So what kind of quest are you most interested in seeing me do?

  • A Mighty Disciple - History's Mightiest Disciple

    Votes: 25 21.4%
  • Child of Konoha - Naruto

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenka Fubu - Nobunaga's Ambition

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • As High As Honor - ASOIAF

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • A (Hedge) Knight's Tale - ASOIAF

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Rurouni Kenshin Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Heaven & Earth - Tenra Bansho Zero/CKII

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Chronicles of Shen Zhou - Legends of the Wulin

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Fullbringer Quest - Bleach

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Digidestined Quest - Digimon

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Final Fantasy X Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XII Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XIII Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender Quest

    Votes: 27 23.1%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenra Bansho - Nobunaga's Ambition/Tenra Bansho Zero Fusion

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Strongest Under the Heavens - Exalted: Burn Legend

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Mass Effect Quest

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Dragon Age Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Fallout Quest

    Votes: 13 11.1%
  • Tales of Symphonia Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Tales of Legendia Quest

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Enemy of Harmony - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Just go back to the quests you've already made, jackass!

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • The Age of Heroes - DCU Quest

    Votes: 24 20.5%
  • True Psychic Tales - Psychonauts Quest

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • It's Time to Duel! - Yu-Gi-Oh! Quest

    Votes: 17 14.5%
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms Quest

    Votes: 18 15.4%
  • Devil Never Cries - Devil May Cry

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Dragon Ball 1000

    Votes: 4 3.4%

  • Total voters
Notices that Martian Manhunter and Zatanna are the only ones without roman numerals next to their names. Are they the only ones who really never have successors?

No successors who directly take their name. Zatanna is actually a successor herself to the Golden Age hero Zatara, for example. And unlike most sidekick names, Miss Martian can be "upgraded" to a hero name just fine.

Will you be consistent with this for Black Canary?

Not with the first and second since they're characters people actually know and remember and who have actual, you know, characters to speak of. But the one after them is a different story.

EDIT: She also sort of gets a pass because there's an actual reason for her to be called "Black Canary." "Black" was a reference to both her natural hair color (the original Black Canary wore a wig when fighting crime) and the fact that she portrayed herself as a criminal initially to infiltrate gangs and such, and "Canary" was both because of the aforementioned infiltration ("canary in the coal mine") and in reference to her blonde wig. Black Condor was, as far as I can tell, just called that because there was already a guy called the Condor. He didn't even wear black or anything.
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And the Teen Titans:

Aqualad I/Tempest (Garth of Atlantis)
Beast Boy/Changeling (Garfield "Gar" Logan)
Cyborg (Victor "Vic" Stone)
Kid Flash I/Flash III (Wallace "Wally" West
Lieutenant Marvel (Frederick "Freddy" Freeman)
Raven (Raven of Azarath/Rachel Roth)
Robin I/Nightwing I/Batman II (Dick Grayson)
Speedy/Red Arrow (Roy Harper)
Starfire II (Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran/Carina Anders)
Supergirl I/Superwoman I (Clara Kent/Kara Zor-El)

Wonder Girl I/Troia (Donna Troy)
My old nemesis, the Best Girls choice, we meet again.:V
Not with the first and second since they're characters people actually know and remember and who have actual, you know, characters to speak of. But the one after them is a different story.
I think Dark's having a joke with you.
True Psychic Tales - Psychonauts
True Psychic Tales

"The human mind: 600 miles of synaptic fiber. 5½ ounces of cranial fluid. 1,500 grams of complex neural matter... a 3 lb pile of dreams. But I'll tell you what it really is: It is the ultimate battlefield – and the ultimate weapon. The wars of the modern age – the Psychic Age – are fought somewhere between these damp, curvaceous, undulations. From this day forward, you are all psychic soldiers! Paranormal paratroopers! Mental marines who are about to ship out on the adventure of their lives!

You shall engage the enemy in his own mentality! You shall chase his dreams! You shall fight his demons! You shall live his nightmares! And those of you who fight well, you will find yourselves on the path to becoming international secret agents – in other words, Psychonauts! The rest of you... will DIE!"

-Coach Morceau Oleander, addressing a group of children around a campfire

That is, with some variation, the speech that Coach Oleander gives every summer on the first day at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp; one of many facilities where the psychics of the next generation are given training in how to control and utilize their unique gifts in a fun and inclusive environment. This facility is owned and staffed by the Psychonauts, a world-famous international espionage and counter-psychic terrorism organization whose agents are considered the greatest and most elite psychics alive.

Because of their commitment to teaching the next generaiton of psychics (and perhaps Psychonauts), each summer a few of the Psychonauts volunteer their time as counselors at Whispering Rock. Some see it as an unpleasant duty that they wish to fulfill and then forget; others enjoy the experience (or at least consider it such an important task) that they become regular fixtures most summers.

Not that it really matters as far as you're concerned. You aren't even eligible to volunteer for at least a year, as you've only recently become a Psychonaut yourself, being accepted into their ranks less than a month ago.

The Psychonauts are all-inclusive and allow powerful, competent, trustworthy psychics of all ages, genders, colors and creeds into their numbers. But paperwork still needs to be filled, so first question: male or female?

[] Male

[] Female

Great! We'll fill the rest of that out in a minute; the questions on that paper really don't say much about you as a person.

You've only just become a Psychonaut, whatever your age. So what age are you?

[] 18

You're a Psychic prodigy of incredible power and are currently the youngest ever Psychonaut. As laid out in the latest issue of True Psychic Tales, you were the child of the leader of an international criminal syndicate, a powerful psychic who had you for the sole purpose of creating the "perfect psychic." At every stage of your birth and development you were poked, prodded and experimented on to ensure that your psychic powers would be beyond compare. The circumstances of how you eventually became a Psychonaut are very exciting and dramatic and don't bear repeating right now.

You have perhaps the most raw psychic power of any member of the Psychonauts, but that has also meant that it's harder to control your power. You don't randomly lose control of your powers anymore, but a lot of the more subtle and controlled uses of psychic power are more difficult for you. You've received a good education, but you're very lacking in real-world experience.

[] 27

You have psychic power and skill in equal measure and are a former intelligence agent in your home country, though you only worked in that capacity for a few years before being recruited as a Psychonaut. Because of the sensitive nature of your work, very little of your backstory beyond that is known and your backstory is not given in True Psychic Tales, though you did have a very interesting first assignment that happened before you were even officially a Psychonaut.

You aren't particularly powerful or particularly skilled as a psychic, but only by the high standards set by the Psychonauts. To the majority of psychics both your raw psychic power and your skill at wielding it are quite impressive. You also have enough training and experience in the kind of work that Psychonauts do that you can already hold your own in the world of spycraft, though you've still got a lot to learn.

[] 36

You're a psychic of exceptional skill who has fought against the Psychonauts for years. As laid out in True Psychic Tales, you are a former high-ranking agent of an international criminal syndicate, where you used your psychic power and your own talents in espionage and assassination to extend its reach and clash against the Psychonauts on many occasions. The circumstances of how you eventually became a Psychonaut are very exciting and dramatic and don't bear repeating right now.

Your raw psychic power is actually only average at best, but your actual skill at wielding what power you have is exceptional. You are also extremely well-versed in the subtlety and skullduggery of spycraft. However, your mind is somewhat... compromised. Years of doing dirty work and the regrets you now feel about it have left indelible scars on your psyche that have weakened your mental state, making you potentially vulnerable to malignant psychic influence.

Although every psychic can, at least in theory, learn every psychic discipline (minus a few rare talents that only emerge in a small handful of psychics, like the ability to see the future and telepathic communication with plants or a certain species of animal), and with a few exceptions most every Psychonaut is required to be at least competent in every common psychic discipline, many psychics manifest a natural affinity for a particular psychic discipline, which is often the first psychic power they manifest in early childhood and the one they tend to be most comfortable using. The natural affinity of a psychic is often influenced by their personality, leading to several stereotypes about psychics with certain natural affinities to emerge. Your own affinity is...

[] Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to access the sensory information of another to see through their own eyes. Unlike Telepathy, which is considered something of a "brute force" discipline, Clairvoyance requires a certain subtlety to infiltrate the senses of the target without being noticed. A master of Clairvoyance is able to allow others to see through their eyes, making Clairvoyance a two-way connection, and can "link" the senses of several people at the same time. Those skilled in Clairvoyance are thus not only well-suited for espionage, but also to coordination in the field.

Clairvoyants are sometimes stereotyped as voyeurs and Peeping Toms. This isn't necessarily true, though it is an unfortunate fact that Clairvoyance is easily abused for such purposes. In general, Clairvoyants do tend to be very curious people, or people with a strong sense of empathy.

[] Confusion

Confusion is the psychic ability to cloud the minds of targets by essentially overwhelming their mind and scrambling it, sending them into a confused daze of random thoughts and memories. A more subtle use of this technique that requires a great deal of skill is to project "junk thoughts" into the target's mind that invoke distracting mental tangents. A master of Confusion can create mass confusion in large crowds with ease.

Confusers tend to be people with odd and unconventional worldviews or who are already prone to being lost in their thoughts. Some claim a natural talent for Confusion is a sign of mental instability, but scholarly opinion disagrees.

[] Invisibility

Invisibility does not actually make you invisible, but rather affects the minds of others so that they don't perceive you. A master of Invisibility can not only remain invisible for exceptionally long periods of time, but can also make other objects or people invisible.

Invisibles, as those with a natural talent for Invisibility are sometimes called, tend to be people who keep to themselves or don't like to be the center of attention. They're sometimes stereotyped as antisocial wallflowers or as so socially maladjusted that they'd rather disappear than engage people socially.

[] Levitation

Levitation, that is, the ability of a psychic to make himself float and glide through the air, is technically a subset of Telekinesis, but in practice the mindset and skills required to excel at Levitation are completely different. A master of Levitation is able to effectively fly and can cross distances and at speeds that make Levitation almost as fast as taking an airplane.

Levitators tend to be free-spirited people who don't let themselves be tied down by regrets and other negative emotions and experiences. They're sometimes stereotyped as flighty and unreliable.

[] Pryokinesis

Pyrokinesis is one of the most recognizable and perhaps the most feared of all psychic powers, being the ability to ignite flames with one's mind and to thus set things and people on fire with but a thought. A master Pyrokinetic can create massive storms of fire and can not only create fire, but exert actual control over fire.

For obvious reasons, Pyrokinetics are often stereotyped as destructive and cruel. The fact that they tend to be aggressive, short-tempered people doesn't help this. On the other hand, Pyrokinetics also amount for a surprisingly large number of the more creative and artistic minds among psychics.

[] Psi-Blasting

A Psi-Blast is a laser-like blast of concentrated, focused aggression. It is the go-to attack of most psychics who know how to use it due to its combination of power and accuracy. The greater one's skill the more powerful their blasts can become; a master of Psi-Blasting can pierce an armored tank.

Psi-Blasters tend to be very focused individuals with a great deal of self-control. This has led to stereotypes of them being obsessive control freaks.

[] Telekinesis

Telekinesis is, along with Telepathy, the most "iconic" of all psychic powers and certainly one of the most versatile, and is the ability to exert force on objects and people with the force of one's own mind. A master of Telekinesis can not only exert object on many different objects at the same time and with far greater finesse, but can also exert far greater amounts of force; the strongest users of Telekinesis have been known to tear apart buildings, their minds like the arms of a great beast.

Telekinetics tend to be very creative and naturally cunning people who can think of unorthodox solutions to various problems, and also tend to be better at multi-tasking than most. There actually aren't any widely-spread negative stereotypes about Telekinetics.

[] Telepathy

Telepathy, like Telekinesis, is the most "iconic" of all psychics powers and one of the most-used and feared. Telepathy is the ability to both force one's way into the minds of others and to prevent others from doing the same to you. The greatest masters of Telepathy can read the thoughts of many at once or read the very deepest memories and thoughts of a person as casually as one glances at a page in a book, and a very rare few have displayed the ability to forcibly alter other minds without any of the normal apparatuses needed to enter and affect a mind.

Telepaths are frequently characterized as ambitious and driven people, often with a very powerful force of personality. This has, unfortunately, also led to them being stereotyped as would-be evil overlords or cult leaders in the making.

AN: To those who aren't familiar with Psychonauts: Basically, think of this world as an odd pastiche/parody of the Cold War era (from the 50s to the 80s and everything in-between) with psychics thrown in the mix, and the Psychonauts as a combination of superheroes and superspies in the vein of James Bond, again with psychic powers thrown in the mix. It's not a world that takes itself particularly seriously, in other words. I highly recommend getting the game on Steam or as part of the Double Fine Humble Bundle online (or as a download on the PS3 if you've still got one); it's damn good.

True Psychic Tales is, in-universe, the ostensibly true published version of the adventures of the Psychonauts in graphic novel format. Again, not taking itself especially seriously and there's a lot of humor. It's a weird game where you enter the minds of mental patients, one of the main villains is a deranged dentist with a claw for a hand that's actually a pepper shaker he uses to make people sneeze their brains out, you have a boss fight with a giant mind-controlled mutant lungfish whose mind you then enter and become a giant monster terrorizing a city of tiny lungfish, etc. And the whole game takes place at a summer camp for psychics and the main character is a kid who ran away from his home at the circus rather than from home to the circus, and did so by riding on the world's smallest pony.
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True Psychic Tales

"The human mind: 600 miles of synaptic fiber. 5½ ounces of cranial fluid. 1,500 grams of complex neural matter... a 3 lb pile of dreams. But I'll tell you what it really is: It is the ultimate battlefield – and the ultimate weapon. The wars of the modern age – the Psychic Age – are fought somewhere between these damp, curvaceous, undulations. From this day forward, you are all psychic soldiers! Paranormal paratroopers! Mental marines who are about to ship out on the adventure of their lives!

You shall engage the enemy in his own mentality! You shall chase his dreams! You shall fight his demons! You shall live his nightmares! And those of you who fight well, you will find yourselves on the path to becoming international secret agents – in other words, Psychonauts! The rest of you... will DIE!"

-Coach Morceau Oleander, addressing a group of children around a campfire

That is, with some variation, the speech that Coach Oleander gives every summer on the first day at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp; one of many facilities where the psychics of the next generation are given training in how to control and utilize their unique gifts in a fun and inclusive environment. This facility is owned and staffed by the Psychonauts, a world-famous international espionage and counter-psychic terrorism organization whose agents are considered the greatest and most elite psychics alive.

Because of their commitment to teaching the next generaiton of psychics (and perhaps Psychonauts), each summer a few of the Psychonauts volunteer their time as counselors at Whispering Rock. Some see it as an unpleasant duty that they wish to fulfill and then forget; others enjoy the experience (or at least consider it such an important task) that they become regular fixtures most summers.

Not that it really matters as far as you're concerned. You aren't even eligible to volunteer for at least a year, as you've only recently become a Psychonaut yourself, being accepted into their ranks less than a month ago.

The Psychonauts are all-inclusive and allow powerful, competent, trustworthy psychics of all ages, genders, colors and creeds into their numbers. But paperwork still needs to be filled, so first question: male or female?

[] Male

[] Female

Great! We'll fill the rest of that out in a minute; the questions on that paper really don't say much about you as a person.

You've only just become a Psychonaut, whatever your age. So what age are you?

[] 18

You're a Psychic prodigy of incredible power and are currently the youngest ever Psychonaut. As laid out in the latest issue of True Psychic Tales, you were the child of the leader of an international criminal syndicate, a powerful psychic who had you for the sole purpose of creating the "perfect psychic." At every stage of your birth and development you were poked, prodded and experimented on to ensure that your psychic powers would be beyond compare. The circumstances of how you eventually became a Psychonaut are very exciting and dramatic and don't bear repeating right now.

You have perhaps the most raw psychic power of any member of the Psychonauts, but that has also meant that it's harder to control your power. You don't randomly lose control of your powers anymore, but a lot of the more subtle and controlled uses of psychic power are more difficult for you. You've received a good education, but you're very lacking in real-world experience.

[] 27

You have psychic power and skill in equal measure and are a former intelligence agent in your home country, though you only worked in that capacity for a few years before being recruited as a Psychonaut. Because of the sensitive nature of your work, very little of your backstory beyond that is known and your backstory is not given in True Psychic Tales, though you did have a very interesting first assignment that happened before you were even officially a Psychonaut.

You aren't particularly powerful or particularly skilled as a psychic, but only by the high standards set by the Psychonauts. To the majority of psychics both your raw psychic power and your skill at wielding it are quite impressive. You also have enough training and experience in the kind of work that Psychonauts do that you can already hold your own in the world of spycraft, though you've still got a lot to learn.

[] 36

You're a psychic of exceptional skill who has fought against the Psychonauts for years. As laid out in True Psychic Tales, you are a former high-ranking agent of an international criminal syndicate, where you used your psychic power and your own talents in espionage and assassination to extend its reach and clash against the Psychonauts on many occasions. The circumstances of how you eventually became a Psychonaut are very exciting and dramatic and don't bear repeating right now.

Your raw psychic power is actually only average at best, but your actual skill at wielding what power you have is exceptional. You are also extremely well-versed in the subtlety and skullduggery of spycraft. However, your mind is somewhat... compromised. Years of doing dirty work and the regrets you now feel about it have left indelible scars on your psyche that have weakened your mental state, making you potentially vulnerable to malignant psychic influence.

Although every psychic can, at least in theory, learn every psychic discipline (minus a few rare talents that only emerge in a small handful of psychics, like the ability to see the future and telepathic communication with plants or a certain species of animal), and with a few exceptions most every Psychonaut is required to be at least competent in every common psychic discipline, many psychics manifest a natural affinity for a particular psychic discipline, which is often the first psychic power they manifest in early childhood and the one they tend to be most comfortable using. The natural affinity of a psychic is often influenced by their personality, leading to several stereotypes about psychics with certain natural affinities to emerge. Your own affinity is...

[] Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to access the sensory information of another to see through their own eyes. Unlike Telepathy, which is considered something of a "brute force" discipline, Clairvoyance requires a certain subtlety to infiltrate the senses of the target without being noticed. A master of Clairvoyance is able to allow others to see through their eyes, making Clairvoyance a two-way connection, and can "link" the senses of several people at the same time. Those skilled in Clairvoyance are thus not only well-suited for espionage, but also to coordination in the field.

Clairvoyants are sometimes stereotyped as voyeurs and Peeping Toms. This isn't necessarily true, though it is an unfortunate fact that Clairvoyance is easily abused for such purposes. In general, Clairvoyants do tend to be very curious people, or people with a strong sense of empathy.

[] Confusion

Confusion is the psychic ability to cloud the minds of targets by essentially overwhelming their mind and scrambling it, sending them into a confused daze of random thoughts and memories. A more subtle use of this technique that requires a great deal of skill is to project "junk thoughts" into the target's mind that invoke distracting mental tangents. A master of Confusion can create mass confusion in large crowds with ease.

Confusers tend to be people with odd and unconventional worldviews or who are already prone to being lost in their thoughts. Some claim a natural talent for Confusion is a sign of mental instability, but scholarly opinion disagrees.

[] Invisibility

Invisibility does not actually make you invisible, but rather affects the minds of others so that they don't perceive you. A master of Invisibility can not only remain invisible for exceptionally long periods of time, but can also make other objects or people invisible.

Invisibles, as those with a natural talent for Invisibility are sometimes called, tend to be people who keep to themselves or don't like to be the center of attention. They're sometimes stereotyped as antisocial wallflowers or as so socially maladjusted that they'd rather disappear than engage people socially.

[] Levitation

Levitation, that is, the ability of a psychic to make himself float and glide through the air, is technically a subset of Telekinesis, but in practice the mindset and skills required to excel at Levitation are completely different. A master of Levitation is able to effectively fly and can cross distances and at speeds that make Levitation almost as fast as taking an airplane.

Levitators tend to be free-spirited people who don't let themselves be tied down by regrets and other negative emotions and experiences. They're sometimes stereotyped as flighty and unreliable.

[] Pryokinesis

Pyrokinesis is one of the most recognizable and perhaps the most feared of all psychic powers, being the ability to ignite flames with one's mind and to thus set things and people on fire with but a thought. A master Pyrokinetic can create massive storms of fire and can not only create fire, but exert actual control over fire.

For obvious reasons, Pyrokinetics are often stereotyped as destructive and cruel. The fact that they tend to be aggressive, short-tempered people doesn't help this. On the other hand, Pyrokinetics also amount for a surprisingly large number of the more creative and artistic minds among psychics.

[] Psi-Blasting

A Psi-Blast is a laser-like blast of concentrated, focused aggression. It is the go-to attack of most psychics who know how to use it due to its combination of power and accuracy. The greater one's skill the more powerful their blasts can become; a master of Psi-Blasting can pierce an armored tank.

Psi-Blasters tend to be very focused individuals with a great deal of self-control. This has led to stereotypes of them being obsessive control freaks.

[] Telekinesis

Telekinesis is, along with Telepathy, the most "iconic" of all psychic powers and certainly one of the most versatile, and is the ability to exert force on objects and people with the force of one's own mind. A master of Telekinesis can not only exert object on many different objects at the same time and with far greater finesse, but can also exert far greater amounts of force; the strongest users of Telekinesis have been known to tear apart buildings, their minds like the arms of a great beast.

Telekinetics tend to be very creative and naturally cunning people who can think of unorthodox solutions to various problems, and also tend to be better at multi-tasking than most. There actually aren't any widely-spread negative stereotypes about Telekinetics.

[] Telepathy

Telepathy, like Telekinesis, is the most "iconic" of all psychics powers and one of the most-used and feared. Telepathy is the ability to both force one's way into the minds of others and to prevent others from doing the same to you. The greatest masters of Telepathy can read the thoughts of many at once or read the very deepest memories and thoughts of a person as casually as one glances at a page in a book, and a very rare few have displayed the ability to forcibly alter other minds without any of the normal apparatuses needed to enter and affect a mind.

Telepaths are frequently characterized as ambitious and driven people, often with a very powerful force of personality. This has, unfortunately, also led to them being stereotyped as would-be evil overlords or cult leaders in the making.

AN: To those who aren't familiar with Psychonauts: Basically, think of this world as an odd pastiche/parody of the Cold War era (from the 50s to the 80s and everything in-between) with psychics thrown in the mix, and the Psychonauts as a combination of superheroes and superspies in the vein of James Bond, again with psychic powers thrown in the mix. It's not a world that takes itself particularly seriously, in other words. I highly recommend getting the game on Steam or as part of the Double Fine Humble Bundle online (or as a download on the PS3 if you've still got one); it's damn good.

True Psychic Tales is, in-universe, the ostensibly true published version of the adventures of the Psychonauts in graphic novel format. Again, not taking itself especially seriously and there's a lot of humor. It's a weird game where you enter the minds of mental patients, one of the main villains is a deranged dentist with a claw for a hand that's actually a pepper shaker he uses to make people sneeze their brains out, you have a boss fight with a giant mind-controlled mutant lungfish whose mind you then enter and become a giant monster terrorizing a city of tiny lungfish, etc.

Hmm, it sounds good, but it seems like it'll be focusing on the 'James Bond' part, and not the 'mind exploration' stuff, which I thought was really the most fun part. Of course, you can do both of those together, but it was the before-Inception-was-even-an-idea stuff that was coolest.
Hmm, it sounds good, but it seems like it'll be focusing on the 'James Bond' part, and not the 'mind exploration' stuff, which I thought was really the most fun part. Of course, you can do both of those together, but it was the before-Inception-was-even-an-idea stuff that was coolest.

Basically you'll spend a lot of time James Bond-ing and then (or while) entering people's minds to facilitate further James Bond-ing by searching for clues and information in witnesses and suspects and such, and also exploring your own mind at certain points to deal with personal issues.

Also, about a year in you'll be given the option to be a counselor for a summer at Whispering Rock Summer Camp. There'll be a vote early on as to whether the first game happens the year you become a Psychonaut or the year you actually get to go to Whispering Rock.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Quest
Avatar: The Last Airbender Quest

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the Four Nations – the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads – lived in harmony. But all of that changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all Four Elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

It has been 90 years since the Air Nomads were wiped out by the invading Fire Nation army and the Avatar disappeared, leading many to believe he was somehow killed for good, despite the unbroken chain of reincarnation that stretches back to the dimmest reaches of human memory.

It has been 90 years since the Fire Nation's war of global conquest began.

The Air Nomads, a pacifistic and spiritual people, were attacked without warning, by an enemy whose strength was at its peak, and were wiped out to the last man, woman and child. What few may have survived were rigorously hunted down later, and even if any survived, no one has seen a living Airbender since.

The Water Tribes, living in the North and South Poles, were cut off from each other by the war. The South was systematically raided, its military strength eradicated over the course of three generations. There are no Benders left in the South, and they have been reduced to a pale shadow of what they once were. Only the North stands strong, an impenetrable but eternally besieged fortress that can count on no aid from outside to relieve them.

The Earth Kingdom, the largest and proudest of nations, still fights on to hold the line and take back what they've lost. But it is a battle they are steadily losing. With every year, they lose more ground, and more of the provinces and cities of the Earth Kingdom are either destroyed or conquered by the Fire Nation's implacable war machine. Of the great citadel-cities of the Earth Kingdom, only Omashu and the capital itself, the Impenetrable City of Ba Sing Se, still stand strong.

You, though, are only dimly aware of any of this. At 7 years old, you are only beginning to take your first tentative steps into an understanding of the wider world, only just beginning to learn and grow into your potential.

Through your parents, you were born with the potential to connect with one of the Four Elements, and on this day, your 7th birthday, you will begin to realize that potential. Which element will you one day strive to master, and in what circumstances will you learn to harness them?

[] Water

Water is the element of change. Water has no set form, and takes on the form of whatever contains it. Water does not exert force itself, but travels in the direction of the forces acting on it. In the same way, Waterbenders move with fluid grace; shifting seamlessly between attack and defense, they follow the "flow" of battle and adapt and change to best counter their opponents. Rather than directly strike or block, Waterbenders prefer to redirect and counter, using the opponent's energy against them rather than expending their own.

Waterbending, like its equal and opposite Firebending, is strongly tied to a celestial body. In this case, the moon. Waterbenders are stronger at night than during the day, and their power waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon: strongest at the full moon, weakest at the new moon, and in the rare case of a complete lunar eclipse, absent entirely for the duration.

-[] Northerner

You were born into a prominent family in the Northern Water Tribe; your father is one of Chief Arnook's closest military advisers, while your mother is well-regarded as one of the tribe's best healers. Your upbringing will be safer and more secure than most, but you will have few opportunities to see and learn about the world outside of the North Pole, at least until you come of age. And even then, you will be expected to put your people before yourself, and do what is best for the tribe. And unlike the Fire Nation, the Southern Water Tribe and, to a lesser extent, the Earth Kingdom, your gender will heavily impact what opportunities are open to you.

Bending: Northern Style Waterbenders are very skilled in quickly shifting water between its different states, and the style has the largest library of techniques making use of ice and snow. In the Northern Water Tribe, gender roles determine how you learn to Bend. While every Waterbender learns all of the basic principles of Waterbending, only men are taught how to fight with Waterbending, while only women are taught how to heal with it. The Northern Style is the oldest surviving form of Waterbending, and is the most "orthodox." When one hears the word "Waterbending," it is this style they are likely to think of.

-[] Foggy Swamp Tribal

Hundreds of years ago, migrants from the South Pole settled in the Foggy Swamp in the southwestern Earth Kingdom. Insular people who kept to themselves, living in a place few had any interest in visiting, the presence of these Waterbenders in the midst of the Earth Kingdom was swiftly forgotten by most, and the Foggy Swamp Tribe developed its own unique culture, and its own unique form of Bending. Your people live close to nature, living in harmony with the swamp and seeing it, and the world, as one vast interconnected system.

Bending: The Foggy Swamp Waterbending Style is very different from the forms practiced in the North and South Poles. One can notice a strong influence from Earthbending in the stiff, choppy movements of the style that resonate with the stagnant, muddy waters of their swampy home, and the style incorporates far less ice in its Bending than their cousins in the poles. There are more direct attacks and blocks in this style, most of them utilizing large volumes of high-pressure water to attack or defend.

[] Earth

Earth is the element of substance. Earth stands strong and endures, solid and unmoving. Its strength is its rigidity. In the same way, Earthbenders move with great force and purpose, and stand their ground with boundless determination; whether attacking or defending, the Earthbender always stands strong and steady. An Earthbender is always direct; they may seem slow to act, but it is only because they are as patient as the stone itself, and when they strike it is with the thundering force of a landslide.

-[] Imperial Prince/ss

Your older brother and the current Earth King, King Kuei, is merely the latest in a long line of Earth Kings and Queens dating back to the very beginning of recorded history and perhaps even further, as old as the city of Ba Sing Se itself. Your ancestors were the most powerful people in the most powerful nation in the world at one time. But even at your age you've begun to notice just how little power your brother actually holds compared to the head of the Grand Secretariat, Senior Grand Secretary Long Feng.

Bending: The Imperial Earth Style is the most popular and widely known Earthbending style by far. It was codified millennia ago and is what most people think of when they hear the word "Earthbending." It mimics the solid nature of Earth with solid, grounded stances and techniques that provide an impenetrable, immovable defense and an unstoppable offense. In principle very simple, but with an innumerable number of responses to most any situation. Though it is relatively simple to learn, true mastery requires years of study and conditioning both physical and mental, but the rewards are great.

-[] Si Wong Tribal

In the vast expanse of the Si Wong Desert, life is harsh and can be taken away at any moment. Yet even here, the enduring nature of the Earth Kingdom people is strong, and though sparsely populated, people survive and thrive even here. These are the Sandbender Clans of the Si Wong Desert, and though much of the outside world considers them honorless scavengers and bandits, these pragmatic survivors possess a rich culture and place great value in their loyalty to their kin. Among these nomadic clans, Earthbendings are the most prized family members, and are accorded great prestige and status.

Bending: The Earthbending style of the Si Wong Desert clans is very different from that practiced in the rest of the Earth Kingdom, mostly due to the different environment. Sand is very difficult for Earthbenders not used to it; its loose, shifting nature and the individual grains that compose it is almost foreign to those used to molding strong, steady earth. But though any Earthbender can eventually learn to bend sand, the Sandbenders are the undisputed master of the art; their unique form of bending is much more fluid than normal Earthbending, in keeping with sand's nature. Scholars debate whether the Si Wong style takes more from Airbenders or Waterbendings, but there is a clear influence from both.

[] Fire

Fire is the element of power. Fire has the power to destroy and consume all that get in its way. In the same way, Firebenders are filled with energy and drive to achieve their goals and desires, letting nothing stand in their way. A Firebender believes that the best defense is a strong offense, and all Firebending styles are fast, aggressive and powerful, just as fire itself spreads and engulfs everything it touches too quickly to be stopped.

Firebending, like its equal and opposite Waterbending, is strongly tied to a celestial body. In this case, the sun. Firebenders are stronger during the day than at night, and their power waxes and wanes with the course of the sun in the sky: strongest at high noon, weakest at sunrise and sunset, and in the case of a complete solar eclipse, absent entirely for the duration.

-[] Little Soldier Boy/Girl

For over a hundred years, ever since the ascension of Fire Lord Sozin to the throne, the Fire Nation's military has grown drastically in both numbers and technology. The Fire Nation is the most technologically advanced and heavily militarized nation in the world without question, which is in large part why they have been so successful against the most larger and more populous Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes. This militarized culture has romanticized and lionized the military, and Fire Nation propaganda everywhere paints military service as the greatest contribution a person can give for their nation.

Your parents are both in the military, as were their parents before them: your mother is a soldier in the garrison of your home city and your father is a low-ranking officer in the navy. Despite the way those from the Fire Nations proper often look down on the "colonials," your parents are both staunch patriots of the Fire Nation and harbor strong hopes that you will continue the family's history of service. Being a low-ranking officer and a soldier and both being colonials who aren't particularly powerful or skilled benders, your parents' prospects for further advancement are almost non-existent. But your father does have one connection that he has made use of for your benefit: like many other naval recruits, he was trained by Admiral Jeong Jeong, who is famous for becoming a master Firebender before he even reached adulthood. Though your father was not a very good student, he nonetheless became a friend to his old mentor and the admiral agreed to tutor you while he makes use of his vacation time for the first time in decades.

Bending: Fire Demon Style is the official Firebending style of the Fire Nation armed forces and the first form of Firebending taught to scions of the royal family. It has thus become the most famous and well-known style of Firebending throughout the world, celebrated in the Fire Nation and loathed and feared elsehwere. Fire Demon Style is exceptionally aggressive, and calls its users to power their bending with their own "inner fire;" rage, hatred, aggression, even the simple thrill of battle. These aggressive impulses give a Fire Demon practitioner the ability to create large amounts of exceptionally hot fire. It encourages very fast direct attacks like jabs and snap-kicks meant to force the opponent onto the defensive to deliver a powerful finishing blow.

-[] Sun Warrior

Fire is the element of life. Fire has the power to destroy and consume, but it also has the power to nurture and create when harnessed properly. The Sun Warriors, remnants of the very first humans to learn Firebending from the dragons, know and respect both the destructive and creative aspects of fire. They live in isolation from the world, at first to protect them from their enemies, then to protect their traditions, and now to safeguard the last living dragons from those who would hunt them. Your father was a deserter from the Fire Nation army who found his way to the Sun Warriors, where your mother saved his life and took responsibility for him. Your father has told you of the world outside, speaking mostly of the horrors of the world and the way the Fire Nation has twisted Firebending into pure destruction and violence.

Bending: The Dancing Dragon Style of Firebending is the closest style to the original form of Firebending practiced by the dragons. Though fierce, quick and strong, it is a more versatile and less aggressive style than Fire Demon Style, and incorporates fluidity of motion as well as defensive techniques meant to redirect force. The circular movements of the style call to mind Airbending, which some suspect might reflect the dependence of fire on air to survive.

[] Air

Air is the element of freedom. One cannot grasp the wind, and one cannot survive without the air they breathe. Just as air takes the path of least resistance, moving around obstacles rather than trying to force its way through them, Airbenders used their speed and agility to make circular motions to evade and avoid an enemy's force. As dedicated pacifists, the Airbenders ended fights by escaping, tricking or subduing enemies when force was required.

-[] Gift of the Spirits

You have no memories of your past before you were discovered just a few weeks ago by an extremely old man who answers to the name Pathik, who found you on Whale Tail Island, claiming he had been led to you by visions from the spirits. Pathik believes that you have some great destiny in store that is somehow tied to your instinctive ability to Airbend. He also said he thought you were the Avatar when he first saw you Airbend but then said that was impossible because the Avatar hadn't "returned yet", though he hasn't yet explained what an "Avatar" is. He has promised to teach you how to Airbend better, though, using both his own knowledge of Airbending (though he's not an Airbender himself) and the large caches of scrolls left by the Air Nomads that apparently lived in the ruins he took you to.

Bending: The Air Nomad Style of Airbending is technically a large number of interconnected styles which were developed over many centuries and eventually codified into a unified method of Airbending. You learn just as much about meditation and other spiritual and mental pursuits as actually learning to fight, since the style is primarily meant as both a means of meditation and of self-defense.

-[] The Last Airbender?

The Fire Nation makes the claim that they managed to completely and totally wipe the Air Nomads from the world, and almost everyone in the world believes. Some have realized that it seems to stretch belief to think that every single one of the Air Nomads were slaughtered down to the last man, woman and child: though the majority of the Air Nomads lived in and around the four Air Temples, they migrated between them at different times for festivals and other momentous occasions (the reason so many of the Air Nomads were at the Air Temples at the time the Fire Nation attacked, ironically, was to observe and celebrate the comet that came to be named after Fire Lord Sozin). Though the vast majority of Air Nomads died at the Air Temples and many of the remainders were hunted down afterward, a very small few managed to escape, usually alone or in very small groups.

To survive, these Airbenders hid their heritage and lived in hiding, mostly as Earth Kingdom citizens but some were forced to hide in the Fire Nation itself. Just as air becomes stagnant and dead if it doesn't keep moving, these Air Nomads lost their Airbending as they denied and refused to use it for fear of discovery. But perhaps as an echo of the spirit of the Air Nomads, you have inherited an irrepressible curiosity and desire for freedom, and see the sky and the birds that fly in it with a strange longing. But perhaps even that might not have allowed you to manifest your Airbending were it not for the discovery of a young, living sky bison that you've made.

Bending: You will have no mentor or tutor save for the young sky bison you've discovered. This provides the advantage of meaning that you will learn Airbending from one of the original Airbenders, creating a style different from the meditative, philosophically-influenced Airbending of the Air Nomads. This Ancient Air Style will be even more fast and agile than the Air Nomad Style but comparatively even less focused on actual offense, preferring instead to use the powerful force of air to outrun, evade and when necessary simply overwhelm obstacles to make good an escape. It will be up to you to learn actual dedicated offensive techniques if you so choose.

-[] Righteous Orphan

Fire Nation propaganda (and in fact the propaganda of the Earth Kingdom as well) likes to portray the entirety of the Fire Nation and its people as united in the purpose of fulfilling Fire Lord Sozin's "great dream" of a world under the dominion of the Fire Nation. In actual fact, Fire Lord Sozin faced significant opposition when he first began proposing the expansion of the Fire Nation through conquest by leaders of the Fire Nation for many varied reasons ranging from the practical to the moral, and these leaders only grew more angered when Sozin ignored their arguments and created the first Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom. It was in fact one of these dissidents who alerted Avatar Roku of the Fire Lord's actions, hoping he would solve the problem. But though Roku warned Sozin not to continue his expansionist policies he did not force Sozin to return the lands he had taken, and after his death the dissidents knew it was only a matter of time until the expansion proceeded apace, and in that time these policies continued to gain more and more popular support. Using secret channels facilitated by a secret society called the Order of the White Lotus, these dissidents found common cause in their opposition to Fire Lord Sozin's policies and planned a rebellion against the Fire Lord that would be designed to quickly remove Sozin and his key supporters from power and replace them with a Fire Lord amenable to the dissidents' views. This was later dubbed the "Righteous Orphan Rebellion" by the dissidents and the "Riotous Orphan Revolt" by the Fire Nation. The rebellion was a failure, as Fire Lord Sozin had actually planned out the assassination and removal from power of several of the rebellion's key figure (by either amazing intelligence or spectacular coincidence) at roughly the same time the rebellion was planned to begin, which was also at the same time as the attention-grabbing and highly publicized attack on the Air Temples.

In the wake of their crushing defeat, those of the Righteous Orphans (as they came to call themselves) who escaped the abortive coup once more turned to the Order of the White Lotus for assistance. Though they also focused many of their attentions on trying to find and safeguard what few Air Nomads might remain, the White Lotus also organized the smuggling of the Righteous Orphans out of Fire Nation soil (and spent the next decade or so working to free captured Righteous Orphans and bring them to their brethren in the Earth Kingdom). In the years since, the Righteous Orphan Rebellion has become something of a public branch of the White Lotus (though the links are well-hidden), doing the society's work in sabotaging the Fire Nation's war efforts through sabotage, espionage, and all sorts of assorted skulduggery and thuggery. Though originally made up of refugees from the Fire Nation hailing themselves as the "true" patriots of the Fire Nation, they have since expanded to include many Earth Kingdom members and also small amounts of Water Tribals and become a dedicated movement intent on fighting Fire Nation expansion. Though they still brand themselves as righteous revolutionaries, in many of their branches they've taken on the trappings of organized crime, ostensibly to gather funds to support the war effort; this has given them a bad reputation even in the Earth Kingdom, and the actual Earth Kingdom military tends to see them as dangerous, opportunistic criminals despite their contributions to the war against the Fire Nation.

The efforts of the Order of the White Lotus to find and safeguard the few remaining Airbenders did see some success, but most of these surviving Air Nomads, with the Order's assistance, retired into quiet lives in hiding, and over the generations lost their ability to Airbend. One of those survivors, however, abandoned the Air Nomad ideals of non-violence and detaching oneself from the material world and negative emotions by becoming a violent revolutionary, joining the Righteous Orphans in order to avenge the deaths of the Air Nomads. This Airbender donned the mask of a famous spirit of vengeance, and struck from the shadows to wreak bloody retribution upon the Fire Nation. Daring acts of sabotage, theft of important documents and other vital information, and the seemingly impossible assassinations of key Fire Nation officials led many people to believe that this Airbender was in fact an angry spirit come in the flesh. Several times, this so-called spirit has seemed to die, but their body has never been recovered by the Fire Nation and the spirit always returns shortly thereafter. Obviously, many in the Fire Nation suspect that this rebel is merely many people in succession donning the mask and name, but even they do not suspect that it is a single lineage of Airbenders trained to inherit the mantle, and that this is the secret behind their seemingly impossible feats. As the child of the current bearer of that mantle, you will be trained to inherit both the mask and the will of that spirit of vengeance that your ancestor chose to don.

Bending: The Vengeful Storm Style created by your ancestor is extremely different from the evasive, defense-oriented style used by the Air Nomads. Though it retains much of the focus on speed and mobility so key to all Airbending, it abandons the preference for avoiding and escaping conflict and the focus on air's immutable, ungraspable nature in favor of the fury and unstoppable power of a storm. Ironically making it somewhat similar to the Fire Demon style of Firebending, the practitioner overwhelms the opponent with incredible speed and aggression, and the style includes several moves meant specifically to kill, with techniques meant to do things like rend the flesh from an opponent's very bones or collapse their lungs to deny them air. It also incorporates bladed weapons rather than staves, with particular focus on throwing knives and single-edged swords whose slashing motions are used to create long-range blasts of air that slices through flesh.
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Oh man, I like this idea. You need to run a few of these some day.
-[] Foggy Swamp Tribal

Hundreds of years ago, migrants from the South Pole settled in the Foggy Swamp in the southwestern Earth Kingdom. Insular people who kept to themselves, living in a place few had any interest in visiting, the presence of these Waterbenders in the midst of the Earth Kingdom was swiftly forgotten by most, and the Foggy Swamp Tribe developed its own unique culture, and its own unique form of Bending. Your people live close to nature, living in harmony with the swamp and seeing it, and the world, as one vast interconnected system.

Bending: The Foggy Swamp Waterbending Style is very different from the forms practiced in the North and South Poles. One can notice a strong influence from Earthbending in the stiff, choppy movements of the style that resonate with the stagnant, muddy waters of their swampy home, and the style incorporates far less ice in its Bending than their cousins in the poles. There are more direct attacks and blocks in this style, most of them utilizing large volumes of high-pressure water to attack or defend.
Northern Waterbending is all well and good (and probably better to learn) but this one interests me more since we don't see much of them or their techniques. Also playing as a swamp hillbilly amuses me.

-[] Imperial Prince/ss

Your older brother and the current Earth King, King Kuei, is merely the latest in a long line of Earth Kings and Queens dating back to the very beginning of recorded history and perhaps even further, as old as the city of Ba Sing Se itself. Your ancestors were the most powerful people in the most powerful nation in the world at one time. But even at your age you've begun to notice just how little power your brother actually holds compared to the head of the Grand Secretariat, Senior Grand Secretary Long Feng.

Bending: The Imperial Earth Style is the most popular and widely known Earthbending style by far. It was codified millennia ago and is what most people think of when they hear the word "Earthbending." It mimics the solid nature of Earth with solid, grounded stances and techniques that provide an impenetrable, immovable defense and an unstoppable offense. In principle very simple, but with an innumerable number of responses to most any situation. Though it is relatively simple to learn, true mastery requires years of study and conditioning both physical and mental, but the rewards are great.

-[] Si Wong Tribal

In the vast expanse of the Si Wong Desert, life is harsh and can be taken away at any moment. Yet even here, the enduring nature of the Earth Kingdom people is strong, and though sparsely populated, people survive and thrive even here. These are the Sandbender Clans of the Si Wong Desert, and though much of the outside world considers them honorless scavengers and bandits, these pragmatic survivors possess a rich culture and place great value in their loyalty to their kin. Among these nomadic clans, Earthbendings are the most prized family members, and are accorded great prestige and status.

Bending: The Earthbending style of the Si Wong Desert clans is very different from that practiced in the rest of the Earth Kingdom, mostly due to the different environment. Sand is very difficult for Earthbenders not used to it; its loose, shifting nature and the individual grains that compose it is almost foreign to those used to molding strong, steady earth. But though any Earthbender can eventually learn to bend sand, the Sandbenders are the undisputed master of the art; their unique form of bending is much more fluid than normal Earthbending, in keeping with sand's nature. Scholars debate whether the Si Wong style takes more from Airbenders or Waterbendings, but there is a clear influence from both.
I like both of these choices. The first one because of all the political power struggles and trying to man up Kuei, the latter because Sandbending is cool and I like tribal nomad characters.

Neither of the Firebending choices interest me that much, though I do like the option of playing as a Fire Nation soldier (and possibly defecting later on).

-[] Righteous Orphan

Fire Nation propaganda (and in fact the propaganda of the Earth Kingdom as well) likes to portray the entirety of the Fire Nation and its people as united in the purpose of fulfilling Fire Lord Sozin's "great dream" of a world under the dominion of the Fire Nation. In actual fact, Fire Lord Sozin faced significant opposition when he first began proposing the expansion of the Fire Nation through conquest by leaders of the Fire Nation for many varied reasons ranging from the practical to the moral, and these leaders only grew more angered when Sozin ignored their arguments and created the first Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom. It was in fact one of these dissidents who alerted Avatar Roku of the Fire Lord's actions, hoping he would solve the problem. But though Roku warned Sozin not to continue his expansionist policies he did not force Sozin to return the lands he had taken, and after his death the dissidents knew it was only a matter of time until the expansion proceeded apace, and in that time these policies continued to gain more and more popular support. Using secret channels facilitated by a secret society called the Order of the White Lotus, these dissidents found common cause in their opposition to Fire Lord Sozin's policies and planned a rebellion against the Fire Lord that would be designed to quickly remove Sozin and his key supporters from power and replace them with a Fire Lord amenable to the dissidents' views. This was later dubbed the "Righteous Orphan Rebellion" by the dissidents and the "Riotous Orphan Revolt" by the Fire Nation. The rebellion was a failure, as Fire Lord Sozin had actually planned out the assassination and removal from power of several of the rebellion's key figure (by either amazing intelligence or spectacular coincidence) at roughly the same time the rebellion was planned to begin, which was also at the same time as the attention-grabbing and highly publicized attack on the Air Temples.

In the wake of their crushing defeat, those of the Righteous Orphans (as they came to call themselves) who escaped the abortive coup once more turned to the Order of the White Lotus for assistance. Though they also focused many of their attentions on trying to find and safeguard what few Air Nomads might remain, the White Lotus also organized the smuggling of the Righteous Orphans out of Fire Nation soil (and spent the next decade or so working to free captured Righteous Orphans and bring them to their brethren in the Earth Kingdom). In the years since, the Righteous Orphan Rebellion has become something of a public branch of the White Lotus (though the links are well-hidden), doing the society's work in sabotaging the Fire Nation's war efforts through sabotage, espionage, and all sorts of assorted skulduggery and thuggery. Though originally made up of refugees from the Fire Nation hailing themselves as the "true" patriots of the Fire Nation, they have since expanded to include many Earth Kingdom members and also small amounts of Water Tribals and become a dedicated movement intent on fighting Fire Nation expansion. Though they still brand themselves as righteous revolutionaries, in many of their branches they've taken on the trappings of organized crime, ostensibly to gather funds to support the war effort; this has given them a bad reputation even in the Earth Kingdom, and the actual Earth Kingdom military tends to see them as dangerous, opportunistic criminals despite their contributions to the war against the Fire Nation.

The efforts of the Order of the White Lotus to find and safeguard the few remaining Airbenders did see some success, but most of these surviving Air Nomads, with the Order's assistance, retired into quiet lives in hiding, and over the generations lost their ability to Airbend. One of those survivors, however, abandoned the Air Nomad ideals of non-violence and detaching oneself from the material world and negative emotions by becoming a violent revolutionary, joining the Righteous Orphans in order to avenge the deaths of the Air Nomads. This Airbender donned the mask of a famous spirit of vengeance, and struck from the shadows to wreak bloody retribution upon the Fire Nation. Daring acts of sabotage, theft of important documents and other vital information, and the seemingly impossible assassinations of key Fire Nation officials led many people to believe that this Airbender was in fact an angry spirit come in the flesh. Several times, this so-called spirit has seemed to die, but their body has never been recovered by the Fire Nation and the spirit always returns shortly thereafter. Many in the Fire Nation obviously suspect that this rebel is in fact many people in succession, but even they do not suspect that it is a single lineage of Airbenders trained to inherit the mantle, or that this is the secret behind their seemingly impossible feats. As the child of the current bearer of that mantle, you will be trained to inherit both the mask and the will of that spirit of vengeance that your ancestor chose to don.

Bending: The Vengeful Storm Style created by your ancestor is extremely different from the evasive, defense-oriented style used by the Air Nomads. Though it retains much of the focus on speed and mobility so key to all Airbending, it abandons the preference for avoiding conflict and the focus on air's immutable, ungraspable nature in favor of the fury and unstoppable power of a storm. Ironically making it somewhat similar to the Fire Demon style of Firebending, the practitioner overwhelms the opponent with incredible speed and aggression, and the style includes several moves meant specifically to kill, with techniques meant to do things like rend the flesh from an opponent's very bones or collapse their lungs to deny them air. It also incorporates bladed weapons rather than staves, with particular focus on throwing knives and single-edged swords whose slashing motions are used to create long-range blasts of air that slices through flesh.
I like all the Airbending options, though I prefer this one the most for two reasons.

A) I like the contrast to Aang in the philosophy and fighting style, and if the PC were ever to meet him later on I could easily see some interesting interactions and character development between the two.

B) Who doesn't like ninja? Losers, that's who. :V
Oh man, I like this idea. You need to run a few of these some day.

Thanks! And I certainly intend to.

Northern Waterbending is all well and good (and probably better to learn) but this one interests me more since we don't see much of them or their techniques. Also playing as a swamp hillbilly amuses me.

Well, one advantage of the Foggy Swamp Style is that you can learn plantbending, which is cool. And I always figured that although the parallel to American hillbillies were obvious and clearly the main influence, there might also be influence from the Asmat people of Indonesia.

I like both of these choices. The first one because of all the political power struggles and trying to man up Kuei, the latter because Sandbending is cool and I like tribal nomad characters.

Both pretty much my exact reasons for making those backgrounds. I actually originally intended the "Imperial Prince/ss" origin to instead make you a relative of Bumi rather than Kuei, but I kind of set a rule for myself not to include links to certain particularly important and popular characters in the origins themselves.

Neither of the Firebending choices interest me that much, though I do like the option of playing as a Fire Nation soldier (and possibly defecting later on).

Sh*t, I knew I was forgetting something. I somehow forgot to actually write up the "Little Soldier Boy/Girl" origin. I'll have to edit that in later. One thing though: you get to be mentored for a very brief time by Jeong Jeong.

EDIT: Also the possibility of getting recruited by Azula later on, depending on circumstances and choices. Loyalty purely optional.

I like all the Airbending options, though I prefer this one the most for two reasons.

A) I like the contrast to Aang in the philosophy and fighting style, and if the PC were ever to meet him later on I could easily see some interesting interactions and character development between the two.

That's definitely a big reason why I wrote that one up. Just imagine Aang meeting a new Airbender and being so happy and excited and then he sees them fight and they're just brutal and ruthless and nothing like an Air Nomad in any way, shape or form. To Aang, the Air Nomads are the Airbenders (Legend of Korra in particular proved that he never really conceived of Airbenders as separate from the Air Nomads), so that would be a massive shock to his worldview.

B) Who doesn't like ninja? Losers, that's who. :V

I considered making this Airbending assassin/saboteur/revolutionary the Blue Spirit, actually.
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Chronicles of Shen Zhou - Factions, Martial Arts & Virtues
Figured I'd put the factions from "Chronicles of Shen Zhou" together in one post, especially since I forgot to include some things, namely the main virtues espoused by the factions and the martial arts the majority of their members practice.

The Four Pillars of the Wulin
Among the Orthodox (or Chivalrous) factions of the Wulin, four stand out as the most influential and powerful. The deeds of their members echo throughout Shen Zhou, and the power of their martial arts are legendary. Their members are generally the most respected of the Wulin, and their four leaders are often considered the most important members of the Martial Brotherhood. They are treated with great deference wherever they go, and their voices carry enormous weight.

Main Virtues: Benevolence, Buddhism, Righteousness

Internal Kung Fu: Iron Body Skill

External Kung Fu: Blossom Harvest, Destiny Cloud Fist, Eight Legends

Once upon a time, a wise Buddhist sage came to Shen Zhou from a faraway land in the west. He was descended from a royal lineage, and had given up the glory and power of his birthright in order to search for enlightenment. He roamed the world, cultivating his Chi and mastering many forms of kung fu. Above all, he cultivated wisdom and compassion. He sought to find liberation from this mortal coil not only for himself, but to help the whole world to eventually achieve freedom from suffering.

Despite his good will and saintly intentions, deep within his body there beat a warrior's heart, so his temper had a short fuse. He did not stand for injustice and tyranny in this world. Due to this mix of enlightenment and martial might, and his piercing blue eyes, he was known as the Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon.

Buddhism had already taken root in the Land of the Gods at the time of his coming, and was no longer considered a foreigner religion. The Emperor himself favored Buddhist practice, and had commissioned the building of many magnificent temples and the translating of many sutras. He also supported the ordination of monks.

The Wandering Saint heard about this, and traveled to Shen Zhou hoping to find a heavenly land on the right path to enlightenment. Instead, when he arrived at the Celestial Garden Monastery, the greatest and most holy temple in the land, he found a den of sin and inequity! He saw that the monks had been corrupted by the power given to them by the Empire and lived lives of luxury and pleasure. They abused their exalted status and lorded above the common people, acting like gods.

More importantly, Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon found out that they focused on the ceremonial and external aspects of Buddhism, such as making offerings, performing ceremonies, and repeating sutras without even pondering their meaning! They had steered away from the Dharma, the true essence of Buddhism: to liberate oneself of attachments and desires, to seek to end to suffering, and to move forward towards the spiritual advancement not only of the individual but of all sentient beings.

Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon called the monks on the error of their ways. He was challenged by the foremost Buddhist heroes of that time, the so called Four Lotus Kings; despite their astonishing kung fu, he defeated three of them easily, for he was of a different level altogether. His Chi was enlightened and he had reached a transcendent destiny. The final Lotus King was the abbot of that monastery, who had dedicated his life to cultivating his chi, practicing many different styles and techniques. Some of them were forbidden arts, and had corrupted his mind and soul. In his view, power equaled enlightenment, and he had achieved such power that he was already a Buddha!

After an epic battle, he too was defeated by Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon. The opulent monastery was destroyed in the fray. This sage from another land achieved the greatest victory a Chivalrous martial artist could achieve: he made villains turn over a new leaf. He made the corrupt mend their ways, and he turned enemies into friends. The fallen heroes had seen the error of their ways, so they became the wandering saint's disciples.

The five of them traveled to the Imperial capital, and Blue-Eyes Celestial Demon met with the Emperor; the Son of Heaven received him with all the pomp and circumstance of a foreigner ambassador, treating him like a royal guest. They retreated to the Imperial gardens and talked for an entire afternoon. The Sage realized why the Emperor had favored Buddhism – despite having complete domain of everything under Heaven, the emperor lacked control over the cycle of life and death, and had done all that he had in order to earn a favorable reincarnation!

The Wandering Saint explained that no matter how many temples he built, monks he ordained, or sutras he had translated, the Emperor's actions were empty. He had acted out of desire and attachment to earthly power. This was only a gilded cage, a prison from the true path.

The Emperor decided that the Sage was nothing but a fool, and the Sage decided the emperor was completely blinded by his attachment to power. Both decided they wanted nothing to do with one another from that point onwards.

The former abbot of the Celestial Garden Monastery told the Emperor that it was a shame that his majesty had "received the sage without meeting him, looked at him without seeing him", and they left the palace. At this point a smile crossed Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon's face, for he realized that in his simple and wandering ways, he had more freedom than the Son of Heaven.

They rebuilt the Celestial Garden as a simple and humble monastery called Little Forest. They rounded up many of the old monks and gathered new disciples. The meditation methods and transcendent martial arts of Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon proved very advanced, serving to strengthen the bodies of the decadent monks before their souls. They began practicing many forms of external martial arts, which came in handy, because they no longer had the protection of the Emperor. Many bandits came looking for the former riches of the temple. The more the monks fought, the stronger they became.

Not only did they defend themselves from attackers, but the monks traveled the land far and wide fighting for good causes, protecting people, and refining their martial arts. Their founder had decreed that they shall not be cloistered in a monastery, reciting sutras and lighting incense, but that they should take the whole world as their master, and that the power they achieved should be used for the good of all living beings.

So began the legend of the Little Forest Sect, mighty warrior monks possessing great kung fu who would travel the land searching for wisdom and enlightenment, righting wrongs and helping those in need along the way.

One day, Master Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon decided to retreat from the world. It was revealed that he had been hurt by the Black Lotus Palm used by First Lotus King when they had their fight. The corrupt style had poisoned his chi, and the corruption was spreading; his character had become darker and irascible, and his kung fu was tainted. Worst of all, the corruption left him unable to attain the absolute liberation of Nirvana.

He retreated into deep meditation to purify his chi; since he held no resentment towards his disciples, he wanted to leave them in charge of the sect, and pass on his greatest style – the Buddha Palm – to them before retirement, but the former Four Lotus Kings were overcome by guilt. Besides, all of them had practiced corrupt kung fu in the past, and they were afraid that such techniques could be tainted if they were passed to them.

Thus, the leadership of the sect was passed over to a young monk, who eventually became known as the First Great Abbot Golden Sky. Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon retreated deep within a cave overlooking the temple, and the former Lotus Kings (now renamed The Four Lotus Vagrants) left the monastery behind to roam the Jiang Hu. Neither master nor students were seen again, and only legends account for their fate.

Over the years, Little Forest Sect became one the most important factions in the Jiang Hu. Their fame spread across Shen Zhou, and students came from all over the land seeking to join the sect.

The once-small monastery grew to become great yet humble, a temple to the ideals of Buddhism and martial arts. The monks sought to learn from every source, and their halls became the largest library of kung fu in existence. Even those in the Jiang Hu with no allegiance to the sect felt honored and humbled to be allowed in their halls.

Even though they have established several monasteries across Shen Zhou in the modern era, the original Little Forest monastery is still considered their headquarters and spiritual home. The stones of the main training courtyard are sunken and cracked under years of intense training upon them. Currently, it is a vast temple complex that holds many training grounds, weapon storage areas, halls dedicated to prayer and meditation, and several libraries with comprehensive martial and spiritual knowledge.

Besides the main training courtyard, famous features include the Forest of Pagodas, containing the earthly remains of distinguished monks. The Forest is more training field than graveyard, however, as new generations hope for inspiration from the deeds of famous heroes. Some hope to entertain those paragons awaiting reincarnation with displays of martial excellence.

The most famous feature of the temple is also the most mysterious; it is an underground labyrinth full with traps and challenges. Those monks who graduate from novices and go out into the world as full-fledged Small Forest Monks have all had to cross the gauntlet maze, and pass the tests of the elusive Bronze Arahats, the elite of the Sect. It is said that these exams are designed to try not only the physical prowess of the novices, but also their spiritual mettle.

The Little Forest Sect has faced many problems across the years, from external attacks to internal division, but none more terrible than the rebellion of Hei Mei. A disciple of the current abbot White Cloud, Hei Mei's youth was marked with rebellion and a selfish, mischievous nature, with no patience for spiritual pursuits.

Growing older and stronger, he also grew Malicious and conniving. Other monks warned the abbot that he was acting against the ways of the sect, tarnishing its good name, and a bad influence for other monks, but the abbot was convinced that there was good in him. He felt deeply responsible for the wayward disciple, for Hei Mei's parents had abandoned him at the temple. He had no one else.

Hei Mei would have never been anything more than a bully in monk's roes, if not for his acquisition of the Black Lotus Style manual, practiced years ago by the First Lotus King when he was abbot of the Celestial Garden Temple. The manual held only the basics of the style, but it was enough to taint Hei Mei's Chi. The demon Chi made him powerful enough to challenge the kindly abbot, who he greatly but inexplicably resented. He completed his treason by making the duel with the abbot a mere distraction for bandits to attack the monastery. That day, the Little Forest was set ablaze; many secrets where stolen or burned, many monks died, and abbot White Cloud lost his right arm.

The sect rose from the ashes, and some would say it is stronger even than before. Abbot White Cloud lost more than an arm that day; since the day of burning, he has become more distant and aloof, cynical and detached. That is, perhaps, the greatest loss Little Forest took that day. Hei Mei eventually formed the Black Lotus Society, one of the greatest scourges in the Jiang Hu, and his hatred for the Little Forest Sect remains strong to this day.

The Little Forest Sect may be the strongest in the Wulin. Some would say – albeit not to their faces – that this has made them arrogant. They often see themselves as the conscience or righteous leaders of the Martial Brotherhood.

Currently, the Little Forest Sect only accepts male disciples in their temples, though many individual masters have taken female students. There are rumors of girls sneaking up in the temple under a shaven head and baggy monk's tunics to learn the secrets of the sect. The abbot frowns on women learning the ways of the sect, but it is a minor offense as long as they behave accordingly and stay out of the temple after discovery.

The Little Forest Sect enforces strict codes of conduct. Members must refrain from drinking alcohol, consuming intoxicating substances, eating meat, getting married, or engaging in sexual or romantic relationships. They must live in humility and reject all forms of wealth. Most importantly, even if they are members of the Wulin, they must be in control of their strength: they should show mercy even to their enemies, and only kill in the most extreme circumstances. Despite their strict rules, the sect values adherence to the principles of righteousness, altruism and simplicity far more than complete adherence to the forms and restrictions.
Main Virtues: Honor, Force

Internal Kung Fu: Jade Spirit Sword

External Kung Fu: Eight Legends, Graceful Crane, Great Ultimate Dragon

Long ago, a mysterious man shook the Wulin. He was a most peculiar man, hairy and scruffy-looking, with long arms, short legs and strange facial features. Upon seeing him, many would think that he was an ape, or a spirit from Heaven or Hell, but he was a man, one of great passion, capable of immense joys and deep melancholies. He was a man of few words, but when he spoke he did so cryptically, or humorously. No one knew his origins, whether he was a foreign barbarian or a heavenly immortal.

His skill with the sword was unmatched at the time. It was more than mere swordsmanship; it was a supernatural mastery over blades. His Chi aura could make blades fall from the hands of their users, stick in the floor and bend as if they were bowing down to him. He was the Master of Swords. When that happened, he would often talk to the swords, telling them there was no need to apologize! It was not their fault to have such rude and unskilled owners, and they had nothing to be ashamed of, but they should choose their wielders more carefully.

He could summon the blades around him to attack on his behalf, and turn any object into a deadly blade by infusing it with his Chi; sticks, blades of grass, even drops of water flicked by his fingers were as flying swords. People began referring to him as the Sword Spirit, and that is how he became known in the Martial Arts World.

He was a man of peculiar habits. He could stay in immobile meditation for days at a time; other times he would use his amazing kung fu to fly atop\ his sword for countless li. He liked good food and loved good wine, and he always appreciated the company of beautiful ladies.

Ultimately, though, he was a very lonely man. He traveled the world just for the pleasure of seeing what was out there, and fought other heroes in order to know them and make them his friends. Yet across the Jiang Hu, he found that none could truly understand him and none could match his skill. If there was a destiny for him in this world, it kept eluding him.

One day, he fell asleep while drinking under a tree. A young girl came and started shaking the top of the tree with a stick in order to collect fruit. Enraged by this intrusion, he took a branch and lunged at the girl in order to seal her pressure points and paralyze her out, so she'd let him sleep. Surprisingly, the girl defended herself, using her fruit picking stick as a sword as if by instinct. Of course, the girl only managed to defend for a couple of stances, and was easily disarmed and subsequently paralyzed, but at that moment the elusive Sword Spirit realized something.

Despite having no kung fu skills, she had sword Chi. It was as if the potential for excellence in swordsmanship was already there, waiting to be cultivated – the sword on her hand just needed to catch up with the sword already in her heart. He took the girl as apprentice. It mattered little that he didn't speak her dialect – they communicated through swordsmanship. Over years of training, they bonded like a father and daughter without ever needing to speak with one another.

The girl became a famous heroine of the Wulin, once leading an army against a barbarian invasion. Normal people believed she became a hero because she had a great master. Sword Spirit asked himself if she was capable of learning from a great master because she had been a hero all along. He came to believe she already had a transcendent destiny; he'd just helped her reach it, and as she already had a sword in her heart, he'd just needed to bring that sword to her arm.

He came to believe that there were people who were swords from birth, just as there were people who were sabers or spears, or abaci and brushes, or farming tools and rakes. Just as a physical sword would soar like a dragon across the battlefield, these hearts of sword craved to soar the Jiang Hu as heroes. They needed the physical blade in their hands to serve as a channel for the blade inside their souls.

To ponder this, he retreated from the world to a high peak. There he forged six blades of amazing quality and power, each of them different from the other. One was large and heavy, designed to be used by someone of great physical strength; another was light and impossibly sharp, designed to be used by someone incredibly fast. Others didn't look like swords at all. He roamed the Martial Arts World for years in search for the heroes that would wield those blades, whose destinies were already intertwined. He gathered six students of radically different backgrounds and personalities. Some were old, some young; some were paragons of morality, others were irrepressible rogues; one was the son of a noble judge, another was raised by wolves, another was a bandit prince, and still another was the royal executioner of a deposed dynasty. He did not judge those who the swords chose; the right owners would invariably end up with the proper swords, and they would take their destiny forward from that point.

Along with his original disciple, he took them deep into the peaks where he'd forged their blades, training them to harness their sword Chi. Living high above cloudy peaks and far from the world, they would descend to achieve great deeds, and then disappear mysteriously.

They became known as the Seven Heavenly Blades, but they were merely the first generation of many. Eventually history mixed with fiction, and the deeds of heroes of several generations combined. Each of the Seven Blades took their own student, and passed on a lineage of their teaching. The unnamed master passed his legacy to his most advanced disciple, along with the title of Sword Spirit. While the faces of the heroes would change, and so would the swords in their hands , the Seven Heavenly Blades – also known as the Seven Stars and the Sword Spirit – would always remain constant in the Martial Arts World.

In this way, the current Heavenly Blades descends from eight different lineages: the original master, and his seven disciples. In a way, they are eight different organizations under one banner, which is why they are also called the Heaven Sword Alliance, yet they consider themselves a single faction. Their current sword style has synthesized the greatest strengths of not only of the seven original swordsmen, but of many subsequent masters of the blade. The result is a style that is extremely flexible and adaptable to different fighting approaches and personalities.

The philosophy of the school is thus: the sword is not simply a weapon, but a friend, teacher, lover, and faithful companion in a cruel world. It should not be seen as an object, but as a projection of the thoughts and personality of the warrior. Walking the edge of the blade is a trajectory to a hero's destiny.

The mastery of the true sword they seek is not over a cold piece of metal, but over the peerless blade that is a warrior's spirit. This is the Dao of the Blade. Adherence to it is the alliance's only requirement; their membership is one of the most diverse in all of the Martial Brotherhood.

The society has few tenets. Members should seek to improve themselves and change the world through the Dao of the Blade, they should abstain of seeking worldly gain and glory, and they should not wield any power that does not flow directly from their cultivation and achievements.

Even though the Alliance is considered an Orthodox member of the Wulin with a strong tendency towards the virtues of Justice and Force, the lines are blurred sometimes. Some members clearly have a selfish bend, but as long as they seek their goals through the Dao of the Blade, they are not restricted by the society. The original Sword Spirit believed the sword to be a tool to reveal one's destiny; sometimes that destiny is Chivalrous, and sometimes it's selfish.

This has created controversy within the society, as it reevaluates its philosophy and roles within the Wulin and the world at large. Some among their members believe that the Alliance has grown enough in power and reputation to make a difference in the Martial Brotherhood, and that they should transcend from being mere wandering swordsmen to guide the Fighting Society as a whole towards greater ends.

For this, they believe they must have a more unified front and eliminate corrupt elements from their organization, and after that, they should proceed to do the same with the Wulin. They believe serving as guardians and guiding society towards a brighter future is not only the destiny but the responsibility of the swordsman.

Another faction believes that this would go against the most basic tenets of the Alliance. While the swordsman is a guardian and protector, he should not be a leader; this position will only corrupt the purity of the sword with mundane power. The purpose of swordsmanship is to unlock the destiny of each individual swordsman, and not guide the Wulin or the world.

The intensity of the debate has increased since the current Sword Spirit stepped out of active duty and went into a state of deep meditation, leaving the faction without an acting leader. The chasm grows deeper among the elders, and many believe that this could eventually erupt in an internal war, dividing the alliance.

The Alliance's headquarters lies in a series of mountains known as the Heaven Peaks. Many of their structures can only be reached through lightfoot or the use of dubious-looking rope bridges and steep stairways. This is on purpose: advancing within the complex reflects the advance of a warrior's path. Thus, the parts of the temple that are harder to access are generally reserved for those of higher rank. There are many secrets hidden in those peaks: legendary weapons, kung fu manuals, and techniques and secrets that unlock the blade in the soul of the swordsman.

The current Sword Spirit has locked himself in the chamber known as the Sword Heaven, a lair filled with hundreds of legendary blades that shine like stars in the night sky. It is considered the most sacred and secret chamber for the Alliance, and one of the most legendary places in the Jiang Hu. Those who understand the mastery the blades impart would unlock the invincible power of the founder. Whether he can do it, and whether he will emerge from this chamber before the Alliance tears itself apart, remains to be seen.
Main Virtues: Force, Loyalty

Internal Kung Fu: Nine Sun Birds

External Kung Fu: Bone-Fed Wolf Fang, Ravenous Wings, Shadow Catching

The man known as Gallant Eagle came from unremarkable origins; he refuses to acknowledge such insipid beginnings, so not even his real name is known. It is rumored that his real surname was Yin. If there was something that characterized Gallant Eagle, it was the burning desire to be extraordinary; his is the archetypical story of how one's start in life is irrelevant to their path through the Wulin. A person can write his own story and become a hero; an ordinary piece of metal may forge itself into a magnificent blade.

Since he was a boy, Eagle dreamed about becoming a hero. He wanted to storm the Martial Arts World and become a legend that would live for generations, leaving the greatest of legacies, ensuring that his name would always be spoken with awe and respect. Upon becoming a man, he wandered into the city of Bird's Progress, one of the most important centers of trade and commerce in the Land of the Gods. Even as a youth he had an impressive appearance – tall, broad-shouldered, with deep penetrating eyes and a forward, firm character.

Soon he found employment as a guardian escort, distinguishing himself in kung fu he learned from many varied masters. He found that he easily surpassed them, and since he was never able to find a worthy sifu, he was forced to teach himself. As much as he learned from his instructors, he learned more from battling allies and enemies, and striving against the world itself.

As a caravan escort, he traveled across all the important trade routes – the Silk Road, the Horse and Tea Route, the Bohai Sea, the Grand Canal. He fought bandits, barbarians and pirates; he became known in the Jiang Hu as a contender for one of the Top Ten Young Heroes of his generation.

In a banquet celebrating his mercenary group's founding, he swore upon his very life that the Eagle Talons would become the foremost security escorts in all of Shen Zhou! Not only that, but that in his lifetime he would take it to the top of the Wulin; he would see it become a power in the same league as Little Forest and the Heaven Sword Alliance. The very idea was preposterous; those organizations had been around for generations, had built a great legacy across the years. Such a feat could not be done in one man's lifetime. At most, he could hope to have his organization reach the level of one of the minor factions. He had no master himself, he belonged to no legacy; it would be impossible for him to accomplish such a thing.

Most of the heroes present that night believed this to be drunken boasting, yet it was a well-known fact that Gallant Eagle did not take losing face lightly. He had a quick temper–especially when drunk–and the strength to back it up. Despite their disbelief, they said nothing. The ones who'd been with him the longest and shared many adventures together knew that Gallant Eagle always accomplished the goals he set for himself, no matter how difficult they were. The weight of his word was that of gold; no matter how dire the situation, his steely determination allowed him to reach his objective. Those men became his brothers that day, and he swore to take them to the top with him. If they accepted his leadership, they vowed to follow him to Hell if necessary. That day marked the start of ascension for Gallant Eagle and the Eagle Talons.

The man and his escorts were beset by difficulties innumerable; it was as if Heaven had decided to swat this arrogant eagle out of the sky for daring to soar for the highest peaks. Yet no matter the hardship, the Eagle Talons would always come out triumphant, as if the fierce wind only made them stronger. In turn, they challenged Heaven to try harder to bring them down.

In the short years to come, Gallant Eagle became a force to be reckoned in the Wulin. In his late thirties he achieved a feat that only the highest masters and kung fu prodigies can hope to accomplish, but that is the ambition of every martial artist, and the test of a true master: he invented the technique known as Eagle Claw, making his hands as powerful as sabers. This put him in the indisputable post as one of the greatest heroes of his generation, and all the Wulin started believing that maybe his goals were not so far away. Maybe he would accomplish the task of turning his organization into one of the pillars of the Wulin during his lifetime.

Alongside his martial might and unbreakable spirit, he also possessed an undeniable business savvy; he made contacts and friends in the ordinary world as well as the Jiang Hu. Despite his ferocity, he would always rather make allies than enemies. It was better for business that way. Instead of fostering rivalries with the many other security escorts in Shen Zhou, he established bonds of friendship, and the Eagle Talons would eventually absorb many of the most competent, increasing his power. He would always offer a hand in friendship first; it was only when that hand was denied that he would strike with the Claw. He would let nothing and no one stand in his way on the road to greatness! Those who gave him their loyalty would always have his protection and aid, while those who became his enemies would always pay a steep price.

The Eagle Talons did become the most powerful and influential guardian agency in the vast and dangerous land of Shen Zhou. It now has branches in all major cities and trading posts; it is believed that everywhere valuable goods or notable persons are transported across the Land of the Gods, they are somehow involved.

The path has been long and hard, but the Eagle Talons have finally done it: they have reached such heights of power and influence. They are the Fourth, where once there were only Three. Gallant Eagle sits along such luminaries as Abbot White Cloud, Sword Spirit, and Snow Leopard. He has a place of honor among the most respected and important leaders in the Martial Brotherhood.

This does not sit very well with many in the Fighting Community. Gallant Eagle had no notable sifu, and does not belong to a martial legacy. His organization is embedded in the ordinary world, and places great importance on attaining mundane wealth, status, and influence. Some believe this should prevent the Talons from having such a noble position in the Wulin, and that they are nothing but arrogant upstarts. Yet - all are equal in the Wulin. It is the place for men and women to forge themselves into legends; deeds and achievement are valued above else. The Eagle Talons, also known as the Eagle Clan or Eastern Condors, have more than earned their place amongst the Pillars of the Wulin.

However, there is a fact more worrisome than the legitimacy of their claims to glory, and that is their moral ambiguity. As an organization that is, above all, a business, they serve only those who pay for their services, no matter their intentions. Despite the fact that protecting goods for an evil person can still be considered Chivalrous, many such treasures do not rightfully belonged to their employers, and the Eagle Talons have protected many precious heirlooms from those trying to rightfully recover them. They have acted as bodyguards for tyrants and villains, protecting these evils against those who would rise against them. The Talons are soaked with the blood of many heroes, and they have never looked back; they value their honor and loyalty to those who would contract their services above all else.

This mercenary attitude weighs heavily on many of Gallant Eagle's peers in the Martial Brotherhood. It also weighs heavily upon Gallant Eagle, as the dream of his life was to become a Chivalrous hero. The philosophy he attempted to engender in all his followers was to see themselves as brave knights protecting goods and people from all danger, without discrimination. Yet as the Gallant Eagle grows older and older, the many selfish deeds upon his shoulders grows heavier and heavier. It is not only the blood of enemies that taint his hands, but also that of friends sacrificed for his ambition. All but one of the comrades that swore allegiance and brotherhood to him on the fateful night when he pledged his glory have died along the path, their Wulin to fuel the ascent of the Eagle. Their sacrifice–willingly given–increased their glory, and today they are venerated as noble ancestors by new members. Their descendants and students are proud members of the clan, their parents and widows and infants lack nothing. They will be taken care of by the Eagle Head for all their lives, but the sacrifice is another one of many regrets in the heart of Gallant Eagle.

Silver Talon, the only surviving member of his original followers, is the Eagle Head's most trusted advisor. He is a sharp strategist and powerful martial artist, despite the fact that he is affected by a powerful poison that continues to ravage his body. It has already cost him the use of one eye, and someday it may cost his life.

Gallant Eagle works hard and plays hard. Though strict and disciplined, even humorless, when it comes to work, he's boisterous when it comes to friendship and camaraderie. His status and wealth affords him the opportunity to enjoy the finer things in life, like fine foods and finer women. He frequently shares said bounty with those near him, sometimes to the point of debauchery.

Gallant Eagle had one wife and several concubines. He has an older daughter from a Tsubo concubine that was rumored to have been the love of his life, and a younger son from his now-deceased wife. His daughter is Zhou Ma, a clever leader and tactician. His son is called Hawk, and he is strong but impulsive and impatient. Both are very active in the Eagle Talons.

It can be fairly said that the Eagle Talons are at their peak. Their reputation and fame are unmatched, their power and influence are on the rise, and they attract the attention of young heroes everywhere seeking to make a name in the Wulin. The Eastern Condors place great value in their reputation as a faction and as individuals. Despite the fact that many consider them little better than mercenaries, they see themselves as errant knights. This makes them arrogant and self-righteous on occasion. Any insult on their honor, and any act that makes them lose face, is considered a terrible offense, only paid for in blood.

Because their lives depend on each other, the Talons value camaraderie and brotherhood above all else. A member of the Eagle Talons would undoubtedly give his life or travel to the Hell of Blades for a sworn brother. Once a Talon has given his loyalty, it is a bond for life that will be honored at all costs. This is one of the organizations more used to teamwork, as they can often be found working in units instead of as solitary heroes.

In the harsh canyons and peaks of the northeast, the Eagle Head carved his lair. At once an impenetrable fortress and a lavish palace, a testament both to martial power and wealth, it is known as the Eagle Nest. A complex with many training grounds and housing for hundreds of members, the followers and low-ranking members live in simple military conditions, luxury rising with Rank.

First Lieutenant Silver Talon is said to live in quarters that would put those of a provincial governor to shame, to say nothing of how Gallant Eagle and his son and daughter live. Those who make it within the faction can reap great wealth and have access to great pleasure, yet weakness, complacency and decadence are not tolerated. Discipline is always strictly enforced, from the lowest member to the Eagle Head himself, who trains every day and takes care of important matters personally.

Gallant Eagle loves to entertain others among the Fighting Community, so heroes-as-guests are a permanent if ever-changing feature of the Eagle's Nest. They take pride in hosting many Wulin events; unlike many other headquarters, visitors have no restriction besides private quarters. The Eagle Clan does not hide its power, they flaunt it!

As the Eagle Talons rise high in the Martial Arts World, it came as a surprise when Gallant Eagle announced his retirement in a year's time. His reasons are his alone; some say he wants to retire while on the top, others said that he has reached his goal, and therefore no longer needs any challenge. Still others believe that he cannot live with the guilt of his many sins. Only he knows the truth, and he doesn't feel the need to explain himself to anyone.

Before he retires, he will pass on the leadership of the clan and his legacy techniques to his successor. Silver Talon has declared himself out of the selection; thus it is assumed that his successor would be either his son or daughter. Both have their supporters within the clan, but the Eagle Head has announced that he will choose his inheritor out of merit, not blood or relationship with him. Worthiness is the only consideration–it doesn't even need to be a current member of the Eagle Talons.

Along the path of building the Pillar, Gallant Eagle mastered an extremely powerful transcendent technique called The Eyes of the Fiery Raptor. This is one of the secrets of his ascension, albeit a poorly-kept one; it shall become the legacy of his clan, and perhaps the ruination. No one knows the true origins of this technique, but it is rumored it was passed to him by a dying hermit in the ruins of Only Six Devils City.

Only one person can have this technique at a time; it is not really taught, but transmitted from one user to another, making this one of the more mysterious techniques in the Wulin. It is wildly believed amongst young wandering heroes that this is a corrupt technique that taints the Chi of the user. The Eagle Talons and Gallant Eagle have strenuously denied this rumor, and quell it whenever it arises. Many elder martial artists, and those who know the Eagle Head personally, believe that this is due to Gallant Eagle's ego and the affront caused by the rumor, but perhaps the purity of his Chi and soul are another sacrifice for the glory of his dream.
Main Virtues: Loyalty & Righteousness

Internal Kung Fu: Ice Sutra

External Kung Fu: Blossom Harvest, Divine Pattern Long-Strokes, Storm God's Fury

The Western territories of Shen Zhou are a painting of contradictions. They are a harsh and cruel land, yet beautiful and plentiful beyond measure. It is a land of barbarians, who are also considered pure and noble. It is where the strange kingdoms and foreign cultures that lie beyond it come to bring their exotic treasures and strange ideas to Shen Zhou. It is a jeweled thorn in the side of the empire.

Who could embody the contradictions of the West more than the Yun Clan? Once they were mere wandering nomads of Xiongnu, but they built a magnificent kingdom which has maintained its autonomy for centuries. They have maintained their traditions in the face of many hardships, and given the Jiang Hu many legendary heroes in the process. This has assured them a place of honor as one of the Four Pillars of the Wulin.

The Yun clan rose to power by gaining control of the Tea- Horse Road, a trade-route as important as the Silk Road. It brings the best horses from the Tibetan plateau to the mainland, and carries the finest teas to the high elites of the Tsubo kingdom, along with many other lesser goods and destinations.

The Tea-Horse Road is, without a doubt, one of the most dangerous routes in Shen Zhou. It passes across vast forests, merciless mountains, desolate plateaus, and raging rivers, and it is full of barbarian tribes and bandit gangs. Many would say that terrible spirits and demons dwell on those paths! Those who traveled the roads in the west were considered the bravest of heroes. They saw the sky-piercing steep mountains and saw only a challenge to overcome. They became legends by defying nature, and the gods who ruled it. None were greater heroes than the Yun Clan! They tamed mountains and charted the passes, built towns and trading posts, and brought prosperity and civilization to these harsh and savage lands.

Today, most of the caravans are protected by the Eagle Talons, but the Yun still control the greatest part of the trading. They know the territory better than their breathing, so they often work as guides or explorers.

Of all the important factions in the Wulin, only the Yun Clan is a clan in the ordinary sense. Almost all of their members are related by blood-ties or marriage; their lineage, meticulously recorded, can be traced back for centuries. Heroes who are tied to the clan by martial tradition rather than blood or marriage begin with lower status, but the Yun are still of the Wulin; if they accomplish worthy deeds, their status in the clan can rise as high as blood-kin.

Members of the Yun family are tall and lean, with piercing eyes that reflect the vast western lakes and firm, beautiful features. Their hearts are as resilient and strong as the snowy mountain peaks; they are proud and stubborn and passionate, loyal and honorable to a fault, but impetuous and quick to anger. They are a happy, boisterous people, but tend to a certain melancholy, especially when far from their homeland.

The Yun stand in a state of flux between past and future, between Shen Zhou and the lands beyond, and derive their power from the contradiction of that position. Once, long ago, they were outsiders from beyond the Land of the Gods, but no more. That was the past. Now it has swallowed them up; the blood and traditions of the Han people has mixed with theirs.

Although the Yun are not of the empire, they dwell in its shadow. The Yun pay tribute to the Imperial Throne, but they retain their autonomy. They control great wealth and power, thanks to their dominance over the Tea-Horse Road and their vast territories in the West, but they know that this is nothing before the empire; a real conflict with the imperial throne would be the end of the Yun's prosperous trading, and the whole clan with it.

The Yun are quick to assert their cultural independence. They use their own Xiongnu language amongst themselves, rather than the Han, and their unique written language is a treasure of the clan. The Yun clan pictographs were one of the first forms of writing in Shen Zhou; many ancient legends and secrets are written in those glyphs alone.

The Yun came to power on the frontier, but their very success is turning it in to civilized land. They brought roads and maps and civic order to the West, and made it safe for trade, with the power of their wild spirit and mastery of the untamed lands. Yet, now those lands are tamed by their own hands; what place do such wild people as they have now?

For most of the Han and the Wulin, the Yun are an odd anachronism from a long ago time, but one which represents the best of that savage era. They are the noble barbarian, the untamed wild beast; they are something to be admired, but only from a safe distance. In turn, the Yun are conflicted in their feelings toward the Han. They can't deny the strength of the Empire or the magnitude of the cultural accomplishments of the collective Han people, but compared to the Yun, most Han seem so shallow and delicate.

The Yun are defined by this tension between representing Shen Zhou's past and ushering in the future, between being masters of their domain and petitioners to the Empire, between being of the Land of the Gods and visitors from another land. The power of this ambiguity ensures that the Yun, even though they are a great kingdom, belong to the Jiang Hu and the legends of the Wulin.

The Yun Clan treats the civilized lands in the West as their territory. Even when they don't control them, the leaders are allied or related to them by marriage and so can count on Yun protection. Their headquarters is in the magnificent city of Gathering Clouds, an oasis of splendid civilization in the harsh and violent lands of the West. Many cultures, local and foreign, congregate in this haven, and heroes from all over the Jiang Hu seek glory and adventure there.

The head of the Yun Clan is named Snow Leopard, the most recent of a long line of Yun chieftans who achieved heroic stature in the Wulin. He is a stern, powerful man, whose strong features are framed by ice-white hair and beard. He led the clan to glory on a firm path in his younger years, but that all changed when he became enthralled by the legend of the Glacier Maiden.

There is a majestic mountain range in the west known as the Snow Dragon. No hero has ever touched the highest peak. And ancient stories claim that in each of the thirteen peaks hides an amazing demon-killing weapon from ancient myth. Of the many legends supposedly in these mountains, there is none more famous than the Glacier Maiden.

The Glacier Maiden has the ethereal and everlasting beauty of the frozen mountains. Her heart is cold and merciless. She is as winter made into a woman, but if a lover can warm her heart in their embrace for even a single night, she will whisper secrets of the transcendent Glacier Heart Style in their ears. Many have pursued the Glacier Maiden, only to die on the mountain or in her arms; some of her favorites stayed with her forever, frozen in her gallery as ice statues.

Only a few have walked away knowing the secrets of Glacier Heart Style. Snow Leopard is one of them. Snow Leopard didn't pursue the Glacier Maiden to learn her kung fu secrets. He was in love… but she pushed him away and broke his heart. When he returned to the world, he carried coldness in his chest to match the Maiden's.

The Yun Clan chief is obsessed with the Glacier Maiden; he will transform the world in to a cold, dark place worthy of her beauty to prove his love. As his power in Glacier Heart Style expands, what little warmth and light is left in him dwindles away, and like the maiden, he learns to delight in cruelty and evil. Someday, Heaven willing, he will give her a lightless, frozen world as a nuptial gift.

Snow Leopard's two sons are divided by his growing darkness. The elder son, Xiao Lan, was a kung fu prodigy from an early age; the clan had a great future in his hands. However, he always was a free spirit with not much respect for authority, so he constantly clashed with his father. The younger son, Xi Feng, is completely loyal to his father, regardless of how Snow Leopard ignores or belittles him. He compensated for his lack of talent with constant effort, and became an accomplished hero in his own right.

The heir clashed with Snow Leopard more and more as the clan head became more consumed by the Glacier Heart Style. The clan advisers finally manipulated the two in to open conflict, hoping that Xiao Lan would defeat Snow Leopard and take control of the clan, but this gambit failed. The eldest son exiled himself from the Yun and all their affairs, and Snow Leopard disowned him as a coward. He now roams the Jiang Hu as a wandering hero known as The Wolf Swordsman, avoiding the attempts by the Yun Clan counselors to find him and force him to confront his father. Meanwhile, Xi Feng, known as The Western Wind dutifully serves Yun Clan, willing to do anything for his people except challenge Snow Leopard. Despite all evidence, he believes his father to be fundamentally good, if ill.

The Yun Clan carefully conceals Snow Leopard's corruption from the world and keep their most righteous and admirable heroes, such as The Western Wind, in the public eye. Their fortune is built on trade, so they can't afford to get a reputation for villainy. Secrets can't be kept forever in the Jiang Hu, however; rumors of Snow Leopard's rising power and corruption are spreading through the Wulin. Heroes whisper that it will only become a matter of time before he becomes a terrible menace, and they may be right. There are many in the clan who would support Snow Leopard if he pursued greater power for the Yun Clan, no matter how viciously, but others would fight against him before sullying their glorious past. Will this story spread beyond the Yun Clan on a tide of ambition and ice-darkened blood, or will it eventually lead to redemption?

The Four Great Societies
Behind only the Four Pillars in terms of power, influence and reputation among the Orthodox factions of the Wulin are the Four Great Societies. These secret societies usually have more specific agendas involving affecting both the Jiang Hu and the Shan Li in a more concrete and immediate fashion than the Pillars. Despite being "secret societies," their existence is more or less public in the Wulin, though their methods and agendas are only fully known by members.

Main Virtues: Benevolence & Righteousness

Internal Kung Fu: Fox-Spirit Song

External Kung Fu: Eight Legends, Flying Red Silk, Graceful Crane

Founded by a legendary heroine named Ban Zhao, Resplendent Phoenix is an all-female society, dedicated to one purpose above all: to improve the lot of women in Shen Zhou.

According to what is believed to be the proper order of things under Heaven, women should bow down to men and always be subservient to them. But all are equal in the Wulin; heroes are judged by the greatness of their deeds and the power of their kung fu, not according to gender or other considerations. This society was formed in order to allow women everywhere to escape their circumstances and join the Martial Arts World. Due to their grace and beauty, as well to their mysterious reputation, definitive power, and the fact that most members move like heavenly royalty, they are also called the Fairy Clan.

Training heroines and sending them to accomplish great deeds across Jiang Hu was not enough for Ban Zhao; her ambition was for women to stand tall under Heaven, to rule and shape society alongside their fellow men both in the Martial Brotherhood and in the secular world. While the Resplendent Phoenix Society is deeply rooted in the Rivers and Lakes, gifting it with strong and powerful female heroes, it also has a foot in the Mountains and Forests, training women to become the wives and concubines of influential men or the governesses of their sons and daughters. The society does not intend to overthrow a society with force, but to subvert it from within through subtlety and cunning: the traditional and time-honored weapons of women in a patriarchal culture. The society does not rebuke the qualities normally attributed to women, but instead embraces them, seeking to sublimate the principles of grace and delicacy. As a society, the Phoenix produces as many courtiers as it does warriors.

Just as water erodes a powerful rock until it becomes a pebble, a concubine might control the emperor through careful and subtle action; such a champion would be as effective to the betterment of Shen Zhou as a warrior woman leading an army in the field. In many ways, they strive to become ideal women, beautiful and delicate, strong and perseverant, educated in the arts and academics as well as kung fu.

Heroines of the Resplendent Phoenix are zealous of their virtue, very careful in accepting courtship and taking a lover or mate. That man must be one of great potential or accomplishment, her equal in many respects. The stereotype of a maiden of the Fairy Clan has her acting distant and cold towards men in general, and especially callous towards misogynists.

Women from this faction who are willing to marry or become concubines are known as Phoenix Brides. They are desired by many men, not by petty and simple men who want a woman with no backbone and character, but by the cultured and the powerful seeking a companion, someone who would educate sons into being strong and righteous men, and daughters into being graceful and resourceful ladies (they are also desired by cruel and vainglorious men who wish to break such a splendid bird).

Such brides can be found acting with the utmost excellence and grace all over the Jiang Hu, and as women in high positions in secular society. When interacting with the Wulin, they will adopt another persona entirely, occasionally disguising themselves with a mask. Whenever it is needed most of them, they will go out of their way to help women in trouble.

The Society as a whole follows the Chivalrous Virtues, especially Righteousness and Altruism. They follow these to the extreme; those who pursue justice by fighting criminals and corrupt heroes do so with utmost zeal.

Secretly, the society has a grander, darker agenda: besides training heroines and improving the situation of women in general in Shen Zhou, the elders of the faction seek to place a "Phoenix under the Dragon's Shadow" and have a Resplendent Phoenix become an Imperial concubine, or Empress. By controlling the Emperor, they will control the country. The higher powers of the order would do anything to achieve this goal, by methods legitimate or underhanded. Nothing will stand in the way of that dream; they have even created a secret technique that embodies this purpose, with the naked name of Phoenix under the Dragon's Shadow. None outside the order has seen the technique and lived, nor even discovered the name.

The current head of the Resplendent Phoenix Society is the powerful heroine Blue Phoenix Princess. She is nearing fifty, yet remains an unmatched beauty due to her Chi cultivation. After many deeds made her famous in the Jiang Hu, she recently became a recluse for reasons of her own; her detractors say she has turned bitter and shrewd, while her supporters say she is as wise and kind-hearted as ever.

Day-to-day society affairs are handled by the Four Celestial Maidens, who live in the four corners of Shen Zhou. Second Celestial Maiden, who loves to mingle in all sorts of Wulin affairs, has become more active in the Jiang Hu recently. She is considered a brat due to having lived a sheltered and privileged life as the Blue Phoenix Princess's favorite, but it seems her heart is in the right place.

The Resplendent Phoenix Society has headquarters all over Shen Zhou, most of them taking the form of luxurious palaces near gardens and lakes. More secretive locales are set on the middle of lakes, so they may only be reached by lightfoot or boat. The main headquarters is called Red Phoenix Manor, set in the middle of the Flawless Mirror lake in the city of Notably Picturesque. It is said to contain a thousand chambers.
Main Virtues: Benevolence & Loyalty

Internal Kung Fu: Boundless Prosperity Manual

External Kung Fu: Divine Pattern Long-Strokes, Eight Legends, Subtle Force

If the Jiang Hu is a refuge for outsiders, no one has a more rightful place in it than the members of this secret society. Those who are rejected and despised by so-called normal society, those who most of the time are not even seen by the regular world, the poor, the sick, the crippled, the mad – they are the blood and bones of the Beggar Fraternity.

As is to be expected, they are by far both the largest organization in the martial world and the most widespread, yet not all beggars in Shen Zhou are members and not all the members are actually beggars. Some of their ranks even stand in the highest positions of society.

The Fraternity possesses two Divisions: the Dirty Clothes Division, those who dress and live like beggars, and the Clean Clothes Division, who dress in normal clothing and live in all strata of society.

It is said that they constitute an entire sub-world within the Wulin because of their large numbers. The complexity of their ways is known only to those inside the organization; only they can recognize each other and tell the ranks of their members.

Members of the society may generally recognize each other by wearing pouches; the more pouches one wears, the higher his or her status within the organization. While other members of the Wulin know that beggars from the association have pouches, they generally know nothing about recognizing status.

Even if one dressed as a beggar and wore certain pouches to disguise himself, it would not fool a typical beggar clan member; the Fraternity easily recognizes impostors by small details, such as pouches being the wrong color or being worn in the wrong order, or by asking coded questions.

Because they are practically everywhere, passing unnoticed most of the time, the Fraternity members are masters of subterfuge and information. It's well known that if you want to learn a secret, you should search for a member of the Beggar Clan. The Beggar Fraternity is known across the Fighting Community as paragons of the Chivalrous Virtues of Altruism and Loyalty; it is their creed to never deny their help to those who deserve it, to never own more than they need to survive, and to always give to those in real necessity.

Even members, who stand high in society, keeping sumptuous manors and great fortunes, do so in order to maintain the appearance of their status; they are expected to readily place all their resources at the disposal of those with a just cause, or leave everything behind if the society requires it of them.

The Beggars love to enjoy a simplistic life. The Fraternity plays host to travelers, lovers, poets, drunks, experts on good food, and everything in-between. Most of them see camaraderie and friendship as the greatest of treasures; the society is famous for their hospitality and Beggar's Banquets are legendary all across the Martial World.

To be ignored and unseen by much of the world may be a curse to many, but the Beggars find it a blessing. One would be surprised to find exiled ministers and generals, princes and princesses among the Beggar ranks. Those who hide from their way of life or are targets of assassination are welcome in the Fraternity –it is even rumored that once they hid a deposed emperor among them.

But this also constitutes a problem: many assassins, criminals, and those escaping from rightful retribution hide behind the protective shadow of the Society. Most join for redemption or peace, but there are many who seek to escape justice.

Their leadership is quite particular: they have a Council of Beggar Elders elected from within the clan, and a Beggar King who acts as the face of the clan and as leader on most matters, especially martial ones. The peculiarity lies in that upon a Beggar King's death or retirement, the society holds a tournament open to all the Wulin, competing on matters ranging from kung fu to Secret Arts to ethics. The winner of the tournament, no matter whom he or she may be, will become the next Beggar King (a gender-neutral term). It is customary for all present members to spit on the newly elected king when he takes the title.

The Beggar King stands at a level of respect and reverence only surpassed by the heads of the Pillars. The current King is man of uncertain origins and youthful appearance; he is a good-humored person, who enjoys playing jokes on people and not acting very seriously. It appears that he spends a lot of his time trying to escape the responsibility of leadership and his henpecking wife by wandering off and having adventures across the Jiang Hu. He is rumored to be a master of disguise and manipulative arts; thus, he often manages to pass along undetected and get away with whatever he is doing. Anyone, at any moment, may encounter the Beggar King without knowing it, or so the stories claim.

The founding of the Beggar Fraternity is shrouded in mystery, with many contradicting legends about their origins. The Beggars like it that way. They often add things to the stories in order to make them more confusing. Their impudence is aided by their possession of one of the most famous techniques in the Martial Brotherhood, the simple-yet- effective transcendent style known as Dog-Beating Stick.

The Beggar Fraternity considers the entire world their home, and as such they don't have a specific place that they call headquarters. They have lodges all over Shen Zhou; these lodges are often hidden underground lairs known only to society members. When an outsider is taken to one of this lodges, even as a friend, he will probably be rendered unconscious first and dragged in a roundabout manner. Often these lodges are temporary; even if an outsider managed to find one they'd likely find nothing, as the association has already moved to a different headquarters.

Beggars may stand in the lowest place in society, but only a fool in the martial world would ever disrespect a beggar. Others may look on them with contempt, but they are amongst the greatest heroes in the Wulin.
Main Virtues: Filial Piety, Honor, Righteousness

Internal Kung Fu: Heaven's Lightning

External Kung Fu: Divine Pattern Long-Strokes, Eight Legends, Graceful Crane

Of all the factions in the Wulin, none claim a greater legacy than the Falling Leaves Society. They proclaim to descend by direct martial tradition from Huangdi himself, the Yellow Emperor, who in ancient times descended from Heaven to bring order and civilization to Shen Zhou.

There is no way to prove or disprove the veracity of such claims, and there are many contradicting legends about their true origins. The society bolsters stories that back their authenticity and noble lineage, and tries to bury those that deny it. They may well be the oldest society in all the Wulin, the one with the proudest and most noble origins, or they may be the newest one, gaining inspiration from the past and trying to rebuild an ancient legacy to rescue it from oblivion.

They take their name from the concept that they are the last leaves of a Golden Age, of the glorious summer in Shen Zhou when civilization shone bright, and society grew strong as a mighty tree Today is the autumn of the world; the glory of the past fades away as values and principles are forgotten, and the remnants of that glorious past are scattered like leaves in autumn across the four winds, and crushed into the ground. If the world keeps following this path, it is headed for a terrible and cruel winter of absolute chaos and decadence, where the once-mighty civilization will be destroyed and forgotten.

The missions of the Falling Leaves Society are to prevent this disaster from occurring, to cling to the last golden leaves of the glorious past, to stop decadence in its tracks, and to bring the Land of the Gods to glory once more.

The Falling Leaves are heavily involved with the idea of changing society as a whole. They consider themselves stewards of the magnificent past of Shen Zhou; besides the Chivalrous Virtues of Righteousness and Honor, they hold high ideals such as knowledge, civilization, and social harmony. Everything and everyone has a proper and respected place. Societies who advocate social change – such as the Resplendent Phoenixes – are disdained by the Falling Leaves. Their highly conservative attitude puts them at odds with many of the more liberal-minded members and factions of the Martial World. They do not see the Wulin as a place to escape the bonds of society and forge a unique identity, but as a force of righteous heroes that should rise when society becomes corrupt to bring it back into place.

This tension increased some years ago when the previous leader of the sect, Immortal Crane, attempted to unify the forces of the Wulin to prevent the current dynasty from taking power. He attempted to attain the title of Wulin Mengzhu. He was rejected, ending his dream of a unified Martial Brotherhood fighting for the restoration of Shen Zhou. Since then, the Falling Leaves have been seen as a living relic, an organization trapped in the dream of a past long gone. Yet, their wisdom, their determination, integrity, courage, and martial might cannot be denied, nor can their many heroic deeds. They have earned their rightful place among the orthodox factions of the Wulin, and most heroes know it is better to be on their good side than against them.

Since their plan of unifying the Wulin to prevent the current dynasty from taking power failed, they have been involved in many underground plots to overthrow it. The most notable of these occurred when Immortal Crane attempted to assassinate the previous Emperor; he was discovered, but because he had previously sworn off all ties to his organization with the Hand Washing ceremony, he was executed without involving the Wulin. Although the Falling Leaves claimed he acted independently, it is widely believed that such a plan came from within the faction, and that Immortal Crane had the backing of the Society the whole time.

The fact that the Emperor disappeared shortly after this failed assassination attempt tied the Falling Leaves Society to an even stranger legend. The official records say the emperor committed suicide, and that is a fact accepted by most people, but the Jiang Hu is full of rumors. Some say that the Emperor survived whatever attempt happened on his life and faked his own death, and that he is currently a prominent hero of the Wulin. One legends declares he was so moved by Immortal Crane's sacrifice that he now fights to overthrow the corrupt dynasty he once headed alongside the Society, or even guiding it behind the shadows.

Not much is known about the current leader of the Falling Leaves, except that he is a stern but just man who prefers to have his actions speak for his ideals instead of involving himself in the squabbles of the Martial World. Known as Helmsman Oak, he is highly respected by all heroes who have had the pleasure of meeting him.

Like many other organizations, most of the affairs of the society are handled by a council of four elders, comprised of two elderly women, one ancient man, and a youthful prodigy. There has recently been a division within the society as one of the branches strives for greater independence and autonomy. This branch has a conflict of ideals with the main corpus of the Leaves; this branch calls itself the Blue Flame, and they are based around the scholar family of Zhuge.

The Blue Flame believes that the glorious past should serve as inspiration for the future, but not as a map to create a new golden age. They must not copy what was done before, but instead create something new, and as such they are very open to new ideas and dedicated to imposing positive changes in society.

As this society is formed in great proportion by Courtiers and Scholars, this debate has been largely philosophical as both branches try to convince the other of the validity of their view. The main society sees the branch as well-intentioned but misguided youths, who waste time and energy on silly ideas and strange inventions. The branch sees their predecessors as wise but stubborn elders, who just need to open themselves to the future in order to truly change the world.

The Falling Leaves Society has its headquarters in the Jade Ink Manor in the scholarly city of Magnificent Ink; it is a respectable house with a noble history, where everyone is welcomed to study kung fu or the classics with the society. There are, of course, secret chambers known only to members, where they practice their powerful kung fu and make their plans for the betterment of Shen Zhou.
Main Virtues: Benevolence, Daoism

Internal Kung Fu: Removing Concepts

External Kung Fu: Destiny Cloud Fist, Flowing Universe, Subtle Force

The Dragon Well Sect is a Daoist Sect that seeks to achieve harmony with the universe through all their actions. For them, practice of kung fu and Secret Arts are tools that lead to inner enlightenment and peace, their actions and deeds means to bring harmony to the world as a whole.

It is their objective to lead society to a more harmonious existence, where humanity would grow by following the natural flow of the universe and not by trying to dam it or swimming against the current. In order to create a more harmonious world, they first have to become harmonious themselves. They believe that a person must first conquer themselves before attempting to conquer the world; human beings must learn to live in accordance to the Dao, and then the outside world will follow. They tend to be more introspective than other factions.

Members of the sect believe that the well of inner power is the source from which they will raise as dragons, perfected and enlightened. They seek to be "like water", strong and soft at the same time, flexible and formless, adapting and reacting to any situation, while always retaining their essence. External quests are paths to internal growth; the true challenges a hero must overcome are internal. True victory in defeating an enemy lies in breaking past one's limits. They are known as masters of internal cultivation and the secret arts of Daoism. Their practices lead to higher harmony with the world, and some say to enlightenment and even immortality. Certainly, the myths of Daoist Immortals lend credence to these rumors. They are likely the only faction in the Wulin to have a predominance of Priests, and cultivate Daoist esoteric arts with as much zeal as kung fu. They are known to experiment in internal and external alchemy and Five Element Theory.

The Dragon Well Sect has very strict rules of conduct for their members, as they are ordained priests and priestesses. They must abstain from eating meat, consuming intoxicating substances and romantic or sexual activity. They do not claim these things are inherently evil, but they are distracting and contaminating; their internal energy is a well of fresh water, and must be kept clean and pure. Any elements that can pollute the Chi, distract the mind and weaken the body must be avoided!

The Dragon Well Sect accepts male and female members, and they are treated equally. For them, gender is simply another superficial difference like skin tone, or national origin, and not something that should affect the internal cultivation of a person. Male and female disciples usually dress in a simple gender-neutral manner. They are expected to treat each other as brothers and sisters.

There are some heretic members of the sect who roam the world as wandering Daoist sages, going and doing as they please. They are considered eccentrics, and sometimes are even seen as unorthodox members of the Wulin. Yet, if their wisdom and deeds makes them into great heroes, and their infractions are minor, they are still accepted within the sect, though more as affiliates than full members.

Many across the Jiang Hu attribute power over the supernatural world to members of the Dragon Well Sect; many are the tales of brave Daoists fighting demons, spirits and ghosts. The truth of such stories can never be fully confirmed or denied.

It can be said that above all their greatest strength is to be like water or like the Dao itself: ever changing and adaptable. They will flow across obstacles if they cannot overcome them; crush them when they cannot flow around them. They know when it is better to contain power and when to release it. They strive for a Yin-Yang balance between tranquility and force, contemplation and dynamism, and the sect is known for its embodiment of the virtues of Harmony and Benevolence.

Currently, the Dragon Well Sect has only one monastery, deep within the Five Dragons Mountain Range in the central region. It is a retreat of unearthly beauty and humble simplicity. At the core lays the greatest treasure of the sect: the Dragon Well itself. It is said that whoever drinks the well-water will experience an instant with complete clarity of purpose, where all doubts will vanish; that person will be able to focus all their efforts upon whatever goal they need to be achieved with the utmost excellence.

Despite having only one temple, there are Dragon Well masters all across the Jiang Hu, open to take worthy individuals as disciples. Each master is believed to carry a shard of the temple's wisdom within.

The current leader of the order is an elderly abbot named Subtle Willow; despite his age, he's known as a great hero of the Wulin who often serves as the voice of wisdom and serenity in many conflicts within the Martial Arts World.

The Heterodox Four
With power and influence roughly equivalent to the Four Great Societies, the Heterodox Four toe the line between good and evil. They usually behave according to the norms of the Wulin, but their loyalties often lie with their own goals rather than the code of the Martial Brotherhood. In most cases, their agendas remain a mystery to the outside world. They can embody the Chivalrous virtues as well as the Selfish, easily shifting allegiances.

Main Virtues: Loyalty, Righteousness

Internal Kung Fu: None

External Kung Fu: Murderous Shadows, Shadow Catching

Orphans from all across of Shen Zhou, raised by secret masters to be the eyes and hands of the Empire in the chaotic world of Martial Arts – these are the Liquid Metal Delegates. Most are constables, rangers, soldiers, even magistrates and tax collectors. They live to bring criminals to justice, investigate mysteries, uncover conspiracies, and to try to bring Imperial law to a lawless world.

They are stalwarts of the Chivalrous Virtues of Righteousness and Loyalty. They hunt down dangerous criminals and corrupt heroes who are a threat to both the Jiang Hu and normal society. They are dedicated in their pursuit of justice and honorable towards those who have earned their friendship, but their deepest loyalty lies with the Empire - with law, rather than justice. Ultimately, members of this organization are expected to place the decrees of courts and Imperial edicts above the ways of the Wulin.

Most members are honorable heroes, but the Martial Brotherhood sees them with a certain degree of mistrust. Despite their deeds, they are not considered full members of the Wulin; heroes from the Liquid Metal Delegates have a harder time proving their loyalty and worth than most other heroes.

They are a faction only in the loosest sense of the word, as they have no visible leadership or internal organization. They have a deep sense of loyalty towards one and other born out of sharing the common past of being orphans thrown into a world of conflict, being considered outsiders among the outsiders, and of trying to bring a semblance of order into a chaotic existence – but they have no leadership. Lacking a legacy and a history as a faction, they also lack a distinctive style of kung fu. Liquid Metal Delegates can be seen practicing a variety of styles from all across the Jiang Hu. They are masters at creating and improvising weapons, some developed out of adaptability and practicality to fit the personality of the individual. They regard survival and success more highly than tradition.

This drive to give themselves an individual identity despite lacking a legacy – to leave their mark in the world by bringing order and law to the lawless of Jiang Hu – allows them to be considered amongst the heroes of the Wulin. But there is a darker side to the orphans of steel.

There are many legends about sleeper agents living years as members of one faction, cultivating allegiances and close ties, only to turn on those who trusted them like snakes in the grass upon the order of their masters. They are known across the Wulin as the dreaded Invisible Hell Killers. The Delegates deny these as rumors to destroy their reputation, but the stories remain.

Only they know that the will of their masters is cast upon them like a heavy shadow, no matter where they are and what they are doing. Their Imperial masters know, and control them from a distance.

Individuals know little about their masters, as most of their memories are often confused and their pasts blurred, but most of them feel a mixture of intense loyalty and gratitude mixed with healthy doses of fear and awe towards those who raised them. Collectively, these hidden puppet masters are referred to as The Liquid Shadow Magistrates.
Main Virtues: Individualism, Revenge

Internal Kung Fu: None

External Kung Fu: Eight Legends, Flowing Universe

Once upon a time, there was a brilliant naval commander in the Imperial fleet. He was known across the realm for his accomplishments, but also because of his unbridled ambition. He dared to call himself Dragon of the Ocean; in the secular world, where only the Emperor can be rightfully referred to as a Dragon, this caused rumors that he held ambitions for the throne. Whether these rumors were true or not, he would bow down to none, standing defiant even in the face of the Emperor himself. He was not liked in the courts, and so the Emperor exiled him to World's End, a desolated island in the farthest reaches of the Empire - there, at the very borders of Tian Xia, where civilization ends.

It was there that he plotted his revenge. He swore to the sea gods that his fury would descend upon Shen Zhou like the rage of the ocean itself, and he would raise his own dynasty from that forsaken island. One day his name would be spoken with the same reverence as the Emperor, and that the seas and waterways would be his empire.

He recruited other fallen officials and disgruntled nobles, along with buccaneers and bandits, to create the greatest pirate fleet the Land of the Gods had ever seen. He modeled his organization on the courts of the Great Dragon Kings, mythical rulers of the oceans. He called himself Southern Dragon King, greatest among them, a Dragon to rival the Emperor himself.

The Southern Dragon King has a boastful and ambitious personality. He enjoyed the company of strong and defiant women, and across the Jiang Hu he was famous for his dalliances with many of the great heroines of the Wulin. The great dragon met his match in a bandit queen of the southern shores. She controlled a net of smuggling ships and floating brothels; after a courtship consisting of trying to outdo one other in piracy, fighting fierce kung fu duels, and sinking each others' boats, they saw they were made for one other. Today they are married: she is known as Empress Stingray, and they rule their pirate empire together.

Southern Dragon King and Empress Stingray have five daughters known as Dragon Princesses, all of them beautiful, headstrong, and possessed of strong kung fu. The older ones already command their own pirate gangs and have become forces to be reckoned with, while the younger ones are beginning to adventure in the Jiang Hu.

The Pirate Clan fancies themselves akin to the mythical royal courts of the oceans. They are fond of royal regalia and association with creatures of the sea; most distinguished members use official titles with the names of aquatic beings, such as General White Shark, Captain Hammerhead, and Minister Giant Crab.

What they take from the passing ships they see as taxes to cross their territory; they will often grant safe passage to those who offer them a tribute and acknowledge their domain before traveling. Many times they take over the villages and towns near the waterways and see their inhabitants as their subjects. Despite demanding tribute, work, and a safe haven, the pirates usually make good 'big brothers.' They treat their erstwhile subjects with fairness, and protect them from other dangers like bandits or the government. Though motivated by ambition and selfishness, they see themselves as the nobility of the waterways. Most members, at least those with some Wulin rank, often behave honorably and Chivalrously. They honor the rules of the Martial Brotherhood, do not hurt civilians, and show mercy to the defeated.

Rage of the Dragon Kings is their distinctive kung fu, a powerful technique fit for the ruler of the ocean himself; it's based on controlling and manipulating water. The Dragon King himself shapes weapons such as lances or guan dao out of water; Empress Stingray uses droplets of water as projectiles and needles; while Second Dragon Princess shapes streams of water as duplicates of her sword to act in conjunction with it. Captain Hammerhead uses water to make his fists as powerful as raging waves.

At first the Southern Dragons were only based in the southern seas of Shen Zhou, but now they've grown more and more powerful, making alliances with other pirate families like the Poison Salt Pirates and the East River Pirates. They have expanded their operations, not only across the oceans but also into rivers and waterways, becoming a painful thorn on the side of the Empire and an important power in the Martial Arts World.
Main Virtues: Revenge, Righteousness

Internal Kung Fu: None

External Kung Fu: Murderous Shadows, Storm God's Fury

Few factions are as steeped in mystery as the Hundred Ghost Faction. Many strange legends surround them: it is said they walk the edges between life and death, and that the faction is formed of the ghosts of wronged heroes of the past sent back to the living world to bring retribution and revenge. Rumors say that the leader of the faction is an incarnation of Yama, the King of Hell himself, and that they raise corpses and use them as minions.

Most of these stories are exaggerations or flights of fantasy, but the Faction does nothing to discourage them. On the contrary; it embraces them and does everything it can to increase its fearfully preternatural reputation. They certainly see themselves as ghosts, roaming between life and death and bringing harsh retribution and dark justice to an unfair and corrupt world. The Hundred Ghost Faction is comprised mostly of those who have lost everything. Their lives have been destroyed entirely, they've been betrayed, and sometimes even left for dead. They've found a new existence in the society, leaving behind the trappings of the mundane world and the limitations of their former identities to become pure spirits of justice, revenge and retribution.

The world is a corrupt place where those wronged will oft go unavenged even as their spirits cry for justice from the\ underworld, while the guilty will go unpunished. Even in the Wulin, a society that should be ruled by honor and chivalry, there are many who would commit heinous acts and hide under the façade of righteousness and respectability. They go about the world as proud heroes, when truly they are underhanded villains.

It is the duty of the Hundred Ghost Faction, then, to bring punishment to those who would otherwise escape it. They normally don't bother with the selfish or corrupt heroes who wear ruthlessness on the sleeve and revel proudly in their savagery, openly defying Heaven and Earth; they save their effort for those who hide their evil deeds, engaging in cruelty yet displaying a mask of kindness.

Members of the Hundred Ghost Faction embrace supernatural paraphernalia, taking the names and appearances of ghosts, demons, and other supernatural creatures. Their actions are guided by a powerful sense of poetic justice and divine retribution. This ranges from the cruel torture of a ghostly courtier driving a minister mad and forcing him to destroy his own career and lose all his assets, to the irony of a Fox Masked Thief playing pranks on a self-righteous and hypocritical monk in order to unveil his perversions to the world, to the ruthless and bloody path a demonic hero would carve across the clan that killed his family.

The Hundred Ghost Faction is ruled with an iron hand by two terrible legends of the Wulin: White-Haired Ghost Lord, a giant of a man who appears as the judge of hell himself and carries a giant coffin as his weapon, and his lover, the merciless heroine known as Crimson-Haired Demoness.

One story states that White-Haired Ghost Lord is none other than the previous Emperor, betrayed and left for dead only to be rescued by the Crimson-Haired Demoness. Driven mad by his betrayal and moved by overwhelming love towards his savior, he gained power from corrupt kung fu and became as a living ghost, a demon of revenge and retribution!

If there is any truth to this, it is not known. What is known is that White-Haired Ghost Lord and Crimson-Haired Demoness are fiercely loyal to each other, and that they are even more powerful and terrifying when fighting together. They have vowed to follow each other across the gates of death when the time comes.

The Hundred Ghost Faction is known to possess a very corrupt and powerful manual known as the Living Ghost Scroll, which contains two powerful yet corrupt forms acting as a macabre Yin and Yang. Each of the two leaders of this clan is the undisputed masters of one of the scroll's aspects.

White-Haired Ghost Lord's Corpse Style forces practitioners to become more and more corpse-like as they progress in the style, their life heat extinguished with the passion of their emotions. They become cold and detached, but incredibly resilient and strong. They no longer feel pain or fatigue and so are able to withstand much more than any normal fighter should.

Crimson-Haired Demoness' Bone Demon Claw Style is a dark mirror of her lover's style. This form demands the practitioners act with mad passion and abandon. It demands they become as vengeful demons fueled by fury and revenge. It is an almost imaginably cruel style: it not only rips flesh and bone with talon-like fingers, but distills the user's Chi into a powerful hallucinogenic poison that inflicts horrifying illusions upon victims.

Most of the Wulin doesn't know what to make of the Faction. They are considered neither good nor evil. Their motivations and actions are clearly inspired by Chivalrous ideals, but their methods and appearance are unusual and gruesome, and their kung fu is clearly corrupt. While individual members may be honorable, as a whole they place allegiance to their own organization above the ways of the Wulin.

The Hundred Ghost Faction has their headquarters in the Lifeless Valley, a desolate and barren place where the only life that grows is sickly and crooked. At the entrance of this valley there is a gate, old and ruined, covered with weeds and inscribed with the words Hell Gate. Most common people believe that hell really lies on the other side, and that no living thing should enter.
Main Virtues: Ferocity, Obsession

Internal Kung Fu: None

External Kung Fu: Bone-Fed Wolf Fang, Ravenous Wings

This female-only faction remains another of the great mysteries of the Wulin. They are known and feared for their unique ferocity and callousness. They keep to themselves, and are known for having an intense antagonism with Orthodox sects and nothing but contempt for Unorthodox ones. Those who cross their paths tend not to survive.

No one really knows the truth about their origins, but legends speak of their elusive leader known as the Demon Wolf Princess, a woman of great beauty but also terrible cruelty and mercilessness. It is said she created the cult out of a deep betrayal and a broken heart.

The truth of her story is unknown, but what is known is that she holds a deep grudge against the Wulin. She sees the Orthodox Factions as hypocritical and arrogant, claiming to be heroic and Chivalrous yet only acting for their self-gain and reputation. The Unorthodox Factions, on the other hand, are like useless and egotistical children in a tantrum!

Little is known about the true purpose and motivations of this faction, but members will act as assassins and bodyguards. The prices for their services are always steep, and considered something of a devil's bargain, as payment for a job is oft demanded in things other than money.

An assassination job will not end until all intended targets are dead. If an assassin falls, another will take her place. In the case of a protection job it will usually last for the lifetime of the ward and the guardian, sometimes even extending for generations. This is why Blood Wind bodyguards develop such close relationships with those they protect.

Stories say that a Blood Wind killer can smell the blood of her prey, and that she will not stop no matter what. She will cross storms of rain, snow, and even blades until her lips can taste the blood of her prey.

Women from this sect live their entire lives consumed by hatred and fury; some women join the cult to escape a life of suffering and oppression, harboring a great hatred against the world, while others are raised within the sect from a very early age knowing nothing of the outside world. All are thought to be hunters and killers, with no personal desires or will. Just as a den of wolves, they see the sect as their only family, their only world. Their loyalty to it is absolute. Failure is not an option; most members would kill themselves rather than suffer the shame of a mission unaccomplished.

Members of the sect are known to be hateful or at distrustful towards males, and will often go to great lengths to defeat male adversaries in the grandest and most humiliating way. Yet when a member of the Blood Wind Sect gives her loyalty or love to another person, male or female, she will fight and protect that person from all dangers. Thus, she will put the object of her affections above herself and her sect.

Like wolves hunting in packs, they have learned to coordinate their kung fu styles, making them more effective when fighting in groups. Blood Wind fighters will gang up on a stronger opponent, like wolves on a tiger, siphoning the strength of their rival with every grievous wound, channeling their own pain to become fiercer and stronger as the fight goes on.

Most of the Wulin views the Blood Wind Sect with distrust and fear, for they can be the most relentless and savage of enemies. If one manages to earn their loyalty, however, they can be the greatest of allies – ready to storm the very gates of hell for what they've sworn their allegiance too.

The Blood Wind Sect has their base in the harsh northeast of Shen Zhou, a territory as cruel and savage as they are. They take a great influence in their style and behavior from the barbarians of these lands. It is said that their headquarters are located inside a hollowed mountain peak, but none outside the sect has ever confirmed this. The Blood Wind Sect has become a protector of some of the nomad tribes in the northeast region. These tribes are often harassed by bandits, barbarians, and the government. The nomads see the sect as almost mythical, figures to be respected and revered but also feared – in exchange for protection, they frequently demand tribute of infant girls to increase their numbers.

The Four Banes of the Wulin
Of the major Wulin factions, only the Four Banes are considered totally evil and irredeemable. Not only are their methods Selfish, but they are totally ruthless and corrupt. The majority of their members disregard all rules and value of the Martial Community - and more importantly, their goals and agendas are considered to be against the well-being of the Jiang Hu and the whole of Shen Zhou.

Main Virtues: Individualism, Ruthlessness

Internal Kung Fu: Unstained Lotus Mastery

External Kung Fu: Graceful Crane, Murderous Shadows

Deep in the northern desert, hidden among never-ending storms of black sand, lies a palace of every vice and pleasure. It is the headquarters of the Black Lotus Society: the Black Sand Pagoda.

If any of the current Banes have come close to ruling the entire criminal underworld in Shen Zhou, the Black Lotus have. Yet they suffered a deep blow, as a group of arrogant upstarts dared to rise against them. The upstart's strength was greater than expected, and they managed to destroy great part of the Lotus' power and influence.

The Lotus was weakened, but not defeated; a noxious weed never truly dies. They are making a comeback, slowly but steadily regaining their power. Soon, the black petals of the lotus shall extend across all criminal activities in the Land of the Gods. Corruption, theft, blackmail, assassination, gambling, slavery – they are involved in all of them!

The Lotus pursues control through subterfuge and manipulation. Why kill an official if he can bought? Why openly attack a faction, when you can place an agent among them to undermine their power from within? The Black Louts Society moves behind the shadows, hidden in plain sight. They seem to retreat as they attack, they feign weakness as they gather strength, they make alliances and they betray in the same breath.

They are experts in most of the Secret Arts, but in the art of medicine above all. They have developed methods to manipulate the body and Chi to create beneficial conditions, but ones that will eventually kill the user if left untended, or worse, warp them is such a way that their lives become a hell of agony, therefore insuring the loyalty of their subjects.

The Black Lotus Society is lead by the former disciple of Abbot White Cloud of the Little Forest Sect, Hei Mei, also known as the Black Storm Buddha. He is an elusive mastermind shrouded in a veil of mystery. He is responsible for reviving one of the most powerful and terrible styles of the past, Black Lotus Style. Even if the current form, Unstained Lotus Mastery, does not compare to the alleged power of the Four Lotus Kings, it is still a style to be reckoned with that has spread across the Wulin.

The Black Storm Buddha is seldom seen in the Jiang Hu, but his four trusted ministers Thunder, Rain, Lightning, and Dark Cloud – known as the Dark Heavenly Kings – are seen doing his bidding all across the Martial Arts World. They have become well-known and feared figures in the Wulin.

The organization places great value on individual power and initiative, even encouraging a degree of internal backstabbing. Anyone with enough thirst for power can rise in the society. The elders have not avenged the faction's recent crippling by wayward scions; some say they're encouraged by them.
Main Virtues: Obsession, Ruthlessness

Internal Kung Fu: Fire Sutra

External Kung Fu: Destiny Cloud Fist, Shadow Catching

Once upon a time, a cult from the faraway land of Bharata invaded Shen Zhou. A terrible and devastating cult it was, one that worshipped fire and sought to burn the Land of the Gods to the ground. They sought to purify the Land with fire and chaos. They sought the legendary Fire Sutra's Divine Manuals, believed to have been brought to the Land of the Gods long ago, their origin in Heaven itself.

They were defeated by the united forces of the Wulin of the time, scattered and humiliated. Today, their dark teachings have reappeared in the Jiang Hu, and their cult has reformed. They are barbarians, born in the deeps of Shen Zhou itself, seeking to burn the Land of the Gods down from the inside.

This new incarnation of the Fire Doctrine is led by a charismatic figure known as Fire God. All that is known about the God is that he is a corrupt hero of immense power; many believe him to be divine. Even the gender of such a hero is unknown, and even though the God uses the masculine when referring to himself, the legends surrounding Fire God sometimes refer to the Living Flame as female or as an androgynous being.

Fire God has a flickering personality; it can be nurturing and protective, but also cruel and capricious. Those who follow the banner of flames will do anything to please their leader and avoid its wrath.

The cult has its larger following in those of non-Han origin. Those considered barbarians and savages find refuge in the cult, as well as those outcasts persecuted by so-called civilized people. It appeals to magical beliefs and it offers them a chance for revenge on their persecutors. With the cult, they will create a world that will be their own after the burning of the present era.

Rumors say that Fire God has announced its return to the Jiang Hu. It is more furious and powerful than ever, having mastered all of the currently-known Fire Sutra techniques. The cult is ready to take the Martial Arts World by storm.

For most people, Fire Sutra is the collective name given to very powerful but widely spread internal techniques that allow the user to ignite their chi, creating powerful flames. What is known in the Wulin may be but only partial knowledge. Beyond the initial sutras, there are many Holy Fire Sutras, each containing powerful secrets.

The Fire Doctrine's primarily motivation is searching and obtaining those sutras. Many in the Wulin fear they will be unstoppable if they do so; others desire the power of the sutras for themselves. The cult has many enemies, chiefly, rivals who compete against them for control of the power of fire.
Main Virtues: Ferocity, Individualism

Internal Kung Fu: None

External Kung Fu: None

This gang is the newest addition to the Four Banes; it's barely existed for ten years. This lack of time-honored tradition, which makes some elders of the Wulin scoff, is not so much a hindrance as it is the whole point of their existence. The dogs are young, they are new…and they are hungry.

No one knows exactly what circumstances shaped the young boy who would become the leader and originator for the gang; they merely tell the tales of a forest in the country of Yang haunted by a terrible beast, which slew travelers trying to pass it. None knew the shape or nature of the beast, but the peasants feared it and merchants refused to travel by it. Righteous heroes from the surrounding provinces – many of them wandering blades from the Heaven Sword Alliance – traveled to fight the beast and restore peace. One by one, the bodies of these heroes were discovered floating downriver or lying along the road.

It was not long before the Wulin who came after made a discovery – the bodies were not cut apart by the teeth or claws of some beast of the forest, but by powerful kung fu! Naturally, this only renewed the efforts to slay the evildoers. The righteous heroes wanted to punish whatever murderer who had taken up residence in the deep forest, and selfish ones were drawn there by the promise of battle against a new master.

This time, too, the trees swallowed them all…but not all of them were slain. After weeks of silence let the people hope that the killings had finally ended and the masters of the forest had slaked their thirst for blood, a gathering of fearsome warriors emerged. They could all be recognized as infamous fighters who had come to the forest to test themselves against the master – and walking among them was a boy. Were it not for the reverence shown by the scarred warriors walking by his side, his soft, effeminate features would never have been mistaken for those of a warrior. Yet, here was the master of the forest, walking in broad daylight.

Rumors were spreading across the wulin – talk about the hero-slayer. It was whispered that the boy, whoever he was, had come across the remains of a text long thought lost to fire and time – the Seven Cloud Manuscript. The boy, who would shortly be known as the Sword Bastard, had assembled the damaged manuscript and internalized the lesson... after a fashion. Where the original text described the cultivation lessons of the glorious Devil-Deflecting Blade technique, he had filled in the blanks of the incomplete texts with his own detached killing intent. Wretched and Baneful, the emptiness of his heart could not restore the original techniques – instead, he created something new. Thus the Sword Bastard entered the Jiang Hu, and his sarcastically-named Devil-Saint Apotheosis technique left a trail of bodies.

His name, 'Sword Bastard', was an insult thrown in his face by a dying hero, but now he wears it as a badge of honor. Likewise, his gang call themselves the "Blade Dogs". Their ranks swelled as newcomers were drawn to the martial prowess of the Bastard and his contempt for tradition. Some were deviants who sought strength in numbers. Others were murderers and criminals seeking to escape punishment. As long as they were competent warriors, the Bastard didn't seem to care.

With this, their activities subsided for a while. The Dogs seemed content to haunt the countryside in small gangs, not making any big splashes apart from the occasional duel… Then, as suddenly as they had first appeared, they stormed the floating boat-fortress of the Western branch of the Black Lotus Society! The boat-fortress sank into the deep waters of the Yangtze river as a burning wreck, as Lotus members waged a desperate but losing battle against the bloodthirsty Dogs.

This put a sizeable dent in the operations of the Society. Although they have managed to recuperate, puzzlingly enough they still haven't attempted revenge. The Dogs, for their part, were launched to the rank of the Fourth Bane of the Wulin, and appropriated many of the Lotus Society´s gambling dens and protection rackets. (Admittedly, they handle them with much less finesse. Most of the Dogs aren't good long-term thinkers.)

The Dogs are not so much a school or sect as they are a violent gang of raucous hooligans. They revel in their outsider status, often accentuating it by adopting extreme or foreign fashions and accoutrements to loudly proclaim themselves as transgressors ready to bare their fangs at the world.

The organization is hard for someone used to virtuous hierarchies to understand. Although they have a nominal leader in the youthful kung fu prodigy, Sword Bastard, they do not resemble an organized gang so much as a loose extended family – rife with rivalries and violence, but a united front towards their many foes. In this sense, they are a clan.

Among the Unorthodox Sects, the Dogs stand out in that they occasionally perform what can be perceived as (usually exceptionally violent) heroic or virtuous deeds. On these rare occasions, Blade Dog members have arrived at some remote location to provide unexpected help or assistance to the needy, Sagacious observers note that this almost always involves taking a bloody-handed stance against established authority… Most agree that this is an inevitable expression of their tendency to bite every hand that gets close enough to their mongrel maws.

Their leader, the young and slender Sword Bastard, is renowned almost as much for his effeminate beauty as for his invincible sword skill - many a warrior has failed to recognize a proper threat in his frail form, but this is changing as his reputation spreads. Under his banner, a collection of thugs and outsiders have gathered around a common ethos - to seek prowess beyond anything else, to strike back on a world that has cast them out, and to spit in the eye of Heaven!

The Dogs are made up of outcasts and outsiders even by the standards of the Jiang Hu, like hardened criminals or foreign mercenaries. Some join the Dogs to prepare for a personal revenge; the barbarian warrior Unrepentant Storm resents the Eagle Talons leader Gallant Eagle and his Eyes of the Fiery Raptor kung fu, which was used to scar Storm horribly and slaughter his men. Storm dreams of breaking the gallant warrior and scattering his sect to the winds. Others simply have nowhere else to go; the spearman Zhen Hong earned the nickname "Hundred-Body Cleaver" when he cut his way out of his own Clan compound to escape execution, leaving his home running with blood and becoming a fugitive from Clan and Imperial law alike.

Some come because they want to learn to be as hard as the Bastard. The credo of the Dogs is "Strength conquers all." It has a certain appeal to those who want to become incomparable warriors outside the tradition-laden sects of the Wulin. Morning Rain, vicious as they come, murdered the master of her house and ran away with the ancestral technique manuals to reforge herself under the harsh tutelage of the Dogs. A silent maiden, known only as Gray Whisper because of her prematurely graying hair, has followed the Sword Bastard for a year without any hint to her motivation. It is rumored that she's waiting for the proper moment to kill him, but no one knows why; it is also rumored that her Hidden Blade Style is the only one in the whole gang to measure up to the Bastard's Devil-Saint Apotheosis technique.

In any case, the Dogs identify very strongly with their clan affiliation – probably because they have nothing else. They strongly favor individualistic styles and colorful aesthetics; hair styles (braiding their hair in the manner of barbarians or cut in shocking styles), body paints, loud and garish clothing, barbarian tattoos, and wielding strange or unorthodox weaponry are only a few of the elements that make up the individual Blade Dog. Adopting a new name to go with the refurnished persona is also common. Being recognized for your striking appearance and signature styles and weapons is generally marked as cause for great pride.

The Dogs have no particular signature kung fu style – instead, they use a plethora of styles borrowed and stolen, or simply outlawed and heretical on account of being odd foreign Styles that pay little regard to proper forms! The one who seeks power out of desperation or single-mindedness might well find it with the Dogs, provided that they are willing to endure the scorn of the proper Wulin and the harsh hazing that is the Dogs' custom. Newcomers aren't welcome unless they bring something to the table, and the only thing they care about is battle prowess and new techniques.

If there is a great and guarded secret, it is the Devil-Saint Apotheosis Style, the sarcastic name of the hybrid technique practiced by the Sword Bastard. Instead of reconstructing the legendary technique, he filled in the blanks by finding his own heartless approach to battle – his blade represents nothing but the arbitrary decision to kill another human being, the imposition of will on flesh.

People argue this makes him a terrible god of battle.
Main Virtues: Ferocity, Ruthlessness

Internal Kung Fu: Thousand Venoms

External Kung Fu: Murderous Shadows, Ravenous Wings

Much of the Wulin believes the Vile Rain Cult to be mere legend, ancient history, tales to scare brash heroes and children. It is not. It is a terrible reality; that most of the Martial Community sees them as nothing more than a ghost story is where their greatest strength lies.

The cult is one of the oldest corrupt organizations in Shen Zhou. It has appeared, risen to power and been destroyed and defeated time and again, utterly and completely. It is annihilated, only to be reborn again generations later, with a different face, form and name, but the same viciousness and corruption. The most recent incarnation is named after a legendary corrupt Heavenly weapon, one that rained sickness and plague to the world with every attack.

Their philosophy is based on the belief that the current age is utterly corrupt and doomed; that its heroes are a symptom of that corruption rather than the cure, that the Land of the Gods cannot be saved, and that the only merciful thing to do is release it from its agony. By poisoning and destroying the world, they are being merciful, just as a doctor hastens a terminally ill patient's demise.

Legends say that they appear once an age has reached its zenith, in order to destroy it and facilitate the birth of a new one. If people outside of the faction hear of this, they think it a self-righteous lie to justify the cult's depredations and wicked ways. Those outsiders are mostly right.

Much of the cult is formed of psychopaths and sadists, from decadent nobles with too much time on their hands to inbred barbarians who desire to crush the world around them. They prey on the weak and feeble, but also want to bring the strong to their knees to humble and destroy them.

The leadership of the cult is composed of corrupt Scholars and Priests who, through complex calculations, determine the points in the world that need to be poisoned in order to bring forth magnificent devastation. A hero who needs to be corrupted, a minister killed, a sacred site destroyed, all of these are valid objectives for them.

They enjoy being cold and calculating, and making their enemies suffer rather than killing them fast and in the open – this is well-known. They are experts in underhanded methods of destroying an opponent: poisons, torture, and manipulation. They are known to favor elaborate mazes and labyrinths full of deadly traps, and terrible fighters used to defeat their strongest victims.

Most of the ranked members of this cult dress and behave in a dark parody of Buddhist and Daoist ritual and hierarchy. The current leader of the cult is a wretched old man known as Abbot Spider Wolf. He is said to possess poisonous finger nails, and is able to use his long white hair and beard as if it were a weapon made of spider silk. He was once a beautiful youth, so pious he was considered the reincarnation of a Buddhist saint, but he fell to utter corruption and decadence. Like many members of the sect, he is believed to eat human flesh; it is well-known that the flesh of heroes, rich with chi, is sought after for the cult's deviant cultivation.

And the different external and internal kung fu styles:

Blossom Harvest

Weapons: Massive, Staff, Unarmed

Qualities: This is one of the most honest and straightforward styles. It dispenses with trickery or fancy moves, and compensates with strength and resilience. Its training methods use everyday items and situations, such as running upstream through a river to build stamina and using farming tools to practice weapon forms. Most of its theories and techniques also incorporate metaphors that are easy for common people to understand.

Because it is so approachable, it has achieved a folk hero status; peasant rebellions often start training with this fighting style, calling those who stand against injustice "Blossoming Heroes."

Laughs At: A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and so Blossom Harvest laughs at styles that are overly complicated or full of flourishes. These intricate methods are easily smashed aside and broken. It likewise laughs at such trivialities as being outnumbered or in disadvantageous terrain – pure grit and hellish training have rendered Blossoming Heroes fearless to such things.

Fears: This style has problems when facing fighters who are reactive. Blossom Harvest's openness is easy to read and predict, giving such opponents everything they need. It's also ill-prepared for enemies who wild supernatural forces or influence.

Bone-Fed Wolf Fang

Weapons: Massive, Saber

Qualities: Generations of battlefield experience have shaped a fighting style developed with the practicalities of warfare in mind. Some maneuvers were loosely inspired by the gruesome methods by which wolves drag down their prey. It is mainly taught by the military, but unfortunately, many deserters take up a life of banditry, making this style a common plague for simple people. Because of this, the style is often called "a dog's way of fighting."

This style focuses on hard, linear movements designed to cripple and exploit weaknesses – a soldier needs efficiency, not beauty. It cruelly maims first and dispatches second. No methods are too dishonest when victory is on the line.

Laughs At: The wolf laughs at honesty, which it rewards with hungry teeth. Above all else, the wolf knows no greater joy than to fight someone vulnerable or caught off guard.

Fears: The wolf fears what is hidden or unorthodox, for his many strategies don't account for them. The wolf also dislikes being outnumbered and surrounded; it relies on being the hunting pack, not the hunted.

Destiny Cloud Fist

Weapons: Unarmed

Qualities: The wind can be calm or furious, clear or hidden amongst dark clouds. It is everywhere, yet cannot be grasped. These all hint at what its true strength is: versatility. The ability to adapt quickly and have a response to all adversity is key to attaining victory.

Laughs At: Destiny Cloud Fist laughs at both excessive yin and excessive yang, as it can easily adjust itself to defeat either method. Those who rely on raw power or speed without cunning, as well as those who are passive or defensive without aggression, are equally predictable to this style.

Fears: Destiny Cloud Fist fears swiftness. As the wind sweeps away the clouds, so do fast rushes overwhelm the adaptive power of this style. Highly specialized unorthodox methods are also a weakness, as the power of this style to handle all adversity is not as complete as its practitioners like to claim. In the face of fire, it might starve the flame with the absence of air. In the face of water it might shape the waves and currents with strong gusts of wind. But in the face of the unexpected and unknown, the wind is at a loss!

Divine Pattern Long-Strokes

Weapons: Flexible, Spear, Staff

Qualities: This style relies on the reach of its weapons to establish its dominance over the area. Rather than trying to respond to the actions of the opposition, it anticipates the most likely positions of the enemy and fills those spaces with deadly sweeping movements. Like an expert player of chess, the warrior blocks off vulnerabilities and covers weaknesses with deadly retaliation. The "divine pattern" is said to be without defense – instead, it attacks in such a way that counter-attack is impossible to begin with!

Laughs At: The divine pattern laughs at reactive styles, because it already made their best options into impossible tasks. Naturally, it also laughs at anybody foolish enough to get trapped inside the pattern, like a fish hoisted into the air in a net.

Fears: This style fears opponents who fight from outside of the space they control, meaning anything from out of their reach, and, paradoxically, anything that is extremely close, in the calm and uncontrolled space surrounding the fighter himself. The style requires a stable stance to weave the pattern, and uncontrolled movements can disrupt it.

Eight Legends

Weapons: Saber, Spear, Staff, Sword

Qualities: This style claims to have the oldest and most respectable history of all fighting arts, the original style from which all others are but derivatives. It is said that the Yellow Emperor invented kung fu and taught the first eight of his loyal subjects, selected for talent and a purity of spirit. They were then sent out into the world to spread kung fu across the empire. Their exploits and deeds are still famous, and used to teach virtue and upright behavior. Rarer stories, jealously guarded by sects and gangs, also teach of combat.

Thousands of schools teach Eight Legends across all the kingdoms, each with their own variations on the myths and maneuvers. These differences are very small and thus the source of intense rivalries.

This style has more maneuvers, steps, and stances than any other in the world. From rote memorization of hundreds of options, the correct response against any given adversary comes naturally. It is a reactive style in this regard, letting the enemy reveal his methods and then selecting the suitable maneuvers to deal with them.

Laughs At: Eight Legends laughs at its fellow traditional styles as it regards them all to be offshoots, wayward children who have lost sight of their elder's teachings. It also laughs against anyone using the saber, spear, staff or sword – the Four Major Weapons – because Eight Legends is their absolute master, and there can exist no maneuver which it doesn't know.

Fears: Eight Legends fears the use of needles, chains, and any other uncommon weapon that doesn't resemble the ones it knows. It also fears fighting methods that are unorthodox or sinister because it can't imagine performing such acts, let alone getting one step ahead of them.

Flowing Universe

Weapons: Flexible, Unarmed

Qualities: Water can take the shape of everything it is held in. It can flow around or over obstacles. Be like the flowing water and change along with your opponent. When this style encounters resistance, it uses soft, circular motions to retreat or flow aside, but never meets it head on. It's a subtle, mercurial style that relies as much on intuition as it does physical motion.

Laughs At: Flowing Universe laughs at direct linear movements, which it washes away. It also laughs at attempts at deception, for it is so perceptive and adaptable that it can sense the hidden intentions underneath and change to account for them.

Fears: Like flowing water, anything that can restrain, hold, or freeze this style causes it to slow and settle down. Flowing Universe also fears fighting many opponents at once, as water spread over many different channels reduces them all into small trickles.

Flying Red Silk

Weapons: Flexible, Sword

Qualities: This style is said to have been invented by an intelligent and graceful woman who adopted a philosophy of 'minimal force' in order to obtain the highest degrees of efficiency. With long silken sleeves, she dominated all opposition, beating hardness with softness, iron with lightness, and pressure with yielding power.

Your attacks slither over your opposition, naturally finding the strengths and weaknesses, all the habits picked up over a life of hard work, and all the mistakes. Your movements are soft and gentle – some would say timid, but those people fail to understand your subtlety. This style is not commonly used with flails and chains but with lighter weapons like brushes, silken wires and, of course, long sleeves.

Laughs At: Flying Red Silk laughs at brute force and excessive motion. These things are easy to figure out and manipulate. Overly straightforward and traditional styles are likewise regarded as easy prey, because this style has had a long time to develop suitable responses.

Fears: Flying Red Silk fears deception, because it can't control what it doesn't understand. It also has problems when facing an adaptable reactive fighter who doesn't allow his form enough solidity to be vulnerable.

Graceful Crane Style

Weapons: Sword, Unarmed

Qualities: The crane is patient and elegant, and the kung fu they inspired is likewise. It uses dance-like circular motions, well suited for defense and directing aggression back upon itself. A true Crane fighter never needs to attack his enemies; he lets his enemies defeat themselves. This style is popular amongst nobles, women, travelers, and bureaucrats for self-defense.

Laughs At: The Crane laughs at attacks based on linearly focused aggression; it lightly avoids such things and strikes them from the side. Very stubborn and rigid styles doom themselves to failure when fighting a Crane: everything breaks in time and they just invite more of the Crane's harsh education until they do.

Fears: The Crane fears fluidity, which it can't scratch with talons or peck at with its beak. The Crane also fears becoming hobbled or lame, as its delicate movements can't function without grace.

Great Ultimate Dragon Style

Weapons: Paired, Saber, Sword, Unarmed

Qualities: All of existence arises from the combination of yin and yang. This supreme polarity, opposite yet not opposing one another, is both the most primal and the highest principle in the universe. Nowhere is this better represented than in the chimeric form of the dragon, which combines the semblance of many different animals, is at once strong and elusive, and is associated with earth and rivers, benevolent but sometimes also destructive. This style is master of both extreme yin and extreme yang. Motion, stance, and energy alternate between violence and stillness. Yet although the form of Great Ultimate Dragon Style goes from extreme yang to extreme yin and back again, it never finds balance between them.

Laughs At: The Great Ultimate Dragon laughs at things which are very aggressive, as well as those which are very passive. As master of both yin and yang, it understands the methods and shortcomings of either method very well, and can defeat them easily.

Fears: Great Ultimate Dragon style fears the balance it can't attain itself, which is equally hard to deal with from either a yin or yang perspective. It also fears deception, because the Dragon style can't choose the best method for dealing with things it doesn't know.

Murderous Shadows

Weapons: Flexible, Ranged

Qualities: A style praised by assassins and spies, damned by the righteous and feared by the nobility, Murderous Shadows is the art of killing quickly and unseen. Its practitioners move without a sound, even in the midst of battle, and launch attacks that are hard to predict.

Murderous Shadows conceals its movements and intentions, preferring to wear dark and billowing clothes with many folds and wide sleeves that let you keep your enemies guessing where exactly you're reaching. It also deceives with feints and unusual angles meant to confuse the eye. The ideal scenario for this style is to strike from ambush, deal a telling blow, and then fade away again.

Laughs At: Murderous Shadows laughs at orthodox styles, which carry presumptions in them that are easy to exploit. It also laughs at reactive opponents because its deceptions allow it to manipulate such enemies into making mistakes.

Fears: Murderous Shadows fears the kind of raw strength which can devastate an entire area without caring if a blade may have moved subtly to the left or right. Simple and straightforward styles are also harder to manipulate, as they rely more on their own power rather than trying to exploit a falsely perceived weakness.

Ravenous Wings

Weapons: Paired, Ranged, Unarmed

Qualities: War is said to be a terrible affair, filled with death and loss. Such is the talk of victims and those who lack a wider perspective. To the murders of crows that gather on the battlefield, there is no tragedy to be found in war. It is wise to emulate these flocks of corpse-eaters. In battle one must be ungraspable, omnipresent, and above all… hungry. Ravenous Wings feasts upon the weaknesses of others. It attacks with careful jabs and pecks, all aimed at joints and arteries, to wear down opponents. As the opponent becomes weaker, the flock grows bolder and stronger.

Laughs At: This sadistic style laughs at sickness and scars, the mark of death upon its meal. It also laughs at fluidity, for the flying flock can ascend and surround water effortlessly.

Fears: Ravenous Wings fears what is pure and wholesome, healthy and strong. It also fears powerful yang energies, being the expression of vigor and health, as well as the flames that can panic the crows and disperse the flock.

Shadow Catching

Weapons: Saber, Sword

Qualities: It is said that a famous master created this style long ago and that he became so quick that he could overtake his own shadow! Swiftness is the key to overcoming all adversity, he teaches, anticipating and eliminating problems before they can harm you. This style always stays on the move and seizes the initiative, striking an opponent and then retreating before a counter-attack can be made. Although it uses orthodox techniques, it is highly popular due to its fierce and impressively flashy displays, making it seem much more spectacular than its fundamental workings are.

Laughs At: This style laughs at versatility and reactive strategies, because it moves too swiftly to be truly kept up with. Such methods are left overwhelmed with the potential choices at their disposal as Shadow Catching rapidly employs one maneuver after another.

Fears: Shadow Catching fears anything that can keep up with its speed. The techniques it uses are quick but not particularly complex, and anybody who isn't overwhelmed by the quickness has little trouble unraveling the secrets behind the techniques. It also fears the unpredictable and unexpected because such things give it pause – a fatal mistake for this style!

Storm God's Fury

Weapons: Massive, Paired, Saber, Spear

Qualities: This style favors great speed and flurries to overwhelm the defenses of the enemy, hoping to exhaust opponents before the storm blows over. It strikes with raw force of motion, like hammering gusts of wind accompanied by lightning that scorches erratically through the sky.

Laughs At: The storm laughs at fluidness. It shapes the seas and lakes, commanding currents and waves to move in the same direction as the blowing wind. Excessive yang energies are also useless against the wind; when faced with the storm you should seek shelter, not struggle with it!

Fears: The great mountains and trees with sturdy roots are left unmoved by the storm, so this style fears solid, stable opposition. Also, the fury of the Storm God can be quenched by imposing a great deal of yin energy upon him – things that slow, calm, or cool down this style leave it toothless.

Subtle Force

Weapons: Ranged, Sword, Unarmed

Qualities: This is a gentle, merciful way of fighting often practiced by monks and gentlemen. As much an ideology as a martial art, it teaches its students how to protect themselves with minimum risk to themselves and to their opponents. It approaches fights with a distinctly yin-aspected mindset to breeze past defenses with an economy of motion, subdue without struggle, and retreat from violence. The subtle force that can overcome mindless violence is, of course, kindness and forgiveness. Being a collection of methods unified by a single, common philosophy, it's not unheard of to hear people refer to their style as "Subtle Hand" or "Subtle Blade" or the like, preferring that method above the others.

Subtle Force's universal approach works equally well against all things. Like kindness, it has nothing that opposes it naturally. It neither laughs at nor fears anything in particular.
Boundless Prosperity Manual
Element: Wood
One of the most famous instructions on health is the Boundless Prosperity Manual. It teaches proper breathing and exercise, and brings long life and vigorous health. Some rare copies go much further! They can teach you how to transcend mortal limitations through internal alchemy. Those who carefully decipher the clues and study the methods await a transformation to a higher state of being! These rare copies are all jealously guarded by gangs and martial masters.

Fire Sutra
Element: Fire
Few forces in the world are as primal and respected as fire, so it is no wonder that this sutra was a common art even in ancient days, particularly in the west where the sutras are thought to have been first written. Through meditation and purification, the student learns how to excite his own yang-energy to the point of ignition.

Fox-Spirit Song
All warriors rely on a certain sixth sense to aid them in their fights. Awareness of Chi lets them sense the presence of enemies and reveal their intentions and power. The hulijing laughs at such abilities! Just as the eye and ear can be fooled, so can chi-awareness. Through fine control over your own power, you present deceptions to confound those who stand against you.

Heaven's Lightning
Element: Earth
The story goes that the people of the great plains were beset by invaders wielding terrible forces of nature. From the far west, Tigers brought fire. From the far north, Wolves brought frost. When all hope seemed faded, a hero like a dragon arrived. With the power of heaven on his side, victory was assured.
This style relies on neither yin nor yang, but the rapid transition from one state to another. The interaction between opposites—Heaven and Earth, light and dark—is what creates lightning, the purest expression of energy.

Ice Sutra
Element: Water
Stillness, silence, and hunger are the hallmarks of winter – and of Ice Sutra Style. Purified yin-energy manifests as bitter cold capable of reducing even the greatest of men to shivering wrecks. This style is particularly common in the North.

Iron Body Skill
Element: Metal
Arguably the "hardest" kung fu one can find, the Iron Body Skill uses Chi to directly strengthen the bones and muscles of the practitioner. When this style is combined with a tolerance for pain, its masters seem indestructibleYou test your mastery of Iron Body Skill by striking an iron pot filled with hot coals and letting people freely strike your body with iron rods.. If you aren't crippled for life, you pass!

Jade Spirit Sword
The sword takes the longest to master, but it is the most rewarding of all weapons. Like Chi itself, it combines sharp and gentle aspects, hardness and softness, clarity and illusion. Generations of grandmasters have praised the sword and devoted themselves to passing on the weapons greatest potential to their students. All soon discovered that it is not the arm or the mind that makes the sword great, but the heart. Do not struggle against what comes naturally to you, but live in accordance with it. This style is the culmination of centuries of efforts, the secret to become the true master of the sword – and to let the sword master you.
All techniques of this style can only be used while fighting with a sword.

Nine Sun Birds
The story goes that some men were arguing who was fastest. One boasted that he had the speed of the wind and none could win against him in any race. Another claimed he had the movement of the panther and nobody would win against his claw-form. A third staked his pride on the flight of the falcon, a fourth on the horse whose endurance lets it run for hours. They all had good kung fu, but the matter remained unresolved.
One day, a philosopher happened to pass by and overheard their conversation. He laughed and said, "Hero Hou Yi, whose arrows slew nine suns, can tell you what is quicker than all of these." He knew that the sun traverses all the world in a single day, never grows tired, and conceals its effortless superiority with the illusion of slowness. What better kung fu could there be?

Removing Concepts
Men go through life trapped in illusion, seeing only their own assumptions and desires rather than the reality in front of them. You open your eyes and mind to what is really there. The higher truth is your world now, and you see solutions where others have yet to stumble upon the problems.

Thousand Venoms
Element: Corruption
Poison can be found all over the world. Insects, plants, reptiles, minerals, fish and even the human body can all contain substances that are harmful to others. This style is a collection of techniques and observations by doctors and assassins alike, gathered and brought together with a single grim purpose: to transform your own Chi so it is deadly to others, killing with only a breath.

Unstained Lotus Mastery
The lotus is a divine flower with symbolic power. It is pure, even though it grows up from puddles of water and mud. Long ago, a master sought to bring such cleanliness to his fights. It was one thing to kill people, but they shouldn't leave such a mess behind! He created a style that poured all power into his enemies' internal organs, rather than cutting open their flesh from the outside. In this way, he could fight without worrying about spattering blood that could dirty his sleeves or beard.

And finally an explanation on the virtues mentioned in the factions.

All people have the 10 Virtues to varying degrees; some virtues are so weak in that person as to be almost unnoticeable, while others are so great within them as to define them. 5 of these Virtues are "Chivalrous," and 5 are "Selfish." It's important to note that the Selfish Virtues aren't all necessarily evil.

Benevolence is altruism and kindness.

Force is your power and skill, or rather, your control over them; it's a measure of self-mastery and self-restraint.

Honor is your proper behavior and all-as-it-should-be feeling; your willingness to follow what's "right and proper."

Loyalty is placing the interests of others, particularly your superiors, above your own.

Righteousness is seeking justice and uprightness and abhorring corruption and evil.

Ferocity is reveling in your own power and using it however you please without restraint or control.

Individualism is selfishly putting your own needs and desires above all others.

Obsession is valuing your goals so much that you will stop at nothing to attain them.

Revenge is, obviously, seeking payback for any wrong done to you and refusing to let any insult or injury be left unchallenged.

Ruthlessness is pursuing your own well-being at the expense of others.

And there are virtues other than those 10. The 4 most popular and well-known in Shen Zhou are:

Buddhism is the paramount Virtue of... well, Buddhism. It is defined as keeping to the Middle Path of the Buddha by not eating meat or fish, not seeking out worldly possessions, seeking enlightenment through meditation and detachment, etc.

Daoism is... well, you can guess. It is defined as seeking to follow the "Natural Way" primarily by taking the world as you find it rather than trying to build it up into something else, and by finding contentment and harmony with the "flow" of the universe in doing so.

Filial Piety is the paramount Virtue of Confucianism. It is unconditional reverence for one's elders, particularly one's family and especially one's father, who must be obeyed completely and without question, and defines all of society in those terms of reverence for your elders.

Universal Care is the paramount Virtue of Mohism. It challenges the Filial Piety of Confucianism, which says that one should treat others based on where they stand in relation to you, and instead believes that one should be willing to show impartial generosity and love ("love" here meaning empathy, not hippie-esque free love) to everyone, be they family or strangers.
Is it just me or is there some overlap between these three?

Some. There's overlap between several Virtues. Benevolence and Righteousness tend to go hand-in-hand, for instance. There are differences, though.

Individualism is different from Ruthlessness because it's passively selfish; you're simply refusing to put anything above yourself. Individualism is stuff like defying your superiors or allowing evil to happen because you don't want to risk your life or because you think you have something to gain from it.

Ruthlessness is different from Individualism because it's actively selfish; you're not only putting your own desires above those of others, you're actively harming people for your own gain. Ruthlessness is stuff like framing your rival for a crime he didn't commit or stealing a martial arts manual to increase your own power.

Obsession is different from both of them because the goal you're doing anything to accomplish isn't necessarily a selfish one and the cost can be to yourself as well as others. A militant religious fanatic is a good example of someone with a lot of Obsession.
So mostly for fun and as a thought exercise, I've been trying to work out what martial arts and weapons characters from RWBY would have if statted out for Legends of the Wulin. First thing, here's what the "weapon categories" in Legends of the Wulin:

Flexible: Any weapon that can twist and entangle, usually involving chains or ropes in their design.
Massive: Any weapon that deals damage through impact with a heavy head and smash or batter obstacles. Hammers, maces, etc.
Paired: Light weapons that are meant to be used with one in each hand.
Ranged: Basically anything from thrown rocks to arrows.
Saber (dao): Single-edged blades meant for chopping and slashing.
Spear (qiang): Any weapon that's essentially a long handle with a sharpened end.
Staff (gun): Short, long, wood, bamboo, metal, anything that's basically just a long stick is a staff.
Sword (jian): Straight, double-edged blades.
Unarmed: I really hope I don't need to explain that.

In Legends of the Wulin's system, only the category your weapon fits matters; one weapon is just as good as another in that category. There are special weapons, however, that count as two categories simultaneously and give the benefits of each. A guan dao, for example, is essentially a saber-like blade on a very long handle, so it counts as both a Saber and a Spear.
A sectional staff is both a Staff and a Flexible weapon. A hundred-pound sword is both a Sword and a Massive weapon, etc.

There are also legendary weapons with their own special properties, but that's neither here nor there.

Also, a note on Internal and External Kung Fu: the difference is that the External is the actual "fighting" part of the martial arts; its the kicks and punches and stuff. Internal Kung Fu is how you develop your Chi in specific ways to achieve specific (often supernatural) effects. You can only use one External style at a time ("One cannot open the hand and make a fist with it at the same time") and need to switch between them, but you can use techniques form Internal styles together so long as you're willing to spend the Chi.

Anyway, with that out of the way, here's what I've got so far:

Ruby Rose
Weapon: The closest thing ancient Chinese weaponry has to a war scythe is the dagger-axe (ge), which is basically a dagger-blade mounted perpendicularly on a wooden shaft. I'm not sure whether to make it the old-school dagger-axe (which dates back to the Shang Dynasty), which was phased out by the Chinese halberd (ji), or to make it a ji with the dagger-axe blade mounted on it. So in that case, would it just be a Spear, or would it be a Special Weapon that was both a Spear and... something else?
Internal Kung Fu: Unquestionably Nine Sun Birds, given her Semblance in canon is superhuman speed.
External Kung Fu: Divine Pattern Long-Strokes would probably be best. Ruby's fighting style doesn't do a whole lot of actual blocking but instead evading and countering, which fits with Divine Pattern Long-Strokes' focus on taking advantage of the range advantage to prevent attacks.
Affiliation: Hard to say. If she used a sword the Heaven Sword Alliance would be a good fit for her. The Eagle Talons could also work, but they're a bit too mercenary for Ruby... although, her becoming a member without realizing that unsavory aspect to them could make for good drama, as the way they see themselves conflicts with the reality in Ruby's eyes.

Here's an image detailing the evolution of the dagger-axe into the ji. I'd probably give Ruby the 4th from the left.

Weiss Schnee
Weapon: Weiss is actually the easiest one to do for everything, including her weapon. A jian is clearly the best weapon to give her.
Internal Kung Fu: Pretty much has to be Ice Sutra.
External Kung Fu: Graceful Crane for sure. "Dance-like?" "Graceful and elegant?"
Affiliation: Probably the Yun Clan. Extremely wealthy and powerful, lots of ice imagery, the family head has become corrupt? Definitely Yun Clan.

Blake Belladonna
Weapon: Weiss was incredibly easy all around; Blake is the opposite. Her weapon is essentially twin (paired) dao with a ribbon she can attach to her weapon in its compressed form to use it like a chain and sickle. That's 3 weapon types (Flexible, Paired, Saber) all in one, so something has to get cut. I guess cut out one sword to make it a Flexible+Saber weapon, with her weapon essentially being a wodao (the Chinese take on the katana) with a ribbon attached to it that she can use to fling it around.
Internal Kung Fu: This one is actually fairly easy; Fox-Spirit Song is the best choice, since it fits with her Semblance of leaving illusory clones.
External Kung Fu: Kind of a hard choice. I've got it narrowed down to three different ones: Shadow Catching, both because "shadow" and because its focus on overwhelming the opponent with speed is a good fit for Blake; Murderous Shadows, because of its stealthy and dishonorable nature fitting well with Blake's general character design and also bringing up the "shadow" thing; and Flying Red Silk, because the fluff of it being all about exploiting weaknesses through deception would suit Blake well, and also because her weapon incorporates a ribbon.
Affiliation: Blake's core character is that she's a member of a disadvantaged group and is disenchanted with a group she was basically born into that was meant to fight for that group's rights. If she had Fox-Spirit Song and Flying Red Silk she'd be great for the Resplendent Phoenix Society (women are always disadvantaged in a patriarchal culture, and the Resplendent Phoenixes have noble aims but are trying to take control of Shen Zhou with their "Phoenix in the Dragon's Shadow" plan), but then it would make it hard to incorporate Adam. Alternatively, having Blake be on the run from the Blade Dogs (because the Dogs are a group of outcasts who eschew the restrictive, classist society of Shen Zhou, which would allow a young Blake to delude herself into thinking there was something noble to them, but their cruelty and violence would drive her away later on) could make sense.

Yang Xiao Long
Weapon: Unarmed. Then again...
Internal Kung Fu: Fire Sutra is the obvious choice. Iron Body Skill could also work, though.
External Kung Fu: Great Ultimate Dragon is pretty much perfect just because of the name alone. Yang doesn't really fit with the "Yin" part of "Extreme Yang & Extreme Yin," but that could be a good form of character development. Alternatively, the straightforward strength of Blossom Harvest would also suit her extremely well.
Affiliation: That's kind of a funny one. If they weren't one of the Four Banes and essentially an insane pyromaniac cult, the Fire Doctrine would be a good choice because of the Fire Sutra thing and because they're foreigners. There is a plot hook for the Western version of the Fire Doctrine being less insane and burn-happy, but... eh. No, the really interesting option to me is the Little Forest Sect. Not just because the idea of Yang shaving her head and pretending to be a guy to learn martial arts is hysterical, not just because the idea of her meditating and praying and all that Buddhist stuff to get to the learning how to punch people part is hysterical, but also because a member of the Little Forest Sect can learn a technique called Iron Palms that allows your bare fists to count as Massive weapons as well as Unarmed. Also, Little Forest was founded by a foreigner named "Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon."

Jaune Arc
Weapon: Sword, clearly. Although, a Saber might fit better for Jaune, especially since it's called "the General of All Weapons." Would there be a Special Weapon that counted as both a Sword and a Saber?
Internal Kung Fu: I suppose Jade Spirit Sword could work, as could Boundless Prosperity Manual, but the best in my mind is Iron Body Skill to emphasize Jaune's role as a party tank.
External Kung Fu: Definitely Eight Legends. Its orthodox nature really fits Jaune somehow, I think.
Affiliation: Hard to say. I should note here that it's not like every martial artist is part of one of these factions; many are part of much smaller (usually local) factions, while many more are independent (at least in the sense that they don't officially belong to some larger group, though only a very few self-trained fighters don't belong to some complicated web they inherit from their master/relatives). The Heaven Sword Alliance is probably the best bet for Jaune. He might also have been born into the Falling Leaves Society.

Nora Valkyrie
Weapon: A chui, which is basically a big, heavy sphere on the end of a medium-long handle, i.e. a long-handled spherical mace. Obviously, this would be a Massive weapon. They're usually used in pairs, but I figure just giving Nora an extra-large one would be fine.
Internal Kung Fu: Heaven's Lightning is the best to simulate her Semblance, while Iron Body Skill is a great fit for her incredible strength.
External Kung Fu: Straightforward, powerful, indomitable? Has to be Blossom Harvest.
Affiliation: Seeing Yang above, Nora infiltrating the Little Forest Sect to learn kung fu from them is absolutely hilarious. Just imagine Nora trying to pass as a boy and simultaneously trying to learn how to be a Buddhist monk. Alternatively, she's the most likely to just be independent.

Pyrrha Nikos
Weapon: Something that can function as both a Sword and a Spear, to fit with how her weapon in RWBY is both a javelin and a xiphos. Unfortunately, I have found no such weapon to have ever existed in China. So f*ck it. Pyrrha gets the distinction of having a jian on the end of a spear, essentially creating a Chinese swordstaff.
Internal Kung Fu: Jade Spirit Sword is a good representation of her amazing abilities (and also her mastery over metal due to her Semblance), but Removing Concepts could also work, since just as important to Pyrrha's success was her amazing skill and perception in battle.
External Kung Fu: In RWBY, Pyrrha trains Jaune, so it kind of makes sense she would have the same external style as him (though of course she's much better at it). Plus, its fluff as being extremely old and orthodox and requiring a great deal of skill and training to master, but being very powerful in the right hands, fits perfectly for Pyrrha.
Affiliation: Hard to say, since there are actually several groups which would kind of fit for her. I think I'm most inclined toward the Resplendent Phoenix Society, though the Heaven Sword Alliance and Falling Leaves Societies could also work.

Lie Ren
Weapon: The best approximation for Ren's weapons is probably a pair of Butterfly Swords, which are short dao (the whole thing is about the length of a forearm, making them easier to conceal and also to maneuver when used as a pair) wielded as a pair; these probably count as both Paired and Sabers. But of course, Ren is just as good (better, actually) at fighting Unarmed.
Internal Kung Fu: Either Removing Concepts or, to fit with his character as kind of a health nut, Boundless Prosperity Manual.
External Kung Fu: That's a hard choice. Unfortunately the only styles that allow both Unarmed and Paired weapons are Ravenous Wings (which we can dismiss right now as just not fitting), and Great Ultimate Dragon, which definitely fits Ren pretty well. I kind of feel like Flowing Universe or Destiny Cloud Fist would suit his overall character better, though.
Affiliation: The Dragon Well Sect definitely fits Ren pretty well. It's also a fun dynamic to add with Nora: she's (technically) a Buddhist monk and he's a Daoist priest.

Sun Wukong
In RWBY his staff turns into a pair of nunchucks (which are also shotguns). Might be a bit too complex here, since that would be Staff+Paired+Flexible, so we'll just go with a three-section staff that he can snap into one, just like the protagonist of Suikoden V. Of course, Sun also fights very well with his bare hands.
Internal Kung Fu: A bit of a tough one. Ultimately, I'd say either Fox-Spirit Song to go with his Semblance and mischievous nature, or the Boundless Prosperity Manual.
External Kung Fu: Blossom Harvest works in that it allows both Unarmed and Staff in fighting, but its straightforwardness doesn't really match with Sun. Divine Pattern Long-Strokes is good since it fits how he uses his weapons and allows both Staff and Flexible weapons, but it has no Unarmed options. Great Ultimate Dragon sort of works too, but no Staff or Flexible option. Destiny Cloud Fist could work, but its Unarmed only. Honestly, I think Sun would just know two different External styles from the get-go (you can do that, but it costs extra points): Destiny Cloud Fist for his Unarmed combat and Divine Pattern Long-Strokes for when he uses the staff.
Affiliation: Definitely the Beggar Fraternity if he was going to join anyone.

Headmaster Ozpin
Going to skip the questions about what weapons and kung fu Ozpin has, since a lot of how he fights is still kind of nebulous (he uses his cane like a sword and he can move at anime-teleporting speed and make force fields, and that's pretty much all we know). Instead I'll just think of where a guy like Ozpin would fit in the world. It would have to be a position with a fair amount of power to keep him as one of the "Big Goods" of the setting, but not quite a position of unquestioned authority. None of the Four Pillars work; the Little Forest Sect is too detached from the world (and too "no-girls allowed"), Ozpin doesn't obsess about swords enough for the Heaven Sword Alliance, the Eagle Talons are too mercenary and the Yun Clan is right out. Of the Four Great Societies, the one that seems most promising is the Fallen Leaves Society: specifically, the Blue Flame Branch. Ozpin would definitely make sense as the head of that faction, as someone who seeks to make a greater future by using the past as a guide, rather than trying to recreate what's long-gone, and by being open to new solutions. Plus, the Blue Flame Branch tends toward Mohism, and Universal Care definitely fits Ozpin as a virtue. Of course, this means that Ozpin will be a Zhuge in this univese, which is strangely very fitting.

General James Ironwood
Ironwood is a Lawful Good guy who uses his position in the military with the best of intentions (which is a refreshing change of pace in a series that isn't explicitly about the military and doesn't indulge in lots of military-wank), but he works closely with the SDC, which indulges in morally dubious practices. So I think Ironwood would also be a general here for the (corrupt and foreign) Jin Dynasty, who does his best to change things from within and is basically the Chinese stereotype of the loyal, virtuous, upright general trying to reform a corrupted government. There'd be a lot of conflict between being a general and being a leader among the Wulin; I think he'd be trying to wrest control of the Liquid Metal Delegates from the Liquid Shadow Magistrates (who are probably evil kung fu eunuchs or something) to make the whole thing less creepy and shady.


Cinder Fall would almost certainly be a member of the Vile Rain Cult if she was anything. Same with Salem; being corrupted by Demonic Chi (which is different from Corrupt Chi) is a thing here, so that could easily explain her inhuman appearance, too. Mercury and Emerald would continue being Cinder's tag-alongs; most likely Mercury's assassin father Marcus was either an independent villain or worked for the Black Lotus Society, while Emerald was definitely all alone. Both Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan are probably Black Lotus Society or are independent scoundrels.

Cinder probably practices Ravenous Wings as her External style, since it allows Paired weapons, Unarmed combat and Ranged attacks, all of which are mainstays of her fighting style in RWBY (plus the fluff of it being a very cruel style based on sadistically wearing down and weakening an opponent to cripple and then kill them). Her Internal style (or at least, one of them) would be Fire Sutra.
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So mostly for fun and as a thought exercise, I've been trying to work out what martial arts and weapons characters from RWBY would have if statted out for Legends of the Wulin. First thing, here's what the "weapon categories" in Legends of the Wulin:

Flexible: Any weapon that can twist and entangle, usually involving chains or ropes in their design.
Massive: Any weapon that deals damage through impact with a heavy head and smash or batter obstacles. Hammers, maces, etc.
Paired: Light weapons that are meant to be used with one in each hand.
Ranged: Basically anything from thrown rocks to arrows.
Saber (dao): Single-edged blades meant for chopping and slashing.
Spear (qiang): Any weapon that's essentially a long handle with a sharpened end.
Staff (gun): Short, long, wood, bamboo, metal, anything that's basically just a long stick is a staff.
Sword (jian): Straight, double-edged blades.
Unarmed: I really hope I don't need to explain that.

In Legends of the Wulin's system, only the category your weapon fits matters; one weapon is just as good as another in that category. There are special weapons, however, that count as two categories simultaneously and give the benefits of each. A guan dao, for example, is essentially a saber-like blade on a very long handle, so it counts as both a Saber and a Spear.
A sectional staff is both a Staff and a Flexible weapon. A hundred-pound sword is both a Sword and a Massive weapon, etc.

There are also legendary weapons with their own special properties, but that's neither here nor there.

Also, a note on Internal and External Kung Fu: the difference is that the External is the actual "fighting" part of the martial arts; its the kicks and punches and stuff. Internal Kung Fu is how you develop your Chi in specific ways to achieve specific (often supernatural) effects. You can only use one External style at a time ("One cannot open the hand and make a fist with it at the same time") and need to switch between them, but you can use techniques form Internal styles together so long as you're willing to spend the Chi.

Anyway, with that out of the way, here's what I've got so far:

Ruby Rose
Weapon: The closest thing ancient Chinese weaponry has to a war scythe is the dagger-axe (ge), which is basically a dagger-blade mounted perpendicularly on a wooden shaft. I'm not sure whether to make it the old-school dagger-axe (which dates back to the Shang Dynasty), which was phased out by the Chinese halberd (ji), or to make it a ji with the dagger-axe blade mounted on it. So in that case, would it just be a Spear, or would it be a Special Weapon that was both a Spear and... something else?
Internal Kung Fu: Unquestionably Nine Sun Birds, given her Semblance in canon is superhuman speed.
External Kung Fu: Divine Pattern Long-Strokes would probably be best. Ruby's fighting style doesn't do a whole lot of actual blocking but instead evading and countering, which fits with Divine Pattern Long-Strokes' focus on taking advantage of the range advantage to prevent attacks.
Affiliation: Hard to say. If she used a sword the Heaven Sword Alliance would be a good fit for her. The Eagle Talons could also work, but they're a bit too mercenary for Ruby... although, her becoming a member without realizing that unsavory aspect to them could make for good drama, as the way they see themselves conflicts with the reality in Ruby's eyes.

Here's an image detailing the evolution of the dagger-axe into the ji. I'd probably give Ruby the 4th from the left.

Weiss Schnee
Weapon: Weiss is actually the easiest one to do for everything, including her weapon. A jian is clearly the best weapon to give her.
Internal Kung Fu: Pretty much has to be Ice Sutra.
External Kung Fu: Graceful Crane for sure. "Dance-like?" "Graceful and elegant?"
Affiliation: Probably the Yun Clan. Extremely wealthy and powerful, lots of ice imagery, the family head has become corrupt? Definitely Yun Clan.

Blake Belladonna
Weapon: Weiss was incredibly easy all around; Blake is the opposite. Her weapon is essentially twin (paired) dao with a ribbon she can attach to her weapon in its compressed form to use it like a chain and sickle. That's 3 weapon types (Flexible, Paired, Saber) all in one, so something has to get cut. I guess cut out one sword to make it a Flexible+Saber weapon, with her weapon essentially being a wodao (the Chinese take on the katana) with a ribbon attached to it that she can use to fling it around.
Internal Kung Fu: This one is actually fairly easy; Fox-Spirit Song is the best choice, since it fits with her Semblance of leaving illusory clones.
External Kung Fu: Kind of a hard choice. I've got it narrowed down to three different ones: Shadow Catching, both because "shadow" and because its focus on overwhelming the opponent with speed is a good fit for Blake; Murderous Shadows, because of its stealthy and dishonorable nature fitting well with Blake's general character design and also bringing up the "shadow" thing; and Flying Red Silk, because the fluff of it being all about exploiting weaknesses through deception would suit Blake well, and also because her weapon incorporates a ribbon.
Affiliation: Blake's core character is that she's a member of a disadvantaged group and is disenchanted with a group she was basically born into that was meant to fight for that group's rights. If she had Fox-Spirit Song and Flying Red Silk she'd be great for the Resplendent Phoenix Society (women are always disadvantaged in a patriarchal culture, and the Resplendent Phoenixes have noble aims but are trying to take control of Shen Zhou with their "Phoenix in the Dragon's Shadow" plan), but then it would make it hard to incorporate Adam. Alternatively, having Blake be on the run from the Blade Dogs (because the Dogs are a group of outcasts who eschew the restrictive, classist society of Shen Zhou, which would allow a young Blake to delude herself into thinking there was something noble to them, but their cruelty and violence would drive her away later on) could make sense.

Yang Xiao Long
Weapon: Unarmed. Then again...
Internal Kung Fu: Fire Sutra is the obvious choice. Iron Body Skill could also work, though.
External Kung Fu: Great Ultimate Dragon is pretty much perfect just because of the name alone. Yang doesn't really fit with the "Yin" part of "Extreme Yang & Extreme Yin," but that could be a good form of character development. Alternatively, the straightforward strength of Blossom Harvest would also suit her extremely well.
Affiliation: That's kind of a funny one. If they weren't one of the Four Banes and essentially an insane pyromaniac cult, the Fire Doctrine would be a good choice because of the Fire Sutra thing and because they're foreigners. There is a plot hook for the Western version of the Fire Doctrine being less insane and burn-happy, but... eh. No, the really interesting option to me is the Little Forest Sect. Not just because the idea of Yang shaving her head and pretending to be a guy to learn martial arts is hysterical, not just because the idea of her meditating and praying and all that Buddhist stuff to get to the learning how to punch people part is hysterical, but also because a member of the Little Forest Sect can learn a technique called Iron Palms that allows your bare fists to count as Massive weapons as well as Unarmed. Also, Little Forest was founded by a foreigner named "Blue-Eyed Celestial Demon."

Jaune Arc
Weapon: Sword, clearly. Although, a Saber might fit better for Jaune, especially since it's called "the General of All Weapons." Would there be a Special Weapon that counted as both a Sword and a Saber?
Internal Kung Fu: I suppose Jade Spirit Sword could work, as could Boundless Prosperity Manual, but the best in my mind is Iron Body Skill to emphasize Jaune's role as a party tank.
External Kung Fu: Definitely Eight Legends. Its orthodox nature really fits Jaune somehow, I think.
Affiliation: Hard to say. I should note here that it's not like every martial artist is part of one of these factions; many are part of much smaller (usually local) factions, while many more are independent (at least in the sense that they don't officially belong to some larger group, though only a very few self-trained fighters don't belong to some complicated web they inherit from their master/relatives). The Heaven Sword Alliance is probably the best bet for Jaune. He might also have been born into the Falling Leaves Society.

Nora Valkyrie
Weapon: A chui, which is basically a big, heavy sphere on the end of a medium-long handle, i.e. a long-handled spherical mace. Obviously, this would be a Massive weapon. They're usually used in pairs, but I figure just giving Nora an extra-large one would be fine.
Internal Kung Fu: Heaven's Lightning is the best to simulate her Semblance, while Iron Body Skill is a great fit for her incredible strength.
External Kung Fu: Straightforward, powerful, indomitable? Has to be Blossom Harvest.
Affiliation: Seeing Yang above, Nora infiltrating the Little Forest Sect to learn kung fu from them is absolutely hilarious. Just imagine Nora trying to pass as a boy and simultaneously trying to learn how to be a Buddhist monk. Alternatively, she's the most likely to just be independent.

Pyrrha Nikos
Weapon: Something that can function as both a Sword and a Spear, to fit with how her weapon in RWBY is both a javelin and a xiphos. Unfortunately, I have found no such weapon to have ever existed in China. So f*ck it. Pyrrha gets the distinction of having a jian on the end of a spear, essentially creating a Chinese swordstaff.
Internal Kung Fu: Jade Spirit Sword is a good representation of her amazing abilities (and also her mastery over metal due to her Semblance), but Removing Concepts could also work, since just as important to Pyrrha's success was her amazing skill and perception in battle.
External Kung Fu: In RWBY, Pyrrha trains Jaune, so it kind of makes sense she would have the same external style as him (though of course she's much better at it). Plus, its fluff as being extremely old and orthodox and requiring a great deal of skill and training to master, but being very powerful in the right hands, fits perfectly for Pyrrha.
Affiliation: Hard to say, since there are actually several groups which would kind of fit for her. I think I'm most inclined toward the Resplendent Phoenix Society, though the Heaven Sword Alliance and Falling Leaves Societies could also work.

Lie Ren
Weapon: The best approximation for Ren's weapons is probably a pair of Butterfly Swords, which are short dao (the whole thing is about the length of a forearm, making them easier to conceal and also to maneuver when used as a pair) wielded as a pair; these probably count as both Paired and Sabers. But of course, Ren is just as good (better, actually) at fighting Unarmed.
Internal Kung Fu: Either Removing Concepts or, to fit with his character as kind of a health nut, Boundless Prosperity Manual.
External Kung Fu: That's a hard choice. Unfortunately the only styles that allow both Unarmed and Paired weapons are Ravenous Wings (which we can dismiss right now as just not fitting), and Great Ultimate Dragon, which definitely fits Ren pretty well. I kind of feel like Flowing Universe or Destiny Cloud Fist would suit his overall character better, though.
Affiliation: The Dragon Well Sect definitely fits Ren pretty well. It's also a fun dynamic to add with Nora: she's (technically) a Buddhist monk and he's a Daoist priest.

Sun Wukong
In RWBY his staff turns into a pair of nunchucks (which are also shotguns). Might be a bit too complex here, since that would be Staff+Paired+Flexible, so we'll just go with a three-section staff that he can snap into one, just like the protagonist of Suikoden V. Of course, Sun also fights very well with his bare hands.
Internal Kung Fu: A bit of a tough one. Ultimately, I'd say either Fox-Spirit Song to go with his Semblance and mischievous nature, or the Boundless Prosperity Manual.
External Kung Fu: Blossom Harvest works in that it allows both Unarmed and Staff in fighting, but its straightforwardness doesn't really match with Sun. Divine Pattern Long-Strokes is good since it fits how he uses his weapons and allows both Staff and Flexible weapons, but it has no Unarmed options. Great Ultimate Dragon sort of works too, but no Staff or Flexible option. Destiny Cloud Fist could work, but its Unarmed only. Honestly, I think Sun would just know two different External styles from the get-go (you can do that, but it costs extra points): Destiny Cloud Fist for his Unarmed combat and Divine Pattern Long-Strokes for when he uses the staff.
Affiliation: Definitely the Beggar Fraternity if he was going to join anyone.

Headmaster Ozpin
Going to skip the questions about what weapons and kung fu Ozpin has, since a lot of how he fights is still kind of nebulous (he uses his cane like a sword and he can move at anime-teleporting speed and make force fields, and that's pretty much all we know). Instead I'll just think of where a guy like Ozpin would fit in the world. It would have to be a position with a fair amount of power to keep him as one of the "Big Goods" of the setting, but not quite a position of unquestioned authority. None of the Four Pillars work; the Little Forest Sect is too detached from the world (and too "no-girls allowed"), Ozpin doesn't obsess about swords enough for the Heaven Sword Alliance, the Eagle Talons are too mercenary and the Yun Clan is right out. Of the Four Great Societies, the one that seems most promising is the Fallen Leaves Society: specifically, the Blue Flame Branch. Ozpin would definitely make sense as the head of that faction, as someone who seeks to make a greater future by using the past as a guide, rather than trying to recreate what's long-gone, and by being open to new solutions. Plus, the Blue Flame Branch tends toward Mohism, and Universal Care definitely fits Ozpin as a virtue. Of course, this means that Ozpin will be a Zhuge in this univese, which is strangely very fitting.

General James Ironwood
Ironwood is a Lawful Good guy who uses his position in the military with the best of intentions (which is a refreshing change of pace in a series that isn't explicitly about the military and doesn't indulge in lots of military-wank), but he works closely with the SDC, which indulges in morally dubious practices. So I think Ironwood would also be a general here for the (corrupt and foreign) Jin Dynasty, who does his best to change things from within and is basically the Chinese stereotype of the loyal, virtuous, upright general trying to reform a corrupted government. There'd be a lot of conflict between being a general and being a leader among the Wulin; I think he'd be trying to wrest control of the Liquid Metal Delegates from the Liquid Shadow Magistrates (who are probably evil kung fu eunuchs or something) to make the whole thing less creepy and shady.


Cinder Fall would almost certainly be a member of the Vile Rain Cult if she was anything. Same with Salem; being corrupted by Demonic Chi (which is different from Corrupt Chi) is a thing here, so that could easily explain her inhuman appearance, too. Mercury and Emerald would continue being Cinder's tag-alongs; most likely Mercury's assassin father Marcus was either an independent villain or worked for the Black Lotus Society, while Emerald was definitely all alone. Both Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan are probably Black Lotus Society or are independent scoundrels.

Cinder probably practices Ravenous Wings as her External style, since it allows Paired weapons, Unarmed combat and Ranged attacks, all of which are mainstays of her fighting style in RWBY (plus the fluff of it being a very cruel style based on sadistically wearing down and weakening an opponent to cripple and then kill them). Her Internal style (or at least, one of them) would be Fire Sutra.
Really, I cannot guess.
"I'm trying to find the man they call Black Bear. I hear he knows everything that goes on in this town."

"You're out of luck, my friend. A few weeks ago a woman named Little Sun Dragon needed information from him as well, and he's still in no fit state to tell you anything; not until his jaw heals, at least."
Now we get to another hard part for translating RWBY into wuxia: picking good names. In Legends of the Wulin, most youxia go by nicknames (or possibly literal translations of their actual name). Hence the leader of the Eagle Talons is called Gallant Eagle and his children are named Zhou Ma and Hawk.

Ruby Rose - Honestly I think her name could pretty much work as-is.

Weiss Schnee - I'm making her part of the Yun clan, so she'd have Yun ("Cloud") as a family name by default. "Weiss Schnee" is German for "white snow," which in Chinese would be Baixue. So wuxia-verse Weiss is Yun Baixue (the resemblance to a certain ROYL thief does not escape me). Which fits with the names of Snow Leopard's canonical progeny, his sons Yun Xiaolan and Yun Xifeng. I think to gel more with the Yun clan being "semi-barbarous" and Weiss being Weiss, she'd be the daughter of an imperial princess who was married to Snow Leopard and thus is Xiaolan and Xifeng's half-sister and has connections to the more highly cultured society of the Han people. Winter would still be her full-blooded sister and just like in RWBY has more or less cut ties with her father (in this case due to his corruption by the Glacier Heart Style) and joined up with General Ironwood - her connections with the imperial clan likely helping with that.

Blake Belladonna - Let's see... "Blake" means black, "Belladonna" means beautiful woman and refers to deadly nightshade, a poisonous plant that was frequently ingested in eye-drops by women to make their pupils dilate so their eyes looked more vibrant (and yes, this did have side effects). With that in mind, it's almost too bad Blake wouldn't make sense as a member of the Black Lotus Society (and BTW, I looked up "black beauty" in google translate and got Hei Meiren, so the founder of the Society's name is pretty close in meaning to Blake's). Oh, and it was also used in a sedative for women giving birth called "Twilight Sleep" (and isn't that a not-at-all ominous name). Still, not having any good name ideas jump out at me. Maybe something with the Beauty and the Beast angle? No, still nothing. I certainly can't just call her Black Cat or something like that.

Yang Xiao Long - I mean, it's right there. Yang Xiaolong; done. Although this makes her dad being named Taiyang Xiao Long kind of weird, so if he's going to be included the simplest solution is just to literally translate their names and call Yang "Little Sun Dragon" and Taiyang "Great Sun Dragon."

Jaune Arc - *sigh* Okay, Jaune is French for yellow, Arc simply comes from Jeanne d'Arc's name but his family's symbol is a rainbow so it refers to the arc of a rainbow, and... that's it.

Nora Valkyrie - ... I've got nothing.

Pyrrha Nikos - Pyrrha means "flame-colored," and Nikos means "victor of the people." So, we've got fire, victory, and champion. Invincible Ardent Flame? I kind of like the sound of that, and it could easily be shortened to Ardent Flame.

Lie Ren - His name works as-is, though the more proper pinyin of his name would be Lai Ren.

Sun Wukong - See, going with the Monkey King's name is kind of... off, to me. I think I'd prefer using a name he had before he was Sun Wukong - Shi Hou/Stone Monkey, which was what he was called before he start giving himself names like Handsome Monkey King and Great Sage Equal to Heaven. "Sun Wukong," BTW, was a name given to him by the Buddhist monk who trained him and means something like "Monkey Who Is Awakened to Emptiness."

Neptune Vasilias - Well, he's named after Neptune (the planet and the sea god), and his last name is a variant of the Greek word for emperor, Basileus, again in reference to Poseidon/Neptune. The five planets visible to naked eye are named after the Five Elements in Chinese, while Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are called the "Star of the King of Heaven," "Star of the King of the Sea," and "Star of the King of Hell," respectively. Unfortunately, all of that is way too grandiose for Neptune. I kind of want to call him Sea Star, since it's something that could sound grandiose if you didn't know about actual sea stars in the same way that Neptune seems pretty cool at first glance but is actually a massive dork, but that seems a little mean-spirited. Incidentally, I think it would be funny to make him a member of the Southern Dragon Clan, maybe a nephew of either Southern Dragon King or Empress Stingray so he can be Prince Sea Star and have to deal with being a member of a prominent pirate clan despite being terrified of water.

Penny Polendina - Well, Penny's first name brings to mind both copper and its green color when it tarnishes (the Statue of Liberty is made of copper and was originally not green but oxidized quickly thanks to being on an island and all). Polendina was Geppeto's nickname in the original story, which came from his bright yellow wig and calls to mind polenta, a dish made from mashed cornmeal. Anyway, the secret martial art known only to masters of the Heaven Sword Alliance is basically Penny's fighting style but without the strings (i.e. controlling lots of swords telepathically). So perhaps in this universe she's something like the spirit of a sword that's gotten a will and body of its own somehow and wants to be more than a weapon? During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties weapons were made of bronze, which is copper mixed with tin, so it would work if Penny was a really old sword made of bronze originally. Or perhaps she's more recent, and was made by a master swordsmith who poured his heart and life into making her despite being a ceremonial weapon, and so she was given life to become his daughter? I could see that as some Chinese folktale. But this doesn't help think of a name. Hmm... Oh! Copper in Chinese is "Tong," and Bronze is "Qingtong," with the characters for "Green" and "Copper." Qing Tong! Although... I don't really like the sound of that. Ugh... Okay, trying again. "Tarnished" is "Dianwu..." Oh! Tarnished Copper! I don't know why, but I like that sound of that. Although it sounds like a very tragic name, but I can work with that.

Headmaster Ozpin - Well, I decided earlier that he'd be the leader of the Blue Flame Branch, so that makes him a Zhuge (incidentally, in ancient China as in many places, "blue" was considered the same thing as green, so his name fits the faction's name). I typed "Oz" into google translate not expecting anything useful but got "ao zi." I separated the characters and what I got was that Ao means "mysterious, abstruse" while Zi didn't get anything useful. And in Chinese "Zi" is the pinyin translation version of "Tzu," which is an honorific that basically means "Master." Sun Tzu's actual given name was Wu, for example. Anyway, the end result of all of this is that Ozpin becomes Aozi, or Master Ao.

General James Ironwood - I kind of think "General Iron Wood" actually works just fine on its own.

Oh, and one more:

Lucifer Morgenstern - Morning Star, both for the obvious reason and because I'd be making him a member of the Blue Flame Branch (by martial tradition rather than blood relation, i.e. by virtue of being taught by a member of the faction). I do like to think of myself as the scholarly type (though not in the classical sense, since most proper scholars don't spend this much time working out ways to put characters from some web show into a wuxia setting and other such exercises in futility), and I am fairly progressive, particularly by ancient Chinese and even contemporary Confucian standards... but the real reason is that the secret martial art of the Falling Leaves Society is called the "Star-Crown of the Morning." That right there is just perfect.
Would that option be the Ur-Batman to Danner Ur-Superman ? Hell if we are still alive would bruce seek us for training before he comes back to gotham ?

Essentially, yes. I based him more off guys like Doc Savage, but men like that in turn helped influence Batman, so it's kind of a full circle thing.

And if he's aware of your existence, then yeah, there's a good chance of that.
Is it at all possible to replace a poll on a thread? I don't see that option anywhere.
As-Yet-Unnamed Final Fantasy XIII Quest
AN: The three votes contained herein are all to be put together in a PLAN FORMAT. No vote not in PLAN FORMAT containing all three votes will be counted.

In his small, poorly ventilated office in the Guardian Corps – Bodhum Security Regiment's station, Lieutenant Amodar sighed as he looked over the papers on his desk again. There honestly wasn't any point to it by now – he'd made his decision on the matter days ago – but somehow glaring at the words in front of him made him feel a little better.

He sighed. This wasn't going to be an easy sell. He grimaced at the open dossier in front of him, with the face of a young...

[] Man

[] Woman

… staring back at him, and closed the file. He then opened another file, with a picture of a different person. It was a young woman, still in her teens, whose interesting shade of pink hair contrasted with the dour expression on her face. Amodar drummed his fingers in a mixture of anxiety and impatience. Not that she was late. She was never late.

The telltale knock he'd been both dreading and anticipating finally came, a quick steady rapping that, had it been even a little bit louder or more impatient, would have been rude.

"Come in," he grunted in his best "gruff CO" voice. The same pink-haired young woman whose picture graced a file on his desk stepped in. Tall and very thin – skinny, really – stepped into the center of the room. Ramrod straight, piercing gray eyes boring into him, no emotion on her face, unless of course you counted "intense," and her uniform in perfect order.

"Sir," she said with a crisp salute. "You wanted to see me?"

"At ease, Corporal Farron," Amodar said wearily, wiping some sweat from his brow, despite knowing that 'at ease' was just about the only order he ever gave Corporal Farron that she couldn't quite bring herself to obey.

You'd hardly believe she'd been working the Bodhum beat for a whole year, acting like that, he thought to himself. Bodhum was a quiet, idyllic little resort town; a blip on the radar. Unless you were on monster patrol duty the most interesting the job typically got was dealing with pickpockets and people parking their cars in weird places. Amodar wasn't lax about protocol, but he understood that it was damn hard to maintain the levels of rigid discipline most Guardian Corps regiments were supposed to have when you were working on a beat as boring as Bodhum. Not for the corporal, though. She treated everything as seriously as a fight to the death. Which was honestly part of the problem.

"We've got some important things to discuss about your future, Farron," the lieutenant began.

"Did the review committee reach a decision about my promotion?" she asked.

Amodar confirmed her guess with a nod, pointing at the open folder with a picture of her face showing. "They did; it's all right here. They had a few misgivings, but overall they all gave at least tentative approval. All you need is my stamp on there, and you'll be Sergeant Farron."

"Sir, I-" Farron began, but Amodar cut her off.

"Which is why you're still a corporal, and will remain so for the near future," he continued, deciding to drop the first bombshell quickly so he could get to work clearing the rubble and getting ready for the next one.

To her credit, Corporal Farron only let her composure slip for a moment, stifling a protest and pausing for a moment before speaking. "And may I ask why?" she asked, her voice brittle.

"Because I don't think you're ready," Amodar answered bluntly. "In fact, I think the committee's crazy for thinking you are."

If he didn't know her as well as he did, Lieutenant Amodar probably would have missed the telltale signs that Farron was getting angry; the slight knit in her brow, the slow, subtle clenching of her fists. Her voice was a little lower now, too. "Sir, with all due respect, my test scores-"

"Were the highest in years, I know," Amodar said, cutting her off again. "Certainly the highest ever from someone your age. But you know as well as I do that it takes more than test scores to prove you've got what it takes to succeed as an officer in the Guardian Corps."

"Is it my age?" Farron asked. "Do you not think I'm experienced enough?"

"That was one concern the committee had, but it's not the reason I'm rejecting your promotion," Amodar answered. "Frankly, if that was the only problem, we wouldn't be having this discussion; I'd be congratulating you on making sergeant right now. No, the problem, Corporal Farron, is your attitude."

She actually blinked in surprise at that. Normally, it took a rampaging monster leaping out of the underbrush to accomplish that. After surprise was confusion. Sensing another question, Amodar decided to preempt her.

"No, I'm not talking about discipline problems; we both know your record is almost spotless on that count. Tell me, Farron, what is the difference between a corporal and a sergeant?" Amodar asked.

Despite her confusion, Farron didn't hesitate to answer. "Increased responsibility and commensurate increase in pay grade, being sent on higher-risk ops, leadership positions in the field-,"

"Exactly. Leadership," Amodar stressed. "That's the most important qualification for sergeant. It's the most important qualification for any kind of officer position. And frankly, as you are right now, you'd make a terrible leader, Corporal.

"I'll be straight with you, Farron. You're a lone wolf; have been since the academy. You'd rather charge in by yourself when a situation gets dicey than rely on anyone else, and I'd be complimenting you if I said your ability to inspire loyalty and trust in your fellow corpsmen was 'lacking.' You're in the Guardian Corps, not a PSICOM hit squad. Your rank is determined primarily by your ability to lead men in dangerous situations, not your ability to kill things, understand?"

"Yes, sir," the corporal said, sounding like she'd just bitten into a particularly sour lemon.

"It's not all bad news, Farron," Amodar reassured her, softening his tone a bit. "I know it's not much consolation, but I've been kicking around an idea that I think might benefit both of us. There's a certain problem I've been having, and I think you might be able to solve it. And if you do, it'll prove that you at least have the potential to go up for sergeant again."

"I'll do it, sir," Farron said with certainty.

"You'll want to hear me out first," Amodar warned. "This is a long-term assignment. It'll be at least a year, maybe even two, before I'll even consider reviewing your case again. And I can promise right now that it's not gonna be fun for you."

"I'll do it, sir," Farron repeated firmly.

The lieutenant sighed. "Alright. Here's your assignment," he said, picking up the other folder on his desk and sliding it toward the pink-haired corporal. She stepped forward to pick it up. She opened it up and blinked.

"Sir, this is... a dossier." She looked at the name, reading it aloud.

[] Virgil/Virgo Alighieri

[] Write-In

"Yes, it is. And the subject of that dossier... is your new partner."

"What?" Farron said incredulously. "Partner? Sir, I don't need a-"

"Didn't I just explain that the lone wolf thing isn't going to cut it if you want a higher rank, Corporal?" Amodar reminded her.

The young woman grimaced. "Right. But why this one? According to this, my partner's some rookie private barely out of training."

"First of all, Farron, you've barely been out of training for a year yourself, so you don't have much right to call anyone a rookie," Amodar replied. "Secondly, if you'll look at those dossiers, you'll note that this particular private's got potential. A lot of it. They've already gotten involved in a few major cases. Just look up the 'Volswith Incident.' But they're a bit of a 'problem child.' Which is why they're being shunted off here.

"As a corporal, you'll be the one calling the shots in this partnership. If you two can go a whole year without killing each other or getting each other killed, you'll have proven you at least deserve the chance to prove you can lead a squad in the field, and I'll approve your promotion. Got it?"

Corporal Farron hesitated only for a moment. "Yes, sir," she said with a sharp nod.

"Alright. Now to tell you exactly what you've gotten yourself into," Lieutenant Amodar said, pointing her direction back to the dossier in her hands.

What kind of 'problem child' is Corporal Claire "Lightning" Farron getting stuck with?

[] Discipline Problems

The Private is a very skilled fighter and a surprisingly effective investigator, with a marked talent for collecting information from people without them even realizing, and is also fairly skilled at unconventional interrogation. In their short time at the Palumpolum Security Regiment, they proved startlingly effective, catching and putting away several well-known criminals and saving a lot of lives in the well-publicized Volswith Incident, which made them a minor celebrity among the civilians.

Unfortunately, this is all marred by the Private's irreverent and undisciplined attitude, and their lack of respect for peers and superiors they don't feel deserve it. Their lack of regard for proper protocol when it got in the way of getting results and their abrasive personality mean that for every officer who was willing to vouch for them, there were at least three who wanted the Private fired... out of a cannon.

Rather than make the deeply unpopular move of firing someone who was becoming so prominent in the public eye as a local hero, it was instead decided to reassign the Private somewhere where they couldn't cause as many headaches for their superiors.

[] Conspiracy Theorist

The Private is a superb investigator and a surprisingly skilled combatant, with a virtually photographic memory and an incredible talent for finding connections and threads between seemingly unrelated events and unraveling even carefully woven threads of crime and corruption. They're noted for exceptional determination and dedication to justice, but also to bull-headed stubbornness and a refusal to let go of a case. In their short time at the Palumpolum Security Regiment, they proved startlingly effective, uncovering and putting away several deeply rooted crime rings. This culminated in the Volswith Incident, where in the span of a single day the Private went from looking for evidence of an underground chocobo-racing operation to blowing open one of the biggest organized crime rings in Palumpolum's history and making a record number of arrests, thrusting them into the spotlight as a local hero.

Unfortunately for the Recruit, however, the Private's investigations turned up knowledge that implicated several high-ranking figures in not only the Palumpolum Security Regiment but local government and business leaders linking them to organized crime. The Private's one-person crusade against crime made them too popular and public a figure to dispose of through direct means, so instead evidence was fabricated to justify shunting the Private off to a place where they couldn't cause more problems for Palumpolum's elite.

[] Ex-PSICOM Recruit

The Private is a washout from PSICOM, though "washout" perhaps isn't the best word for it. Rather than being unable to handle the grueling physical regimen, the Private in fact excelled at it and was at the top of their class. It was the psychological component that they were unable to handle, and they suffered a breakdown when a training exercise turned into the disastrous Volswith Incident, during which the Private acted in a manner completely unsuited to PSICOM and would have been faced with a court martial had their behavior not obviously been the result of psychological trauma. Not wanting to waste such a valuable asset (and due to certain pressure from influential personages within PSICOM), it was decided that the failed recruit would instead be shunted over to training by the Guardian Corps, hoping that the less... ambiguous nature of their work would allow the recruit to continue to serve and protect Cocoon, albeit in a "lesser" capacity by PSICOM's reckoning.

The Private is exceptionally talented in all forms of combat, and is also trained enough in espionage and infiltration to be an expert in search-and-destroy missions, but their recent breakdown has left lasting psychological scars that make it difficult for them to act comfortably outside of a combat role.


AN: Here's the funny thing: I hate Final Fantasy XIII. I hate the gameplay, I hate the story, I hate the characters.

Well, that's not exactly true. I hate the story as written, and I hate the characters as written. There was a lot of potential for a cohesive, compelling narrative and strong likable characters that got completely eviscerated by literally the worst writing I have ever beheld... until Final Fantasy XIII-2.

I stand by the gameplay being an execrable, steaming hunk of garbage with no redeeming qualities, though. Same for the level design, if you can even call it that.

The art design is in this really odd place where it's really well-drawn and stunningly animated, and the really big set-pieces and landscapes are absolutely breathtaking, but the character designs are kind of... wretched. Certainly not the worst that Final Fantasy has produced, but still pretty eye-rolling in places.

The music is the only thing I can be honestly complimentary towards, and even then the rest of the game has poisoned my feelings toward it so that I can only offer faint praise. It's really nice and pretty in the moment, but it doesn't really grip you, and it isn't as memorable as, say, Final Fantasy X's music is (To Zanarkand remains one of the greatest video game openings ever created IMO).

You wanna know my experience with Final Fantasy XIII? Bought it Gamestop the day it came out, thinking myself incredibly lucky that someone had for some reason decided to sell it back (should have been a warning sign right there), sat down and played it for about 20 hours before suddenly realizing, "Wait a minute... I haven't had a single bit of fun playing this game the entire time." So I traded it in to get my money back.

But then about a week or so later I was like, "Maybe I just didn't give it a chance. Maybe it was just something wrong with me." So I bought the game a second time and this time I got all the way to Gran Pulse and played it for about an hour before realizing, "Yeah no, I was right the first time, there is not an ounce of fun to be had from this" and sold it back for good.

It's actually kind of funny because while I was playing it I just found the game dull and boring and disappointing, but upon reflection I just found more and more things wrong that I only vaguely realized while playing, until eventually I realized that it was an absolutely terrible game. Almost everything about it was terrible, and it was only by some weird confluence of these terrible things that it was able to disguise itself as merely boring and unentertaining.

So why, then, would I ever want to make a Final Fantasy XIII quest, then? Because just as a child shouldn't have to suffer for the sins of its parents, stories and characters shouldn't have to suffer from having incompetent dipsh*ts for creators.