Gendo)

Natla: "Tsk! Tsk! Is this another display of your people's 'honor'? Not fighting me this time, Major?" (Sees Misato's broken arm) "Oh? Forfeit due to injury? Pity. Too bad. I presume that it won't affect how tasty you are!"

Eva-01 and Eva-02 punch her in the face.

Natla: "HOW DARE YOU!"

Jacqueline Natla blasts Eva-01's arm off with eye beams, but not before getting grabbed by Eva-02.

Asuka: "Now, Major!"

Misato: "Activate the launchers, NOW!"

Asuka and Shinji drag Jacqueline Natla to the surface, pushing her face up against the rails on the way.

To be continued...
Chapter 45
Chapter 45


When the launcher reaches the surface, Natla/Zeruel gets thrown clear of the launcher and into the surrounding hillside.

Natla: "You annoying brats! Do you really want to protect that bastard?!"

Shinji: "Hell no! We just happen to hate you more!"

Asuka: "Though it's a close call!"

Natla: "What foolishness! How could you hate me more than that honorless brute, even by your own standards..."

Asuka and Shinji charge Natla, taking her down. Asuka gouges out her eye while Shinji grabs the scales starting around her left breast and yanks, hard, as if he's trying to peel her like a sardine can... from left breast diagonally downward to the abdomen.

Asuka: "Maybe you need a reminder of our grudge, BITCH!"

Natla: "GHYAAAA!!!!"

At the worst possible time, the batteries of Eva-01 and Eva-02 die, causing both Eva to shut down.

Natla: "Oh what terrible luck! Personally, I would have ignored you while settling my grudge with your Commander, and snacking on that sweet, sweet Major you're fond of, but you brats have just rocketed to the top of my shit list!"

Natla/Zeruel proceeds to rip off the abdominal armor of both Eva, seeing the entry plugs.

Natla: "Now let's see how I should to this... Normally, I'd take my time making an example of you... Like this!"

One of Eva-02's arms is ripped off.

Asuka: "KYAAAAHHH!!!"

Natla: "But no telling what surprises your Commander has in store, so I'll have to settle for amusing myself later."

Natla begins clawing at the Eva cores.

Shinji: "Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it!Move it! Come on, I'm sick of this already! MOVE! PLEASE!"

Asuka: "I'm sorry. Please, Please! HELP ME! HELP ME! HELP! ME! MOMMA!!!!"

Eva -01: "I hear you."

Eva-02: "My child (My child)! My sweet child (My daughter)!"

Eva- 01 and Eva-02 : "We'll take it from here!"

Both Eva activate, grab Natla's arms and rip them off. Assimilating them and forming new arms in place of the ones Natla blasted or ripped off.

Natla: "You brats! You miserable brats!"

Natla tries to fly away and attack from the air, but the Eva turn their A-T Fields into nets, grounding her and destroying her reptilian devil wings.

Natla: "GHHYYYAAAAA!!!!!"

In Ritsuko's lab...

Maya is watching the battle with immense interest.

Maya: "So that's Jacqueline Natla?! Good. Go Shinji! Go Asuka! Punch her, Kick her! TEAR HER APART!"

Ritsuko in her LCL tank is shocked.

Ritsuko: "Maya?"

Maya: "That Natla bitch hurt the Major, hurt those kids, and mocked you, Senpai! SHE DESERVES NO MERCY!"

Ritsuko is shaken by Maya's uncharacteristic cruelty and wonders what the hell Maya would do if she ever got mad at Gendo, which is likely considering that Maya knows how Gendo treats her beloved "Senpai."

For a while, Eva-01 and Eva-02 play badminton with Natla, using Natla as the "birdie", but they soon grow bored of that, and the fact that both Yui and Kyoko had doctorates in medicine becomes obvious, as they start doing things to Natla that shows they know how to make it HURT. All the while the sync ratios between both Eva resonates and continues to climb. At 4000%, it's too much for the sensors, and Maya has to shut the readings down. At this point, both Eva sport halos and Natla's given up resisting, a whimpering wreck on the ground.

Natla: "(Whimper) Myu, Myu, Myiiiuuuu!"

The list of injuries and trauma suffered by Natla is far too graphic to mention, but what she went through easily took over an hour.

The Eva are not done. Once they see Natla is no longer capable of resisting, they proceed to eat her alive. Everyone at NERV is visibly sickened by this, including Gendo. The only one who watches on with a grim, unflinching dedication is... MAYA of all people.

Eva-01 and Eva-02: "RRRWWWOOOOOAAAARRRRR!!!!"

Maya: "You wanted me to have a stronger stomach, Natla! Well, you got your wish!"

Maya prepares an USB drive copying some of the data she's just recorded and prepares to head off.

Ritsuko: "Maya, what are you doing?"

Maya: "Giving some much needed evidence to Lara Croft. The Commander accused those kids falsely, and this will help prove their innocence."

After Maya leaves the room, Ritsuko sighs to herself. "Oh Maya, I don't deserve a sweet, idealistic woman like you!" If she wasn't in LCL, she'd be visibly crying.


Yamomoto: "Commander Ikari, you are under arrest!"

Gendo: "On what charge?!"

Yamomoto: "Gross Negligence, Reckless Endangerment, Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy, two counts, and Contempt of Court, for blithely ignoring several summons, and if it turns out the charges against these brave pilots were false, Malicious Persecution could be added to the list."

Gendo is slapped in cuffs and taken to the local jail... which is in even worse shape than the brig the kids were put in.


Maya arrives just in time to see Gendo taken away, but she doesn't care one whit about that. She's here on a mission, and she's going to carry it out.

Yamomoto: "Get those pilots out of there and take them home, Major. They've done their job, admirably..."

Maya: "We can't!"

Misato: "Maya? What do you mean we can't?"

Maya: "They... are not in the cockpit."

Everyone: "WHAT?!"

Maya: "It's best if I show you..."

Maya proceeds to use the laptop she carried with her to show everyone the view recorded by the cockpit cameras placed there by NERV staff under the supervision of the tribunal. At the point where the batteries die and the pilots start pleading with the Eva to move, the cameras record the pilots being absorbed by the Eva core.

Yamamoto: "You mean that carnage at the end; that was the Eva moving on their own?"

Maya: "Yes, sir."

Tanya, who has a history of being strapped to a machine that can seize her will at any time, by an entity known as "Being X," is not amused by the implications. "Being X! So you're at work here too?!"

Misato: "Maya! Get those kids out of there, NOW!"

Maya: "I...I can't, Major! I wouldn't know where to start! Only Dr. Akagi has enough expertise to try, and she's in the LCL tank... recovering. If we try to remove her forcefully, she could die from her injuries!"

Misato punches the wall in frustration. "DAMN IT!"

Snake: "Unless The Commander can provide solid proof that those kids were in control of their Eva, I move for dismissing all charges!"

Yamomoto: "Agreed.... Congratulations, Ms. Croft. You have indeed set legal precedent today. This is the first time in my memory where a criminal trial underway had to change the identity of the defendant(s) and the charges filed. I am aware of precedent where the defendant(s) changed in a civil trial, but never a criminal one."

Tanya: "So, Admiral, you're saying that we're juxtaposing the two trials?"

Yamomoto: "That's the only way I can see this continuing. The innocence of one group all but mandates the culpability of another."

Misato: "And... you're going through with this when the most crucial of witnesses, those Eva pilots, can't even be informed, never mind actually attend?!"

Yamamoto: "You've seen their affidavit, do you see anything that they might need to add?"

Misato: "No, but anything can happen in a trial, and 'discovery' is a very real … possibility."

Snake: "She does have a point, Sir. What are we going to do if something comes up where we need their testimony to continue?"

Yamamoto: "We'll cross that chasm when we get there. Alright, everyone. I move we adjourn court for a couple of days until Dr. Ritsuko Akagi is well enough to join us, as she is a key witness...."

The vote is unanimous in favor of adjourning. Commander Gendo Ikari is incarcerated without bail, considering the fact that he has a penchant for ignoring court summons, and if he's let out, can and will retreat into NERV HQ, treating it and the JSSDF there as his own private fiefdom, marking him as a serious flight risk.

The next day...

Ritsuko is finally discharged from the LCL tank, diagnosed as fully healed, and nauseous as hell.

Maya is in the lab as well, the bags under her eyes are a clear sign that she's spent most, if not all, the night studying all the Eva lore she could get her hands on, trying to figure out how to get the pilots back out of the Eva cores.

Maya: (Yawn) "Morning, Senpai! How do you feel?"

Ritsuko: "Hrk! My stomach is doing... HMPGH! Somersaults! Did you follow my protocols correctly?"

Maya: "Yes, Senpai. I followed your notes precisely! All the proportions, times, buoyancy factor, everything, down to the tenth decimal."

Ristuko: (Gwargl) "Then why am I so damn sick! The LCL is specially screened to prevent the fomenting of illness! If it wasn't...." (Runs over to the emergency eye-wash station and vomits just off camera) "Blargh! I wouldn't have swam in that stuff otherwise."

Maya: "... I don't know, Senpai, but there are some tests we can run to find out..."

A package arrives, delivered by Fuyutsuki, from Commander Gendo.

Fuyutsuki: "Feeling unwell, Doctor?"

Ritsuko: "Lousy! I can barely talk without retching."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. Perhaps this can help you understand."

Fuyutsuki leaves a package containing what looks like a CD in a jewel case, and an SDAT player with a cassette.

Curious, Maya puts the CD into her laptop's drive and a video of Gendo begins to play.

Gendo: "Dr. Ritsuko Akagi. If you're receiving this, it means I am dead or otherwise unable to see you in person, and against my will. I hope you're enjoying the gift I gave you. You should have also received an SDAT player, with a cassette, that makes it perfectly and legally clear how much you wanted it. Feel free to pause this video and play the SDAT player to confirm what I'm telling you... Is Maya Ibuki with you? Perhaps you wish to share this video, and the audio with her as well, since what follows next is of serious interest to her too."

Looking confused, Maya pauses the video playback and hands the SDAT player to Ritsuko, who after hearing a few moments, turns white as a sheet and has to run to the sink and throw up again.

Maya proceeds to listen to the cassette. What she hears turns her green with rage. Gendo is voicing token resistance while Ritsuko is screaming for … satisfaction, followed by various lewd sounds. It becomes obvious what Gendo's "gift" is.

To be continued...
Chapter 46
Chapter 46

Inside Eva-01...

Shinji awakens to find himself at the table of an elegant tea ceremony. Across from him is a brunette wearing the epitome of the Yamato Nadeshiko style dress. She looks suspiciously very, very similar to Rei, aside from the fact that she's taller, older, and has both brown hair and black eyes.

? : "Konichiwa, Shinji-kun. At last we get to meet and have a little chat."

Shinji: "Who are you?"

? : "??... So you've forgotten who I am? That hurts me deeply. Did you not receive the notes, letters, videos and instructions I left behind?... Oh, that's right, you didn't. Furthermore, the last time you saw me was when you were four years old, and that … man... destroyed everything that had anything even remotely resembling my visage, save for one notable exception."

Shinji: "???....!!! So you're the soul in Eva-01's core? The same woman Asuka-san met?"

? : "That's a cold way of putting it! Still, you are correct. I am your mother, Yui Ikari."

Shinji: "That's impossible! My mother is dead! I've been visiting her grave with my father once a year, every year! It's the only time I spend any time with him!"

? : "I see. Since you don't believe me, perhaps I can bring in someone who can persuade you."

In the real world, Eva-01 and Eva-02 have broken their restraints and are holding hands. The techs are suitably terrified.

Asuka and some truly disturbed and tangled soul enters view. The soul is so surreal that's it's basically what a scrambled Rubik's cube would look like if Picasso used it as a model for a painting and then used that painting as a model for the final product.

Asuka runs up to Shinji and glomps him, horrified.

(Tangled Soul) : "My child (my daughter). Live with me (die with me)." (Both voices) "STAY WITH ME FOREVER!"


Shinji: "We seem to be in the Eva's core..."

Asuka: "Don't bullshit me..." (Sees the woman in the Yamato Nadeshiko dress) "Yui?! YUI IKARI! Mein Gott! We ARE in the Eva's core!"

Shinji: ".... Is that what she told you?"

Asuka: "Uh-huh! Yeah, and I believe her."

Shinji: "Asuka-san. I'll trust your judgment."

He pats her on the head and then turns to the woman.

Shinji: "If you really are my mother, I have a lot of questions to ask you."

Yui: "Is that the way you speak to your mother? Perhaps you'd like to see what I've had to endure for the last 10 years!"

With a snap of her fingers, Yui simply erases the table, tea setting, everything in the room except the four souls present, and everybody looks like a naked Ken or Barbie doll, except the tangled soul that came with Asuka, which looks even more broken, twisted, jumbled, and just plain wrong. It's as if an autistic child got his hands on a jig-saw puzzle way, way above his skill, shoved the pieces together without reason or rhyme, and Picasso made a painting of that!

As horrifying as that all sounds, that's nothing compared to what the environment looks like. The geometry is … off. There are ominous shadows everywhere. Tentacles slither in the background, and there are red, glowing eyes looking at them in every direction as if they were ravenous beasts looking at prey.

Shnji: "Okasa! I'm sorry!"

Yui: "That's better. Now we can talk."

Yui snaps her fingers again, and everything returns to the way it was.

Yui: "Anyone care for some tea? Don't worry, not even our bodies are really 'here' so we can eat, drink, or whatever, without a care in the world."

Shinji: "Okasa, is that why you never came out?"

Yui: "Now that is an excellent question, Shinji-kun. Please sit down, I have much to say to answer that..."

(Tangled Soul) : "You never warned me (warned me). I thought it was an accident (accident). WHY?!"

Yui: "We've been over this! Kyoko-san, I had sent you instructions and warnings regarding the Contact Experiment. If you want to be mad at someone, blame your husband who acknowledged receiving the certified mail I sent you with his signature, but apparently never told you anything. I can't speculate as to the why."

Asuka: "That's MOMMA?!"

Yui: "Yes, sweetheart. Through a combination of her well-meaning 'safety measure', and the fact that NERV Berlin didn't know what the heck they were doing, your mother wound up like … this. I'm sorry, I wish I had a safe and easy way to fix this, but even as the builder of the Eva, I don't have a clue on how to put her soul together again properly."

Asuka: (Crying) "Momma!"

Yui: "As to your question, Shinji-kun, that's a long, long story. Come sit. I'll tell the both of you... everything."

At Gendo's cell...

Gendo: "Ah, Professor. Like old times, eh?"

Fuyutsuki: "Indeed, although I won't be able to bail you out this time."

Gendo: "I expected as much. Was the package delivered?"

Fuyutsuki: "And the doctor appears to have gotten your 'gift' as well, old friend."

Gendo: "Excellent! Just as planned! There was always the unavoidably small chance of failure, but I did my best to eliminate all variables, including the good doctor coming back later and claiming lack of informed consent. The video and audio recordings I had you send her were just copies after all."

Fuyutsuki: "What is the point of all this, old friend? How does this help the Scenario?"

Gendo: "Control! We're so close now that we don't dare let any unexpected variables or actions hinder us! I've given her only got two really viable options if she doesn't want the logic bomb I've placed in the MAGI super-computer, thanks to the secret back door her mother made for me before her 'tragic accident,' blast the originals on every news service, destroying her private and professional lives! This was mentioned in the video."

Fuyutsuki: "And what are these options?"

Gendo: "Option one: Marry me, in a monogamous relationship, breaking off all romantic prospects with anyone else, and that includes Maya Ibuki. Once she's under my roof, I have … ways... to make sure she never strays. If she still finds a way.... well, the adultery laws are quite harsh, and the public won't be on her side when I bring the tape into court."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. That's rather bold. Option two?"

Gendo: "Option two: If she really wants to share a bed with Maya Ibuki, and I'm aware how much Ritsutko likes the experience, then Ritsuko's going to have to share. One of them will be my 'comfort wife', and either Ritsuko has to take orders from Maya, who will take orders from me, or Ritsuko will be made to watch as I enjoy that tasty little side-dish over and over again. BWAHAHA! Either way, her jealousy and pride will turn her against her lover, and she'll do anything, anything to get in my favor, and 'earn my love' just like she's been doing for the last 10 years when she put herself into a non-existent rivalry against Rei Ayanami!"

Fuyutsuki: "That's … I can only marvel at your inflexible will, still there are some downsides..."

Gendo: "Yes. The tape's enforce-ability does hinge on the existence of the child which can be proven to be genetically mine, and she could either terminate it or pass it off to adoption, correct?"

Fuyutsuki: "Among other things..."

Gendo: "Like finding the right time and place to make it look like I somehow 'accidentally' shot myself in the back of the neck?"

Fuyutsuki: "Yes."

Gendo: "For the last part, that's not her expertise. There is always the possibility that she'll come at me in a heated moment, but she doesn't think that kind of stuff through, and it tends to jump up and bite her. She's done it before."

Fuyutsuki: "And to the former?"

Gendo: "Well, if she does decide to abort, she'll be so guilt ridden about becoming exactly like her mother, a hysterical woman that kills a helpless, innocent child, that she'll be unable to resist anything I tell her. As for adoption, for lack of a better way to express it, the market is saturated. There are far, far more children looking for parents than parents who both want and can take them in. It could be years, presuming we have that long, which we don't, before she can get the grubby thing off her hands, even through black-market channels, and by then her sins will have been made public, and the people will demand she pay the piper!"

Fuyutsuki: "I see. So you have thought this all through. I truly envy your unshakable, single-minded resolve."

Back at NERV HQ...

Misato goes to visit Ritsuko's lab, hoping to have some news about getting the kids out of the Eva, to see Maya cradling Ritsuko's head in her lap, while Ritsuko is clearly crying her eyes out, a broken mess.

Misato: "Rits? Maya? What's going on?"

Maya: "Senpai is pregnant. I checked."

Kaji: "Shouldn't that be good news?"

Maya lifts her head to look at Kaji, and everyone can see she's wearing a mask of barely suppressed rage.

Maya: "Not this time. The Commander gave Senpai 'a gift,' and that" (points with her chin at her laptop and the SDAT player) "is merely the gift-wrapping. If you're going to watch and listen to that, I'd prefer if you didn't wreck it. It's all just a copy, and you'd only succeed in costing me a laptop."

Misato starts to watch the video Gendo had delivered, and has to be physically restrained to stop her from breaking the laptop in a rage several times. After reaching the end, and learning that Gendo not only recorded all the times he's been 'intimate' with Ritsuko without her consent, but spliced together a video to make it look like Ritsuko sexually extorted, if not outright raped him by threatening Rei's well-being in the lab, Misato calms down just enough to turn to her friend and ask just one question.

Misato: "Why, Rits? Why did you do it? What possibly possessed you to not only sleep with The Commander, but put Rei through that?"

Ritsuko: "I was lonely, jealous of a guy's ex-wife, and the little girl who reminds him of her, due to being a clone of her, horny, so damned horny, but most of all, stupid, stupid, stupid! I followed right in my mother's footsteps who did the same damn thing! And you know how that ended, Misato! I'm a sick, evil, wretched bitch, and I deserve to be a sex-slave!"

Misato picks up the intercom, and calls for Dr. Fraser Crane.

Kaji: "Misato, what are you doing?"

Misato: "Inspector. Dr. Ritsuko Akagi is having a breakdown right now when we can ill afford it. I'm getting her the help she desperately needs so she can do the job we all need her to do."

Kaji: "Can you speak English?"

Misato: "... DAMN!"

Kaji takes the phone. "Don't worry, I'll handle it."

In Dr. Crane's office, or what's serving as such...

Fraser: "You're kidding me. The Commander did WHAT?! This has to be the worst case of domestic abuse I've ever run across in my years of practice... No, sad to say her behavior is the norm in this situation... Yeah, it's called 'battered spouse syndrome,' a special type of Stockholm Syndrome where the woman, or men in rare cases, in question genuinely believes (s)he deserves to be abused and will actively resist any and all attempts at rescue from such a toxic environment, and will do anything, and I do mean anything and everything she believes will make her abuser happy, even going so far as to eagerly offer up her children for his... or her... pleasure...No! Under no circumstances should she accept his demands for marriage... We'll jump off that legal bridge when we get there. What matters now is getting her well... Hard to believe the three pilots I'm supposed to be treating are, or were, the most stable relationship I've come across, despite how far outside the norm it is... Speaking of, when am I going to get an appointment? … Oh that figures! One is dead and the other two are in comas?... Wait, you're telling me they watched her die, and Gendo locked them up for it?! Is he stark raving mad?! All three of them were already suicidal in different ways; the relationship was the only thing they had to live for!...Fine. I'm on my way. I'll be there shortly." (Click) "Sorry, Rei, Rea. Guess we have to cut this session short."

Rei: "I understand, Doctor. I await our next session with bated breath."

Rea: "Can I take this book home, Mister?" (Holds up a copy of The working of the human mind, Beginner's Psychiatry.)

Fraser: "Sure, sweetie, just bring it back intact next time, and I'll let you read something else when you're done."

Rea: "YAY!"

To be continued....
Last edited:
Chapter 47
Chapter 47

Inside the Eva core...

An unexpected visitor joins the trapped souls, Jaqueline Natla, but since her body's not there either, she has no more power than the others.

Yui: "Well, Ms. Natla. You have come before us with a proposal?"

Natla: "Indeed. As a god, I know more about souls than you … fine people at NERV do, and I'd be willing to lend my hand in aiding you get this poor being back into proper condition... for a price."

Yui: "Naturally. Be advised that we don't trust you, and in fact, these youngsters have quite a bit of justified hatred coming your way, so choose your words and acts very, very carefully. You haven't forgotten who's in charge here, right?"

Natla: (Looking a bit scared at that) "Yes, Ma'am. Now, at a minimum, I'm going to need the energy of one soul to restore another. I could have you offer Gendo..."

Asuka and Shinji: "YOU CAN HAVE HIM!"

Yui: "... Much as I want to object, I did marry him, and quite happily at that, I can't bring myself to do so. I wouldn't have minded if he had simply moved on after my 'death,' doing his best to make one or both of the Akagi women happy. Hell, I could even forgive him if he was simply looking for a sexual outlet with a willing partner, and was willing to face his responsibilities afterwards. Neither happened. He used sex as a weapon to control, exploit and actively destroy both women. If you want his soul, Ms. Natla, you can have it, for all eternity. He deserves no better."

Natla: "... That went way better than I expected. Now as to the process itself, which I'm going to perform in advance, in good faith, is going to take at least a month, and you're going to have to help me every step of the way."

Shinji: "A month? We'll miss your birthday, Asuka-san! Rea must be worried sick! And then there's Rei... and the Angels? How are we going to fight the Angels?..."

Yui: "Fufufu! Asuka-san, you and Rei-san sure married well. He hears that he's going to be trapped here for a month, and his first thought is about your birthday! Shinji-kun, even though I can't take credit, you do make me proud, and you're taking exceptionally good care of the women pushed onto you."

Shinji: "Pushed onto me? But..."

Yui: "You were forced by an Angel to live, sleep, and bathe together, correct?"

Shinji: "Ah, yes..."

Yui: "In the cockpit, your thoughts are a billboard to me. Just remember that."

Shinji: "...!!..."

Shinji turns a bright shade of crimson.

Yui: "I don't mind you having those kinds of thoughts. That's how you should see your lovers, and you are a healthy teen, after all. How you handle those thoughts though... THAT'S what's important. You haven't disappointed me yet, and I strongly suggest you don't start."

Shinji: "Mo—om!"

Yui: "I didn't get to see you grow up and embarrass you in front of your girlfriend, so I'm going to make up for lost time!"

Shinji: "Asuka-san! HELP ME!"

Asuka: "Nuh-uh. You had fun making me blush, and … fantasizing, and now it's my turn!"

Shinji: "Asuka-san... just you wait. When we get out of here..."

Asuka: "You're welcome to try, boy-o!"

Natla: "Ah-hem. Your flirting is quite amusing, but we should get started..."

Everyone: "RIGHT!"

The trial continues in the courtroom...

Yamato: "The court calls Shigeru Aoba!"

Fuyutuski: "Thank you for coming. State your name for the record, please."

Aoba: "Shigeru Aoba, Sir."

Fuyutsuki: "How did the pilots respond to their orders on the day of the Bardiel incident?"

Makoto: "They specifically called their orders and positions 'stupid.' When the battle began, Pilot Ikari openly rebuffed both his orders and pilot Soryu's."

Fuyutsuki: "Can you mention why this is so?"

Lara: "Objection, speculation!"

Yamamato: "Sustained. Professor, stick to the facts, please."

Fuyutsuki: "Of course, Sir. Aoba-san, how did the Commander react to the pilots bristling under his orders?"

Aoba: "He repeated his orders in a higher volume, and refused to give ground to the pilots' demands, as is the norm in military organizations."

Fuyutsuki: "I see, and what happened next?"

Aoba: "As the pilots were fighting the infected Eva-03, the UN 'peacekeepers' blasted their way into the command room and openly ordered us to stand down the Eva, at gunpoint."

Fuytusuki: "And how did The Commander respond?"

Aoba: "The Commander ordered us to use the 'Dummy Plug' protocol, pretending to comply."

Fuyutsuki: "No further questions."

Yamamoto: "Your witness, Croft-san."

Lara: "Thank you, Sir. Aoba-san, what is this 'Dummy Plug' protocol?"

Aoba: "I don't fully know the specifics, but it's some kind of remote-control device that presumably control the Eva if the pilot is compromised."

Lara: "And was such a system activated?"

Aoba: "Yes, when one of the UN attackers shot in Maya's direction, she activated the device."

Lara: "How did the Eva react to this system?"

Aoba: "Both Eva went into a berserk state, the pilots screaming and begging for the rampage to stop."

Lara: "So the pilots had no control at all?"

Aoba: "It doesn't seem they did."

Lara: "What makes you say that?"

Aoba: "The Eva tore Eva-03/Bardiel apart and ripped pilot Rei Ikari's entry plug open, causing pilot Rei to fall a distance no human has ever survived. Neither pilot has ever expressed that level of hostility towards Rei-san, as far as I'm aware."

Lara: "Thank you, Aoba-san."

Makoto Hyuga is questioned and confirms Aoba's testimony.

When Maya Ibuki is called, it's clear to the court that's she's doing everything possible to not look in Gendo's direction, and on those instances when she can't avoid doing so, her eyes flash with unbridled hatred. Upon being sworn in, and being questioned, Maya goes into more detail regarding her testimony.

Maya: "According to Dr. Ritsuko Akagi's notes, the 'dummy plug' system was intentionally designed to seize control of the Eva, pilot or not. The notes also say that the system was not in any way ready for field use, even in testing, as the AI patterns were nothing more than feral combat instincts, incapable of following any instructions, no matter how simple."

Lara: "Were the pilots in any way aware of this?"

Maya: "No."

Lara: "You sound awfully certain of that. How can you be so sure?"

Maya: "The Commander ordered us not to reveal its existence to anyone, including the pilots, without his express permission. None of us in the command center were given such permission. Even Major Misato was not informed."

Lara: "I see. No further questions at this time."

Yamamoto: "Redirect?"

Fuyutsuki: "Thank you, Sir. Maya-san. How can you be so sure that none in the Command Center were given permission to speak to the pilots?"

Maya: "I have a comprehensive schedule of everyone's location during the time between the installation of the system and the time the pilots had it activated on them. At no time did the pilots meet anyone that normally operates in the command center, except myself, Dr. Akagi, with me present, and Major Misato."

Lara: "I present a copy of the schedule as Exhibit C."

Fuyutsuki: "Do you have some kind of grudge with The Commander, Maya-san?"

Lara: "Objection! Relevance! Counsel is leading the witness!"

Fuyutsuki: "She has access to the schedule, your honor. A person with a grudge could and would be sorely tempted to alter the records..."


Yamamoto: "SUSTAINED! Professor! You are dangerously close to contempt of court. Choose a different line of questioning or dismiss the witness."

Fuyutsuki: "Understood, Sir. No further questions."

Yamamoto: "Next witness!"

Lara: "We call Ritsuko Akagi."

Maya: "Senpai, just tell the truth, and you'll be fine."

Ritsuko: "I... hope so..."

After Ritsuko takes the stand...

Lara: "You designed the 'dummy plug' system, correct?"

Ritsuko: "Yes."

Lara: "What can you tell us about it?"

Ritsuko: "The Dummy Plug system was specifically designed to allow us to field the Eva without a pilot. The reason for this should be quite clear."

Lara: "Thank you. Can you elaborate on how the system works?"

Ritsuko: "Yes. Due to lacking the equipment, expertise, or technology to build a compatible AI from scratch, we at NERV Tokyo-3 would, on a routine basis, upload, copy, and update the neural data from an active pilot, in this case Rei Ayanami, now known as Rei Ikari. This was done as part of her routine medical check-up, and without her knowledge, to avoid contaminating the result."

Lara: "I see. Did the system undergo any operational tests?"

Ritsuko: "No. All the data we have on its operation was based entirely on virtual simulations we put it through, connected to an interface with the MAGI super-computer."

Lara: "And the result of these simulations?"

Ritsuko: "The system was found to be inadequate for any kind of field test or operation. It could only provoke the most feral and instinctive responses from the Eva. The only method we had to correct for this deficiency is to either have Rei gather more combat and piloting experience, or to broaden the sample size and include more pilots. Yes, I'm aware of the irony of having children fight to build a system to take their place."

Lara: "Did you ever advocate installing this system into the Eva?"

Ritsuko: "No. As I said, the system was not ready. Still, The Commander insisted on it, claiming that controlled laboratory trials were the unavoidable next phase of the development process, and might help us find a way to get better control."

Lara: "Were the pilots notified of this?"

Ritsuko: "No. The Commander ruled that they did not need to know."

Lara: "If this system is activated while a pilot is in the cockpit, does the pilot have any kind of control or override mechanism?"

Ritsuko: "No. The pilot would be completely at the whims of the Eva under the control of the dummy plug system, but the neural link would still be active, unless the neural link is severed at the command center."

Lara: "No more questions."

To be continued...
Chapter 48
Chapter 48

The trial continues...

Fuyutsuki: "Dr. Akagi. For the record, your testimony is based purely on your professional opinion, not based on any personal feelings, correct?"

Ristuko: "Yes."

Fuyutsuki: "And you are fully healed?"

Ristuko: "To the full extent of available medical science, yes."

Lara: "Objection! Relevance..."

Fuyutsuki: "I am merely confirming that the doctor's injuries have not compromised her memories or her testimony."

Yamamoto: "Overruled, but proceed with caution, Professor."

Fuyutsuki: "Thank you, Sir. Dr. Akagi, have Eva gone berserk during activation tests before?"

Ritsuko: "Yes. Eva-00 has attacked the observation center more than once."

Fuyutsuki: "And none of those incidents involved Angel influence, correct?"

Ritsuko: "Yes."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. And you're certain because the Eva were scanned?"

Ritsuko: "They were not scanned prior to activation."

Fuyutsuki: "That's shocking. How then can you be sure there was no Angel involvement."

Ritsuko: "I am reasonably certain because the shut down procedure worked as intended. Unlike the Bardiel incident."

Fuyutsuki: "And what's different about the Bardiel Incident?"

Ritsuko: "Not only was there a massive explosion of energy, but none of the shut-down protocols worked properly, and there was a positive Angel reading immediately after activation."

Fuyutsuki: "Was there any scan made prior to activation?"

Ritsuko: "Yes. At Major Katsuragi's orders, a full scan of Eva-03 was made, and no Angel readings were noted. The reason for this result remains unknown."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. What prompted this scan?"

Ritsuko: "The pilot, Rei, was experiencing unusual conditions in the Eva's entry plug."

Fuyutsuki: "Unusual? How?"

Ritsuko: "She mentioned the Eva feeling strange, in her words she likened it to the Eva suffering from a head-cold."

Fuyutsuki: "And she never mentioned this kind of sensation before?"

Ritsuko: "No."

Fuyutsuki: "Was The Commander involved in any of this?"

Ritsuko: "No."

Fuyutsuki: "No further questions."

Fuyutsuki returns to Gendo's side.

Gendo: "Professor..."

Fuyutsuki: "Not the right time to bring that up, old friend."

Lara: "We recall Major Misato Katsuragi."

Misato once again takes the stand.

Lara: "Major. The pilots' comments have come into question. What is your assessment of this conversation?"

Lara Croft plays back the recorded conversation between pilots Asuka and Shinji.

Misato: "Simple pre-mission jitters and idle chatter. You will note that both pilots were complaining about their situation, not any specific individual. Besides, it was a valid, and tragically, perfectly correct tactical assessment."

Lara: "I see. And what do you think about this conversation?"

Lara Croft plays back the conversation between Gendo, Shinji, and Asuka.

Misato: "...The hell? Shinji-kun proposed not one but two sound and perfectly viable plans of action, and The Commander's response was to simply shout him down without offering any alternatives?... And basically ordered Asuka-kun to simply stand there and let herself be killed?! If he wasn't my superior officer, I'd have Gendo tied to a post and flayed alive for such recklessness."

Lara: "So you're saying there's nothing wrong with Shinji-kun's words and actions?"

Misato: "Let's make one thing perfectly clear. While Shinji-kun may behave like the ideal soldier, he is clearly not. Prior to being blackmailed into becoming an Eva pilot, he has received absolutely zero military training, that plus the sheer frequency and unpredictability of Angel attacks has made teaching him the entire minutia of military and speech protocols an impossibility. There are several things wrong with how he spoke to The Commander, but his grasp of the situation was flawless! If he was my subordinate and an actual soldier, I would have promoted him!"

Lara: "I see. Can you tell us about the activation test?"

Misato: "If I could do it over again, I would have never agreed with Dr. Akagi's decision to activate at minimal power. I mean, I understand we both need and flat out asked for the additional war potential of more Eva, but when your local ace, who's been doing it for ten years, smells a problem, you take heed or you're flirting with disaster. That poor girl paid the price for my... short-shortsightedness."

Lara: "Thank you. What I meant was what was your impression of the equipment, location, environment, and orders to activate?"

Misato: "Oh, that. I'm no expert on NERV equipment. I don't know how half the stuff operates, and the other-half... I maybe, maybe know how to turn it on and off. When Dr. Akagi mentioned getting no readings on Eva-03 after scanning it for irregularities, I took her word for it. As for The Commander's orders to activate in the first place? He received orders from his superiors to both perform the activation test and use Rei as the pilot. More than that, I couldn't tell you."

Lara: "Thank you, Major. No further questions at this time."

Yamamoto: "Cross-examine."

Fuyutsuki: "Thank you, Sir. Major. It is your assertion that pilot Shinji Ikari was not in any way insubordinate to Commander Gendo?"

Misato: "Absolutely. Shinji-kun may have failed to ask for permission to speak freely, but his behavior fits perfectly within the codes of military discipline. He tried to uphold the primary mission of the Eva charter, 'Defeat the Angels with teamwork and come back alive' despite The Commander's orders. He might have even succeeded, if not for the dummy plug..."

Fuyutsuki: "Let's stick with the facts please, Major. Were you aware of the dummy plug system before the incident?"

Major: "No. Nobody saw fit to tell me that some untested, and I'm now learning, buggy as hell equipment was put into the Evas and activated on the pilots because they refused to comply with suicidal, ridiculously stupid orders."

Fuyutsuki: "Sir, I request declaring the witness as hostile."

Yamomoto: "Granted."

Fuyutsuki: "Now Major, you have to admit, having a remote control that allows us to field the Eva without endangering the pilots' lives is a noble goal, yes?"

Misato: "On paper? Sounds like a great idea. In practice? I hear the Eva didn't like it and flipped you guys off. Even if the Eva did like it, it's not a good idea to booby trap the equipment your subordinates have to use and then use the traps against them when they're doing their jobs!"

Yamamoto bangs a gavel on his desk. "Major, that's enough!"

Misato: "Sorry, Sir. The irresponsible method by which these 'dummy plugs' were introduced has greatly angered me. I apologize and will comply with court decorum."

Yamamoto: "Acknowledged. Proceed Professor."

Fuyutsuki: "Have you always been this hostile towards The Commander?"

Misato: "Not always. No."

Fuyutsuki: "But you have been hostile before, yes?"

Misato: "Yes, when he gave irresponsible orders."

Fuyutsuki: "Like?"

Misato: "Like ordering two teens of opposite genders to live together in a one bedroom apartment so small they don't even have room for all their clothes. And without adult supervision. AND said apartment being so run down the locks don't work, AND the apartment being in a 'bad' neighborhood... Should I go on?"

Fuyutsuki: "I'm beginning to get the picture. Are you sure it had nothing to do with The Commander's orders to clean up your own private life, both figuratively and literally?"

Misato: "....The timing of his orders in that regard is highly suspicious. He only orders me to 'clean up my life', as you put it, AFTER I complain about Rei-kun's living conditions, and the fact that Shinji-kun was ordered to live there as well."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. And who was it that was charged with teaching Shinji-kun about military protocol and behavior?"

Misato: "I was... What are you implying, Professor?"

Fuyutsuki: "Were you aware, Major, that it's possible, even subconsciously, that your hostility might adversely influence Shinji-kun's behavior?"

Misato: "If you're suggesting Shinji-kun became hostile to The Commander because of me, The Commander didn't need my help. He's already done plenty to alienate Shinji-kun. His behavior during the Bardiel Incident clearly hasn't helped."

Fuyutsuki: "No further questions."

Misato steps down, clearly fuming.

Lara: "Sir. I present pictures of the apartment in question. I've marked the whole group, Exhibit D."

Yamamoto: "Thank you, Croft-san"

The judges spend a few minutes examining the photos, growing angrier with each passing moment.

Tanya: "The court has a question for the Major."

Misato: "Yes, Ma'am."

Tanya: "These are photos of the apartment and neighborhood in question?"

Misato: "Yes, Ma'am."

Tanya: "And the pilot Rei-kun lived there alone?"

Misato: "Yes, Ma'am. While under a drug regiment that made her little more than a wind-up doll."

Tanya begins gnawing on her thumbnail, a clear sign that she's enraged beyond reason.

Tanya: "And a teenage boy was ordered to live there with her, UNSUPERVISED?!"

Misato: "Yes, Ma'am."

Tanya: "Your hostility is warranted, Major. There are so, so many ways this could have gone terribly wrong. That is all."

Misato: "Thank you, Ma'am."

Misato sits down in the audience pews.

Lara: "For our last witness, we call Commander Gendo Ikari. We stipulate the witness is hostile."

All three judges "APPROVED!"

Gendo is sworn in, but for religious reasons, or so he claims, refuses to place his right hand on any religious text as he's sworn in.

Lara: "For the record, identify yourself, please."

Gendo: "Commander Gendo Ikari, in charge of NERV Tokyo-3."

Lara: "Did you notify the pilots that you had put dummy plugs in their Eva?"

Gendo: "No. They were highly classified and the pilots did not need to be informed at the time."

Lara: "Even though they could be activated at any time and strip away control of the Eva?"

Gendo: "Correct."

To be continued...
Chapter 49
Chapter 49

Lara: "Considering the fact that Eva have a habit of going out of control on their own, didn't you stop to consider that inserting a device specifically designed to strip the control away from the pilots could go badly? Especially if the pilots board their Eva completely unaware?"

Gendo: "It is precisely because the Eva have a habit of going out of control that the 'dummy plug' was installed."

Lara: "So the prospect of a malfunction, or accidental activation, never crossed your mind?"

Gendo: "We have implemented every possible safeguard..."

Lara: "Safeguards like those that allowed a piece of pipe infested with an Angel bio-weapon to be installed in critical NERV facilities?"

Gendo: "What are you talking about?"

Lara: "We present this report as Exhibit E."

Lara hands over the details of the Ireul incident.

Lara: "We have to thank Misato's quick thinking, and the price the three pilots, Rei, Asuka, and Shinji paid for the fact that we're all here to talk about it. If Rei's arm didn't fall off 'for no reason' and the three pilots didn't have their A-T fields entangled, the Angel could, and would, have easily killed us all!"

Gendo: "I had no knowledge or involvement with the installation of that pipe. That was done by contractors hired by the Human Instrumentality Committee over my orders."

Lara: "I see, and Eva-03 was also shipped by this Instrumentality Committee, correct?"

Gendo: "As were Eva-05 and Eva-06, at a time they were desperately needed. I fail to see where you are going with this."

Lara: "Did it not occur to you that an organization which shipped you one 'poisoned apple' could slip in another?"

Gendo: "Eva-03 was carefully scanned. There was no proof of Angel infection until we tried to activate it, on the orders of the Committee, who are my superior officers."

Lara: "So you're saying your superior officers are trying to sabotage you and doom us all?"

Gendo: "It doesn't make sense to me either, but that seems to be the case."

Lara: (Gets right up in Gendo's face) "Considering the facts that Eva can go berserk at will, you've installed and activated a completely untested device designed to seize control from the pilots, and you've completely refused to either inform or warn them about it, can you say beyond a reasonable doubt that the pilots were in control of the Eva during the post-battle rampage?"

Gendo: "Yes."

Lara: "On what merit?"

Gendo: "The Dummy plug was shut down..."

Lara: "At which point, the video recording shows the Eva going berserk, and being attacked by a combined UN and rogue JSSDF fleet."

Lara presents the video of the final moments of the Bardiel incident, just before the Eva decide to go after the NERV pyramid.

Lara: "I ask you, have the Eva ever acted like this when the pilots were in control? And I remind you, you are under oath."

Gendo: "No."

Lara: "Thank you. No further questions."

Yamamoto: "Cross examine?"

Fuyutsuki:"Thank you, Sir. Commander. Much ado has been made about pilot Rei's living accommodations, and their condition, not to mention the fact that pilot Shinji was ordered to live there as well. Can you tell the court what your response to the situation was?"

Gendo: "Yes. I have tried, on numerous occasions, to requisition alternative accommodations, or at least repairs to her apartment and was given nothing but a bureaucratic run-around with a lot of foot-dragging, delays, and rebuffs."

Fuyutsuki: "We present a packet of requisitions, invoices, and requests submitted by The Commander, as Exhibit 1."

Fuyutuski delivers the neatly packed papers to the bench.

Fuyutsuki: "Commander, can you explain to the court why you found it necessary to order pilot Shinji to share living quarters with pilot Rei?"

Gendo: "Certainly. Arrangements were made to have pilot Ikari, Shinji-kun live in his own private quarters, but the Major would not have it. She physically dragged the boy and was in the process of driving him to her quarters and forcing him to live there. The court has already seen the conditions in the Major's apartment."

Fuyutsuki: "I draw the court's attention to Exhibit A, the 'before' picture."

The judges look at Misato with raised eyebrows.

Gendo: "Since the Major was adamant that the boy not be left alone, I had no choice but to put the two pilots together, and there were no other available places, at least not any better than where they were."

Fuyutsuki: "Why did you not have the boy live with you?"

Gendo: "That was not an option. Aside from the fact that the situation was … awkward between us, my superiors on the Committee were already accusing me of nepotism in regards to making him a pilot. There's no way they would have tolerated us living under the same roof."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. As to the battle of the Bardiel Incident, can you explain why you positioned the Eva the way you did, and reacted so strongly to pilot Shinji's battle plans?"

Gendo: "Without going into highly classified material, I can say that Eva-01 has certain... features not available in any other Eva and is irreplaceable. I was looking to keep it out of danger as much as possible."

Fuyutsuki: "I see. One last question. Under the conditions you were facing, would you have activated the dummy plug if the UN 'peacekeepers' didn't storm the command center?"

Gendo: "I'm not going to answer questions based on hypotheticals."

Fuyutsuki: "I'll ask another way. Did you activate the 'dummy plug' only because you had a gun pointed at your head?"

Gendo: "Yes."

Fuyutsuki: "No further questions."

Yamamoto: "Redirect!"

Lara: "Thank you, Sir. Commander, if you were aware of the Major's … unsafe living conditions, why did you ignore it?"

Gendo: "The Major is a grown woman, Croft-san. As long as it doesn't affect her work or competence, we at NERV were content to leave her private life alone. Once she tried to physically drag pilot Shinji there, we could not ignore the situation any longer."

Lara: "I see. Is it really true that there was nowhere else that Pilots Rei and Shinji could live aside from that cramped and squalid one bedroom efficiency?"

Gendo: "There were other places, but they were just as bad, if not worse."

Fuyutsuki: "I present Exhibit 2. The layout of all the other units available at the time."

The folder is handed over to the bench.

Lara: "I see. So you're stipulating that you did everything possible to make sure they were safe and had their needs met?"

Gendo: "Yes. Once the Major cleaned up her act, I allowed the two pilots to move in with her into a larger and better equipped apartment. Not bad as far as wedding gifts go."

Lara: "You mentioned their marriage, Commander. Is it standard operating procedure in NERV to keep official marriage forms ready for your subordinates?"

Gendo: "Not really, but the pilots are fairly attractive teenagers forced into life and death battles on a regular basis. It would be strange if they didn't start developing feelings for one another..."

Lara: "And that's the situation under which they were forced to live together."

Gendo: "..."

Lara: "No further questions."

Yamamoto: "Any more witnesses?"

Lara: "No, Sir."

Fuyutsuki: "No, Sir."

Yamamoto: "Closing arguments."

Fuyutuski: "The Commander did everything possible to keep The Children safe and sound. He even happily allowed them to marry and gave his blessing. How do they thank him? They back-talk his orders, rampage and destroy his office and lots of NERV property, and try to kill him! This unforgivable lack of respect and gratitude deserves nothing more than the heavy hand of justice delivered upon them! They must be made an example of!"

Lara: "We've been shown that The Commander views his staff as nothing more than tools, on a good day. Their cares, wants, needs, and concerns are, at best, merely a distraction. He has neglected dangerous conditions for both Rei Ayanami and Misato Katsuragi until they came to a point that he could use them to score an advantage for himself. He placed two, by his own admission, desperately lonely teens of opposite genders in the same living space so cramped that the two of them had no choice but to sleep, bathe, and do everything together when their lives are under constant threat, and kept marriage forms in his office for when the 'inevitable' happened. He has further placed dangerous, untested devices designed specifically to strip away control of the pilots' Eva inside those Eva without informing them, when the Eva are already prone to going berserk, but gave the pilots no way to stop or override the process, leaving them helplessly watching, and feeling, everything the Eva do, including the killing of their spouse! And now he dares to criminally accuse those children of the acts that the Eva carried out in their berserk state when the pilots had absolutely no control and imprison them? Ladies and Gentlemen. Gendo Ikari is a monstrous individual that deserves no pity, no sympathy, no mercy. He must be harshly punished, and locked away for all our sake. We can not let a madman decide the fate of our war with the Angels. That is all."

Yamamoto: "Professor Fuyutsuki, Lara Croft-san. Thank you for your impassioned statements. The court will adjourn while we ponder the evidence. Until then, The Commander will remain in custody, and under heavy guard, for his own safety. That is all. Dismissed." (Bangs Gavel).

After the courtroom clears out, the three judges are left to review the evidence, and they are not happy.

Yamamoto: "My gods, what a messed up group of people..."

Snake: "You're in no position to comment. Your little organization is no flock of saints."

Tanya: "True, still, that Commander. Even if you do see your people as nothing more than tools, you should fucking maintain them properly!"

Viktoria: "Lt. Colonel!"

Tanya: "What, Visha?! I'm pissed at that guy. I don't care how 'special' that Eva-01 is. To make its pilot a prisoner in his own body, forced to helplessly watch and feel himself doing unspeakable things is both inexcusable and unforgivable!"

Snake: "Well, the Professor's team completely failed to prove the kids were in control in any way during the rampage. I say they're not guilty or culpable in any way."

Everyone: "AGREED!"

Snake: "Now for The Commander... There's considerable evidence to substantiate the Gross Negligence charge. I mean, just going by these requisition documents, Pilot Rei's been left to her own devices in that apartment for months, if not years. It's amazing her raped and mutilated corpse didn't show up in the police morgue, especially considering that drug regiment she was on."

Tanya: "This is alone worse than the worst I've seen in the entire German theater of the post Second Impact wars. Unfortunately, it gets worse."

Snake: "Indeed. Abandons his own son in a crowded train terminal, for his aide, his AIDE to shuffle off to a 'Sensei' that goes out of his way to pretend the boy doesn't exist, only seeing the boy a few minutes a year, at his mother's grave..."

Yamamoto: "Then there's the arrival of not one but two Angel compromised materiel, which he signed off on. Either he blindly rubber-stamps stuff that comes from the committee, or he's deliberately bringing Angels into NERV HQ... I don't know which is worse."

Tanya: "That's the 'aid and comfort to the enemy' charges. I don't think Lara's cleared the bar proving he knowingly and willingly orchestrated it, but this does nail shut the coffin on the Gross Negligence charge."

Everyone: "Agreed!"

Snake: "He pretty much confessed on the stand to the Reckless Endangerment charge by admitting he installed the Dummy Plug System on the Eva over Dr. Akagi's concerns, and without telling the pilots."

Tanya: "As for abusing subordinates, quarantine or not, you don't go frog-marching your pilots nude through corridors under threat of 'bathing' them by using a high-powered hose! Even if there's a massive power failure! It's amazing that NERV hasn't faced a full-blown mutiny!"

To be continued....
Chapter 50
Chapter 50

Wanda: "This is Wanda Cronkite at CNN. The tribunal's been deliberating for a full week. All they've asked for in the meantime were legal books and local cuisine. This must be a tough case... Oh here they come. Let's watch with our cameraman on the scene, Kawasaki Honda!"

In the courtroom...

Viktoria: "All rise."

Everyone stands at attention.

Yamamoto: "Be seated."

Everyone sits down, listening to every word.

Yamamoto: "After very careful deliberation, and consulting every relevant legal text we could find for precedent, we found that both pilots, Shinji-kun and Asuka-kun, are clearly not guilty of all charges!"

(The streamer at the bottom reads "Acquittal! The shocking verdict is in!"

Gendo, attending in handcuffs, begins gnashing his teeth.

Yamamoto: "We've found that under the war-powers act, military tribunals can also make summary judgments based on evidence presented without having to convene an entirely new trial in times of war. We are currently at war with the Angels. As such, based on the evidence at hand, we've come to the conclusion that Commander Gendo Ikari is guilty of several grievous charges.

"One. A near consistent pattern of Gross Negligence in the handling of personnel, equipment, and day to day operations. The housing facilities pilots and some personnel were forced to live in is astonishing and horrific! It took the introduction of an external agency, Lara Croft's company, to rectify the situation!

"Two. Abusing Subordinates. Notably pilots Shinji-kun, Rei-kun, and Asuka-kun. Especially during the Ireul incident.

"Three. Reckless Endangerment. By placing dangerous and completely untested equipment designed to seize control away from the pilots who are already having great difficulty controlling the Eva in the first place, and without informing or warning them in any way first!"

Tanya: "Those are the three most glaring charges. We may add more charges depending on what we discover during our investigation into NERV's operating procedures and practices. Until our investigation is complete, Gendo Ikari will be stripped of all rank and privileges in NERV, kept incarcerated with all movements, conversations, and activities strictly monitored, all his personal assets seized and carefully analyzed, and lastly, we, the tribunal, will take full control of NERV Tokyo-3 command and operations until someone competent, skilled, and trustworthy can be found to take his place..."


Gendo breaks his handcuffs, picks up and throws the desk behind which he's sitting at the judges.

Viktoria: (Draws rifle) "Stand down, Ikari-san. STAND DOWN NOW!"

Gendo picks up the chair he was sitting on and throws it in Viktoria's direction. Now while Gendo's a well known schemer, always looking at the long-con, he also has a long, long history of getting into bar brawls, frequently having to be bailed out by Professor Kozo Fuyutsuki. Now whether he had anger management issues, or was simply using this as a ploy to get closer to Yui, the world will never know. What is certain, is that he's quite adept at maneuvering in such a chaotic environment, which is what he's hoping to generate here.

Viktoria, having faced live combat, and Tanya's training regiment, which is worse, does not flinch from Gendo's attack, but instead takes careful aim and shoots, trying to subdue the rampaging man... to find her bullet deflected by an A-T field.

Gendo: "You petty, know it all, bureaucratic fools won't stop me! I! WILL! HAVE! MY! SCENARIO! No matter what it takes!"

Gendo graps Fuyutsuki from behind, wrapping his left arm around the professor's throat in a choke-hold, to use as a human shield, while keeping his right hand free to use Adam's A-T field to deflect any incoming fire.

Fuyutsuki: "This is the wrong approach, old friend..."

Before he can even finish talking, Fuyutsuki is taken down by a taser from Tanya's orb.

Tanya: "Let's see how my Elenium 95 orb works against A-T fields, Commander"(As she chants, her spooky blue eyes take on a radiant golden hue.) "Our Lord who art in Heaven, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, AMEN!"

Tanya fires an energy blast at Gendo, who tries to block it with Adam's A-T field. The resulting clash of metaphysical energies sends both of them flying backwards and acts like a massive flash-bang grenade to everyone else in the room. Misato, who is accustomed to dealing with flash-bang grenades, and other forms of ordinance, recovers first with Gendo a close second. She uses the opportunity to pin Gendo down, and hit him with a commandeered taser.

<Brzzt! Tik, Tik, Tik, Tik!>


Gendo glares at Misato like he's planning to kill her.

Misato: "PLEASE keep resisting, you sick son-of-a-bitch! I'd love to have an excuse to taser you to death after what you did to Rits. Oh, yes. I know about the little 'extras' you've been putting into her IV, and God knows what you did before that!"

Gendo tries to get up anyway, but before Misato can do anything, she gets tasered from behind with enough voltage to not only render her unconscious, but cause total bladder failure.

Kaji: "Sorry, lover. I'll make this up to you, later. This is all much bigger than you can imagine."

Gendo: "Thank you, Inspector. As for you, you overgrown child in a woman's body..." (Kicks Misato in the stomach) "there are things I'd love to do to teach you your place, but business before pleasure..."

Kaji: "Commander, we must go."

Gendo: "One moment, Inspector."

Gendo goes over and grabs Viktoria's gun, then puts it square in the center of Kaji's back.

Gendo: "This keeps you 'innocent' so you can help me later."

Gendo marches Kaji out of the courtroom at gunpoint for all the world to see, forces Kaji to open his vehicle and boards with him. Along the way, Gendo not only throws Kaji out of the still moving vehicle, into traffic, but takes the wheel and goes off to parts unknown.

Fortunately, by sheer stroke of luck, Kaji survives, in the hospital, with serious head trauma after being run over by a car. Though alive, he is clearly not well, his life hangs by a thread. Misato, herself beat up after Gendo's brutal kicks to her stomach area, still comes to visit him.

Misato: "WHY?! Why would you help that bastard escape?! WHHHYYYY????!!!"

Tanya: "Obviously at gunpoint, Major..."

Misato: "No, before that. Somebody tasered me in the back, and Honda-san's recorded audio implies it was him."

Snake: "We'll find that out, Major, soon. Don't worry."

Misato: "Yeah, well, he'd better have a damn, DAMN good reason, otherwise, I might just have to shoot him myself."

Yamamoto: "And we'll let you, Major. As it stands, Gendo is now a full-blown traitor, and Inspector Kaji will have to answer to charges of aiding and abetting, unless the UN pulls some strings on his behalf, which is unlikely."

Misato: "So whose quarters are we going to search first, and what hole do you think that sick son-of-a-bitch is hiding in?"

Yamamoto: "We've already frozen his accounts, or tried, those damn Swiss bankers, and either seized or destroyed all his assets, save his quarters in the Geofront, which we're still searching."

Rits: "I've already gone into the Magi, disabled all his access points to NERV, as well as a rather nasty surprise he had in store for me and Maya if I didn't 'play ball,' though he can still brute-force his way in, and he knows those air-ducts almost as well as Rei did... I'm so sorry, Major. She deserved a better life... and death... than that..."

Misato: "I owe you an apology too, Rits. Maya brought me your medical chart, the analysis of the stuff that was in your IV, ovulation drugs and civet musk, and talked me through it. The latter is a powerful, yet relatively odorless and colorless aphrodisiac. In fact, civet dung is sold as (an expensive as hell) coffee substitute. There were also traces of long-term metabolized residue of the musk in your system. He's been drugging you for a long, long time."

Ritsuko: "Oh! My! GOD! Did he do that to my mother too?"

Misato: "No way to know, Rits. She's been dead and buried too long. If there's any solace I can give you, it's that you're not entirely responsible for your behavior. Your judgment was deliberately clouded without your knowledge or consent."

Ritsuko: "I'll kill him! I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL HIM!!"

Misato: "The line starts with Shinji-kun and Asuka-kun. Their trauma is the most raw."

Ritsuko: "...If those kids have the power and the will to do it, I'm going to cheer them on!"

Misato: "That's the Rits I know and love... OUCH! I could use a dip in that LCL right now... that coward, kicking me in the gut..."

Ritsuko: "He could have done worse... He wanted to, going by that audio."

Misato: "I shudder when I hear the term 'business before pleasure' in that... Was he planning to flat-out rape me or something?!"

Ritsuko: "I no longer put any depth of depravity past that bastard."

In the former Misaki estate...

Rei is watching the news for the local weather, planning to work in the garden later, along with little Rea who is really reading the psychology book she borrowed from Dr. Crane's office, along with a dictionary to look up words she doesn't understand. Just like her mother, she loves to read any book she gets her hands on. They both stop everything they're doing when news of the trial comes on...

Wanda: "Our own brave reporter on the scene, Kawasaki Honda, and his cameraman were casualties on the chaos that ensued as the verdict was read, but the decision was unanimous." (Images of Asuka and Shinji appear on the monitor behind Wanda with the word "Acquitted" written over them) "The pilots Shinji Ikari-san and Asuka Soryu-san were found not-guilty on all charges! The trial also broke ground on new legal precedent. The evidence presented in the trial rebounded on their accuser, Gendo Ikari."

A picture of Gendo Ikari replaces the pictures of the pilots with the word "Wanted" pasted in red, bold letters across it.

"The former commander of NERV is now wanted for several grievous crimes, Gross Negligence, Abusing Subordinates, Reckless Endangerment, but the newest and most grievous comes about from his actions in the courtroom as the summary judgment was being read. TREASON against not just Japan, but all of Humanity. Gendo Ikari is considered armed and extremely dangerous. If you encounter him, do not approach. Citizens are advised to avoid him at all costs, and contact local law-enforcement through 119. I repeat, do not approach or attempt to apprehend Gendo Ikari. The former commander is far, far more dangerous than almost anyone can understand. Law enforcement and we here at CNN will assume no liability in the case these instructions are ignored. Our prayers go out to all his victims, especially pilots Rei Ikari, Shinji Ikari, and Asuka Soryu, wishing for their quick recovery. Yes, those kids need a miracle."

At an undisclosed location, among the former Gehrin labs...

Gendo is in a holographic meeting with SEELE.

Gendo: "As you're all well aware, I am currently on the run, and in hiding, thanks in no small part to you and your patsies, so I'm going to make this brief.... I QUIT! YOU CAN ALL KISS YOUR DELUSIONS OF GODHOOD GOODBYE!!"


Gendo: "Mommy! The mean old man won't give me the candy I want! Get it for me!"

SEELE FRANCE: "Are you making light of all the francs we spent on this project..."

SEELE ENGLAND: "The time and equipment..."

SEELE RUSSIA: "The personnel.."

SEELE MEXICO: "The Labor..."

Gendo: "BWAH! BWAH! BWAH! BWAAAAAHHHHH! You are all just a bunch of spoiled two-year-olds stuck in grown men's bodies! SHUT UP and let the adult speak!"

All the old men of SEELE are stunned into silence by Gendo's outburst.

Gendo: "I know none of what you mentioned matters to any of you louts as your last 'peacekeeping' mission completely trashed everything and everyone you just mentioned."

SEELE US: "Now see here, Ikari. That is no way to talk to us..."

Gendo: "Oh get over yourself. You fail basic math and plate tectonics! Not only did the documents you sent my team get the dimensions of the Reno crater wrong, but you screwed up the miles to kilometers conversion! It's a 64 km radius along the surface! Fortunately, it wasn't a perfect sphere, meaning they must have somehow launched Eva-04 into the sky, or the resulting super-volcano would have killed us all, as the Earth's crust isn't 64 km deep anywhere in the continental US!.... With that track record, I'm damn sure none of you even begin to understand the research you stole from NERV Tokyo-3... My scenario was your best chance of becoming the gods you clearly don't deserve to be, and you have screwed that over, irrevocably. You'll wish I simply hunted you down and killed you by the time I'm done. Good bye and good riddance."

Gendo breaks off the transmission and breaks out his disguise, the appearance of a Hawaiian tourist.

To be continued...
Chapter 51
Chapter 51

That night, in the shared quarters belonging to Tanya and Viktoria...

Tanya is sleeping, or trying to, with little success. She tosses and turns fitfully as the memory of how she returned to a modern Earth, though not the one she's originally from. On that Earth, she was a male salary man, in his 40s, working the HR department in some company whose name she no longer remembers, spending the last night of his life with the unfortunate task of having to fire an irredeemable employee who abused drugs and refused numerous company offered rehab programs, was habitually tardy, or simply absent with no notice, approval, or valid reason, and when he was at work, would deliberately perform poorly, just to spite his fellow workers and the customers. Despite all this, the doomed former employee had the gall to plead for his job, as if he was some kind of innocent victim, when he had burned every bridge and turned down every single offer for assistance.

The male HR manager, who Tanya used to be, on his way home, waiting at the train station, was shoved by the terminated employee, in a fit of rage, off the waiting platform and into the path of the oncoming train which had no time to stop before a fatal impact.

Upon being killed by the collision, the man finds himself being greeted by a being identifying itself as "God." This "god" then proceeds to force him into a theological debate regarding faith and prayer, a debate the former salary man actually wins. In a fit of pique, this entity, which will forever be known as "Being X" from that point on, deliberately misinterprets the salary man's arguments.

One: "Rational people will not believe in any god without conclusive proof" became "people will believe in God if there's plenty of magic and miracles around."

Two: "People will generally not offer anything, including prayer, if they have nothing to gain by doing so" became "people will not pray if they are content, but will pray if they are in distress."

As such, "Being X" dumped the soul of this salary man into a five-year-old little girl... in an Earth on the brink of WWI as a German citizen, and with a massive amount of magical potential, so she could not avoid military service.

After many setbacks, struggles, and life-or death battles, some of which were a very close thing, she was "blessed" with the Elenium-95 orb, which forces Tanya to pray to "Being X" before every use, or it might explode with the force of a nuclear bomb, but that's not enough, no.

Since "Being X" wants Tanya to worship it, completely, unreservedly, mind, body, and soul, to be its "holy messanger," it has made Tanya's life a living hell, with the threat of complete oblivion and being forgotten as if she never existed if she dies hanging over her head, while putting her life in near constant jeopardy, and doesn't seem to understand why this only serves to piss her off...

Eventually, after all Tanya's efforts to find a peaceful life backfire, spectacularly, thanks to "Being X" directly manipulating Tanya's life, the many, many, enemies created by its machinations, calling Tanya "THE DEVIL OF THE RHINE," for having the gall to actually defend herself from their aggression, launch an attack of such overwhelming ferocity against her and her battalion of mages, that she might as well be facing an oncoming nuclear holocaust.

Just as one of the missiles is right in Tanya's face, Being X stops time and offers a "choice." Either Tanya follow it to NERV Berlin to "instruct the faithless" of its existence, and "awaken their faith" or simply do nothing as the missiles tipped with unstable Elenium-95 cores detonate, scattering her atoms to the four corners of the planet, along with her battalion.

Having just a split second to decide, she naturally takes the "offer," grabs her closest underling, Viktoria, and flees through the portal created, unable to save her men from the onslaught...knowing that they were atomized, and helpless to stop it. Even though she viewed her men as shields, she was quite fond of them. The guilt of being only able to save her adjutant, crushes her deeply and fills her with an unquenchable desire to see Being X, not only "fired" from the position of "god" but killed in the most horrific way possible. Passing by a church, any church, unnerves Tanya so much, she has to repress the urge to atomize the building, leaving not one molecule intact.

She was really looking forward to being the pilot of Eva-03 because she'd get to kill "Angels." But... as we all know, this wasn't to be.

Viktoria hears her commander's tossing and turning, and addresses Tanya.

Viktoria: "Still having those nightmares, Lt. Colonel?"

Tanya turns to see Viktoria in the simple, yet elegant, baby-doll outfit which is the first thing she purchased for herself upon coming to NERV Berlin.

Tanya: "Yes... That BEING X! ..."

Viktoria, a full-grown adult woman, takes the barely teen Tanya, and hugs her to her breast, petting her on the head. This is something she'd NEVER do in public, not only because Tanya's her superior officer, but because of the massive age difference between them.

Viktoria: "It's okay to be angry, and sad. We lost all our friends and team-mates we cared about so much. If you want to hate this 'Being X' for not saving them too, that's fine. Still, I'm glad."

Tanya: "Eh?! What are you talking about?!"

Viktoria: "Of all the people you could have chosen to rescue, you chose me!"

Tanya: "You know you're just a shield to me, right?!"

Viktoria: "Of course you say that, Lt. Col. You always have. Still. I know you better!"

Tanya: "And what do you know?!"

Viktoria: "You don't like to show it, for whatever reason, and I won't pry, but you have actually been very kind to me since the day we met. You treated me, me, a lowly conscript, with genuine respect and admiration, while berating the two cocky volunteer recruits, for being cocky and entitled. In every other unit I found myself, I was berated for being a conscript, while the cocky volunteers got treated with respect and dignity. You trusted me with your darkest secrets and let me see the real you, good, bad, or ugly, when you had no reason to trust me."

Tanya's face goes a bit pale at that. She could have been courts-martial-ed and killed for admitting to deliberately placing those glory-hound hot-heads in a bunker, knowing they'd be targeted by artillery and killed, and then admitting it.

Viktoria: "You may say different, but I know you give orders that make sure we get home safely, and if we disobey, we have every right to die, and we deserve it. During the 'training' exercise that made us all elites, when an avalanche broke my leg, you may have berated me in public, but I know that I'm alive because of you. I'm sure you berated me not only for the sake of the rest of the recruits, but so I wouldn't be bogged down by guilt for holding them back later in a real firefight."

Tanya's eyes widen at that statement, as that's clearly not what she intended. She wanted them all to drop out so she wouldn't be saddled with suicide missions as the head of a mobile battalion, but it's still a perfectly rational deduction. Tanya didn't believe she could fall in love, being a person with "a rotten personality and every complex known to man," but here she is, falling, and hard, for her adjutant, naive or not, for being the perfectly rational person she wishes she could deal with, as opposed to the morally myopic bastards she's had to deal with ever since Being X came into her life.

Tanya: "Visha... If it were not for the fact that I'm your superior officer, female, and the serious age difference between us, I'd marry you right here and now. Right or wrong, you're the most rational person I've ever met, and you chose me, despite my rotten personality, for sound, logical reasons! I don't know if I can even feel love, but if I can, you're the only one for me..."

Viktoria: (Weeping tears of joy) "Lt. Col! Thank you! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

From that night onward, the two of them stopped sleeping in bunk-beds and shared the same mattress...with all that implies.

The next morning at Tokyo-3's hospital...

Misato is napping at Kaji's bedside, to not miss the time he wakes up, both because she cares about him, and to get answers....

Contrary to all expectations, Kaji wakes up, he barely has time to get his bearings before Misato's gun suddenly appears in his face.

Misato: (Although her tone is even, her rage is palpable) "Inspector. Because you were thrown into traffic, and you're currently in a hospital bed, you're being given this one chance. If I had found you alive and well by Gendo's side, I would have shot you dead after the stunt you pulled. Taser me from behind so that sick bastard can kick me in the gut and that's before mentioning that it's 'business before pleasure' and promising worse when he's a provable rapist? And is now wanted for TREASON among other grievous charges, for the rest of which he was convicted? I'm going to ask you once, and only once, why you felt it necessary to help that bastard, and it had better be good, DAMN, DAMN GOOD, or I will shoot you to death right here, and I have the tribunal's permission. Well, what's your excuse?"

Kaji: "SEELE."

Misato: "SEELE?! What do they..."

Kaji: "N2 Mines, several, in Geo-front."

Misato: ".... The Eva would survive, we won't."

Kaji: "Yes."

Misato: "So your ploy was to lure him into a trap and let SEELE deal with him?"

Kaji: "Yes."

Misato: "And you're aware that SEELE's been trying to kill us, yes?"

Kaji: "...Yes."

Misato: (Sigh) "Well, I'll grant you that it was a damn good reason for you to act the way you did. STUPID, but understandable. Do you have any ideas where these N2 mines are?"

Kaji: "No."

Misato: "Oh good grief. As if I didn't have enough to worry about with the Angels, terroristic death cults, and having two of our best pilots trapped in their Eva, with the third presumed dead... Eesh. Can you at least tell us where Former Commander Asshole might go?"

Kaji: "GEHRIN."

Misato: "Well, it's not much, but it's a start. YOU stay put, and get well." (Points at Kaji's hand-cuff to the hospital bed.) "It's not much, I know, but Yamamoto and the rest of the tribunal have placed some very, very competent guards at the door, and this place is being constantly watched. I've got work to do, and thank you for giving me a reason to not shoot you." (Kisses Kaji on the forehead) "See you soon, lover, and don't forget your promise to make it up to me."

Misato leaves the room.

Kaji: "...." (Sigh)

Meanwhile, in the Eva core...

Kyoko looks much better. She's certainly a long, long way from being completely healed; she at least looks like a scrambled Rubik's cube as opposed to a Picasso painting of one.

Natla: "Whew. I … need a break."

Yui: "Impressive, Natla-san. Though it's only been a week, there's clearly much more to be done."

Natla: "Goddess or not, I can't do it all at once. This all I can do now. Go ahead and have a chat Soyu-kun. Let's see how she's holding up."

Asuka: "Alright, alright, geez. Momma? Can you hear me?"

Kyoko: "My daughter (My daughter). How you've grown... Oh, and you brought a boy home (a boy home). You been treating my girl (my girl) right, young man?"

Asuka: (Crying happily) "Yes, Momma! He cooks, cleans, loves me up one side and down the other. Him and his wife!"

Kyoko: "I see... Wait... HIS WIFE?! (His wife?) Are you the other woman?!"

Asuka: "MOMMA! We're married! I'm her wife!"

Kyoko: "(Her) Her Wife (Wife)... HER?!"

Asuka: "Yeah. We've exchanged vows. I'm sorry you missed the ceremony...."

Kyoko: "I.. do not understand."

Asuka: "It's a complicated Japanese thing. Just... I love them, Momma, and they love me."

Kyoko: "Are you happy? (Happy?)"

Asuka: (Sniff) "Yeah. I'm happy."

Kyoko: "Then I'm glad (glad). All I want is to see you happy. So when can I see the kids? (Kids)"

Asuka: "MOMMA! It's still too soon for us. We have to beat the Angels first."

Kyoko: "Angels (Angels)?...!!... How long (long) have I been here? (Here)"

Yui: "Ten odd years, dear."

Kyoko: "My god (god) I've missed so much of your life (life), Asuka-chan. I'm so, so sorry."

Asuka: "Momma! It's okay. I love you, it's good to have you back...."

Kyoko suddenly remembers something...

Kyoko: "What have I done (done)? I... MISTOOK A DOLL FOR YOU!"

Asuka: (Crying) "Momma..."


Asuka: "MOMMA!"


Natla: "Sleep."

With just a touch, Natla puts Kyoko to rest again.

To be continued...
Chapter 52
Chapter 52

Natla: "Sorry, about that. Seems she wasn't quite as ready as I thought."

Asuka collapses to her knees, clearly traumatized.

Shinji: "Asuka, ASUKA!"

Shinji hugs Asuka from behind, cuddles her, and then glares at Natla.

Yui: "Now, now, Shinji-kun. I'm sure Ms. Natla is doing her very best, right, Natla-san?"

Natla: "Ye—Yes, Yui-san. This is the first time I've seen a soul this badly damaged. What happened to her?"

Asuka: "Momma... She... She …"

Yui: "She came into contact with the Eva core, using what she thought was a safe-guard to keep from getting sucked in... and it worked... sort-of. Her body wasn't sucked in, but part of her soul was...."

Asuka: "Then she went slowly crazy! Mistook a stupid doll for me. Then I found her hung corpse, with the doll hung too!"

Natla: "....So part of her soul gets sucked out of her body, but instead of trying to repair the damage right away, GEHRIN decides the best way to proceed is to let the rest fester and then blend the whole thing back together again like they're making a sorbet. EESH! It's amazing we made as much progress as we did..."

Meanwhile, in the remains of a small town known as Negima,

Gendo arrives by bus under the guise of "Principal Kuno," a disguise he's used successfully for decades. He married into the Kuno family, sired two children, Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno, and inherited the estate when their mother met … "an unfortunate accident."

This estate is the reason he's here now, as there's something he vitally needs from there.

Principal Kuno: (In English/Hawaiian) "Yeah, baby! I am back!"

Upon seeing him, the population, especially the teenagers, all flee in terror.
Principal Kuno: "Hahaha! That never gets old."

The news soon spreads to Ranma and Akane, now married near a decade, childless, though not for lack of trying, at the Tendo Dojo.

Ranma: "What?! That son-of-a-bitch survived the complete destruction of Hawaii?"

Akane: "Those Kunos have the devil's own luck! Not only does the patriarch survive Second Impact, but Nabiki and Kodachi are cranking out kids like they're going out of style, while we... "
Ranma: "Yeah. We've checked with Dr. Tofu. My little guys swim just fine, and your... equipment is in perfect order, but..."

Akane: "Don't say it! I know your junk and mine have been getting to know each other very, very closely, especially recently, but..."

Ranma: "Yeah. It ain't working, and nobody knows why. The Doc says jest take it easy and don't rush..."

Akane: "But it still hurts... Well, the little ones Nabiki pawned off on us aren't taking after their parents yet..."

Ranma: "Yeah, they're turning eight now, and they're sweet, sensitive, adorable little b..."


Ranma: "BADASS martial artists!"

Akane: "... That's true. They're grateful we took 'em in, and they're hard workers, household chores or training, doesn't matter. Couldn't ask for better kids."

Ranma: "Yeah, I ain't gonna treat em like my old man or ma treated me. Not gonna drag em across the world or make em swim ta China to dunk em in some cursed spring."

Akane: "And not sell them off as fiances for a bowl of rice and a couple of pickles?"

Ranma: (Shudders) "ESPECIALLY NOT THAT!"

Principal Kuno would have his own share of surprises when he got to the Kuno estate...

Tatewaki: "Ora, Ora, Ora. Hundred Sword technique!"

Principal Kuno: "Pathetic as always, son!"

Principal Kuno whittles the bamboo sword to wooden shavings with a pair of hair shears.

Principal Kuno: "You haven't improved at all, how disappointing. And what's up with this?!"

He stares at a very, very pregnant Kodachi Kuno.

Kodachi: "It's my husband Ranma's child! The latest of several! Oh I just can't get enough!"

Tatewaki: "He may be an in-law, but don't mention that blackguard in front of me!"

Kodachi: "Oh shut it! You always going off about Akane and 'Pig tailed girl'! They may be your concubines, but they still grate me for being near my Ranny-wanny!"

Principal Kuno: (In English/Hawaiian) "OH MY GOD!"

A very, very pregnant Nabiki enters the room and gets Principal Kuno's attention.

Nabiki: "Come with me please, Principal. You and I have much business to discuss, and I'll happily fill you in, as a professional courtesy."

Almost immediately after they step into the office, they can hear strange sounds from outside in the hallway.

Tatewaki: "Akane! Pig-tailed girl!"

Kodachi: "Ranma-sama!"

This is quickly followed by some moaning and grunting...

Nabiki: "Oh for the love of..." (shouting) "USE THE BEDROOM! IT'S SAFER AND CLEANER!"

When the hallway gets quiet again....

Nabiki: "And that's where the camera and audio equipment is, idiots. Now Prinicpal Kuno, please have a seat."

Kuno: "So what is actually going on?"

Nabiki: (Sigh) "As usual, your son and daughter are wrapped up in their own make-believe world, completely delusional. Tatewaki is firmly convinced that he's married to, and having sex on a frequent, regular basis with, both Akane and 'Pig-tailed girl' while Kodachi is firmly of the mindset that she's doing the same with Ranma-sama... This is all wrong, of course. Tatewaki is legally married to me and is using his own sister as a concubine while she's deluded herself into thinking her brother is actually Ranma every time she jumps into the sack, like right now..."

Kuno: "...." (English/Hawaiian) "WHAT! THE! FUCK?!"

Nabiki: "You can quit the act now. You're nowhere near as shocked or emotional as you're pretending."

Kuno takes the classic "Gendo Pose."

Kuno: "Indeed, very observant Nabiki-san. It's so refreshing to drop that act and negotiate with someone seriously. So what are you getting out of this... arrangement?"

Nabiki: "Oh, I have a couple of very lucrative businesses going here."

Nabiki points at the cabinet behind her showcasing numerous VHS tapes and compact disks.

Nabiki: "You won't believe how insanely popular Kuno porn is. Any combination of Tatewaki, Kodachi, and myself sells really well, though if I'm starring in it, I do tend to price it a bit more. Nobody seems to mind."

Kuno: "And the other business?"

Nabiki: "As for that, Kuno offspring are even more highly prized for some reason. Frankly, I don't care what that reason is, good or bad, as long as I get paid a nice 'finder's fee,' auctioned to the highest bidder. Although if the child comes out of MY WOMB, you can bet your sorry backside that I'm doing the research to make sure the 'highest bidder' is going to give the child a good home. I do have a certain pride in being a surrogate mother, after all."

Kuno: "I see, and the others are okay with this arrangement?"

Nabiki: "Hahahaha! They've deluded themselves about that as with everything else! They think those brats are going to some fancy-pants boarding school to make them into fitting Kuno heirs... There's only one pair that gets a technical pass on that. The pair being raised by my sister Akane and her husband Ranma. They got the first born, mine and Kodachi's, both because Ranma's sterile, though Dr. Tofu doesn't have the heart to tell him, and I'm not going to, as Ranma and Akane giving up on trying to make their own would ultimately come back to bite me, but because the two of them did me some special 'favors' that help me set this all up. Which brings us to the question of why, after the better part of a decade, you came here, Principal Kuno?"

Kuno: "DAUGHTER! You may be an in-law, but you're a true Kuno heir through and through, unlike those two … disappointments. As to your question, there is an item that I need to collect from here, and I also need a place to stay for a while after certain... setbacks have made life rather difficult and screwed up my investments."

Nabiki: "I see. Well, I have no reason to refuse as long as you don't mess with my business and don't expect me to shield you should the authorities come knocking... Oh yeah. I'm a woman who has a history of routinely selling out her birth-sister for cash, so don't expect any special favors for an in-law."

Kuno: "Of course."

Nabiki: "That just leaves the issue of living expenses. How are you planning to cover your stay with us? I don't accept IOU's."

Kuno: "... This IS my house. All utilities were paid for, in advance, as was the routine delivery of groceries and other essentials. Surely you noticed that when you moved in?"

Nabiki: "Until you were declared legally dead, yes. You have been 'missing' for the better part of ten years, and of course there was that nastiness in Hawaii known as 'Second Impact.'..."

Kuno: (Sigh) "You are aware that with Furinkan High now a pile of rubble, and with my recent 'setbacks' that I don't have a reliable source of income or legitimate employment, right?"

Nabiki: "Oh, I don't know. I hear you're a mean hand at using those barber's shears. Ever consider being a stylist? I could certainly use one for my 'business venture.'"

Kuno: "Are you sure you want that? I could wind up shaving them both bald..."

Nabiki: "THAT would be perfect, but not on their heads, if you get my drift. It would save me a lot of post-production editing since I wouldn't have to throw in a bunch of mosaics..."

Kuno: (Smirks under tented hands) "Dear girl, I hear what sounds like an agreement."

Nabiki: "Splendid. In exchange for your styling services, you will receive full room and board, but that only covers eating normal meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, together as a family in the dining room. Snacks and so forth will cost extra."

Kuno: "Then dear girl, we have a deal."

Meanwhile, at the Ikari estate...

Dr. Fraser Crane has scheduled a group session for Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, Major Misato Katsuragi, and to the surprise of the former two....

Misato: "I get that it's all well and good for the two of us to be in therapy together, but why here?"

Ritsuko: "The scenery?... Or is there another reason?"

Frasier: " Well, there are a couple of people I'd like the two of you to meet..."

Taking that as their cue, in rushes little Rea, who is greeted warmly, and then..

Rei: "Hello, Doctor. Major. I've been expecting you."

Misato: (Blinks rapidly) "Rei?... REI! You're alive! How... HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?!"

Misato grabs Rei in a bear hug and then starts rubbing the bluenette's hair, Trying to certify that she's not hallucinating.

Rei: "I am physically here, Major. This is not a dream or hallucination."

Misato: "Then how?..."

Ritsuko: "I can explain that, Major. The Rei you see here is and is not the Rei we know."

Misato: "And what does THAT mean?!"

Rei: "I am a clone, Major. One of many. Doctor Akagi, perhaps I should hate you with every fiber of my being for what you put me through, not the least of which is stealing away my childhood and drugging me into some kind of doll, a state shared by the remaining clones in Washu's lab, but take heart, I don't. Your actions gave me the best husband and wife a girl could ask for. Where are they?"

Misato: "Trapped in the cores of their respective Eva."

Ritsuko: (Weeping bitterly) "I'm sorry, so, so sorry!"

From the other side of the moon, the next Angel threat approaches...

To be continued...
Last edited:
Chapter 53
Chapter 53

What Gendo, aka Principal Kuno, was looking for in the Kuno house was a scroll he secreted away long, long ago, something his father had bought from Indy's archaeological competition, a scroll nobody could identify with a language nobody understood, a parchment written by the First Ancestral Race, the ones who seeded Earth with life.

It was found in the ancient pyramids of Eqypt in the tomb of Ramses II, the Pharoah who foolishly pursued the Israelites into the Red Sea in a fit of wroth for the death of his first born son due to plague, and was drowned alongside his army for it, or so the story goes.

Gendo had gone to many scholars far and wide trying to get it translated, but none could, until he met Professor Fuyutsuki and got access to the "Dead Sea Scrolls" with the translation guide.

Now he's looking at what could possibly be the way to control a progenitor directly, without a medium, which was Rei's role.

Principal Kuno: "Those bastards think they've stopped me?! HA! I'll make them pay, I'll make them ALL pay... Turn the world to LCL so they can 'become gods' to mold and shape it as they see fit? Hehe, oh, they'll get that alright, except someone else will be the 'tuner' and 'creator,' and they're going to see how it feels to have some outside power control them, day and night... FOR ETERNITY! As for that brat... I haven't forgotten about him, no. Once I'm through, I'll see to it that he is allowed to just barely grasp his wants and needs, only to have them yanked away over and over again... Just like in Re: Zero! HAHAHAHAHAHA! They may have stolen Rei away from me, but little Rea will soon be in my grasp, and I've already decoded the trick to shut off her powers. Wait for me, little girl. Just a bit more..."

Aside from meals, calls of nature, and his duties as the Kuno "stylist," Principal Kuno does not leave his assigned quarters at all for the next week or so as he carefully studies the Egyptian "Dead Sea Scroll" in his possession, and tries to deduce the location of the former Misaki estate that was handed over to Rei, Shinji, and Asuka as a "wedding gift" by Tenchi Masaki.

Meanwhile, at Tokyo-3,....

Life goes on, everyone completely unaware of the threat(s) hanging over them. Misato does her best to find and disarm the N2 "mines" smuggled away by SEELE within the Geofront.

Kaji, under heavy guard and constant watch, does his best to recover from having his head almost squashed like a watermelon under some poor sap's tires when Gendo threw him out into traffic.

Vice Commander Fuyutsuki, also under careful watch, continues to guide Misato on the workings of NERV, trying to get her up to speed with the many, many "black box" projects Gendo was working on, or had Ritsuko Akagi working on under him, or both.

Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, knowing it's just a matter of time before the next Angel attack, is desperately trying to make some use of the mangled Eva remains left behind by Zeruel/Natla's rampage and the inept piloting of Mari "Illustrious" Makinamy and Kowaru Nagisa.

Inspired by the American movie "Pacific Rim," she eventually settles on meshing together the remains of Eva-05 and Eva-06 into a dual-core, dual-pilot Frankenstein's monster construct. To be honest, it's the only viable option as neither Eva is anywhere near intact enough to ever be whole again on its own.

Misato: "So this.. thing is going to require both Mari and Nagisa to operate?"

Ritsuko: "Yes. It's the only viable option we have."

Misato: "Great. I've got to put pilots through sync training again."

Ritsuko: "I could try to re-tune it for Mana and Kensuke..."

Misato: "Much as Kensuke would love the idea of piloting this Eva, no. I'm now very well aware of what actually makes them tick, and I don't think it would be a good idea to try and hunt down someone that close to Kensuke and Mana... which reminds me, Rits. How are you doing, and what's your decision?"

Ritsuko: "Are you asking as my commanding officer, or my friend?"

Misato: "Both."

Ritsuko: (Sigh) "I'm keeping the baby. After considerable counseling by Dr. Crane, and double checking the statistics he provided to me, I've come to the conclusion that an abortion would not only make my psychological condition worse, but would be exactly what that bastard wants as it would give him yet another lever he could use to manipulate me, and he's got too many of those already. Besides, even if it wasn't for all that, I've got too much innocent blood on my hands already, I don't need to add any more."

Misato: "Are you sure, Rits? Adoption is..."

Ritsuko: "Not viable. I've checked. There's just too damn many orphans around, thanks in large part to Second Impact and the ensuing wars. Maya's agreed to help me..." (Starts weeping) "God! I don't deserve that woman, but her love is a gift freely given, and I really, really need her right now."

Misato: "I'm always here for you too, Rits. Don't ever forget it."

Ritsuko: "Thanks, Major... Kitty-Kat!"

Misato: "I told you not to call me that!..."

Both: "Bwahahahahaha!"

Misato: "Well, I'm off to go whip those two disappointments into shape. Just let me know if you need anything."

Ritsuko: "Will do. How's … the inspector?"

Misato: "Recovering. Gendo really did a number on him, throwing him head-first under the wheels of an innocent motorist. The fact that he's alive right now is a miracle."

Ritsuko: "Alright. We'll talk later, Major. We both have a lot of work to do."

Despite being the most viable option, the sync training goes slowly and poorly for Mari and Nagisa, as they have absolutely no romantic interest in each other, which is the variable that gave Asuka, Shinji, and Rei the motivation to act as if they shared one skin. It's not that they're making no progress, it's that whatever progress they do make tends to be drowned out by near-constant bickering, back-biting, and mutual blaming.

Mari: "Why don't you ever take this seriously, Nagisa-san?"

Nagisa: (Sarcastically)"As if this lowly me can ever keep up with the 'Illustrious' Makinami-san..."

Mari: "GHAH! You silver-haired freak! Who the hell told you it was okay to rifle through my h-doujin, and use it as source material? Small wonder Rei-san and Shinji-san don't like you..."

Nagisa: "That is wildly inappropriate, especially coming from you, you four-eyed pervert glasses, trying even harder than me to get into Shinji-kun's pants..."


Misato: "You know. We really don't have time for this nonsense from the two of you. Since the 'gentle' approach is not working, I'm going to have to go with the more 'direct' approach."

Misato summons NERV techs who then forcefully slap Mari and Kowaru into a harness deliberately designed to mimic the restrictions under which Rei, Shinji, and Asuka had to live under as a result of Ireul.

Misato: "No more Ms. Nice Major. You two are going to do everything together, and I mean everything. You will learn to live as if you literally have only one skin, or die trying, and right now, nobody here at NERV, including me, has the luxury or patience to care which outcome results. I've already tasked Dr. Akagi with finding a way of handing the job of piloting the Eva-chimera over to Kensuke and Mana if the two of you don't find a way to get your act together. The reason we're in this mess is that the BOTH of you have been nothing but a liability since Eva-05 and Eva-06 arrived. You showed promise when you got Eva-02 and Eva-01 to help Mana and Kensuke fend off Matariel, but since then your piloting has been a disgrace! THAT ENDS NOW!

Mana and Kensuke look like they're going to object, but a withering glare from Misato shuts them down.

Misato: "Forget about 'personal space,' privacy, or modesty. Until I deem it otherwise, you are going to be living like Shinji, Rei, and Asuka had to for the past few months. That means not separating more than a meter apart. So same bed, same bath, same bathroom, you name it! You try to remove or disable that harness before then, and you will be punished with a nice taser level shock! You try to separate more than a meter apart, and the harness will make you feel like it's ripping your skin off! I'm through with the both of you trying to find excuses and blaming each other for failure! YOU WILL ADMIT YOUR SHORTCOMINGS AND OVERCOME THEM! IS THAT CLEAR?!"

Mana and Nagisa: "Ma'am! YES, Ma'am!"

Misato: "Good. Now let's get this sync training on the road, for real this time!"

With the threat of gruesome, painful, and gory death hanging over them, the two begin taking their sync training far more seriously...

Back at the Ikari estate...

Rei and Rea are having their standard session with Dr. Fraser Crane.

Rea: "Mommy! I wanna go see Pappa!"

Rei: "We can't, Sweetie. He's trapped in the Eva core, remember?"

Rea: "Oh... I'll get him out!"

Rei: "Wait!"

POOF! Rea vanishes.

Rei: "Oh great.... I worry when she gets to be a teen and wants to go see her boyfriend."

Fraser: "I don't blame you."

Inside the Eva core...

Natla, Asuka, Shinji, and Yui have managed to get Kyoko to at least somewhat resemble a human being again.

Kyoko: "Ah, Asuka, Yui-san... Shinji-kun was it?"

Shinji: "Yes, Soryu-san."

Kyoko: "Oh, good. What were we talking about again?"

Shinji: "Asuka?"

Asuka: "We were talking about me being married, Momma."

Kyoko: "To this fine young man?"

Asuka: "...Sort of..."

Kyoko: "Sort of... oh! That's right, you married his wife! … Is that some kind of Japanese custom?..."

Yui: "Yes, Kyoko-san. Asuka-san here has agreed to be the 'comfort wife.' Trust me when I say she's being loved up one side and down the other."

Kyoko: "I.. don't get it, but as long as she's happy..."

Rea: "Hey-ey-ey! What-cha doing?"

Shinji: "REA?! How did you get here?!"

Rea: "Silly Pappa!"

Kyoko: "Pappa?! Asuka... Explain this real quick..."

Asuka: "She's his and Rei's daughter..."


Asuka: "Momma! She's adopted! Rei-chan can't have children!"

Kyoko: "Shinji-kun, young man, is this true?"

Shinji: "Yes, Soryu-san. It's why Rei wants Asuka to be the comfort wife..."

Kyoko: "...So Asuka is to be the surrogate mother?"

Yui: "That's the closest 'Western' equivalent, yes."

Kyoko: "... I wish I could faint right now."

Yui: "Natla-san. I must congratulate you. This is far, far better than last time..."

Natla: "Yes, there's been considerable improvement, but we're still far from done."

Kyoko: "Umm... Who are you again?"

Natla: "Jacqueline Natla, at your service." (Bows) "I am... a specialist who was hired to help you recover."

Kyoko: "Ah, thank you, Natla-san. I don't remember much, but it is good to finally wake from that … nightmare, and at least see my daughter as a person again. Even if I can't bring myself to understand the nature of the relationship she now finds herself in."

Natla: "I'm honored."

Rea: "Pappa! Let's go home! Mommy is worried!"

Shinji: "Rea, sweetie. I want to, Asuka-san wants to go too, but we can't." (Whispering) "When we get out it will be Asuka-san's birthday. Can you ask Mommy to have a party ready for her?"

Rea: "Oooh! Okay, Pappa! I'll tell her!"

Rea suddenly disappears from the core.

To be continued...
Chapter 54
Chapter 54

Ranma simply can't sit still knowing Principal Kuno's returned. So he decides to do a bit of scouting at the Kuno estate.

Now while Ranma did promise his abusive father, Genma, never to use the Umisenken technique unless faced by someone using its opposite, the Yamasenken, in the "Anything Goes School of Martial Arts," promises are just bargaining chips to vie for position, especially when dealing with Genma, who only considers the term "honor" when he's berating others for breaking their word, but it never applies to himself, and frequently dodged responsibility for his misdeeds by claiming others were avoiding responsibility for theirs.

So Ranma resolves to use it to spy on the Kuno estate, to see what the wily rascal is up to. Unfortunately, Akane, while always second place to Ranma or any of his fiances and rivals, knows Ranma well enough to always reliably predict his actions, and is the only one who can track him in the Umisenken state.

Akane: "RRRAAAANNNMMMAAAA! What do you think you're doing trying to sneak into the Kuno estate?"

Ranma: "Will you shut it, you tomboy?! Principal Kuno is too dangerous to ignore! Have you forgotten how much grief he gave us? How he's always riling up his family and everyone with his often deadly 'pranks?' How he goes out of his way to antagonize both you and me? Do you think our kids would be safe if we leave him alone in the Kuno estate?!"

Akane: "It's because of our kids, adopted or otherwise, that I don't want you to go! Do you think he won't target them to spite you?!"

Ranma: "And that is precisely why I need to go! We need to see what he's planning, and if need be stop it!"

Akane: "Fine... I know I can't stop you when you get riled up like this, but if anything happens to you, or us because of you, I'll never, ever forgive you."

Ranma: (Sigh) "You're right."

Akane: "...You feeling unwell?"

Ranma, uncharacteristically, hugs Akane close, her head to his chest.

Ranma: "Akane. take the kids out of the dojo, to Shampoo and Cologne's place. Tell them it's a holiday."

Akane: "What are you..."

Ranma: "I don't intend to fight him. I'll be careful, but even with Nabiki there, the Kunos have been getting crazier and crazier lately. They've always been capable of anything, like hiding a tiger in their basement to scare me..."

Akane gasps at the memory, and realizes that if he's telling her to take the kids to Cologne, COLOGNE, whom he hates with every fiber of his being for her Amazon antics, then things are serious indeed.

Ranma: "But now... This is on a whole other scale. I don't know what they're up to, but my every instinct is screaming at me to find out... before it's too late. There is something seriously, seriously wrong here."

Akane: "I... understand. I don't know if Cologne will cooperate, but we'll go..."

Ranma: "Oh, she'll cooperate, it's in her tribe's interests to find talented warriors, and those kids are the most talented I've ever seen. Even more than me..."

Akane: "Stay safe, Ranma."

Ranma: "You too, Akane."

Ranma takes off, to gather as much intel on the Kunos as he can.

When Akane gets to Cologne's place...

Shampoo: "Hmph. Shampoo no like tomboy girl who steal Ranma..."

Cologne: "Granddaughter, be silent."

Shampoo: "Yes, honorable grandmother."

Cologne: "What brings you and the kids here, Akane-kun?"

Akane: "Ranma sent me here. Told me to give the kids a holiday..."

Cologne: (Smokes from her kiseru) "I see. Granddaughter, take the kids in the back, have Mousse-san show them magic tricks or something. Akane-san and I have important things to discuss."

Shampoo: "Yes, grandmother!"

Shampoo takes the two little kids into the back.

Cologne: "Now, child. What is really going on?"

Akane: "Ranma's gone to spy on the Kuno estate..."

Cologne: "So he felt it too, huh. As expected of the former grandson-in-law. That pervert, Happosai, has gone to ground. The Kuno siblings have been nuts forever, but recently.."

Akane: "Yes."

Cologne: "Ukyo, Ryoga, all the half-hearted martial artists have fled for the hills, and now Princicpal Kuno returns... It's too much of a coincidence. That hot-head's right. The Kunos definitely need investigating, and it must be serious if he's asking for my protection over you because he knows I'm going to demand a steep price for it. Ara ara, what are the Kunos up to that gives off such a vibe?"

Akane: "I'm sure we'll find out. Ranma may not want a fight, but I know they always come looking for him..."

Cologne: "So true, so true..."

Upon entering the Kuno estate...

Ranma gets to work. He sneaks in by climbing a tree, and then uses normal stealth until he gets into position on the roof. That's when he activates the Umisenken technique so he can find Principal Kuno's room and then infiltrate it unnoticed.

Once he determines which room is the principal's, he stalks his way there, climbing off the roof and along the wall next to the window like a gecko, settling into a comfortable, yet expedient, place to wait until Principal Kuno leaves, goes to sleep, or is otherwise so completely engrossed in what he's doing that he won't notice Ranma's presence in the room.

He does not have to wait long. Principal Kuno leaves the room, closing the door behind himself.

Ranma does not waste this opportunity. The still relatively young (in his mid to late twenties) martial artist has plenty of experience sneaking into places through windows, even if locked, and leaving no trace. On those occasions where he has been caught, the vast majority of the time, it has been due to the fact that his target has awareness far beyond the norm. While Principal Kuno does indeed have some skill with those shears, able to whittle a bamboo sword wielded by Tatewaki to wood shavings by parrying it, Ranma has never noticed him having such super-awareness, and has successfully infiltrated the very public, closely watched, and guarded principal's office repeatedly, without the use of the Umisenken technique, especially designed by his abusive father, Genma Saotome, for the express purpose of burglary through stealth. The opposite technique, the Yamasenken, was also designed by Genma for theft, through violence and intimidation.

Still, as notorious as Ranma is for being cocky and overconfident, which even he is aware of, Ranma dares not take any risk he doesn't have to this time around. First, because the Kunos have been known to strike at him by proxy, attacking his friends and loved ones in his stead, and second, because something seems seriously off about Principal Kuno lately. The answer soon hits him in the face.

On the desk where Principal Kuno was working is a scroll with writing Ranma does not recognize, a translation key, some quickly scribbled notes, and an ID badge with a magnetic strip with the name and face of one Gendo Ikari, Commander of NERV.

Not daring to take anything from that desk, Ramna quickly grabs two blank sheets of paper, makes copies of the scroll, and sends one though the sky, as he has often done before, in the direction of the Tendo Dojo. The other, he hides on his body, somewhere not likely to be noticed, and prepares to leave, but Gendo returns unexpectedly. In the time it takes for Gendo to unlock and open the door, Ranma leaves the window open, but hides within the shadows of the room, waiting for a better chance to flee... to no avail.

Gendo: "Well, well. I thought I heard rats and mice scurrying about, and here I stumble on a big one that simply couldn't resist nibbling at the bait."

Gendo disguised as Principal Kuno points a Super-Soaker in what looks to be Ranma's general direction. Needless to say, Ranma doesn't make it to the open window before getting soaked... and collapsing in a heap.

Ranma: "What was in that stuff..."

Gendo: "Concentrated tree-frog mucus mixed with water, cold water. Don't worry, it's the paralytic stuff native to Japan, not the stuff from Brazil, or you'd already be dead."

Ranma: "What do you want?"

Gendo: "My ultimate goal? That's a secret. For right now? I am curious about a few things."

Back at the Ikari estate...

Little Rea returns and informs the household.

Rei: "They want a birthday party for Auntie Asuka, huh? And Papa wants it to be a surprise?"

Rea: "Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

Rei: (Patting Rea's head) "Okay, sweetie, let's make it a big one then. I'll call all our classmates, from the high-school, Major Katsuragi, Mana, and some NERV staff to see about setting this up! In the meantime, could you help me practice baking the cake?"

Rea: "YEAH!"

Soon, inside the GEOFRONT...

Misato: "That was terrible! Ten more laps back and forth in the lake! Time your movements better... Good, good. That's it. Now you're starting to get it..."


Misato: "DAMN IT! Who could be calling now?"

(RING, RING) Misato looks at her cell-phone to see a number she wasn't expecting to get a call from.

Misato: "Hello, this is Major Misato Katsuragi. May I ask why you're calling... YOU HEARD FROM WHO?!"

Tanya: "Major, what's this about?"

Misato: "Lt. Colonel. One of our personnel just informed me that we heard from pilots Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley Soryu. The caller states that they should be getting out of the Eva within a month, wants us to throw a birthday party for pilot Asuka."

Viktoria: "Sounds lovely! Can we come?"

Tanya: "Sounds like an excellent idea. I know from first hand experience how important morale is in an organization. I don't see why not. I'd like it if the second lieutenant and I could attend to supervise."

Misato: "Let me ask.."(To Mari and Nagisa) "HEY! Who told you two to stop! ADD FIVE MORE LAPS!"

Mari and Nagisa: (GROAN)


Mari and Nagisa: "Ma'am! NO, MA'AM!"

Misato: "Then GET SWIMMING!"

Tanya: "Hehe. Not bad. Not bad at all. I approve."

Misato begins calling around to the NERV staff...

In Ritsuko's lab...

Ritsuko: "I don't know, Major..."

Maya: "Of course! We'd be delighted!"

Ritsuko: (Sigh) "Maya, you are such a hopeless romantic..."

Maya : "Hehe!"

In the TRIDENT bay....

Kensuke: "Well, sure, we'd love to come, right Mana?"

Mana: (Head sticking out from under a blanket) "Sure. Sounds like fun!"


Kensuke: "I've got a wonderful idea for the theme..." (Whispers something in Mana's ear)

Mana: "Hmph, he, hehe, hahaha, BWAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT! But lover boy, that's not enough to get a repeat ride on the roller-coaster we had last night. You want a repeat performance, you're going to have to put a ring on it!"

Kensuke: "Will this do?"

Kensuke pulls out a ring passed down in his family, for just such an occasion.

To be continued...
Chapter 55
Chapter 55

Unfortunately, the phrase, "Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans." comes into play. The next Angel, later known as Arael, makes its debut. Its arrival makes a literal shadow across all of Japan.

Although it remains in orbit, taking no action, this does not diminish the threat in the slightest.

In NERV command center...

Aoba: "Major. We'll have to hold that thought. An Angel has just appeared. It's currenly in Geo-synchronous orbit over Japan, and has destroyed an observation satellite, causing it to fall into the atmosphere."

Misato: "You're kidding me... Okay, pilots. We have good news and bad news. Good news, the training's on hold!"

Mari and Nagisa: "YAY!"

Misato: "Bad news... We've got an Angel inbound, suit up and get to your chimera Eva!"

Mari: "Boo!"

Nagisa: "That is most unfortunate."

Back in Nerima...

Gendo, upon seeing the Angel's shadow, decided it was time to depart. As befits the current trend, he burned as many bridges behind him as he could, believing he has nothing left to lose, and simply seeks to make the rest of the world hurt as much as he does, and he thinks he's found the perfect way to do it.

Nabiki, despite being an expert con-man, got conned, exploited by her own greed.

Now, while most people of sound mind would be highly suspicious if somebody offered them a sudden windfall by making a claim that someone they know would agree to an act not only wildly out of character, but that the act would be seriously dubious in a moral and legal mindset, Nabiki has a long, long history, since the day she met Ranma, of exploiting his attractive gender-bent form for her own monetary gain, not to mention doing the same with her own blood sister, Akane even longer, by taking photos of them in compromising or under-clothed conditions, without consent, and then selling them.

There are even reports that she once pawned off girl-form Ranma, naked and in chains, to sex-slavers in Hong-Kong to cover her own debts, without apology or hesitation.

As such, Nabiki didn't hesitate for even a fraction of a second to grab the "contract" Gendo presented to her with Ranma's thumb-print, agreeing to participate in Nabiki's business, despite being well aware Ranma would normally never do it. Nabiki happily applied her own thumb-print to the document, sends Susuke, the badly abused family servant/ninja, away to have a copy notarized, and then opens the safe, with Gendo still in the room, to put the original away...

And that's when Gendo struck. He spins Nabiki around, floors her with a vicious left-hook that breaks her jaw, and takes the opportunity to clean out the safe of every single yen.

He hastily leaves town after gathering all his belongings, and heads off for the rural areas marked on the map he prepared outlining the highest probability for holding the house Tenchi Masaki gifted to Shinji, Rei, and Asuka, hoping to catch little Rea unawares, knowing that Shinji and Asuka are trapped in the Eva, but not being aware of Rei's "survival."

The Angel launches its attack on the town of Nerima within moments of Gendo's departure.

A beam of light came down on the town, the victims would later testify hearing the tune "Gloria, in Excelcis Deo" as their minds were rifled through like a Rolodex, driving them to despair by stripping their frailties, insecurities, shames, and fears bare.

Ranma is no exception. Now while Ranma is notorious for being cocky, overconfident, and proud as a martial artist, what is not well-known, even to himself, is that all his bluster is merely a facade to hide the fact that he's actually a very lonely, scared, and highly insecure individual. Considering the "training" his father put him through, the most benevolent being strapped with various meats and lowered into a pit of starving feral cats of all sizes, repeatedly, until the then five-year-old Ranma was hopelessly traumatized, and the fact that his mother happily accepted a two part contract from said father: verbal "I will make Ranma a man among men" and written "Ranma and I will commit Seppuku" which she will finish by beheading them herself, and has a swordsman's equivalent of an "itchy trigger finger," it's a small wonder the boy's spent his life feeling unloved.

That alone is not enough to break Ranma's spirit, and he's faced worse; however, what happened in the Kuno household, as orchestrated by Gendo, destroyed him completely.

The last words anyone would hear before the house exploded into kindling, starting from what was once Nabiki's makeshift porn studio, are "Shi! Shi! Ho! Ko! Dan!" followed by a massive energy beam heading skywards towards the Angel.

Meanwhile at NERV HQ...

Makoto: "The Angel is blasting a small town named Negima with a beam of light, effect unknown... Registering a high-energy reaction in response... What the hell do they have down there?!"

Ranma's Shishi Hokodan blasts right into the Angel, shutting off the mind-rape light with violence by utterly destroying the organ responsible for it.


Makoto: "WOW! Even the JSSDF strategic positron rifle we used against Ramiel doesn't have that kind of power!"

Misato: "Yeah, but that bastard's still alive. We need to hit it again, fast, before it can recover..."

Tanya: "I'll go, Major."

Viktoria: "LT. Colonel?! But..."

Tanya: "I'm the only one that can even get close enough to even think about attacking!"

Misato: "How..."

Tanya: "My Elenium 95 orb gives me a flight ceiling of 18000 ft..."

Misato: ".... Much as I'm loathe to agree, you do appear our best shot at the moment..."

Viktoria: "But..."

Misato: "Viktoria, do you have one of these orbs..."

Viktoria: "An Elenium 97 orb. It's nowhere near as powerful as the Lt. Col., but I can fly up to 9000 feet without issue..."

Misato: (Rings up Ritsuko's lab) "Rits. I need you to make something for me... No, it doesn't have to be very big, along the size of the canopy for the turret of a B-52 bomber... Yeah, that's right, and put it as a detachable part of the Eva-chimera... Yeah, the Lt Col volunteered herself to go against that Angel, and it's our best shot at the moment... I know, I know. The odds aren't good, but this is a legal order from a superior officer I'm working under... Yes, I do have a backup plan, but that's even far more risky...Yeah, can't talk about it here. Over and out."

Tanya: "What were you discussing, Major?"

Misato: "I'm going to get you as close as I can to that Angel. 18000 feet isn't near enough altitude. I trust your primary issues are lack of oxygen and hypothermia?"

Tanya: "Correct, Major. So what's your solution?"

Misato: "We're going to be placing you and your adjutant in a small capsule, have you lifted by the Eva-chimera as high as it can go, and then launch you upwards from there."

Tanya: "...I've endured crazier stuff from Adelheid von Schlugel, the top 'inventor' in NERV-Berlin who not only designed the Elenium 95 and 97 orbs, but once had us test-fly manned cruise missiles at Mach 1.5! It's a wonder Viktoria and I are alive coming out of that lab. Some even say the Elenium 95 only exists due to divine intervention because that whack job had the habit of removing all safety features on it because they interfered with its aesthetics, and even with safety features, it had a habit of exploding!... Compared to all that, your plan sounds downright sane!"

Misato: "...Not sure if I should be flattered or terrified."

Viktoria: "Both, Major. BOTH."

Misato: "...Oh give me strength."

Back at Nerima...

The Angel's beam breached Tatewaki's delusions, forcing the man to finally acknowledge his shortcomings and failures, head on. His ego's so fragile, that it doesn't survive the revelation. To make matters worse, he'd already done unforgivable things to "Pig-tailed girl" whom he's forced to acknowledge is also Ranma, his "hated" rival, that "her" and Akane's loathing is not a result of some kind of sorcery, but genuine, and that Ranma, in either form, is the undisputed better martial artist in every single encounter, unless weakened by some outside force, not to mention that his highly self-touted sword-skill is neither as impressive as he makes himself believe, nor does it do anything to make him attractive to girls. Some small part of him was always aware of this, but he chose to shout it down with bravado and tomfoolery.

When he also realizes his idiocy in forcing himself to believe that a swanky boarding school would actually pay him for the privilege of raising his children to be proper heirs instead of the truth that he was signing them away to be sold to the highest bidder by Nabiki, his actual wife, he takes a ceremonial dagger and commits seppuku right then and there. He then has the gall to beg Ranma to end it quickly and take his head.

Ranma simply curls up into a fetal position, crying and rocking back and forth, in response, leaving Tatewaki to slowly bleed to death.

Sasuke returns from his errand to City Hall to find the Kuno estate reduced to mostly splinters, Nabiki lying unconscious with a broken jaw in her office, Kodachi's whereabouts unknown, Ranma curled up on the bed with Tatewaki's corpse on the ground.


Sasuke grabs Ranma, intending to hit him.

When Ranma flinches, Ryoga, who can get hopelessly lost in a closed room, suddenly wanders onto the scene shouting "WHERE AM I NOW?!" and then notices a clearly traumatized Ranma about to be brutalized by Sasuke.

Ryoga: "Open your eyes, you moron! Can't you see that Ranma clearly didn't do any of this?!" (Swats Sasuke away with his iron umbrella) "Look at how traumatized he is!"

Kodachi: "It doesn't matter to me how traumatized 'Ranko' is. She's in this house, what's left of it, without permission, and over the body of my dead brother. I don't hold back against other girls...."

Akane slams her down with a Moa Head statue she got from somewhere.

Akane: "Never liked you, you treacherous bitch! NOW STAY DOWN! Dr. Tofu, we have several patients here."

Dr. Tofu: "Nabiki is going to the hospital. Kodachi is going into protective custody, so she's not a threat to herself and others. Ranma.... is going to need special care. Akane-kun, take him to the Tendo Dojo, away from sharp objects, I'll join you there shortly."

In return for the many, many times Ranma's carried Akane in his arms, or on his back, Akane takes the Ranma who is now covered only by a blanket and wearing a thousand-yard stare home in her arms...

Back at NERV...

Misato: "Oh you've got to be kidding me!"

Maya: "Hard as it is to believe, we're actually facing TWO Angels, the one who shot light at Nerima, and the one who was hiding in the pipes and really made things hard for our three best pilots."

Misato: "Ireul... So the bastard survived the three N2 tipped missiles and has been hiding in the upper atmosphere... Has that bastard been helping the other Angels we faced?"

Maya: "No way to be sure, but it's certainly helping this one."

A nearby satellite is broadcasting images of Areal sucking up Ireul from the atmosphere, growing bigger, spikier, and far more menacing.

Misato: "Damn it! Then we need to hurry before it gets its light-beam powers back. We made contact with the authorities in Nerima and learned the Angel's beam of light attack raped the mind of everyone it shined upon. Especially one Ranma Saotome."

Maya: "...And that's not the end of it for the poor girl..."

Misato: "No, it's not. GENDO was there."

The command center goes deathly quiet as everyone's well aware of what Gendo's capable of.

Misato: "We'll do what we can for her later. Right now, we need to deal with this Angel or we won't be able to do anything..."

Everyone: "Right!"

Misato: "Rits! Is everything and everyone ready?"

Ritsuko: "Ready as it ever will be... The fact that our payload actually considers this plan sane really makes me wonder what kind of hell she faced in NERV Berlin."

Misato: "THEN LAUNCH!"

The Eva-chimera is deployed through the Eva-launcher and upon reaching the surface immediately activates its eight jump-jet engines, flying higher and higher into the stratosphere until nearly reaching orbit before acting like a first-stage rocket and beginning the somewhat controlled descent back to the ground, launching Tanya and Viktoria's pod in the process.

Tanya: "Ready to back me up, Visha?"

Viktoria: "You got it, Lt. Col. Once in position, I'll concentrate on maintaining our altitude while you use the Elenium 95 to fire on that Angel, and hope it's enough."

Tanya: (Biting her thumb and sporting a look that would make The Joker proud.) "Exactly." (Chanting) "It is written. Test the angels that you encounter to prove that they are of the Lord! AMEN!"

To be continued...
Chapter 56
Chapter 56

Back in Nerima...

The more public areas of the Tendo Dojo were occupied by Kasumi, Dr. Tofu, Cologne, Shampoo, Mousse, Ryoga, Ukyo, Happosai, and Nabiki, who was discharged from the hospital after being treated and having her broken jaw secured. The two small children, Keichi and Daichi, were taken to their room and left to their homework, while the adults discussed the serious situation. Akane is also with Ramna in a secluded part of the Tendo household to both tend to Ranma's needs and to watch over him.

Dr. Tofu: "Upon getting in touch with NERV Tokyo-3, we were advised to test for ovulation drugs and aphrodisiacs... We found large doses of both. In addition, Ramna's clothing absolutely reeks of paralytic tree-frog poison. We can only conclude one thing. Gendo, posing as Principal Kuno, was looking to rape and impregnate someone while he was here. Ranma was his unfortunate victim, by being hoisted off to Tatewaki while in a state of paralysis, forced arousal, and attempted forced ovulation."

Happosai: "This is both unspeakable and unforgivable!"

Cologne: "Interesting that you would be the one saying that, considering the whole moxibustion scandal."

Happosai: "That's different."

Cologne: "How so?"

Happosai: "Ranma could still run, fight, or beg for mercy! I was really hoping he'd do the latter. Here, Ranma could do none of those things!"

Cologne narrows her eyes at Happosai, "mighty thin reed you're clinging to there, still, I'm not one to judge, seeing as we've all clung to even thinner reeds while justifying ourselves."

Dr. Tofu: "May I continue?"

Everyone: "Of course."

Dr. Tofu: "Fortunately, or unfortunately, as the case may be, Ranma is only superficially female at the moment. The Jusenkyo curse may make him look like a girl, but it doesn't provide all the necessary parts. An ultrasound that Akane performed on Ranma, at my direction, clearly shows that girl-form Ranma lacks ovaries or a uterus, so we don't have to worry about a 'gift' arriving nine or so months from now. That's the good news."

Cologne: "And the bad news?"

Dr. Tofu: "Ranma is, once again, stuck in girl-form. It's not a matter of being unable to withstand the hot water he needs to change back, but rather that the hot water doesn't change him back, at all. I've asked you, the experts, as to why this might be."

Happosai and Cologne sit and think for a moment before they suddenly look at each other.

Happosai: "You don't suppose..."

Cologne: "I can think of no other reason..."

Dr. Tofu: "What is it? What have you deduced?"

Cologne: "The poor child is trapped because the 'Spring of the Drowned Girl' is the spring of the VIRGIN drowned girl. Even though it was clearly not his choice, and he did not give consent, his girl form is no longer a virgin. Thus, the magic can not change him back..."

Kasumi: "It is good Akane and Ranma are not here to hear that … hypothesis because Ranma could seriously hurt herself. Nabiki, you and I need to have a chat, alone, sister to sister.... And I'm not taking 'no' for an answer. I'm aware that you can't speak right now, so bring some paper and a pen. I've got a lot of serious questions for you..."

Meanwhile, in very close Earth orbit...

Tanya: "AMEN!"

A massive beam of energy hurls from Tanya and Viktoria to the Angel, hitting it with a force an order of magnitude greater than the Atomic bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Although this blast does pierce the A-T field, it's not strong enough to breach the Angel's armor plating, leaving it singed, at best.

Tanya: "Damn it!"

Arael finishes absorbing and assimilating Ireul and goes on the offensive, attacking Tanya and Viktoria with a massive claw of light... until time stops and an all-too-familiar voice speaks to Tanya.

Being X: (Using the Angel and making a mockery of a face) "Hello again, Prophet Degurechaff. It has been a long time since we've spoken like this."

Tanya: "So you're behind these Angel attacks too, Being X?!"

Being X: (Using Viktoria's face) "I wish I could take the credit, but no. Some humans intentionally brought this about. SEELE, Gendo Ikari, Kozo Fuyutsuki, Naoko and Ritsuko Akagi, all have a hand in this. The rest are merely unwitting pawns in the fight."


Being X: (Tanya's gun slips out of its holster and the barrel begins opening and closing like the lips of a human mouth.) "Oh, how rude of me. She's special to you, isn't she?"

Tanya: "What is it you want now? And why did you bring me here then?"

Being X: (The very buttons on Viktoria's buttons beging talking.) "I had brought you to this world so you could expose those people and these Angels as fakes, but it seems you lack the power to make that happen. What a pity."

Tanya: "Yeah, maybe you should have considered that first..."

Being X: (Tanya's coat flies off and begins talking to her) "Oh, but I did. There are certain … rules... that keep me from interfering directly. I can only 'inspire' others to work as my vessels. If you get rid of that stiff back of yours, bow down and worship me, fully, mind, heart, and soul, I will happily gift you the power to end this, get married to that Viktoria girl you like so much, and have her bare your children. This world would be yours for the taking..."

Tanya: "Hehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Being X: (Back to Viktoria's face) "Why are you laughing?"

Tanya: "So you ARE the Devil! 'And Satan took Jesus to a mountaintop, showed him the kingdoms of the world and said "if you will but bow and worship me, all this can be yours."' Does that ring a bell?"

Being X: (Back to the Angel) "...He didn't exactly get a copyright on that phrase, you know. So what is your decision?"

Tanya: "So you can corrupt my mind like you did to Mary Sue? Last time I took you up on an 'offer,' you let my men die. Furthermore, that 'offer' only came about because you 'inspired' people to launch missiles at me! Even with this orb, my 'not mandatory' use of it is corroding my mind, soul, and maybe even my body! I think I'll have better odds without your 'help,' you bastard!"

Being X: (Tanya's cap flies off and talks to her.) "So the experiment's a failure then. Pity. I look forward to seeing you face oblivion. Goodbye."

Time resumes and the Angel's claw hurls down at the little capsule protecting Tanya and Viktoria with alarming speed.

Tanya: "Visha, take over flight control, and send us straight at that thing's main body!"

Viktoria: "Eh?"

Tanya feeds mana directly into the Elenium 95 orb, but without praying to "Being X." Since there's no longer any divine intervention, the highly unstable quad-core configuration begins to run wild and overload, at which point Tanya throws it at the Angel.

Since the Angel doesn't see this as an attack, it slips right through the A-T field, unmolested.


Viktoria: "HAI!"

Viktoria begins racing the capsule back to Earth's surface, fast enough to suffer re-entry problems, and it's still not fast enough.

The Elenium 95 orb releases all of its stored mana in a single uncontrolled blast, right up against the Angel with enough light and fire to simulate a second sun for the briefest of moments.

While the Angel's A-T field actually protects Tanya and Viktoria from the brunt of the blast, it doesn't protect them completely, and they begin hurtling to Earth like a meteor.

Tanya pulls out her backup Elenium 97 orb, secretly glad to be rid of that Elenium 95 that was slowly but surely eroding her mind, and works with Viktoria to try to control their descent and keep the capsule from burning away in the atmosphere.

It soon becomes obvious to the people down below that the capsule is not a natural meteor as it takes a spiral descent, passing over the vast majority of the Japanese island at least one at supersonic speeds.

Back at Nerima...

Kasumi is speaking with Nabiki in the kitchen.

Kasumi: "You know, sis, I'm not naive, stupid, gullible, or idealistic." (Cuts some vegetables with a knife and starts preparing a stew) "I'm well aware of your behavior, and the way you've been treating your sister, and brother-in-law." (Puts the vegetables in a pot with cold water, and turns on the burner for the stove.) "Now, I've ignored the compromising pictures you've taken of Akane and Ranma, girl-form, and then sold to Tatewaki-san, without their permission, since I figured Akane and Ranma lecturing you was sufficient, and the pictures were ultimately harmless."

Nabiki begins to fidget.

Kasumi: "I've turned a deaf ear to the rumors that you pawned off Ranma to sex-slavers in Hong Kong because they were just that, RUMORS, and Ranma stayed mum on the matter, returning unharmed, and unsoiled."

Nabiki starts to write something down, but stops cold when she sees Kasumi glare at her, kitchen knife in hand.

Kasumi: "This time. This time you've gone too far, way, way too far. You didn't just turn a blind eye to Ranma getting violated by Tatewaki-san, YOU SHOOK HANDS WITH THE GUY WHO ORCHESTRATED IT!"

Nabiki: (Written) "No, I didn't! The guy punched me and broke my jaw!"

Kasumi: (Slams the knife, point first, into the table) "Don't treat me like an idiot, Nabiki. How do you explain this?"

Kasumi shows Nabiki the "contract" Nabiki put her thumb-print on when Gendo presented it to her.

Nabiki: (Written) "He must have placed my thumb-print on it when I was unconscious!"

Kasumi: "Oh? Then how do you explain this?"

Kasumi presents the notarized copy Sasuke brought back from City Hall.

Nabiki: (Written) "One of the Kuno's must have put him up to it! I would never..."

Kasumi: "ENOUGH! I am not going to take legal action, and I'm certainly not going to tell Akane or Ranma about this. It's just not worth the grief that would cause. Still, this can not go unpunished."

Nabiki: (Written) "What are you going to do?"

Kasumi: "With our father dead, killed in Hawaii, as the eldest, the task of punishment falls upon me, and I am officially disowning you. You are no longer welcome in this house, ever again. You'll just have to make do with the ill-gotten gains your little 'business' have netted you."

Nabiki wants to shout something, but Kasumi doesn't let her get a word in edge-wise.

Kasumi: "So Gendo, as Principal Kuno, cleaned you out? Too bad. It's your fault for letting the guy into your home, and opening your safe with him in the room. Yes, I checked with Sasuke before we had this little conversation."

Nabiki gives up any hope of trying to talk her way out of this, puts down the pen and paper, and sits back to listen as her sentence is laid down.

Kasumi: "You are not to approach this house, Ramna, or Akane ever again, for any reason. I see you trying, and I will get violent."

Nabiki is shocked at that last part. The worst Kasumi's ever done is raise her voice a bit when she learned about how Genma subjected Ranma to the Jusenkyo curse.

Kasumi: "You are not to refer to yourself as a Tendo, EVER. You will be removed from the family registry, records, and inheritance. YOU! ARE! DEAD! TO! US! My sister Nabiki died today, and what sits before me is a stranger wearing her face. I will advise both Akane, and Ranma, should he ever recover, to stay the hell away from you, since you've sided with Kodachi, as a sisterhood of psychos. Any questions?"

Nabiki looks like she's going to ask something, but thinks better of it.

Kasumi: "Then get the hell out of this house, this instant! Take nothing with you except the clothes on your back! GO! AND DON'T COME BACK!"

Terrifed, Nabiki runs out of the house as fast as her legs will carry her.

Dr. Tofu comes into the kitchen.

Dr. Tofu: "What was that about? As pregnant as she is, she..."

Kasumi glares at him until he shuts up, never seeing the woman he loves that angry.

Kasumi: "That... Is not welcome in this house. AND NOT IN OUR LIVES, unless you're taking care of her as a patient, I don't even want you to look in her direction if you can help it. Understood?"

Dr. Tofu is terrified of his wife being this angry. "Yes, Ma'am." (Sees the contract Nabiki left behind)

To be continued...
Chapter 57
Chapter 57

Tanya and Viktoria, against all odds, splashdown safely in Tokyo-3 bay, their badly scorched capsule floating on the surface. Still, there is no time for celebration as they look up to see that the Angel survived their attack, and is now pissed off good and proper.

Tanya: "Well... SHIT!"

Back in Nerima...

Akane continues to console a badly traumatized Ranma.

Ranma: "You were right, Akane. I'm sorry, so, so sorry!"

Akane: "Ranma, this is NOT YOUR FAULT. Nothing you did, could have done, or failed to do justifies this!"

Ranma: "But... But... I enjoyed it!..."

Akane: "RRRAAAANNNMMAAAA!!! No, you did not 'enjoy it.' I don't care what popular hentai says. Rape doesn't stop being rape just because the girl 'enjoys it.' Besides, you were drugged with aphrodisiacs against your will. Being aroused under those conditions is clearly NOT 'asking for it.' I'll say it as many times as it takes. YOU! DID! NOT! ASK! FOR! THIS!"

Akane then sits down on the bed, spreads her lap and dress just like she's going to soothe Ranma as he's under the effects of the 'Neko-ken' technique (ie, having a psychotic episode when his invoked fear of cats becomes too much for him and he starts acting like one). She then guides Ranma's head to her lap, and starts to stroke him gently. Ranma breaks down in tears.

Ranma: "Bwahh! I'll kill him!I'll kill him!I'll kill him!I'll kill him! I'LL KILL HIM, THAT BASTARD GENDO!"

Akane is well aware that Ranma means it. The last time some guy forced himself on girl-Ranma, she ran away crying, changed to boy-Ranma, came back, and punched the guy in the face 120 times. And that was just a simple kiss, albeit Ranma's first kiss, but still!

Akane: "That's alright. Gendo IS a criminal wanted for treason against the whole human race. I don't think anyone would really mind."

Ranma goes on to cry himself to sleep in her lap. Now while Akane does have a very short temper, and is quite violent, she is not cruel. She just continues caressing his head gently, so he feels safe and secure, because he really, really needs it.

Kasumi enters the room. "How is Ranma?"

Akane: "Still beating himself up.... and I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon. Especially since he's going to be reminded every time he steps into the bathtub... That Nabiki. I swear, if I ever see her again..."

Kasumi: "That is not going to happen. She is disowned, exiled, and persona-non-grate. I've taken care of it..."

Akane: "Good. I was getting a bit tired of you going 'Oh my!' and doing nothing else..."

Kasumi: "I... am sorry. Perhaps if we were stricter with her..."

Akane: "She's made her choices, now she has to live with them. Have you heard anything about Ranma's … condition."

Kasumi: (Shaking her head) "Nothing definitive, just … speculation, that I don't dare repeat in front of Ranma."

Akane: "I understand. Still, he does need a therapist. Martial artist or not, this is something you can't simply will your way past..."

Kasumi: "We'll have to take him to NERV. It's the only place that has an active, and competent therapist on staff, and apparently a mighty warrior at that. He is on record repelling an entire army division, alone and unarmed while protecting a 5-year-old girl."

Akane: "... I can't argue with that. Even if rape counseling is not his area of expertise..."

Kasumi: "Yeah. Ranma has other issues that Dr. Crane can help with..."

Akane: "Hahaha! Oh So many, many issues! It's amazing he's as stable as he is, considering what BOTH his parents, and both of ours, put him through..."

Kasumi: "Yes, and that just makes his break from the pressure even more profound. Well, good night, Akane. We have a long, long trek ahead tomorrow."

Akane: "Yeah..."

The ground begins shaking.

Kasumi: "Oh my!"

Akane: "Kasumi...."

Kasumi: "Forget the rest, forget tomorrow, we move... NOW! EARTHQUAKE!"

At Nerv HQ...

Misato: "Now what?!"


Misato: "You've got to be fucking kidding me! Okay, pilots! Plan B! Kensuke, Mana, you are to head down to Terminal Dogma with your TRIDENT. There's something there that could end this fight in a hurry! It's our only shot!"

Ritsuko: "But Major..."

Misato: "There's no other option, Rits. If we don't stop this angel NOW, not only will Japan get plucked into space, but the resulting super-volcano resulting from the breech in the mantle will kill all life on Earth, and if it triggers the ring of fire volcanoes..."

Ritsuko: "Earth's orbit could be affected, making life on Earth impossible ever again! But still..."

Misato: "The TRIDENT is neither an Eva nor an Angel. It should, SHOULD be safe to go into Terminal Dogma."

Ritsuko: "How are you going to explain..."

Misato: "We'll have to live through this first!"

Ritsuko: "I see..."

Kensuke and Mana begin descending into Terminal Dogma in her TRIDENT vehicle.

Mana: "What could possibly be down here that would do anything to that Angel. Even the JSSDF positron sniper rifle can't get past the A-T field..."

Kensuke: "I don't know, but it has to be something truly spectacular."


Mana: "Yeah. I hope we can hold out during these quakes... UNDERGROUND IS NOT WHERE WE SHOULD BE!"

Kensuke: "I hear ya, but what choice do we have?!"

They arrive at the doors to Terminal Dogma, and NERV opens the doors for them. Inside is a pool of LCL, a giant cross with some gigantic, strangely humanoid being with its palms crucified on it and missing its legs. As if all that wasn't bizarre enough, a giant two-pronged spear is piercing its chest.

Misato: "You should be seeing the target right now. Cross the lake and pull out the spear. THAT is what we're going to use to take down the Angel."

Kensuke: "...And how..."

Mana: "Don't get cold feet now, dear! Let's get this over with!"

Kensuke: (Sigh) "Yes, Ma'am."

The TRIDENT walks over to Lilith, pulls out the Spear of Longinous, and Lilith's legs immediately start to regenerate, bubbling into existence.

Kensuke: "Yeah, that's not creepy at all..."

Mana: "We're on the clock! Let's get up there!"

Kensuke: "Don't have to tell me twice!"

Due to the sheer size of the TRIDENT and the Spear, they have no choice but to ride the lift up to the surface.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Japan...


Kasumi: "Hang on, everyone! We're out of here!"

The entire Tendo family is loaded into a van and driven out of Nerima... which is literally falling apart. Now while the Tendos have little reason to ever use the family vehicle, usually being able to walk everywhere they need, they do indeed have one, having driven to other cities on occasion. Kasumi is the one in charge of driving on these occasions, and has a lot of experience. With a calm, steady hand, she heads out of Nerima towards Tokyo-3.

Tokyo-3 outskirts...

Nurse Pam: "We've evacuated everyone who is ambulatory! What about the bedridden?"

Doctor Minamoto: "We are trying, but it's tricky! Several of them are on life-support and can not be easily moved...."

A random firefighter drags the nurses, doctors, and everyone who can move to an outer perimiter.

"Stay back! The hospital can fall down at any moment..."

Nurse Pam: "What about the patients?!"

Firefighter: "We're trying to get to them but..."

The hospital collapses from the continuous earthquake triggered by the Angel trying to rip the island of Japan out of the Earth.

Nurse Pam: "Oh. OH NO!"

Among the patients is one Inspector Kaji.

Firefighter: "It's too unstable right now! We'll try to dig them out later... if we can." (Looks upward at the Angel and the cage of light above.)


Debris has completely demolished the meeting room. The roof is missing and open to the sky, showing a good view of the impending Angel, but the occupant is unable to appreciate it. One Chairman Kihl lies on the ground, in a pool of his own blood, and none of his many, many implants give him the necessary strength or leverage to extricate himself. He can only lie helplessly, watching his delusions of godhood slowly fade away, forever. He has tried calling out for help, repeatedly, but help shall never come, as only a select few even know of the place, and they're all occupied dealing with the Angel threat, even if they knew he was in distress.

Focusing back on the TRIDENT and Eva-Chimera....

Kensuke: "We're in position, Major. What now?"

Mana: "Yeah! How do we use this thing?"

Misato: "It's self-guiding. Just aim, and throw it at the Angel!"

Kensuke: "Um..."

Mana: "....The TRIDENT can't actually do that..."

Kowaru: "Allow us! Our Eva-Chimera has four arms! We can throw it."

Misato: ".... Alright, pilots Kowaru Nagisa, Mari Makinami, this is your last chance to prove yourselves. DON'T SCREW IT UP! We don't have another chance!"

Kowaru and Mari: "ROGER!"

Reluctantly, Kensuke and Mana hand the Spear of Longinous to Mari and Kowaru. The two of them fly upward, clear of the buildings, streets and anything that could throw off their aim. They soar into the sky, building up speed, and then throw the spear straight at the Angel.

The Angel is not idle though. It sees the spear coming, and takes appropriate counter actions. Using the abilities of Ireul, it breaks up into a mist causing the spear to fly through near harmlessly crashing into the moon, and impaling itself.

Misato: "Ineffective?! INEFFECTIVE?! What the hell?! Alright pilots, return to base. You've done your best. Rits?"

Ritsuko: "The Magi are unanimous. They all recommend we get 'shit-faced drunk so we don't feel it when we die.' Sorry, Major."

Misato: "...And Gendo just had to go and make me sober! DAMNIT! Get those damn old men on the horn, maybe they know something..."

Makoto: "The President of the United States is on the line!"

Misato: "What?"

Makoto: "Five ICBMS inbound!"

To be continued...
Chapter 58
Chapter 58

In order to understand the incoming missiles, we need to go back in time a bit.

In Airforce One, the Boeing 747 reserved for the President of the United States, several hours ago...

President Ronald W. Grump: "Did you really think I'm as stupid and racist as the media loves to portray, Mr. SEELE US? I have founded many successful businesses in many different countries. I know how to read the times, and follow the money. Don't think you can hide behind the UN charter either. Your little outdated and parasitic organization has really screwed the pooch recently in Japan, a key Asian ally to the US, with your ill-advised attack on NERV Tokyo-3 and would be damn, damn lucky if they can do enough damage control to claim they're a peaceful humanitarian organization, something they've never actually been!"

The president then brings print outs of thirty thousand some e-mails.

Grump: "Now, you see, my former campaign opponent, who suffers from Hilarity Syndrome, that causes her to go into uncontrollable coughing fits and pass out in broad daylight, as well as make up wild conspiracy theories out of whole cloth, especially about 'Bimbo Eruptions' and 'The Vast Right Wing', foolishly set up this very, very insecure private server and channeled her official government correspondence through it, as well as sharing her files with her completely uncleared staff. All felonious behavior, of course, but that's not what I want to talk to you about."

The president pulls out one particular document.

Grump: "You see, it was dangerous, foolish, and frankly, STUPID of you Instrumentality Committee people to trust that narcissistic self-proclaimed 'smartest woman in the world' for anything. If you thought you could control her... The last guy who tried found himself in the national park 'committing suicide' by putting the wrong finger, from the wrong hand, in the trigger of a gun that wasn't even present when a jogger found the body... Now, now. Don't bother playing stupid. I've been sitting on the e-mail correspondence she's been having with you lot until the right moment... Despite what the media loves to think about me, I know when to keep a secret, until the time when unveiling it will do me the most good."

SEELE US: "Whatever you want from me, I'll never betray SEELE! You're just wasting your time!"

Grump: "Oh? True, I wouldn't know where to start in a proper interrogation, so I brought in an expert."

Jack Bauer: "You WILL tell me what the president wants to know. The only differences are in how long it's going to take, and in how much you are going to hurt."

SEELE US: "Torture? HAHAHA! In this country?..."

Grump: "Oh, no, no, no, no, Mr. SEELE US. See, unlike my predecessor who couldn't negotiate a deal if his life depended on it, even when everything, and I do mean everything is in his favor, I can negotiate a great deal even when I'm behind the 8-ball. The people of Cuba would be very, very interested in seeing you answer a few questions concerning quite a bit, especially everything about the Katsuragi expedition... Ah, we've arrived."

SEELE US: (Eyes now wide as saucers) "Wait! Airforce One is still considered US soil!..."

Grump: "True, but only while you're an invited guest, and I'm not really in the mood for your company right now." (Taps print outs of 30,000 or so "missing" emails.) "Really quite enlightening. Looks like wiping that server 'with a cloth' just didn't cut it for her."


Jack Bauer: "Oh please, there's nothing original or special about you or your cabal. The first and oldest lie in the world is 'do as I say and you will become a god', and idiots like you still fall for it. Besides, if my upbringing has taught me anything, it's that gods bleed and feel pain too!"

As SEELE US is being dragged off Airforce One in chains onto Cuban soil, the Cuban diplomat, a fetching lady in her 30s, steps aboard to take his place.

Grump: "?Hola, Senora, como esta las cosas con los gentes de aerospace?" (Hello, Dear Lady. How are things with the aerospace personnel?)


Jack Bauer: "You will tell us what we want to know, and nothing else. See, even 'gods' can be made to bleed and suffer."

SEELE US is dragged away, glaring at everyone with unbridled hatred and contempt, as President Grump negotiates the acquisition of Cuba's five nuclear tipped missiles, relics of the Cuban Missile Crisis under President Kennedy in the 1950s. In exchange for getting first pick of the "questions" Mr. Seele US will have to answer, completely open borders with Cuba as an American protectorate, like Puerto Rico, and immediate aid, the Cuban president gladly hands over the nukes and makes the US Cuba's top priority trade partner.

Grump: "!Diga a el Presidente, 'muchas gracias' en serio y yo esta jeno de anticipacion para la proxima ves que ablamos!" (Tell your president 'thanks a lot' sincerely, and I'm fully anticipating the next time we speak.)

Diplomat: "!Si, Senor Presidente. Me encanto ablar con tigo y quiero que disfruitas los rocketes nuclear para matar los Angeles malo!" (Yes, Mr. President. It was a pleasure talking to you, and we hope you get the best out of the nuclear tipped missiles to kill the Angels.)

The aerospace engineers in question are the experts from the private space company, "Falcon X" who have successfully landed the primary booster on a launchpad to reuse several times. If anyone can upgrade Cuba's 90 mile limited missiles to ICBMs, it's them.

To further improve their odds, President Grump got in touch with the team at Cheyenne Mountain to boost the yield of the warheads with this rare extra-terrestrial mineral called "Naquada."

President Grump: "I hope this is enough. I know those brave people at NERV are doing their best, but I don't see how they're going to win this fight without serious help."

Back to the present...

At the new Ikari Estate...

Rei: "Damn it! I should be fighting! I was literally born and bred to fight the Angels, and here I am on the sidelines doing nothing! My husband and wife, both, are stuck in their Eva completely unable to even know what's going on, let alone do something about it! And the rookies... The rookies can't get their Eva to actually damage an Angel, even with assistance! Have to hand it to the TRIDENT pilots though, they've clearly pulled their weight and then some, but what can they do when the enemy is attacking from orbit, FUCKING IMMUNE!"

Dr. Crane: "It's alright to be frustrated, angry even. This is an impossible situation."

Back at NERV HQ, command center:

Misato: "Mr. President. Care to explain those ICBMs? Oh. They're not aimed at us, but at the Angel... You are aware that conventional weapons are all but useless against Angels, yes?...Wait... The missiles are armed with Nuclear Fission warheads? With an anticipated yield to put the nuclear weapon's test in the Bikini Atoll to shame? How did you manage to pull that off? All nuclear weapons were confiscated by the UN in the aftermath of the Second Impact wars... Oh, I see. Can't tell me right now... Wait, you have some information to share with us regarding SEELE and Second Impact?... Right, let's focus on surviving this crisis first."

The incoming missiles hit. Now while the Angel is still in its cloud state, where the missiles should have passed through harmlessly, the onboard detonators were programmed to detonate when they got to the Angel's position, in addition to being primed for impact detonation. Those Falcon X engineers also excelled at their task, as the missiles were set at the optimum distance where one exploding would trigger the detonation of the next, for continuous damage. This is an incredible feat as the margin of error is a fraction of a millisecond, with failure likely resulting in the fratricide of the missiles. (One missile explosion destroying some or all of the rest without detonating them.) It is a truly impressive effort that the US can be proud of, but it's not enough.

Makoto: "Major! The missiles have all detonated in the Angel, eliminating 75% of it!"

Misato: "75%? DAMN! Just two more missiles would have done the job!"

Makoto: "Major! The Angel... It's regenerating!"

Misato: "Mr. President, we appreciate your efforts. You can tell your ancestors, or whatever gods you believe in, that your people did not simply lay down and die, but that you gave it your all, going down swinging."


Major: "How much time has the US just bought us?"

Ritsuko: "The Magi calculates, based on the rate of regeneration, that the US Alpha Strike has bought us maybe 10 hours."

Major: "... I know it's not much, but we've got to get the JSSDF Positron Rifle back in place, and try that on the Angel, before its A-T field is back to full strength. That's the only option we've got."

Yamamoto: "I anticipated the need, Major, and I ordered the JSSDF to keep the positron rifle ready. All that remains is to prime it for firing... and hope the quake ravaged power-grid can take the load."

Misato: "Thank you, Admiral. Any other news?"

Makoto Hyuga: "Major, waves of refugees are coming in from the rural areas, especially the town of Nerima."

Misato: "Good. Have someone screen them. Any information they can provide regarding 'he who shall not be named' and whatever it was that first blasted the Angel would be welcome. Next."

Makoto: "...Major, I don't think you're going to want to hear this."

Misato: "Spill it!"

Makoto: "The quakes have completely demolished the hospital where Inspector Kaji was recuperating. The hospital staff did their best, but they could not evacuate him in time. I'm sorry..."

Misato: "... First my father and then my man? THOSE DAMNED ANGELS!!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM! Is there any good news?"

Ritsuko: "SEELE HQ is down. I can't reach them..."

Misato: "..."

Ritsuko: "I hope those perverts are dead."

Misato: "We're in full agreement. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Command office..."

Makoto: "Would... Do you need a shoulder to lean on?"

Misato: "...Yeah, I'd like that."

The next few hours, everyone was busy. The JSSDF, with the help of Mana, Kensuke, and the TRIDENT were occupied moving the positron rifle, and setting it up in the optimal location for firing on the Angel, while those without any engineering talent were busy dealing with the aftermath of the prior Angel attack. Construction crews managed to clear the debris and confirmed that all the immobile patients did not survive the collapse, including Inspector Kaji. Major Misato completely fell apart upon finding out, and it was all Makoto could do to keep her together

In a happier situation, Makoto would have been thrilled to be in an intimate setting with Misato, and Misato knows it, being well aware of his crush on her. Now, however, he's painfully torn. On the one hand, he's still thrilled that Misato's letting him "comfort" her, and she's not taking "no" for an answer. On the other, he's feeling extremely guilty due to the fact that the only reason he's there is because Misato just lost her lover, and she needs a warm body to cling to, so she can keep herself together, even superficially.

Meanwhile, near the US Rocky Mountains...

The runner-up of the last US presidential election is in a privately chartered airplane, heading to a California retreat with her husband, looking to escape the "e-mail server" scandal, and to market her 'non-fiction' book "Yes, I actually won the election, but it was stolen from me by the Russians and the Grump!"

[Ring, Ring]

Willie: "Aren't you going to answer your phone, Honey?"

Her phone stops ringing, and then Willie's phone begins ringing.

Willie: "Hello?"

Honey. "Moron! It's probably one of those Vast Ring Wing conspirators, or the press! Hang it up!"

The phone overrides and goes to speaker mode, nothing Willie does can shut if off. He tries removing the battery and it burns his hand.

Willie: "Ow! Huh?"

SEELE Russia: "You have both been a major disappointment. Not only did Willie literally get caught with his pants down while he was in charge, but you, Madame Senator, or is it Madame Secretary? Doesn't matter. Your carelessness has cost us all greatly when you channeled your correspondence through a completely unsecured 'Mom and Pop' server in a public restaurant!"

Honey. "There was nothing labeled 'classified' or higher! It was all Yoga, my daughter's wedding..."

SEELE Russia: "Oh do be quiet, Ms. 'Smartest Woman in the World' except, of course, when you find yourselves in legal or political trouble, and then your go-to defense is 'I really am too damn stupid to know what I did was wrong.' We are not the media that wanted you to win that election. We are not your friends in the FBI, and we are certainly not your political allies in Congress. WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO WILL DECIDE THE FATE OF MANKIND! You have jeopardized that by leaking our secrets. Now it is time for both of you to pay the price. The Secret Service agents with you will protect you no longer... In fact, they never protected you at all. Did you wonder why it was so, so easy for people to get in to your White House? Hmm?"

Honey : "We're in mid air! What are you lot planning to do?"

SEELE Russia: "We're going to plug a leak, a very, very noisy leak."

The pilot ejects after steering the plane into a mountain. There are no survivors.

To be continued...
Last edited:
Chapter 59
Chapter 59

An an undisclosed location in Russia...

SEELE Russia: "Just as planned, Comrades!"

SEELE France: "Yes. Both those pawns and nuisances are out of the way."

SEELE England: "Shame about our American compatriot..."

SEELE Russia: "The fool has nobody to blame but himself. Money and political influence were just useful tools to our plans, not the goal. Neither of them would have served any purpose in Instrumentality!"

SEELE France: "Indeed. He should have left the Americas after that fiasco of an election, where the losers were yelling in the streets 'I'm literally dying!' because that hysterical, delusional woman, that was propped up by a false dossier from 'Fission DPS' lost it, on her own accord."

SEELE Russia: "Indeed. Even after I, in my 'Mr. Steel' persona, propped her up, sabotaging her rivals for her party, she was still fool enough to lose, and lose BIG because she expected me to win it for her without any effort on her part... JUST AS PLANNED! Didn't even have to do anything on behalf of that Grump guy..."

SEELE England: "He should be eliminated as soon as possible. He's too … unpredictable..."

SEELE France: "Unstable, you mean."

SEELE Russia: "Oh, come now. The bombastic fool's theatrics have served us quite well. If nothing else, he's quite handy as a distraction. Most of the press completely ignores our... more unpleasant dealings because they're so irrationally fixated on destroying him... for the fact that he dares call them on their biases and points out when they're wrong, especially about himself!"

SEELE England: "That's certainly true..."

SEELE Russia: "Besides, as much as you all want to believe he's a feckless idiot, he did win that election, all by himself, without our help, against at least 16 simultaneous opponents. He's clearly not stupid, and if we go after him carelessly, he has shown that he can and will hit back twice as hard, and right where it hurts."

Suddenly, the Sea Lion in the room, that everyone's been ignoring, starts talking.

? : "There is a certain... something to be said about the stupidity of the American voter; it got this guy elected, twice."

SEELE Russia: "Ah. Mr. Rayne Clapper. Is your pet animatronic Barry O'Ban-Ham ready for the press conference yet?"

Rayne Clapper: "Almost. The questions go off-script and it starts hemming and hawing... but then again, it did that for eight years, and nobody noticed!"

SEELE England: "Especially during the debate for the 'anything but affordable health-care act!'"

SEELE Russia: "Which failed spectacularly the moment it went into effect, as intended. Even after after millions lost their insurance, or worse, actual health-care, and those who remained have their premiums and deductibles jump over 300%, keep going up, and then having to choose between an insurance bill they can't afford, or a tax bill they can't afford, and have even less money in their pockets when they actually get ill, a large segment of the public still believes that this 'National Health-care System' is somehow actually saving lives!"

Animatronic: "What?! You actually believed what I said?! Sorry about that! I'll instruct the 'Justice Department' to pretend the law doesn't exist for a year! That will give you the insurance you like back, right?"


Rayne Clapper: "Arf!" (Clap) "Arf!" (Clap) "Arf!" (Clap) "Arf!" (Clap) "Arf!" (Clap)

A cacophony of gurgling can be heard.


SEELE Russia: "Ah! They've arrived! You're not the only one whose figured out how to make the souls of the deceased go where you want, Ikari! Behold, the mass-produced Eva, powered by the souls of those six 'Secret Service' agents who agreed to help us deal with those two Citronella fools!"

The hangar lights up, the camera pans away, and six deformed monstrosities, barely qualifying as Eva are seen. Each has a gigantic mouth of sharp teeth and a long, triangular tongue, no visible eyes, a pair of wings, and holds this unwieldy cross-shaped blade that one wonders how it can be held without slicing the hand that holds it. They also have an entry plug labeled "Dummy Plug: Model Kowaru."

SEELE England: "Magnificent! Very soon now, we'll have them swoop in to 'save the day,' and nobody in NERV Tokyo-3 will be able to stop us from taking over and granting us our birthright!"


Back at Tokyo-3...

Kowaru: "Eva-Chimera in position..."

Mari: "Positron Rifle fully charged and primed."

Misato: "Alright, pilots. Can you target the core?" (Thinking) "Oh how I wish Shinji-kun was here. He fired not one but two perfect shots against Ramiel, and in a row. I don't have much faith in these two."

Kowaru: "Searching, Major."

Mari: "Core located... It's tiny and it's moving at ridiculous speeds in the 'cloud' that is this fusion of two angels! Even if our tracking computer can map out its trajectory without error, it's going to take a perfectly aimed and timed shot! Not to mention that this Angel isn't likely to just sit there waiting for us to line up that shot..."

Makoto: "Major! The Angel's on the attack!"

Misato: "Pilots! TAKE COVER!"

"Legs" of A-T field begin raining down damage on the mountain range where the Eva-Chimera is hiding with that positron sniper rifle.

In just a matter of minutes, the entire mountain range is blown away, leaving the Eva-Chimera completely exposed.

Mari: "We won't be able to evade this, Major."

Kowaru: "I regret not being of better use..."

Misato: "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" [Misato begins pounding on her console in frustration.]

Just when all seems lost, as the Angel's Leg comes down on the Eva-Chimera, a powerful beam of light comes from over the horizon, blowing it off at the base, causing it to disintegrate harmlessly.

Misato: "What the hell just happened?!"

Ritsuko: "Major, you're not going to believe this. Astronomers all over the world report that Earth now has three more moons!"

Misato: "WHAT?!"

(Coming in over the intercom.) "This is Alicia Klaus, pilot of Eva-04 and the personnel of NERV, Reno! We've brought with us the Battlemoons of Planet Rock, seeking to forge an alliance! We await your orders!"

Misato: "...So there IS a God! This is Major Misato Katsuragi, acting Commander of NERV, Tokyo-3. Pilot Alicia Klaus, FIRE AT WILL!"

Alicia: "With pleasure, Major!"

Captain Blaze: "At last, we get to shoot at something!"

The Battlemoons rise over the horizon in three different places, to triangulate and fire upon the Angel. This is witnessed across the entire world.

At the Misaki Estate...

Rei: "The War-Planets story is real?!"

At NERV Russia...

SEELE Russia: "What the hell is this?! Where did these 'Battlemoons' come from?!"

SEELE England: "It appears Eva-04 and the people of NERV, Reno brought them."

SEELE France: "This makes me feel a bit less guilty about sacrificing SEELE US, just a little. I mean he did fail us with his ill-advised sabotage of the Reno lab, but now..."

SEELE Russia: "Indeed. Death is too nice a punishment for him. It is no longer so bad that he's being 'questioned' at Gitmo. Meddling aliens have stolen our glory! Now we have to find a way to deal with them too."


As to the battle in space...

The battle is entirely one-sided. Nothing the Angel does, even with Ireul's ability to "evolve," can stand up to the sheer amount of damage the moons' main weapons can bring to bear. It can't even counter-attack as the Battle-Moons easily outdistance its attacks.

The only thing it can do is compress itself into a singularity, focusing all its A-T field and mass into a tiny ball, which is too dense for even continuous fire from the Battle-Moons to breech, which is precisely what it does.

Misato: "Now's our chance! Pilots Kowary and Mari, target that ball and breech it with the positron rifle!"

Kowaru and Mari: "ROGER!"

Focusing on the reticule, the two pilots home in on the tiny, near-microscopic, ball that is the Angel's core and once they get the "Target Locked" ping, fire.

Even with the attenuation caused by firing through Earth's atmosphere, the now A-T free shell can't withstand the blow, breaking into pieces. Not missing the opening, the Battle-Moons make sure by blasting the wreckage, causing it to explode and chain-react with the microscopic husks of Ireul, making a showy, temporary wave of fire across along the extreme outer-edge of the atmosphere, visible across the globe, regardless of the time of day.

The Angels, both of them, are now, beyond any shadow of doubt, dead.

Everyone at NERV Tokyo-3 cheers with abandon, except for Major Misato Katsuragi, who finally has the chance to process that Kaji is dead.

Makoto, who is nearby, sees it, and moves in to comfort her.

Makoto: "Major? Are you..."

Misato: "LEAVE ME ALONE!" (Begins flailing about) "GO AWAY! GO AWAY!"

Makoto hugs her from behind and refuses to let go.

Makoto: "I am here for you, Major... Misato-san. I will always be here. Let me be the shoulder you cry on."

Misato: "...BWWWWAAAAAHHHH!!!" (Breaks down crying in his arms.)

Makoto: "It's alright, Misato-san. Cry all you want, rage all you want, just let it all out."

Misato: "Why? WHY?! Stay away! Every guy I love winds up dead! I KILL THEM!"

Makoto: "That's not true, Misato-san."

Misato: "It might as well be! My father died in Second Impact. Kaji died in the hospital. Shinji-kun is trapped in his Eva core..."

Makoto: "And I'm right here..."

Misato: "STOP IT! STOP IT NOW!" (Tries to push him away) "I know you have a crush on me, and exploited it to have you do my laundry, on occasion, but I don't feel the same about you! You... are just a warm body to me! You deserve better than a woman-child lush like me..."

Makoto: "And that is precisely what I like about you, Misato-san. You can have as much fun as a liberated teen, and still take your responsibilities seriously the next day. Besides, how many guys get the privilege of doing the laundry of the hot, sexy girl they have a crush on? Hmm?"

Misato: "...YOU PERVERT!" (Kisses him then laughs hysterically) "Heheheheahahaha! Am I so pathetic for company that I'm looking to jump the first guy, and a subordinate at that, who shows me any tenderness? And my old flame's corpse isn't even cold yet. Are you sure that's the kind of woman you want, Hyuga-kun?"

Makoto: "I'm not interested in a 'type,' I'm interested in you, and only you!"

Misato: "...Carry me. My legs aren't working right."

Makoto: "Okay..."

Misato: "If you can carry me all the way to the spare bed in the office, I'm yours."

Makoto: "That... might be a problem..."

Misato: "It's the challenge I laid down for Kaji, and after he passed it, I bonked him silly for a week. If you want to take his place, you'd better be able to do at least as much..."


Makoto Hyuga proceeds to pick up Misato and carry her all the way to the Commander's back-up office. He nearly gets a hernia several times, but he makes it, and gets Misato's "Seal of Approval."

To be continued...